300 Words Essay Samples

Uncontrollable randomness in life

Hitchcock in his film: The Birds, highlights this sense of events being uncontrolled to persuade the viewer that life is beyond one's control. ' The Birds' a movie is set in Great Britain where humans are unexpectedly attacked by birds. Patriarchy in the movie posed a greater threat to Melanie than the birds Some β†’

Summary of pontoon a novel of lake wobegon

Summary of Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon Summary of Pontoon: A Novel of Lake Wobegon The novel by Keillor is a fictitious story about a community full of immigrants. This summary assists the author bring out his intention to the reader about how to live and enjoy life. It was after the death of β†’

Creative writing/narrative writing on fahrenheit 451 by ray bradbury

Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury is a science or a speculative fiction novel that tries to examine, " If this goes on...". Many have thought of the world becoming unsociable because of the mobile and social networking sites. Montag, " The society can be hopelesswithout education since books contain great philosophical truths, Books!

Ad analysie

Sometimes additional image creates mental images in the mind of the audience which may make them to experiment. Images have great psychological effects to the buyer as well as to the audience. In this ad, there are various images that have been integrated to offer the audience a clear message on all the actualization the β†’


From a psychological perspective, man is the consciousness of the natural world. Regarding the psychological viewpoint, man is the only being that can understand the natural world.

The chocolate war assignment #2

The students, as well as The Vigils and the administration are astonished the moment they realized that Jerry declined to accomplish the assignment. However, the moment the students realized that Jerry was going to face violent consequences; they abandoned him and went ahead and sold their chocolates.

Eng315 week1

The flow of information is extremely essential in enabling the process of decision making. In the long run, the system control could no longer work as expected and there were some managerial-worker conflicts in the company. Explain how you would like to improve the flow of business communication in your current or prior workplace, if β†’

Compare short stories

Compare Short Stories Introduction Krebs's rejection of his community values and Sammy's relationship to his supermarket job display a striking resemblance and both characters appears to be promoting notions that are contradictory to the prevailing realities of their surroundings. It appears that the authors of both stories have intentionally created situations in which the main β†’


Firstly, the two articles provide the importance of division of task in investigating a crime scene. The Real CSI: What Happens at a Crime Scene?

Describe to me the basic differences between scientific method and scientific process

Differences between Scientific Method and Scientific Process Differences between Scientific Method and Scientific Process Introduction According to Kosso, scientific method entails a continuous set of processes that generally begins with certain observations in our natural surroundings by scientists. These steps are also referred to as scientific processes. Scientific process This basically β†’

The day the baby brother was born

We could not hide the excitement as we waited in the lobby where my brother and I had Cheetos for breakfast. I have never been able to describe the feeling that I had as I held Hayden Joe in my arms.

Presentation 1

The authors explain the effectiveness of social media in product promotion as a result of the relationship created between consumers and companies 2. Social media marketing is one of the trends in business, and the model demonstrated in the article is an important progress in marketing.


Research Related to Method of Education or Education in General The role of teachers in education cannot be overlookedbecause they play a fundamental role in defining the future of academic institutions. This has been evidenced in the case of Mussoorie International School where extra research assistants and instructors are needed to improve the quality of β†’

Effects of fast food

Excess consumption fast food leads to increase in the level of calories in the body. Other lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure require financial assistance, a problem many victims experience. Conclusively, fast food products remain the leading cause of obesity and other health related problems.

Letters to editor

Letters to the Editor This paper evaluates the letters to the sports editor of the New York Times as published on October 4, 2014. To make reference to the publications, the writers of the letters give the titles of the publications and the dates they appeared on the newspaper, similar to referencing in academic writing.

A visit to the museum

In some family programs for both parents and children was combined and they learn and get entertained together. Some of the activities are accessed through the gallery tours while others are accessible online while still in the museum. All the museums have research centers and programs which most favors teachers.

Chose an interesting topic

Writing is a way to communicate our thoughts and ideas to a specific audience, with a focus and purpose that we determine and make known to our readers. As David Crystal alludes to, however, the very essence of the way we write as a form of language is threatened. The writer gets to β†’


The use of the low key light in the film also enhances the meeting of the director's objectives which are to create suspense and fear in the audience. The use of the low key light contributed to the creation and advancement of the theme " horror" by setting the tone and mood as well as β†’

Of purpose: for a master of arts in public affairs. about 150 words

I also believe that my background in law, combined with my ethnic background and experiences, will enable me to contribute to the classroom experience of my peers at the University. My Masters degree in Public Affairs will be the start of my voyage to make a difference to my country.

Improve my english

Giving appropriate attention to all these skills can help us master a language. Besides all this if I have to further improve my English, I would first analyze myself as to which type of a learner I am. I also tend to remember those grammar or language points which are available in the form of β†’

Ben franklin

A reader can establish that Franklin had a logical writing style because of his use of logic in his virtues, as well as the manner he carried them out. In " Remarks Concerning the Savages of North America," Franklin states, " But you who are wise must know, that different Nations have different Conceptions of β†’


The of the article being summarized, Gerard Jones brings his own perspective to the debate over whether we should let children soak in comics and stories that feature violence or instead cocoon our kids from violent comics and stories and insulate them from the " real world". In the process of describing his " coming β†’

Cover letter

I would like to work for Goodwill Industries because of its good public reputation and also its non-discriminatory recruitment criteria against persons with disabilities. I am finalising my degree in Business Administration this December 2014 at the University of San Diego. I gained these skills during my university internship and also when I was working β†’

Summary of kristof argumment , his claim and reason on environmental balance pick up a raffle

Kristof argues that the deer is turning destructive and says that hunting deer would be the best way to counteract such destruction. As per Kristof, leaving the deer to die from hunger and disease is the current substitute to deer hunting.

Responses to this week questions (2)

It is imperative for such people to first understand how certain things work as opposed to making uniformed decisions that results into ignorance. It is less likely for an individual that is able to understand and explain certain issues to resort to ignorance.


The significance of modern training can also be witnessed in the 1970's Rhodesian war. It is also stated that the new loss of associates and adored leaders in war can cause violence on the battlefield.

Does quarantine violate constitutional rights

Quarantine due to health concerns do not violate the 14th Amendment of the United s Constitution. The Supreme Court and laws have deemed the greater good of the American Public need to be decided by health experts in the United States v.

Internet fame

What are the potential consequences should personal or compromising information fall into the hands of someone who bears a grudge? These days, with the ubiquitous presence of online social networking and telecommunication devices, we all face threats to our privacy and confidentiality. She is now very hesitant to post or share any sensitive information in β†’

Technical description

On the other hand, the propellant is the matter used to get the product out of the can. The pressure drives the product out of the can through the dip tube to the nozzle.

The roles played since high school

From the time I finished high school, I have been engaged in a raft of activities and played different roles in different communities. I have volunteered in a school, hospital, and engaged in full time employment as well.

Why some crave authority and some obedience

The paper " Why Some Crave Authority and Some Obedience" is a wonderful example of an essay on English. In the last two paragraphs where Milgram talks about " a fragmentation of the total human act", I believe he is referring to a problem of obedience that is not wholly philosophical. He takes orders from β†’

Educational goals, professional aspirations, how can this scholarship help

The scholarship will enable me to get admission and continue my education of engineering as I will be facilitated with monetary help. With the facilitation of scholarship, I will be able to get closer to my aspired future.

3 para

of Using Sources: An Ideal of the Sources Professional or formal writing needs credibilityfor which writers add references to their papers in terms of direct quotation or in-text citations. This is in response to the written essays by Stedman and Haller who have given a very insightful brief regarding formal writing and adding sources. Authors β†’

Application exercise n.2

Incidentally, I boarded a train to the neighboring town and my seat mate was a Muslim faithful. I behaved differently because of the fear that the man could sense my insecurity status.

Your favorite sentences

I like the way the sentence is joined by the coordinating conjunction, ' but' to form a compound sentence with two independent clauses. 2." After it was all over, the HMS trainer claimed he knew I was getting confused, but I think he was really amazed". The sentence is grammatically correct despite the use of β†’

The debate

Debate between Obama and Romney This paper aims to discuss the usage of fact, inference and judgment by Obama and Romney in the presidential election campaign debate. His claim in the face of inference is that more than 400 people will not be able to receive medical care on welfare basis. Furthermore, Romney gives the β†’


Many children who have won in sports recognize the value of hard work and are willing to exert more efforts in other sectors of their lives. In different games, children require competition so that they may find the find the games exciting. Competition in games introduces children to the realities of life, which is defined β†’


Thus, statistics on high school dropout is crucial to me as it enables me understand the importance of graduating. The number of high school dropouts has decreased over years. As documented by the National Center for Education Statistics, NCES , the years 1990 to 2011 saw an average drop from 12% to 7% of β†’


Significance of the Cafe in " A Clean Well-Lighted Place" The cafe in the story " A Clean Well-Lighted Place" signifies hope, clarity, and order. The cafe is indeed a temporary respite from all the chaos in the world. Significance of the Garden in " The Garden Party" In the story, The Garden Party, the β†’

Thesis statement

Thesis ment Thesis ment: Although playing video games is often blamed for promoting violence among children and distracting them from studying, recent findings show that video games prove to be beneficial for the versatile development of young individuals. The following thesis statement is argumentative as far it contains two opposite opinions concerning the topic, which β†’


The poem is titled as Incident as the poet talks about the event of racism that he experienced during his stay in Baltimore. This poem highlights the main cause of racism and talks about racism that has been deeply embedded in the society of United States. Summary The poem focuses on the experience of β†’

Cooperation in the work place as an lpn

An lpn is one of the strengths of a heath care team; it would not be an easy task for other members to complete all care activities in a short period of time. It is not necessarily that lpns always ask for the permission of the nurse or doctor in providing care; rather, lpns also β†’

You are wiith torture or no

Proponents of torture argue for its importance because of its use in exceptional circumstances that resort to legal torture. However, anti-torture arguments have their basis on the inhuman nature of torture. In this case, torture is used to obtain information from terrorists and people suspected of illegal activities.

Kurt vonnegut, slaughterhouse five

Kurt Vonnegut wrotethis amazing piece of literature as a reflection of the horrors of World War II in Dresden. In the years following the war, he encounters ignorance of people about the magnitude of destruction at Dresden. In chapter five, Billy learns about Tralfamadorians and their philosophy of acceptance.

Main themes

The substance of this prose will focus primarily on the themes presented in the first and second chapter of the book, which discusses the origins of the civilization and then its fall following an invasion from Spain, respectively. The most important theme of Acuna's book is to view the Mexican history in complete isolation and β†’

Active listening, improving an ability to listen and lead

As a result of good listening skills, one is able to increase productivity, improve the ability to influence others. In addition as a leader in the workplace, you are required to have good listening skills to understand issues that are troubling the employees and how to improve their performance.

Giving adice to another student how well to do on test,why it is important it is to do well

However, you are not to worry because I am here to give you some very useful advices you may use during your preparations so you can make sure you will pass the test. Subjects you are having difficulty with requires more efforts to understand than those you usually enjoy so while your brain is still β†’


The issue of identifying the affected birds was complicated by the lack of manifestation in ducks which pose potential risk to humans in an area. The virus that cause the flu mutated from the original type that affected birds only to a complicated one that is unaffected by the immunity system of humans. This is β†’

Wconference question

In this case, the branch on knowledge tries to establish the rationale for the nature of human being, how they process information and what make humans unique especially in thinking and reasoning. Art and Epistemology is a very crucial branch of knowledge and creativity that shapes the affairs of the society. As the society mirror, β†’

Texas state entrance questionaire

It is because of my calling to be a nurse that I have chosen to major in Pre-Nursing and Pre-Interdisciplinary Studies - Elementary Education. After completing the pre-nursing course, I hope to proceed with my studies to get a degree in nursing. Working in this hospital will hopefully give me the chance to save lives β†’


This is according to past Gallup survey and generally speaking, Americans for instance more supportive of making abortion legal especially in the earliest pregnancy stages of pregnancy than in the advanced stages, when the pregnancy is more developed or can survive outside of the womb. Another common ground that has been agreed upon by most β†’

Management decisions

However, as one is engaged into the activities, he or she learns communication skills that see him or her make possible decisions in the management system. As a network engineer, therefore I need to initiate concrete information in the management decisions that enables effective communication among the employees. We have therefore outstanding elements of decision β†’


The author then provides both the pros and cons of the strategy. The author addresses an agreeable audience. The author uses logos and inductive reasoning to communicate to his audience.

Working in group

However, I found it difficult to join together the fact about the different things in the school environment to make the whole assignment. As much as it was difficult to join the two different realities in the school environment I learned that I must sort and differentiate the two different things from the bad things β†’

Chapter summary

Chapter Summaries Chapter 13 Chapter 13 of the book focuses on the act of disposing of clothes especially by the mothers living in the region of United States. The chapter states that the mothers have no idea why do they have so many clothes lying around in their wardrobe and the numbers of clothes they β†’

Human rights

In this regard, the international community has with time legislated international human rights law, which stipulates on the way every country should act in regard to promoting and protecting citizens' rights. Rationale for human rights Under the universal declaration of human rights, specific articles have been put in place in regard to spelling out β†’

Off premise laundry

Communicationmaintained with providers of off-premises laundry services ensures clear understanding of establishment requirements * Customer laundry is returned to the customer clean, dry, complete, and in condition specified by customer in a timely manner in accordance with establishment requirements. Storage area for customer and establishment laundry is kept free from infestation any signs of infestation β†’

Let there be light

Whereas a field of force is better because it creates a field for a disturbance to travel wrought. The second synthesis is putting magnetism and electricity together as described in Maxwell equations.

Targeting and planning in industries

Planning was managed at corporate level and the evaluation standard was the same for every division even if their situation were different and in a short time range. Solution Clarify company strategy and spread out to all the members in the different division, to involve from top to bottom level. The company can make a β†’

Based better, cleaned and sometimes removed the

The resulting verysimple, rough and rude paper sheet, or web, is press between large rollers to remove most of theremaining water and secureof smoothness and uniform thickness. The pulp is spilledover a fine mesh and the water escapes leaving the cellulose fiber behind. On plastic bags the chemicals is in use are the commonly taken β†’

Panera bread – four functions of management

Planning B, Panera is a franchise/corporate operation. All stores are the same physically, and use the corporate baking andfoodpreparation schedules. When the dining room is busy, float persons must assist with preparation and service. After the rush hours, float persons are often assigned to β†’

Good new developments in the radio, television and internet research industries essay example

This will be done through focusing on some companies such as Arbitron Inc. New Developments in the Media Industry Technology has enabled expanded choice, and users have become acclimatized to controlling the wide array of content at their fingertips. Competition in the media industry is strong and gone the days when radio and television β†’

This contributors to the gross domestic product (gdp)

This Project relation view the state of beingoperate automatically, as has hold on to place in the TA formation in the recently bought existing in the past, which hashelped the layout in rising the productivity and attestation of the textileconcoct. The TA industry is one of the extensivecontributors to the Gross DomesticProduct β†’

Sample essay on justice

According to Lieber and Lu from the University of Michigan, electronics created using the bottom-up approach of molecular-level control of the composition and structure of materials lead to the building of robust and capable devices. For example, nano-electronics offer the opportunity of 3D multifunctional systems such as the β†’

Do not count your chickens before they hatch

We think that all the eggs a hen lays will hatch and become chickens, we may be wrong. So it is always wise not to lay too much hope on anything that we do until it becomes what we hope. It is good to be optimistic.

Financial et al, 2015):1. the effectiveness of financial

While the current ratioshows Pro Diver may face difficulty in meeting short term obligations as &when they are due, the quick ratio shows that in case of an emergency the overallliquidity of the firm is quite strong. To improve the asset turnover ratio thefirm needs to efficiently deploy its assets to generate higher revenue. Due β†’

Nevada restaurant association

High quality hotel services, safetyfoodprovision and high standard accommodation is what NRA aims for and they accomplish it by having an organization capable of recruiting members to whom they will share the knowledge and skills of superb hotel and restaurant management. This includes the appropriate preparation of food, location, tables and even the hospitable way β†’

Good example of essay on similarities and differences in residential and heavy construction

Residential construction involves the construction, modification and repair of solo family houses and the construction of apartment buildings not exceeding four stories in height. Examples of the various construction activities are road paving, demolitions, bridge construction, residential constructions, heavy construction and painting jobs.

Computer glitch delays united airlines flights

Thousands of passengers were delayed worldwide after a computer glitch temporarily halted departures at United Airlines, the latest in a series of outages to affect rival companies in the industry. " Earlier tonight we experienced an issue with our weight reporting system, which caused system wide flight delays," the airline said in a statement on β†’

American agriculture dbq

New policies enforced by the government in this era sought out to help agriculture, but on occasion angered the farmers. Agriculture in the states changed drastically from 1865 to 1900. A map showed the amount of railroads in 1870 compared to 1890; they tripled in size.Cyrus Mccormick was an inventor and farmer β†’

Hydrogen vehicle

Hydrogen Is a clean and unlimited resource. Hydrogen is extremely efficient, it is 3 times more efficient than gasoline.

Innovation in nursing

This is seen through the customers looking for ways to avoid forgetting to take their medication through setting alarms and putting reminders so that they do not forget to take their medicine. This research of customer-based innovation was carried out by the Agency for Healthcare research and Quality. They have improved patients health as both β†’

United parcel service essay sample

This paper thus seeks to provide a succinct description of the industry within which the United parcel service belongs to as well as its external analysis from a thread perspective. Foremost, the courier industry is well developed and thus has several entry restrictions which grants UPS some breathing β†’

Course notes

Discuss this question commenting on the place of organic farming in sustainable food systems In order for organic farming to produce enough food for the world In a sustainable system, Limiting factors to production In the organic system need to be overcome. The argument against this Is often that disease and pest control In the β†’

Hazards many disinfectants especially chlorine so it’s of

Turbiditycan be increased by the presence of colloidal particles with color and oilyscum in water which results in bad appearance and foul smell. This waste water can also abradesewerage pipes if allowed to flow in the drains and it increases themaintenance cost. It is strictly undesirable for human consumption which leadsto human illness.

English for mass communication essay

Objectives The first objective of this study is to find out the most common problems faces by UTAR students in PJ campus. Secondly is to find out the ways to solve the problems that faces by UTAR students in PJ campus. How to reduce the problems that faces by UTAR students in PJ campus?

Example of air pollution essay

Environmental health refers to the components of the surrounding area that are hazardous to the health of a man. Where possible, industries should have mechanisms of collecting all the emissions from their machineries. Conclusion Health is a priority.

Automotive air filters market- global trends

The passenger car segment is the leading market as the demand for passenger cars is higher than that of Lass and Hiss. Considering he filter type, the intake air filter is the leading market for automotive air filters when compared to cabin air filters. The business units provide various automotive filters that include β†’

Discussion board post response

It is also important to note that volunteering and putting yourself out there can help in the development and advancement of skills and knowledge that is imperative in leadership. For instance, health professionals deal with patients with different understanding capabilities and hence advanced communication skills are needed in order to identify and make sure these β†’

Discussion question

Discussion Question Discussion Question One of the credentialing issues that family nurse practitioners have to address is the needto maintain certification (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2014). The second issue pertains to the updating of the test content online.

Case study

The DSM-IV criteria stipulate that for a patient to be diagnosed with MDE they must experience at list 5 of the following symptoms Schouten, R., & Silver, J.. Anhedonia and loss of interest Change in eating, appetite, or weight Sleep disruption Fatigue Hampered motor activity Depressed mood Loss β†’

Nursing related

The APN is highly learned compared to other nurses such as the RNs and hence they deserve some privileges in the institution that are almost similar to those accorded to the rest of the physicians (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy and OGrady, 2014). This component will be met through establishing good relationship with the credentialing members and β†’


Significantly, it is important to accord parties in the conflict the benefit of doubt since making assumptions and apportioning blame without hard evidence might further aggravate the conflict. Collaboration is another tactic that may be effective in addressing Manuel's case of conflict. Since in this case job dissatisfaction and unfair pay seem to be the β†’

The reason to be a licensed practical nurse

I chose your school of nursing because it is an award-winning school and I believe that it would assist me in the development of my comprehension of the basic principles of nursing. The school's high-tech facilities, faculty as well as other professional resources will also be invaluable during my study. I have always had a β†’

Professional organization

Through participating in this program, my experienced mentor will help me achieve the objectives of learning the approaches to become conversant with my roles as a nurse leader and build my leadership skills in the nursing field. Besides, participating in these programs will be instrumental in capacity building of my leadership skills in finance. The β†’

Propose a new policy – same bill

Therefore, in order to reduce this disparity a policy to monitor the nursing staffing standards for patient safety and quality care will be significant. The introduction of this bill will enhance the working conditions of the nurses. Safety in numbers: Nurse-to-patient ratios and the future of health care.

The goal to pursue a program in nursing

This took a lot of my study time and it was a bit difficult to concentrate and get the GPA I had hoped to achieve. As of now, I am in a better position to achieve my goals, which are to pursue a program in nursing. In addition, I have studied and practiced skills in β†’

National patient safety goals and leadership

National Patient Safety Goals and Leadership According to the Future of Nursing: Leadership by Tim Porter; leadership is very important in the healthcare field as it guides the manner in which patients are treated and the kind of treatment that they receive on a daily basis. From past experiences, we can prove that ambulatory healthcare β†’

Heroin abuse health policy

Policy Assignment This health policy aims at eradicating abuse of the drug substance heroin among maternal child patients. The policy will involve creation of awareness of the negative effects of heroin abuse in order to prevent the affected individuals from suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Abuse of heroin is becoming very prevalent among β†’

Fundamental duties of nurses

Fundamental Duties of Nurses Fundamental Duties of Nurses Nurses are charged with the duty of assisting the physician to ensure that the welfare of all patients are well taken care of and maintained in the right manner. To be able to execute their duties as expected, nurses are required to swear a Hippocratic Oath; the β†’

Chronic physical health problem

Chronic physical health problem: With the vast amount of research done on the history of many chronic physical illnesses, there remains no ambiguityin the claim that financially unfortunate people who also happen to live in an unhygienic place are more exposed to severe health problems than the financially stable people are. The incidence of chronic β†’

Module 2 assignment 1 : organizational analysis – the organization

The organization is accredited as a magnet hospital committed to providing high-quality and all-round health care to global patients. Examination. One of the major assignments of a hospital is to act as a wellness camp.


USE OF HONEY AND SILVER SULFADIAZINE IN MANAGEMENT OF WOUNDS affiliation Use of honey and silver sulfadiazine in management of wounds In management of healing, honey and silver sulfadiazine can be used to enhance the healing process. Lastly, the use of silver sulfadiazine possess much worse side effects as compared β†’

Aacn synergy model for patient care

The portrayal of the traits provides nurses with a way of caring for the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the patients. As such, the method ensures effectiveness of the nursing services. While the synergy model is effective in providing care to critical patients, the model is vital in other areas of the specialty such β†’

Research paper on standardized coding system

A major problem of electronic health records is standardizing the language used in nursing documentation. If these non-standard languages are used, the application of electronic health records would be limited to the specialty field that understands the language used.