350 Words Essay Samples

Sample essay on music and the influence on the society

This analysis shows that music has an influence on the society in that it allow societal members to identify themselves depending on the content of music genres developed and played at any given societal contexts. In addition, music has been used a medium of expressing the thoughts and perceptions that people have regarding certain matters.

The martial arts film

The Martial Arts Film This review paper is on an article written by Stephen Teo entitled " The Martial Arts Film in Chinese Cinema: Historicism and the National" where he advances or posits his idea that Chinese filmmakers use the cinema as a way to promote Chinese nationalism, particularly by depicting specific genre →

Rosie the riveter

Ultimately this is significant because it represents that the government officially recognized that women were important not only for domestic roles but also for industrial and other commercial roles. The next scene follows the same trend as the last scene in which the War guide in September 1943 recommended that all magazines write about women →

Wassenaar arrangement on export controls for conventional arms and dual-use goods and technologies

CHANGES TO EXPORT CONTROL ARRANGEMENT APPLY TO COMPUTER EXPLOITS AND MORE due: Changesto export control arrangement apply to computer exploits and more Wassenaar arrangement is a transparency regime that controls the key elements of military capabilities, use and for indigenous production. It is also a regime that is meant to instill restraint of exports →

Project management for healthcare

The financial element of project management can also be a potential risk to healthcare projects; if for some reason the organization does not have enough finances for the project then it may be brought to a complete halt. Risks coming directly from the project may include doing something for the first time, changes in crucial →


In order to gain a competitive advantage over the other organizations in the industry, it has been forced to adopt information systems on a global platform. Since the adoption of the global information systems, Walmart has increased its reach and is now operational in 27 countries with over 11, 000 stores worldwide. 2 million workers, →

A network in a laptop: rapid prototyping for software-defined networks

The article is able to shed light on the need and the gap that this prototype is meant to address and fill. A surprising aspect about prototyping is that the product of prototyping has to exceed or surpass, in terms of performance, over other similar products in the field for it qualifies as a prototype →

Supporting activity

Supporting Activity Affiliation: Why it is important to protect the information organizations use today? Information whether it is in digital form or not is important to the owner and hence protecting it from unauthorized access is the most important thing in an organization today and has been important ever since time immemorial. Unauthorized access to →

Key challenges and pitfall to virtual team performance

Key Challenges and Pitfall to Virtual Team Performance Key Challenges and Pitfall to Virtual Team Performance Apparently, creating and maintain virtual team performance due to inconsistent communication demean virtual team performance. The inconsistent communication used by the virtual teams generates the challenge of misinterpretations that limit virtual team performance.

Appendix :a pestel evaluation for intel

School/College PESTEL EVALUATION OF INTEL By Your's PESTEL EVALUATION OF INTEL Political, economical, social and technological analysis shows that how Intel Company has been affected by the external factors to manage its development. Political Factor: Major considerations in the semiconductor industry are the individual and corporate taxes. Intel is an international working company and keeps →

Dw – components of data warehouses

Kimball and Ross further added that data warehouse provides security to data, monitor updates from different sources, and even checks the quality of data. Reporting This component mainly ensures that data is available for all the users from the central data warehouse. Metadata According to Kimball and Ross , metadata →

Troubleshooting electric circuits

TROUBLESHOOTING ELECTRIC CIRCUITS 1 In troubleshooting, it is imperative for the technician to take into consideration several important aspects of the troubleshooting processes. In the scope of troubleshooting an electrical circuit, it is likewise of utmost importance to identify the controls and loads, clearly understand the sequence of the operation in a system, and →

Describe dod dir 8570.1

The policy requires all those involved in the military service to maintain a certified status with a particular number of hours of every year's continuing professional education. DoD Directive 8570. The policy eliminates consistent problems in the future that can be as a result of lack of regulated global recognized qualifications by providing a metric →

Monitoring software: slow internet surfing

When we get connected, the spyware automatically begins sending personal information without the knowledge of the computer user. Mostly spyware gathers this type of information and sends it to third-party networks without the knowledge and permission of the user.

Looking for a position in it field in a dynamic working environment – resume/cv example

nExtract of sample " Looking for a Position in IT Field in a Dynamic Working Environment" n nCOMPUTER & OTHER SKILLS n nGood at generic, common Office software applications (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access) n nGood at basic computer Hardware and software skills.n nEnglish and Arabic Keyboarding: Typing speed in both: →

Aquarius advertising agency case analysis

How would you describe the environment, goals, culture, size, and technology for Aquarius? The business environment of Aquarius is composed of both internal and external factors. A further disadvantage of the structure is that it would worsen the internal conflict in communication that Aquarius has experienced and attempting to resolve.

Sql/pl database project

For example, Triggers: Triggers in PL/SQL are the special stored programs which are triggered by the use of events for the given program. CALL statement is used for calling and passing the variables in and out of the procedure.

Management information technology

The availability of clinical data has been observed to be crucial in the promotion of use of these developments to enhance the practice of medicine. I think the usage of the electronic medical information can be improved by creation of a common data base in the cloud. There should also be harmonization of terminologies and →

Cloud computing

CEO of UVW Ken Muksin, Senior Enterprise Architect the FUTURE OF UVW WITH CLOUD COMPUTING UVW stands to benefit from cost savingsand efficiencies in its operations by using the cloud services of providers like Amazon and Google. By embracing cloud computing in its business, UVW can thus remain competitive as well as ride the wave →

Scoring cyber competitions

Each of these machines should always be made available and actively maintained throughout the competition. Besides, I would like to recommend that the competitors should be equipped with both the offensive and defensive skills. The machine chosen should be in a proper condition to help in awarding and deducting points from the competitors depending on →

Security policy analysis

Greater emphasis is also placed on personal accountability and responsibility of cyber security. Section 111 stipulates the supremacy of the Act in accordance with other laws relating to cyber security. The U.S.intelligence community law sourcebook: A compendium of national security related laws and policy documents..

Identify at least three types of project procurement contracts. describe each and discuss the risk associated with both the buyer and the seller

The Firm Fixed Price Contract is the most popular type and is characterized by a set price that is unchangeable with the exception of alterations in the scope of work. An example of risk is where the buyer only receives receipts of purchases that are subject to negligence of the seller who may overlook good →

Data communication and networking

In such a case, traffic is intercepted before it is forwarded to the user gateway. BEAST: This is a hacking tool developed in Delphi that infects Windows operating systems. It utilizes some ports and can terminate the operations of an antivirus or even a firewall, to gain entry into a victim. Encryption RSA is →

Insider threart

In addition, the organization should have a secure recovery and backup processes in place in order to ensure they can easily handle the threat without letting it get out of hand. In conclusion, no company should imagine that they are completely safe from insider threat. It is important that they take the essential steps which →

Biometric centralisation vs biometric balkanization: which is better

Biometric Centralization vs Biometric Balkanization In the study of the various methods of applying biometric methods in authentication, it is better to apply Biometric Balkanization. Synergy Biometric Balkanization provides synergy to the interests of the users of the system.

Cryptographic failures and challenges

In this case, private information is compromised and it can lead to disclosure of crucial data to the public. A recent such occurrence was witnessed in Taiwan, where scientist unearthed a flaw with the country's secure digital ID system. The scientists revealed what they termed a ' fatal flaw' in the hardware random number generator →

Computer forenscis

Linux in Forensics Linux has various distributions that are very popular mainly because of the stability, better security and open source nature. Linux has distinct advantages in a forensic lab setting; they are; availability and accessibility; the software is readily available on the internet.

Objects and object oriented programming: classes & objects, classes & functions, classes & methods

Objects in a certain class are the instances of that class. Abstract class This is a class that states explicitly virtual methods and it is labeled as abstract and thus no objects can be created in it. You also show the visibility mode of the parent class as either private or public. Methods →

The role of rand corporation in solving the soldiers psychological problems and other assistance

With RAND Corporation's dedication to high-quality service, objective research, and analysis, RAND engages the community to create knowledge, information, and solutions which are effective and enduring. RAND's community policing in Oakland was geared toward curbing the rising crimes. The community's participation has also been effective. Since the 911 terrorist attacks on the USA, the RAND →

The lesson by toni cade bambara

Though the Constitution of America guarantees equality to all its citizens, in real terms, the privileged society practices all sorts of inequalities, and the African Americans face hurdles at every turn of life. The story " The Lesson," by Toni Cade Bambara elucidates the situations of trials and tribulations in the life of blacks. The →

Young childrens exposure to electronic media

The paper " Young Children's Exposure to Electronic Media" is a worthy example of an essay on social sciOverexposurexposure to television, video games and other electronic media give a negative effect on the children's behavior, physical and emotional health, academic skills and social development. The violence shown on TV and on other electronic media is →

Impacts of the internet

The Internet is also used professionally as a tool for information management, sharing and receipting of information. The Internet would apply to my future career in many useful ways. The Internet will also be useful in boosting the general awareness of the public to the services offered and the quality of the service, thus offering →

Supreme court

Supreme Court Data of Supreme Court In the United s, the court is considered to be the highest tribunal in the land that is expected to exercise justice to all the citizens. It being the final arbiter, the Supreme Court is entrusted with the ability to provide equal justice through the use and interpretation of →

Political-economic resentments in gulf

POLITICAL-ECONOMIC RESENTMENTS IN GULF Iran and Iraq are the two most dominant countries in the gulf region with conflicts. In fact, the war overstated the oil production all over the Gulf area. The " Tanker War" was expanded to the extent of involving the tankers that were used to transport oil to the Gulf since →

Global issues

For the correct decision regarding foreign policies to be reached, the following steps should be taken; Step 1: Examining the political environment internationally and locally For the best policy, the political environments for the two should be well understood. Step 2: Goal setting The goal that affects international and local political environment is determined. Step →

Aristotelian and confucian virtue ethics philosophies aristotle and confucius

One of the similarities between the views of the two philosophers on virtue ethics is functional holism and perfectionism. Review of the ethics of Confucius and Aristotle: mirrors of virtue.

Visit to mission district working with latino, chicano, central, and south american immigrants

Each of us did some research online in order to find out about more about the different centers which help immigrants in the urban community. We then decide to go further with this and actually visit the centers in order to get a more personal account of life for these immigrants. Immediately we looked the →

As the material in this unit reveals, there has been a constant struggle between the states and national government over the proper balance of power. based on your studies, what are 2 areas of government that should be the primary responsibility of the na

Executive branch of government oversees the function of various departments of national government to ensure that the government is functioning and that the necessary social services are delivered to the people and is therefore should be the responsibility of the national government. Given the implication of its function to the national government, the legislative department →

Us intel community

Therefore, the confederate and the union leadership valued intelligence and thus established spy networks. Over the years, both the legislative as well as executive arms have devised committees and commissions that have proposed for the reorganization of the US Intelligence Community. Foreign intelligence refers to the information about foreign government's activities or the activities of →

Policy debate: secrecy and openness in the war on terrorism

It becomes a delicate balancing act for the government because on one side, access to information may be used against the people it is supposed to protect, and limited access may directly or indirectly infringe on the peoples rights. Conclusion Many people will argue that bureaucracies are necessary for ensuring quality provision of services →

United nations

Here, several countries have come together to combat and find solutions to common global world problems, for instance, preserving security and peace. Even though multilateralism has been viewed as a valuable tool in diplomacy for the US, it has faced various challenges at the UN due to divergent schools of thought derailing some of its →

Stuttering damage helps thousands

The device also has a way of setting it to alter the speech it hears to make the person talk more enthusiastically or more authoritatively. The entire video consists of the inventor explaining the basics of what the device does as he demonstrates it. The speech seems to be based on fact because →

Informal fallacies

He is also very ignorant of what the scientists and other specialists have said and written on the subject; hence, his report cannot be considered as true. The Second Informal Fallacy The Congress of the United States should not bother to consult major colleges and universities on educational appropriations in the country. This is →

Threat analysis

At that point in time, Al-Qaida's major achievement was to incite other non-state actors as well as the wider Muslim community against the U.S. In fact, U.S.adversaries go beyond al-Qaida to accommodate the radical ideological factions, motivated to a certain extent by al Qaeda3; and the threat of Islamist extremism as well as →

The federalist number ten

Madison is justified to argue that majority factions may oppress the minority for self-gain, prompting the necessity for a government to ensure fairness in a democratic society. Madison argues that two strategies are feasible to eradicate the effects of faction, in a democratic society. The second option is to discourage the passions and →

The charlie hebdo shooting by muslim extremists

The Charlie Hebdo shooting by Muslim Extremists It is horrific as France continues to recover from the attack on Charlie Hebdo. Getting the killers may be a difficult task since they can easily cross the borders but reinforcing the wrong ideas will only do more harm than good to the people in France. I feel →

A modest proposal by jonathon swift

The so-called modest proposal is given after considerable analysis of the general condition of poverty prevalent in Ireland, and the way in which children have become, in realistic terms, a burden to families. The very tone of the essay, which imitates serious discourses that substantiate points of view in a systematic manner, is satiric to →

Charging time

If Kevin takes the work home and completes it without charging it to the job, it will be that the firm will not charge the clients more. At the same time, the quality of the audit work will not be compromised and the partners in charge indicate that it is up to Kevin to determine →

The issue of social life in the everyday and everydayness by henri lefebvre

While the author does not explain how life differed based on the highlighted factors, he explicates that living presented a phenomenal diversity. Apparently, there were functions, forms, and structures that dictated the way of life and these structures are and will always exist in society. These kinds of forms and structures witnessed in the society →

Basic human needs

However, from the knowledge that I had gained over the years has taught me that despite the differences in culture and upbringing the basic human needs of a person will always remain the same. Over the many years of observation and interaction, I have come to the conclusion that culture does in no way change →

Dis post poll 211 7

Many of the nations were looking for an effective model of development that could help them promote the economic growth and the advancement of the political independence. Modernization Science: The Principles and Methods of National Advancement.

Ethics journaljournal

In this case, taking care of the patient is the right thing to do. In the above situation, intentions are important in a moral life because actions are not just based on their outcomes but on the intentions. In this case, the intention of the nurse is to make the patient comfortable and treat him →

Son’s room

The bed I gave him was a wooden framed futon with a full-sized black mattress but all one can see of this is one side of the wooden frame closest to the wall where an inexplicable and largely inaccessible hole exists in the mess reaching all the way to the floor only a few wrappers →

Week june 2

A Change is Gonna Come as well as to those of Pete Seegar's, " Turn, Turn, Turn".(Find both of these videos in the Videos folder in Course Materials) Also, be sure to include examples from other readings and music from the class and from any outside examples you can find. West expression of San Cooke's →

Why we should respect our teachers

If we know all the rules in the school we should report it to the principal or someone that is a part of the school and is able to tell the teacher that he/she is doing something very, very, very, very, very wrong. Another thing is that when we want to go outside we should →

Benefits of cost accounting information

Cost accountants take all costs into consideration and are able to determine the value of all of these inventories on hand. The analysis of cost information is used to compare projected costs to actual costs. This is useful for businesses when budgets are created.

Important components of word processing software

Features like different font sizes and the ability to change the color that a phrase is displayed in, grant the user an avenue to express different emphasis on certain phrases with greater ease. Also this can help to organize and make the general reading of a paper more easy on the reader. By using a →

Research jupiter’s moon europa

There are a number of characteristics of Jupiter's moon Europa which appear to be very similar to those of Earth. Scientists believe, therefore, that Europa may possibly have the necessary qualities to support life, although so far there has been no way of investigating this in order to obtain any certainty one way or the →

Types of thermometer

Gas thermometer A gas thermometer measures temperature by the variation in volume or pressure of a gas. One common apparatus is a constant volume thermometer. The bulb is filled with a gas such that the volume of the gas in the bulb remains constant.

Assignment example

The wave is shaped in such a way that the amplitude of the waves close to the origin of the wave is greater than the end of the wave. When the end is fixed and the damping is reduced to zero, the wave oscillates with gradually increasing amplitude above the natural frequency of the generating →

Physics circular motion

If an object is moving in a circle it will always have a centripetal acceleration 4.ac = v2/r v= velocity tangent to the circle r = radius of the circle C. 00 x 10 2 m.find the following.a) the ac b) the fc c) the minimum coefficient of static friction a) →

The impact on americanization process

Parents and tribal leaders protested the brutality of this coercive Americanization but they were no way to stop it. Some Native American women earned English and other skills in theboarding schoolprograms they had. It is hard and some get abused on the way in crossing.

Fundamentals of industrial instrumentation and process control

Improvements in accuracy, tighter control, and waste reduction have also been achieved. This book was specifically written as an introduction to modern day industrial instrumentation and process control for the two-year technical, vocational, or degree student, and as a reference manual for managers, engineers, and technicians working in the field of instrumentation and process control. →


Measure and record the total mass of the flask and all its contents. Record the mass of the flask, water, and the tablet.4.

Sun block

Fifteen to twenty minutes before exposing yourself to the sun, it is ecomendable to apply sunblock directly on the skin. Now, the two types of sunblock that are available to us are the physical and chemical type.

Analysis of deposition essay

While we look at this figure, our eyes are look upward to the arm upon hers, which is Virgin Maria's. Then lead by this figure's wired gesture and pointing, our eyes are now looking at the female figure on the left of this painting with a pink headscarf. And also, we can barely see any →

Incorporating appropriate games in trainings essay

The group's mindset was simply to create a game. In the scenario, Helen noticed that the other 11 attendees were not at the advanced stage of process consultation. Helen's group upon hearing the professor's comment for the first group was somehow confident for Helen and two others were able to make a connection between the →

Appendix f-psy 210 essay

Axia College Material Appendix F For each of three developmental domains: physical, cognitive, and social/personality, identify two major changes or challenges associated with that developmental stage (adolescence, young adulthood, middle adulthood, and late adulthood). Stage of Development| Physical Development| Cognitive Development| Social/Personality Development| Adolescence| -Growth spurts, for two to three years they will grow →

Uses and functions of mass media

Hence the uses of the mass media can be said to be: Staying Informed The media cannot be surpassed as a window on the world. Building Relationships Some people use the media as a way to build relationships, both with themselves and with others.

Short paper

It is evident in the commonality in the forms of discrimination manifested in institutions and across countries and even religions. Racism is dominant in the American society through social institutions such as University of Arizona.

Week two supervision homework

Some just do not have the time to change the nature in workplace, why change something that is not broken. Or maybe because some managers has a superiority complex and thinks that the way he wants something done is the best way.4. Discuss the following statement: Meanings are in people, not in words.

Contingency approach to management

Contingency refers to the immediate circum stances. This approach was developed during 1960s and 1970s and based on the idea that it is impossible to select one way of managing all situations, and for this reason managers have to identify the conditions of a task, →

Managerial applications of technology (business intelligence and knowledge management) 2

As a result of this, the overall outlook of business enterprises and co relationship between the client and service provider has changed remarkably towards positive side of the relationship. IBM, Oracle, SAP and Microsoft are few of the many prime examples of the companies making use of this utility tool and maximize its overall performances. →

Organizational change

This aspect makes the employees to resist change. Lack of a clear vision is a major factor that makes the change process to fail. This enables the employees to own the process, thereby, reducing resistance levels. Effective leadership during the change process provides a base for the change process.

Capstone experience (supply chain) 2

Wikipedia gets most of the information it has from the target customers. Any vandalism or incorrect information is immediately removed from the site. Involving the target customer has enabled Wikipedia to obtain a lot of information on various topics.

Free essay on theories of management rights

The following essay seeks to differentiate residual and trusteeship theories of management rights as well as explain the differences in determining the management's responsibilities in each. According to Zack , under residual or reserved theory of management rights, the management retains all the authority not relinquished to the union →

Free critical thinking about organizational leadership

Therefore, the actions of leaders must be situational based on the situation (Hersey, Blanchard & Johnson, 2008). In regards to model of Likert, the link between the three categories of variables are casual variables operating on intervening variables, leading to creation of output variables. Output variables may be improved effectively via modification of the stimuli →

Improvement in your organization essay

To ensure that ethics is improved in public organizations, a code of ethical conduct is a necessity. That is they should lead by example. As a new employee in a public organization, one should take the effort of familiarizing themselves with the ethics of that organization, what is considered ethical and how ethical dilemmas are →

Marketing research demak motor

In our research we are reviewing the problem that Demak Motor are facing in order to improve this brand and to increase the acceptance toward consumer. Demak Motor have a lower acceptance from consumer because Demak Motor are lesser know brand. Moreover, the design of the product is not attractive and some of its types →

Target group analysis of redbull in uk

The products also targeted the credibility of those that were involved in interaction with the young target audience (RED BULL GMBH v POTTERS LTD, 2013). Those involved in the brand and product marketing use the local knowledge that they have to increase sale of the product.

Customer service and hard-to-get auto air-conditioning

Areas of Consideration SWOT Analysis Strengths * Hill's Automotive Inc.is a supplier of hard-to-get replacement parts.* Hill's Automotive Inc.is a financial stable manufacturing company.* The manufacturing company has a state-of-the-art MRP system and extensive inventory and assembly facilities.* The firm has accurate bill of materials. Opportunities * The firm has a limited manufacturing capability.* The →

Identifying innovations

With the Internet as a radical change in music provision, marketers can now reach a whole different consumer segment that was likely not available to music sellers historically. An incremental innovation in the case study is the method of MP3 compression that simplified the process of consumer music downloading on the Web. This builds a →

Supply and demand case study

This is in alignment with the market model which states that the return of a certain security is usually dependent on the market portfolio returns as well as the extent of the responsiveness of the security. It is therefore the demand price in a monopolistic market which brings the market →

On research will mention the various platform which

The companies have built strategies on how they can be sustainable in its operations while on the other hand, they have discovered that millennials are the driving force behind user generated content which has turned to be a big influence on purchase decisions, engagement with companies on advertising their products online and mostly →

Free essay about capital market and the sec

Overall, capital market trades in securities of long-term. Capital markets are sufficient and a significant source for mobilizing or marshaling idle savings or resources from the economy. The three main roles of Security and Exchange Commission are maintaining efficient and fair markets, facilitating capital formation, and protecting investors. The Sarbanes-Oxley →

Commercial rental market in midwestern city

35 * Length of Lease - 0. Similarly, the presence of office wiring is valued at $34.

Nationwide insurance’s use of bi to enhance customer service

So in this large business nationwide insurance company experienced a various data issues, like data in-consistence, data reputation, dissimilar data processing, his will shows on business decisions and strategy on market. To resolving the issues Nationwide insurance started using Enterprise data warehousetechnologyfrom Attracted, it is a single data warehouse. In National wide various →

Good research paper on competition

The target initially will be 100 restaurants in the city. The breakdown of the target market at the start is shown in the following diagram.

Competitors for pint please app

Competitors for Pint Please App Pint Please App has many competitors who provide the services of the beer advertisement. All those companies provide beer promotion services like Pint Please App. Weakness for the Competitors The competitors have some weakness that Pint Please App does not have.

Using social media marketing techniques

To make a well-known and successful business your customers need to know what you are like and how you act. I will compose a number of tweets attempting to outline your personalities. With your Faceable page I would like to write the status' using we instead of 'l' to create the feeling that →

    micro environment includes the following factors.

COMPETITORS : Competitors can be called the close rivals and in order to survive the competition one has to keep a close look in the market and formulate its policies and strategies as such to face the competition.3. POLITICAL FACTORS : The political factors are related to the management of public affairsAnd their impact on →

Social behavioral change of sugery drinks

An attitude towards water and juice being healthy is that they have low sugar and calories content and are good for the body development and health. The perception on the importance to the community is that the issue affects the community and is very important because of the rampant effects of obesity and diabetes in →

Consumer oriented marketing

a) There are certain very important elements that good marketers need to know in order to work towards the success of the company and the business. Similarly, in order to remain profitable in the future also, they need to know the future changes in the consumers' tastes as they are imperative for the success of →

Example of business ethics case study

According to Shaw et al, some of the features of capitalism include; free enterprise non-restrictive government interference in the economy and maximization of consumer welfare from a free market that is based on supply and demand. They must ensure that regulations must be developed to contain abuse of power and unethical behavior in the capitalist →

Video analysis 4

The company sustained with its activities within telecommunication sector directing to development of a transport, and hand portable phones that served as the foundation for what the company reaps, even at the current time. At the commencement of 1990s, the company digressed from its dealings with other services and concentrated on telecommunications. The mission that →

Evaluating source material

The authors have also supported their point using a citation that recognizes the authors who argued that for the development of mutual relationship between the society and businesses. Question 3 What I would Ask the Authors I would like to ask the authors to identify the model of business ethics that they promised to →