Genuine Essay Examples

Haydn surprise symphony essay examples

The music is lively and invites us to dance and even celebrate. The music is meant to make people reflect and that is exactly what it does.

Example of com 215 story making creative writing

I believe this pain that was coursed by the sudden break up, of a seemingly happy union, is what caused Neal to change from a composed neat and organized person to a disturbed and anxious individual who has reached a point of neglecting his house cleanliness and he's even contemplating β†’

Essay on justice in the republic

Plato explained the value and the nature of justice as well as the other related virtues as they emerge together in the formation of the society and in the individuality of a person. To further understand the harmony of the soul and the state, let us scrutinize the constitution of β†’

Example of propaganda in united arab emirates advertising essay

As a result, the advertisements often present an idealized picture of life in the UAE and never depict any images that hint at the dissent and political strife in the country. The most popular city in the UAE is Dubai and advertising for Dubai presents an interesting example of the control of UAE media. Accessed β†’

Nicomachean ethics – the humanly successful life essays example

The contemplative life occurs as so sublime as to relate it to nearly divine and is the human activity best fulfilling the required qualifications of the highest good of human behavior because contemplation is continuous and the most self-sufficient and complete of human actions. It remains a metaphysical contemplative activity for humans in attaining happiness β†’

Example of the apology critical thinking

Hence, he is not apologizing, but rather giving out a speech in his defense. What is the oracle at Delphi and what did the oracle say that god Socrates started on his life of inquiry The Oracle at Delphi proclaimed that Socrates was one of the wisest man. Personally, I could consult the religious β†’

The secret to happiness is giving back to others

It is a ripple effect where we inspire those around us to do the same. Such activities will inspire our future generation to help the community, their classmates, and friends, and their loved ones. What you can do to give to others is to give someone your time.

Free completed–final letter to the instructor essay example

This semester my writing improved as I became a better person in your guidance. I have written a variety of papers, the Argumentative paper was an eye opener for me as I had to find solid reasons to support my stand. The topic of racial terrorism had to be discussed, β†’

Essay on positive psychology

The potential of each and everyone in the community is realized when they come out to perform to the best of their ability. That makes it a bit technical to understand the real meaning of such aspects. In conclusion, positive psychology has got beneficial factors to individuals and to the community.

Why you are failing to reach your potential

They will approach a problem in the same manner and in spite of knowing that they failed last time, will expect a positive outcome. But a Cancerian fails to see how beautiful they are in their own way. Sagittarius: The December borns are very compromising in nature, and they end up pretending that are happy β†’

Good example of essay on mindfulness studies

[Writer Name] [Supervisor Name] [Date] Self-Compassion Instead of self-criticism it is important that one should indulge in self-compassion. In this way, instead of improving yourself to stay ahead of your competition, you tend to stand in the way of your objectives. Self compassion is learning about our mistakes, failures and weaknesses.

Good example of essay on marked for greatness

These stories were written at the end of the 19th century and one at the beginning of the 20th century and the story by Raymond Carver was written at the end of the 20th century. She had her flaws, both mental and physical but in the end, instead of being prey, β†’


The contingencies of self-worth may be a favorable view of themselves, thinking that they are competent, likable, attractive and successful may help them to believe they are worthy and increase levels of self-esteem. The approval of others is one example of the contingencies of self-esteem.

Free epicureanism essay sample

The desires that have a basis in nature were the desire for happiness, desire to free one's body from predicaments and the desire for life itself. Epicurus' teachings are very relevant in the world today as they guide us on how to achieve happiness and pleasure while avoiding pain and troubles of the heart. The β†’

What is constitutes real happiness

I think that all men are created equal and the Creator gave us life with the pursuit of happiness at the same time. Happiness, of course, is around us like when we are eating delicious food or watching comedy show. However what I am saying at this point, β†’

Edited file: creative writing examples

I believe you have a good heart, and I have always been proud of you. I wish you the best in your life.

Good essay about moral psychology and acts of kindness

Thus, one of the goals of moral psychology is to address philosophic questions using the scientific methods. Since the 1970s, moral psychology has been a growing field of scientific research and inquiry. Many researchers in the field contend that the basic tenets of moral psychology are derived from an intuitive sense of right and wrong.

Can happiness be learned? how to become a happy person?

The endemic feeling that love gives birth to can feed long, hard days and aids to center you when you start to feel " off track", and it plays a vital role in the support you feel from your squad. The absolute goal is to follow these areas that make you feel like your best β†’

Good essay about jeremy bentham and john stuart mills theory of utilitarian moral values

Therefore, Bentham sought and managed to reformulate it, so that it could be defined in aggregate term as " the greatest happiness principle"; a moral act is the one that produces greatest utility/ happiness to all beings/majority in the society. Apparently, the theory is relativist: it is relative to every society and at a certain β†’

Work and love essay sample

The author argues the purpose of hard work and shows the tiny, fragile borders that limit social responsibility and obligation and give the way to individual prerogatives love, wishes, and desires. The poem " Hard Work" is characterized with a deep introspection of the protagonist. At the end of the poem the author draws β†’

Machines again cannot invariably learn

Our ability to think seems to be infinite but the machine's ability to think would be limited to the programming of the machine. On the other hand, a machine is unable to achieve knowledge through perception and the use of the senses.

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Theory of Multiple Intelligence Theory of multiple Intelligence Intelligence can be defined as the combined or comprehensive capability of an individual to act purposefully, rationally and to manage effectively within the environment. Gardener's theory of multiple intelligence still needs a lot of research and evidence in order to fully support it.

Concepts of emotional intelligence

Identify &ump; describe 3 key areas of professional practice 1st or 3rd What Is emotional Intelligence ? According to the Centre for nursing , emotional intelligence is a set of skills that defines how effectively we reason, how we understand and manage our own feelings and the feelings, emotions, and β†’

Emotional intelligence

I could also describe her as money full of positive energy and had learned to deal with negativity in her surroundings in a positive manner. She is someone that not only has the ability to identify her own emotions and deal with this, but she is able to identify, understand, interpret and respond β†’

Multiple intelligence

Finally, a list of resources for further eating on this topic will be provided. Theory of Multiple Intelligences When Gardner first described his theory of multiple intelligences, he suggested that " there are at least seven ways that people have of perceiving and understanding the world." Gardner labels each of these β†’

Statement of purpose admission essay example

I belong to the school of thought that believes that the brain is an empty slate that is continuously filled with knowledge during the journey of life. My area of concentration has always been and remains machine learning and computational theory. In briefly commenting on my academic and professional goals, I wish to state the β†’

Week assignment gardner’s intelligence theory

This has enabled educators and trainers to narrow In on how to teach and grasp the attention of all their students and trainees. Whereas encouraging and motivating them by understanding how they learn and the best way to teach them. Sometimes combining more than one Intelligence helps In finding the best way to β†’

Electronic intelligence versus human intelligence

In The Poet and the Computer, Norman Cousins argues that the " problem of technology is not solely to be more productive and comfortable, more content, but how to be more sensitive, more sensible, more proportionate, more alive." According to Cousins, the real problem of technology is whether it makes easier or harder for human β†’

Emotional intelligence and competencies

Trustworthiness and conscientiousness - People with this competency: Trustworthiness - Act ethically and are above reproach Build trust through their reliability and authenticity Admit their own mistakes and confront unethical actions In others Take tough, principled stands even if they are unpopular Conscientiousness - Meet commitments and keep promises Hold themselves accountable β†’

Emphasize business intelligence

This assignment based on two top Business Intelligence software solutions as Senses, and First and the explanation of why I choose Senses software Bal as the best Both Senses and First have key features with Data collection, 3rd-party data integration, Data visualization, Customizable dashboards, Self-service, Mobile accessibility, Dados analytics and reports. It β†’

X chromosome and intelligence

Robert Lahore, the first individual to comment that genes regarding intelligence may be located on the X chromosome, has based his beliefs on his own study of ten families in which mental retardation was segregating in the X chromosome, the excess of males with mental handicaps, and the difference of distribution of IQ in males β†’

Emotional intelligence

Major findings include that rational and dependent decision making styles have high positive impact on organizational performance while avoiding decision making styles has negative impact on organizational performance. Study further determines that emotional intelligence moderates the relationship among decision making styles and organizational performance. Consequently, the focus of this paper is to evaluate β†’

Intelligence quotient test questions

Putting things In hierarchies makes sense to me Animals are important in my life My home has a recycling system in place I enjoy studying biology, botany and/or zoology I spend a great deal of time outdoors I Section 2 I easily pick up on patterns I used In Section β†’

Features in animal husbandry, especially for cows

Slow walk through the fields and high-tech cows seem out of place, but the sensors , artificial intelligence , big data analysis, networking and the Internet of things other elements are beginning to have a significant impact on milk production. Value to work, but to be able to more effectively determine the disease or β†’

Animals: intelligence quotient and similar brain structure

I think animals are not more like us than we think they do. I do not agree that animals are more like us.

The effect of emotional intelligence on leadership

This Implies that by encouraging all employees ark together and share responsibilities In order to effectively keep things running smoothly is another responsibility of outstanding leader. This paper is suggesting the conceptual framework of the effect of Emotional Intelligence on leadership performance. The conceptual framework is developed through the process of β†’

Sydney kpundeh

In this paper, I will focus on two of his objections to the thesis that machines can think that Evans considers and replies to, and I will explain my side on those issues. The fact that machines are incapable of error and every one of their moves are predictable means that they do not have β†’

Animal farm intelligence and education as a means

Right from the beginning of the novel we can see that the ones who took control of the development of the farm were the pigs, because they were the " smartest of the animals". At that point, they were still using their period intelligence and commanding ability to lead the rest of the β†’

Actions of intelligence and leadership

He would have been because the Aedui would turn against him, and also the Helvetii and other Germanic forces would attack, taking into consideration that he is supposed to be an ally to the Aedui. Also, with the defeat of Ariovistus, Caesar gained land in northern Gaul for the Roman Empire. As he β†’

Social and emotional intelligence

This paper will critically analyses the three impotency clusters identified most recently by Botanists , and provide reasoning for the underlying notion, that emotional and social awareness and higher plane cognitive ablest are what, with regards to managerial effectiveness, differentiates the ordinary from the extraordinary. Threshold competencies, as described by Cockerels et β†’

Literature survey on text detection in natural images

This module includes the arbitrary orientation network and the filter gate , which constitute the core of the proposed method. The proposed method consists of two stages: character region extraction and text region detection and scene text detection approaches, first use CNNs or some detection mechanisms to extract a number β†’

Past, present, and future of computers

Smaller companies contributed to the computer industry by creating with the creation of WordStar, which is the first word processing software, and VisiCalc Spreadsheet, which was the first software which had a similar function as Excel. Computers in the present day are part of our everyday lives with its increased availability to β†’

Future and extent of man-made brainpower

The rate at which the field of computerized reasoning is building up the enthusiasm for man-made reasoning specialists is creating at a comparative rate or essentially speedier. The opening between the amount of AI specialists required and ai specialists available is getting broader by each passing day. Specialists around the world are getting in wording β†’

Artificial intelligence

The knowledge-base contains the domain knowledge which is used by the inference engine to draw conclusions.2. The inference engine is the generic control Achaeans that applies the axiomatic knowledge to the task-specific data to arrive at some conclusion. Elements of a Rule Based Expert System There are 3 essential components of a rule-based β†’

Designing of a scene text recognition system

Due to the frequent use and advent of smart gadgets, the identification and extraction of scene text from natural images and videos has become a regular job in recent computer vision research. As the Text recognition gives rise to numerous applications, the fundamental aim is to determine whether or not there is text in a β†’

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Although there is evidence supporting Gardener's theory of multiple intelligence, it is still merely a theory. The major criticism towards Gardener's theory is the lack of empirical evidence.questions Gardner that he failed to specify which multiple intelligence is supported by what proof for which neural system or adapted cognition module. Gardener's theory of β†’

The implementation of artificial intelligence in computerized agencies

In spite of the way that Facebook has as of late separated ties with some outsider information suppliers because of its open shakeup, AI-affected publicizing efforts on the web-based social networking goliath's pages are still impactfull when we consider the abundance of focusing on data clients expressly make accessible to Facebook. It's critical β†’

Seven types of intelligences

I have chosen to examine the learning styles of the Chinese culture and the Japanese culture. In the Chinese culture, education is a high priority, and they believe that an education establishes not only the future and advancement of an individual, but their family and country, as well.

India’s intelligence and internal security

New and complex manifestations in the nature of security threats, states resorting to low-cost option of covert actions to achieve their objectives, abundance and accessibility of lethal weapons, availability and accessibility of lethal technology, quick and easy trans-national mobility, low efficacy of conventional security measures, etc. Yet another upcoming threat to Indian's internal security is β†’

Kambria:fueling the economy of robotics

Because of the presence of computing power which makes robots programmable and Artificial Intelligence which makes robots to be able to think and reason on a complicated level, they have become a high necessity in the world today. Industrially, robots have been adopted but at home, they have not because companies involved in the β†’

Multiple intelligences paper

Gardner suggested that although individuals have a biological proclivity to solving problems in a particular way, the cultural nurture of the domain is equally Important and plays a large role In a child's proclivity towards certain Intelligences. I would have the children sit in a circle and we would all sing and rhyme together.

The era of artificial intelligence

This quote that Carr speaks about is powerful because it has a positive and negative effect, one being that he hates the fact that having advanced technology is causing him not too obtain the information as he once did when he read a book in the other hand it's a great form to find data β†’

Lesson plan in emotional intelligence

In their influential article " Emotional Intelligence," they defined emotional intelligence as, " the subset of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own and others' feelings and emotions, to discriminate among them and to use this information to guide one's thinking and actions". The Four Branches of Emotional Intelligence Salvoes β†’

Artificial intelligence replacing the art of traditional selling

It is the way the machines are trained to perform the above mentioned tasks with set of algorithms and yet allowing the algorithm to take new form every time and in accordance to the need. Subtract the time that a Sales person has to collect and research leads on, plan the conversation and the anxiety β†’

Intelligence and its relationship to success in life

Sternberg to the success of intelligence, including three aspects of intelligence, involving comparison, Judgment, thinking the assessment of the ability to find creative intelligence involved, to create, to imagine creative thinking and assumptions, such as the ability to practice involving the use of intelligence, the use of knowledge Capacity. To sports as an β†’

Howard gardner’s eight types of intelligence

Although most people are a combination of many distinct Intelligence types, the TESTS instructors familiarization of such is a great way to contribute to the preferred learning styles and cultural differences in the classroom. Since most English speakers are products of the Western World, such tend to only place value on certain types of intelligence.

Theories of intelligence

The first of the ideas is that of the analytical intelligence of a person. The idea shows how a person receives the information, process information, and solutions for the problems from this information. The theory is very complex and an " Q" test may not show the creativity or practicality of a person.

The effects of the evolution of artificial intelligence on society

As the world progresses, the focus on development has shifted to AI which has been advanced such that it can act as a voice assistant on phones, predict users' risk of illnesses and even serve to further better information systems in communal places such as the library. In May 2018, when Google executive, Sundar β†’

Artificial intelligence and its future

The beginning of the thought of artificial intelligence happened concurrently with the rise of computers and the dotcom boom. This essay will explore the history of artificial intelligence, discuss the impact of artificial intelligence in society and touch upon where scientists want to take the study of artificial intelligence.

An architecture of privacy sensitive ubiquitous computing

Abstract A ubiquitous computing is term resulted from IoT , Artificial Intelligence and many modern technologies where many gadgets and devices allows us to access information from anywhere and anytime. Users would benefit from receiving information and services customized to their preferences. Security Challenges in Ubiquitous Computing Vulnerabilities: The most addressed β†’

Usage of the canopy clustering algorithm

Finding their best known positions, they render the movements of these particles in a search space and also the whole swarm's best position. There are only Three primary stages in the PSO algorithm: to determine the fitness of all the particles, to update the individual an global bests and finally update the velocity and the β†’

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences

Theory of multiple intelligence Intelligence can be defined as the combined or comprehensive capability of an individual to act purposefully, rationally and to manage effectively within the environment. In conclusion, although the balance between the pros and cons of this theory is still unsure, it shows a simplistic view on intelligence.

Multiple intelligence profile of cristo rey regional high school

Statement of the Problem This study aims to determine the level of Multiple Intelligence of the High School Students in SST. Bernard for the School Year 2012 - 2013. One associated with nature and the sequel was associated with the understanding about the significance of life. The Linguistic Intelligence involves sensitivity β†’

Artificial intelligence and the modern military

Within the Department of Defense , the word autonomous is equivalent to and often substituted for the term Artificial Intelligence. Autonomous is defined by Webster's dictionary as; " Having independent existence or laws" , where as Artificial Intelligence is defined in the Encyclopedia Britannica as " the β†’

The impact of robots and ai on japan’s employment and population

Automation will also have adverse impacts on Japan's population and social interactions. Geographic Description Japan is located in East Asia, between the North Pacific Ocean and the Sea of Japan. They can also care for the young and the elderly." The number of people in Japan aged 65 or older is expected to reach β†’

Problems under artificial intelligence

The expansiveness of the realistic learning, i.e.number of nuclear actualities that a normal individual knows is huge and to assemble an entire learning base of realistic information requests to a great degree difficult designing. Planning Wise operators must have the capacity to set objectives and accomplish them and continue towards the arrangement plannedly. In β†’

The four styles of creative intelligence

It Is Important for the success of a team that Individuals minimize the negative mindsets and focus on the positive. These individuals lead by inspiring the group and tend to be educators, leaders, and writers. These styles of creative intelligence have different ways of influencing an organization and decision making.

Implication of emotional intelligence

The purpose of this research paper is to assess socio-emotional development and identify the importance and the implications of it to academic performance of an adolescent using ten selected students in the third year level of Cantonal High School in a case study design. At this point of the research paper, Emotional Intelligence β†’

The application of artificial intelligence in college education

Between your lecture notes, the textbook and any readings, there's always going to be more material than you will know what to do with and it's hard to know how to prioritize your studying. Chatbots, which are AI-powered customer service chat programs, have been a popular way to use AI and it's carried over to β†’

What is intelligence

Smart Is Intelligent right? ) What If I have this brother, who is not too good in the academic field but, is a great soccer player, whenever one on one with the goalie he fakes his body and scores the goal, lots of people would call him a smart or an intelligent player, my point β†’

Procedures seed

This is similar to the case which I have already mentioned earlier as the person without adequate amount of nutrition will never be able to see the face of success in any sector of his/her life. The more efficient the marketing strategies are of a company are the chances or probabilities are higher β†’

Overview of lyrebird voice mimicking ai technology

This is very different from the computerized voice that Stephen Hawking had been relying on for his communication. In a statement the company explains the logic behind the magic, " it analyses the recordings, comes up with the characteristics that make a voice unique and is able to generate phrases based on that". The ethical β†’

Should charlie have had the intelligence operation?

Charlie thought Miss Klan was a genius Just because she could give him reasons for things Like punctuation; he did not have to become any smarter than that to be happy, not even close. Charlie was convinced that once he had the operation that he would be like everyone else and people would β†’

Multiple intelligences essay

According to " A Multiple Intelligence Inventory' I am highly intelligent in the Musical and Linguistic area, but I also have a weakness: Naturalist, which I plan to strengthen. In the day I usually catch myself singing a song form the show, a sign that I am intelligent in the Musical area. Since β†’

Trusting ai technology is changing our daily life

The way in which risk and trust are interrelated forms the theoretical basis for the approach to my research. The Choice for Voice The degree to which we trust or do not trust AI will determine the role that AI will play in our daily lives in the coming decades. The key to a β†’

Gardner’s theory on multiple intelligences

Musical Intelligence Musical intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret musical itches, timbre, rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Interpersonal intelligence is the ability to interpret and respond to the moods, emotions, motivations, and actions of others.

India’s intelligence and internal security

Indian's new government has prioritize intelligence in its agenda and conceptualized policy formation and implementation diversities for the country's safety and security. The ever-increasing security concerns and the greater reliance on Intelligence are the offshoots of a host of causative factors. New and complex manifestations In the nature of security threats, states resorting β†’

Future impact essay example

Question 1 What is the " Digital Divide"? Answer Digital divide is a term used to describe inequalities between people, in terms of access to, use of, or knowledge of information and communication technologies. According to Lin and Popovic , in the new computer age work has been adversely affected for β†’

How to use competitive intelligence to gain an advantage

Fact is that it is difficult to advance your business in today's market without knowing what are your competitors are up to. Yes, competition rules the market and it makes organizations, reducers, sellers and marketers to become more and more creative, to advance the quality, design, invention, convenience and price of their product β†’

Howard gardner’s eight types of intelligence

Although most people are a combination of many distinct Intelligence types, the TESTS Instructor's familiarization of such Is a great way to contribute to the preferred learning styles and cultural differences In the classroom. Since most English speakers are products of the Western World, such tend to only place value on certain types of intelligence.

Emotional intelligence journal

In contrast an IQ test measures a person's reasoning ability compared to the general population and while it's been around since 1 905 professionals are finally discovering that these test don truly measure intelligence accurately nor fully. Understanding how you feel and why you are feeling a specific way and when it's not β†’

The risks of artificial intelligence influence on society

Therefore, under the unknown condition, the risks of AI technology are obviously gradually appearing in human society Regarding the great usage and extensive attention of AI, the existing AI applications are devoted to various aspects of the modern world. To showcase the risks of Artificial Intelligence on society, at first, the article will provide β†’

Emotional intelligence in teaching

Nowadays is important because affects positively the academic achievement of students from the first day to the years to follow. Emotional Intelligence Is the ability to understand our own emotions and those of people around us. If the teacher is emotionally intelligent then a number of the students will be benefited. β†’

Free essay on protecting human rights

These values, it is believed, in the Asian culture, is more important culturally, and if that means that one's human rights need to be sacrificed to uphold discipline and order that is the choice that should be made. As the Asian culture is explored, and ancient philosophers are studied, it is the general conclusion when β†’

Government regulation of fast food argumentative essays

The paper outlines the core reasons why government regulation of the fast food business in America is needed, in order to foster healthy lifestyles among the Americans. Current plans for government regulation of fast food business include mandates on food quality, portion control, and healthier options for the various fast food outlets, as appropriated in β†’

Sociology as a science essay example

Sociology is a kind of study that tends to expose or explore human activities within the society. Not to forget is that sociology is discipline that includes any form of life apart from the human life.

Good example of essay on history

In such cases, Aristotle has given explicit explanations. Plato is however a great philosopher because he is the first person that has articulated the detailed and coherent description of all the elements that represent philosophy. Aristotle has practices some activities that were regarded as philosophic by Plato. Aristotle has given a more consistent view about β†’

Essay on entity relationship diagrams

It shows a mutual relationship between the two entities: Information of the first entity that is related to the second and that of the second that is related to the first. Hence, in an entity relationship illustration, the main issue is the identification of the traits in different entities and the affiliation that might exist β†’

Example of essay on about santiago ramon y cajal

His interest turned to central nervous system, and he is considered as the most accomplished neuro- anatomist in the history of neuroscience. The brain size and functionality is quite disproportional in nature. In contrast to the Golgi's theory of a reticular formation, SRC proposed that the nervous system is comprised of billions of neurons.

Critical thinking on procedures and policies for police department regarding traffic law code enforcement

The work of the traffic police officers is to maintain law and order in the roads. Some of the actions that can be taken by the officer on duty during the infringement include impounding of the vehicle involved and apprehending the law breaker where necessary Mosley reiterates that in the United β†’

Software engineering & computer science essays example

The discipline of software engineering ends into the profession of a program which is a person, who is responsible for designing, writing and testing the computer programs that includes practice of designing and implementing large, reliable, efficient and economical software by applying the principles and practices of engineering. The studies of software engineer constitute development β†’

The divide between science and religion essay example

Consequently, scientists are expected to maintain a professional touch in their work and contribute to the development of the scientific field. The theory of evolution appeared to be a diversion of the popular creation theory found in the Genesis chapter of the bible. Apart from Darwin, other scientists have also supported the idea that there β†’

Medical device essay sample

The regulation states that the devices used should have the ability to give accurate results of the problem being tested. The second element of regulation is identification of the most outstanding mitigation process. There is no device, which should surpass others in an execution of the treatment process, which is a regulation defined by use β†’

Good example of the importance of leadership essay

Teamwork played a crucial role in relation to the participation of the players in the formulation of strategies of the team. The coach encouraged proper planning and coordination of training programs so as to enable players to achieve proper skills in the game. The emphasis on the discipline of the β†’

Civil liability act 2003 (qld) essay

A legal agreement between the claimants who is John in this case and the insurer as to the appointment of the joint experts will become increasingly prevalent therefore affecting the rendering of the proposed rules on the experts evidence which is redundant in the matters where PIPA is applicable. In the other way round, the β†’

Yoga: serious discipline essay sample

These apparent things appeal to the mind and the body, but the devotion to Krishna appeals to the true self. Yoga is a philosophy of action, as expounded in the Yoga-S tras of Patanjali. The aim of yoga is the ability to control one's mind and body, and in doing so realize that the self β†’