10 Pages Essay Samples


Creditors are faced with the problem of the deficit between the sales price and the stability of the mortgage and its costs. He stated in this speech " Remarks by the president on the home mortgage crisis" that our nation's business finance world is influenced by accessibility to credit, and this was damaged with the β†’

Annotated bibliography example

Serving in the World War II made Kennedy a hero after which he quitted and worked as journalist for a short spell, and later entered into politics where he served in the House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 and the Senate from 1953 to 1961. John F Kennedy become the president of the United β†’

The definitions and concepts of plagiarism english language essay

This paper will cover the definition of plagiarism, the concept and theory, challenges and solution or recommendation to addresses the problem. The question for now is how far is our students get to understand this term and aware about it or they just ignore such banner or seminar that told them about the danger of β†’

Servis shoes

The government of encouraging both import and export that encourages the foreign investors to invest in Pakistan but it is making it difficult for the domestic producers to compete in prices of the product both domestically and internationally. Training is also an important part of the Servis in order to update their employees and achieve β†’

Introduction society. morever, the fundamental position of

The following strategies can be applied in the case and provide solutions of economic problems that in no circumstances must be solved in the same time to help Acehnese people competing in the global economy competition and get a welfare of life.2.1. Beside that, government of Aceh can stimulate the grow of economy following the β†’

Evaluation of the role of human factors in offshore platforms and systems in uk research proposal example

This research revolves around the maturity of offshore companies and their capabilities in managing the human contribution to safety in the development and procurement and development of offshore platforms and systems. Specifically, the study aims to provide a clear means of accessing the status of offshore organizations best practices in applying human factors elements in β†’

Research paper about lockers

Statement of the Problem The main purpose of this research is to help the students know the significance of a simple storage box they call as locker. Objectives of the Research TO determine the importance Of lockers for students To know the students' opinion regarding the improvement of lockers Significance of the Research This research β†’

Fourth generation antibiotic and antibacterial drugs biology essay

The increasing figure of studies about emerging multi-drug immune bacteriums and the deficiency of truly new categories of antibacterial drugs suggest that we may confront the beginning of a post-antibiotic epoch. Until the beginning of 1943, production of penicillin was still limited, but the intervention of soldiers began and by the terminal of the twelvemonth β†’

Example of have current conditions of the digital age rendered current copyright laws obsolete essay

According to the United States copyright office, " It is a principle of American law that an author of a work may reap the fruits of his or her intellectual creativity for a limited period of time.". His argument is representative of the discussion that is unfolding in the office of legislatures, the coffee shops β†’

Tourism industry essay sample

On the other hand, when a country is always a tourists' destination, the country will be noted for their tourism industry. The third way is to make sure the cleanliness and the beauty of the country.

Malaysian airline system

By the end of the year the airline was flying to Jakarta, Palembang, Bangkok, Medan, and Saigon. 1960s Independence Following Malaysia's political establishment in September 1963 - the new country comprised the former states of Malaya and Singapore, and the one-time colonies of North Borneo, Sabah, and Sarawak - Malayan Airways became Malaysian Airways and β†’

What fast fashion is, and to know which factor influence fast fashion?

1 Chapter summary The purpose of this chapter is to know what fast fashion is, and to know which factor influence fast fashion.1. Consumer has become more ' fashion', ' smart' and intends to fashion and appearance for longer, so the size of the fashion product is increasingly in market.

Energy efficiency into property valuation construction essay

The certainty and grounds that the extra sum of money invested to accomplish a more efficient edifice consequences in a higher belongings value, will act upon investing determinations and promote more important investings.= Most Operable Integration of Energy Efficiency into the German ' Ertragswertverfahren ' As of today, the most operable manner to incorporate energy β†’

Autonomous guided vehicle report sample

The AGVS movements are controlled with high degree of precision in terms of acceleration and deceleration and this reduce the potential of damaging the products. Features in a facility are geo coded and this information is incorporated in the computer system of the AGVS.

Restaurant industry analysis

It will also address the importance of the restaurant industry to the economy as well as the history of the restaurant industry and ethical issues surrounding the business. Purpose The purpose of this report is to show the team that this industry could benefit from the services that are offered at the agency and to β†’

Abrams resisted (abrams & sattar, 2017). while first

While acquiring such life skills is often what is the perceived and intended purpose of labor, the reality of prison employment rehabilitation programs is different." The Economist" recently reported in an article titled Prison labor is a billion dollar industry that private manufacturing companies profit billions a year off of the captive labor of inmates. β†’

Most more familiar form almost immediately after the

A history of the vast networkof labour camps that were once scattered across the length and breadth of theSoviet Union, from the islands of the White Sea to the shores of the Black Sea, from the Arctic Circle to the plains of central Asia, from Murmansk to Vorkutato Kazakstan, from central Moscow to the Leningrad β†’

Free report about public relations in action

The use of public relations during the discovery of the New World has been documented and according to historical recounts, public relation promotions, often exaggerated, were used to lure people into settling into the newly discovered habitable settlements and to gather funds for the relocation of the new settlers and building the necessary infrastructures and β†’

Manual for instructional techniques and methods essay

To be able to retain more information in a lecture, the participants or the students have to employ active listening skills, to try to anticipate the teacher's framework for the particular lecture session and to also use the opportunity to have an interaction with the material used. Related researchIn a study comparing the effectiveness of β†’

Exploring the antimicrobial properties of actinobacteria isolated from soil samples essay

The intent of this survey was to research the antimicrobic belongingss of actinobacteria isolated from dirt samples collected from the baby's room of VIT University, Tamil Nadu India. The isolates obtained were purified and screened for their antimicrobic activities Muller Hinton Agar was used for testing the antimicrobic activity of Actinomycetes utilizing agar good diffusion β†’

Ready made garment industry of bangladesh

The experiments simulate a full phase-out of the MFA quotas, as well as a reduction of import tariffs in the textile and clothing sector. Bangladesh's RMG sector is concentrated both in regards to export products and export markets: the concentration of products is much higher than for India and China, two important competitors on international β†’

Genetically modified organisms

The corn, soybeans, beef, and pork all connected together because the farmer grows the corn and soybeans and takes some of it to COOP and puts the rest of the bin and feeds it to his livestock so they can gain weight and take them to the sale barn and sell them. That semen contains β†’

Role of acidifier in poultry biology essay

The simplest procedure of agitation is the transition of sugar to breastfeed, and many lactobacilli, streptococcus, lactococci and enterococci in the presence of sugar. Organic acids can move as antimicrobic agent both in the provender and in the GIT of the bird.

Essay summary of mystic monk coffee

Snowin June was not unheard of in Wyoming, but the late 2009 snowfall and the bright glow of the rising sun made him cons ider the opposing forces accompanying change and how he might best prepare his monastery to achieve his vision of creating a new Mount Carmel in the Rocky Mountains. The Wyoming Carmelite β†’

Pizza hut project pakistan

The main purpose of this project is to study the Principals of managements and the implements of the rules and other things that we studied in course principals of Management on Telecommunication Company " Telenor". Chicken Tikka A specially developed recipe for Pakistan topped with chicken tikka and onions chicken tikka is widely used pizza β†’

Tobacco industry analytic

The barriers to entry in the tobacco industry are initially low and it is easy for small local and regional companies to enter into the market, but the barriers to enter the market nationally are very high. Threats: Companies in the tobacco industry such as Altria and R.J.

The effect on women in afghan society in a thousand splendid suns

He is best know for works such as The Kite Runner and A Thousand Splendid Suns that explore the hardships of living in Afghanistan during the Soviet Invasion and Taliban regime. This paper will discuss the life and work of Khaled Hosseini with special emphasis on the effect on women in Afghan society in the β†’

Twelfth night – feste’s self

This is the first scene that he is present in and he immediately proves Olivia to be a 'fool'. So, it is possible that Feste was the voice of Shakespeare, and if Shakespeare wanted to make the audience happy, for dramatic effect or other, then he might use Feste to sing a song.

Self destruction in dr faustus and macbeth english literature essay

After digesting monarchal turbulency and the destructive effects of the Reformation, the 1580s to the 1600s in England were characterised by warring spiritual and political cabals, economicadversityand menace of foreign invasions, apparent in events such as the executing of Mary Queen of Scots in 1587 and the subsequent launch of the Spanish Armada in 1588. β†’

Bram stoker`s dracula

Bram Stoker's celebrated novel Dracula advocates love and faith as the greatest of life's virtues; however, the quest for these values and virtues is made through a labyrinth of sexual and misogynistic experiences and events which serve to enhance the moral ambiguities of Stoker's Gothic masterpiece. Further as a psychological lambaste against the Oedipus complex β†’

Evaluative analysis of “barn burning”

In this case, the actions of the father always mould the situation of the family for he was the source of strength, weaknesses, failure, and success of everyone that gives unpredicted experience in each of the family members." Barn Burning" is a story of a family who was being deprived in their society. Abner wanted β†’

Critical essay of de bottons consolations of philosophy critical thinking examples

Introduction This thesis will be limited to a critical analysis of Alain de Botton's book, The Consolations of Philosophy; of the year 2000 which introduced a new perspective not only to the study of philosophy but also its application in our day to day lives. This implies that the book is unlike traditional philosophical works β†’

Dante’s inferno notes

This is the image inspiring Dante's depiction of Capaneus as a large figure appearing in the defeated pose of the blasphemers, flat on their backs Ser Brunnetto Latino = Round Three- Violence Against Nature One of the most important figures in Dante's life and in the Divine Comedy, Brunetto Latini is featured among the sodomites β†’

The role of the supernatural in the tempest

Magic is the heart of " The Tempest" and controls things in the play. Prosperous magic is white in nature and restricted by the nature of the island itself and the people who live there." The Tempest" is not about dark evil magic, but instead a natural supernaturalism analyzed through gaga.

Free literature review on the value of information

The more societies continue to make a living as a result of manipulation of information, the more people will be caught in a continued struggle of reducing the information overloads in their lives in the quest of reducing the uncertainty of what to do. In the process of selection and compression of information, some of β†’

Example of price based instruments report

Considering the pollution of the waters and soil of the basin, reduction of the count of flora and fauna in the basin is bare, hence the resultant inefficient performance of the basin. Overexploitation of the resources especially the forest and the aquatic, precisely the fish leads to gradual decrement of the basin's potential to offer β†’

Olympics essay examples

Olympics have also contributed to the development of socially excluded groups in the host community and hence has done great service to the mankind.' In Sydney Games it was an explicit aim to encourage the participation of indigenous peoples in the preparation and staging of the Games through artistic, ceremonial and sporting activities. This clearly β†’

Usas tax reform research paper example

Issue: For the economic development and well-being of the Americans, should tax reform that focuses on tax cut be introduced by the Obama administration? Tax reformers also aim at the overall reduction in the rate of taxation of the Americans by the government.

Example of essay on origins of tools

The main stages of the development can be defined in the following order: simple tools, accumulation of tools, sophisticated tools; the actuation of the complex tools by single engine - human hands, bringing these tools into action by the forces of nature; machine; system of machines having one motor; the machine system having automatic engine. β†’

Ricardo, smith and petty on taxation research papers examples

The paper focuses on the impact of the taxation on the individual and the economy based on the views of these economic scholars. The landlord was expected to bear the burden of the tax in the form of a reduction of nominal rent and a decrease in the real purchasing power of rent.

Example of future of wireless networks report

With software radios, nearly all functions that are found in a radio system, from coding and the frequencies of the physical layer and media access layer will be determined and changed while in real-time by the software that have been installed and running in the radio. There are is a need to define standards that β†’

How accurate is this statement in relation to the development

It is therefore possible that the visual change in the sixties was indeed down to The Beatles and they were " a catalyst for much of the change that occurred during the 1960s". The effect that Bob Dylan had on The Beatles was incredible as they began to reference him in their songs, such as β†’

The aetiology, symptoms and pathogenicity of tuberculosis essay examples

Other people at a higher risk of contracting the disease are people living with HIV/AIDS being that the highest rates of infection are in the developing world. Further, statistics shows that the number of TB infection is high in the developing world among people in the correctional facilities.

Metabolism and digestion of p falciparum critical thinking examples

The merozoites invade the RBCs of the host; starting the blood stage of infection. This assignment therefore seeks to explore the way in which metabolism and physiology of the parasite has evolved to allow for the digestion and the atypical processes which have been employed in the development of 4-aminoquinoline drugs.

How bp failed at crisis communication

BP? s webpage informed the general public about the will and devotion of the company and how hard they are trying to minimize the environmental damage or help the people affected; while not mentioning a word about the fact that BP takesresponsibilityfor the disaster. Roach, journalist from the magazine Rock Products has made a very β†’

Personal reflection on learning and communicating online course

In this personal reflection I will discuss the extent in which my knowledge of the online environment has grown, and the factors in which have contributed to the development of my unit and course goals. At the beginning of this unit I was unsure of what skills I would need to succeed in my course β†’

Business communication essay sample

Communication is purposeful Imparting and sharing information a two-way process conveying of ideas attitude and feelings Symbols and language of communication must be clearly understood by both the sender and the receiver. Communication process Communication takes effect in a web of continuous process as it has been observed that 70% an active human beings life β†’

Cellular mobile system capacity influenced by handoff protection strategies

ABSTRACT: Today, there is a large number of mobile user groups and In that, the need of service of mobile user group plays a great dispute on the utilization of bandwidth. This proposal reveals the impact of protection, which is used to improve the strength of the capacity of cellular mobile systems.

Analytical s essays examples

Politics of Nature and Culture West et al.emphasized on the importance of protected areas, in that those serve the interests of environmental conservation efforts, particularly those that are deemed fragile and vulnerable to known threats to the environment. The fact that globalization entails the erosion of natural states is a threat that justifies the establishment β†’

My personal leadership philosophy research paper sample

King I am able to learn the principles and the techniques of a great leader, then I too can become a great leader. There are a lot of problems in a team, and the leader should be able to identify all of them.

Human resources – communication leadership

The figure above illustrates a communication triangle comprising of a sender, a receiver and, the message. When in a process of listening, the person should tune out other thoughts and memories of people to avoid distraction.

Interpersonal communication report

In order to build upon my current relationships and having the requisite skills needed to create new relationships in the future the areas in which I specifically need to focus are actively listening, controlling my emotions and recognizing and embracing diversity. While becoming complacent in my interpersonal relationships, I feel that I have lost a β†’

Good example of research paper on autism

Autism is a disorder that is experienced in the development of the neural system. The alteration also occurs in the organization and connection of the synapses and the nerve cells in the transmission of information.

Cover memo research paper

Since I was arguing for the positive impacts of the internet to friendships, the thesis needed to be precise and articulate. The invention of the mobile phones with access to the internet and the smart phones have seen that event the remotest areas have access to the internet.

Analysis of the clerk’s tale: the impact of walter’s and griselda’s marriage

The tale itself is a mirror of the social strata in the Middle Ages: the elite royalty and nobility, the small stratum of merchants, and the large section of the laity. On Griselda Griselda is obviously the " weaker" character in comparison to Walter, considering that she is from the lowest social class and a β†’

Composition 2

The murder of Hamlet by his bloody hands is the event that ignites the drama that unfolds afterwards and is a perfect example of using murder as a means to a desired goal; this time, the goal was the Danish crown as well as King Hamlet's young wife, Gertrude. 21 Mar.2013." The Role of Fortinbras β†’

How your character will grow english literature essay

I turned and face her, I was about to say something but then the door opens to my room. Maybe it's just me but the hallways seem to be narrowing." Yvette was she in the bathroom?" I asked.

Wuthering heights reading log

This is important because much of the conflict up to this point has stemmed from Heathcliff's anger at Edgar taking Catherine from him, and in his struggle to win her back from him. That will be a prompt way of finishing all, when I am pushed to extremity! " Within this scene, Catherine is venting β†’

Celeste mohan

Aric Sigman, Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology, and a Master of Science degree in The Neurophysiological Basis of Behaviour stated that " With parents caught up with iPads, laptops and other electronics, they leave the parenting up to the television this is known as " passive parenting" which is now being considered a form β†’

Gender, power, and economics in king lear

Delany suggests that the division of Lear's kingdom is symbolic of the emergence of capitalism and the decline of feudalism, and that the tragic ending of the play shows Shakespeare's " attachment to traditional and aristocratic values, combined with a distaste of the fear of the acquisitive, unscrupulous bourgeois values.that are taking its place". He β†’

Cultural conflict and identity crisis english literature essay

Set in the of Umuaro at the start of the twentieth century, the novel tells the story of Ezeulu, a cheif Priest of Ulu. He weaves flok tales in to the fabric of his stories illuminating community values in both the content and the form of the story telling.

The classical and romantic eras english literature essay

Beethoven composed some of his most important works during the last decade of his life; it was a time in which he was quite unable to hear. The greatest music composed for Ludwig van Beethoven, was in the last years of his life.

By close examination of three soliloquies, discuss hamlet’s changing

The language and punctuation used, along with the imagery created, help to convey his state of mind, each giving the audience a little more insight into his character; Shakespeare really allows the audience to relate to Hamlet in this way, which is clearly evident in the soliloquies. The idea of sleep in this soliloquy is β†’

Consumerism consuming society

Aldous Huxley experienced the rise in the sales market and saw the negative influence that it had on society as consumerism began to dominate people's lives; consequently, Huxley wrote Brave New World to depict an exaggeration of the world if society continued to participate in mass consumerism. Society in the 1920s wrongly fixated over the β†’

Professor maureen edison

Hamlet would be able to see the real side of his Uncle. Hamlet had to put his life on the line for Denmark to punish Claudius.

The theme of childhood and the process english literature essay

In this poem, the point of view is very much that of a child speaking to the author and thinking in his head, " he knew a lot of time: he knew". In the poem after the boy does " Something Very Wrong" the poet uses uppercase letters to accentuate the importance of the event β†’

Your love is not enough english literature essay

The Performance of a Lifetime: Chapter three talks about the performance of a lifetime which boils down to the fact that men have a sense of insecurity and the fear of messing up. The chapter speaks about how important sex is to men and how a lot of women do not realize how important it β†’

The palace of illusion english literature essay

Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni retells the great epic from the point of view of Draupadi, who is the central character in Mahabharata." The Mahabharata in its current form has eighteen sections, of which the first section establishes the content of rivalry between the Pandavas and the Kauravas. With regard to her desired audience, she attaches a β†’

Management and organisational behaviour nursing essay

Mallory was given three months to focus on the areas that the review indicated needed the most improvement and I increased my coaching and support, assisting her develop goals and plans and working closely with the school-based committee, to whom Mallory also reported, to refine the role and assist Mallory and the school committee understand β†’

The clinical environment regarding teaching practice nursing essay

McBrien says that students find it difficult to adjust to a new clinical environment and this adjustment makes students feel anxious and scared, and affects students' participation in their learning process.states that the fundamental role of the mentor is to promote a sense of belongingness according to the third level of Maslow's hierarchy. The basic β†’

Summative assignment on learning disabilities scenario

Nursing and Midwifery Council states that nurses have a duty of care to act in the best interests of their patients and work with other' s to protect and promote health and wellbeing to those in care, their families and the wider community. It is important that James's care needs are taken into consideration and β†’

The health and wellbeing assignment nursing essay

It also aims to acknowledge the inequities and social injustices surrounding adolescents engaging in the activity and will endeavor to explore strategies aiding parents, educators and the entire school community address these issues to ensure all students attain the necessary support to develop as young adults. The inequity surrounding lack of knowledge and teaching of β†’

Introduction of personal development planning nursing essay

Some of the main characteristics of the managers is to do critical analysis of the requirements of the department along with the end objectives of the organisation. Almost all the lessons during the module enhanced my understanding about this field and assisted me in setting goals for developing the required set of capabilities so that β†’

Music therapy in nursing practice

The title of the article is appropriate as it clearly identifies the dependent and independent variables, population of interest, and intervention. If not, what are the limitations of the study?

War of the worlds

The shots used consist of a birdseye view- of the damage, the pit and the crowd surrounding it- a high angle shot to make the people look small and helpless, these shots are used to show the crowd's fear and curiosity as the seconds to the climax of the scene become less and less. The β†’

Good example of sleeping with the enemy essay

However, the ethical backgrounds of the events in the lives of common people dictate many elements about the relations of the people with their environments. In this context, the paper describes how the film shapes the audience's perception of psychological of health of the family and the society.

Good essay on methods

The theory of face-work was used as the conceptual framework of the study and the conversations were examined to identify how characters saved their face and protect the face of the persons they are having the conversation with. The conversations of Ian and Sam before and after Ian's knowledge of the accident were chosen because β†’

The story of bonnie and clyde in oklahoma: an introduction

The third man entered the dance hall and joined in the festivities, while Barrow and Hamilton remained in their stolen car, sharing a bottle of whiskey. Clyde and Bonnie dropped out of the limelight for a time but surfaced again in Texas.

The themes and ideas of spirited away

The power of a name is that it is the one word that defines a person, and although Chihiro had lost that by becoming Sen, she needed to hold onto that in order to remember the qualities that make her who she truly is. These qualities are very similar to that of a child, as β†’

Characteristics of the classic monster movie

And, while many things can be said about the monster movie as a genre, the monster movie can be taken apart and illuminated to pick out the three core, salient characteristics found in all movies of the genre: the type of monster, the psychological aspect of the monster, and the plot of the movie, or, β†’

United states vs midwest solvent recovery environmental sciences essay

The fire caused the coevals of toxic exhausts and caused a big figure of the 55-gallon membranophones to rocket up to 250 pess in the air. The transportation of licenses is referred to as a trade.

Essay about the education in the united states

This study examines profound aspects of education financing in the United States in regards to the role of education, its significance for the country's development, the reason for the huge gap between the expenditures on education and those of the military, and how that affects education system in the country. Therefore, this study is significant β†’

A policy brief of nsa reform essay

Some of the provisions made in the act included the allowance of investigators to use the tools previously used against terrorism to investigate organized crime as well as the facilitation of information sharing and cooperation among government agencies. Currently, the bill that is in question in the senate regarding this issue of NSA surveillance is β†’

Gender wage gap: economic effects

Research suggests the most important reasons supporting the elimination of wage discrimination toward women are; it would help the government out of its fiscal crisis, give a boost to the economy and bring about decreased resentment among coworkers resulting in positive change with in corporate America. Many Americans are oblivious to the problem and find β†’

Free essay on the decision making process

There were key players that took part especially in decision making in the invasion of Panama by the United States and they are the military, the intelligence, the president, the presidential advisors and the National Security Council. Greenwood Publishing, 2006.

Chapter 1 american political culture

In your own words, list and describe the authors' points with this decline.a) One area that affects our country is the growing apathy about the political structure and the continuing declining participation in the political process. The necessity of Political Knowledge relates to the economic structure due to the fact that most people do not β†’

3m business analysis iii

3M Business Analysis III Steve Phelps MGT/521 April 23, 2012 3M Business Analysis III To answer the question of how current economic trends are affecting 3M and what strategies 3M is using to adapt to the those economic trends, it is necessary to understand what the current state of the United States economy is, then β†’

Abu ghraib torture: deemed unacceptable research paper example

The torture that occurred in Abu Ghraib was immoral and bad, completely representing the fact of all torture as bad because of the proof of what happened at that prison. From Geneva to Abu Ghraib: The normalization and justification of the Bush torture policies.

The amperometric cholesterol sensors biology essay

The reductionreaction is part of the redox reactionwhich occurs in the solution. An enzymatic sensor has a few disadvantageslike that the activity of an enzyme decreasesbecause of the use and the sensor response isdependent of the temperature and pH.

Early detection of basal stem rot biology essay

A disruption to the photosynthesis of the palm oil plant has been investigated [4] due to the severity of BSR infections which among those symptoms of BSR are wilting of the leaves and plant malnutrition. However, the objective is to detect the presence of such BRS in Palm Oil Stem.

Dead end and cross flow operation biology essay

Thus, an increase in the composition of carboxylatedpolysulfone in the blend increase the hydrophilicity of the membrane and hence a higher flux has been seen for membranes with higher composition of carboxylatedpolysulfone. The pure water permeability of membranes is a water content function and is relevant to the void the membrane volume.

Cost effectiveness on public health intervention biology essay

The Clinical assessment of RTS, S malaria vaccine in adults started in the United States in 1992, and in Africa in the year 1998. In order to get a better idea of the cost effectiveness of the RTS, S malaria vaccine, we need to have more details about the vaccine which would be available in β†’

A major predisposition of atopic dermatitis biology essay

This shows that even though, the central role of filaggrin in the formation of tough CE is generally accepted, it should be looked with caution as an initiation factor of pathogenesis of AD as up to 40% of patients with null FLG mutation do not have clinical evidence of AD and has a normal phenotype β†’

Calpain mediated proteolysis of polycystin biology essay

To determine whether the degradation of PC1-CT is caused by calpains in vitro, GST-PC1-CT was reacted with - and m-calpain at the different calcium concentrations. GST-PC1-CT- PEST was incubated with graded concentrations of - and m-calpain.