Quality Others Essay Examples for Your Learning

The millennium and copthorne hotel tourism essay

To examine and evaluate a real life example within the hospitality industry of how a particular organizatiorticular ate a real life example within the hospitality industry n pursued a certain strategic choice, in recent years.' This is a study of the Millennium and Copthorne hotel in terms of its performance in the hospitality industry and →

Quality of service (qos): issues and recommendations

The effects of quality on QoS need then that algorithms utilized should be capable of managing frequent loss and reappearance of mobile device within the network, and that overhead ought to be reduced in periods of low connectivity. Management Adaptivity As declared within the section " The Effects of Movement on QoS," one of the →

Application of malcolm knowles’ theories to teaching practice

The art of teaching is essentially the management of these two key variables in the learning process environment and interaction- which together define the substance of the basic unit of learning, a " learning experience"". In the late 1950s, Malcolm Knowles popularised the difference in " the art and science of teaching a child", referred →

The impact of armed conflict in nigeria

In 2001, a major crisis occurred in Jos, the capital city of Plateau State in the northern part of Nigeria, leading to the destruction of properties and loss of lives. They subsequently demanded that the government put the necessary infrastructure in place to improve on the protection of women and children.

Critically assess the strengths and weaknesses of personal construct

Kelly's personal construct theory and Eysenck and Rathman's trait theory of personality will be outlined and then trait theory will be used to critique, and find the strengths and weaknesses of, personal construct theory to see how it contributes to our understanding of individual differences in personality. This essay will argue that the strength of →

Effect of paradigms on research methods

The use of the Interpretivist paradigm influences every aspect of this research from how the topic is viewed, the purpose, how the research problem is presented, the collection of materials, how the data is analysed and displayed as well as the ethical considerations of the research. Ultimately, it is important to emphasise that the way →

Comparison of erikson & kohlberg’s developmental theories

Name the chosen significant developmental aspects and stages of your adult life & identify key aspects of each of the two developmental theories Adult development refers to psychological and social changes in an human life. In regards to Kohlberg's Model I believe I am at the Conventional Level and a mixture of both Stages 3 →

The history and impact of the dsm

The History and Impact of the DSM As professionals in the field of marriage and family therapy, it is essential for therapists to become familiar with the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition. As a result of this lack of incorporation of patients and their families, it is safe to say that →

The decentralization in canada politics essay

There are different forms of decentralization- decentralization, de-concentration, privatisation of devolved functions, interest group representation, establishment of paratstatals and quangos, and privatization of national functions.[1] Factors that pressure for decentralization includes: the replacement of appointment sub-national officials by elected ones, the owning and carrying out functions at the lower levels that they are more capable →

Socrates and epicurus and life after death philosophy essay

In Socrates' final speech to the congress that denounces him to death, he states that " either death is a state of nothingness and utter unconsciousness, or, as men say, there is a change and migration of the soul from this world to another". In his writing Nagel criticizes Socrates' view of a conclusive life →

Developing a culture of learning and development in the workplace

During the entirety of this process, the executive team will be responsible for creating an Employee Training and Development policy that will apply to all future procedures and processes related to trainings and development opportunities. The initiative to create a strategic training and development program in and of itself can lead to more trust in →

Nursing essays – progressive urge incontinence

The study by Perry considered the intra-partum factors that influenced the eventual incidence of stress incontinence and concluded that factors such as a precipitate delivery increased the incidence of perineal floor damage which was a prime factor in the aetiology of stress incontinence. Pelvic floor exercises have been shown to exert a beneficial effect on →

The impact of advertising on the mass media media essay

The aim of this study is to find the impact of advertising on the development trends of mass media, there must be a very complicated relationship between advertising and news in the mass media, and as all known, news provide real and quick information to people, but the function of advertising is totally different, which →

Pricing strategy used by tata motors

Penetration pricing is very helpful in market development, when organizations want to expand the market then there is always a need of a factor that can make the people use the product, and in economies like India, pricing is effective tool to play with, pricing can be used as a tool that can make the →

Assertiveness and effective leadership

The connection between leadership and assertiveness is not that clear, there have been studies from the past regarding the relationship of leadership and assertiveness. Though there are a lot of suggestions, the conclusion to this study is having a moderate level of assertiveness is more likely to be effective in leadership both in social and →

History of video games

This essay will present a summary of the history of videogames, as it started in the mind of Ralph Baer, the ' Father of video games', to its place in present and future society as the place holder for billions of dollars in the entertainment industry. In the year of 1966, Baer approaches his associates →

Effect of doodling in learning

Infinite questions can run through a teacher's mind as to the setting of their classroom and if they are handling the order in the classroom in a proper manner. Therefore, in doodling, there is still motivation for the brain to continue to work whether it be directly related to the topic of discussion throughout the →

Advantages of skilled worker migration

His main point in this article is that allowing skilled workers to migrate would boost the global economy and lower poverty rate in lower class states where the individual migrant workers migrated from. Kenny says that this is possible due to the amount of remittance sent back to a migrant's home state." If the amount →

Explain how rational organisational design business essay

This type of design often has one member of staff, usually the manager, in control of the majority of other employees; the hierarchy design resembling a pyramid, showing the manager has a large span of control. This span of control " shifts all responsibility for the organisation of work from the worker to the manager" →

Impact of the internet on the macro-environment

The technological environment The technological environment is of significant importance in the context of e-business. Review the impact of the internet on the five forces industry framework and explain how it works Porter proposes a five forces framework, which outlines the main factors determining a firm's ability to capture the value it creates.

Oil degrading bacteria: history of and processes

Finally, there are many advantages has been gained from the oil degrading bacteria's from a quick cleanup of an oil spill. Predominant culturable crude oil-degrading bacteria in the coast of Kuwait.

Techniques to isolate bacterial colonies | experiment

Since distinct and well-isolated colonies were not found from the spread plate and pour plate techniques, selection of distinct and clear colonies of all three types of bacteria were made from the streak plate and observed under the microscope. As for Gram negative bacteria, the alcohol wash opens the pores of the peptidoglycan layer and →

Forte hotel

Analysis I ran a conjoint analysis on the conjoint data in order to understand the market share and revenue indexes for the four room concepts developed by Forte Hotels. Reviewing the output analysis, of the four product concepts that Forte is currently considering the Professional 1 and Tourist have the highest market share, and similar →

Christopher reeve

Christopher Reeve What it means to be a Superman Born on September 25, 1952, native New Yorker Christopher Reeve has lead a life of stardom, coupled with a life of tragedy. Leading a very successful film career, Reeves was on top of the world, until the fifth day of May of nineteen ninety-five.

The studies concluded that “man varies; that these

Evidences in Support of Heredity: Some supporters of heredity have based their investigations on the following evidences: Unequal intelligence levels of individuals of different occupational groups', Unequal intelli gence levels of different racial categories', and The study of famous families of Edwards and degenerate families of Jukes. The study of the families of Edwards and →

The another corner separated from the main citadel

The backyard of these rooms joins with a huge structure which is believed to be the granary. A separate mound in the east shows the evidence of a line of small rooms apparently for labourers or soldiers and large pounding platforms with burnt wheat.

Throughout our hearts as he takes us to

He opens our eyes and touches our hearts as he takes us to Eliezer's psychological journey, as the Holocaust robs him of his faith in God and exposes him to the deepest inhumanity of which man is capable. However, his confidence in God diminishes as he is faced with the truth of what lies ahead →

Social justice assignment

Social Justices in the classroom is on major obstacle a teacher has to deal with and teach students about the difference each an every student. With this idea students can are given a chance to answer a question about the discussion, etc you as the teacher choosing groups in which a student can be put →

Pollution prevention assignment

The following is a table showing the possible outcome if people start to think about population and the environmental impact by cooperating with the policies and guidelines. The " more-developed countries roducereduce% of the world's hazardous wastes, and the United States is the largest producer." A change in the way the public thinks is the →

Describe j. alfred prufrock. what is this character like? essay

It is obvious that he is emotional and is in love with a woman, or at least what he thinks is love, but he lacks the courage to tell her and he has become complacent." And indeed there will be time".is repeated throughout the poem to show that he is disillusioned into thinking that time →

Robert louis stevensons ”dr. jekyll and mr. hyde” essay sample

Because the story is seen through the eyes of Utterson, the reader feel what he feels, so when he gets scared, the reader feels the same. Utterson is saying that evil was bound to be a part of the mystery of Jekyll and his acquaintance with Hyde.

Inclusive science education

Running Head: INCLUSIVE SCIENCE EDUCATION Inclusive Science Education of Inclusive Science Education Inclusion is the significant partaking of students with impairments in general education classrooms. The National Committee on Science Education Standards and Assessment asserted, " The commitment to Science for All entails inclusion not only of those who conventionally have attained encouragement and opportunity →

China may emerge as the world’s largest economy by 2020

Impact on world trading system: The main impact on the world trading system is that China will have more say in the system and WTO." China has been a member of WTO since 11 December 2001". China will be the largest exporter and importer of goods in the system.

Barter system essay

It can be a shell, a metal coin, or a piece of paper with a historic image on it, but the value that people place on it has nothing to do with the physical value of the money. Barter is a system of exchange by which goods or services are directly exchanged for other goods →

Marilynne robinson’s essay “darwinism” essay

She spends some time discussing the relationship between Creationism and Darwinism; she attacks the way a Nietzschean ethic of selfishness has become respectable in the world; she also discusses the problems of the ideologies of Sigmund Freud. Creationism, according to Migliore, is " also know as ' creation science'" and that is " opposes the →

My ambition to become a soldier essay

When I will grow up, I want to became a soldier in order to serve my motherland. So I want to become a soldier and serve my country whole-heartedly all my life.

Chronicle of a death foretold argumentative essay

Through the characterization of central characters; Bayardo San Roman and Angela Vicario, the author criticizes the culture of this Columbian town as he strongly implies how the community's obsessive concern of the honor and reputation of an individual can lead to the impediment of character growth and individuality. The characterization of Angela Vicario is a →

Principle sociological perspectives essay

The proletariat sell their labour to the bourgeoisie but there is different levels of power within both of the social classes as the working class are just interested in getting a fair wage and the wealthy are always wealthy and are the ones who benefit from any good that comes from society. CollectivismCollectivism came around →

Dr. jekyll and mr hyde analysis essay

Representatives of the Victorian Era The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and Dorian Gray The novel The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde was written by Robert L. Having read the extracts of the novels and knowing what happens in the end, a comparison of the Victorian Era and the →

Hillier cases essay

However, to prepare for possible future Increases In demand beyond the current recasts, management now wants to also consider the option of enlarging the plans for the new refinery so that it would have the capacity to process 150 million barrels of crude oil annually. Since the operating cost per million barrels of crude oil →

Care management flashcard

This gave me the opportunity to orientate myself to the ward and to get an overview of the needs and requirements of the patients. Through communication and slowly building a relationship with Mrs Tong I learned that she was fully aware of the implications of her decision.

Advantages of information technology

Dominant culture While information technology may have made the world a global village, it has made the dominate culture to overshadow the weak as US is blamed to have influenced the young generation around the world to adapt their culture and language as English is commonly as the primary mode of communication for business and →

Cyber bullying summary narrative

Once you have a baseline measure of what is going on in your school, specific strategies can be implemented to educate students and staff about online safety and Internet use in creative and powerful ways. In general, it is crucial to establish and maintain a school climate of respect and integrity where violations result in →

Computer-based inventory system essay

Input is a process of buying new products into the inventory and replacing the old products with the new ones. Most of the retailing market is using traditional way in the inventory management system where person is assigned to check and record the stock by hand using pen and paper.

Speed skating – tha fast and elegant sport essay

The long track speed skating in the Olympic Games is known as ' speed skating,' while the short track speed skating is referred to as ' short track'. The Winter Olympics, which was first held at Chamonix in 1924, contained speed skating and till today it is the part of the Games.

Problems of the underinsured in the united states essay

The rising costs of health insurance together with the rising costs of medical care are impacting many families. According to the researches underinsured person spends 5 percent income in low income families to 10 percent income on medical bills.

Cholesterol research paper

Bad cholesterol is considered when too much cholesterol circulates in the blood, it slowly builds up in the inner walls of the arteries which feeds the brain and heart. There are two types of lipoprotein one of them is the Low-Density Lipoproteins which are known as the bad cholesterol that a physician will advise you →

As a private investigator

The nature of my work would probably include the irregular time of work and that includes any time of the day, may it be during early in the morning, late in the evening, or even in holidays. In my work as a Private Investigator, I have my duties and responsibilities to let the people, who →

Suicide bombers: psychopaths or not?

According to herfamily, her suicide mission was in revenge for the killing of her brother and her fiance by the Israeli security forces and in revenge for all the crimes Israel had perpetrated in the West Bank by killing Palestinians and confiscating their lands. Further evidence that suicide bombers are responding to humiliation is found →

What must be done to protect new zealand’s wildlife

In New Zealand we are facing challenges of our own when it comes to protecting and conserving our native species. And this needs collective effort from each and every one of us to protect our native species-the government, NGOs and citizens.in my essay I will be emphasising on what we can do as individuals to →

Contend postmodernism represents a break cultural studies essay

Modernism/ Postmodern: The modernism in architecture is a rejection of historic precedents and tradition, strongly focus on the function and the use of new technology. Jencks in his book calls double coding, which is use architecture language to communicate with user of the building and architectures.

Changez’s relationship with erica

This gives readers the impression that Erica's relationship with Changez has affected and still affects the protagonist's life and decisions to a great extent, as he himself admits that ' remained emotionally entwined with Erica' and that during some nights, instead of sleeping he imagines spending a day in her company. Throughout his American journey, →

Women in “punishment” and in traditional india

The emotions of women are not as important as the emotions of men. Alike to the text, the society does not care about the emotions of women.

Cultural transcendence in the inheritance of loss and clear light of day

In " Displacement of Desire in Kiran Desai's Inheritance of Loss," Umme Salma explains how Biju appreciates Indian culture more after living in the United States, and " comes back enticed by a romantic vision of a homely Kalimpong, only to be robbed of all possessions except the last scrap of cloth on his body". →

The mystery of family: human truths and personal bonds in ‘the brothers karamazov’

He does not ever tell us what to believe, but this massive work by Dostoevsky does put us in a very uncomfortable place as it pushes us to consider the messiness, the sheer earthiness of a son's relationship to his father, and of all the unspoken griefs and problems that, in this case at least, →

The power of technology: comparing “rocket summer,” “there will come soft rains,” and fahrenheit 451

Bradbury uses the dramatic change in weather and the disregard of nature to warn against the negative effects technology has on the natural world. Throughout the novel, the enabling of fire's destruction is done by technology: " With the brass nozzle of the flame-gun in his fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene →

Social distinction of urban and rural spheres of sociology

For example, the distinctive characteristics of an urban society is noted as being the ' substitution of secondary for primary contacts'; the weakening of kinship; decline in the role of the family; lack of neighbourhood and community; and an ' undermining of the traditional basis of social solidarity'. An introduction to the sociology of work →

Cyclo-oxygenase inhibitors of human diseases

Cyclooxygenase belongs to the family of enzymes known as myeloperoxidases and it is the crucial enzyme in the synthesis of prostaglandins, prostacyclin and tromboxane A2 resullting from the conversion of arachidonic acid 2, 4. Attraction of hydrogen atom from Tyr385 by peroxyl radical of PGG2 allows for the regeneration of the steps of the reaction →

Relationship between rubber hand illusion and interoceptive awareness

When and artificial hand is placed in a position compatible with the participant's own posture, i.e.a position that is plausible anatomically with regard to the participant's body, then the combination of visual input from the rubber hand and tactile stimulation to the participant's hidden hand produces the feeling that the rubber hand is part of →

The role of positive emotions in advertising psychology essay

In a shopping environment the manger of the store should be aware of this and make provisions to counter any negative emotions that can lead to a distasteful and unsatisfied customer. In those twenty minutes when the consumer is in a positive state of mind, the consumer will be more likely to purchase products more →

Concept of citizenship to a global view politics essay

Global citizenship aims at bringing the concept of citizenship to a global view.it is a term used to cover political, economic, environmental and social actions of global minded people, as well as communities on a global perspective. According to McIntosh, global citizenship is the ability to view oneself with regard to ones role in the →

Analysis of mentoring, coaching and counselling

2 Role of a mentor The role of a mentor is to enable the mentee to become a better individual in the professional domain as well as their own personal world. The primary aim of a mentor is to aid the mentee to reach a new level of personal and professional improvement thus the mentee →

The empowerment of civil society by using technology media essay

Moreover, due to the advancement of information technology civil activists can keep in touch with supporters and campaigners effectively and effortlessly.[2] Wikileaks is a website which describes itself as an ' activist organisation' or in other words the ' intelligence agency of the people'.[3]Wikileaks is an international non-profit organisation that works for transparency and publishes →

The study on nokia s utilizing of communications mix marketing essay

In the 1960s, the electronics section of the cable division was founded and it witnessed a modern Nokia. Advertising is a key tool in international marketing, and it is required to accurately position the product as desired for multinational companies.

A marketing plan to help vinamilk organisation

It is seen that there is a big opportunity for Vinamilk Company to sell the special product in this prosperous country, Australia with a highly developed economy and a diverse population, especially high demands of increasing number of older people on products good for their health and lifestyle. The purpose of this report is aim →

Effect of organisational culture on customer satisfaction

It can also refer to the form of beliefs, values, and ways of managing experience that have developed during the course of the organisation's history, and becomes noticeable in its material arrangements and the behaviour of its members, in his write up, opined that organisational culture is a set of unwritten rules meant to guide →

Infosys technologies ltd: swot and pestle

The profile of the Indian IT Services has been undergoing a change in the last few years, partly as it moves up the value chain and partly as a response to the market dynamics. Changes in social trends can impact on the demand for a firm's products and the availability and willingness of individuals to →

Prevalence of refractive errors in school children

So on October 12, 2006, the WHO has revealed the magnitude of visually impaired people due to uncorrected errors of refraction to be 153 millions either blind or of low vision, with at least 13 million children Blindness is defined in terms of visual acuity as 3/60 in the better seeing eye and low vision →

Should an mnc reduce its ethical standards?

Any business that goes international has to comply with the rules and regulation of that country in context to the norms of the business laws. Imperfect markets make the factors of production immobile and it is the main cause of encouragement for the countries to specialize.

Profiling and investigating serious crimes criminology essay

Crime pattern theory is based on the idea that an offender emphasizes the interaction of awareness of space or mental map of the spatial surroundings, and the distribution of suitable targets. The aim of geographic profiling is not to give the specific identity of the offender; instead the aim is to narrow the field of →

Civil engineering: reflective journal

I choose the field of civil engineering because I wanted to explore and study the inner details of the structure, also my academic strengths was mathematics and I enjoyed doing civil engineering as the most of the subjects was dealt with calculation and structural concepts. I encouraged participation in goal setting among my staff to →

Making and managing change at fedex

The most considerable of all the above is the human factor because people matter the most in managing change in organization. On the other end, there is a positive side of change, where he effects of change are important to the survival of the organization.

Coca cola bonite bottlers moshi

Therefore when demand of that product having a tendency of grow up, the firm should distribute the products at a large amount to ensure the supply are always mach with demand this will lead to generate and increase profit when the supplier will sell their product at surplus cost compare general cost of the product →

Effects of vitamin b12 and omega 3 on ngf, vegf and hif-1

Therefore, the current study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of maternal vitamin B 12 and omega-3 fatty acids given either individually or together on the levels of NGF, VEGF and HIF-1 alpha in the pup brain at birth. The procedures carried out in the present animal study were approved by Institutional Animal Ethics Committee →

The amazon of innovation

1) Amazon's constant expansion and thriving innovations prove to show Amazon and their employees are able and willing to collaborate productively. 3)Employees at Amazon must be able to perform abstract thinking and system thinking by using online web services to keep the company effective.

Creating a healthy and sustainable city

Title: INNOVATIVE AND DENSE MELBOURNE: CREATING A HEALTHY AND SUSTAINABLE CITY Executive Summary This policy brief aims to supply policy suggestions that will lend to the wellness and well-being of people of Melbourne by change and planning of the built environment. Planing for the growing of Melbourne and the demand for grounds based intercession in →

Garrett hardin, the tragedy of the commons

Caught in a double bind- condemn for not being a responsible citizen, and also condemn for being shamed into standing aside while the rest of us exploit the commonsMutual coercion mutually agreed uponResponsibility is created through coercion and creation of social arraignments Agree on coercion to avoid chaos of the commons The status quo is →

Electronics control unit

It Is actually kind of small computer which take readings from the electronic sensors which are Installed In the system as well as In subsystems and then Interprets the needs of that vehicle. Actually many of the car's components and vehicles have up to 80 Uses.

3 types of learning styles

3 ways to study1. Is it possible to reframe your goal so it only depends on you.3.

Bitcoin exchange cex.io is cutting trading fee

IO Cutting Bitcoin Trading Fee After the suspension of its Ghash.io cloud mining contracts in the first quarter of this year, CEX. The increased security is a direct result of Ghash.io, which is run by CEX.

Each raise a generation of healthy, prosperous,

Teenagers require a minimum of eight to ten hours of sleep every night, yet according to the Christine Roth at University of Rochester Medical Center, " About 90% of high-school-aged adolescents get insufficient sleep on school nights, or barely meet the required amount of sleep needed for healthy functioning". This study shows that this all →

According population. therefore, the growth of population

Therefore, the growth of population is also one of theinclusive and main factors leading to environmental destruction in the country. However, the number of forest area has gradually decreaseddue to the growth of the population and economic development.

An of what should be the model,

If change is evolutionary in nature, it does not greatly violate the traditions and expectations, does not arouse great emotions, does not lead to deep resistance and dramatic results. Proactive change is change initiated by an institution because it is identified as desirable and is not forced on the institution.

The double crossing over: crossing over occurs

Types of crossing over: In this case there is only one chiasma i.e.frequency of crossing over is very less. Crossing over occurs at two points in the same chromosome pair.

Group media assignment

George Lopez relationship interactions with his daughter Carmen Lopez George Lopez relationship interactions with his daughter Carmen Lopez In this particular episode, a conflict arise when George Lopez daughter Carmen Lopez attempt to lie her way out of swim class. Angier Lopez, Carmen mother and George Lopez wife, finds a school note allowing her daughter →

Case olivers assignment

You will find ample information in the Oliver's Market case for students to apply the analytical tools presented in Chapters 3 and 4 and to propose what actions Oliver's should take on the expansion opportunities it has-? the case has a wealth of data concerning market conditions and competitive circumstances in the supermarket industry in →

Category: sports

Fitness is the condition of body, in which a person is able to perform the physical activities in a good manner. Agility- is the ability to maintain and controlcorrect body positions while quickly changing direction through a series ofmovements (Sheppard...

relativism and multiculturalism essay sample

Part Two: Provide a Brief Introduction to the Topic Your introduction must make clear to the reader exactly what ethical problem or question you are addressing within this topic, and what you consider to be the boundaries of the question. But even if it were, the claim is being stated as a universal truth that →

Ancient chinese contributions: row planting essay sample

Paper currency was first introduced by the Chinese and the earliest documentation of this invention is in the 800 BC. One of the Ancient Chinese inventions I could not live without would have to be paper.

Colorimetric analysis: manganese in steel essay sample

The goal of the experiment is to determine the percentage of Mn in an unknown metal sample by means of colorimetric analysis. 462799 and the concentration of Mn2+ in the sample was calculated to be 1.

Swot analysis for the playstation 2 essay sample

The playstation 2 works out to be more economical in the actual long run.* Customer loyalty is probably one of the best strengths that the playstation has because the playstation 2 is made by Sony who are a multibillion pounds organisation and are known worldwide and are trusted for there quality and reliability of their →

Procedural programming languages and object oriented programming language

Procedural programming is simply an approach to programming and the languages that support this methodology are called procedural programming languages, as is the case with object oriented programming languages. In OOP methodology a system basically consists on interactions of objects and each object has to perform its own responsibility after that the responsibility is delegated →

Bacterial meningitis

In order to create better awareness about the disease among students, the college is conducting a screening program that will provide educational information about meningitis to students and queries related to the symptoms and nature of the disease will be clarified. After infection, the organism attaches to the mucosal lining of the nose and throat →

Software engineering assignment 4

Firstly, the staff responsible for handling the entire system on the behalf of the university. The spiral model is best to be used as it keeps on circling and thereby steps in all the phases of software development life cycle including system implementation and requirements documentation gets implemented.

Structure and components of the nervous system

Running head: the nervous system The nervous system The nervous system is divided into central nervous system and peripheral nervous system depending upon their anatomy and functions. The two most important components of the central nervous system are brain and spinal cord.

Water waves essay

Transverse and longitudinal are the types of waves that can be seen in water waves. A water wave is a transverse wave, but a water wave is also a longitudinal wave, too." A longitudinal wave is the particle displacement and is parallel to the direction of wave propagation." Water waves are one of the examples →