400 Words Essay Samples

Week 6 moral distress and moral integrity

The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 16 , 1. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org/MainMenuCategories/EthicsStandards/Courage-and-Distress/Moral-Distress-and-Courage-in-Everyday-Practice.html Nurses want to leave hospitals due to moral distress..

Can babies with exclusive breastfeeding for first few months of their life verses formula fed babies have reduced rate of overeating and obesity later in their life

Breastfeeding for the recommended period should hence be observed. The findings of this study resemble previous studies by other researchers on the direct relationship between breastfeeding and obesity in later lives of infants. The study was carried on women only hence its failure to prove the consistency of the results on men. Therefore, breastfeeding helps β†’

A clockwork orange: summary

In the book what we call evil is actually a form of art to Alex. In this way, Anthony Burgess conveys an anti-totalitarian message in the novel. The futuristic dystopian society of the novel is a completely exaggerated claim of what a totalitarian government would lead to.

One flew over the cuckoos nest

Essentially, the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was the first ever motion film to received all five major academy awards for Best Picture, Best Actor in Lead Role, Best Actress in Lead Role, Best Director and Screenplay. In 1993, the movie One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest was officially renowned β†’

Male friendships and female friendships essay

They would tell the other what they would do in that situation, or what they should do. We also hang out a lot, by going out to eat, shopping, or to the movies. Because they do not talk about their feelings as much they are less likely to trust each other.

Finding nemo lens paper

The prime examples of this are unveiled throw GHz the characters of Marlin, the sharks, including the humans who intrude and disturb the depths of the sea, of which they have not been summoned to. One could argue that Marlin is the representation of the minority class , as they are always acquainted with the β†’

Reel bad arabs: how hollywood vilifies a people

I truly believe that this was a crucial learning process for myself and I will be very cautious of any future stereotyping of the Arabic people. I truly believe that this was a crucial learning process for myself and I will be very cautious of any future stereotyping of the Arabic people.

Movie review on gran torino

Movie Review of " Gran Torino" " Gran Torino" is one of the masterpieces of American actor and director Clint Eastwood. Kowalski. Metaphorically, one of the main characters in the movie is the car of Walter Ford Gran Torino that is greatly valued and adored by its owner." Gran Torino" is a symbol that reflects β†’

Academic probation

When I was in high school I loved succeeding, but I never had to really work for it. It was instilled in me as a child that I would be the only one of my siblings to go to school.

Analysis of directing in the final scene in ridley scott’s movie gladiator

It is in every way the same as the first and the second time we saw it throughout the movie, although instead of the sepia colours that was first used, now, very cold grey and blue colours are used. I believe that the floating body is a representation of the soldier's spirit.

Sometimes in life, it’s good to take risks and face your fears.

With these inspiring and pressing words, Jeff manages to oppress his fears and get ahead of his father, and he finally ignores the problem with the canyon beating him down. Jeff woke up in a Flint hotel with his father, and the first thing he remembers was his brother." Where's Mark?

Sex determination and development

The development and determination of sex in mammals occurs precisely during the fertilization of the ovary by the sperm. DNA component also help in the determination of the inherited chromosomes which form part of the development and sex determination.


A low protein diet in humans is usually advised to those with kidney and liver diseases and as a result, this negative effect of higher metal toxicity is important to understand. Metals act by binding to organic compounds subsequently altering their structure and possibly modifying their function. Metallothionein specifically works as a chelating agent and β†’

Biological races in humans

Stephen Gould stated that we should view race as just part of our outward appearance because it defines very little aspects of our lives. Question 2 The relationship between anthropology and colonialism is uneasy because anthropology disagrees with the colonialist perspective that some races are inferior to others. Development is anthropology's evil twin because β†’


It also falls into the mesosystem or connection of all the microsystems influencing a child because with my parents absent, I was left to make alot of decisions in my own and was very shy causing me to be behind in social skills in school. To this day, at age 29, these experiences and people β†’

Sosβ€”a sample ordering system for delivering β€œassay-ready” compound plates for drug screening

An overview of our system will demonstrate that we minimize compound waste and ensure compound integrity and availability.Introduction Medicinal Chemistry synthetic compounds at our Merck Frosst Research Laboratory site have traditionally been prepared in DMSO stocks in bar coded 1 dram vials and distributed to the biologists for screening. Until recently, this involved searching for β†’

Discuss the issues related to genetic diversity: mutations, sexual reproduction, migration, and population size

Issues Related to Genetic Diversity Insert Insert s Introduction Genetic diversity refers to variations occurring among individuals in a population. Mutations, migration, sexual reproduction and population size are some of the factors that relate to genetic diversity.

Dissecting of a pig

Thus the pig is a first-rate example of a mammal and the purpose of this lab is to recognize the specific similarities between the pig and ourselves as humans. Hypothesis As the pig is a mammal, many aspects of its structural and functional organization are identical with those of other mammals, including humans.

About art criticism

It is easy to point out the successful connections of subject matter and the expression achieved; the intended interpretation to be deciphered by the audience. This of course contributes to the stereotype behind the profile of the critic as that of constantly belittling the interpretive expression of art and offering no positive reinforcement of ideas β†’

Character transformations in film stories

CHARACTER TRANSFORMATION: THE LONG KISS GOODNIGHT by [Insert Here] [Insert and Number Here] [Insert Here] [Insert Institution's Name Here] [Insert City and State of Institution Here] December 10, 2011 Character Transformation: The Long Kiss Goodnight Over the years, many films have been produced centring on character transformations. As the film progresses, the character transforms β†’

The arts and crafts movement

These are the guidelines that he considers fundamental to the practice of art. The author perception on an ideal book is because of the type of printing that existed in 1843 that was primarily for communication in adverts and was a practice of the unskilled people. According to him, the text designs during that period β†’

Personal sales presentation

A person's ability to react to the problems of the customers and the demands of the populace makes him a good sales man. As a Sales Executive, I have fulfilled my responsibilities and worked for the growth progress of the company.

What price ergonomics

The form of advice entails the nature of interface to be taken, how to relate the functions and the elements of the device to the user goals, prediction of the satisfaction of user and estimation of the device's error potential and its time performance. In spite of ergonomic methods proliferation into teaching, research and industrial β†’


The media types differ in terms of performance, bandwidth, distance between repeaters, susceptibility to noise, their costs and their security needs. Their differences are highlighted in the table below. Media Type Bandwidth Performance Distance between Repeaters Twisted Pair Cable 1MHz Poor Very short Coaxial Cable 1 β†’

Proposition 8

However, the data recorded as public information is inconvenient to access and possesses the risk of privacy breach (California Secretary of State Debra Bowen, 2008). In this regard, the assignment focuses on explaining the side effects of providing donors' information in accordance with Proposition 8. Side Effects of providing Donors' Information Publicly With the β†’

Basics of a computer system

A typical home-based computer system has a Central Processing Unit , a monitor, a keyboard, a mouse, etc. The CPU is the brain of a computer which does all the computation works inside based on the inputs provided through the keyboard or mouse and will display the results on the output through the output β†’

Information on databases

Queries are used to make searches on tables based on specific criteria and the output can be given in the form of a report that clearly shows the results of the query. Currently I use a timetable to store data about my classroom activities and I use a paper based table to store records of β†’

China and the censorship of information technology

It is the best instrument to educate and enlighten one's mind due to the many views and theories it has compiled in its infinite database. Yet, this is not the reason why the Chinese Government is advocating the internet. Second, the Chinese government does not have the right to ban sites and β†’

Old dominion trail bikes

All these information will propel Ted's business further to the ladder of success. Question three Ted's business is involved leasing of bikes, ordering of new bikes from the supplier, keeping sales records and many other business activities. It also streamlines the way activities are taking place within the business. Question nine Before the β†’

The urbanization of the internet

This is similar to the racial fear of the previous half-century that saw the white population fleeing the decaying inner cities for the exclusivity of suburbia. This same phenomenon was echoed in the creation of Facebook. Myspace continued to be a haven for deviance and what Danah Boyd calls the " subaltern teens", while Facebook β†’

Advantages of the internet towards society

The aim of this thesis is to identify the advantages of the internet to society. In the fast society life where people barely have time to see each other, the Internet has revolutionized the concept of togetherness and company.

Operating systems

The Linux I/O service mainly offers the tools used for program profiling and monitoring the performance of the computer CPU. This is because during an I/O operation, such as disk read information, the operating system kernel checks for data in the page cache to facilitate fast reading of the data. The advancements in the Linux β†’

Widget wonders

Widget Wonders Widget Wonders Inc needs a good information system for proper management of the manufacturing and distribution information of the new genre of widgets. Kingsoft Spreadsheets 2013 is fast, cheaper, dependable spreadsheet software and capable of reading and even editing XLS and XLSX file formats. At times, the processed information is presented to the β†’

User interface

Answer In order to ensure that the Trader will not be able to overlook the Special Instructions intentionally or mistakenly, the following changes will be made to the user interface of ETT: 1. A text area will be added in the ' Selected Order' area to display the value of the ' Special Instructions' column β†’


This allows an attacker to interfere with the system by using the , slash, character that makes the command prior to the slash to be effected, which is the hackers' command. Question 2 The common criterion is an internationally recognized set of standards that are used to successfully evaluate the security of a β†’

The works’ m. brambilla, professor barry boehm about the evolution of software development

This article examines two different articles on software development but their approaches markedly differ from each other; the first article to be mentioned here more or less is theoretical in its treatment of the subject while the second article is more on application. Along this vein, I find the article written by Professor Barry Boehm β†’


The reason for the involvement of General Managers may be summarized as follows: The revenue being used for IT management needs to be monitored. Initiatives by IT managers become advantageous for the company when general managers show their participation for facilitating business processes, global expansion and initiation of new business ventures. Moreover, research has shown β†’

Speech recon

It is not unreasonable to assume therefore that in the future advanced speech recognition software will govern more and more of our common day to day activities. One particular aspect that it is likely to replace is the job of the drive thru order taker. Everyday, tens of thousands of orders are placed and received β†’

Computer security

First, I discovered that I was a bit careless with storage of my personal computer which is portable since I often leave it on top of the table when out of the house and whenever I carry it around or when travelling I normally left my computer bag unattended. Fourth, I would ensure that my β†’

Quiz 5

Political science Domestic issues in the forefront of national agenda in the USA elections differ according to the yearly changes. Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific the Role of Ideas, Interests, and Domestic Institutions.

English only: press no – editorial in los angeles times

Although proponents of English becoming the official language of the United States would say that it helps to unite a diverse group of people, the action of making English the only language to be officially used in the United States would only turn immigrants against native English speakers. Although forcing new immigrants to only use β†’

Car accidents in saudi arabia

These figures show that traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia are a real tragedy. Research Question: owing to this alarmingly high rate of traffic accidents in Saudi Arabia, the pertinent question is, what is the main cause of road accidents in Saudi Arabia and how can the tragedy of road accidents in Saudi Arabia be overcome? β†’

Substance abuse in youth

It has been observed that substance abuse and other psycho-social problems have peaked within them in recent years. OUTLINE Youth gangs and substance abuse have long been identified as prejudicial to both youth and to societal progress and prosperity. In the pursuit of putting an end to these social evils, immediate steps and efforts β†’

Timing mediation initiatives

In determining a stalemate, and making a decision on whether it is ripe for mediation, there is a need of assessing the costs of the conflict, and analyzing the losses that both parties have suffered. If these changes occur, chances are high that the new leadership would embrace peace, and hence there is a need β†’

The logic of suicide terrorism

On the other hand, the attached writing entitled " The logic of Suicide Terrorism: It is the Occupation, not the Fundamentalism" is an article written by Scott McConnell after meeting with Robert Anthony who wrote a book with a similar sub-title in regard with suicide terrorism. This article will specifically address the connections between the β†’

What is true poverty

Especially now during the period of recession we are facing, and even much after that, the Census Bureau is not in a position to predict the existing level of poverty in the country and in addition to this, since regional disparities persist, it is no wonder that poverty is progressing at a steady pace. Globalization β†’

Opera market political analysis

Federal and state laws are some of the fundamental components of the political environment. This section presents a comprehensive analysis of the political environment that may affect the operation of an Opera house business operating in US state of New Jersey. The state of the New Jersey applies taxes to every business that operates in β†’

Ethics and the war on drugs

Fighting against drugs, I would continue the fight on the selling of the drugs so as to reduce supply and at the same time decriminalize drug use. The war on drugs and the politics of Failure.

Criminal justice, issues for judges and sentencing

The rules that are in the court do vary depending on the jurisdiction, but they possess several features that are common. Ethical codes are used in most of the states and are based on professional conduct rules that help in judging and sentencing. The judges guide the relevant people involved in the court and help β†’

Congress and state legislatures policy communication

Impacts of Vague Policies of Outline Introduction Advantages and Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies Conclusion Impacts of Vague Policies Introduction Public policies contain laws and regulations used to govern a nation. The public policy is built on the base of rules and regulations of a nation's constitution. Disadvantages of Vague Public Policies β†’

History of american education

In 1964, the Head Start Program was set up to help children 3 to 5 years of age who had a disadvantage educationally, to start school and get ready to start school in Kindergarten. The first was to stimulate the development and academic achievement of low-income pre-schoolers and second, was to educate and involve parents β†’

Value education

Some regard it as all aspects of the process by which teachers transmit values to pupils.[1] Others see it as an activity that can take place in any organisation during which people are assisted by others, who may be older, in a position of authority or are more experienced, to make explicit those β†’

Organizations associated with the public accounting profession essay

Promulgate GAAP. Securities & Exchange Commission , American Institute of Certified Public Accountants , Financial Accounting Standards Board & Government Accounting Standards Board. The Securities & Exchange Commission technically can issue statements but they recognize the pronouncements of the Financial Accounting Standards Board and Government Accounting Standards Board β†’

The sunday times). this has caused chaos

The accounting profession has always played a crucial roleto the change and the growth of businesses. The Australian Government has been trying to reduce theemission which caused problems to the accounting profession as they must identifystrategies in terms of budgeting, financial planning and prediction to helpbusinesses adapt to the change of regulations.

When hard work has paid off for you

I was happy for the hard work I had put forth. I realized that I could get a scholarship because of all of the hard work that I had done on an off the field.

A report on experiment (mud density test)

G, lb/ft3, psi/100ft for M1. Sample 2: Using the weigh balance, I measured 10g of barite. I added 10g of barite to the 35g of bentonite and 350ml of water I put it into mixer to mixed to get a homogenous mixture. I poured homogenous sample 2 into the cup until it was full. β†’

Metallography essay

The parent metal in this zone was heated to the thaw point followed by chilling procedure.* The grain growing zone is right adjacent to the merger zone. Widmanstatten ferrite and pearlite are found in this part.* The grain polish zone is following to the grain growing zone.


Star Polaris is still on the meridian and the position has not changed. The pattern of Ursa Minor had changed same as its position; it is almost at the meridian line and slightly below.

Construction process

Therefore a survey is a part of the construction process. And these surveys can be of different types depending on the situation of the construction process for example the surveys done before the start of the construction and at the surveys during the construction and after finishing the construction varies hence the β†’

Cork rocket experiment essay sample

Liquids and solids can combine to create gasses with practical and fun applications. Materials: A litre-bottle, Cork (if cork does not fit into bottle, either cut it, or place paper towels around it so it will fit snugly into neck of bottle), Paper Towels, Streamers (or anything light and dangly, paper is okay if β†’

10 defense mechanisms essay

Intellectualization: Focusing on only intellectual parts of a situation to avoid direct emotional ties with it Ex) My sister and " Make a Wish Foundation" have done everything possible to keep my niece happy while she is still with us by taking her on a cruise and doing things my niece wants to do to β†’

Touching the void accounts comparison essay

The verb ' sharp' has connotations of knife and pain, suggesting that the cold is another type of pain he gives himself to make him forget about the other form of pain. In conclusion, Joe's determination and restraints are struggling against physical pains and overwhelming emotions, unlike Simon who innately reacts sharp-mindedly and perceptively to β†’

What is language and its importance essay

Language is the most complex form of communication. IMPORTANCE OF LANGUAGE language is important because it is a symbolic communication system that is learned instead of biologically inherited. Language is the light of the mind. Language, of course, is knowledge, and in our world today knowledge is one of the key factors in competitiveness.

To what extent should we trust our senses to give us the truth

In a simple context of analyzing an art piece, for instance in the process of analyzing the nuance of the work, our interpretations of what we see tend to be bounded with the language that we know. The emotions that we get from viewing the art piece, for example, can be described with adjectives.

Forintas will get profits as the days

Forintas Goldschmidt Singapore pte.ltd provides best arrangements for the funds in the equity market. FORINTAS & GOLDSCHMIDTSINGAPORE makes you to make profit when everyone is losing their pockets. Forintas goldschmidtsingapore pte. ltd is the top 1 company which makes your investments secured in real estate.

Reflection journal

W What you Want to know List two things you want to know about driving.1. When a vehicle is traveling downhill, gravity is one of the forces pulling it down How will this information affect you as a driver now and in the future? The information given to me in this module will β†’

Business decision making project essay sample

Our team is discussing ways to conduct a survey for employees in an attempt to understand and correct any problems to lower job turnovers and increase job satisfaction. We have determined that the survey should have no more than ten questions and they should be worded to be precise so we can get the answers β†’

Effective leadership of a manager

Controlling is a new task that this student deals with in minimal measure. This student is the contact person in the office because the office is in transition with management in our office. In the opinion of this student, the most important role for a health care manager isleadership.

Pixonix case essay sample

In the early 1970s, the Canadian dollar was valued higher than the US dollar. In the past few years, the Canadian dollar has been showing strength compared to the US dollar.

Wells fargo

To ensure that these activities are properly done, the financial supervisor should ensure that he follows the organizational behavior. Since the major goal of the company to satisfy the needs of its clients, the financial supervisor should stick to the culture of ' One Wells Fargo.' It is a culture that requires all the employees β†’

Overview of strategic management

This is said to limit the responsiveness of the organization to actual business situations as the top managers are not directly involved in the day-to-day operations. With the disadvantages mentioned above, it is vital for any organization not to undermine the role of middle managers in strategic management.

Management actions prior to cyber attack and business continuity plans research paper

Crisis management is part of disaster management as when any disaster man made or natural paralyzes normal operations the organization is faced with a crisis (Managementstudyguide.com, 2013). Business continuity plans A business continuity plan helps an organization prepare for disruptive events and allow the resumption of business processes. Then there is the IT continuity β†’

Discrepancies in corporate world

A company's internal accounting policies and procedures need to be under constant scrutiny. Even with today's state-of-the-art technology, much remains to be studied regarding internal controls and their effectiveness. The prevention of financial statement distortion is an on-going dilemma in the accounting phase of the corporate system. Both should assume the role of financial detective. β†’

Monitoring risk response actions for effective project risk management in western oceanography institute

Additionally, I would explain to the Director that the staff had failed to follow the agreed instructions of removing the unnecessary file, to create more space in the hard drives, and they did not follow the schedule to avail themselves during the installations to their computers, which necessitated the removal of certain files such as β†’

Value based management

The Nigerian companies do not have much capital to invest, are short of material resources and have low standards of products and services. The country is rich in oil resources and is the 8th largest producer of petroleum in the world.

Article review on great managers

Marcus Buckingham presents practical skills that managers can employ to maximize the output of subordinates in the workplace through the identification of their strong points as well as their weaknesses in the, What Great Manager Do article. Buckingham makes a clear distinction between leaders and managers in his statement that; great leaders utilize the β†’

Barco projection system essay sample

According to me this also is not a very recommendable option for Barco as it will make Barco highly dependent on the pricing policy of Sony 1270. Barco will still lose its market product superiority.Delay the production of BD700 indefinitely and begin working on research/production of BD800.

Advertisement: new ipad application

The consistent features of the magazine are elements that are intended to give more information to the customers about the quality of the products and their benefits to the customers. The title of the article is intended at capturing the interest of customers who are willing to either own motor vehicles or upgrade their current β†’

Writing a blog for lecture

The factors that affect perception were crucial in relating these to the development of strategies that marketers use influencing consumer behavior through visual, auditory, learning, odor, and innate behavior, as deemed necessary. From the lecture, one was made to reflect on experiences during shopping in a mall, where various products offered were designed in different β†’

Frizza – frozen pizza marketing plan assignment

The core benefits were identified as " Easy to Cook" and " Tasty Food". Generally, the decision makers are the young earning professionals or the earning member of the family/housewife. We then decided various characteristics of the product like toppings, etc.

The propaganda of commodities

English February 28, Topic: The Propaganda of Commodities The main idea of the article, " The Propaganda of Commodities," by Christopher Lasch: Propaganda is one of the important weapons used by the modern advertising world, for its relentless war in the consumer market to get a firm foothold for a particular product or for β†’


Panelists: FOR thesis - Anas Altikriti and Mustafa Ceric, AGAINST - Feisal Abdul Rauf and Ramzi E. Mustafa Ceric said war against terrorism imply a war against Islam, because terrorists proclaimed they were acting on behalf of Muslims.

The royal tenenbaums -movie

inserts his/her The Royal Tenenbaums -movie In the last few months, I heard my friends talk about their experience of watching The Royal Tenenbaums, which so to say, was not very encouraging. The movie showcases one of the best in the art genre with perfection abound in everything ranging from dialogue delivery to the sets β†’

Angel response

As time progress we find Gurov confusion and his selected chauvinism being replaced with mature understanding and a deeper view of not only Anna but also, all the women he slept with previously. " In his appearance, in his character, in his whole nature, there was something attractive and elusive which allured women and disposed them β†’

Not a sunny day

Furthermore, should she allow things to fall apart, she may no longer be interested in working and interacting with groups of people in the future. Interpersonal relationship becomes a vital aspect in this situation that Veronica is in. Working out each other's differences would be easy if they talk to each other and set each β†’


7 Ways to Boost Leadership EQ According to Casey Mulqueen, senior leaders of organizations appear dismissive to the importance of Emotional Intelligence. The Future is Uncertain: Plan on it! In this feature, Frank Kalman discusses the benefits of planning ahead despite the uncertainties typical to the future.

Prayer in public schools

However, Schools will greatly benefit from prayer because it will not be a hindrance in achieving academic excellence; instead prayer is believed to be one of the tools in reaching academic excellence. The United States was established on freedom, and one of the freedoms was the freedom of worship or religion. Whereas, the Union of β†’

Food customs in saudi arabia and differences in the u.s

Food Customs in Saudi Arabia and Differences in the U. The paper seeks to analyze food customs in Saudi Arabia and differences in the United States. Saudi food customs are unique in nature.

Training for development

INSTRUCTIONS: * Students to submit a hardcopy of the assignment to the facilitator or the faculty administrator on the due date.* Use double space and 12-point of Times New Roman font.* The assignment to contain 2500-3000 words. Outline the processes and documentation your organization or any other organization of your choice would need to have β†’

The influence of culture on professionals working essay

The culture of a country greatly influences interpersonal relations between local and expat employees and even the way in which business is conducted. American people constantly change things their images, homes, products, services, and the way they do things. There is however, one difference in the perception of American and Asian β†’

At to predict the accident occurrence per

By this accident study the rate of accidents at a particularpoint or zone or location where study is made will make it quite easy topredict the accident occurrence per unit time with a good rate of precision orsafety of road user in that particular zone. 628million estimated population in 2017 andAs per a report of β†’

Example of essay on weight loss program

Alex and I have agreed that the target will be for him to lose at least two pounds every week for the next one month. So I sat down and came up with a program that will involve seven major ways. - Eating only food that is low in carb- This β†’

Cardiff bay redevelopment

The construction of the barrage is one of the largest engineering projects in Europe. Completed in 1999, it has created a 500 acre freshwater lake with 8 miles of waterfront and it is hoped it will stimulate the future development of the Bay as a tourist and leisure destination. To re-unite the β†’

Economic indicators of development essay examples

The author will also show how these indicators differ in MLD and the LDC's countries. They include: Availability of jobs in the country; the increased employment rate in the country is an indicator of economic development in the country. Other indicators include high school graduation rate, increased industrialization among others. Social indicators of economic development β†’

Nola penders health promotion model as the theoretical framework

Specifically, the clinical question is " in women over 20 years of age identified as at risk according to the AHA's classification of CVD risk in women , how will diet modifications and physical activity compare to the physical activity alone in changing classification to Optimal Risk over β†’

Planning for evaluation

Planning for Evaluation Planning for Evaluation According to Holden et al " A successful evaluation is not only useful, practical, ethical, and accurate, but it is also informed by an understanding of the special characteristics and conditions of each particular program". In terms of the insights I have gained, focus on stakeholders way β†’