10 Pages Essay Samples

Source base questions – kmt-ccp rivalry

Study Source A Using details from the cartoon, explain what the cartoon is trying to show.e.g.in Source A, the cartoon shows us that the KMT officers were totally on the side of the rich landlord demanding greater taxes. Source A seems to drive the message that the communists were sympathetic about the hardship of the →

The values beliefs and norms of an organization nursing essay

The purpose of this paper is to analyse application of different leadership and management concepts in that organization along with recommendations to improve the same, with special emphasis on various dimensions of their organizational culture". Power and empowerment in nursing: looking backward to inform the future.

Intellectual property rights

The Issue of Novelty From looking at the above breakdown of what an individual has to prove in order to establish a valid patent, it is clear to see that the issue of novelty is central to most patent decisions. This suggests that in order to establish a valid objection to a patent application on →

Technology and the future of pornography

In more recent times, the internet represents the application of disruptive technology in that it is a form of distribution that, especially for pornography, presents additional advantages over the pornography of yesterday with regards to a distribution that is an order of magnitude larger than the press is capable. In addition, the continued integration of →

The united nations: ineffective or powerful?

The Security Council is one of the main organs of the United Nations." Its primary responsibility is to maintain the peace and stability in the world". In addition, the 15 countries of the Security Council make the decision for the 193-member states that are in the United Nations.

It sneaks into de la cruz’s tomb

The Day of the Dead has quickly gained popularity in the states and Tucson happens to be the largest gathering of Dia De los Muertos celebrations in the country! Culture/Holiday Chandana Although the entirety of the story contains the themes of family, culture and music, the aspect of culture will be deconstructed in this section →

Hannibal lecter analysis essay sample

At the age of sixteen, after the incident between the Young Hannibal and one of the employees of the orphanage, after the night where he was transferred on a dirty and ventilated room, he finally decided to leave the orphanage and travels from Lithuania to France where he met and stayed with his Auntie Murasaki. →

Juice – online shopping essay sample

For example, orange juice is the liquid extract of the fruit of the orange tree. In the United Kingdom the name of a fruit or fruits followed by juice can only legally be used to describe a product which is 100% fruit juice, as required by the Fruit Juices and Fruit Nectars Regulations and the →

Examining methods for allocating overhead costs

The most defensible sequence is to start with the service department that provides the highest percentage of its total services to other service departments, or the service department with the highest costs, or the service department that provides services to the most number of service departments, or some similar criterion. The service department with highest →

Choose a case which you consider

Keown can best sum up many peoples views and opinions on why assisted suicide or euthanasia should be forbidden, they are:" traditional medical ethics...never asks whether the patients life is worthwhile, for the notion of a worthwhile life is an alien to the Hippocratic tradition as it is to English criminal law, both of which →

Global financial crises and the future of securitization essay

The 2007 2009 financial crisis was a key catalyst for the global liquidity crisis that mutated into a full-blown credit crisis, bringing the international financial system to the edge of the abyss. Overview In general, securitized instruments can be defined through three distinct characteristics[1]: 1) pooling of assets; 2) delinking of the credit risk of →

Clay rigid pipes and abs pipes engineering essay

Gravity sewers that are laid in the vicinity of pipe lines designated to carry potable water Plugs for pipe branches, stubs or other open ends will be made of an approvedMaterial secured in place with a joint comparable to the main line joint. Reinforced concrete pipe will be placed in a vertical plane when the →

Assaignment essay

The marker accepts that the student should be familiar with the contents of the earner gulled and the prescribed textbook. The organization uses the Internet to advertise, to transact with customers and even to manage the distribution channel.

Techniques for donor nephrectomy analysis

The VAS score of patient side surgeon in RDN was higher in graft retrieval compared to donor surgeon in LDN in both right and left subgroup. The lost artery or vein length was not different in left RDN and LDN.

The nursing theories and models

Watson's first publication was in 1979 and this was the introduction of the theory of Transpersonal Caring to the nursing profession. Watson's goal for the theory is to move nursing from the belief that the human body is a machine to the belief that the " interdependent and nondiscrete nature of a world and the →

Ufo – unidentified flying object essay sample

In popular usage the term UFO came to be used to refer to alien spacecraft.[5] and because of the public and media ridicule associated with the topic, some investigators prefer to use such terms as unidentified aerial phenomenon or anomalous phenomena, as in the title of the National Aviation Reporting Center on Anomalous Phenomena or →

Are major programs considered temporary of permanent organizations

To explore the implications of adopting a temporary organisation structure in more detail it is useful to refer to " A theory for the temporary organisation" Lundin, R.A.and Soderholm, A. This was shown to be difficult to maintain using an approach based on project management in a temporary organisation that is narrowly managed by methods →

Editorial: salinity tolerance in plants: mechanisms and regulation of ion transport

Ion transport is the crucial starting point that determines salinity tolerance in plants: this includes the cation and anion transport across the plasma membranes of the root cells, the transport through the vacuolar membranes, the long-distance ion transport via xylem and phloem and the salt excretion and accumulation by the specialized cells. The papers in →

A creative report on strategic marketing marketing essay

Tactical marketing takes into consideration the combination of the marketing mix that is price, place, promotion and distribution to reach the chosen market Kroon. Strategic Marketing is all about getting a plan together to use the full potential of the organisations resources and tactics in order to achieve its corporate objectives Simms.

Potential business opportunities in east timor

To begin, the aim of this audit is to examine the potential business opportunities in the country East Timor. The East Timor is one of the poorest nations in the world, but the generate most of their revenue from trading.

Gm powertrain case analysis

In order to get many of the plant employees on-board with any change the plant management would also have to get the union to agree to the changes. Lastly, Hinrich should continue to utilize the highest level of workers in his new processes and plant procedures.

Padma bridge

The bridge, which would connect the southwest region with the rest of the country, could be used for the trans-Asian route; the minister said adding " The Bridge will help gear up industrialisation in the region too. MAIN BRIDGE The total length of the main bridge is 6150m and the main bridge is connected to →

Musical culture in various regions

The discussion of music's connection with place can be framed by broad boundaries concerning the ecological, political, acoustic and social context of the environment, which somewhat affects the type of music that is made and how it is regarded in the area. Feeble or rather, no attempts are made to coordinate the singing or playing →

Introduction of the annual awards dinner

In this report, the author has explain the agenda of the annual awards, what are the current status and the problems that have occurred. The author has also recommended some of the solution for the problems and extra opinions to add in the function to makes the function better.

Study on kant and constructivism philosophy essay

Kant's belief is that we have to view ourselves as the source of the activities and results we will carry out in our world. The thought of an ' ontological perfection' derives from the Form of Good; the idea that is existent in a world of ideas which is the core of what is familiar →

Engineering students towards engineering drawing education essay

The attitude of engineering students towards engineering drawing was studied in this research under students' view of their tutors' teaching style, classroom environment, individual perceptions and characteristics, pre-knowledge of the course and study materials. It was recommended that teachers of engineering drawing should be interested in the subjects that they teach, be able to emphasis →

Meaningful nature of the ihrm concepts business essay

The aim of the essay is to consider if it is meaningful to talk of the concept of International HRM. From the views of Scullion, the term international HRM as ' the HRM issues and problems arising from the internationalization of business and the HRM strategies, policies and practices which firms pursue in response to →

The marketing assessment of blissfields festival assignment

The festival also has a tradition of a fancy dress day on the Sunday, with previous themes such as ' Nations of the world' and ' Out of this World', hitting this year with the hem of ' Traditional Sports Day offering participants the chance to Join in on a house, vote for head boy →

Do parenting styles across cultures affect how we are?

The reason for asking the " child" and not the parent is because even though I could have interviewed the parents, I would have been given a bias opinion. I contacted you over the phone about this interview which is about parenting styles in a cultural context.

Fastcat: design merit pay

Because the goal of Fastest Is to retain their employees, having a merit pay plan will promote a culture where accountability from both the management and entry-level employees Is key. Customers see Fastest representatives as responsive and knowledgeable: * A weight of 10% was determined for how customers view Fastest preventatives due to the fact →

An analysis into the brain drain phenomenon economics essay

For nurses in The Philippines there are many reasons to leave the country in search of work in higher income countries like Canada and the United States. As with the factors that push nurses away from The Philippines, money seems to be the ultimate regarding the pull that North America has on the migration.

Is bitcoin the best cryptocurrency? bibliography

While bitcoin has been the figurehead of the cyber-coin movement, there are several other notable and more efficient " altcoins" as they are referred to: the ever popular " Dogecoin" for the online " memer" community, the Litecoin, a more efficient version of the Bitcoin, the " Ripple", the " Ethereum" cryptocurrency, and " Dash" →

How characteristics of uk economy impact on organisations economics essay

The structure of the administration ensures that there is an adequate separation of powers between the executive branch, led by the prime minister, the bicameral legislature and the judiciary, and that there is a system of checks and balances in place. The UK was one of the largest macroeconomys in the world.

The representation of race in mass-media assignment

The uneven distribution of power in American culture has allowed the white population to characterize the lives of African-Americans as inferior, an objectification that has been frozen in time and space. Looking back at the American society of the nineteenth-century, it is evident that there was an existence of such class system, one in which →

Demand for computers in the market

This estimation are made on the basis of the law of demand and supply and as mentioned in the report with the increasing sales in the computers the prices are still falling down because of the following determinants of demand and supply mentioned in the report, as there are new entrants in the computer market →

Marketing plan and analysis of shaving cream

In this I prepare the IMC plan for the shaving cream and analysis various competitors and develop various strategies to promote this brand. Godrej is a domestic brand of shaving cream and now it is looking to expand in the global.

Economic situation malaysians attitudes towards private label brands marketing essay

The definition of attitudes towards private label brands is a predisposition to respond in a positive way to private label brands and the consumer will purchase the private label brands in a more favourable way. The objectives of the research are: To examine the relationship between consumers' perceived benefits and Malaysian's attitudes towards private label →

Introduction through which people become active. it

Sports improve the health status of participants and foster the development of fundamental skills that are important in facing challenges in life. Sports have made significant contributions in enhancing the implementation of certain policies that are important and that affect the welfare of the society.

Disadvantages being a woman entrepreneur sociology essay

If you are a woman thinking about starting a business, it is important to know that you have a lot of advantages in doing so. In response, women business leaders can create their own networks to cultivate the success of female entrepreneurs.

Bss methods in epileptic seizure signal detection biology essay

Propagation of the ictus signal is shown in the signals T3-T5 and F4-C3 between 3500 and 5500msec. In add-on, extraction of the epileptic ictus signal performed by normalized Kurtosis based BSS is dependable than the epileptic ictus signals extracted by JADE and SOBI.

Channels for rural marketing | nerma

Nirma is aptly considered as a marketing miracle and this is reflected in the strength of the brand. There was also a strict system of protocol and distribution depended on prepayment for stocks in order to minimize the risk for Nirma.

Problems faced by sociology as a science and how they can be alleviated

As a general rule, the higher the proportion of non-responses in the sample, the more likely it is that the survey of those who do take part will be biased. An example is of how difficult it is to be sure of the causal relations involved in a correlation is given by the long history →

Investigation into cyber security countermeasures

A wide exchange of devices and advancements used to accomplish the objectives of data security and morals is trailed by a dialog of rules for the structure and improvement of such instruments and innovations. The user becomes unable to open the computer and access the files and threatens to erase everything of the computer unless →

The key aspects of jit systems

It was merely after the order was made that the Personal computer was assembled and shipped to the client in a comparatively short sum of clip. Compared to its challengers, Dell had a low market portion in the international market.

The issues of euthanasia in whose life is it anyway essay sample

The language and the structure of the play is moralistic as it tells the story of whether euthanasia should be legalised or not and what a difficult subject it is to discuss. Ken tries to lighten the atmosphere for Nurse Sadler by talking to her, to get her to relax, as I think that he →

Inherited real risk of alzheimer’s disease: bedside diagnosis and primary prevention

In the frame of QBS theory, the combination of Clinical Microangiology and " Angiobiopathy" theory, allows to merge the hypothesis of AD as neurological microvascular based disease and the researches focused on mitochondrial dysfunction according to the inherited genetic causes of this neurodegenerative pathology, i.e, the congenital alteration of mit-DNA in related neuronal cells. The →

Understanding the ontogeny of the immune system to promote immune-mediated health for life

The objective of the Research Topic is to provide an overview of the current state of knowledge of the ontogeny of the immune system and of the pathogenesis of important infectious and inflammatory diseases in early life. As observed at the maternal side of the materno-fetal interface, a number of potentially redundant regulatory mechanisms are →

Detail explanation and statistics of gangsterism education essay

2 Effects of Gangsterism No matter what are the reasons for teenagers to involve in gangsterism, it willbring many negative effects to the teenagers themselves and also to the society. Sometimes I face to the IT constantly and is addicted to playing games or playing with a group of friends in cyber cafe.

Recordable compact disk (cd-r) is a blank cd with

The invisible, is used for writing data onto the surface of the blank CD. Piracy has increased, allowing illegally reproduced copies of music to be created and sold at the expense of the owner of the original material.

Biometrics – pointing a finger towards the world essay

These new templates will be compared to the one in the central data base to verify the identity of the subject. All the user has to do is present the chipcard and their body part to the security system which in turn will verify the legitimacy of the user.

The first crusade long and short term factors history essay

From a chronological point of view, the whole story needed but a short period for its preface to happen: from the Gregorian Reform, a movement aimed to revive the full authority of the papacy in 1050s, through the decline of the eastern superpowers, culminated in 1071, to the epoch-making speech of Urban II at Council →

Sylvia plath

The sea and the moon are still important images for Plath, but in the Ariel poems they have taken on a harsher quality." The moon, also, is merciless," she writes in " Elm." While a painfully acute sense of the depersonalization and fragmentation of 1950's America is characteristic of Ariel, three poems describe particularly well →

The non radiological imaging phycisians health and social care essay

One of the main benefits that PACS provides is the ability to provide a timely delivered and efficient access to images, interpretations and related data throughout the organisation. The main purpose of building a complete filmless and paperless system for a hospital is to improve the quality of medical and patient service.

Boeing case study completed

It is also worth to mention that organization should not wait until the change already happens to act; it is strongly advised that the analysis of external factors is conducted regularly to identify the trends, the potential problems before they even happen in order to best prepare and counter the effects of such changes. Corporate →

Tesco marketing management in malaysia

This is a new distribution channel for Tests to market themselves and capture the spenders as Tests realize the need of the Malaysian market which is now more tech saw. This concept is a clear example that Tests applies differentiation strategy as to be the first and only hypermarket in Malaysia to supply banking for →

Cost management in the fast food industry

In order to present the best of amenities, facilities and infrastructure to the guest the organization has to make some expenses which have to be planned and aligned with the help of cost control strategies from the revenues generated. In addition, it is believed that the researcher may require at least two more organizations to →

From data to truth in psychological science. a personal perspective.

On the one hand, the feedback could have been mediated by an inference from the emotional meaning of the expression to the underlying emotional state. But if it is the task of a scientist to identify the causes of things, it seems highly problematic to assume that some effects are " false" in the sense →

Can damasio’s somatic marker hypothesis explain more than its originator will admit?

There is also something in the reasoning process that can make a choice impervious to the effect of emotions, if we are to believe Damasio. Damasio does claim, however, that emotions " are not the result of thinking through a problem and generating a solution".

Development of international adoption

Abuses of the process, particularly in cases of international adoption, have caused people and their governments to reevaluate how to better administer and control the adoption system. In 1993, the Hague Convention on Intercountry Adoption was approved by 103 nations seeking to protect all parties to international adoption and to prevent the international trafficking of →

Global value chain

In addition to favoring the location of more manufacturing in the North, the shift also destroyed incentives for innovation in the South. In addition a study of global value chains shows the preferences between the countries at different stages of development and the direction in which they are moving.

Is age a factor of descrimination in the workplace?

Age discrimination in the workforce Is age a factor of discrimination in the workforce? These issues of the older people could lead to physical and mental problems, and also the outcome of the impediments that come from the social perception and the interaction of the individual with the society.

Event planning and management

The start of the planning will be the most fun and most stressful time as the company will need to look into the budgeting and participation of the event. The eagerness of the pharmacists, their customers, and guests, the flow of the traffic of the event, the environment, the food, the entertainment, and the gifts.

Monoamine oxidase (warrior gene) and maori behaviour

Specifically, this may determine the possible causes of the aggressiveness of the Maori population group as observed by other researchers and scientists as explained on their arguments. The study discussed the census of the population and conviction rate of Maori population with other population group.

The advantages and disadvantages of organization culture business essay

The values and the behaviour of the organization that describes how the organization treats with its employees, suppliers, customers and wider community and in response of that behaviour and values of the organization how the employees, suppliers and wider community treats with the organization is called organization culture. Organization culture defines the working of the →

Role of a cna – certified nursing assistant

Certified Nursing Assistants have more time to take care of the residents than the Registered Nurses do and the residents get the basic care that they need for their everyday life under the CNA's. Most people that I have talked to that have experience as a CNA, say that the best part of there job, →

Nationhood is an important part of culture history essay

On a game day it is common in Scotland to see the ' Tartan Army', the legion of supporters dressed up in kilts, flags and other national symbols, singing songs of the history of the nation, for sport creates an environment in which people are free to revel in their own national identity. The rituals →

Components of foreign capital economics essay

ADVANTAGES OF FOREIGN CAPITAL- Foreign Capital or FDIs by the MNCs can help the underdeveloped or developing countries in the following ways[3] PROVIDE TECHNICAL KNOWLEDGE- The underdeveloped and the developing countries are technologically backward. As a result of the liberalization of the foreign investment policy and other reforms in the trade and industrial sectors, the →

Role of astrocytes in the central nervous system

The complex network of neurons needs to be regulated and the cells must be maintained, this is done by glial cells, the second category, a diverse group of cells that play an extremely important role in the functioning of the nervous system by providing both chemical and structural support. Astrocytes fall into the category of →

Analysis of the cuban missile crisis history essay

It was the period that the cold war reached its peak because of the possible confrontation between the two superpowers, the US and the USSR, at the time. The Cuban Missiles Crisis was a very important part of the world history because of the risk of nuclear war that could lead to the destruction of →

The primary method of maintaining organizational culture commerce essay

In essence, how an organization functions and gives meaning to its way of doing things is the purpose and function of culture, and this helps to foster internal integration, bring staff members from all levels of the organization much closer together, and enhances their performance. The recruits are then indoctrinated and socialized according to the →

Toyota philosophy of kaizen

In the bend of the seventies, the scientific management appears in gap growing, out of step with the new standards of the society. These constraints require the implication, the motivation, the versatility, the initiative and the ability to react from the employees, to the detriment of strict submission and obedience.

Sign language recognition using combinational features

Hand gestures are a collection of movements of the hand and arm that vary from the static state of pointing at something to the dynamic state. M, & Chhabria, S.A.[7] Investigated about how to track the movement of the hand and how to recognize the click gesture to implement a new type of user interface.

Bring your own device: advantages, disadvantages, alternatives

Reason is because there are using the devices, they are liking not the one they are provided by the organisation. BYOD is good for the company but it should be implemented with strong sets of rules and policies.

Effects of implementing animation in teaching chemistry

To address the different learning styles of students, the use of digital animation in teaching science and especially in chemistry has become increasingly popular. The reasons for students' difficulties vary from the abstract nature of many chemistry concepts to the difficulty of the language of chemistry.

Environmental health and social impacts of smoking

In Kansas, the smoking ban prohibits smoking in any enclosed area to which the public is invited or in which the public is permitted, except in designated smoking areas, which are not limited in size, but in either case must post warning signs to inform people and to keep them aware. While there was a →

Sociology and natural resources: environmental sustainability

An environment is facing a sustainability threat when present habits, lifestyle and usage manner of society is hazardous to long term existence of the resource and it is feared to be depleted in future. It is important to note that Sun is the key component of the water cycle and global warming.

Samsung electronics co., ltd assignment

8 million in damages, and Samsung was ordered to halt the sales of the infringing products temporarily. Conclusion Samsung is one of the strongest leaders of information technology market in the world, and has generated significant revenues for many years.

Organisational structure of geodrill limited

The other director of Geodrill Ghana Limited is Terry Burling who is also the Operations Manager of the firm. Fortunately for the company, Terry Burling is an expert in both the mechanical and exploration aspects of the profession.

Techniques for the identification of unknown microorganisms

The agar is inoculated and incubated until growth is seen, and the plate will show a pattern of hemolysis if caused by one of the bacterial pathogens. The way to differentiate between the two is the color of the colony itself, which respectively is, white or golden.S.aureus is part of the normal flora and what →

The development of experimental psychology throughout history

The switch from a philosophical to a physiological frame of mind allowed psychologists to, " bring [sic] the experimental method to the investigation of the mind," as related in American Psychologist. Furthermore, during the time period around the establishment of Wundt's laboratory in 1879, the majority perception of psychology by the general public had an →

Auditing case essay sample

Answer: The factors that Ron should consider can be reflected in four aspects, which are the professional ability of auditor in the accounting firm, the quality of report information conducted by the accounting firm, as well the size of accounting firm and the fees. The professional auditor should exercise due care in the performance of →

A closer look into the boxer rebellion

This was because when the Chinese were brought under the rule of the Manchus, it was the Manchus and not the Chinese who assimilated themselves to the culture and society of Chinese to the point that if one would compare a Manchu and a Chinese side-by-side, only subtle differences can be viewed between them. One →

Editorial: outsmarting the host: how bacterial pathogens modulate immune responses in the lung

This collection of original articles and reviews highlights current knowledge and research trends of bacterial pathogenesis in the context of pulmonary immunity and function, and updates ongoing and future antibacterial strategies. The collection of articles presented include topics such as; 1) Bacterial virulence determinants that mediate evasion, subversion, and modulation of innate and adaptive immunity, →

Impact of mobile commerce on the retail market

Futhermore, Camponovo paper on m-commerce business models highlights that many big players in the industry are still experimenting with a variety of technologies and business models with the long term view of trying to implement a profitable and sustainable position. Whether it's in the travel, healthcare, retail or the financial industries, the key challenge for →

Evaluation of the need for neoliberalism ideology

Associated with the principles of presidents such as Margaret Thatcher in the UK and Ronald Reagan in the USA, neoliberalism was adapted to the politics of the post-cold war era. In the instant aftermath of the crisis, a range of commentators and policymakers advised that the event signalled a watershed second for neoliberalism, or even →

Vertically and horizontally integrated supply chains

Vertically and horizontally integrated supply chains are supply chain management strategies adopted by companies to take advantage of synergies in their value chain to achieve more profits and competitive advantage. Supply chain integration strategies are network-based business models used by organisations to align strategic decisions and processes across the network from supplier/manufacturer end to the →

Structure and relationships between parties in communication industry

The advertisers also imagine major responsibility for developing the marketing program and making the final decisions about the advertising and promotional program to be employed. They are external organizations that specializes in the formation, production, positioning of the advertisement message and that possibly will provide extra services to help the marketing and promotions process.

Business overview of starbucks

Starbucks shares have tumbled over the previous two years and the company has struggled to maintain its differentiation in the face of growing competition. STRATEGIC POSTURE: Mission:" to inspire and nurture the human spirit one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time".http://www.starbucks.com/about-us/company-information/mission-statement " The mission of Starbucks is to establish Starbucks as the →

Tesla motors essay sample

Electric cars are slowly becoming more and more popular, and this provides a spot in the market for Tesla Motors to fill. Tesla is the future of electric vehicles, and it will not take long to prove that.

Psychological changes during the aging process

The problems of adaptation to the late adulthood and the concept of ageing, propositions to make life of old people more interesting and easier in the conditions of the Nurse House can help in the Health Care Assistants. According to Shaji, in the middle age the person uses the cognitive abilities to solve problems of →

Law essays – negligence damages breach

In order to succeed in a claim for negligence, the claimant must prove that they were owed a duty of care, that the duty was breached, and that the breach resulted in the damage complained of. Therefore, the question to ask is " what would a reasonable event organiser, placed in the same position as →

The power of the united states in decline politics essay

With the above definition of the term power and decline, we can see that the United States is not in any way facing the characteristics it shows us in the explanation of the term ' decline'. It explains that most of the reviews on the declination of power in the United States are mostly from →

Slavery and war

The goal of the Puritans was to arrive in the New World and be able to freely worship any religion. They wanted to crush the British armies because of what happened in the French and Indian War.

Unicef’s efficiency in the world’s global struggles

UNICEF has 36 National Committees, which promote the rights of children throughout the world and raises national awareness of issues related to the protection of human rights for children. The UNICEF's worldwide efforts and initiative to elevate the status of children and give them a voice is a detrimental part of improving the world as →

Global human resource management assignment

The company appointed an American to the position of CEO because it felt that none of the firm's existing Chinese executives had the capabilities to manage a truly global enterprise. G) A largely overlooked but critically important issue in the training and development of expatriate managers is to prepare them for reentry into their home →

The brow” (zinn 57). when the ship that

Contrary to this namehowever, this new stretch of land was quite old and had been inhabited forthousands of years prior to Columbus' arrival, because of the use of oraltraditions by many Native Americans there is little that is known of them priorto the invasion of Europeans in the early 16th century. The memories of theseconfrontations →