Genuine Essay Examples

Do student’s lose more than they gain in online writing class

Also, there is a gigantic level of dispassion created by the generic nature of these courses; both in the middle of students and educator, and in the middle of the student themselves. With an online configuration, particularly in as many-sided a subject as thinking of, it appears that the level of trouble with this is β†’

Advantages and disadvantages of capital punishment

English 4th April, A Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Capital Punishment Capital punishment refers to the killing of criminals guilty of grave crimes as a way of punishing them for the crimes that they have committed. This is because, although, capital punishment relieves governments of the economic burden of meeting the economic needs β†’

Advocacy organization

First Sur Advocacy Organizations The National Book Foundation website has a mission to celebrate the best American literature, expand its audience coverage as well as enhancing the cultural values and award the great American writers. 7 June 2015., The Pulitzer Prizes | Whats New.N.p., 2015.Web.

8 week forum

Sex education is more likely to reduce the cases of STDs among young adults and teenagers. Each paragraph starts with an essay statement and hence I managed to accomplish one of the key skills in writing the body of an essay.

Sports in the 1940s

Sports in the 1940s Sports in the 1940s The events of the Second World War influenced many people to involve in sporting activities. This paper discusses sports in the 1940s in regard to the life and career of one of the black athletes of that era, Joe Louis. In the 1940s, boxing was as big β†’

What subject should be mandatory for all children at school in saudi arabia and explain why you think so

However, the children lack the ability of writing and communicating in Arabic language since they do not learn Arabic as a language in school. For example, most Saudi children in Saudi Arabia can speak good Arabic but they cannot write at the same standards. Arabic language is used as the language of learning.

Television in modern society has more negative effects than positive effects. discuss

Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television and using Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages of Watching Television and using Social Media Television and electronic media is spreading in all geographical regions of the world and therefore, global mindset is emerging. Additionally, all of this became possible with the help of media and internet. Television was β†’

Smart phones

It is critical to go through some of the advantages and disadvantages of these mobile phones in order to gain a deeper understanding. One of the advantages of these mobile phones is that they have more capabilities when compared to the other mobile phones. It is critical to understand that despite the widespread positive regards β†’

Discussion 8

However, small incremental changes to the system can be implemented currently so that a drastic shift in the future would not be necessitated. Q2: What type of plants should we plant in LA? Firstly, native/indigenous plants that are drought resistant should be encouraged to be grown in lieu of a full yard of grass. We β†’

College if worth for most of people but not all kind of people

However, many people are now doubting whether parents are getting value for their money, especially with the increasing number of unemployed college graduates. College education is turning to be a burden to the students rather than an avenue to help them have a happy and better life. 3 May 2015.. The Economist." Higher Education: Is β†’

The death of the author suggests that the author is an ideological construct rather than the originator of a text, and it also suggests that we too can be correctly considered as textual constructs rather than as individuals

The Death of the and the Life of the Audience In Death of the Roland Barthes s that the reading audience is affected by this death of the author. This is a contradiction to what is said, because the implication of Barthes essay is that the author essentially disappears from the work, and the interpretation β†’

Compare and contrast paper. 21 jump street

The main plot of it revolved around two police officers disguised as high school students to capture synthetic drug dealer and supplier from among the teenagers of a high school. Simultaneously, many at times such drug usage, addictions and other illicit habits ruin personal lives and relationships of these officers and β†’

Define tolerance

However, this is a false accusation because people need to be tolerated no matter what religion they follow; others need to understand that just because they follow the same religion as the terrorists did, they are not part of the same way of thinking or way of life. Americans as such are losing out on β†’

Research proposal

This is a research proposal on how the use of Facebook by teenagers affects their education. Hypothesis As technology continues to advance one thing that can never be disputed is the fact that social networks affects more than just the social aspects of human beings. The questionnaires will seek information on the experiences that β†’

Major point

School makes the children to be intellectually dependent this means that whatever children are taught in school is what the children will rely to use in his life. According to Taylor it is advisable to stick a particular profession especially after training has been accomplished, for instance a child taught and graduated in β†’

Obsession with fashion

At present, she is hoping to go another level and expand her business to the worlds' best school of fashion FIDM. She is determined to make her name in the world of fashion by modifying the old traditional black gowns into some colorful, modernized, and eye-catching stuff.

Media log 2

As far as the theme of the impact of technology on the modern family is concerned, the spot light of the episode can be put on the family of Phil and Claire as Claire finds the picture of a nude woman on her computer and assumed it had been downloaded from the internet by their β†’


In addition, he also edited and contributed to an article in the UCLA Law review. The professor's first question was what type of law I wanted to write. He said that the authors in such fields should stick to what is factual and not speculated of fictional.

Fallacious reasoning

In the ad hominem fallacy, the reasoning attacks the person rather than the issue at hand while in the appeal to emotions, the reasoning manipulates the emotions of the listeners in order to get their emotions.. Consider an advertisement during the Super Bowl Commercials 2012 in which David Beckham advertises H & M's underwear. The β†’

Assignment example

This paper explores and discusses the sovereignty claims of the native tribes in Alaska and Akaka in Hawaii. Sovereignty Rights in Alaska Natives of Alaska, a land purchased by the United States from Russia have gone through a tumultuous period of political and legal up and downs before the recognition of their self-government status β†’

Certain letters occur a lot more english language essay

For the letter ' I' in the cipher text to correspond to the letter ' u' in plaintext, the length of the cyclic shift will be 14.Length of the cyclic shift = 14abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzOPQRSTUVWXYZABCDEFGHIJKLMNFigure 1. 6 Frequencies of the 5th letter in the cipher textFrom Fig 3.

Communication climate supportive defensive

The success of our presentation and discussions was much dependent on the capacity of us to work as a team and this meant that the hierarchy in responsibility s either being the chair or just a member had no place in the communication. Supportive climate of communication requires high degree of flexibility, open mindedness and β†’


The shipping news by Annie Proulx Annie Proulxs novel " The Shipping News," is set in contemporary Newfoundland, where there is certainly a lot of drownings. Quoyle is lastly freed from the marriage when his wife dies in a car accident together with one of her lovers. Quoyles aunt comes to assist him together with β†’


The Number 30 September Animals " The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated". Mahatma Gandhi It seems that a lot of people today do not fully realize the value of animals. The Endangered Species Coalition. EndangeredSpecie.Com.n.d.Web.

Principal components and changes to peasant and tribal life

Principal components and Changes to peasant and tribal life in the Arab countryside during Ottoman rule The situation in the Arab peasantry during the nineteenth century, the Ottoman government is seen to have the result to the oppression and exploitation of the rural peasants by the local elites. During the time when the β†’

Analyze a film

The education has led to the exclusion of the brothers from the rest of society. On the other hand, the community is affected by trial, as it is perceived to have neglected the brothers. Discussion 4 There are variations of the perspectives in the documentary.


In business, communication ensures all the relevant people have the necessary information. On the other hand, other factors need to be considered so as business communication can be efficient.

English composition

As they say, a smile could be epidemic, so joy could be more infectious. Joy could also be a person or thing which is a source of happiness and satisfaction. Joy involves longing because it is a wonderful feeling that makes a person to be in that state always.

Application exercise n.2

Incidentally, I boarded a train to the neighboring town and my seat mate was a Muslim faithful. I behaved differently because of the fear that the man could sense my insecurity status.

Evaluation of product; apple’s macbook pro

On the other hand, outside the manufacturer environment, MacBook Pro is a fast moving product in the market. Consumer Reports ranks MacBook Pro as one of the best laptop computers in the market and a quickly moving product by consumer choice. The evaluation of this product in terms of market and consumer setting involves three β†’

Your favorite sentences

I like the way the sentence is joined by the coordinating conjunction, ' but' to form a compound sentence with two independent clauses. 2." After it was all over, the HMS trainer claimed he knew I was getting confused, but I think he was really amazed". The sentence is grammatically correct despite the use of β†’

Ethics + professionalism

She is very kind and respectful toward others, which is the main reason why she is so popular among students and all the staff. She is always very helpful, and is optimistic in nature which is why people love to talk to her regarding all areas of life.

Responding to pop culture

The criteria used to evaluate " Wheel of Fortune" as a viable and significant medium for popular culture are in its relevance to the average Joe themes that illustrate contestants in very pertinent terms to audience lifestyle and then appropriating excitement to make positive emotional connection to human behavior related to needs for excitement and β†’

Reflection paper 2

The creation of the proletariat class commenced the struggle with the bourgeoisie with the aim of redeeming the medieval status of the worker. Marx asserts that the bourgeoisie attributed to the modern industry development produces its own destroyers and this leads to the inevitable success of the proletariat. In relation to the communist manifesto, Marx β†’

Drinking age

According to Hanson et al, a drinking permit shouldreplace the minimum legal drinking age as a solution to the problem. A balance between drinking restriction and drinking permits should be used to address the problem. Works Cited Hanson et al.

Informative summary

Lecturer The Kentucky Derby is Decadent and Depraved The sports article was ed in 1970, by Hunter Thompson, during the derby in Louisville. This derogatively illustrates the white social group in the American society. A lot of slang language is applied in the literary work.


Many children who have won in sports recognize the value of hard work and are willing to exert more efforts in other sectors of their lives. In different games, children require competition so that they may find the find the games exciting. Competition in games introduces children to the realities of life, which is defined β†’

Globalisation,multinational enterprises(mnes) and free trade

The process of international integration with regard to exchange of views, products and cultural aspects is illustrative of globalization where national and regional economies, societies and cultures are unified. Integration fosters the removal of barriers such as trade restrictions, quotas and tariffs, which attracts economic stimulation through economic drives. In this sense, new markets emerge β†’

Persuasive messages – letter or memo

With the assistance of the recommendations from the Natural Resource Defense Council , the following tips could easily be implemented in our organization: Unplugging office equipment and chargers when not in use; Use the sleep and hibernate modes for computers, especially in period of inactivity; Monitor and make use of daily temperatures and sunlight β†’

Stuffed and starved initial reading

Most of these are the fast foods that are always put at the entrance of the supermarkets. The entrances of many supermarkets are always well designed with different decorations. The fridges always have commodities that are attractive to the eyes.

How to be a better writer

How to Be a Better Writer A good writer is one who is able to engage his readers in his writing and one who can clearly reflect his thoughts in words. A person can become a better writer by reading the work of other authors and also by trying to put his thoughts β†’

Examine three literary elements in one of the stories, such as, but not limited to, irony, imagery, style, tone, language, plot, setting, symbolism, theme, point of view. how are these techniques employed and/or contribute to the story

The plot interestingly starts with Muriel, Seymour's wife, sitting in the hotel and talking to her mother over the phone who is insisting Muriel to spend the vacation with them. The plot then turns to Seymour who is out at the beach when a young girl, Sybil, come over to him and he takes her β†’


Thus, statistics on high school dropout is crucial to me as it enables me understand the importance of graduating. The number of high school dropouts has decreased over years. As documented by the National Center for Education Statistics, NCES , the years 1990 to 2011 saw an average drop from 12% to 7% of β†’

Peer feedback

Then give feedback to a second rough draft. Writer's name: Rachelle Ellis Reviewer's name: _________________________________ Present the author's thesis in your own words and discuss whether it is persuasive and whether it provides an accurate guide to the direction of the paper. The thesis of the author is that alternative medicines are effective β†’

The power of thinking without thinking by gladwell, malcolm

Humans often underestimate the impact of external factors on the unconscious processes of decision making. Humans create stories unconsciously which support their decisions and actions. Reflection I do believe that the state of mind an individual is has a great impact on his/her decision making skills, and the state of mind is controlled to β†’

Rhetorical analysis

The article discusses the growing notion in the society where women who are big in size are perceived not to be as attractive as those who are small. The author is trying to convey the message that, although Marilyn is relatively bigger in size she is considered more attractive than the model.


Significance of the Cafe in " A Clean Well-Lighted Place" The cafe in the story " A Clean Well-Lighted Place" signifies hope, clarity, and order. The cafe is indeed a temporary respite from all the chaos in the world. Significance of the Garden in " The Garden Party" In the story, The Garden Party, the β†’

The university of wisconsin is one of the most diverse student campuses

These are the people who are poised to become the leaders of society, business and politics in the future, and I am one of them. All skills that are necessary for one who ambitions to become a leader and not a follower in the future. These are skills and abilities that I did not realize β†’

The confidential reference book english language essay

The next question is: Is it a common noun or a proper noun? For example; man, lion, hero boy and kingA noun is said to be in the Feminine gender if it refers to a female character or member of a species.

Response to andre nortons daybreak 2250 ad

Despite the social and cultural contexts that swayed Norton's writing into apocalyptic foreshadowing, he still writes about ordinary themes of struggle and civilization. Development 1: Norton's World The quality of life in the mid 20th century from a socio-cultural context that defined Norton's works elicited certain effects of note. This is through literary analysis β†’

The castle of otranto

Full A Mother's Love Can a mother who claims to greatly love her daughter sacrifice her child's future for an unloving husband and father's desires? The Castle of Otranto presents an unstable character in the person of Hippolita, the princess of Otranto, wife of prince Manfred and doting mother of Conrad and Matilda. Having herself β†’

Class notes on relationship of words english language essay

The word is a label we attach to our concept of what a palace is like and the concept itself relies on the degree of our personal experiences. It is possible then to describe the attributes of a concept and hence formulise the meaning of a word.

Thesis statement

Thesis ment Thesis ment: Although playing video games is often blamed for promoting violence among children and distracting them from studying, recent findings show that video games prove to be beneficial for the versatile development of young individuals. The following thesis statement is argumentative as far it contains two opposite opinions concerning the topic, which β†’

Reflection 10

Reflection 10 The first thing that appeared to be new for me is that it is not only away-from-home food which is the cause of the rising levels of obesity in the country as well as in the world. The majority of the sources on this serious issue repeat again and again that fast food β†’


The poem is titled as Incident as the poet talks about the event of racism that he experienced during his stay in Baltimore. This poem highlights the main cause of racism and talks about racism that has been deeply embedded in the society of United States. Summary The poem focuses on the experience of β†’

Dna binding protein prediction english language essay

These sets were culled using the PISCES web server cite{Wang2003}, and only structures with a sequence identity of $leq$20\% and a resolution of $leq$3{AA} were included in our experiments.subsection{Calculated Attributes}For protein-level binding prediction, we used a set of 42 features related to protein structure and sequence. All of these metrics are dependent on class distribution β†’

Real work

Rodrigues' purpose in taking up the work for the three months of summer, was to earn some money that he required, since the pay was good; and he was to join graduate school the same year, at the end of summer. The ' simple insight' that Rodrigues has during his experience of working as a β†’

Your favorite web site

The reason for it is that is by far the easiest to use with little or no hassle. Most people including me do not see it that way as Instagram is a source of fun and all the pictures associated with it.


I followed his advice and food charts, and started including healthy food in my diet. But, I was determined to gain back my health; and, now, after two years of my decision, I have been able to shed my extra pounds, and feel quite active all the day.

Compare and contrast the education systems of the uk and other country

We will try to find out if education system has universalities and if they have something in common. Stages of education in both countries. Education is significant to both countries so compulsory education is imposed to students with ages from 5 to 16 years, while higher education is not. In high school Heirarchy and peer β†’

Illiegal immigrant

While the illegal immigrants affect the unskilled American workforce negatively, researchers and economists tend to believe that the American economy benefits in general from the presence of illegal immigrants. In fact, the US department of agriculture and the United States department of labor state that illegal immigrants are very beneficial to the American economy. More β†’

Definition and description of home

I would wake up in the morning longing to go back home and see my family and friends. My home should be a place where I can enjoy my privacy and be able to meet my friends often.

Why i would be successful on independent studies ( home studies)

With little guidance from a teacher or others, I would be successful in independent studies due to three major factors: self-motivation, my ability to be organized and meet deadlines, and my ability to tailor my study to a schedule that best fits my abilities. Knowing the responsibility placed upon me to do my assignments, to β†’

One of the stories’s title

The grant in this case is meant to ensure Jonathan regain his social status. The passage is a link between war period and the post war era. In the end of the story, Jonathan looses this money.

The xbox

Why the Xbox 360 Kinect is the Best Motion Gaming Console Today There are various types of gaming personalities among the video game players. Specially since the Wii has already been retired by Nintendo in favor of the newer but Wii U which has yet to catch on with the gaming market. The second serious β†’

Work and family

The major reason for the formulation of the work-family program is to help theworkers have the balance between the time they spend in the job and that they accord the family. In the planning for the work-family program, several factors come into play; the number of the slots available and the number of the employees β†’

Cooperation in the work place as an lpn

An lpn is one of the strengths of a heath care team; it would not be an easy task for other members to complete all care activities in a short period of time. It is not necessarily that lpns always ask for the permission of the nurse or doctor in providing care; rather, lpns also β†’

Answering questions

Reflecting on the connection of games and culture, Huizinga notes, that culture is the child of game and has a character of game. In their essays Kofi Annan and Tim Bowling compare football and hockey to " serious" human activities, such as the UN and war. Kofi Annan, the Secretary General of the UN in β†’

How disasters have an effect on the world at large

Key Words: Disasters, Environment, Natural disasters, Affected, Experience, Global Warming, How disasters have an effect on the world at large Undeniably, disasters occurrences yield to untold deaths that leave irreparable emotional loss to both the relatives and friends of the victims. Sometimes the affected result to incapable of recovering fully in life due to β†’

Compare and contrast an alligator vs. crocodile

Comparison between Alligators and Crocodiles Introduction As a result of both crocodiles and alligators beingreptilian animals from the same Crocodylia animal order , they can at times tend to exhibit a number of similarities such as sharing a similar diet, an amazing swimming speed that can be as fast as 20 miles per hour β†’

The development of critical thinking: does college make a difference

The purpose of Pascarella was to determine if college has a statistically significant effect on the critical thinking skills relative to a matched group of students who did not attend college during the 1-year period of the study. The development of critical thinking: Does college make a difference?


If someone finds out that they have been gossiped about, it can destroy their confidence because they may feel like what the gossiper was saying is true. Another reason why gossip should not be encouraged is because it can spread false rumors. However, gossip is bad for society because it can destroy the confidence of β†’


In his books " When Harlem was in Vogue" and " The portable Harlem Renaissance reader" David Levering Lewis makes a sketch of events, personalities, dates, names, etc.which contributed to the development of the New Negro movement and culture. The book helps us better understand the reasons and realms of political and social struggle of β†’

Discuss character development in everyday use

What Dee desires is to become a new person. It becomes obvious that Dee's mother and sister worship her. At the very beginning readers understand that Dee is totally different. She wants to be a part of idealistic Africa.

Study plan for academic success

I have had the opportunity to review my ideal and real schedules and realize that most of the time I managed to stick to my ideal schedule. I will set my alarm clock two hours earlier than usual so that I have adequate time to complete work for the day and for the morrow.

Human nature is not cruel

It made participants very nervous and confused, meaning that the experimenter's authority pushed them to be cruel and even hurt innocent people. In brief, Milgram's experiment is not enough proof that human nature is cruel, but people will be cruel under certain circumstances. However, this also is not adequate proof that human nature is cruel. β†’

You are wiith torture or no

Proponents of torture argue for its importance because of its use in exceptional circumstances that resort to legal torture. However, anti-torture arguments have their basis on the inhuman nature of torture. In this case, torture is used to obtain information from terrorists and people suspected of illegal activities.

Climate change and its effect on animals in the chesapeake bay

Following is an assessment of climate change and its effect on animals in the Chesapeake Bay. Impact of Climate Change in Chesapeake Bay Climate change has influenced the ecosystem balance of Chesapeake Bay. High variations in salinity as a result of increased rainfall, long periods of draught and unpredictable storm is also a factor β†’

Alice walker passage from everyday use

The passages I mentioned sort of cleared the air. The one narrating the story is the mother and she claimed to be uneducated, large, with all the emotional and psychological baggage imposed by her race during her time. An inconsistency in this respect could lead to the unraveling of the narrative. First, the words were β†’

Description of my being on the wheelchair due to walking disability caused by the accident

I was privileged to have a friend who assisted in the pushing and from her point of view, the two push handles of the wheelchair augmented the pushing effectively. However, after spending some time pushing it, I learnt that controlling the chair required one to move over the wheel for ease walking. As I was β†’


However, this has now changed and everything is done with the motive of earning a profit. I believe that despite capitalism being just in that one gets what they work for, it is evil and people should help each other to survive and not be greedy in order to accrue wealth as others suffer from β†’

You decide

For instance, a relationship may be ruined if there is no proper communication or if there is a lack of it, or misunderstandings occur when one is not so articulate as to get the message through. One of the most important parts of communication probably is persuasive speaking. I think this is the greatest challenge β†’

Children literature awarding books english language essay

The Examination of the portrayal of childhood and youth in a large sample of primitive English verse narratives, this study analyses representations of childhood in two genres: the adventurers, or the pirates which gives the child a good chance to compare between the Walker children and the Blackett children. This study will briefly discuss the β†’

Where do american public attitudes towards differences (race, ethnicity, politics, religion, socioeconomics class, sexual orientation, disability, etc) come from in other words, are these attitudes natural or learned

As a result of this, people all over the world have developed particular views and notions about differences on the basis of religion, gender, and sexual orientation, etc. The consequential increase in the employment of African Americans means that attitudes about differences are really learned rather than inborn. Attitudes toward differences are inculcated in children β†’


The matter of the article is the contribution of bodily movement to human beings' superstition. The gist of the narrative is the method employed by this study and its findings.

The luck of roaring camp

The story revolves around a gold mining camp that consisted primarily of criminals and outlaws, who had been rightfully dubbed as " the roughs", which according to the narrator was " more of a distinction rather than a definition". The story is set in the 1850's where a band of men living in the foothills β†’

Journal 8

McHugh's " What He Thought" demonstrates, through enjambment, metaphor, irony, and oxymoron, that the political is also poetic, wherein the poetic confirms the death-denying ideologies of people through the oxymoron of a silent poet. " What He Thought" uses enjambment to depict that political actions are poetic, in the sense that they reflect the innermost emotions, β†’

Eng 1010

It is beneficial for a buyer to compare the advantages and drawbacks of the phone before making a purchase. The iPhone presents some likable advantages that attract its buyers. In addition, considering there are phones such as Samsung Galaxy S5 that are certified as waterproof, the iPhone 6 is still at a disadvantage. Owing to β†’

The classic style in mississippi and innocents abroad

THE IC STYLE IN MISSISSIPI AND INNOCENTS ABROAD To be specific, ic writing style enables to be precise and clear in the way of presenting information to readers. The writer is to perform a task as a duty but not out of interest and willingness to do so.


1 2 3 4 5 Links to other websites are useful 1 2 3 4 5 Technical Elements: (Rank the following elements with 5 being excellent and 1 being a poor ranking). All the links to other sites work 1 2 3 4 5 Page loads quickly 1 2 3 4 5 β†’

Journal # 2

What are your plans to meet these challenges and move forward? My preceptor oversees 6 different programs in the department, and she meets with each program leaders either on a weekly or alternate week basis. But I will also wait to meet with my faculty advisor and my preceptor on 2/6/14 to discuss and finalize β†’

Kurt vonnegut, slaughterhouse five

Kurt Vonnegut wrotethis amazing piece of literature as a reflection of the horrors of World War II in Dresden. In the years following the war, he encounters ignorance of people about the magnitude of destruction at Dresden. In chapter five, Billy learns about Tralfamadorians and their philosophy of acceptance.

Summary response: the masque of the red death

Module The Masque of the Red Death SUMMARY Red Death is a disease portrayed as quite dangerous to the population of a fictional nation. The noise is so loud that it makes all those in attendance to stop their celebrations. The guests roam about all the rooms except the last one.

School of nights presentation

Snowden was reported to die at the age of 66 and the obituary quickly explains that he was a bookseller and was dedicated to the works of Elizabethan history. This obituary was to reveal the kind of relationship that Snowden had with Styles as well as the events that led to his death.

Visit to the national museum

Furthermore, the attractive facilities and displays therein made the experience very successful. Fear engulfed me causing me to terribly shake in front of a huge and expectant crowd, despite I being a smart student. It is good to record a few points for a good flow of ideas during the presentation.

Eng315 week5

Describe what you could to do overcome this. => I would feel most comfortable in extemporaneous speeches, because it will give me more leeway to add more ideas according to the current situation or audience, and at the same time will give me the structure of the best organization of ideas to present. Another skill I β†’