400 Words Essay Samples

Kuala lumpur city

The government and promoters of the Kuala Lumpur city have built leisure infrastructure that support the visitor's accommodation, parks for walking, and caves that offer medieval history to religious and political events in Asia. The structural elements that attract high volume of visitors to Kuala Lumpur include the inner city environment that offers both a →

Here is a saying that when one door closes essay

There is a saying that when one door closes another door opens, but what happens if you are so caught up in the closed door you fail to realize that one has open right next to you with greater opportunities. Do you continue to stare at this door in hope that it will one day →

Aqualisa quartz case study analysis

2) Competition? " The position of Squalid in the I-J market is quite strong, with reduces taking 3rd and 4th position in the market share. This is a strong position to invest in the marketing plan of a new revolutionary product.

Igot acquires crypto exchange tagpesa

The fastest-growing Bitcoin exchange in the world targeting the international remittance market, igot, announced its acquisition of Kenya's TagPesa crypto exchange and remittance gateway. Founded in Australia in 2013, igot was created to enable people to easily buy, sell, send, and receive Bitcoin around the globe, and is open for business in over 40 countries, →

Brief assignment

S generally informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of study demonstrates very good understanding of the different perspectives or approaches associated with the area of study The student, student's work or performance: a. Is consistently informed by the major conventions and practices of the area of monstrance excellent understanding of the →

Leadership leadership training and development programs can be

Leadership is an important term tounderstand, not only for the person aspiring to be a leader but also if onewants to be a follower. Initiative is the answer to inspirational leadership, sinceorganizations consider personality of the leaders.

The true education

I believe that books are the answer. Because I believe that books are the true education.

The history of the atomic theory and michael farraday essay sample

Through his studies he came to believe that there was no such thing as the ether, and he did not believe that matter was a physical substance. Despite the fact that Faraday was a religious man, he never took heed when he heard of discrepancies between science and religion.

Annotated bibliography

The History of the United s of America from the Discovery of the Continent. The focus of this source is the civil war that pitted the confederates from the south and the union forces.

Introduction to economics

A want Is a desire for a good or a service. A need is a desire for a basic good or service.

Fluke networks supports sanger institute in human genome analysis

The challenge was to find a network monitoring solution that was able to merge the packet capture files from each channel of the link, to provide a complete capture for the trunk. Fluke Networks' OptiView Link Analyzer utilises hardware accelerated packet analysis and monitoring to provide the Sanger Institute with maximum network visibility.

A separate peace: coming of age story

The knowledge of his evil deed and the loss of innocence because of it really launches Gene fromchildhood to adulthood. Gene lost his innocence when he jounced the limb of the tree and injuring Finny because of it.

Importance of science

With scientific inventions in manure, seed and means of agricultural productions with the help of tractors and tube-wells, foodproduction has been increased. Now with the advancement of science, it has become possible to change the sex and make man, a woman and woman, a man.

Generation debt and millenials’ heads under a rock assignment

Summary of Cupful's " Millennial' Heads under a Rock" The Baby Boomers are essentially digging a grave for the millennial generation and the ones after that through their actions, which Just so happened to help the declining of the economy. The bigger issue behind all of this debt and chaos is what will be happening →

Nucleation and growth in solid-state reactions

At any particular temperature, the overall rate of transformation is the product of the nucleation and growth rates. In the combined effect of the nucleation and growth rates is shown.

How does marketing affect my daily life? assignment

It is the means by which a standard of living is developed and delivered to people. It is marketing that every inch of it is given Justice and fame which makes it very attractive to us.

Reflection on ghosts of rwanda essay sample

For example, when a few Belgian soldiers were murdered by Rwandan government troops on the very first morning of the genocide, the Brussels government immediately decided to withdraw the remainder of its forces and to lobby the Security Council to suspend the entire Rwandan mission. The failure to act /intervene was an act of abandonment →

Under pressure

The pressure of school can be so strong, students will no longer care about learning. Students are so desperate to please their parents or the people around them with grades that learning will be irrelevant." Students here are motivated almost to a fault when it comes to grades".

Chapter 11 ap us history notes

What was the Naturalization Act of 1802? Jefferson did not attack the Bank of the USA or repeal the Federalist tariffTrueWhat was the Judiciary Act of 1801?

Women in the society and globe

Oil is one instance where the domination of international affiliations has elicited displacement of masses of people, conflicts in the social arena and destroyed the relationship between aboriginal communities and their surroundings. In other dispensations, women are at the front of the battle line in a bid to terminate regional, national and global conflicts.

The main elements of adam smith’s economic theory essay sample

And he is in this led by an invisible hand to promote an end which was no part of his intention. Another problem with his theory is that it does not account for the fact that the market, left alone to the forces of the invisible hand, will see booms and busts.

La maravilla

There also was his pagan grandfather - the character inspired by the author's own grandfather - who, being a Yaqui Indian had the ability to leave his mortal body and soar high in the sky; the same person who introduced Beto the Yaqui knowledge by way of initiation:" I will give you a sight of →

Marraige life vs singal life

The difference between the marriage life and the single life is there are advantages, and disadvantages. In today society a lot of people are being married and still being single.

Critical response

One of the components of liberalism includes protection of people against abuse of their rights by the government. The other core component of liberalism is that the government has to limit the activities it conducts.

Analysis and commentary

The position taken by France's president that the debate is a healthy discussion that teaches citizens what France identity entails has not been welcomed by a section of some politicians and other Muslim leaders. Sarkozy's side to make him understand the importance of immigration and national identity policies.

Tongue twister

If Pickford's packers packed a packet of crisps would the packet of crisps that Pickford's packers packed survive for two and a half years? 13. A groundhog would hog all the ground he could hog, if a groundhog could hog ground.17.

The difference between teleological and deontological ethical systems

If you do something that is bad as long as the outcome of that act is good then it is considered to be a good act. The act was bringing the bike back to your friend now what resulted from you trying to return the bike is you got a flat tire, which your Friend →

Creating all transport means will benefit from significant

Generatingwork for local and national businesses 2, 5, 6, 7BatterseaPower Station is one of the characterizing features of the London skyline, yetthe impacts are being felt throughout the whole UK. After completion, the rejuvenationof the Power Station is estimated to make an influx of around 15 billion tothe UK economy in its first twenty years →

Case study on bakery

Bakeryis an establishment and a form of business which is specialized in the production of the flour-based food and confectionery. It is interesting for every student to research the structure of the common bakery and learn about the possible ways of its development and growth.

Gardners theory

Intelligence, the ability to solve a problem, comes to different people in many different ways. The two types of intelligences that apply to me are the bodily-kinesthesia and the interpersonal.

Calculation for calorimetry

005 mol Determining the qrxn and qcal.qrxn + qcal = 0 -qrxn = qcal qrxn =? T qrxn = - = -390.

Ethics of taking a life assignment

We are brought to this earth to create a life for ourselves, to be responsible and make choices for our future. We are going to end a person's life, for ending others lives.

Close reading: the key episode of beowulf

I take the passage from Beowulf in which an ageing Beowulf fights a dragon beginning with " Pouring forth in a hot battle-fume, the breath of the monster burst from the rock" and ending at " For the son of Ecgtheow, it was no easy thing to have to give ground like that and go →

Free media player scheduler report sample

A scenario can be taken such as that of Radio station where songs have to be played continuously, and there should not be any need for the person who selects the song to be played to waste any of his/her time in deciding what songs to play. The following requirements need to be fulfilled for →

Wage vs salary

In order to get higher productivity, it is much more important to know the different between wage and salary. Most of the time, wage jobs are not as inclusive when it comes to things like paid vacations, or paid sick days.

Net radiation and energy balance essay

Despite the different places of occurrence of gaining and loosing radiation, the heat is redistributed through the planet by the ocean currents and the atmospheres circulation of the globe. It is also considered as the difference between the downward and upward movement of radiation or the net flux of all the radiation in the planet.

Why did so many people admire napoleon bonaparte essay

I will also be illustrating the extent to which a large proportion of the admiration that followed Napoleon was due to external circumstances, both political and economic. Napoleon can be seen as being " in the right place at the right time", which lead to a degree of French admiration for him.

Saarc’s a dominating and arrogant way. its dispute

SAARC's prime objectives include: promoting the welfare of the people of South Asia, accelerating the Economic growth, social progress; providing dignified livelihood to all individuals and on a larger scale promoting the self-reliance amongst the South Asian nations and building trust and appreciation for other countries' problem. India's disputes and military rivalry with Pakistan is →

The miracle of age- old history

Our Earth- the source of living and inhabitation is a big thing supporting lives in millions and billions. It is because a tiny grain of sand was once a huge boulder, which got engulfed by the sea water and reached to the bottom of the sea floor.

Why i became a criminal justice major assignment

I am okay with the comparisons and Louisiana being one of the lowest paying states for a Criminal Justice degree, because my future plans are to move away from Louisiana. I plan to move to Texas, and the annual mean wage there is $53, 030.

Printing press

In general the invention of the printing press Before Gutenberg's printing press, reading books were a privilege for the church and some of the nobility, literacy was practically non-existent in the lower class, books were extremely expensive, and scientists never shared their work with other scientist. The church officials, before the printing press was invented, →

The symbiotic planet by lynn margulis

This goes on until the crowd of white daisies begins to eliminate the black ones. The result is, according to Margulis, " to heat the planetary surface when it is cooler during the early evolution of the sun and then keep the planet relatively cool as solar luminosity increases.


They fact is that most vitamins and minerals are absorbed into the body, and eating a healthy diet with only one supplement can keep a person healthy and balanced. We do not eat a proper healthy diet that would contain all the correct amounts of vitamins and minerals our bodies need to support good health.

Subway market segment essay sample

Since that, Subway would be a one of the perfect choice for them as there's a lot of combination of the ingredients at Subway. Since they like to travel they would tempted to drop by at Subway and have a healthy fast meal instead of restaurant.

Compare single life and married life

Colombians love to dance and eat great food in parties that most of the times are not special events; they are created in the spirit of happiness. Most Colombians are well educated and professionals, and some of them have the opportunity to succeed in Colombia, while others travel to succeed in other countries.

Interview template assignment

Classical Economics and Business Economics is to the traditional business discipline as Physics is to the classical engineering sciences. Business economics is concerned with the application of economic principles and analytical tools of decision sciences Mathematics, Statistics, and Econometrics to solve Business/Managerial decision problems.

Joaquim campos

Joaquim Campos 12/28/12 English 10B The Black Plague In just three short years between 1347 and 1350 one in every four people in Europe died in one of the worst natural disasters in history, the Black Plague. It was named the Black Plague because of large black boils that would form at the site of →

I have a dream

I know for a fact that I do. Football is what I love to do.

Procedure spot speed traffic engineering essay sample

The first team was assigned to take the time elapsed from the north bound direction and another team was assigned to take the time elapsed from the south bound direction.4. The first observer from the first team was used the technic of waving hand to the first stop watcher to give the signal of vehicles →

Stop thief!

This was my first trip to Canada and I was really enjoying the every cold chilli weather of the country. And I was really very eager to see my cousins for the first time.

The unterseeboots

Did you know that the Kriegsmarine, the navy of of Nazi Germany, sunk 20, 448, 074 tons of Allied ships and cargo? This was not the case The German U-boat, or the unterseeboot, was the better fighting machine due to the ability to surprise and attack quickly." During 1940, the Germans sunk a total amount →

The appeal

Allow me to fashion a flashy scheme as to how I will utilize my God-given skill and intellect to drag the depraved state of society out of its current turmoil and obscurity. Allow me to place your university's rankings and eminent programs on a lofty pedestal as I touch my nose to the soiled floors →

Balloon: carbon dioxide and chemical reaction

It was hypothesized that baking soda mixed with lemon Vice and vinegar would cause the balloon to expand. The moment the baking soda hit the vinegar and lemon juice, the balloon started to expand.


By scientific definition, AH is a surgical procedure which involves the removal of the hippocampus and the amygdala; important parts of the human brain. The hippocampus is a part of the brain that is responsible for memory, some emotions, and motivation.


If a criminal receives a felony charge, felonies are typically the most serious crime in any system of criminal law. If the crime happens to be misdemeanors which are less serious crimes than the felony violation, they are generally punishable by a fine or incarceration in the county jail for than one year.

There goes my hero

By definition, to be a hero is to be a person with " distinguishable abilities or other attributes that are admired by the general population". Apparently, people think that those are the traits of a hero.

Why is it so important to reduce, reuse and recycle

If we do not reduce, reuse and recycle our materials, they will have to be disposed of in one way or another Most of the U.K.'s waste currently ends up in landfill sites, large holes in the ground which, over time, are filled up with rubbish. Although the burning of waste in incinerators is often →

21st their home and make important decisions,

Some of the factors influencing business communicationare Language Barrier, Cultural Differences and Education levels/Cultural Intelligence." Differences between the sender and the receiver inareas such as culture, age, gender and education require sensitivity on thepart of both parties so that the intended message is the one that is received". It does not matter howadvanced the technology →

School rules essay

Girls taken ailment during school hours are to be taken up to the ill room or dispensary and the Office informed.9. The Prefects are responsible for the general tidiness of the school edifices and have the authorization to keep subject.13.

Empathic field research

The chemical and neurological explanation of empathy also supports the ability to develop deep meaning because balancing levels of oxytocin and cortisol have the same effects, on understanding, and balancing the level of empathy. This is because I recognized and understood issues that I had previously ignored in my personal experiences such attitudes of the →

Dogecoin community donation

The generosity makes sense, as Dogecoin is positioned to be the " tipping currency" of the Internet. Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin is not meant to be an investment currency, so much of the shiftiness that Bitcoin users have had to endure likely will not make its way to the Dogecoin world.

Wegmans case study

Wegmans concentrates on the sale of the food products, mainly vegetables and fruit and is known for the high quality of its production. The student has to analyse the problem of the case in detail learning about the cause of the problem and its consequences for the company.

Big bazar

Big Bazaar group offers more than 100 stores all over the country with an amalgamation of Indian bazaars' feel and touch with a convenience and choice of the modern retail facilities. History of Big Bazaar The worldwide country chain, Big Bazaar, is formed by CEO of Future Group, Mr.

The boe to hold a blockchain contest

The Bank of England is holding a challenge for the university students to come up with new ways of implementing blockchain technology for the benefit of the society. The Bank of England stated in its website, " Blockchain's distributed ledger technology already maintains the Bitcoin network, and keeps a record of all Bitcoin transactions.

Analysis of intercultural communication problems: a case study of mtl

Mergers, associations, and takeovers are common and English is used as the means to communicate, negotiate and execute transactions by participants where one partner can be a native speaker of English or none of the partners are native speakers of English. 5 percent, reflecting a contraction in exports and tourism as a result of the →

Persuasive speech topics

I can persuade people to learn a new language and show them the advantages it can bring to their lives. As part of the LGBT community I feel strongly connected to his topic.

Essay on to study effectively, take regular breaks free essay sample

" Idleness is not just a vacation, an indulgence or a vice; it is as indispensable to the brain as vitamin D is to the body, and deprived of it we suffer a mental affliction as disfiguring as rickets... There is no doubt that the lack of breaks between blocks may cause several harmful effects →

Only educated are free essay

The more education I have the more respect and acknowledgement I will get from the people. I will be able to understand the social issues that our country is facing and will be capable to help in my own little way.

Macro econ

Proponents of the benefits of free markets argue that markets create " efficiency" in the distribution of goods and services. A great example of the increased efficiency in distribution by increasing the scope of market mechanisms is the impact of internet markets in used goods, such as Ebay and Craigslist.

Hamlet act 5 scene 1

The death of Ophelia becomes a real tragedy for her family and Hamlet. The evolution of the emotional perception of the world and values is depicted through the state of grief and madness.

Detail any lessons learned and strategies that you as managers will either avoid and/or engage in when designing the structure, building culture, and managing change in your organization

Shift of Grand Canyon to a non-profit Insert Insert The management at Grand Canyon requires a definite working framework in the transitioning period so as to attain its targets. According to Brian, the president of the University wishes to make a shift avoid the stigma attached to the profit margins of annual taxes they have →

Case of the software proposal

Dennis and Max are in the process of trying to introduce a new expert system for the underwriting department which will have a price tag of at least a million dollars. If implemented the system would create a baseline of information to the department that would be filled with knowledge and expertise from the present →

Facilitating the transfer of knowledge to long-term memory assignment

I agree with this test because I am aware of my feelings and others feeling. Asp Kinesthesia: 13 This shows that I am was a kinesthesia learning and I was not quite aware of it.

Air traffic controllers

Due) Discussion America's politically astute individuals are aware of the fact that President Reagan is responsible for the advent of assaults on unions in the country, when he took on the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Union. His refusal to hold negotiations with the union about working conditions and pay, and then consequently replacing the workers →

P.o.w.e.r. learning book flash cards

90/PAGEOrder NowActive ListeningThe voluntary act of focusing on what is being said, making sense of it, and thinking about it in ways that permits it to be recalled accuratelyAnalogyA comparison between concepts or objects that are alike in some respects, but dissimilar in most othersBlended or hybrid coursesClasses are a combination of traditional face-to-face classroom →

What individuals and institutions (public or private) to

It is merely up to individuals and institutions to comply. This is paid for by state, local, and federal agencies, as the law requires all public schools have the resources necessary to be in compliance with Section 504 and the ADA.

Effects of electrical devices on our listening effectiveness

This is worth public concern because people are lacking the ability of partaking in face-to-face communication. Controlling the use of such technological devices is exceedingly essential for the existence of free interaction, thus allowing people to listen to each other.

Baseball and softball

Both are played with a bat and ball; however, the bats, same in shape but not in ize, and balls, different in sizes and some times color, are as much alike as not. A softball is about the size of a grapefruit, twelve inches in circumference and is pitched in an arcing angle and much →


Year round school Should year round school be in affect for South Dakota? She also asked the question if " were kids moaning and complaining that there winter break as to short?" If so in year round school the winter break would be longer".

The 3 objects that represent hong kong culture

However, Red-White-Blue bags, Cha Chaan Teng and Cantonese Opera are three objects that can represent Hong Kong culture and the spirit of Hong Kong people. To conclude, red-white-blue bags, Cha Chaan Teng and Yuan Yang are three things that can represent Hong Kong culture.

The world made straight

He is discovered by the ruthless farmer who set the trap to protect his plants, and begins his struggle with the evils of his community's present as well as those of its history. Travis' goal as the protagonist in this book is to better himself and start a change in his life.

A brief overview of the trans-atlantic slave trade assignment

The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the largest long-distance coerced movement of people in history and, prior to the mid-nineteenth century, formed the major demographic well-spring for the re-peopling of the Americas following the collapse of the Meridian population. With the decline of the Meridian population, labor from Africa formed the basis of the exploitation of →

Informational technology approach to auditing control: flaws and strengths

The system is sufficient to ensure proper recording and processing of data to allow preparation of financial statements. In this area employees are less likely to take advantage of the weakness and that reduces the control risk.

The benefits of development in science and technology are widespread but the same cannot be said about religion.

Science and technology has undoubtedly made life to live in a smarter and convinient way like a dream come true by ending the hardships and miseries in the past. The great Saints and harbingers of peace, love, goodness and wishing prosperity for the world left the world with hope that with practising noble ideas enshrined →

Chinese whispers: evolution, growth and history of china

It became the capital of the Qin and early Han Empires. It was begun in the Han period and completed during the Sui Empire.

Ancient egypt vs todays society assignment

The main understanding regarding the Egyptians sexual lives was that they did not see it as a taboo like we do today. An example of the different way of thinking between the Egyptians and today's society is that the Egyptians had a form of prostitute that was deemed acceptable.

Big world essay sample

In a week Biggie and Meg will blow me off in Broome and I will be on the bus south for a second chance at the exams. I will grow up and have a family of my own and see Briony Nevis, tired and lined in a supermarket queue, and wonder what all the fuss →

Is it right to charge adolescents

The scientific understanding of this phase of life is that the stage creates a lot of physical transformation due to the replication of cells in the body. The adolescent stage can be referred to as the stage of juvenile as a person is not fully grown t maturity at this phase.

Polk jefferson expansion essay

Jefferson and Polk both also were afraid of foreign powers swooping down and taking the land. This is why the presidents wanted to buy the land.

Case study- dengue fever

Illness causes by these different viruses are the same; the mosquito vector is the same; and the host is also the same. As there's no treatment for dengue fever, prevention and early diagnostic will help minimize complication of the disease.

The most beautiful gift of my life essay

The most beautiful day of your life...sometimes when it turns up, you do not know that it is the most beautiful day of your life. It could even happen that you are on delay and that you go out in a hurry and a lace is broken, like it happened to me today, and you →

Cycles of matter

In the carbon cycle, decomposing bacteria release carbon from the decaying bodies or waste into the atmosphere. In the nitrogen cycle, what is the role of bacteria that live on the roots of plants?


The prosecution relies on the testimony of Paul Burrows, a police officer in Wolverhampton, and Mr./Ms. On both accounts the client, Tony Shameless, was not in the house.

Malaria in africa

Malaria In Africa The author of the article has defined malaria as overtly dreadful disease. Describing the victims in the introduction had provided a perfect description of how bad the disease had afflicted Africa.

Explain employee’s role and responsibilities essay sample

2 Explain Employers responsibilities in relation to the prevention and control of infection Is to maintain a safe enviroment for service users visitors and care workers under the health and safety legislation policies and procedures for the prevention and control of infection would form part of the health and safety requirements. Managers need to make →

Originally, heads of government of each member

ASEAN aims to represent the collective will of the countries of Southeast Asia to bind themselves together in friendship. The fundamental principles of ASEAN involve mutual respect for the independence and sovereignty of its members.