10 Pages Essay Samples

Impact of computer on our society

Ilorin Being a paper presented at the closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre on the 15th September 2007 Introduction At this closing ceremony of the 1st computer training and issuance of certificate by Ascetic Computer Centre, let us lift our eyes toward β†’

The value of knowledge: the role of knowledge management and innovation

The key to knowledge management is to understand the value of every part of knowledge; the fast-moving businessenvironmentof today is entirely knowledge driven and dependent upon it. The knowledge outcomes of an organisation are not directly managed, integrated or created by the knowledge management but knowledge processes of the organisation are influenced by the knowledge β†’

Altruistic personality scale

2009). The objective of the test is to assess the helping and volunteeringtendency inpersonality. Afterwards, the answer sheets and instruction on filling out the required personalinformation will be given and the questions will be entertained. The scale will be thenexplained according to their corresponding frequency of occurrence.

Analysis of the film 12 angry men

This premise will always be timeless and the fact that this movie was filmed in black and white, 50 years ago and with 95% of the movie being shot in real time and in only the jury room, has little significance on the importance of the movie and its impact. In 12 Angry Men, 12 β†’

Toy critique

C3, you will drive today." C3 was very happy about that." Go in front of the car and tell everybody to hurry up and close the doors." I told them to pretend that they are going in the car and drive to the fun fair. I asked each of the children to pick a car β†’

Ethical standards require businesses and individuals to use moral principles

If, on the other hand, they are aware of moral theories and social policies that affect their own societies and the wider world, then they will be likely to make rather different and more sophisticated judgements,. The idea of ethics in business focuses on the moral or ethical actions of individuals. The economic responsibilities of β†’

Positivism fuller morality

Hart argues that there ought to be a set of primary and secondary rules, which derive their authority and ' sanctity' from the Rule of Recognition., Hart believes a system consisting entirely of the kind of liberty restrictions found in the criminal law is, at best, a rudimentary or primitive legal system. Austin's theory, as β†’

Morality towards animals kantian vs utilitarian

Although the Utilitarian position on the issue of moral concerns for non-human animals is far from perfect, it represents a more justifiable position than the Kantians. It's not surprising that many of the people who argue are the very same people who are most interested in justifying and continuing practices towards non-human animals that cause β†’

Religion and morality

For example, it is common in some societies that eating with your own hand and grabbing the food is not acceptable, so it is in their society immoral and that could mean that if people see you while eating like that, they will stop unless you really stop doing it any more. At the last β†’

Food security in india

Ten years after the dismantling of the universal public distribution system systems, the statistical jugglery of the targeted food distribution system actually excludes millions of poor in both the BPL and APL categories. Targeting is linked to neoli9beral policies that seek to limit, if not eliminate, the government's welfare responsibilities. According to a replay given β†’

The business of security deposits in landlord-tenant laws

But, if the tenant does not fail to meet any of the terms of the lease, the landlord must return the entire security deposit amount to the tenant once the latter has vacated the property previously rented. The term 'security deposit' does not include earnest money or pet fees which are β†’

Good essay about attachment theory as it relates to growth and development of young children with

Research has indicated that any normal child develops attachment to their caregivers who provide emotional and physical care even in abusive relationships whereby a child is treated unfairly and neglected, and the quality of the infant-parent attachment it is asserted determines child's future social and emotional outcome. There is numerous research and studies that have β†’

What are the two main issues in the current israeli-palestinian conflict term paper example

Issues such as persecutions of the Jews in Europe, the collapse of the Ottoman Empire and the founding of the Zionist movement contributed highly to the development of modern Israel. The Palestinians used terrorism as a method to defeat the superiority of the Israeli military. Chapter 10 Summary: Terrorism in Israel and Palestine Terrorism β†’

Security in public schools thesis

With the current setup, parents are not able to enter the school premises if there is no prior notice of a meeting or permission from the security giving them the impression that their involvement in school activities are not welcome. Home-school partnership is vital in the holistic development of a student. Yet, with the increasingly β†’

Smith system consulting essay sample

Smith Systems Consulting offer these services to their clients with high value Web and Business application services. AREAS OF THE BUSINESS TO BE IMPROVED Smith Systems Consulting is exploring the possibilities of enhancing Smith Systems Consulting security procedures and methods to maintain an honest, corporate workplace that will in turn benefit the β†’

Report on lab# 1

The shift in the phase of primary and secondary sides can be shown in the readings of experiment, primary: 100 and secondary 136. VPh2 = 1/a VPh1 = VL1/ a 1/2. Turns ratio, a = VPh1/VPh2 This difference in voltages is also shown in the readings 15 and 26 V from experiment. Lab#2 β†’

‘the objective of education is learning’

The second aspect of explaining something that leaves the explainer more enriched, and with a much deeper understanding of the subject, is this: To satisfy the person being addressed, to the point where that person can nod his head and say, " Ah, yes, now I understand!" explainers must not only get the matter to β†’

Example of literature review on the effects of methamphetamine

This paper will discuss the effects of methamphetamine to users; especially to children, parents, and to pregnant women. The Effects of Methamphetamine Unknown to many, there are other drugs similar to marijuana that had held much speculation and controversy despite its visible benefit and history. In addition to this, Colker noted that β†’

Female offenders

Estimates done in the United States show that fifty-eight percent of women are rearrested, thirty percent return to prison within three years, and thirty-eight percent are reconvicted. In Kruttschnitt and Gartner's review of the literature they suggest that the demographic plays a major part in a female's recidivism. In this hypothesis due to the lack β†’

The background and analysis of v for vendetta movie review example

Because of his history with the movie industry, Moore declined that he had been involved in the process of creating the film adaptation of " V for Vendetta," but his partner Lloyd expressed admiration for the movie because it effectively copied the setting, realism, cause, and idea behind the characters and the story. The movie β†’

Sample essay on history of the 82nd airborne division on world war 1

In the second offensive mission, the division was able to capture some of the areas that the allied had occupied. After the training, the division was able to join the others in the St.

Research paper on history of kuwait

According to the tradition of the locals, there was a migration of the Sabahs from the south. This was due to the fleeing of the Sabahs from the drought in Najd in 1710.

Term paper on sexual orientation in jail/prison of the gay, lesbians, transgender, or bi sexual

The combination of the unpredictability, transphobia and homophobia may interfere with the decisions that juries and judges make, meaning that, when LGBT prisoners bring their claims in court, they face so many challenges. This makes most of the LGBT prisoners to contact LGBT impact litigation organizations in order to find out β†’

Good research paper about ku klux klan vs. hamas

Ku Klux Klan is the name of the movements that formed in United States and had a vital role to play in the Reconstruction Era of 1860. The basic reason behind such costumes of the members of Ku Klux Klan was to hide their identity and in order to bring strength to their first movement, β†’

Free essay on rationale and lesson plans

These may be slightly more difficult than other lessons were previously, but they are meant to be a bridge into the next level of difficulty in the study of the English Language. The development and support of listening and speaking skills is very important, particularly in Hong Kong, where businesses commonly require that their employees β†’

Free sport education essay sample

Hence, it makes a person become pro-active in life. Physical Education Physical instruction is the procedure through which outside training, move, vaulting, aquatics and diversions are utilized by physical teachers to show understudies engine aptitudes, wellness abilities and helping with the school's obligation to create individual and social abilities in understudies. Physical training through β†’

Example of technology in the classroom literature review

People are using new forms of technology to " envision and create new things in new ways, learn new things in new ways, and communicate in new ways with new people".(Groff, Haas, Klopfer, and Osterweil, 2009) Smartphones and tablets have replaced the traditional learning methods once undisputable in schools with their efficiency and capabilities; their β†’

Linguistic and cultural diversity essays example

Beyond the aspects of some of these phonological, morphological, syntactic, and semantic comparisons the same elements may reflect the following contrasts and differences when cultural diversity and linguistic development persists. An excellent and informative lecture given by the authors of ' Teaching Reading to English Language Learners: Insights from Linguistics' Kristin Lems, Leah Miller, and β†’

The pell grant essay example

In addition, this submission contends that the Pell Grant meets the requirements of the strategic triangle in the sense that it is valuable to its consumers , it is politically sustainable and legitimate having been anchored in the law and that it administratively feasible. Many younger students, on the other hand, are likely to β†’

Memory improved achieved through training techniques research paper

Basing on the gathered sources, there are training methods that help on the improvement of memory among children, young adults and aged adults included. According to the some of the gathered sources, research has reported that strategic training improved the performance of both younger and older experimental groups who were in the immediate least recall β†’

Swot analysis of the organization

Nonetheless, for set up business sectors the opposition is brutal, and there is a consistent fight to draw in and hold clients and edges. Before entering in B2C Vikalp has association and joint effort in B2B as the organization need to acquaint their item specifically with the clients they presently entered in B2C which g β†’

Strategic counterterrorism plan essay example

Speaking of general transitional and less global objectives, the 2011 strategy acknowledges the vital necessity of decreasing vulnerabilities and upgrading the existing system of defense and terrorism prevention, deterring terrorists from acquiring and letting the weaponry of mass destruction proliferate, obliterating the so-called " safe-havens" of Al-Qaeda, disrupting links between the mentioned organization and its β†’

Free research paper on differentiated instruction

Watson defines the differentiated instruction in education as the strategy through which the needs of different students are addressed within the same classroom. Objectives and Differentiation of Instruction The aim is to make sure that the academic needs of all the students are catered for and the individual talents and endowments of β†’

The factors needed to create perfect business opportunity

The most significant opportunity for companies for starting international business is to corporate with foreign partners as well as the overlook of the emerging economies as these days, many emerging countries are dominating business headlines. In addition to it, many other resources like The Canadian Trade Commissioner Service and Export Development Canada provide help to β†’

Corporate & global strategy

This is a test of strategic analysis of the company as to how they can be better performed the business that they have selected. Take for instance the SWOT analysis that was conducted by JET Blue Airline Company in order for them to survive in their business. Not to mention the biggest β†’

Essay on the theme of death in emily dickinsons

Though Dickinson's poem is short and explicit Tennyson's poem is an elegy to his friend." In 1850 Mr [sic] Tennyson gave to the world under the title of " In Memoriam," perhaps the richest oblation ever offered by the affection of friendship at the tomb of the departed, the memory of Arthur Henry Hallam, who β†’

War in “the charge of the light brigade”, “dulce et decorum est” and “after blenheim” essay sample

The soldiers will live on in the world' memory and will honour the soldiers glory forever. Form The poem is a narrative that is told in chronological order from the beginning of the battle when the soldiers are given orders to when the soldiers return from battle. The shortest stanza is outside β†’

Examining the revolution of internet usage media essay

Since the modifications of original internet user configurations, internet has significantly improved in its functions as it provides a wide array of options in both private and commercial websites with a lot of information. North Korea is considered among the top blog-unfriendly nations in the world due to internet censorship. This is mainly because censorship β†’

History: slavery and haitian revolution essay sample

To analyse the impact of the Haitian Revolution on Haiti and the wider Caribbean. The Haitian Revolution Haiti was a French colony of the Caribbean and was said to be the most productive colonial economy in the world because it was dominated by agricultural plantation which primarily supplied sugar and coffee to the β†’

The causes of the revolutions history essay

The most severe economic problems were experienced in Bulgaria, Romania and Poland, while the state of the economy was arguably a less significant cause of the revolutions in East Germany and Czechoslovakia as they were more prosperous than their communist neighbours. Furthermore, arguably one of the most crucial long term factors which contributed to the β†’

A woman of no importance

The review begins with a discussion on the " First Act". First Act In the " First Act", there was discussion on how some American states are as big as the entire countries of England and France. However, unfair treatment between men and women in England is not β†’

The world of feminist research & female genital mutilation essay sample

I have found that more research needs to be conducted on FGM, and it should be done in a way that respects the rights of the individuals and the culture in which it is rooted and practiced. In the fourth section, I will be explaining the organizations and the people who try to bring awareness β†’

Gender differences in the use of adjectives and intensifiers essay sample

Research Questions and Hypothesis The research questions I expect to solve in this research are the following: Are there any differences between men's and women's speech in the way they use adjectives adjective usage? Which adjectives are the most frequent ones in male and in female interactions? β†’

Essay on women in judaism

It was due to the hard efforts put in by the women during these times, after which, the status of a woman in the Jewish society became equal to that of a man in the society. This paper will first of all highlight the conditions of the women during the historical period, and will determine β†’

Good example of research paper on guilt in chronicle of a death foretold

In this essay, I would like to argue that the characters' guilt is the result of a careless attitude of disregarding their knowledge of the murder plot which could have prevented the death of Santiago Nasar. Gabriel Garcia Marquez Gabriel Garcia Marquez was born in Arataca, Colombia, he was considered one of the most β†’

Free customs in different cultures research paper example

The three significant parts of the ceremony are the speeches of the mediator, to drink the sake drink or wedding cup that symbolizes the couple together as husband and wife as they take the first sip, and the traditional lighting of candles. The parents of the bride move to the location of the party and β†’

Depiction of women

The ancient Greeks abetted genderdiscrimination, declaring the male to be the superior and the female the inferior. Throughout the Christian Period, this story provides men with the reason why they should restrict the social, sexual, religious, political, and economic freedom of women (Eve and the Identity of Women, 1).

Contract law online essay

Contract Law: An Introduction to the English Law of Contract for the Civil Lawyer. The Law of Contract, Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lawrence, A..

Six sigma project for house of tea business plans examples

Specifically, the root of their problem lies in the following: - The ambiance of the store is not appealing; hence, it fails to attract many customers. - The ambiance of the store is not cozy. During the rare times that it is able to attract a few customers, it still fails to make them stay for a β†’

Sample essay on television and citizenship

Television has been unable to capture the essence of experience that remains one of the important rights in the list of rights. Examples of such open programs are not just documentaries or current affairs but some serial fictions that addressed the problems and contingencies of everyday life. While Graham Murdock highlights the pivotal role of β†’

Good literature review about determining the societal norm of tipping

The works evaluated in this paper are those found to be central to the debate, specifically due to their nature of applicability, validity and comprehensive handling of the concept validity. The paper will discuss the shades of societal norm of tipping. The practice of tipping is an activity common in almost β†’

Good literature review about a comparison between supermarkets and discounters in the uk

Understanding the factors will also facilitate the understanding of the growth of one area as compared to the other as per the given analysis made relating to the double growth of discounters as compared to supermarkets. The opportunities available will offer the strength to facilitate the different trades as both the customer and the given β†’

The realco breadmaster essay sample

This diagram allows us to have a simplified understanding of the results and benefits of what information and aspects of the company a master production schedule will take into consideration and what the resulting information to gain will be. This also allows for the company to be on the same page of expectation for production β†’

Why do people dine out report examples

Abstract The report discusses the aspects of food in detail regarding the ethics and moral duty that is the liability of the restaurants and caterers. It needs the right fuel in the form of food and regular maintenance in the form of exercise and lifestyle.

Employers goals essay example

Management of Employees Management of employment With respects to Boxall's work about the management of employment in a modest milieu, an employer has two main aspects to put to his or her consideration; in addition to that there are also two variables to be put to perspective to ensure total β†’

Education is the key to our success and freedom

Looking first at the historical developments and training of further education in Ireland we can trace its origins' back to as early as the inception of the Technical Instruction Act which established the Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction in 1889 before it later transformed again into the Department of Education in 1924. β†’

The role of the youth in multi-agency partnership essays example

Therefore, communication of the objectives of the agency should be clear to the workers and organizations involved in the agency and goals should be clear. Laws concerning the formation of agencies are like that of a partnership and collaborative laws as stipulated in the constitution. The first step in the formation of multi-agency partnerships is β†’

Example of retention and success of students at a for profit colleges research paper

This paper focuses on the research methods and design that will be adopted and used for this study with the aim of achieving the research objectives and answering the research questions of this study. Research Design This study purposes to determine challenges/experiences that students encounter as they try to achieve their student's success and β†’

A crucial role of changes in our life

In most agencies, change is triggered by the managers; then the employees are the ones to implement it at different segments of the organization. The main point of focus will be on the Mark and Spencer Company. Barriers of Change and Leadership decision-making How barriers to change influence leadership decision-making There are different β†’

Free thomas’ five general approaches to managing conflict include the following case study sample

Name 2 leaders who have utilized it effectively in casting a vision. Many a time leaders forget to communicate to the team members the goal of an initiative in a clear and compelling way. Framing is the competency of the leader to make others understand the outcome of a situation or project so that the β†’

What are the arguments for regulations accounting essay

In the repercussion of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and the corporate accounting scandals such as Enron and WorldCom in the U.S., regulators and standard setters have requested for improved corporate transparency and presented significant changes to accounting standards and regulations. The conclusion of the study was that ' Principle-Based' standards are better than β†’

The given to follow them. asc 606

The point of insurance is to aid in reducingrisks and spreads the risk from the individual to a larger community whichdiminishes the risk that every insurance policyholders will have losses at thesame time. The changes to thedisclosures will offer investors more info on these insurance companies documentedmonies from insurance policies and the extent of risks β†’

Research paper on global warming causes and effects

The increase in the concentration of the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has resulted in the earth becoming warmer. Ocean currents are a means of heat dispersion and by extension determine the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Deep water circulation which is as a result of ocean currents results in movement of cold β†’

Five essays examles about zoo

This helps in educating these small children about the behaviour and the environment of these wild animals. Conclusion Thus, the need of the hour is to promote the ' breeding' programmes in zoos and also felicitate the formulation of more zoological gardens in order to prevent the extinction of the various species of animals. β†’

Consumer & industrial buyer behaviour assignment

By doing so, the marketer can then analyze the needs of the consumers and cater the products to better fit their needs. For the consumers, the decision process for making purchases begin with need recognition - they differentiate between their actual or desire states. The marketer can use commercial sources such as advertising and point-of-sale β†’

β€˜the flea’ written by john donne

The three love poems that I selected to study were, 'The Flea' written by John Donne in the seventeenth century.'First Love' which was written by John Clare in the nineteenth century, and also 'Shall I compare thee...' which was written by William Shakespeare in the sixteenth century. The kind of love that is address in β†’

Sports psychology exam essay examples

The cognitive phase is the stage where the learner is first introduced to the sports. While the learner focuses more on physical execution in the cognitive phase, in the associative phase, the learner will focus more on the strategies of playing the game.

Sport assignment: 5k eagle color run/walk essay examples

This season, the event has been brought closer and made fun for everyone in the 5K Eagle Color Run/Walk. The 5K run/walk is an exciting event scheduled to take place in Spring 2014. This is a sport event designed by the Douglas High School Sports department with a clear intention of β†’

The history of the asian community in britain

The migration and settlement of the Asians in the land is also found ample to present in order to enhance the understanding of the history. The recent years have been characterized by rampant migrations of the Asians into Britain and other area. The migration and settlements of Asians to the Britain The emigration policies β†’

Gay rights understanding the lgb t community research paper examples

It is now a public discourse. The Pew Research Center for People and Press pointed out that in a research carried out in October 2011 that the American public is torn right in the middle about legalization of gay marriage. Through this paper, I hope that I will make a change to the β†’

The problem of world hunger and food wastage

Meanwhile, Parfitt, et.al.stresses the difference of food waste and food loss wherein the term food loss refers to the food being loss during food production stage while the term food waste refers to the food being loss during the market and food consumption stage. The food that was spilled or spoilt during the production stage β†’

Discrimination in the workplace

Discrimination in the Workplace of Individuals Living with A Disease or Illness A Case Study Bailey House This research paper is a case study focusing on the discrimination of workers living with a disease or illness. The initial mission of the organization was to provide housing for those living with the disease in an β†’

Prevention research proposal sample

However, if this is to perform in an open water body, then first the river has to be sectioned and by part the area has to be treated. Common salt is very cheap and so it will also reduce all the expenses behind the removal of this invasive species. The salt content in different water β†’

Fairchild water technologies essay sample

In a joint working arrangement it would supply key purifier components to an Indian company and they would be the ones to manufacture and market the product for Fairchild. The Indian company would just pay Fairchild a Licensing fee which would be based on a per unit fee over the term of the agreement. β†’

Use of adobe in cyprus

The deepness of the excavated country depends on the local features of the land and the frost degree of the dirt. Mud plaster which is a breathable stuff that can let the wet of the adobe walls to vaporize ; is used to stick on the first bed of the adobe walls.

Free essay on smart food packaging technologies

The paper focuses on the application of the technology through various methods of smart food packaging, process designs, equipment used and the current applications. The amount of ethanol used for a specific food product depends on the weight of the food and the corresponding expected time frame before the sale of the food product.

A doll house: irreconcilable views of men and women

In the play " A Doll House", written by Henrik Ibsen, the idea that men and woman have irreconcilable views of self, family, duty, honor and morality is illustrated through the characters' personalities, personal hardships, and relationships with one another. In " A Doll House", Nora believes that it is an honorable decision to forge β†’

Writers present wars in a variety of ways in literature. discuss how shakespeare and a number of poets you have studied present this theme in their work.

Jessie Pope's " Who's For The Game? " is all about her trying to convince men it was all a bit of fun to join the war and fight for their country, which makes perfect sense for a woman to say as women during the time of world war one often encouraged men to join β†’

Macbeth soliloquoys

Commentary In this final soliloquy we uncover the ultimate tragedy of Macbeth." It is the tragedy of the twilight and the setting-in of thick darkness upon a human soul". Of further concern to Macbeth is the disparity between his own reputation and the world's perception of Duncan as a good and virtuous king.

Homoscocial and homoerotiscism in shakespeare

Consider the relationship between homosocial and homoerotic in William Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice and A Twelfth Night." To talk of an Individual in this period as being or not being a ' homosexual' is an anachronism and ruinously misleading" Before a solid argument can commence the reader has to first distinguish β†’

R. v. beaudry essay

Beaudry Summary of the Decision The issue of the case resolved in the Supreme Court is whether the decision of the trial court is reasonable. The Supreme Court held that in order the discretion is properly applied, the " justification offered must be proportionate to the seriousness β†’

The effects of organized crime on russia’s economic reform

Organized crime promotes the overall performance of the economy in Russia, and it was also a problem during the rise of democratic Russia. The impact of organized crime on Russia's economic reform is significant to both the development and adherence of Russia's previous economy by incorporating elements of transitions such as corruption and revolutions in β†’

Leader interview

This paper discusses Shiela Moore, one of the Executive Directors of Casa Myrna Non Governmental Organization and herleadershipstyles in the organization. It also discusses her achievements and the challenges that she has faced, as well as her strengths and weaknesses and gives recommendations and a plan of action that explains how the β†’

The impact of transformational leadership on employee motivation

A number of authors have argued that transformational leadership style enhances employee motivations and increases their commitment to the organization. For example, a study conducted by Avolio et al.on the impact of transformational leadership on performance and motivation of staff nurses in a public hospital of Singapore showed a positive relationship. Through such social, responsive β†’

Exemplary leadership

This analysis examines how a leader utilizes organizational power, the magnitude to which the leader is constrained by contingency factors, how the leader deals with ethical issues, and the leader's decision-making style and influence tactics in addition to other characteristics. The leader detailed in this analysis is proven to be effective based β†’

Leadership path-goal theory

In the paper to follow, a reflection on one's ability and self-improving processes would be discussed in the view of the author of this paper. Being a leader is a serious task that requires serious effort and determination to adjust on the part of the person who wants to pursue on being β†’

Homelessness among the black and ethnic minority in the uk literature review

The literature review will focus on the experiences of the homeless blacks and ethnic minority in the UK, in the twenty first century. Homelessness among blacks and ethnic minority has increased disproportionately through the years as from 1996 in England. Causes of Black and Ethnic Minority Homelessness Social Exclusion and Overcrowding Causes of β†’

Good the presents an in-depth analysis of the ad and the entire campaign that report example

Using a series of shots showcasing three well-known British actors who have played villains Tom Hiddleston (Loki from Thor and The Avengers), Ben Kingsley and Mark Strong , the clip expands on the theme and relates it to the product. Tom Hiddleston in the ad Ben β†’

Example of a critique of my week with marilyn movie review

Williams even has Monroe's voice down perfectly. When Williams, as Monroe, appears onset to film the first scenes of The Prince and the Showgirl, Williams shows viewers Monroe's insecurity as she gets scared and overwhelmed and runs off the set. During the film, Monroe sings in her role in The Prince and the Showgirl and β†’

Good london’s model of multiculturalism research paper example

Among main reasons that make London one of the most culturally vibrant cities are: - A great number of museums and galleries, and three of them are in TOP 10 in the world; - Tower of London, Maritime Greenwich, Westminster Palace which includes Westminster Abbey and Saint Margaret's Church as well as Kew's Royal Botanic Gardens are β†’

Ensuring interoperability of e- learning and quality development in king khalid university

The main objective of this contribution is to start the discussion about the interoperability of e-Learning offers and about the quality development responsibility the quality improvement in e-Learning supported by learning standards and specifications. The particular benefit of learning standards and specifications for interoperability and quality development will be pointed out by proposing the reference β†’

Business: international trade and b. technology

Obeying the law is ________ ethical behavior.A.essentially the same as B.the first step towards C.the opposite of D.unlikely to lead to 41. The remedy for a tort is: A.imprisonment.B.a breach of contract.C.bankruptcy.D.monetary compensation. 47.

Type 2 diabetes in hispanic women and the importance of treatment

The topics that will be further discussed include the risk factors of diabetes, what health issues diabetes can lead to, ways to help improve one's health concerning diabetes, and adherence to treatment. The Health Issues Type 2 Diabetes Can Lead to Although having type 2 diabetes does not seem too serious, it can lead β†’

Mental illness and prison

The threat of potential litigation has meant that some revision and provisions of mental health services for seriously ill inmates is necessary. As the mentally ill become a larger segment of the population in jails and prisons, professionals in the mental health field became essential to the correctional administrators. One problem in the use of β†’

Gastro esophageal reflux disease (gerd) essay sample

Increasing age is an important factor in the prevalence of GERD complications, probably the result of cumulative acid injury overtime to the esophagus. In a nationwide population-based study by the Gallup Organization in the US, 44% of the respondents reported heartburn at least once a month. Pulmonary symptoms include cough, asthma, and laryngitis which β†’