1 Page Essay Samples

Manager marketing manager

Mission To be one of the top pet shop that brings the most high quality and effective services In the Malaysia. We want to deliver a quality services so that customer will believe in us. We are not just gaining profit, we are also gaining trust to our customer and love to the β†’

Distribution center, warehouse, and plant location

This generally means that the company needs to minimize costs but maximize the chance of meeting the company's needs. Discuss how population can be viewed as both a market for goods and a source of labor? The population is one of the characteristics that affect labor and how the goods can be sold. It may β†’

Discuss how intel changed ingredient-marketing history

Other than Cisco, let's compare and contrast Intel and Cisco in their business to business markets with customers. According, to Wall Street Daily, " Cisco is the world's leading supplier of data networking equipment and software.

Samsung mobile (marketing mix)

It has Samsung Guru Segment for rural areas as well as Galaxy segment for urban areas. Rural: - It has a better brand Image In rural market.- Samsung recently tied up with the Indian Farmers Fertilizer Cooperative. After segmenting the market based on the different groups and classes, the targets β†’

Marketing mazda case

Mazda gave a major push to the Protog on the Internet Including several fun actively and games, this Internet marketing made a huge success. The slogan and advertisements gave the audience a impression of the sporty, fun-to-drive Mazda. This new phrase not only perfectly describe the sporty theme of Mazda, but also more β†’

Create and market a brand

For one to ensure that their marketing strategies reflect their brands is by the uses of relevant and the valuable information that will attract the potential customers to buying the products that are in the market. If this is done in a collective manner it will on the other side engage the company's target that β†’

Promotional strategies for kit kat

I would refresh and rejuvenate the pack design rather than re-invent it because it is not necessary for loyal consumers to appreciate a pack transformation. To really get creative with the pack design I would replace the brand name with seasonal messages as well. For example, on Mother's day I will design the packs creatively β†’

Marketing strategy models

Brand positioning map This model allows marketers to visualize a brand's relative position in the market place by plotting consumer perceptions of the brand and competitor brands against the attributes that drive purchase. Customer Lifetime Value Customer Lifetime Value is the concept used to assess what a customer is worth, eased on the present value β†’

Marketing mix: westin hotels and resorts

Its style includes more of a relaxed kind of fun that is in extremely distant from the noise and the pressure of a city life filled with diverse groups of people. This market involves people who are probably tired of life in the city - the noise and the pressure of interaction with a diversified β†’

Contemporary marketing

A dual distribution channel will allow us to get products to our targeted market through more marketing channels. We have chosen to switch to a dual distribution channel because we are aiming to get our product to users as quickly as possible. We would also like to expand to a more public online β†’

Marketing and long-term goals

What should she do now? Gilchrest should now focus on the issues brought on to her from adopting this new many and from there, after dealing with the issues in a successful manner, will be able to establish her long-term goals.5. Should she immediately move to make the company more market-oriented?

Batna case (anyco) essay sample

AnyCo's board of directors is committed to maintaining the company's current capital costs, and is attracted to this opportunity because it returns nearly the same operating profit as its current business in the US. However, the company's managers want to diversify the offshore distribution strategy in order to maximize penetration.

Quintessentially nationalistic products

Although this is far from the truth, the brand continues to evoke such ideas with its careful use of Red, White, and Blue along with the inclusion of a horseshoe in the logo. Quintessentially Non-Nationalistic Products With regards to three products that are noticeably non-nationalistic in origin, this analysis has chosen to examine Pepperidge β†’

The perfect customer service model

After looking over the customer service model I would use what I thought I would want to receive as a customer calling in for help. For instance if I had a customer call I would like to greet them warmly and get right to the point as to what the problem β†’

Marketing of nike

It is the leading retail marketer of sport apparel, athletic shoes and a major manufacturer of sporting equipments in the world. Nowadays, besides selling sportswear, Nikkei also Involves In selling of casual and fashion footwear In order to Inc erase its consumer networks coverage. To distributing its products, Nikkei is operating own outlets β†’

Online marketing 6656

The internet application called the world wide Web is one of the technological tools that is making a significant impact on marketing. The WWW also provides a quick way to link employees to remote offices that may need to formulate and develop marketing plans and strategies.


People want to know your value and ethics demonstrated by how you treat employees, the community in which you operate." Discuss the concept of social responsibility marketing and how It Impacts both companies and consumers. Marketing By Ackerman which you operate." Discuss the concept of social responsibility marketing and how it impacts both companies and β†’

Selling v/s marketing

Objectives ; To find prospective customers ; To convert these prospects to customers ; To keep them as satisfied customers Difference between selling and marketing Selling Emphasis is on the product Company Manufactures the product first Management is sales volume oriented Planning is short-run-oriented in terms of today's products and markets Stresses β†’

Letter to client

While this concept may be new to you, the need of having an accurate information of where to locate the fish is always vital to fishing experience. We get our fishing report from Lake Michigan Captains from Milwaukee, Wisconsin all the way to Portage, Indiana and these reports provide the most accurate information on where β†’

Marketing audit analysis of bmw

Internal Marketing Audit Internal auditing, as defined by the Institute of Internal Auditors , is " an independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organization's operations. It helps an organization accomplish its objectives by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, β†’

Cottle india

Its product are not more popular in rural areas and semi urban area, so it has change to expand its business and product awareness in rural area with help of increase percentages advertising and promotions. Threats: l. Other two strong competitors have a good reputation in markets and Cattle has threats β†’

Variables: marketing and groups

Demographic: dividing the market into groups based on demographic variables *consumer needs, wants and usage rates often vary closely with demographic variables Groups: age and life-cycle stage, gender, income, family size, income, occupation, education, religion, nationality Egg different products and appeals to different target:; gender for clothes; income for luxury goods 3. Cryptographic: β†’

Experiments in democracy and globalization

The two concepts also differ in the individuals that they benefit because while free trade benefits established traders in the global market such as multinational corporations, fair trade benefits marginalized economic players, especially in less developed countries. While liberalization such as lowering of tariffs and elimination of trade barriers characterize free trade, fair trade identifies β†’

Competitive advantage

Barnes & Noble is the industry leader in the book industry. Due to the size of the company the firm is in a better position to offer lower prices.

Developing a product

The process takes a lot of people to consider and reconsider a lot of matters before a product is developed. It also takes a lot of time and money to produce a product that would definitely make it in the market and provide profit for the company.

Principles of marketing

The other stakeholders include Feeding America, the National Network of Food Banks apart from volunteers who give their support for the cause. Primary beneficiaries of SPFB are the person in need of food which is channeled through other NGOs and churches working towards the benefit of the society. As most of the programmes are done β†’

Global business situation and opportunity analysis

XXXX, XXXX The of XXXXX Dear Members of the Panel RE: Presentation on Kraft Foods Inc in relation to its global business situation and opportunity analysis I would like to take this opportunity and introduce my presentation on Kraft Food Inc in relation to their situation in the global business arena and the opportunities β†’

Readymade consumer decision making

The spine board looks excellent and is marked like a ruler, the design that stands out as the most unique feature of the magazine. Research should have been done to determine the likes and dislikes of consumers. Maybe they had a great idea, but assessing the market ensures that improvements are made to the product β†’

Example of south africa and sony case study

There is a need to undertake important analysis of the new market that an organization is interested in entering and understand the way that market operates. From the research, it is clear that South Africa is a country where most of the population is below the poverty line.

Health care marketing

The similarities between the two include that both are healthcare measures, and may appeal to people of all socio-economic statuses, but not all can afford them. Prudent and effective designing of the marketing materials for the two requires the marketers to consider the factors that appeal to the audience belonging to the high and the β†’

Value strategies

Visiting their stores to buy the iPhone 4s gives the customer a no-pressure and stimulating experience, as the staff gives them practical help on products. Interaction via the iPhone 4s is multi-faceted, and thus Apple took the wise decision by sticking to building a good product and leaving the service section to AT&T.

Impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media

The impact of newspaper in the age of electronic media Today many can say that electronic media is ruling the whole news arena. When we watch TV news, one can easily switch the channel with remote, the impact of what we saw in the news channel may easily be diverted In β†’

Counterfeit luxury brands and high-status consumers

However, Giffen goods and inferior goods might not be interpreted as an effect in the consumer choices under this construct because such consumers with a willingness to purchase counterfeit luxury brands think only of the potential social status and not the genuine economic welfare associated with the good. As a result, those consumers tend to β†’

Cadburys gorilla advertisement

This commercial would be used to describe the following key communications/public relations elements (target audience, research, analysis, communications planning, and evaluation) that one believes the company may have discussed and why. Key Public Relations Elements Target Audience: All chocolate lovers whose lives are touched and enlivened by the elation associated with eating chocolates. Research: β†’

Summaries of the articles

Evaluating Opportunities in the Changing Market Environment This article is generally about the marketing environmentand how it affects businesses. Therefore, this article is relevant in helping me confirm the things that I have learnt about the business environment.

E-marketing study notes

Owned Media: carrycommunicationmegs from the org to net users on owned channels Paid media: properties owned by others who are paid to carry promotional megs Earned media: when Individual's conversations become the channel Media type Definition: Examples: The role Benefits Challenges Owned Channel a β†’

Target marketing

Therefore, it is important to understand the market target of particular products such as Pradaxa. It is important to identify the age of your market so as to avoid targeting the wrong age. It is prudent to assess the strength and weakness of your competitors and try to find a mechanism that can be different β†’

How our customers buy the product

According to Grewal , this process is invaluable because it provides a comprehensive outlook of potential markets and clients and acts as a yardstick for moving forward. A potential employer should feel that I am ready to make a positive contribution to the company and enable it to realize its goals, vision, and targets. β†’

Example of director of international marketing essay

The DIM will be in-charge of the execution of the marketing plan and is to create the DIM core team to base in the headquarters that will manage the network of country marketing groups. This will include contacts and potential leads directory that will build the international network data base. Lastly, the DIM will facilitate β†’

Example of modernity literature review

Introduction In Consumption and Cosmopolitanism: Practicing Modernity at the Second-Hand Marketplace in Nuku'alofa, Tonga, and Niko Besnier argues that it is possible for anyone to assert or articulate a modern self or enact modernity, not just wealthy elites or high ranking individuals in the society. The fea markets attract types of customers across β†’

Green marketing

1 Specific: Specifically the study seeks to answer the level of green marketing In terms of green awareness, green price, green product features and green promotion among selected establishments in Bona City and the level of customers buying behavior Indicating the factors affecting their buying decision. The study also seeks to answer If there Is β†’

American marketing association

They are the most credible marketing resource were you can stay current in the knowledge of marketing, training, marketing tools, enhance learning of valuable information and connections. So learning management Is one of the resolvability of being a marketer.

Marketing strategy for the hamilton beach toaster company

Moreover, the company is going to identify competing toasters in the market and try to adjust the features of their products to a level that the competing brands do not have. By repositioning the company products, the company will be able to set a unique identity in the customer's minds.

Ikea consumer and organisational behaviour

Consumers' Level of Involvement and IKEA's Marketing Plan The perceived level of risk of consumers is high when it comes to buying furnishing products therefore, consumer involvement level is high. Perceived Risk It has affected IKEA's marketing plan in the following way. Post Purchase Evaluation at IKEA and its Impact on Marketing Plan β†’

Preparing a critique for the short story the doll’s house

The author succeeds in establishing the connection between the upper class and the lower session with a " lamp'. The lamp stands for peace.


Experience related to Education One of the incidences that I have encountered in the of my education is the treatment of individuals of different races being treated with contempt by Native Americans. As one of the goals of education, the role of culture diversity is to ensure that total integration of all races, classes, genders β†’

Process analysis

This paper explores the process of applying to overseas universities. The application process begins by conducting a research, a comprehensive and explorative one, before a decision on an application. The student should then research on the chosen university's application method, choose his or her preferred college, and apply according to the university's approved method. Research β†’

Wallet and your identity

Wallet and Identity The contents of a wallet say a great deal about someone's identity because the items in someone's wallet are of extreme importance to them. People may think that I am a shopaholic, but I would not consider myself to be so.

A small descriptive story

The Great Wall of China remains in the annals of past and present history as a grandiose marvel of man's innovative capacity. Despite, sections of the Great Wall giving way to wear and tear, much of it stands as a testament to China's rich culture, military strength and architectural innovation. Work Cited UNESCO." The β†’

Word journal on the bluest eyes

Instruction: Task: Alcoholism and family abuse The book The Bluest Eye has a number of themes which include alcoholism and family abuse, seeing versus being seen, the power of stories, sexual initiation and abuse, satisfying appetite versus suppressing them, season and nature, and dirtiness and cleanliness. This essay will look at alcoholism and family abuse β†’


Though their disillusion with the government hugely influences their active participation into the voting process they are not totally disinterested as shown in 2012 election where two-third had backed Obama! It is not as though the young people do not take part in the political activities or have strong opinion about burning social issues. Even β†’


The clear explanations that the instructor gave have served to make me a better writer. I think my judgment was right for most students. That said, I feel very comfortable with my judgment, especially because I wrote both negative and positive sides of the story and clarified my views.

The effects of global warming

The Effects of Global Warming The issue of global warming poses damaging effects that could threaten not only the sustainability of the environment but also all aspects of human life. Furthermore, human health and safety are also likely to be affected with the detrimental effects of global warming.

Summary and analysis

If we go through Gustav Klimt's artwork, we find certain paintings, of which two that may be being described by the poetess are the " Beeches" and " The Bride". The poetess describes the bliss of presence of flesh, and the grief of the absence in actuality.

Responding to visuals

There are no other special images in the picture except some cartoons that are printed on a girl's T-shirt. The overall message of the picture is the children's happiness, and the source of that happiness. However, a keen eye sees some smoke in the background, which may point toward smoke of pollution or smoke of β†’

Question 7

Communication on this platform is not guided by the conventional stipulations, but it bases communication on personal relationships of the parties involved- as such borrowing from this style impacts formal communication. What steps will you take to prevent this from occurring? In order to prevent this influence adequate preparation should be carried before indulging in β†’

Waitlist statement in uc san diego

I want to become a part of the student alumni at UC San Diego in order to enhance my capabilities as a professional. I am hard worker and I am extremely motivated to continue my undergraduate work at a top class university such as UC San Diego.

Why do some people or institutions say they doubt the data about climate change

This paper aims to discuss the reasons regarding the doubts about climate change facts. Skeptics believe that climate change is a truth in itself that a bunch of scientist cannot predict. This means that the direct observation of the scientists regarding the climate change is incomplete.

The overall process involved in writing the

I used a narrative essay style, which I included a personal narrative of what transpired in Kuwait to explain the cause of problems in the ecosystem. The rationale for choosing a narrative style is to illustrate the extent to which human activity can largely affect the ecosystem using a related personal experience during childhood. The β†’

What is your most recent act of generosity

So after a couple of tries, I abandoned the idea of baking them at home. Since I want at least two brownies a day with tea, it becomes very inconvenient for me to purchase them daily from the bakery. So my most recent act of generosity was sharing the brownies I had purchased for myself β†’


This leadership is especially shown on the individual level as he has proven to be a very caring individual. We understand that these schools provide challenging academic environments. We feel that this student must be recommended to one of these schools because this is where he can realize his full potential.

Meanings of black holes

The definition on office meaning of black holes In a physical or scientific usage, the term black hole is defined as " the invisible remains of a collapsed star, with an intense gravitational field from which neither light nor matter can escape". However, a white commissioner was reported to describe the Dallas city council as β†’

Politics of english as a world language

Finally, they allow interpretation of government proceedings for LOTEs to enhance understanding among the population. In what kinds of contexts is it valued and encouraged? In NYC, dissimilar departments value and encourage the use of LOTEs. For example, they speak LOTEs in their homes, in business activities, churches, during marriage ceremonies and government proceedings.

Good news message

Ryder: After spending enough time on your request for scholarship, the scholarship committee has decided to award with the $5000 scholarship for the semester that will start during March 2015. Over 1000 applications for the scholarship were under the scrutiny of the committee for the scholarship of the period of 2015 and we are quite β†’

Gis project management

To start with, GIS project management encompasses many and different tools and techniques that influence the effectiveness and efficiency of project managers. The idea is to promote leadership and management in equal measure as far as project management is concerned.

Why having a large vocabulary is good

Moreover, to properly utilize the liberty of thoughts and expression a person needs to have a large vocabulary. Having a large vocabulary stops people from lament over the lack of words to explain their thoughts.

Annotated bibliography example

This is a fiction story which provides a helping hand in understanding the notion of a butterfly effect. The source is relevant for us as Bradbury includes the idea of butterfly effect into analyzing story. Iftekharuddin, Farhat." Speaking of the short story".

Discuss the metaphors in your ad

Second is the word " trickle-down effect which is a metaphor of letting the gain of the economy benefit every American. Balancing the budget is also a metaphor of equal spending but she did not elaborate much.


I asked the faculty member about his experiences during his student life and how he managed to reach this position. However, he made sure to concentrate on his studies as well. Beside studies, the faculty member said that a student should try and implement his coursework in real life to give a taste of how β†’

The disease of hiv/aids

The Disease of HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS HIV/AIDS is one of the most dangerous and fatal sexually transmitted diseases. The social treatment of HIV/AIDS requires counseling and behavioral therapy of the patient. References: Nettleman, M..

What is your biggest fear about public speaking

Planning comes into play here, preparation is extremely important when it comes to public speaking. Engaging the public for several minutes is hardly an easy job, there are many people who are very restless and would certainly start showing their restlessness if the speech is not up to the mark and this will take a β†’

Analyze tone &/or voice

It has a logical flow of events from the outside environment to the bedroom. Tone creates an interface between arguments and audience. In many instances, writers can manipulate tone to achieve various themes and ultimately the mood.

Why i want to be an engineer

I have been breaking, examining, and resetting my toys right from the age of 3. This is the right time to muster all my strengths and lay the foundations of my professional career that I would like to be associated with throughout my life.

Explain the importance of purpose, audience, tone, and content in academic writing

The importance of purpose, audience, tone, and content in academic writing The structure of academic writing stands on four pillars, ly purpose, audience, tone and content. Tone of academic writing is consistent with the purpose of writing.

Peer review

However, the argument that you presented would have more substance if you supported it with examples, specifically the changes in the English language that you are pertaining to. If it is not technology alone, you could have expounded on the other factors which impact on the changes in the English language.

Reading journals

Your full full September 10, Reading Journals Summary: The accomplishment of authenti (a highly negotiated interaction) and ethnicity (a socially constructed category) is a social construction that influences the way people understand each other, as well as illustrates the challenges of production and consumption. Observation: While reading the article, I observed that the author constructed β†’


The Earth has been alive for many billions of years and to understand how it formed could have many advantages to society. This takes the efforts of professionals who know about animal biology and how to help in keeping their organs working properly.


These thoughts are my basic guide to life and I will never fail believing in the power love brings to everyone, as long as it exists, for this is what makes living alive. If not for love, I would not have been this real and honest to myself and everyone in my circle of influence β†’

Entry 2

The research questions could be answered in researcher's own words or from selected optional responses, referred to as open or closed responses respectively, and could be combined in a data collection instrument, including a questionnaire and interview. This learning helps appreciate research design as an important tool in answering the research questions appropriately. This has β†’

Introduce myselfe

I did not score well in my TOEFL exam and as a result, of which I am currently taking up the ELS course, it has improved my English and I am further trying to improve my command over the English language. I would love to successfully complete my masters; I am also planning to complete β†’

My vacation in london, conversational style

Reflection I was far more carefree while sharing my travelling experience with my sister than I was with my I discussed all aspects of my experience ranging from accommodation to logistics, tickets, recreational places, weather, foods, and cultural specialties with my sister. I was least likely to share such experiences with my professor.


July 13th I discussed my prospectus in the meeting with my committee member, Dr. Griffin disapproved of the consideration of lack of research in the specific area of study as a gap in the literature.

Reflection 10

Reflection 10 The first thing that appeared to be new for me is that it is not only away-from-home food which is the cause of the rising levels of obesity in the country as well as in the world. The majority of the sources on this serious issue repeat again and again that fast food β†’

Your favorite web site

The reason for it is that is by far the easiest to use with little or no hassle. Most people including me do not see it that way as Instagram is a source of fun and all the pictures associated with it.

Visit to the national museum

Furthermore, the attractive facilities and displays therein made the experience very successful. Fear engulfed me causing me to terribly shake in front of a huge and expectant crowd, despite I being a smart student. It is good to record a few points for a good flow of ideas during the presentation.

Why i should be admitted to ucsd

However, what I have different is the belief in myself and the faith in my potentials. I had a GPA of 3. 2 in my college which may be a little less to your standards but as they say never judge a book by its cover this is the same scenario. A couple of years β†’


I became forced to cut short my call and apologize to the whole bus if I was a bother. I request for a compensation of 10, 000 US dollars since after the embarrassing act, I became forced to live with it day in day out.


Although the poem was quite simple and straightforward, it takes a lot of imagination to make sense of the narrative. The part where I have to analyze every line of the poem was the most challenging.

Zidane’s success

His move to join Juventus was criticized heavily by football experts most of whom thought it was not a wise move; however, Zidane showed that he was prepared for the challenge as he steered the club to win an Italian Super Cup as well as the UEFA Champions League Cup. In the year 1998, when β†’


The Magic of Friendship of the English of the Concerned September 24, The Magic of Friendship When I look back, I still remember the day I migrated from the bustling metropolitan of Dubai, to a small Canadian city, Sault Ste Marie. As he continued, I realized that the friendly and jolly spirit of that boy β†’

Database normalization

Each movie offered may be shown in one or more of the available theaters and is typically schedule three to six showings in a day. The movies are rotated through the theaters to ensure each is shown in one of the stadium seating theaters at least once.

Free prison yoga: freedom behind bars essay sample

The article Prison Yoga: Freedom Behind Bars provides a glimpse of a yoga program that is different from the typical audience of yoga. It is useful to make prisoners see that there are still people who see them as people, that they must not lose hope for themselves. The article shows that yoga can β†’

Large volume parenteral (lvp) market – global industry

HTML The therapeutic goal of IV infusion is to provide electrolytes, body fluids and nutrition as a part of maintenance and replacement therapy. Based on this understanding, the rage volume parental market Is analyzed through three categories namely, Injections for fluid balance, therapeutic Injections and nutritious Injections. The advent for single dosage in β†’

Breakfast cereals market – global industry analysis

Is compelling the companies in this industry to increase their markets in the emerging economies. These companies eave been increasing their advertising spends in the emerging markets in Asia pacific region to make consumers aware about the breakfast cereals and thehealthbenefits associated with them. The market for RET cereals is much bigger as β†’

Are energy drinks bad for you or good

Energy drinks are beverages that claim to give an extra boost of energy from caffeine. There are times to use energy drinks and times not too.

Tragedy of commons scenario in fishing industry essay

One of the classic examples of the tragedy of the common is the fishing industry. However, as the number of the fishermen increases, the aggregate level of fish catches increases, hence reducing the population of fish species on the fishing ground.