1 Page Essay Samples


CareerObjective Seeking for a challenging position in an organization that will allow me to display my xperience and good problem solving skills to make a company grow by solving their problems. Looking forward to, use my skills for the betterment of the company and to increase my potential as well. Deloitte honed me β†’

Evaluate break-even analysis as a decision-making tool

Increase prices to raise total revenues, it creates a lower break-even point and better safety margin.2. Reduce selling prices and variable costs to generate more sale revenues; equally it can lower the break-even point.

Unconventional strategies that build support for change

In summary, financial problems require thoughtful solutions, since any wrong decisions would have long-term impacts on the financial position and viability of the business. Doing nothing ensures consistency but has the potential to create more serious problems; audits are costly, but improve accountability; seeking financial assistance would keep the company in the business, but add β†’

Environmentalism and pollution management issue

Explain the statement, " decision-making about environmental issues necessitates the maintenance of a fine balance between the effectiveness of measures and the public reaction towards them. These include deteriorating infrastructure, increasing traffic congestion, declining air and water quality, and the loss of open space. The City Council has charged you β†’

Understanding professional competence

It is only through experience, dedication, and determination that one gets to identify the fundamental drivers of professional competence at work, and thus control them in a way to improve his/her own professional competence. The higher education may be a driver of professional competence, but it is not the ultimate prerequisite of the same.

Analysis of millennials in the workplace by myers

The purpose of this article was to focus on the positive traits and characteristics of Millennials and how these characteristics benefit the organization. I agree that Millennials require timely, continuous and constructive feedback because they have recently graduated or joined the workforce and they require feedback in order to ensure that they are performing well β†’

Broken windows concept

Kelling was hired as a consultant to the New York City and David L. In 1993 after his election as Mayor of New York City, Republican Ruddy Giuliani used the police commissioner position to implement the strategy.

Supply chain managment in the novel the goal by goldratt, eliyahu & jeff cox

One of the ways to solve the problem is to identify the hidden capacity within the plant be it in the machinery or the workers and utilize them. Alex identified that the goal of the plant and which he has to attain is to make money. The manager also needs to seek advice from those β†’

Abacus business solutions

The aim of the management of the company is to makes businesses more efficient and productive by providing them with efficient business solutions to the companies belonging mainly to the hospitality industry. In short, the company provides all types of management and technology related solutions to the businesses related to the hospitality industry. Works Cited β†’

Australian water shortage

The restriction effort has been boosted by the desalination systems put in place to use ocean water for human consumption. The government through Australian National Water Initiative program has a responsibility to implement mechanisms of combating water shortage.

Facebook case study essay sample

Due to its success, the college network was overwhelmed and was forced Facematch to shut down. By acquiring companies that offered services superior to Facebook in their early stages, Facebook was able to keep competition to a minimum.

Isu’s restrooms and how to keep them clean

Along with hourly visit they should follow a checklist to ensure that all the elements within the bathroom are clean. If they find the bathroom to be in a messy state, they should inform the cleaners about it.

Active listening behaviors

People have been describing him as an effective listener, one who knows how to get the empathy of both parties in a case. He conveys his message to the parties in a very professional way and makes sure that he gets the correct information so as to give the best advice.

How might traditional views toward women in judaism

How might traditional views toward women in Judaism be altered in the Judaism that wishes to incorporate feminist ideas? Judaism, like Orthodox, had strict rules and norms for women to follow traditionally. This has definitely given women a greater right in the legal sense. In conclusion, it can be said that even though the perception β†’

International human resource managementp

The HR department or HR professional needs to ensure that the expatriate employee understands housing arrangements, healthcare, and all aspects of the compensation package provided for the assignment(cost-of- living allowances, premiums, taxes and so on)., Discuss at least two of the variables that moderate differences between domestic and international HR practices. It is likely that β†’

Earth: tragedy of the commons

However, these steps have added to costs of doing business, which in turn pushed up the cost of living. Nevertheless, the general view of the economists is that fossil fuels are a tragedy of commons because due to its usage the natural resources become extinct.

Regional services executive for the west region matt marriott point of view

The roundtable discussion featuring executives from the Institute for International Business' Global Advisory Board focused on the imminent thrust toward the strengthening of a company's global workforce to take advantage of today's globalized economies. The main speaker of the event was IBM's Director and Regional Services Executive for the West Region Matt Marriott who gave β†’

Weak anthropocentric intrinsic value by hargrove eugene

Baird Callicott observes that nature has no value of its own unless it is given to it by human beings since values depend entirely on human judgment. It is apparent that all value depends on the subjective feelings of human observers, and that value will hardly exist in nature unless it is given to it β†’

Information systems security survey essay example

These safeguards are meant among another reason to: - Ensure the confidentiality of data - Ensure the integrity of data - Ensure the availability of data - Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the security or integrity of the information UNMC has adopted information security industry best practices to implement β†’

The importance of communication

In the retail industry, communication provides an efficient possibility for consumer attraction as the on-spot demonstration and feedback based on the communication constructed help to effectively develop a relationship with the customer. Similarly, in the domain of law and criminal justice, communication is the optimum source of professional execution. The court-room proceedings and ramifications depend β†’

How has social media changed us socially research proposal examples

Many of us are so addicted to the social networking sites, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace and the like that the first thing we do in the morning right after wriggling out of bed, still in sleep inertia, is to check the updates of our friends. Retrieved from Shail Raghuvanshi.Is Social Networking making us socially disabled β†’

Free minimum wage essay example

Majority of the companies who decided to remain in the league decide to hire unskilled workers whom they could pay at relatively low wages. This failure of minimum wage to meet the expected target made majority of scholars from different nations to reset their views in order to create economic recession and understanding. Such legislation β†’

Admission essay

I have in the past been involved in seminars and was a member of the debate club in high school; these past experiences will be useful in transmission and developing an understanding of the needs of the participants. This diversity of backgrounds helps in development of an understanding of how to interact with different social β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of tax system

The problem with the user charges is that in some cases, it is difficult to determine the specific and proper design and domain of user charges. Further, it prepares the tax expenditure to show its spending and spending via the tax system.

The autobiographies of hughes and army tan

Importantly, they give accounts of moments the two writers remembered the most. Hughes' work points at the salvation of the children as being infatuations.

Cultural/media critique

In her defense, Colette argues that Gaga lives in an art work meaning that she is trying to move form individualism to standardization. Gaga did it and she put across her point. Many people argue that if Colette is the original inventor then she would be much far from where Gaga is.

Globalization and its emerging position in the modern society

Effective organizational leadership helps to exploit the competencies of the workforce for improved performance outcome. They are able to motivate the workforce by inculcating confidence and a strong sense of achievement that provides the impetus for higher goals leading to personal and professional success.

The united states department of energy: climate change

However, DOE plans to reduce global warming gases based on the agency's initiative to partner with volunteers, and the strategies formed to deal with the ecological problem. Plans such as these can be a good alternative to the Kyoto Protocol because they share the same goal to reduce GHG emissions. One suggestion that I can β†’

Assertive communication

Assertiveness is the ability to communicate in a tactical and persuasive manner. There are times when in our personal life's we fail to be assertive in our communication. It may be attributed to lack of assertive communication skills or the prevailing situations at the time of our communication.

Earthcare: packaging

The other view is the religious view that revolves around spirituality, and the believers are of the view that any environmental problem is a spiritual one and requires a spiritual approach. Despite the different views on the environmental crisis, a viable solution to any of the problems must be found to lower further problems from β†’

Public relations

Public Relations Rex Harlow is one of the early contributors in public relations. Harlow encouraged the application of sociological and psychological research in public relations.

The meteor as a symbol in the scarlet letter

While most of the people think that the " A" stands for " Angel" and is showing that Governor Winthrop is gone and it marks his the entry to heaven, which will be proofed later on, but Dimmesdale, on the other hand, interprets it differently. Him hiding his sins and " cover his heart with β†’

Weather forecast for new york

Similarly, the night will be characterized by some cloudy conditions with scattered showers Lows of 460F/80C. Thursday 3 April 2014 During the day, there will be cloudy conditions with a slight chance of showers. The night will be mostly cloudy with scattered showers and Lows of 420F/60C. Friday 4 April 2014 The day β†’

Stratton’s snow making

In the winter " Stratton's secrets of Snow Making" Rinella notes that the stream was anything but roaring; the ski area often sucked it down to a trickle. That pond and a nearby lake supply Stratton with 222 million gallons of water during the ski season." That's enough to cover every trail at the resort β†’

Critique the assumptions of mainstream theory

Critique of the assumptions of mainstream theory One of the major assumptions of the marginal productivity theory of distribution is existence of perfect competition. Mobility of factors of production and high levels of awareness also identify imperfect market, contrary to the theory's assumption.

Ahaheim mayor story

The driver of the vehicle was unable to stand without swaying or walk without staggering and was asked for a sobriety test where the latter exceeded the legal limits for blood alcohol content. The mayor is not available for comment as of press time.

Life problems in my life, deleted by bolzan

Having accepted his predicament, Scott started his new life of trying to get his memory back. Not only had she taken his role as head of Household, but Joan was now spearheading the medical quest to diagnose and treat his memory loss.

Multilingual characteristic of the population: cultural diversity

The challenge this poses is in the comparatively poor quality of English spoken by non-white races which translate to their under-representation in the socio-economic and political structure of the larger society. However, the cultural diversity has seen the neighborhood reflect unity in terms of one national language speaking in English and increased campaign for affirmative β†’


Analyzing a lot of content over an extended period gives a full picture of the television representation trends, perceptions, and attitude. Effective sampling in content analysis looks at the time available and the amount of material or programs to be covered. Having a good insight into the topic that one is researching in order to β†’

Facebook now lets you officially endorse a presidential candidate

You may already " like" a 2016 presidential candidate's page on Facebook, but the social network is now letting you go a step further by outright endorsing them to your friends. " Similar to how politicians, newspapers and organizations endorse candidates for elected office, this feature allows anyone on Facebook to do the same," Facebook's β†’

Brazil natural environment

Amazon rainforest is facing a twofold deforestation process: logging and burning. The question that needs to be solved that what should Brazil do to save the natural environment and also maintain sovereignty over the exploitation of its natural resources. The best and possible to this will be systematic deforestation.

Anaerobic respiration in bacteria

The purpose of respiration is to provide the cell with the appropriate molecules for creating energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate, ATP Many types of bacteria respire anaerobically. Instead of using oxygen to help them burn the energy in their food, these types of bacteria use other naturally-occurring chemicals to create chemical reactions and β†’

Reading response

This leads us to wonder where the feminist politics is actually heading and what have women really achieved from this as yet. It is important for a woman's body to be seen through a woman's eyes because this effectively disrupts the centuries old concepts held and promoted by men.

Global climate change

The emission of Carbon Dioxide from the burning of Fossil fuels is primarily cited as the cause of the greenhouse effect, which has caused climate changes like global warming. Therefore, even if we as individuals try to limit the greenhouse gases, it would have no effect on the overall climate change because after all it β†’

Facebook to stop ethnicity-based targeting for some ads

Facebook Inc.said on Friday it would stop advertisers from using its ethnicity-based ad-targeting feature on some ads, following criticism that advertisers could misuse the tool. The feature, intended to help advertisers reach ethnic groups with relevant ads, has come under fire from politicians andcivil rightsleaders for allowing advertisers to exclude users from seeing ads β†’

Individual report for presentation

We taught them on the two key concepts associated with the political communication and the public sphere. I felt that we gave a good lesson on what is expected in political communication and how it is done. The audience was young and it was important to make the presentation entertaining. The whole project was informative β†’

The issue of global warming

Most of the remaining 70% is absorbed by the land and ocean and the atmosphere absorbs the remainder. Today, the atmosphere is filled with greenhouse gas molecules and the atmosphere absorbs the energy emitted.

Taking care of a pet

Richardson Eng 015 March 16, 2011 Taking care of a pet Having a dog is a like having a child. You can give your dog hugs, kisses or even gentle pats this is all in taking care of a pet.

Life of martin luther

Under the Catholic Church, the power was placed solely in the church. Of course, the Catholic Church did not like this because politically they would lose power over the people.


The box becomes some sort of a prison for them that they feel they cannot escape, which gives limitations to their ideas on solving this assignment. They may be assuming that, to solve the problem, they have to maintain the cleanliness of being inside the box.

Suppy and demand

Duopoly is the condition when there are two sellers; and oligopoly comprises more than two sellers but limited to that of perfect competition. The role of economists The role of an economist is highly important in an economy. In order to promote an appropriate market system, one has to identify various factors such as β†’

Air pollution and citizen awareness

Since an emission-free engine was required, electricity was the appropriate fuel to be used in the car. This is the best choice for the expected data should be in figures and pictures.

Sustainable engineering: green sustainable materials

Emission produced by sugarcane ethanol per BTUs of energy is about 37Kg /BTU. Emission produced by switchgrass ethanol per BTUs of energy is about 29Kg /BTU.

Illegal immigration, good or bad?

The ranchers and farmers along the border prospered from the influx of cheap labor and they did everything in their power to keep illegal aliens from being deported Today, however, we find thatimmigrationis not seen as a positive for our country, but rather it is unquestionably considered a problem today in America.

Laughter is the best medicine essay sample

With so much power to heal and renew, the ability to laugh easily and frequently is a tremendous resource for surmounting problems, enhancing your relationships, and supporting both physical and emotional health. May this book review of the amazing world of laughter and its super healing power help you realized and enlighten your mind.


I believe that when we simply answer somebody's question without giving regard to what he said, the other person may get the idea that we have totally ignored his thoughts. My brother and me also use unique terms, like we have assigned names to persons we know, and we use those names while talking about β†’

Ocean pollution

The pollutants indirectly affect humans and other animals that depend on marine resources. One manifestation of an indirect effect of pollutants to humans is beach closings. It largely affects the agricultural croplands and food production making the prices of food to rise.

Learning v/s cramming

Cramming is the practice of working intensively to absorb large amounts of informational material in short amount of time. Cramming is strongly discouraged by educators because the hurried coverage of material tends to result in poor long-term retention of material.

Outcomes of gender bias

The better the educational opportunities and social class, the greater will be the political participation by women, whereas poorer women often get involved in grassroots organizations. Unfortunately, women are acutely underrepresented in leadership positions and in the political arena in most political systems.

Key events in financial crisis

The Causes of Financial Crisis Key among the causes of global financial crisis was the credit crunch in which US investors lost confidence in the value of sub-prime mortgages that in turn led to a liquidity crisis. The event of September 14, 2008, when the Lehman Brothers collapsed, profoundly contributed to global financial crisis. β†’

How the song i need a dollar by aloe blacc relate to macro economics

How the song " I Need a dollar" by Aloe Blacc relate to Macro economics The song describes the adverse effects of unemployment in America. In the line, the rapper talks about borrowing and sharing of a dollar.

Environmental concern in indiana

With the inability to meet care costs, quality of life is likely to deteriorate and escalate problems that could arise from the scarcity of food or the use of chemically processed foods. This could also lead to a high mortality rate, especially among poor members of the society who have been relying on crop farming β†’

Environmental regulations in the aviation industry

Emissions trading or cap which is a market-approach used in controlling pollution by providing economic incentives for gaining a reduction in the rate of emissions of pollutants offers a better means of regulating the environmental impact of the aviation industry. Aviation tax which is a tax levied on passengers who pass through the airport is β†’


What is your footprint in acres The footprint in hectares is 118.17. 3. Supporting the use of clean energy sources is fundamentally important in reducing the footprint. Reference Bishop, A..

Lender of the last resort of the european central bank

This hypothesis is referred to as a positive hypothesis, from the article; this was rejected at the expense of the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis held because the research findings proved that if the European central bank becomes the lender of the last result it may not safeguard the value of the euro. The implications β†’


Government Deficit Define the concepts of total government deficit and primary government deficit These are concepts applied in analysing the fiscal policy of a country and refer to the deficit that excludes interest payable which is incurred from the government expenditure. The budgets are designed in a way that they fit within the limits of β†’

Hiv and communicable diseases

In the contemporary health care practices, techniques for AIDS treatment have not just helped the foundation to be stronger but also develop a prevention society for AIDS patient. The efforts that it takes to diagnose an individual with HIV and further its treatment are relatively higher for which a great deal of time is needed. β†’

What’s the news

It gives the definitions of news as suggested by different authors, what it entails and elements reporters should consider when looking for news so as to provide their readers with the best news. The reading further stipulates considerations that journalists should have in mind when collecting news these are: timeliness, proximity, prominence and consequences that β†’

About george herman

It is claimed, " He won seven world series championships, three of them with Boston Rex Sox and four of them with New York Yankees" In 1936, Ruth was elected in the baseball hall of fame receiving 95. One major thing that Ruth accomplished that brought a shift in the way of life β†’

What is the advantages of having green building and leeds certificate

It is done by an independent party and it brings out the affirmation that the organization operating the building is focused and environment friendly. The future of business goes to those who minimize cost and maximize on sales. Community benefits such as ensure that there is water efficiency which can be used in other ways β†’

German regulator orders facebook to delete whatsapp user data

A German privacy regulator ordered Facebook on Tuesday to stop collecting and storing data of German users of its messaging app WhatsApp and to delete all data that has already been forwarded to it. The Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information said Facebook was infringing data protection law and had not β†’

Global economic and political development in relation to gender inequality

There as well as the need to describe women not in relation to what they are directly contributing to the global economy but also in other non-competitive facets of social life. There is a need to empower not only the women but the marginalized as well as have them participate in political social and economic β†’

Existing nuclear power plants may be renewable energys best friend by pere kelly-detwiler

Since the currently available alternatives to nuclear energy are carbon-emitting, Kelly-Detwiler proposes a reconsideration of closing down nuclear power plants in the US. This is an important article as it fosters the need for balance between the need to resort to emergent cheaper energy sources but which are carbon-emitting and the need to β†’

Sample article review on chemistry in current events

Superbugs: The Bright Side The term ' superbug' is grossly scary to the general public and is used for a resistant strain/species of a micro-organism that does not die easily. Such species are known to have developed a gene/segment of a gene that imparts the resistance to antibiotics and related drugs.

The relative cost of money

The opportunity costs of earning a college degree will be the time and effort that could be spent elsewhere. The costs that will be considered will be the opportunity cost of your time and the cost of traveling. In simple words, you will have to consider both the explicit costs and implicit costs (which are β†’

Islam cultural

Islamic culture " And say: My Lord increase me in knowledge"." Seeking knowledge is obligatory upon every Muslim ". According to the verse from Holy Quran, Allah wants us to seek knowledge and keep increasing it. He made it is obligatory for a Muslim to seek knowledge no matter the person is male or β†’

Unreported aviation hazards

The main reason why such incidents tend to go unreported is that they are considered either to be minor or there is lack of knowledge as to the effect that such minor incidents may have in the long term. The most important step that needs to be undertaken and is being undertaken is the fact β†’

Gross domestic product and human development index

In general, the U.S.has a larger labour market than Japan, while China and Mexico have a larger labour market than India and Saudi Arabia respectively. Human Development Index - 0. Generally, the US and China have a better quality of life than Japan and India respectively while Saudi Arabia and Mexico are at par in β†’

Wgs 3

It is also agreeable that the formation of identity is a continuous process. In Perspectives of Native American Women on Race and Gender, I am of the opinion that the history of the Black women shaped their being in the society. A good example is that of Dorothy who is said to have suffered the β†’

Big elephant phenomenon

This has led to the rise of very effective and internationally competitive software and IT, together with the influx of multinational corporations like Starbucks and MacDonald's, which have several branches in these two countries, thus elevating the country from the crisis of 77% living on 2$ a day. These two countries have embraced the fact β†’

The euro currency: before and after

The Euro Currency al Affiliation) The euro currency, before and after. Question topics. Which countries are expected to exit the Eurozone? What influenced various countries to adopt the Euro as their currency? What did European countries use as a standard currency before the creation of the Euro? Why the Euro not at an unsurpassed low β†’

Weather forecast for michigan

They claim to have an accuracy of around 82%. The experts from the third web site predicted that the winter of 2011-2012 would be extreme than the normal with more than usual snowfall. The accuracy to which this website works with is 85%. It can be concluded from the research that the state of Michigan β†’

Media globalization and citizenship – korean wave

The ideological difference between the Asian drama and the western drama shows a perfectly structured media system in terms of respect for the culture and citizenship as a whole. Korean Wave : Korean wave as a global concept plays a very vital role in the understanding of the media of globalization. The Korean Wave β†’

Contaminants in surface water and groundwater

13-14.Web. This paper discusses the sources of pollutants and their identification in rivers and streams across the United States. Water pollution factsheet Environmental pollution unit.www.wwf.org, 2010.1.Web. As an organization, WWF's mission is to decrease the impact of human activities on nature and reduce pollution.

Fitness and health marketing plan

Age range from 16 to 36 years of age. The regular life cycle off professional fighter is 20-30 years of age.


Extensive detailed research is done, and then develops strategic Vans target market Is preteens through young adults. Vans target market is preteens through young adults.

Contact address essay examples

Box: DOB: 04/10/1990 Career Objective Education Background New York University, College of Arts and Science New York, NY B. A in Mathematics and Economics, Sept 09 Present Current GPA: 3.4/ 4.

Madona style of marketing

According to the case study, Madonna's unique clothing style gained the attention of well-know department store, Macy's which, through the production of Madonna 'look-alike' clothing increased the popularity of the singer. Where as her different approach of empowering woman and making them feel more important and stronger through appearing as a strongly handled β†’

Viral marketing campaign ideas

Charles Schwab will help these 10 students to pay back their student loans by granting them each a gift of $1 , OHO. How will this Youth video be shared? ; Mainstream, Twitter, Faceable Why? ; Money cannot buy advertising like this. This campaign will leave customers with an immeasurable feeling that Charles β†’

Managing big data in the organization

Some of the reasons why companies find it so difficult to handle these big data are because they are not using multiple approaches in handling it. Moreover, the best practices for handling big data are not put in place in many companies because involving business leaders in big data implementations is still an ongoing challenge. β†’

Marketing and business communication media

As the product have to reach the consumer end on given time. But due to the lack of infrastructure we cannot deliver the product on time to consumer.

Segmentation targeting positioning

Targeting MarketA company should consider that it is challenging to meet the needs of every customer. It is therefore indispensable for a company to choose places that will favor their products in terms of customers needs.

Marketing junk food to children

One of the best measures is for everyone to take part in the condemnation of junk food. Additionally, it is crucial for the parents to inform their children on the negative effects of junk foods so that they can avoid consuming them in their absence.

How to attract and retain customers

Online environment offers a platform for mischief and lies because the interaction is minimal and evaluation of the truthfulness of the information presented cannot be guaranteed in the process. The episode highlights why security is vital in the online interaction environment.

Marketing research 5

Marketing Research Marketing research involves systematic empirical experiments and theoretical models used to define activities involved in the transfer of goods from the producer to the consumer. The level of significance used is 0.

Societal marketing concept 6660

The societal marketing concept holds that the organisation should concentrate on the needs and wants of their customers, and then deliver the desired satisfactions more effectively and efficiently than competitors, in a way that maintains or improves the consumer's and the society's well-being. This gives socially-responsible companies a competitive edge over their competitors. Environmentally β†’