10 Pages Essay Samples

Analysing strategic business decisions in us cereal industry

Game theory was used to analyse the strategy firms in the industry will adopt and a discussion on barriers to entry as it applies to the industry was done. An overview of oligopoly, discussions on Game theory, Nash equilibrium, Bertrand Price Competition and Barriers to Entry will be used to analyse the industry and the →

When it comes to the end

It is important to know how to treat not only the patient but the family and ensure that the patient Is comfortable in their last few days of life. The purpose of this paper Is to address the practice problem; what is the best way to support and help families that are not ready to →

[1] [4] h shapley, a treasury of

Section 60 of the Health and Social Care Act 200151and the Health Service Regulations 200252 arguablyundermine the equitable remedy of breach of confidence. 3 Legislation The duty of confidentiality is not absolute, as recognised by the GMC's guidance, 41legislation and the caselaw.

Overcoming the disconnect: are paleolimnologists doing enough to make their science accessible to aquatic managers and conservationists?

Hence, one of the most important challenges facing the development of sustainable solutions to current and future environmental problems is finding ways to bridge the gap between fundamental research and applied management, conservation and restoration of ecosystems. Over the past decades, the case has been amply made in the scientific literature for the usefulness of →

The history of inferior and giffen goods economics essay

Giffen good is one which people paradoxically consume more of as the price rises, violating the law of demand In normal situations, as the price of a good rises, the substitution effect causes consumers to purchase less of it and more of substitute goods. A normal good is one of the goods which demand increases →

Introduction works or art forms that speak to

Whatever is communicated in a piece of art is representative of the general world view or aspirations of a people. Therefore, to know the kind of art one likes is to know the individual, to some extent, because art is representative of their identity.

Implications of attachment theory for adolescent development

The theory relates behaviours of attachment from the " attacher" to the " attachee" that occur during infancy. Irrespective of the stimulus used to frighten the monkeys, the response was to consistently flee to the comfort and security of the cloth mother.


Let the constitution of the Templars be such as issuitable for men who live in the clash and tumult of war, and yet of a kind which will be acceptable to the Christian princes, of whom they have beenthe valuable auxiliaries. At this council, by order of Pope Honorious and ofStephen, patriarch of Jerusalem, a →

An inspector calls paper

The play is almost a warning to the audience not to be so blind about issues in the world, as the family are in a microcosm of the world around them and he conflict that is happening. As the inspector is standing there, he is below a gas lamp, this portrays the time of the →

Decision support methods in healthcare

The organization manages the application of CACHE over the web and this helps the Partners to have an advanced and substantial processing of transactions. The inference engine is the major part of the system, and it uses the information stored in the system together with the information about the patient to make decisions concerning particular →

Accuracy versus fluency essay

Nevertheless, speaking in a foreign language has often been viewed as the most demanding of the four skills." While listening and reading involve the ability to correctly receive messages ND are therefore referred to as receptive skills, speaking and writing, on the other hand, involve language production and are referred to as productive skills. One →

Primary and early dentition treatment

The loss of second primary molar lead to mesial migration of adjacent first permanent molar, loss of space for second premolar eruption and early eruption of second permanent molar. Recently a study conducted to determine the space loss after early loss of second primary molar before eruption of permanent molar and after eruption of permanent →

William shakespeare and william butler yeats

Nearly all lines end in '-ing', which is repetitive and monotonous and makes the tone of the poem, in a way of anger and uncertainty. The impact of this poem this poem is very strong and definite.

Enhancing cognition before clinical symptoms of dementia

Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text Google Scholar Cuadrado-Tejedor, M, Garc a-Osta, A, Ricobaraza, A, Oyarzabal, J, and Franco, R. 010 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Prasad, S, Wilkinson, J, and Gatzoulis, M.A.

Concealed carry laws debate

This particular issue was brought to the forefront of the academic debate by Lott and Mustard in an attempt to apply empirical, quantitative analysis to the issue to assist in the formulation of public policies regarding handguns and the right-to-carry. Following the publishing of Lott and Mustard, numerous other scholars joined in the debate on →

The orthodox position principle law equity essay

The problem here with regards to the remedies of specific performance and damages in the context of contracts for the sale of land is that given current developments in Singapore law, there is potential conflict between principle and precedent as well as policy and pragmatism. Specific performance protects the [purchaser's] expectation interest in a contract →

Community general hospital case study

The case narrates in background the history of a unique American institution, the African American hospital, and traces through the case of Whitaker Memorial the complexities of surviving in a changed society. As the original ' community' of the East End has changed by 1995 the issues of " Who is the community served by →

The legalization of drugs

Gore Vidal, protagonist of legalisation and writer of the essay " Drugs, " states that all drugs should be made available and sold at a cost. Supporters of legalisation have certain fortunes in which they argue can ensue in a positive impact if drugs were legalized and experience that drug issues originate due to the →

Dependency school of development: summary and critique

The need for the ECLA forum arose from an academic and political reaction toward the inability of Latin American countries to halt the " imperialist siphoning-off of the surplus value produced by their working classes", hence, the association of dependency theory with a Third World perspective. Frank introduced the popular term ' the development of →

Factors that affect travel and tourism tourism essay

1Define the term Hospitality Industry and give examples, advantages, and disadvantages of their use in the hospitality industry? The hospitality industry is a huge and famous industry in this world, and there are multiple areas in this industry.

Long term conditions principles of care nursing essay

The integral place of psychological care, within a holistic approach to diabetes care, is recognised in the National Service Framework for Diabetes where it states that 'The provision of information, education and psychological support that facilitates self-management is therefore the cornerstone of diabetes care'. Siminerio continues to say that due to the complexity of managing →

Ethical decision making

Two more cardinal hazards to the viability and success of the organisation: Failure to keep the organization's capableness to place and work chances; Failure to keep the organization's resiliency. Resilience refers to the organization's capableness to react and accommodate to unexpected hazards and chances.and to do determinations on the footing of revealing indicants in the →

Rome: the power and the glory

This led to the establishing of the senate and the motto SPQR. They had never suffered a loss of this magnitude, and the empire was still in its infancy, the citizens decided the only was to win back the city was to go under its infancy.

Robots like me: challenges and ethical issues in aged care

But when asked about the areas in which robots should be banned, more than half of the respondents stated that the use of robots should be banned in the care of children, elderly, and the disabled. Due to a higher life expectancy and declining birth rates, the proportion of older people compared to the younger →

The divergent opinions of smith and rousseau: natural sociability and criticisms of the division of labor

He argues that the division of labor is derived from a natural propensity to exchange goods Smith also asserts that man has natural sympathy and thus yearns for others to share in his pain and in his joy. He claims that inequality arises from the natural inclination to share in the success of others: " →

17th century venetian opera

The creation of public opera houses sparked the interest of the people of the time because of social and philosophical changes that were happening in the Republican state of Venice. The wealthy were about 5% of the population, but the common people were pleased with this way of government and lived happily without too much →

Influence of location on ecology views

The predictor variable for this study will be location of the participants, and the three outcome variables will be [1] knowledge of the essential nature and underlying properties of plants and animals, [2] attitudes towards conservation, [3] attitudes towards animal welfare. There will be other multiple choice questions in this section to further assess the →

The social arrangements made by organisations commerce essay

The following are about the paradigms, organizational structure and the role of culture in the organisation. The following is my assessment of the structure and the culture in Santha textiles.

Editorial: impression management and faking in job interviews

In the following, we lay out some critical areas of inquiry in interview IM, and highlight how the innovative set of papers in this Research Topic is illustrative of these new directions. In understanding the content domain of IM, a critical distinction to make is whether IM is honest or deceptive.

Effects of globalization on the labor market

In spite of the government and individual decision is one of the factors that affect the employment rates; however certainty globalization is also the main factor of this issue. Moreover, globalization will lower the income of unskilled worker in the developed countries and increase the income of unskilled worker in the developing countries.

Festival and special event management assignment

With special events growing and generating more and more money for communities and nations this assignment will take an in depth look how special events and festival have a positive and negative effect on the environment the economy, society and culture. Festivals and special events are the best way for raising money/awareness and of entertainment.

Accommodation of ethnic diversity in schools

Preparation allows student to meet challenges in life and adjust to the demands of our diverse society, We can see and study the impact of diversity in schools through different theories like the interaction of the individual with peers or groups, citizenship and ethnic identity, students' goals and opportunities last one is the support given →

Case study of taman negara malaysia tourism essay

Various researchers advocate that the various definitions of ecotourism, in various national and regional contexts, are important to both the supply and demand sides of the ecotourism phenomenon. Another aspect of ecotourism which needs to be considered is the potential problems faced by locals and their social life with the increase in tourism.

“and the little brain said to the big brain…” editorial: distributed networks: new outlooks on cerebellar function

Alongside the contribution of Ordek et al, who describe the effect of percussive damage to cerebellar cortical processing of sensory information, these studies collectively emphasize the vulnerability of the cerebellar cortex and the diverse symptoms its dysfunction can trigger. Diurnal influences on electrophysiological oscillations and coupling in the dorsal striatum and cerebellar cortex of the →

Regulation of political speech

130 S Ct at 925-926; United States v. S, at 783-784; Alex Osterlind, Giving A Voice to the Inanimate, at 275; Breanne Gilpatrick, Removing Corporate Campaign Finance Restrictions in Citizens United v.


While there is a dearth of published literature on the subject this study would seek to develop a series of metrics to determine the positive and negative correlations between and among the prevalence and incidence of pulmonary diseases among employees and the heterogeneous contributory factors such as the duration exposure to unleaded gasoline, employee position →

Centrifugal acceleration affect on gravitational force engineering essay

Centripetal force is a force which makes the body to follow a curved path; the direction is always orthogonal to the velocity of body and it is towards the centre of curvature of the path. The color of the object which is hotter is closer to blue end of spectrum and the color of the →

The body shop canada essay sample

The notice stated that the company had a number of operating stores available for franchise, including locations in City A and City B.Mr. The material consisted of: Company background 8 pages Environmental issues15 pages Information on the franchise agreement 3 pages Financial data 6 pages List of current franchises 3 pages The synopsis of the →

The suicide among youth sociology essay

A very Good morning to our respected lecture and my fellow friend, in this wonderful morning I would like to share a quote which is " There comes a time when you look into the mirror and you realize that what you see is all that you will ever be and you accept it, or →

Controlling operative and postoperative pain | literature

In this chapter, the researcher presents the review of the literature under the following headings, Section-I: Studies related to importance of postoperative pain management. In order to evaluate the reproducibility of the two scales, a subsample of 60 patients was randomly selected and the questionnaire was administered for a second time three to four hours →

Cache memory: definition and function

The planned way-tagged cache exploits this reality to scale back the quantity of the way accessed throughout L2 cache accesses.once the L1 knowledge cache masses a knowledge from the L2 cache, the approach tag of the information within the L2 cache is additionally sent to the L1 cache and keep during a new set of →

Principles of wikinomics

Principles of Wikinomics Wikinomics is a word that explains the consequences of extensive collaboration and participation of the users on the market and the world. The price of collaboration in the market that is open is greater than the price of things done inside the restrictions of a firm.

Editorial: pulmonary hypertension: mechanisms and management, history and future

Editorial on the Research Topic Pulmonary Hypertension: Mechanisms and Management, History and Future From pulmonary hypertension observed at high altitude to pulmonary hypertension associated with left heart disease, this Frontiers Research Topic illustrates the diversity of clinical and pathological phenotypes associated with elevated pressure in the pulmonary circulation. The effect of elastase on turnover of →

Career aspirations of individuals commerce essay

It clearly defines the requirement from the applicants and also provides the overall view of the expectations of the experience required to complete the task. The mail idea of employer branding is to attract the applicant that have the capacity and ensure that they identify the organisation's mission and vision and then work to produce →

Transformation – the pardoners tale and a simple plan essay sample

Representative of this is the transformation of Chaucer's ' The Pardoners Tale,' a poem composed in the 1300's, arising from a theological society, into the modern film adaption, ' A Simple Plan,' appropriated by Sam Raimi to suit a modern audience of a secular society. This symbolises the colours change in meaning: from love and →

Monolog for bassoon by isang yun music essay

Due to this research Yun was inspired to compose Loyang, a beautifully composed work that incorporated the mood of ancient court music, the sounds of traditional Korean instruments, as well as the principles of Taoism. In The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians Vol.27.

Qualities of a good parent

Another quality of a good parent is being able to listen to the voice of the family members and reacting effectively to their demands. A child who is praised and comforted can cause them to excel in school because of the support system they have at home.

Individual privacy vs. national security

In this research, data has been collected from various sources to show that the PATRIOT Act of 2001 does in fact have merit where National Security is concerned and does not necessarily infringe upon individual privacy unless there is good cause for the Federal agencies involved to use the methods outlined in the law to →

Issues that led to redwan being unmotivated english language essay

In the thick of acquiring to cognize Redwan better, I realised that he was non the kind of male child who looked frontward to analyzing - even when he knew he was taking the PSLE this twelvemonth. I started to measure the possible issues that led to his unmotivated learning behaviour." I am in EM3.

The city state analogy in the republic

In this essay I will examine the structure of Plato's analogy between the soul and the state in order to determine whether it is able to support a meaningful definition of justice in spite of charges of circularity and incoherence that are levelled against it. One interpretation of Plato's argument for the correspondence of the →

Mystery shopper next

The customer was not greeted by any member of staff on entrance to the store and thought the atmosphere was not welcoming as it was dark inside the store. The entrance to the store was clean and tidy and the outside of the store was attractive and inviting to customers.

Optimal power sharing of multiple distributed generators engineering essay

During UPC, the output power of the DG is constantly controlled according to the power reference, whereas during FFC, the power flow in the feeder is manipulated according to the flow reference. The relationship between the frequency and the power output of a DG can be expressed as where is the UPC droop constant, and →

She once had me: the significance of the women in norwegian wood

Naoko herself is a reminder of adolescence and death to Watanabe; her mental instability is a reminder of the suicide of his best friend and therefore, he can only associate her with his past. Hatsumi represents adulthood and the future that Watanabe strives for, but her frustrations with her relationship with Watanabe's dorm mate, Nagasawa, →

“combray” and self

When we encounter the narrator addressing the problems faced by the artist, he notes that " the ingenuity of the first novelist" lay in the realization that a simplification of characters that corresponds to the " suppression" of "' real' people" inevitably makes novels stronger, more effective in conjuring a sympathetic response from a sensitive →

Impact of africa culture and business customs on business management east africa. flashcard

Originally developed on the Coast from a mixture of the African Bantu languages and Arabic, this ancient trading language has become the common language for all the tribes in the area. However this is not the case in the capital cities of the East Africa countries.

The history and effects of child sexual abuse

As cited in Kinnear, child sexual abuse is defined by Fraser as being " the exploitation of a child for the sexual gratification of an adult", whilst Baker and Duncan claim that "[a] child is sexually abused when another person, who is sexually mature, involves the child in any activity which the other person expects →

Psychology paper-swoop effect flashcard

Based on the results from Stroop, Peterson, Brown and Kline I would hypothesize that in this experiment, interference would slow down the reaction time in identifying the ink colours whenever a word that has an association to a colour is present. The improvement of the results with this experiment the second time around might be →

Problems faced by leather sector in pakistan economics essay

The leather and leather made-ups industry plays a significant role in the economy of Pakistan and its share in GDP is 4%. Leather and leather garment industry of Pakistan is confronted with various challenges to survive in international market such as: Absence of high tech quality products and the shortage of skilled manpower to cater →

Labour law, fundamental rights and social europe

This study will critically assess the extent to which the European Court of Justice, in the Laval Quartet series of cases, has struck the correct balance between protecting the right to collective action under EU law and protecting the rights of free movement of services and establishment. Arguably, the interpretations of Articles 43 and 56 →

The special properties of concrete construction essay

The use of admixtures to increase the workability or to accelerate the hardening of the concrete will be permitted when approved by the Engineer. Retarding water-reducers and retarding high range water reducers are used to: Give workability retention to the concrete Delay the setting time of concrete Prevent the formation of cold joints Increase initial →

Analysis of the uv visible spectroscopy biology essay

The selection of the spectroscopy to analysis the sample is depending on what is present in the sample. The absorbance of a sample at a given wavelength is equal to the absorptivity of the substance, path length and concentration of the substance.

Principles of career and life planning assignment

If the disruptive behavior persists, it will be brought to the attention of the Office of Conflict Resolution and Civic Responsibility; and you may be asked to leave the lass permanently. They are to be completed and turned in before or on the last day of class.

Hegel and the problem with identity

Hegel starts off by discussing the consciousness and the ego, which is defined as the recognizing of objects and the identity of the mind respectively, meaning that the two tend to interact with each other to make a mind. Hegel also discusses the free will and the neutral: the free will is defined as something →

Comparative growth essay

Infrastructural investment may involve the government in a series of investment from the government budget as well as subsidizing investment for private businesses and coordinating investment activities since the government is considered to be the prime mover in the development by reinforcing vital strategies in realizing this development. To counter this problem, such countries can →

Merger and acquisitions of multinational enterprises economics essay

As a result of the liberalization measures that lessened governmental control, regulations and trade restrictions, there has been a spurt of M and A activity in the recent past a manifestation of the corporate response to the greater freedom to modernize, expand and diversify. Merger and Acquisition trends and patterns can be theoretically linked to →

Colonialism impact on economic development in indonesia

Such system stimulated great economic changes in Indonesia; moreover, the Cultivation System raised the expertise about the economic potential of the area and led to the capital accumulation and entrepreneurship growth by groups working initially in the system margins. Therefore, in Indonesia the economic development was intensive during the Cultivation System and the period of →

Anabolic steroids: types, applications and implications

The use of anabolic-androgenic steroids is perceived by the media, by segments of the sports medicine and athletic communities, and by the public to have grown to epidemic proportions. Steroids are important in body chemistry and include steroid hormones such as the gonadal or sex steroids, corticosteroids; vitamins of the D group; and the sterols, →

The ideology of positioning schools development

The thoughts of the Positioning School developed during the period when the Planning School were in its dominance and were in many ways extensions of the Planning School constructs.[ 67 ] McKiernan identifies the construct of some of the thoughts that would develop into the Positioning School every bit early as 1933 with the work →

Business strategy of tata consultancy services (tcs)

Tata Group of companies is the largest private corporate group in India and has been recognized as one of the most respected companies in the world which was founded by Jamsedji R Tata in 1991. TCS mainly offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique strategic Global Network Delivery →

Neuromodulation and cognitive rehabilitation: addressing the methodological issue of circadian rhythms

In the last years, it has emerged that the effectiveness and reproducibility of several techniques able to induce neuroplastic changes in humans, such as paired associative stimulation, are influenced by time-of-day of the intervention and subjected to circadian modulation. Circadian rhythms in executive function during the transition to adolescence: the effect of synchrony between chronotype →

Criticality as a signature of healthy neural systems

00166 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Klaus, A, Yu, S, and Plenz, D. 0008982 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Yu, S, Klaus, A, Yang, H, and Plenz, D.

A.v. plants are made of cells. this

The function of an organism as a whole is the outcome of the activities and interactions of the constituent cells. This is the result of formation of a furrow in the centre of the cell.

Hazardous waste managements national and international environmental sciences essay

Further, separate Rules have also been notified in continuation of the above Rules for bio-medical wastes as well as used lead acid batteries Waste CategoriesType of wasteRegulatory QuantitiesWaste Category No 1Cyanide waste1 kilogram's per year calculated as cyanideWaste Category No 2Metal finishing waste10 kilogram's per year the sum of the specified substance calculated as per →

Gender roles in “the house on mango street”

She observes the girls and women living in her neighborhood and begins to internalize the social standing of women compared to that of men. Even though Esperanza was raised in the same culture and community as the other women on Mango Street, she does not wish to follow in the footsteps of the women in →

Electronegativity analysis essay

A polar bond Is a covalent bond In which there Is a separation of charge between one end and the other in other words in which one end is slightly positive and the other slightly negative. The chart shows the patterns of electronegative in Groups 1 and 7.[pick] Explaining the patterns in electronegative The attraction →

Post-operative prevention of pulmonary complications

It can be used to teach the patient how to respond to and control breathing. The patient is then instructed to breathe in slowly and the movement of both thumbs is observed and measured.

Marketing plan for a driving instructor business

The size of the driving instructor industry is massive and has started to become excessive in relation to the supply of instructors. Driving Pass have six goals that we feel are critical in the setting up of their e-business venture and to achieve success.

Consider the unique role of ict to a child’s education and to a child’s learning

Another example, is that of a selection of figures in a spreadsheet, one number can be altered in a table which can show implications for other numbers within the spreadsheet, to do the same using pen and paper, or even a calculator would take much longer and could change the aspect that the children are →

Conflict and anger

Understanding and Handling Anger in the Workplace Effective Ways to Manage Conflict and Anger Conflict and anger in the workplace happens, it happens in every organization, but there are effective ways for you as the employee and the manager to manage it and get control before it gets out of hand. To be able to →

Alfred hitchcock – the master of suspense essay sample

Finally, it will analyze one of the most remarkable senses in Vertigo, discussing how and why suspense is created, and the possible relationship between the main theme and suspense. Suspense takes place when the audience is anxious to know the safety of the characters.

Editorial: pvt1 in cancer

However, PVT1 is much better established to be dysregulated in a wide variety of cancers including plasmacytomas, lymphomas, leukemias, sarcomas, ovarian cancer, breast cancer, lung cancer, astrocytomas, pancreatic cancer, prostate cancer, cholangiocarcinoma, gliomas, medulloblastoma, mesothelioma, colorectal cancer, gastric cancer, hepatocellular carcinoma, thyroid cancer, bladder cancer, renal cell carcinoma, cervical cancer, esophageal cancer, melanoma, endometrial cancer, →

Legislations regarding working conditions law employment essay

In Mauritius, the ERA 2008 and the OSHA 2005 provide for some of the regulations to be respected at work. The ERA 2008[2]provides for the various rights of workers at work and the conditions under which they are subject to work.

Sample research paper on movement in sport: the dead lift

He trains like a power lifter in the total-body exercise.a) Inhale by taking a deep breath before pulling off the floor to increase torso stability and benefit from an increase in strength generation of muscles that lift heavy weights.b) Maintain the bar close to the body in a range of motion c) As one pulls →

Origins and endurance of the taliban

This number appears minuscule in comparison to the ninety percent of Afghanistan the Islamic fundamentalist controlled before the U.S.led an overthrow of the regime in November of 2001, but the Taliban presence significantly expanded after foreign combat troops left the country in 2014. In the context of Afghan history, the Taliban originated out of the →

The problem of harassment in the workplace

I will discuss examples of harassment in the workplace, what needs to be done in order to lower the number of sexual harassment cases, and why people may not want sexual harassment laws to be placed into action. They are ready to take a stand and are ready to share their stories, so the public →

Research trading in dubai economics essay

Owing to the distinct location in the Southwestern part of the Arabian Gulf Dubai can play an active trading role in linking the maritime lines and also it can facilitate the transportation of goods between the east and the west. With the efficiency and increasing capacity of Dubai ports and the efficient transportation facilities to →

Addvertising and promotion assignment

He said, " The only constant is change, continue the change, inevitable change, that is, the dominant taking into account not only the world as it is, but the world as it will be." I think it is important to move towards a blended learning touch in the workforce. The following points helps to function →

The utility- and use–of neurotechnology to recover consciousness: technical and neuroethical considerations in approaching the “hard question” of neuroscience

They generate ethico-legal issues that conjoin other professions and the public in ongoing discourse and deliberation about how such patients are, or should be regarded and treated in both the short- and the long-term, inclusive of current debates about the use of brain-machine interfaces, continuity and quality of care, and the justification of life-sustaining measures. →

Entrepreneurship evolved from economic theory business essay

The essence of the modern firm lies in the specialization of functions." The businessmen" that manage economic activity are, in the strictest sense, both managers and entrepreneurs, the latter in a double sense: the individual businessman and the " corporate entrepreneur" who, without participating significantly in terms of capital, controls the firm. The downside to →

Case study fhe, inc

International Armed Conflict Common Article 2 to the Geneva Conventions of 1949 states that: " In addition to the provisions which will be implemented in peacetime, the present Convention will apply to all cases of declared war or of any other armed conflict which may arise between two or more of the High Contracting Parties, →

Achieving ethical sourcing in the apparel industry

However, with disclosure of labour exploitation in manufacturing plants led to the creation of various labour standards and codes of conducts with the intentions of enhancing the working conditions of apparel workers. However, the development of the Japanese economy saw the increase in the labour cost and production costs which resulted in moving industries such →

Flipkart report

INNOVATIVE SERVICES LAUNCHED BY FLIPKART PREPAID WALLET FEATURE * As a general wallet that is used to store cash in it and allows a person to purchase and enjoy products or services equivalent to the cash amount in it, Flipkart has adopted a prepaid wallet service to its e-commerce website platform that provides customers with →

Performance measurement in health care sector

Suffice to say the health care professionals need to improve the performance measurement system by following a few steps." The trend of new public management has seen the use of performance measurement to drive a more efficient, effective and accountable public sector, the government recognized the need for commitment by National Health Service to deliver →

Social media’s impact on media mediums

With the immense growth of social media as a platform for information, the message in the medium has and will continue to shape the future of media and popular culture for the better due to the people they reach, the associated risks and limitations they highlight, and the effect they can have in the future →