300 Words Essay Samples

Public transportation versus driving a car

Public Transportation vs Driving a Car Every day people use transport as the main means to get to the necessary place. As it follows from the above-mentioned, public transport appears to be more appropriate for use in terms of cost, safety, and harm to the environment.

The liar, liar by gary paulsen

This short book by Gary Paulson generates laughter at every page and therefore he is the one amongst the finest children's book authors. The hero of the book, Kevin Spencer, is a genius liar. He has the good of everybody at heart and desires to make everyone's life better.

Ethics in organizational leadership

Ethics in Organizational Leadership Ethics in Organizational Leadership Work performances and every operation in the organization require mechanisms and standards to oversight and regulate the manner and procedures in which tasks are carried out. The Virtual theory is based on virtues but these virtues may differ and a leader may have different moral values and β†’

Employee motivation

The three authors discuss related matters of human behavior in comparison to the immediate effect on company performance. The article Employee Motivation by Nohria, Groysberg and Lee is a projection of the authors' opinion with regards to organizational performance. The authors have failed to provide alternatives to extended institutions. Conclusion In my β†’

Persian gulf today

The empire expanded into the Iraq region, which used to form part of the Persian Empire. The period was refereed to s the golden age of the civilization in the entire Muslim world.

Disscusion 7

Schoendorff sued the society of New York Hospital for taking her to surgery, without her consent. Therefore, even if a patient is dying, and he or she is of the right mind, a medical practitioner must seek their consents, before carrying out a treatment. References: Law, Science and Public Health." Basic Right to Consent to β†’

Violence in a good man is hard to find by o’connor

The grandmother was trying to relate to the Misfit by insisting he must be a good man. The Misfit was trying to explain that he was not a good man.

Rhetorical sources

Rhetorical sources The generous attitude that people of American society had towards the mentally ill changed at the beginning of the 20th Century and was replaced by stout feeling that the mentally ill were carriers of defective germ plasma. The authors are trying to present the changing view of the society towards the mentally ill β†’

The arab israel

It is because of this reason that there are a total of 5 million Palestinian refugees in the world. I would like to agree that the Palestinian refugees in Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Gaza Strip and the West Bank have a right to be allowed by the Israeli government to return to their original home and β†’

Divine heidi g. cabiguin

It is very important for a teacher to teach his/her student on how to become effective and efficient in the future by looking back from their past life and to adapt and select the prior experiences that they had. To become a successful person in the future that has moral values, dignity, ethics, and with β†’

Students attendance system

Mainly teachers can monitor the student with in the short time and the parent to check their children status on the online itself whether college neither school. This tool contains the tables Management, teacher, parent, student, grade and attendance.

Catholic schools week. fun or fail?

A Tenth Grader had this to say." I Believe that it will be hard for mrs. Teacher Of The Month is........*Drum Roll* MRS.

Complete name of student essay samples

The purpose of such experiment is to measure the obedience level of the subjects in the context of learning research. It is conducted in the grounds of Yale University; by ordering two sets of subjects, the other a teacher and the other a student, done in pairs. The responses varied and some of the participants β†’

Air cargo article critique

In addition to the source cited here, this article can be found in a variety of publications and sources includingGoogleFinance, since China Airlines is a publicly traded company. The barrels were kept in a warehouse from February 23rd to February 26th when the airline made β†’

Ultraviolet light – lab report example

However, based on the effects of global warming, the penetration of the UV-B radiation through the ozone facilitates sunburn on human skin. The discovery of ultraviolet light owes to the scientific research by John Ritter of 1801 which showed that in the presence of ultraviolet light, blue photographic paper would turn black. Since most stars β†’

Aircraft drawings

It shows the relationship that exists in various parts of the drawing. The drawing of Fokker IIV aircraft also has an installation drawing section. Installation section is the last in the working drawing of the aircraft.

Temperature and equilibrium virtual lab

According to CDC, when under a hurricane watch, the following can be done in preparation: People should learn about emergency plans, warning signals evacuation routes and locations of emergency shelters. People should identify potential hazards and know how to secure or protect them before the hurricane strikes. Homes should acquire fire extinguishers. Having post emergency β†’


The term polarization or polarized light refers to the waves that are travelling only in one plane, and this light is known as polarized light. The sun is a spherical source out of which a large spectrum of electromagnetic waves is emitted. Since the waves are travelling in all sorts of planes, the light from β†’

Synthesis of aspirin

Your Module Synthesis of Aspirin The purpose of the experiment is to synthesize aspirin form salicylic acid and acetic anhydride according to the following reaction: Figure 1: Synthesis of aspirin. A round bottom flask was charged with 1 g of salicylic acid, 3 ml of acetic anhydride and 4 drops of β†’

Acetylene lab

00% Few High pitch " Pop" Discussion The observation table do not support the hypothesis, since it shows the result that as the amount of acetylene gas decreases and oxygen gas increases, there would be a greater chance of a complete combustion. Conclusion Even though this experiment do not have β†’


The glacier in the arid areas shows the suppression of mass wastage in the last decade. The main explanation for the higher wastage rates of the glaciers in the humid areas is the changes in precipitation balance from snow to rainfall.

Analytical decision support system for business flow essay

The company manages various functions such as, the details regarding the various companies it provides solutions/products to, the channel partners, the expected price quotations, the revenue generated and the inventory levels. The customer, employee, product, and proposal details can be entered in to the application. All the inputs are integrated and reports are generated.

The or addictive. when the price goes up,

Knowledge of the basic law of demand is notenough to decide about final price of the product or service. It is important tool to measuresensitivity of the price change in national and international scale.

Choose two anthropology questions in this six questions and answer

In the Islamic religion, the hajj is considered to be of significant importance to both the person undertaking it and their religion. Hajj is also a rite of passage because it is a ritual worship that members of the Islamic faith are expected to fulfill. #4 The concept of the " one-and-the-many" can be said β†’

Nanook of the north (youtube)

Through the life of Nanook, we get to know how the traditional society practiced fishing, hunting, frequent migrations of the group in search of food and trading in the Northern Canada. Assumptions in culture can also be made based on the Nanook movie. There is some lack of realism in the movie like during the β†’

Death punishment /capital punishment

Following are the reasons for giving the capital punishment to criminals :- To stop such crime in future To set an example before the people To make people afraid about punishment. Otherwise Capital punishment is an good instrument to stop crime in society.

Example of essay on against capital punishment

Nevertheless, in 2012 with the world moving towards global civilisation and human rights, it is arguable that it can never be acceptable to sentence an individual to death. A chief argument against capital punishment is based around the value of life. In these times of civilisation and politics, there cannot possible be a situation where β†’

Disc leade mod 11

In order to improve the organizations leadership and determine individuals that have leadership traits I can utilize the LTQ on my colleagues and followers in the firm. Prior to introducing the assessment in the organization, I will conduct my personal research on the firm's leadership structure and the traits of those in leadership.

The work request backlog for execution reason. the

For Upgraded PPSTW, the CMMS engages chairman staff to use the work request as a fundamental electronic device to pass on a necessity for an organization to the help office by making Work Orders from pre-orchestrated Work Order Templates. Also, to make sure the prosperity of care staff, the CMMS makes and gives security rule β†’

Teams in organizations

Teams in Organizations s Teams in organizations can be based on their objectives. Work Groups and Teams in Organizations.

Funds management and portfolio selection

Next, these companies set up to ten different portfolios, and the beta decrease with the portfolio extending. Results from the selection of more stocks into the portfolio When the extra stock is added in each portfolio, the level of Beta reduces from 0. 0 shows a stock with a lower amount of systematic risk β†’

Good example of essay on medical examiners work collaboration

Since the profession belongs to a much larger field, i.e.health sciences, I being a medical examiner myself may collaborate with other professions that are relevant and would be of great assistance to me. In view of the fact that medical examiner's office administration plays an important role in effective case management and usage of information β†’

Tanglewood case assignment

Determine what you want to measure by analyzing KSAOs from the job description and the information on organizational culture in the case, and fitting the selection measures into the plan format as shown in Table 8.in the book. This official guide should provide the information from the selection plan, suggestions for how to combine predictors, β†’

Free book review on open systems theory

Perhaps a clear contrast of the original open theory is the contingency theory that holds that organizations, while dependant on the environment, adapt to meet the needs of the setting. Similarly, the requirements that organizations adapt to the environment that they find themselves in the form of government legislations, taxations, product tastes and preferences proof β†’

Team development

The most eminent phase of team development that the group centered on was the performing stage, where all members have recognized the need to comply with the defined roles and responsibilities to enable the accomplishment of group goals. The performing stage, however, was most memorable in terms of defining the ability of members to collaborate β†’

Summary on ‘quality process’

In the garment industry the objective of the quality control system is to come up with " a satisfactory design of the fabric or garment in relation to the level of choice in design, styles, colours, suitability of components and fitness of product for the market" (Alagulakshmi & Vanitha, n.d., p.1). Why Chosen: This article β†’

Brands hop on the handbag wagon

Contemporary brands Brands in the contemporary market segment have a chance of competing with designer brands in terms of handbag sales and brand recognition. The price positioning of brands in the contemporary market segment makes them attractive to consumers within the contemporary market.


Ex: education, travel, barber shop Information knowledge Experience * Marketing products nowadays usually a combination of good and services * To market products , focus on the benefits that the products provide.* produce products that get rid of customer's tension the best Customer value and satisfaction Customer value: Differences between the benefits β†’

Distribution channels essay sample

Distribution channel is a chain of activities to get the product to the customer or business or vice versa, meaning to get the customer or business to the product.Also, channel of distribution are usually called a marketing channel as it is an essential part of the marketing process. For instance, if the market is β†’

Ethical marketing in a consumer-oriented world: appraisal and challenges

These suits seem to cater for the needs of the society and at the same time consider the developments in the modern fashion trends. It caters for the society by creating awareness and catering for their fashion needs in relation to change in trend.

Range rover advertisement

The claim is credible because the marketing strategy offers the Evoque model a competitive advantage to any other model that may be existing in the market. It can easily convince a buyer to avoid other car models and go it since the video portrays it as suitable for bumpy terrains.

Marketing management

Followed are our general strategies, where we have Included a full description of our target markets and described In details of how the product Is going to be positioned In these markets. Furthermore, a Marketing MIX report Is given which Includes a full description of bankbook. Thirdly, a fully detailed report has been β†’

Marketing [] essay sample

Whoever is aware of these standards is said to have violated them because in one way or another, they happen to create some degree of harm or discontent to the victim. Moore is in a difficult situation where he has to save the business at the expense of his family corporation employees. This is because β†’

Free book review about a music education proposal to improve students retention in elementary school

This is by improving the progression of students' retention in the elementary schools and states the ways and factors of retaining a student in elementary school. Music education improves students' retention in many ways which are included in this book. Some of these factors are the reading performance, effectiveness of the administration and promotion. One β†’

Factors affecting consumers’ buying decision in the selection of a skincare product

This research aims to analyze the social, personal and psychological factors which influence the buying decision of a consumer and which is the most influencing factor. And a conclusion is drawn as to which factor has the highest influence on buying decision with regards to skincare products in Kandy.

Imc factors influencing for foreign decision making towards thailand: phuket

This type of strategy can assist tourists in deciding if Thailand is a safe tourist destination. Integrated marketing communication tools are very important for every business, especially the tourism industry. The purpose of this paper is to gain a better understanding of IMC in Thai tourist firms.


The first was the baby boomer trend where there was an increase in the number of teenagers and women joining the labor force in the 1960's. In addition to that, they can acquire a company that is already branded with the new trends. Global competitors Change in consumer preferences has seen McDonald's face stiff β†’

Understanding marketing strategic planning processes (marketing idea product plan)

Off 2 Gran Grans will provide assistance services, such as house cleaning and errand running for medications and groceries, with a supplementary service for visitation , consisting of concierge service and interpersonal relationship development. Off 2 Gran Grans will provide psychological adjustment for its target consumers and also fill a tangible need that need β†’

Motivation essay admission essay sample

I am a sociable, friendly, and hard working person who is always ready to make things work through all means. Considering my curiosity towards sales and marketing at large, it emerges indispensable to proceed with my education in order to equip myself with adequate skills and knowledge. I have a β†’

Health care marketing

The two forms of marketing are direct to consumer advertising of medicines to treat a disease or illness, and direct advertisements reaching more diverse populace of health care consumers requiring medication. Through the practice of print advertisements, television announcements, radio commercials, the far-reaching side effect of health care marketing is fast β†’

Discussion 7

She analyzed from head to toe, the three women who were present at the conference and she came to the conclusion that women always try to be " marked". Marked is the term which is used in the essay to highlight the fact that women always try to make their presence felt and they try β†’

Practice analysis with whistlers mother

The woman is wearing a longdress in which shows that the painter did not want to expose the leg or to include the painting of the legs. The painter used different colors in order to differentiate between the background and the image of a woman.

Human is by dick

Human Is From the reading ' Human Is' by Dick, I get to understand more of the essence of being human. From the reading, I get to understand how kindness is a fundamental part of human life.

What do you see as maryland s biggest transportation issue and how would you solve it

Maryland Transportation Issues Maryland officials charged with the responsibility of rectifying the transportation crisis in the state continue to struggle with the vast challenges. This discussion focuses on the inadequate public transport facilities that link rural areas to urban areas within the state, and congestion on the highways. Statistics from the U.

Dominant characteristics of the best inaugural speech

An effective inaugural speech must be brief but concise and is capable of captivating the attention of the audience by starting with a powerful opening statement that makes them want to hear more. The message of the speech is not well structured and does not focus on a unified theme.

Personal response

It carries motifs such as prosperity and symbols namely; wings and the spider woman. The story does examine human response towards the weak, the dependant an excreta in moments of cruelty and harshness and callousness in the entire story. For example, upon Elisenda and Pelvo's child recovering from ailment the parents resort to unkindly send β†’

Preliminary research: formulating ideas for the rhetorical analysis assignment

The feature in the scene that captured and drew my attention was the type of food that the chefs were preparing. The used rhetoric question was " Do you know how to prepare this type of food?" The chefs were using the rhetorical question to capture the attention of the audience by asking them if β†’

English composition

Instead, the objective of arguments should be to make clear the issues and weigh the pros and cons of the considerations presented by the participants. Moreover, they also get the chance to improve their verbal communication and develop new strategies in articulating their arguments and counterarguments. The statements above describe an ideal scholarly argument but β†’

Answer three question

In " Legacy" a pregnant lady gets attracted and falls in love with a hunchback and " when they went to sleep, she spooned the man right from behind, her ballooned belly found way and fitted into the created spaces by the hunch in his back". Answer 2 The theme on " Drunken Mimi" β†’

A time that you communicated well

This made the two of us approach communication from a view of wanting to exchange ideas and reach a mutual understanding. I made listening activity important in our conversation as I received information about the university he was representing. It was a sign that I was listening and had an interest in his contribution to β†’


The aspect of essay writing that proved to be a challenge was getting started of what to write in the opening sentence and then the opening paragraph. How did these comments on your work affect your thinking and writing of your essay? I believe this question relates to the other question of having a feeling β†’

Wiiliam grimes dough a la mode

High Cost of Corporate Cheating William Grime's article " Dough a la mode" helps acquaint the reader with the varying levels of response that the author has received over the years with regards to the fact that his job is to sample different varieties of very expensive foods the world over. Even though the author β†’

Do violent video games cause behaviour problems

People say that they are an excellent form of entertainment, can be enjoyed from the comfort of home and are a perfect way to kill time. However, the recent slew of video games which have been launched, like Counterstrike, Black Ops etc.are extremely violent in their make and nature. Also, the game makers at large β†’

Simple 1 page journal entry on kate chopin

Chopin revealed that women of that time had less freedom and they used to fulfill their desires using unconventional means. A Respectable Woman In this story, Chopin revealed that women of the late 19th century although had sexual desires but they used to keep their desires hidden because of the respect and esteem they β†’


He established Provident hospital, which was also the first hospital to have interracial medial staff and train nurses from different races. Tribute to Daniel Hale Williams I vividly remember the day I met Daniel Hale Williams, the physician who performed the first open-heart surgery in the United States. You never pursued but compassion for β†’

What is your experience with writing, both in english and in your first language

Effective and precise communication in writing is affected by various factors that include the mastery of the components of the language and the articulation of both the tenses and the vocabulary. With that, there is a laxity in the perfecting the first language and making it useful for official communication.

Good example of essay on obamas deal

This documentary takes up the swearing in of the president during the March 21 vote that seals the final health care legislation. One can appreciate the political maneuvering that ensures the entire process prior to the bills passage. This documentary tells of ethical, political, and moral choices to ensure the β†’

Stem cell – short essay

Another explanation of cognitive development IS ; the process by which individuals acquire a more sophisticated and complex knowledge of the world around them' These processes include attention the ability to focus, perception the individual interpretation, memory, thinking and problem solving. Constructivist or Cosmogonists believe development is the ' process by which individuals β†’

Free article review on discourse on colonialism

The discourse on colonialism is a text that probes us to look into the differences between colonization and civilization brought about by Europeans. I have particular interest on the benefits civilization intended to bring and their realization so far; the hope for culture, security for the people and effective governance gave way to brutality β†’

Developing an aaa strategy

The diagnostic Imaging Industry has been growing rapidly and has concentrated globally in the hands of three large firms, which together command an estimated 75% of revenues in the business worldwide: GEE, with 30%; Siemens Medical Solutions , with 25%; and Philips Medical Systems , with 20%. This high degree of β†’

Example of the spectrum challenge essay

However, in the competitive tournament, two teams sought domination of the spectrum, with the winner being the first to transmit all its files within three minutes from the source radio to the destination radio. The main aim of this tournament was to seek the possible solutions to the problems encountered in wireless networks in the β†’

The mind of walt disney admission essay

If his consciousness were to be revived today and placed into another body, he would almost certainly be interested in all the latest developments in computer graphics and animation, which his company continued to develop in the decades after his death. Even by the standards of the 1920s and 1930s, β†’

Example of essay on comment one

The cost of mitigating the risks resulting from obesity has been on the rise across the world. The article has successfully analyzed the different determinants of obesity and articulated their degree of influence. Comment two; This is a response to a previous post with regard to obesity.

Essay on energy discussion

S has been the forerunner in this race of decreasing the emissions largely due to the fact that it alone is responsible for the one-fifth of the annual emissions, which translates into roughly 6 billion tons per year. US is responsible for the most emissions and hence it need to take urgent steps to decrease β†’

Did you know essay example

This research was directed to biology and medicine and resulted in numerous biomedical research centers in the United States in the late 1950s. Did you know that the development of health information systems started from the development of expert systems? It was until 1980s that programming languages was used for clinical applications. Did you know β†’

Nursing research

In line with this, the hospital relied on the principles of monitoring and reinforcement of planned change in order to ensure that the planned change was successful. Through implementing a process whereby the unit nurses supervised the handing over process in their units, the hospital ensured that there was an efficient way of monitoring the β†’

Response to the critical thinking exercise

Response to the Critical Thinking Exercise No previous research is available to the nurse regarding specific dressing methods. Moreover, quantifiable study design, samples and data collection techniques can be borrowed from the already existent body of knowledge. Though a nurse might be faced with absence of previous research on a method that arose from nurse's β†’

Discussion board post response

Hader posits that social sites within a department can be used to " Share information, dialogue, and receive feedback and input from others". Therefore, you could allow the nurses to give their input through social sites and then incorporate their opinions and views in creating the schedules.

Respond to compass of pleasure: why some things feel so good by david linden

Basic neurochemistry behind addiction is that the brain of an addicted person has blunted dopamine systems, the result of which is that while others can reach a certain level of pleasure with moderate indulgence, an addict has to indulge excessively in order to experience the same level of pleasure. 2. After knowing how undergoing a β†’

Is black cohosh a safe and effective substitute for hormone replacement therapy

She tries to evaluate if black cohosh is an effective and safe substitute for hormone replacement therapy. According to the facts presented in the editorial, it is rather palpable that approximately 85% of women in the world experience night sweats and hot flashes, which are closely associated with menopause. Research asserts that black cohosh is β†’

Nursing school personal statement samples

My nursing experience includes activating as an assisting nurse within the Emergency Room in Brookdale, insuring patients' wellbeing, assisting with their transportation and other triage tasks, or providing comfort to both patients and families, as I consider it a mandatory requirement for the nursing activity. Volunteering for Home Health Aid, I had the opportunity to β†’

Nursing as a critical aspect of healthcare industry

She is like my grandmother and I regularly go her place to take care of her during evenings. I sincerely believe that the college would equip me with necessary knowledge and skill so that i can realize my dream of becoming a good nurse.


These affairs include: sharing balance sheet and income statement with employees; encouraging them to utilize financial information in their day to day official work; training them in understanding financial figures; and sharing financial results of the company. There are a number of benefits that exist when a company or hospital share its financial information with β†’

Chronic renal failure and dialysis

A graft is usually the access of choice when a patient needing dialysis has small veins. Several health care providers are needed in the care of a patient undergoing insertion of a dialysis graft. A laboratory technician is also of importance in the care of such a patient to carry out blood tests so as β†’

Phenomenological, ground theory and ethnographic differences

Both approaches enhance the validity of the findings by analyzing data from the perspective of the participants. One of the differences is based on sources of data and method of data collection.

Registerd nurse interview analysis

Sometimes they can be demanding and grumpy but as a nurse, she has to understand the situation of the patient that they just want to feel better. Analysis The resource person narrated that nursing is not just an eight to five job where you punch in and get paid. A nurse has to understand β†’

Healthypeople 1

Out of the many goals of Health People 2020, health policy framework two of them relates to consumerism that is public infrastructure and determinants of health. The spirit and intention of Healthy People 2020 policy was to ensure that every citizen access quality healthcare regardless of the social and economic status. Another fundamental point that β†’

Reply to this student post

In this post, a number of significant facts are provided concerning the work of Lillian Wald before her demise. According to the post, Lillian would be shocked by the current healthcares systems considering the efforts she made in trying to make healthcare accessible and affordable to all without biasness. However, I fail to agree with β†’

Free organ transplantation issues article review sample

Kutner reviews the development of organ-transplant technology and then discusses key issues surrounding organ transplantation and the lack of a regulatory system to better manage critical components. One obvious weakness is the age of this article; a follow-up profile of current organ transplantation issues and regulations would be an invaluable resource. Works Cited β†’

Childhood immunizations

In particular, the contribution and impact of nurses has been increasingly realized in immunization-related practices. The nursing fraternity has increasingly created awareness and supported childhood immunizations over the years. This has subsequently made childhood immunizations a traceable and effectively and efficiently managed health issue. In conclusion, the role played by the nursing fraternity in addressing β†’

Public health report

Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter al Affiliation Public Health Report: Santa Ana Residents Unite Against Proposed Homeless Shelter Introduction Prior to Senate Bill 2, the search of a location for homeless shelter was a daunting task. With Senate Bill 2, location identification is easier as is in β†’

Movie review: jaws essay sample

Determined to stab the shark underwater while the ship Orca is dead in the midst of the sea, Hooper eventually manages to escape into the seabed from the violent attack of the shark. Another way in which the element of classical violence can be reflected from the movie is the scene wherein Martin Brody β†’

Prep 7

The difference between broad sense and narrow sense heritability is that the general sense shows the genetic contributions to the phenotype variance of a population and the strict sense does not reflect genetic contributions. Heritability is measured by coming up with the relative contributions of non-genetic and genetic differences to the total phenotypic variation in β†’


They also discuss available alternatives for treating hypertension and the alternatives' goals that are in line with the provisions of Joint National Committee on the Prevention, Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High Blood Pressure. According to the article, hypertension is an important risk factor of coronary heart disease, alongside stroke and heart failure and many β†’

Anthropology essay examples

Post Industrial State and Capitalism - Industrial state is that which relies on mechanization and large-scale manufacturing of commodities in industries. - A post industrial state is the one which relies on services provided by human resources. - A capitalist economy is made up of different classes of people consisting of the bourgeoisies and proletariat each β†’

Classifying chihuahuas and saint bernards

Species ification of the Saint Bernard and the Chihuahua The dog, canis familiaris, is among the 38 species ified as members of the Canidae family and the Carnivora order and is believed to have descended directly from the wolf, canis lupus (Galibert, Quignon, Hitte, & Andr , 2011, p.191). This creation, although leading to different β†’