1 Page Essay Samples

The 700 billion bailout

The government has a role to play in stabilizing the free market economy, this one example of government intervention which would aid in stimulating the economy and improving the financial market. However many individuals disapprove the actions undertaken but in the case of a crisis like the one experienced, immediate actions had to be undertaken โ†’

Recent trends in the united states economy

A rise in the amounts of loans being advanced by the banks and that also with a desperate objective of earning higher revenues in the process, by advancing loans at high-interest rates to subprime borrowers, i.e, those who cannot offer any mortgages against the loans that they took. Most sub-prime borrowers defaulted in paying back โ†’

Chair of the environmental committee

Therefore, the Environmental Committee believes that, though we have already passed the deadlines for certain construction works due to unexpected circumstances, we should move forward with engineering and customization of the equipment to be installed in the new facility, as well as with the development of sales and marketing strategies for the new drug. Please, โ†’

The child behavior checklist essay sample

The Child Behavior Checklist is a widely-used method of identifying problem behavior in children. Aggressive behavior, and their scores are summed to produce a score for that syndrome.


They are applicable in today's scenario as the values that are regarded virtuous today are to be truthful, believing in justice, avoiding from doing wrong, being generous and trustworthy. The values that enable a person to be a good human being, all are defined by both the verse and the hadith.

Stamps; recent issues honor famous personages by dunn, john f

Moreover, she was instrumental in the fight for equal rights and is accredited to the inclusion of the sentence, " Men and women are equal before the law" in the German Basic law. In conclusion, she is a professional lawyer championed for equal rights and encouraged women to be ready to take up positions and โ†’

Ten year plan

Consequently, I will also work on:- Attending more professional speaker events in order to broaden my perspective in the field of economics in relation to the banking sector. I would also hope to participate in volunteer jobs in my scope of the study.

Discussion 7

S GDP analysis According to the Bureau of economic analysis report, national income accounting is the calculation of GDP and its elements. In 2009, real GDP was reported and several elements of the economy were excluded.

Plato form of the good essay

According to Plato the Form of the Good is the highest reality of all. When the prisoner is out of the cave he is blinded by the sun's light and the understanding of the forms and the Form of the Good is overwhelming.

Environmental services

The Fishing Industry is mainly attributed to the Great Lakes and it contributes significantly to the high level of employment in the state. Forest and mineral reserves in the state also contribute to Indiana economy.

Elizabeth catlett mora life

Because of this reason, she was engaged in a lot of political activism and even used her art to criticize political systems. She used her art as a platform to express her political opinions, activism, and general feelings.

Multilateral free trade

However, halting the talks means that the world losses the gains that would have come from multilateral trade. This implies that the hegemonic countries like the U.

Blog 2

This is an alarming situation for which it is expected that the concerned authorities are able to undertake some initiates to meet the demand. Overall quota is to be added on the amount of oil being consumed.

Business going green – tesla motors

The thought of the current effects we experience together with the prediction of those that are yet to come instills fear and turmoil in almost everyone's mind. As part of this initiative and the desire to be ethical to the society many companies are now ' going green'.

Five ways of presenting nonverbal messages in a positive manner

The five different ways under which nonverbal messages are deemed as a step in the right direction include in the wake of the interviewee emphasizing a particular point, making the point clear, getting the message across, making a statement in a vivid fashion and lastly demonstrating critical thinking on his part. These five ways suggest โ†’

Water pollution

In the end, he reminds his readers that water pollution is a problem that affect us all, regardless of how far away the water pollution problem exists from us. I am glad that such an article exists which was written with the intention of making the water pollution problem understandable to everyone, even children in โ†’

The domestication of animals and its impact on world civilizations over time

The advancement of agriculture and economic aspects occurred in many different civilizations including the Chinese, Egyptian, and even Neolithic societies as a result of the domestication of animals. During the time span of the Xia dynasty to the Han Dynasty, the Chinese domesticated animals such as chickens, ducks, pigs, and dogs.

About the real motives of the 9/11 highjackers

Topic: US-Middle East Relations There has been a lot of hatred on both the sides whenever we come to think about the relations between the US and Middle Eastern countries especially after the 9/11 attacks. The second question about the indifferent behavior of US and its supporting countries towards Palestinians could be due to one โ†’

Areas of economic freedom of the world (efw)

Answer 3: Areas of Economic Freedom of the World (EFW Business Freedom: Business Freedom refers to the ability of a person to manage a businessin accordance with the government-imposed rules, laws, and regulations concerning businesses. Fiscal Freedom: This area of EFW refers to the extent to which an individual or a business enjoys tax reduction/exemption โ†’

Termites in the trading system by jagdish bhagwati

Jagdish Bhagwati believes the remedy to the current global economic crises only rests in adopting trade liberalization or free trade rather than the present protectionism. Jagdish Bhagwati does not approve the utilization of Preferential Free Trade Agreements as a remedy to the present challenges.

Personal fulfillment: how do we make this happen (responses)

Responses I totally agree with the argument that people should be taught about equality and diversity from the start of their lives. I totally agree also that " from day one I would have the children be interacting with children of different sex and race".

Donโ€™t miss our facebook live chat with inspirational speaker simon sinek

A student ofleadershipstyles from business to politicians and everything in-between Sinek has discovered the patterns that enable people to inspire others most effectively. ET as he chats with Sinek about his new book as well as topics related to leadership, achieving goals, teamculture, and the importance of being " more human".

The impact of privatisation on the sustainability of water in the united arab emirates

Why? 9 - What do you think that if the water prices go up significantly as a result of privatization what will happen to in your water consumption? 10 Do you recommend that everyone should have pay for the water they use regardless of their nationality or income? Why?

Press release

From its humble beginnings in May 1993 as a small group that was started by a few professional musicians and supporters, the Youth Orchestra of Greater Columbus has grown to become the home of the areas young musical talent. Dottie Brown, " The band exists to serve as the community, by providing an opportunity through โ†’

Feminism in the story of an hour by chopin and the yellow wallpaper by gilman

Both women believe that the obstacles to their freedom are their husbands who do not want to look at things from the perspectives of women. Millard, on the other hand, is said to have died from a heart disease of joy that kills.

Why is earth geologically active

The cause of Earth being geologically active is that it retains heat in its interior. The inner core of the Earth, which is made of Iron and Nickel, is still in the melted form which retains plenty of heat enough to keep active geology at the Earth's crust.

Trade dispute: of japan

In the year 2010, Japan filed a complaint to the World Trade Organization regarding Canada's tight measures concerning domestic content requirement in the feed-in tariff program. During the resolution by WTO, USA and European Union requested to be enjoined in the case and on 1 June 2011 Japan requested the establishment of a panel.


It is clear that the Palestine side is too much suppressed by Israel and hence it seems as if Israel is attacking Palestine In their work, Mearsheimer and Walt describe the Israel-American relationship as a loose coalition aimed at advancing the US foreign policy American continued financial support on Israel-Palestinian war is basically for political โ†’

Opinion about the article

For example, commercials and advertisements made viewing a TV show very time-consuming when the user did not want to watch the advertisements that he was not attracted to. Now, he can open a web link where the recorded show is being played, and he can watch the whole show without having to see the unwanted โ†’

#9 pkg 381

Earthcare: Air Pollution and Climate Change Air Pollution and Climate Change Ethical View or Air Pollution It is absolutely impossible for humans to live without air, whether clean or polluted. Similarly, just like breaking any law is unethical in the society, when we pollute the air we become guilty of the law that is against โ†’

Company shut-down

So the above two tests hold true for our company for the assets that it has in the form of profit is negligible to the extent of being lesser than the liabilities. The situation of our company seems to be in a dire situation and it is " best if shuts down operation in time, โ†’

Capital asset pricing, behavioral finance, and market hypothesis

The time for money value in this article is represented through the rating of risk-free in a formula compensating the investors placing for money in a given time in an investment. In this context, the assumption in behavioral finance is the characteristics of market participants and the information structure which systematically influences the investments individual โ†’

Analysis of the sixth chapter of the titled the bottom billion by paul collier

The chapter opens by reminding the reader on the explanation of the bottom billion, which is indicated in the previous chapters. The term' catch up' is explained to be the ' convergence' by a specific country.

Discussion of the statement – men are made not born

The argument here is that " Men are made not born", and there is good evidence in Constructing Sexualities: Readings in Sexuality, Gender, and Culture by Suzanne LaFont. It is helpful to study primates for the origins of sexual behavior, however, in the modern world, the questions of sexual behavior and why people engage in โ†’

Health economic

First, it can help in strengthening the relationship between the medics and pharmaceutical companies. For instance, when they are used as consultants by these companies, they can get a lot of money in return.

Answers to the economic issues

What I am saying is that things have already happened and the most that we can do as individuals is to reduce our spending and stop blaming the government for all the mess. It is true that tax-cuts have consequences but it is a lesser evil.

Oil falls to near $76 as us crude supplies grow

In the fourth quarter, National Australia Bank lowered it's crude prices' forecast from 84 dollars a barrel to an average of 82 dollars. The bank reports that world oil production remains robust, even as growth in the demand in crude oil continues to fade in many developed economies, a situation that has continuously created an โ†’

Hans rosling’s economic growth video

Hans Rosling's teaching on Economic Growth on Population Growth and Health From the video, Hans talks about life expectancy and income per person, comparing it with the world's populace in the 1800's to the contemporary society. Taking an analysis of the video, it is evident that income per person has a direct impact on life โ†’

My elevator speech essay

My educational years have been important since I realize that school will be the most crucial part of reaching my goal, including giving me a place to learn, grow and help lead me to becoming a lawyer in the future. Working as a cashier in Korea during my summer break was also an important learning โ†’

The mossad and the sayanim 2

The law officers are entitled to identify the sayanim. The FBI should offer cash rewards for evidence of Israeli espionage and the disclosure of active sayanim networks.

The global significance of the middle east

The Middle East as a region has been the source of contentious global issues and concerns. The global significance of the Middle East in a broader sense is defined by religious, economic, and political factors.

Trauma and human rights

of the Gender and Sexual Studies of the Concerned Teacher 12 April Trauma and Human Rights It is a fact that humans happen tobe perhaps the only animals that have a deep seated sense of certain innate rights which happen to be an integral aspects of the very experience of being a human. Even the โ†’

A sorrowful woman

Gail Godwin beckons a woman to know herself as a woman and not as mere in a relation to other in her much thought provoking story, " A Sorrowful Woman". We find woman in a " Sorrowful Woman" as totally tired of her relationship as a mother, a wife and of her life.

The influence of archbishop fulton j. sheen

After the Mass, the Bishop that officiated the Mass, said to him that Sheen would go to Leuven University and that he would become a Bishop, just like he was. Sheen's show was very popular and he was doing better than the big television start.

American economy the article by crutsinger

"American economy not healthy yet, but it's healing", discusses the expert opinion of different economic analysts concerning the growth and expansion of the U.S.economy in the year 2011 and the predictable growth in the year 2012. However, the growth rate needed for a full recovery of the economy is much larger than the present rate, โ†’

The reason why earth is geologically active

Unlike many other terrestrial planets, Earth is geologically active and this is one of the unique characteristic features of Earth. The phenomenon of the geological activity of Earth is related to the internal structure, composition and chemistry of Earth.

The wind energy advancement act

The law will also regulate the areas where the wind farms are located, and contribute a part of the budget to research in wind farming. In addition, the funding that is dedicated to research may help yield new techniques that may increase the efficiency of wind farming.

Seneca falls declaration

They were deprived of all the rights that they deserved. It was after that, that the women were given their rights.

Australian economic stimulus

The impact on globalization is complex: It could involve Australia more in the international market as they return to purchasing; or it could make Australians turn inwards and consolidate internally to the country. In this sense, it is designed to keep Australians away from the fate of the world, which at the moment is poverty.

Art and gender review

In spite of the varying viewpoints, various scholars tend to agree that feminine beautification is oppressing and advances the aspect of gender inequality. Women require significant amount of time to undertake the beautification procedures.

Why i choose the program – media and communication management

I have a keen interest in journalism not only because I want to expand my experience in the field of writing but also to be a part of a powerful medium that has the power to eliminate evils from a nation, choose leaders, bring about revolutions and influence the everyday activities of people. This program โ†’

The current state of newspapers

It is indisputable the current state of newspapers is deplorable compared to the past decades. As Ross Dawson who happens to be a business strategist contends, newspapers will face extinction come 2029 in France and 2017 in the USA.

Urban environment at let the environment guide our development by johan rockstrom

The major causes of the environmental changes have been highlighted to be the urbanization. The video tries to answer the jigsaw of how the different states in America came into existence.


What were some of the reasons that Cortez wanted to conquer the Aztecs? What were some of the biggest advantages the Spanish had over the Aztecs?

Reflection over journal experience on the global ecosystem

Shopping habits have changed for the better and I have developed the discipline of shopping the necessary and important things. Simply put, the journal experiences have taught me to be a more responsible global citizen especially when it comes to environmental conservation.

Essay on globalization

The contemporary developments in science and technology have seen to it that the world has evolved in the manner in which things are done. Despite the challenges, it still holds that globalization can be hailed as one of the major breakthroughs in business.

A woman’s curse by small

The advantages and Disadvantages The information, according to the writer could be used by men in their paternity assessment tests, not in the present circumstances but also in the future. Writing through the Beverly Strassmann empirical research work, having lived for over two years among the Dogon of Mali in West Africa, being part of โ†’

Haitian internal threats

During the reconstruction, factors such as social, cultural, political and economic emerged as the root problems that made Haiti experience hard times in handling this process on its own. The earthquake unearthed Haiti's history that is darkened by colonialism, racism, segregation, witchcraft, cultural illiteracy and political instability.

Evaluation of electronic communication

If there is little use for it in contemporary society then it might be better to do away with the art form in curriculums in order to make room for more applicable subjects. It's not likely that formal writing will be eliminated completely, but the day-to-day use of this skill is becoming less advantageous as โ†’

Analysis of odds and probability article by fulton, mendez, bastian & muzaffer

In an article from Fivethirtyeight.com, the author revealed how the census bureau does clean their messy data. He claimed that the bureau does revise their data where they identify the possible errors in the name of the people by using an algorithm.

Unequal distribution of wealth

Unequal distribution of resources by the governing authorities usually entails empowering the favored classes or group of people to have more access to the resources. Unequal wealth distribution is a matter of concern especially to the society or state where it requires effective and timely rectification.


From the excel output, variable c represent the intercept and it is the point at which the regression line cuts the vertical axis whereas the coefficients of the variable represents the slope of the regression line, the coefficient of price is 22. 49817 and this implies that for every increase of 1 in the x-axis โ†’

The way to reduce health insurance costs

In order to be able to fully implement this plan, the company requests employees to fill out application forms before January 15th as well as visiting the fitness counselor who will develop a fitness plan customized to each employee that signs up for this plan. In order to be able to understand the plan even โ†’

Analysis of the asian economies

Summary of a Business Economic Article Asian economies have been on a constant rise over the last decade but according to Christine Lagarde IMF chief warned that the economies would experience slower growths due to the economic shocks experienced in China. She claimed that the economic slowdown in China would affect emerging economies thus warning โ†’

Strategic management and citibank s e-business essay sample

What has Citibank done to differentiate its e-business products from those of its competitors? 3. How does this case demonstrate the alignment of an e-business strategy with a company's overall business strategy? 10.

Fear not globalization

That is not the United States that has been recognized as a world leader for centuries. On the contrary, there are more conservative cultures in other countries that would not have allowed the same thing to happen because they would not have thought of globalization as a world business model in the first place.

Response to liberalism and racial justice

The dominant theory of liberalism is founded on the ideas of Whites that often negates the existence of black or refuses to recognize them as equal. Thus, true liberalism must eliminate race and promote cultural diversity to mark the freedom of people, located at different geographical region.

Nell movie review

First, at the beginning of the movie, it's like that her reflection in the mirror was another person, who was her twin sister; a she were like playing with her sister. Therefore, it's like she was taking on the perspective of generalized other which is Jerome and Paul.

Emigration to america

Immigration to America The purpose of this paper is to outline a variety of reasons for immigrating to America. To summarize, there are various reasons to immigrate to America and many immigrants are motivated by a combination of those reasons.

The root causes of environmental problems

And thirdly, economic factors have also contributed to environmental problems as both the rise in population and lifestyle changes have increased the production rates of various commodities that have resulted in increased use of resources and also outflow of more wastes to the environment. References " The Root Causes of Environmental Problems".

High oil and gas prices

China being one of the leading oil-importing countries has added to the global oil demand by its continuous progress. The automobile industry in the United States has also added to the global oil consumption as it consumes around one-fourth of the total global oil.

Equality, diversity and individuals essay sample

Equality is ensuring individuals or groups of individuals are treated fairly and equally and no less favorably, specific to their needs, including areas of race, gender, disability, religion or belief, sexual orientation and age. Diversity is a commitment to recognizing and appreciating the variety of characteristics that make individuals unique in an atmosphere that promotes โ†’

Responses to classmates – changes in attitudes toward sex

Part I: Response to Megan: The argument that the contemporary era US society looks more tolerant towards extra-marital heterosexual as well as same-sex relationships between the individuals, though both of which had been strict taboo for the last several centuries in almost all regions of the globe, and hence used to be observed in closet. โ†’

General motors and saturn

Due to the necessity to attract these customers, Chevy created the Saturn brand. The Saturn brand served the purpose of segmenting the market in order for the company to generate more revenues.2.

Business course quiz

Question 5 5 out of 5 points The four major categories of factors of production are: Correct Answer: natural resources, capital, human resources, and entrepreneurship. Question 7 5 out of 5 points During the marketing era consumers found: Correct Answer: more choices for goods and services.

Functional strategies

These strategies are limited only to the departments of the organizations where the initiatives to undertake a procedure is limited. Each of the departments is required to do its functions or jobs in contributing to the total goal of the organization.

Marketing of ambien and lunesta

Marketers of the drug continue to pass insufficient and misleading information to the potential consumers and even failing to warn that overdose of the drugs can suppress breathing and lead to death. The general effect of the approach used in marketing Ambien and Lunesta relates to consumers perceiving the drugs as only sleep inducers.

Essay on economic geography and small firms

Looking at the effect of cultural and social geography on the distribution of retail businesses, it is clear that some social and cultural aspects favor the small businesses. For example, in a region where the Muslims are a majority over Christians, pork business will remain small scale.

Marketing blunders assignment

As the Hummel was making money on this unique branding commodity on the contrary of an epidemic that was treating and devastating by the masses was introduced to the consumer. Instead, Hummel was resistant to name change to late in the game losing 50% of the profits they have made.

Netflix and its development

Despite the success, the company heads in the form of Reed Hastings is all aware of the competition faced with as a result continuous strive towards improvement in the performance. Netflix ensured overcoming the physical constraints which was one of the reasons why Blockbuster suffered market sweep and overall costs.

Market size and future demands

The fact that Superdry only uses the Internet to advertise means that they are designing mostly for the younger generation; the old and the very young are neglected. The fact that the company relies solely on the Internet and electronic social networking for advertisements could prove to be dangerous and detrimental to the growth and โ†’

Global marketing case study-samsung

In 1969, Samsung became a low cost black and white TV manufacturer, known as Samsung Electronics Company. To support for its growing business, Samsung acquired a semiconductor business, and was set for a future In electronics business.

Costco cracks taiwan market

Indeed, the company has adopted the strategy of adaptation of its American products or brands in which it alters its market offerings according to tastes and preferences of domestic consumers. In fact, Costco focuses on differentiation of its global products to obtain a clear and distinctive image in the minds of consumers.

Challenging customers in the marketplace

Such customers are challenging customers and shopkeepers find it difficult to deal with such customers. Shopkeepers can deal with challenging customers by listening to them properly, asking questions, showing concerns towards the needs of the customers.

Tools of marketing

These companies are conscious in bringing their products in the various market models. Their marketspace involves varied global sources that carry their socialresponsibilityobjectives.eBay and Yahoo are companies born with the metamarkets in mind.

A new retail concept designed to combat the online shopping trend

SITUATION Online retail has been on the rise for the past years. This has been the trend in the past year as has more consumers are comfortable with online shopping.

Financial marketing

3 years, the average Book Value per Share and a Growth Rate was 18. In a period of 5 years, the average BV per Share Growth Rate was at 18.

New ideas about marketing and marketing in politics

He lost a lot of arguments and he lost the high ground in a number of debates. This sounds like a lot of useful information to me.

Working less and making more

The invention of these employees is related to sales and marketing in the sense that the employees are required to have a ready targeted market in mind even during the conception of the idea itself. In order for the company to take up the idea and actually invest in it, they need to know if โ†’

Health care marketing

Although I do agree that media is frequently used strategically to advance the social or policy initiatives, and that brands when endorsed by political leaders and stars do have a revolutionary impact on many audiences, yet such advertisements do not change my point of view. They are paid by the brands to promote their products โ†’

Marketing strategies: customer feedback surveys

On the company's part, they should not collect private information to the extent where the customer feels insecure and the worst part is that companies who are gathering data just do not keep it to themselves; it is usually leaked or sold to other companies specifically in the banking sector. In my opinion, there should โ†’

Lecture marketing basic

*Exploratory research - we need to identify the main parts, to make a big picture. It is used when little is known about a particular management problem and to discover the general nature of the questions that might relate to it.

Supermarkets inc

Logistics involves the physical distribution of good/services from point of origin to the final customer, and encompasses functions such as warehousing, inventory management, transportation, and logistic information management. Name and describe at least two different types of retailers that are profiled in the video.

Ethical dilemma in marketing

Ethical Dilemma in Marketing While this is a health issue, tobacco manufacturers express the ethical dilemma when they only advertise their products on television to warn people about the effects of tobacco. This, in turn, hurt the consumers after they realize the health issues related to the products.