400 Words Essay Samples

Dimensions of human resource management persuasive

The direct effect of the increasing retrenchment by companies is the increasing state unemployment insurance tax upon these companies. In my opinion, provision of employee benefits is increasingly becoming difficult and many companies may opt to adopt the strategy for a longer period than expected.

Cadburys advertising

The differences would be the colours; the print advert is orange and black which is not usually associated with Cadbury's were as the TV advert includes a lot of purple which is the main colour that people associate with Cadbury's therefore more people might buy more chocolate. A difference between the two adverts is that β†’

Red box

The rental fee is cheap, only $1 per night and the whole order and return process is fast, simple and easy for the customer. The threat of new entrants is weak because in order to compete with Redbox, it requires a lot of capital and building same good relationships to suppliers as Redbox already has.

Relationship with customers

Who the Customer is to Serve There are three major enthusiasts of the North Face including men and women who are between the ages of 18 and 35 and fall within and the higher class of their socioeconomic classes. They have these marketing strategies that are meant to go beyond the competitors as well as β†’

Character fills the minds of the young

If you are compassionate, you will receive the goodwill and the blessings of both your peers and your friends. Character is the tree and habits are the seeds you sow to reap it.

Limits to the popes power according to luthers theses 5-8 and 13

This means the Pope has no power to remit the penalties owed by the souls in the purgatory since the penitential laws do not apply to them. Therefore, the Pope has no power to free the dead from their penalties, as God is responsible for this.

Written analysis: edgar allan poe atmosphere

The dilemma in the story is he hides the body, police investigates, raising the question, will they find the body. The story uses certain words and phrases that give off the sense of being evil and dark.

Advanced database management system project

Tomb Mount Kilt Elementary School is committed to educate the youth of Cavity for be a school wherein leaders are developed to become competent and responsible members of the Filipino society; equipped with maximum potentials so that they hall be valued and respected in the global community; responsive to the demands of a technologically advancing β†’

Mexico finance secretariat on bitcoin

The Secretariat of Finance and Public Credit of Mexico explained that bitcoin can be used as a payment method while at the same time placing a series of restrictions on transactions involving the digital currency. Recently, in the campus of Universidad de las Americas Puebla in Mexico, Cafe Punta de Cielo has started to accept β†’

Bill of rights of u.s. citizens

Bill of Rights of US Citizens al Affiliation: Bill of Rights of US Citizens Freedom of religion, speech, and press; rights of assembly and petition These rights prohibits the government from interfering with people's believes, rights to expression, and assembly. The Bill of Rights Primer: A Citizens Guidebook to the American Bill of Rights.

President his first year in office, especially

President Donald Trump said Thursday he trusts Democrats need an administration shutdown keeping in mind the end goal to quit discussing the effect Republican-upheld tax reductions are having on the economy. Officials on Capitol Hill have until the point that midnight on Friday to turn away an administration shutdown by passing a fleeting subsidizing measure." β†’

Arts and music in pubic schools…

When you go to a public school, art and music programs are not the best. There are plenty of ways that the art and music programs can be made better.


In addition to that, a corporate values and ethics initiative should be sold throughout the company and customers. W, & Nagayasu, Y.

Genetic engineering – transgenic microorganisms

You paid to have your DNA sent in and all our genes sent together are known as a 'genome.' The project is beneficial because they can track diseases and help prevent them. If were to create my own transgenic organism it would be a mix between contractible that captures light from the sun and a β†’

Teen ink essay

We will now go deep into the backstory of Spider-Man to find the real changes in the movie. The beginning, the action, and the results of the movie will uncover how far Marvel has gone with the Amazing Spider-Man.

There were compelled to give way. a

Many great deeds of valour were done by the sea heroes of England in this age, but the greatest was the last fight of Sir Richard Grenville. A number of Sir Richard Grenville's men were lying sick on shore, and, rather than abandon them to the Spaniards who would hand them over to the Inquisition, β†’

Jsa: a club about debate, politics, and the economy

You can also talk to Rebecca, a senior, who is the president of the club." JSA is about voicing opinions and getting involved in what you believe in," says Rebecca. As the president of JSA, Rebecca's job is to run the club meetings and find the topics to debate about.


That would act as a form of marketing and it would attract customers to the business. The wiki can be critical to the employees as it would offer a platform where they can communicate with the customers, thus making them understand what the business is all about.

An their sleep (lund, reider, prichard, 2010). this

An entire diversity of pernicious factors affecting modern human's body can be observed, such as depletion of the environment, the rapid pace of modern life, malnutrition, constant stress and consistent disturbance of regime of the day. Very often, due to a significant lack of time, people tend to interfere with their sleep regime, which has β†’

The field mouse analysis

In this essay, I am going to compare and contrast how two poems, The Field Mouse by Gillian Clarke and Dulce et Decorum est by Wilfred Owen, use language to convey thoughts and feelings. The title of the poem is an unlikely title for a poem about war and so the subject matter takes its β†’

Evaluating an argument questions essay

Ten-thousand-hours is the number of greatness. Malcolm Caldwell is in fact correct that ten- thousand-hours and special opportunities will lead people to success.

The paradox of white space

The paper " The Paradox of White Space" is a wonderful example of an assignment on design and technology. White space helps increase the readability as it makes the document easy on the eye.

Assignment: industrial electronics, inc. essay

Each year, a bonus pool equal to 10 percent of the corporation's profit after taxes in excess of 12 percent of the company's book net worth was set aside for assignment as bonuses to managers. But because of the recession in the years 2000 and 2001, the bonus pool was zero.

Differences between mass marketing and niche marketing assignment

Differences between mass marketing and niche marketing Niche marketing and mass marketing have many differences. Niche marketing targets a smaller market in which there is a particular focus on which group the firm wishes to concentrate on.

Db 1 your thoughts al

People of generation Y or Millennials are the most connected generation in history with the ability and want to face new challenges, have a strong will to mean something to the world and are ready for the constant development of themselves and the environment they live in. Millennials pay much attention to the meaningful of β†’

Iris setosa, iris versicolour assignment

The following is an analysis of 4 classification algorithms that can be optimally used for these data sets.ANN.would be a good decision when simplicity and accuracy are the overwhelming factors, like in the " Zoo" data set. The disadvantages are that it takes quite a long time to classify and that it's somewhat hard to β†’

Learner-centered principles

This was very inspiring and challenging especially on my dissertation whereby with the help of my colleagues I was able to carry out research on challenges facing nurses in public hospitals. This kind of collaboration was very helpful because I usually find it efficient when we collaborate with my fellow nurses in the hospital.

Divorce undermines families

It is vitally important for parents who are having a divorce, to be honest with their children. These people can help both children and parents deal with the trauma of divorce.


It's a 13 chapter book explaining many different sectors of the wind turbines, but I am concentrating on the history of wind energy chapter 12. Because la Cour is the first inventor of the wind turbine in Denmark, this article is very valuable for my research paper.

Patrick henry narrative essay

In Patrick Henry's " Speech in the Virginia Convention," Henry utilizes the persuasive techniques of repetition and rhetorical question to appeal to the colonists ethos, logos, and pathos and to convince them to separate from England and King George III. In the " Speech in the Virginia Convention", Patrick Henry uses repetition to hold the β†’

“the cather in the rye”: summary chapters 1-8 essay sample

At Pencey, he has failed four out of five of his classes and has received notice that he is being expelled, but he is not scheduled to return home to Manhattan until Wednesday. He will go back to New York and stay in a not too very expensive hotel, he did not want to go β†’

What’s the deal with the london olympic mascots?

That minor controversy was nothing compared to the firestorm that has attended the release of the 2012 Olympic mascots. According to the Olympic organizing committee, the mascots are based on extensive research into what types of characters appeal to children.

Corrigendum: viewing meaningful work through the lens of time

1007/978-3-030-20583-6_7 Costantini, A, Sartori, R, and Ceschi, A." Framing workplace innovation through an organisational psychology perspective: a review of current WPI studies," in Aligning Perspectives on Health, Safety and Well-being. Rus, and F.D.

Cyber attack

Cyber attack refers to the use of computers and the internet to carry out warfare in cyberspace. The major types of cyber attacks include DDoS and using computers hijacked and infected with viruses to target websites.

What are the main motives for us involvement in the region after 1945

The Main Motives of America's Intervention in the Middle East Region After 1945 The of the The Main Motives of America's Intervention in the Middle East Region After 1945 The question of America's involvement in the Middle East region after 1945 is that very point raising over and over again by people in the whole β†’

Basi psych therapies- ch 14

90/PAGEOrder NowType of therapy that involves talking things out with a professional is calledPsychotherapyMain goal of ____ therapies is to give people better understanding of their feelings & actions.insightType of therapies aimed at changing disordered behavior are calledinsightAn ________ therapist would help a client change his/her maladaptive behavior.action__________ is a type of insight-oriented therapy.psychoanalysis____________ is β†’

Asia’s richest man invests in bitcoin

Despite the price of a bitcoin tumbling from political pressure, the billionaire tycoon has poured an undisclosed amount of money, believed to be worth millions of dollars, into Bitpay, the bitcoin equivalent to PayPal, through his venture capital investment company Horizons Ventures. Buoyed by the investment, set to be the single largest fundraiser by a β†’

The lady macbeth influenced and manipulated macbeth’s judgment, in sight of blood is to many people.

The three points which contribute greatly to Macbeth's degeneration arethe prophecy which was told to him by the witches, how Lady Macbeth influencedand manipulated Macbeth's judgment, and finally Macbeth's long time ambition whichdrove his desire to be king. The prophecies which were told by the witches were one of the factors whichcontributed to the degeneration β†’

Ancient china brochure assignment

Another big part of the Han dynasty was the military. The emperor was very important in the Han dynasty but was sometimes over ruled by the empress, next came the kings and then the nobles.

Capitalism assignment

The movie was very inciteful and funny by the way that Michael Moore reveals the insidious role that Capitalism has played in America. In the movie Michael Moore showed several families that got the short end of the stick of capitalism.

The enlightenment and romantic period

One of the most outstanding and distinct periods in the history is the Enlightenment and the Romantic Era. The Enlightenment age proponents used the reason to interpret and deal with the issues of religion, social life, morality and even politics.

Anabolic during the past 2 decades (arazi et

Accordingto the National Institute on Drug Abuse, it was reported that nandrolone is oneof the most used anabolic derivative of testosterone, because of its moderateandrogenic potential associated with the good anabolic properties. Recent studies have reportedthat the supplementation of lycopene rich diets is associated with reduced riskof many chronic diseases, cancer, heart diseases, a reduction β†’

The paris basin: tertiary activities

Result of tourism - hotels, restaurants and other spin-off industries have developed due to the demand for additional services.* Towns Reims and Epernay - grown in size due to the viticulture industry - draws in wine tasters, home to the famous Champagne houses. Transport * Transport industry - highlights development of tertiary activities * Agriculture, β†’

Financial upheavals

The reason for the panic of 1819 can be attributed to the economic system of the United States. Web 12 Sep.2011

Case study boeing

Quality management is to make sure the service meets the customer's needs and to improve the performance of the production. Boeing realizes that due to the vast number of parts in a commercial plane, it is common for the manufacturer to face problems while producing.

Being an educator

He is the hardest, most demanding teacher I have ever had the honor to meet, yet he is the most caring, selfless, and nurturing person.Mr. He is a force, as he had the will to teach at ULS for countless years.

In sapodilla tree and later became the

This natural gum comes from the latex of the Sapodilla tree and later became the main ingredient in chewing gum. By the 1900s chewing gum was manufactured in many different shapes and sizes and flavors.

Achievement of a healthier and stronger community

Achievement of a Healthier and Stronger Community Introduction to Community Health Yousaf Alqhtani October 30th, Achievement of a Healthier and Stronger Community There are numerous factors that are associated with community health which hinder the achievement of stronger and healthier community. Washington, D.C: U.S.

Polyethylene critical essay

Polyethylene Introduction: Polyethylene is a type of polymer that is thermoplastic, meaning that it can be melted to a liquid and remolded as it returns to a solid state. For common commercial grades of medium- and high-density polyethylene the melting point is typically in the range 120 to 130 C.

Get unhooked essay sample

Although the campaign was controversial and offensive, I found it to be quite effective and successful, and I know that a lot of people will disagree with me but, the adverts use of different scare tactics and actions to get people to quit smoking has been known to be effective on a lot of people. β†’

Unit 6 discussion

Legalization of Marijuana Marijuana use in the US has been common since colonial and the Union times, mainly used for inducement of appetite and pain relief. The claim that there would be an increase in Marijuana usage should it be legalized is true to a point.

Erratum: single-neuron rna-seq: technical feasibility and reproducibility

We request to add a citation to the first paragraph of Introduction, as " studies of gene expression and function in the brain were restricted to a relatively small number of genes," given that this points was recently reviewed in the Okaty et al, paper. Cell type-specific transcriptomics in the brain.J.

Case study on daewoo

Daewoo case study is a research paper on the narrow topic which is aimed to present the successful conglomerate in the past and illustrate the cause and effect of its bankrupting. Only with the help of the reliable data one can make the appropriate conclusions and evaluate the problem on Daewoo professionally.

Which contexts and developments help to explain european expansion (wk 16) and new world conquest (wk 13)

While this was not the virgin voyage for the Spaniards, it was in this year that marked the time of exploration in the " new world. First of all, the course for the New World explorations and the European expansion was dented by the unhealthy interactions and relationship that existed between the indigenous people and β†’

A defeats manhood. holden caulfield should not be

Holden himself is the narrator and he tells the readers his story while he is at the Happy Farms. He also tells the old woman that he is sick: " I have to have this operation,...

Gents of socialization

Perhaps it is more due to the social acceptance that gender has nothing to do with the abilities of a person to perform exemplary in any arena of life. Therefore, I would raise my child in the norms of the gender they were born with but with the knowledge that they might eventually discover that β†’

In lower end of uterus, usually almost

The lower end of uterus, usually almost completely closed by a ring of muscle called the cervix, which leads into a muscular tube called the vagina, which opens to the outside of the body. The lower opening of the vagina is called the vulva, the opening of urethra from the bladder lies close to the β†’

Are for almost every item that existsand

All goods that are imported into the United States are either subject to an import dutyor a duty-free entry as mentioned and classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule ofthe United States. The rates for dutiable goods are mentioned in theGeneral Column of the tariff schedule under column 1.

Case study on educational administration

First of all the leader of the educational institution is supposed to organize the material background for the educational process and provide the school or college building with energy, water, various devices and equipment required for the normal activity. The following aspect of the activity of administration is the attraction of the qualified teachers for β†’

Course of action

Assignment: Mandatory audit partner rotation Mandatory audit partner rotation objective is combating of perceived risk that may be brought about by long partner tenure which adversely affects the independence of the auditor because of cozy comfortable auditor-client relationships as well as the need to preserve client engagements. Thus MAPR avoids ' staleness' emanating from repetitive β†’

Does ontogeny recapitulate phylogeny

The idea is better visualized in the following manner;" both chick and human embryos go through a stage where they have slits and arches in their necks that are identical to the gill slits and gill arches of fish. On the other hand, Phylogeny is defined by scientists as " the history of the evolution β†’

Gangs and gang behavior – week 6

Criminologists have carried out research in several states, which show that when males get involved in female gangs, there is the likelihood of elevation of criminal involvement of the gangs as a whole in serious violent crimes. Hence, the involvement of male in female gangs might lead to the females in getting involved in crime β†’

Secondmarket to aggregate bids for bitcoins auction

SecondMarket and the Bitcoin Investment Trust expect to participate in the auction and will allow others to submit bids for aggregation in the process. Parties interested in the auction should go to here.

Journal of my close friend

I woke her up and she is awake. That is why I as her only best friend will always cheer her up.

Case study on data mining

Data miningis the complicated process which is characterized with the collection and analysis of the unknown data and its transformation into simpler algorithms which are known by the people who do not have mathematical education in order to use this data in various spheres of human life. The process of the solution of the β†’

Mhr week asses

Answer Declarative, practical, and strategic Declarative, practical, and skill Compilation, automatic, and strategic Declarative, procedural, and strategic None of the above 4 points Question 2 1. A relatively permanent change in cognition that results from self efficacy and 1 OFF Question 4 1.

Alcohol and advertising assignment

The alcohol and advertising industries argue that as alcoholic drink is a legal product it should e legally possible for it to be advertised, and that bans on alcohol advertising would have adverse effects on the alcohol market and on the media. They also argue that bans are not justified as advertising is concerned with β†’

Shared practice: westjet – aligning it and business strategy

WESTJET - ALIGNING IT AND BUSINESS STRATEGY School: WESTJET - ALIGNING IT AND BUSINESS STRATEGY As much as the use of information technology is very important for the survival of any modern business, Andriole noted the need to align IT with specific business strategy. From the case, it can be said that to better help β†’

Different points of view make life interesting essay

Thus, we develop opinions, and as we age we learn more and more, constantly accessing different information. We are not speaking of World War type conflict, but more or less a disagreement on a specific bias.

Small and suffocating bookstore

I go to the bookstore, and see this huge bunch of people trying to order and there is no way I am going to be able to buy something and eat it in 10 minutes. You have to buy something in the bookstore, eat and get to class in 10 minutes!

Tariff of abominations apush essay

The development of democracy between 1820 and 1840 was contributed by many factors, but two main factors such as the Jacksonian economic policy and changes in the electoral politics influenced the development exceptionally. The death of the Federalist Party in 1824 helped with the progression of democracy.

Analysis of ‘frankenstein’ by mary shelley

Using close analysis of ' Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley and ' Dracula' by Bram Stoker, explain, using evidence, how both contain the characteristics of the gothic horror genre. The fact the novel is of the gothic horror genre was possibly the influence of the period it was written.

Hellen keller’s accomplishments essay

Helen Keller was able to see and hear until about 19 months after her birth and she was believed to have gotten Scarlet Fever, a fever of the brain, which causes damage. I bet without her in this world, we would not have some of the tools inspired by Helen to be mad for today's β†’

Judicial branch of the criminal justice system

Now the Supreme Court is ahead of the judicial branch because it is the highest court of the land. Case Administrator Be the public face of the court to attorneys who practice in the court and to the public.


The nation is unaware of the negative effects of an expansion that are happening around the country and the world. The following section looks at how pollution and emissions is being regulated by both governments and the people of developed and developing countries.

Student’s accountability

Irrespective of the fact that Joe's parent are not happy with the way he is learning, it is clear that he is a slow learner and just like all the other slow learners, he needs more attention. The reason is that he will not attend the tutor 1 lessons, which are very important to him.

Discuss the relationship between stress and illness.

It was found that 82% of participants became infected and the chance of developing a cold was significantly correlated with the stress index. However, one limitation of the study is that it only shows a correlation and not the cause.

The importance of authenticity in a man’s life

By this, he should be living his life according to his true self. For one to acknowledge his freedom of choice and the responsibility that he hold as a being is, according to Sartre, to have an authentic way of living.

What do you see as the main sources of tolstoy’s struggle for meaning in his life where do you see your own experiences mirrored in his

It is after realizing that the religion he was taught at school was meaningless that his quest to search for his place and true meaning in life began. He also finds the signs of the cross he makes in his prayers meaningless for him and therefore can not continue doing the signs.

Quiz 10

the earliest study on observational learning were performed by edward l thorndike and showed thatthere was no evidence of such learning in animalslearning is a relatively permanent change in behavior due to experience.in observational learning this behavior change involvesobserving a model ONQUIZ 10 SPECIFICALLY FOR YOUFOR ONLY$13. 90/PAGEOrder Nowaccording to the textbook reading, observational learning β†’

Corporate accounting assesment

Equity share is an ordinary share that offers the holder voting rights in the company and it also entitles him to receive all dividend distributions as a part-owner of the company. It is also possible to issue preference shares with the right of conversion into ordinary shares and these are called convertibles.

Compare and contrast essay

Some main areas in which they differ is through their way of living, culture and there religions that they practiced and allowed to be practiced such as Christianity and Islam. The Mongols, as well as the Franks, traveled very quickly to maintain land in a faster manner and to increase the sizes of their empires.

Compare and contrast the political views and public policies of alexander hamilton and thomas jefferson

It may well be noted that the formation of political parties was caused by the conflicting political views and public policies of Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton since the time the Constitution was drafted. According to Hamilton, national debt ought to be kept permanent for the sake of a healthy economy for the nation and β†’

A mothers heart in a father

Ignoring the sound, he went to his room but on his way down, he caught a glimpse of his father lying on the floor. He runs to the kitchen and discovered his father struggling to breathe.

Assessment and tests evaluation

Assessment for excellence: The philosophy and eractice of assessment and evaluation in higher education. Understanding assessment and evaluation in early Childhood education, Issue 95 of Early Childhood Education Series.

Finance forecast essay

Should the business response to something like the 9/1 1 attacks be any different from the response to " normal" fluctuations in the business cycle? In the short run, the MTI should focus on the relationship with clients and tell the lients the truth that the research results might different after 9/1 1 attacks.

Compare sympathies. the major adjective, “passive,” is

At the end of the story Eveline hasno options but to make a decision, which leads to the end that Eveline findsherself emotionless and unable to move because she is being realistic and sheis concerned about her conditions. It can be seen that Polly is just as cruelas her mother in the way that she β†’


Bon-a-Mantic By sandalwood Also, the current sales force may not be as interested in learning about and selling the Bond-A-Mantic as it does not traditionally sell equipment. Should the product fail, the similarity of the name between Suborned and Bond-A-Mantic may ruin the existing brand Also, Fox's advertising target is an industry group that currently β†’

2a)my in areas where screens are needed, such

The artifact demonstrates the purpose of OLED within the two pictures by showing examples of it being used and the verbal explanation that goes along with it. There is, although, a concern that comes with the use of OLED.

Media-based anticrime efforts

In my opinion, these crime-fighting organizations are effective with their mission of preventing crimes in the society. The federal government, in its hope to secure the society and prevent crimes from happening utilizes the media in order to popularize its campaigns against crime.

A passed on treasured possession

However, the price of the watch is not the reason for me to treasure it so much, the story behind it is more important and valuable to me. My grandmother purchased the watch for my grandfather's birthday, however, that was the only present my grandmother bought for my grandfather.

Dettol antiseptic liquid

PRODUCTS PORTFOLIO * Antiseptic Liquid * Hand Sanitizer * Medicated Plaster * Saving Cream with fresh fragrance * Body Wash * Soap Original, Skincare, Cool, and Re- Energize * Liquid Handwash- Original, Skincare, Sensitive and Fresh * No Touch Handwash- Original and Cucumber PRODUCTS UNDER BRAND PRODUCTS UNDER BRAND APPROVED BY INDIAN MEADICAL ASSOCIATION ANTISEPTIC β†’

Reliance theories and moral obligation

The goal of any business in a capitalistic society is to make a profit regardless of its effects to the society. Lastly, the rationale of adopting a stakeholder concept to decision making in business borrows heavily from the legalistic reliance theories, social contract theory, and the nature of the market.

Education from conflict approach assignment

The conflict theory Conflict theory sees the purpose of education as maintaining social inequality and preserving the power of those who dominate society. According to conflict theorists, schools train those in the working classes to accept their position as a lower-class member of society.

Organizational theory design and change essay sample

This led to the leadership crisis which was solved by phase two where team-based reward system encouraged team members to work together intensively and cooperate to meet team goals. Yet again this led to Control Crisis which was saved by Growth Through Coordination and Monitoring.