Genuine Essay Examples

Saturdays are not for school shoes

Because my shoes break at the beginning of the week, I just have to make it through the week by using a ton of duct tape. In conclusion, the best logical way to solve the problem of our shoes falling apart would be to get more reliable shoes.

Digital marketing assignment

We believe that you need to first define a separate digital plan to make the case for more investment in digital marketing and change your approach to managing digital marketing. PLAN Create a digital marketing strategy Opportunity: Review marketplace and set objectives There are 5 key activities to define your digital opportunity through marketplace analysis: →

Place marketing / place branding assignment

The main elements of the place marketing process, also known as the framework and elements, are divided into three components: producers, the market and the consumers. It is the responsibility of place marketing to transfer an identity of the city Into something desirable to the residents, visitors and Investors.

Death penalty: the criminal justice system of saudi arabia assignment

If a murderer pays a family of the victim blood money, and the family approves of the choice, the murderer will not be executed. If the Emily of the victim chooses to have the murderer executed, the family has the right to execute the convicted.

Fedex vs ups assignment

FedEx and UPS's competition for the dominance of the $25bn domestic air express delivery market foreshadowed in an unusually challenging future Background of the 2 companies FedEx Fedex was formed in 1971, as the brain child of Fred Smith who started the idea of the business as a undergraduate term paper for a Yale economic →

Unlike many other majors essay

Your goal is to provide excellent arguments in favor of your view, to consider the strongest potential criticisms of your view, and to provide a thoughtful response to those criticisms. The more detailed you can make and, the more original it is, and the more of it you do, the better your paper is likely →

Car wars at wolfsburg essay sample

The source of conflict between Porsche and Volkswagen are that both chairman had a breakdown in communication which resulted in different views regarding the company goals and the direction they wanted the company to go. Wiedeking who is Porsche CEO wanted to maximize profit at the expense of the employees; he also displayed a bad →

The impact of logical fallacies in critical thinking essay sample

We will first examine two fallacies of relevance, the fallacy of attacking the motive, and the red herring fallacy and then move on to the fallacy of insufficient evidence, the fallacy of hasty generalization. A biased sample can be generalized as one that is too small or not representative of the target group.

“dr. daedalus” by lauren slater essay sample

Slater is wrong when she thinks that we become more animal like when we change ourselves to become more animal like, because what makes us unique is our ability to imitate. Keeping all this in mind, we can base the idea that when our bodies change, and we become more animal like, our mentality is →

Thomas jefferson and the missouri compromise essay sample

The Missouri Compromise is a declaration of agreement between the pro-slavery and the anti-slavery in 1820. To balance the people both in the senate and the congress, Missouri was admitted in the Union as a slave state while Alabama was also accepted as a slave state.

Losing weight and increasing metabolism essay sample

The Principles of the Article The article, " Weight Loss is something that many Americans struggle with" by Clifford Khun, M.D.presents several ways of doing fat burning and weight reducing exercises while having fun. The underlying health promotion concepts and models of the article The concept of the article is to motivate people who want →

Explain how a company can operationally manage environmental issues

Life Cycle Design Coulter describes life cycle design as a ' cradle to grave approach, which provides the most complete environmental profile of goods and services'. It provides an integrated systems approach to managing the environmental effects of using energy, materials and capital in industrial ecosystem according to Richards and Fullerton.

Literary legacy

The use of satire, imagination and prose in writing by most contemporary literary authors is a clear reflection of T. A comparative literary review on the works of T.

Oedipus the king

From the myriad discoveries made by Oedipus to the way he handles those discoveries while relating them to his own life, to the way he relentlessly gives up himself to finding the murderer of his father in an order to lift the curse, and to coming across the reality that he himself murdered his father, →

Sustainable engineering assignment

However, according to the table, natural gas produces 595 g of CO2 while generating 1kWh of energy. The fraction will increase the methane emission of the shale gas to 551 grams.

Three important lessons: plato’s apology

The background of the Apology is that Socrates is being charged with the corruption of the youth and disrespect towards the Gods. He also wishes to emphasize that it is his wisdom and knowledge that make him persecuted, but this wisdom and knowledge will be of much use to the city of Athens.

Improvements to my writing through esl courses

The main techniques I have learned to use are to make the grammar clear and correct; to write titles and introductions which grab the reader's attention; and to make sure the paragraphs are well-organized on the page. I also try to always use a verb tense which makes the most sense in the context of →

Stockholm syndrome essay

The police brought the situation to an end and after the hostages were freed they defended the armed robbers, not out of threat of violence, instead because they had formed a bond and saw the robbers in a positive way. Sometimes the cognitive ability of the victim diminishes and they are unable to think for →

Socrates’ justice essay

Thrasymanchus declared that "...justice is nothing else than that which is advantageous to the stronger." Everywhere the law is set by the ruling government according to their interest. By saying so Socrates disproved Thrasymanchus' argument that justice is to benefit the stronger.

The seventh-day adventist religion essay

Seventh-day Adventists follow most of the beliefs of conventional conservative christians such as creation, the fall of mankind in the Garden of Eden, the original sin, the virgin birth, and the divinity of Christ. This represents the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, as well as the death of the " old man" and →

Customer satifaction essay

And it is this tried and tested formula of delivering great-tasting food, adherence to world class operating standards and the universal appeal of the family values the brand represents that are driving the expansion of Jollibee both locally and in the overseas market. Null Hypothesis The study shows that there is no relevance between the →

The correctional theory essay

The truth is, and can only be determined by the Truth, that is, by God Who has created man and the universe. The counterpart to the utilitarian theory of punishment is the retributive theory.

Diagrid – college essay

In this paper, the peculiarities of the Diagrid, its structural behavior under loading and the design and construction of diagrid nodes are described. 3 EFFECT OF SHEAR LOADING The global shear VW causes a horizontal force in the apex joint of the diagrid modules, Vw, mod, which intensity depends on the position of the module →

Tok essay guideline

Understanding the Knowledge Issue Must prove that you have understood the question. Did you demonstrate a sophisticated understanding of the knowledge issue raised by the question? B.

The effects challenges and prospects business essay

The presentation of result followed a statistical test of hypotheses on the effects, challenges and prospects of the deregulation of the downstream industry. The first chapter is the introduction and background of the study, the purpose of the research, the relevance of the study, the objective of the study and the research questions; the chapter →

Source total sanitation campaign health essay

The Central Rural Sanitation Program launched in 1986 and revised in 1992 was a traditional, supply driven subsidy oriented program. In April 1999, CRSP was restructured and launched as the Total Sanitation Campaign making it people oriented and demand driven.

Gdp vs life expectancy of countries

In addition, the countries with a GDP of $15000- $40000 per capita have a relatively steady life expectancy of about 80 years with a slight decrease as the GDP approaches $40000. As a result, it is incumbent on the governments in countries to with low life expectancy to take steps to increase the life expectancy →

The socio economic network in zambia sociology essay

The process of industrialisation has also been critical to the primary function of the family both in the modern and pre- industrial societies. The shift of roles from the family threatened the power and control of the parents on the family members.

Teens and anorexia nervosa theory

It is a clear social and economic injustice that the media is allowed to influence young girls in such a strong way by giving impressions of successful young girl's and their size. Social work is a professional and academic discipline that seeks to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of an individual.

Treatment of memory in traumatic brain injury

On the other side the, the non-penetrating brain injury is when the brain receives damage or trauma, but there is not a penetration of an object to the brain. These changes will depend upon the location of the brain damage and the severity of the injury in the brain.

William shakespeare and julius caesar history essay

I do think that Caesar's intentions were to become a tyrant because: He reduce the power of the Senate even though he increased the number of people in the senate from 300 to 900 senators In 59 B.C.he formed the First Triumvirate with Pompey and Crassus. In the play Caesar's mixing of his public image →

Historical development the american dream history essay

With the rise of industrialism and the growth of the economic environment and the rapid advance of science and technology in the nineteenth century, America changed from an agricultural into an industrial and a capitalistic country. In his Letters from an American Farmer, Crevecoeur referred to the problem of the American Nationality that appeared after →

History of the irish republican army history essay

One of the biggest problems the Irish had was that their British rules and the country of England failed to provide any type of support such as more for fear the Irish would revolt and use the money to buy arms to overrule their government. This group also appears to distrust Sinn Fein and disapprove →

Cause and impact of 2008 recession economics essay

The mortgage and banking crisis had begun around the early 2007, then the equity market reaction occurred in July/August 2007 and then the collapse started in September 2008 with the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers and the bailout of AIG. The concentration should not only be on the causes of financial crisis but also on the →

Bacterial conjunctivitis treatment experiment

Conjunctivitis is categorized by the redness or swelling of the conjunctiva the membrane that lines the eyelid and eye surface. The viral and bacterial forms of conjunctivitis are the contagious forms and subsequently, the most common.

Flaws of marxism

The dynamic between the peasant and the landowner had transitioned to the worker and the factory owner. Realism had taken the place of the romantic, idealist philosophers, and the more contemporary philosophers of the 18th and 19th century defined the way our world operates through the realities in which they perceived.

Persuasive texts

Alliteration uses words all beginning with the same letter to put emphasis on a list of words e.g." Brutus Beasts" in Anthony's speech and " State sweltering" in King's speech. Sarcasm is used to put down or undermine people/objects e.g." For Brutus is a honourable man" in Anthony's speech and " This phrase out of →

Selection process of mattress design

As insulation Is a government regulated Industry, there was a lengthy set of standards the product would have to conform to In order to meet health and safety guidelines. Likewise coir can be used in a variety of landscaping situations, from sand dunes to wetlands, by simply changing the method of implementation, from thin mats →

The decline of language

Along with the use of euphemisms in the English language, there has also been an increase in the commonality of language, especially in the case of imagery. The use of euphemisms, bland imagery, and pretentious diction have brought the standards of the English language to a new low.

Republic book iv assignment

In order to understand that why the word soul is used by Socrates it is necessary to look the term desire. And also it is important to point out that parts of the souls is not related with society but related with soul.

Cost of capital assignment

The capital structure decisions of group-affiliated firms are independent of firm performance and insider ownership, supporting the view that capital structure decisions of group-affiliated firms are determined by the overall characteristics of the business group, rather than those of the individual firms. Originality/value Previous studies have paid little attention to the effects of the nonentity →

The digital camera essay sample

The Motion Picture Industry Since the evolution of digital camera owes something to the television industry, it is worth noting that the medium of the motion picture has also undergone a profound transformation in the last 25 years that coincides with and lends to digital image technology at large. INVENTION TIMELINE OF THE FIRST DIGITAL →

Compare and contrast romanesque architecture and gothic architecture.what traits did each illustrate and how did one transition

of Lecturer 27 May Romanesque architecture and Gothic architecture Romanesque architecture is a style of building design that is typical of the Romantic period, which was between 1000 AD and the latter part of the twelfth century. The towers and the wings of the church, which are in the left of the church and the →

Personal fitness program

In the second week, I will introduce a treadmill and in the third week, I will drop the treadmill for jogging while at the same time doing Yoga and aerobic. Muscular Strength and Endurance I will do cranches at least 50 repetitions for a start and increase it by five days with an ultimate target →

Analyze the play and characters

Within the same time period, Alika gets promoted to the management position within the company; thanks to his boss's recommendation to the haoles who are the owners of that company. The importance of this scene is particularly recognized by the fact that it presents the problem that is to be dealt with by the main →

Ethical framework analysis:

This will be achieved through comparing and contrasting Edward Veith's spiritual framework and the management framework for decision making in the perspective of a school administrator. However, in the management framework decision making is seen as a crucial process whose failure leads to detrimental outcomes.

Religion and theology

Reform is futuristic and will attract more Jews since it basically changes with the times and is flexible in terms of the beliefs and teachings of the Jews. This is another rationale behind why the Reform movement will be present in the next 100 years.

The way of the peaceful warrior essay

Socrates explains to Dan that his biggest predicament is his mind and how he is a prisoner of the mind and it's illusions. In conclusion, in Joseph Campbell's " The Power of Myth" he describes who and what a hero is.

The impact of worker’s inspiration on work effectiveness

Natural inspiration in the work place can be activated by various person's needs, for example, the need to feel capable, want to ace the earth, want for self-governance or want for a constructive input from a performed errand. That is the reason it is indispensable for associations to draw in representatives, guaranteeing they are educated, →

Epic of gilgamesh essay

The aim of the mythic expedition of the male protagonist is to discover special understanding which will re-establish steadiness to him and the entire society. He is apple to win the trust of his people for them to entrust their safety in his hands.

Case formulation on agoraphobia and social phobia

The formulation is based on the model of social anxiety which demonstrates the cycle of anxiety and fear which Jim is feeling. For Jim the social situation is a public place, he then may fear that something could happen to him which could be discovered by asking " are you afraid of something happening and →

History of clinical neuropsychology psychology essay

Clinical neuropsychology is defined by the APA Commission for the Recognition of Specialties and Proficiencies in Professional Psychology as a specialty of professional psychology that is dedicated to the understanding of brain-behavior relationships and clinical applications of that knowledge to human problems, in particular to persons with brain disorders. The field of clinical neuropsychology has →

Cognitive strategies for controlling emotional contagion

It aims to do this by challenging the efficacy of four of the cognitive strategies: reflection, control, dissociation and empathic imagery. The ANOVA that was conducted on self-reported contagion showed that participants portrayed more contagion in the sad contagion as opposed to the happy condition.

Oscilloscope the most useful instrument

Controlling the potential of the grid controls the number of electrons for the beam, and hence the intensity of the spot on the screen where the beam hits. This is the intensity control connected to the grid G to control the beam intensity and hence the brightness of the screen spots.

Classical music from 1760 to 1810

Explain the meaning of the term and how it relates to the music of that time. Even in his later works the contrasts were seldom as clearly established as in the compositions of Mozart and early Beethoven.

Marketing comparison for bmw and mercedes benz

This assignment is to analyze and compare the marketing strategies of BMW and Mercedes-Benz. In contrast Mercedes-Benz which also provide to the premium segment of the market have concreted their name in history as manufacturers of luxury cars, have opened their doors to a range of more dynamic models targeting the slightly younger market.

American national identity and national parks history essay

According to Howard and Graham[6], the role of the natural landscapes in shaping national identity is increased by the fundamental link between ideas of the national, the native and the natural in which the prefix ' nat' refers to a notion of birthing. The importance of the Wild West in the history of the U.

The peopling and history of tanzania history essay

Although the native Tanzanians have been distanced from the history of the emergence of complexity in the region, recent studies have shown that the indigenous people of the country were active players in the process that led to the more complexity Tanzania societies in the years following sixteenth century. The Peopling of Tanzania, In Kimambo, →

The use of entry deterrence strategies

The first form of strategy that a firm can expand to successfully defer the entrance of a new firm in the market is the limit pricing, which may be expressed by two types: the contestable limit pricing and the strategic limit pricing. In that way the incumbent sets such a lower price as it may →

The role and task culture

It is the specialization of employee to a job where they are the best. The advantages of a matrix are that workers are chosen according the needs of the project.

Phonetics and phonology

It can be said that the active articulator is the lower lip and the passive articulator is the upper lip. Velars - Middle Frequencies It means that the sound is articulated through back part of the tongue, which is the active articulator, and the soft palate, which is the passive articulator.

Introduction of service marketing business essay

Background of FedEx Today 's FedEx is led by FedEx Corporation, which provides strategic way and amalgamate fiscal coverage for the operating companies that compete jointly under the FedEx name worldwide: FedEx Express, FedEx Ground, FedEx Freight, FedEx Office, FedEx Custom Critical, FedEx Trade Networks and FedEx Services. To centralise the gross revenues, selling, client →

Is virgil’s adaptation of theocritus’ eleventh idyll

Virgil's second Eclogue is not merely 'furta' - a plagiarised, replication of Theocrites, but is a successful amalgamation of Virgil's poetic personality with the model's. This is in fact one of the fundamental differences that Virgil's personality exerts on to Theocritus' model; Corydon does not seem as doomed in love as Polyphemus, and this offers →

Dr faustus as a tragedy essay sample

It is enacted not recited and by arousing pity and fear, it gives an outlet to emotions of this type.' However, for the Elizabethans, more specifically for Marlowe and Shakespeare, tragedy is not a restrictive view of human excellence or weakness as the Greeks are often inclined to present but an affirmative view of human →

The emperors of the chocolates

The paper " The Emperors of the Chocolates" is a great example of a business essay. One does not have to reach far out to find evidence of the global nature of the economy we live in.a visit to a convenience store is sufficient enough to understand the many countries where the products have undergone →

Originlists/non originlists

The originalists necessarily give focus on a puritan interpretation of the Constitution according to how it was formulated and a strict compliance on the original intent of its framers and its wording. I believe that the latter is favorable and the times unavoidably demand that the Constitution must be so construed to support the ultimate →

Marriage is a private affair by chinua achebe

Marriage Is a Private Affair Nnaemeka did not share the contents of the letter from his father because the letter states that his father had gone and found a girl for him to marry at home, when he wanted to marry Nene instead. The rain near the end of the story is symbolic because rain →

Humanities and western civilizations

The new idea that I encountered concerning the Judeo-Christian religion tradition is the similarity of the value system between the two religions. Both Islam and Judaism believe in one supreme God, not the Trinity of Christianity.

Icons of contemporary global culture

Three well-known icons of contemporary global culture are the McDonald's golden arches, the 5-ring symbol of the Olympic Games, and the crucifix of the Christian religion. Though the quality of that meal is not exactly the highest, it does for the most part guarantee to the consumer a precise and universal product.

Exam practice

The forecast sales are about $14500 with a capacity number of 7% High end segment: the customers seek cutting edge technology and new designs. The forecast sales are about $16000 with a capacity number of 8% Size segment: customers seek cutting edge size technology and young designers.

Use of force essay

The use of force varies as situations present themselves to the officer and they must decide what level of force is necessary to control the situation. Law enforcement officers may use that amount of force necessary to effect the lawful purpose intended, provided that no reasonably effective alternative to the use of force appears to →

A rediscovery of juvenilia by douglass dunn essay

The use of an ellipsis at the end of the first stanza suggests unspoken thoughts, that perhaps the speaker's grief has cast a shadow over what it is he intends to write about, or in fact what he feels. The confusion adds to this sense of lacking clarity, as we are not quite sure if →

Analysis on thoreau’s ideologies essay

The quote shares the idea that man is capable of self-government, and shuns the idea of any over imposing power that may decide what is best for the people, rather then relying on the people themselves to follow the laws laid out. Thoreau shows with the quote the deep belief he has that man is →

Dry king and black empowerment

King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on the dream theme that would become one of the most recognizable refrains in the world." Fourth Body Paragraph: With his Improvised riff, Dry. King pushed the text of his remarks to the side and began an extraordinary improvisation on →

The essence of financial exclusion economics essay

The result of the analysis suggests that in demand side, income of the households, awareness and education have a significant role for financial exclusion. Rural credit is a small amount of credit tied in income generation activities, while saving and insurance are used to protect and stabilize the families and livelihood of the people.

Global medical device regulations update engineering essay

Different regulatory bodies of respected nation provides regulations for placing medical devices in market and different quality systems and standards are involved in regulation of medical devices and also future developments in Regulations on Medical Devices. The knowledge and compliance of devices with regulatory requirements is the key for success in globalisation of Medical Devices.

Steps of changing an organisation’s culture

The first step in culture change is to clarify what it means and what it does not mean for the organisation's culture to change. The purpose of this step is to clarify for the organisation the things that will not change as well as the things that will.

A role of details in trifles novel

Immediately, the men within the group are drawn to the place of the murder, the bedroom, but the women look around the dilapidated kitchen and find all the evidence needed to convict the murderous housewife. The twist of the tale, however, is that all the evidence is hidden within the simplistic details that the men →

Apply bourdieu’s work on fields

Therefore, the possessions of the cultural / social capital are related to the ability of generating the diversion in the social status and cultural preferences in the large community, which by all means fashion. For instance agents in the field of fashion, may use social and economic capital to gain a monopoly on the....

Theories for decision making

According to Zajonc's cockroaches experiment which explain the behaviour of a group of cockroaches in tacking different level of tasks, in order to point out the changes of human behaviours during group processing. In the discussion, if the leaders or boss point out that they expect people to perform the particular results and decision, most →

Interconversion of petroleum distillation curves

The main part of the Mathcad worksheet with the API method for estimation of TBP curve from ASTM distillation curve is reproduced in Fig.1. Area of worksheet with the Mathcad version of the reversed API procedure, for conversion of the TBP curve into ASTM distillation curve The use of the same Mathcad version of the →

Effect of caffeine on reaction times

This study was devised to compare the reaction time of humans before and after the consumption of caffeine in the form of coffee. A t-test was used to calculate the statistics of the results leading to the rejection of the null hypothesis which said that there is no noticeable difference in the reaction time of →

American history and the frontier

In his article " Significance of the Frontier in American History" presented to the American Historical Association during the Chicago World Fair of 1893, Frederick Jackson-Turner writes about the ways in which the frontier shaped America and how, in his own words " to the frontier America intellect owes its striking characteristics". On the issue →

China’s growth engine declines

This is the only strategy that will the second largest world economy from falling further into the oblivion bearing in mind the nation still relies on the international market for its products, both developing and developed countries alike, in the wake of reduced growth in its exports, diminishing growth in its expansive real estate industry, →

Could a book end peer pressure?

Many people have tried to come up with a way to eliminate the issue of peer pressure entirely; however, this is not possible. Requiring teens to read Anthem in school will not solve the problem of peer pressure, but it will help teens decide what they themselves think is right and encourage them to follow →

Open your mind to see it

The rules are simple: the ground is hot lava that will kill the child if touched, but the child must make their way across the play set to win. By playing pretend children learn to live in reality.

Teachers free essay example

I am hoping for reform in the future in any meaning of the word.therefore allowing success for every many of my peers including myself struggle tremendously, and first hand i have seen teachers giving up on students. When a teacher gives a student the time of day and lets them know they are interested →

Freedom writers assignment

Due to different experiences, Myer Gies struggles to understand how to educate students affiliated in gangs who struggle to survive every day." To realize what an experience or empirical situation, means, we have to call to mind the sort of situation that presents itself outside of school; the sort of occupations that interest and engage →

Government and thoreau assignment

What Thoreau means when he begins his essay with " That government is best which governs not at all" is Thoreau does not want a government that does not govern at all or a tyranny but a limited government, where the people have more say.2. Thoreau uses an emotional appeal in citing what the government →

Brazilian interest rates assignment

A cut in interest rates will cause the demand for money to increase which will in turn cause the supply of money in the economy to rise. The shift of aggregate demand will then ideally eliminate the recessionary gap experienced because of the recent decreased demand due to the slowdown in the economy.

Marketing project – nikon p80 assignment

To boost the clarity of the image, Nikon adds in the VR technology into the camera to stabilize the camera even at 18 time's optical zoom. The grip of the camera is also designed in a way that you will not be able to drop the camera easily and it also adds as a stabilizing →

Math lesson plan essay

The Matching Mittens Learning Domain: Mathematics, Fine Motor, Cognitive Overview & Purpose: From the story " The Mitten", children will have sets of mittens and they will need to lay the mittens out in order along with being able to match the number with the word number. Once the children have lined all the teens →

A critical reaction to edward said’s essay essay sample

Perhaps, we form judgements on his story on account of weather he is or ' is not' one of " us".' He is one of us' the text keeps telling us, but we are forced to question the meaning of this phrase, the difficulties that the characters have in communicating their knowledge and experiences to →

Explantory synthesis : worst job you ever had

This was the worst job ever because of the poor management, annoying customers, and the heavy cleaning duties. One of the worst aspects of the job was the poor management.

Briefing a case state v. wells

Holding: The appellate court dismissed the appeal on both grounds and affirmed the judgment of the lower court. Reasoning: After reviewing the record of the proceedings in the lower court the appellate court determined that the court specifically inquired as to why the appellant was pleading guilty and not opting to go to trial.


Communication technology itself has seen one of the largest growths which has come to encompass the Internet and cell phone technologies Personally, technology has allowed me greater flexibility and the ability to contact anyone almost anywhere and at anytime. Communication and Internet development have had a enormous impact on the way information is disseminated both →