Genuine Essay Examples

Varieties of english: effects on teaching english

The varieties of English, as shown in the verbal structures, which express the variations in the aspects are commonly seen in all the varieties around the world. As English become global language, there are many users of English around the world and this lead to different varieties of English.

Should criminals be rehabilitated or punished?

Also, some are at greater risk of becoming offenders because of the circumstances into which they were born.'[4] According to the US department of Justice, it says ' today, somewhere between 15-20% of people in prison are mentally ill'.[5] If these mental health issues were addressed in prison, the offender would be able to understand →


The Pathos in this ad is the strongest of all the appeals. Another aspect of the Pathos is the setting of the scene and, in this case, the background of the advertisement.

Genocide prevention program

The prevention of genocide by the United Nations is done through the promotion of fair and equal placement of power, the advocacy of tolerance and the willingness to help in times of need. The ninth stage is Extermination, this is the attempted eradication of the intelligent in Cambodia, it is the near destruction of the →

Nottingham university

With a campus setting just outside the town and its renown for academic accomplishment, UoN has historically attracted some of the best students in the UK. We consulted with the students through the Student Union and there was a lot of interest in this concept".

Advertising and news assignment

C] One of the responsibilities of a morning news anchor Is to capture the attention of the viewers In the midst of them preparing for their day. Morning news anchors understand the importance of delivering the news accurately and quickly to help connect them with their audience?

How authority is established in lord of the flies essay

Ralph's back faced the sun when he sat on the log and the boys saw him as a darkish figure against the shimmer of the lagoon. Ralph looked carefully and saw the spirals and he linked that to what was happening at the moment.

If i were a man charlotte gilman essay sample

The gender roles presented fit the expectations at that time in society however present wide differences between the opportunities of man and expectations of woman and showing the barriers between the genders. Gilman increases this ability to empathise through use of imagery and emotive language throughout the text, the feeling of a woman having the →

Ecologically sustainable design essay sample

Because built environments are the largest contributor to the world's greenhouse gas emissions, ESD features are utilized in the built environment which is known as green building that significantly reduces the impacts of our built environment in areas such as energy efficiency, water conservation, waste reduction, and use of environmentally friendly materials which is beneficial →

Judy baca

A Probe in the Mastery of Arts of Judy Baca Judy Baca, a renowned visual artist and one who believed she is a " political landscape artist" had completed several masteries of arts done mostly in murals as the medium of her work. The mural is a combined effort of the community and several artists →

Introduction to business

Introduction to Business The purpose of this paper is to provide some opinions as to what the economic problems are in this country as well as some steps that should be taken in order to remedy the problems. Firstly it is the case that there is a strong public debt burden in the United States →

Currency act

The Currency Act The Currency Act In the hypothetical event that the United Kingdom passes a Currency Act in 2006 with the stipulation that it could not be repealed without referendum, it stands to reason that the government would be obligated to hold a vote before switching from the pound sterling to the euro. If →

Preceptor scenario

Preceptor Scenario This essay aims to address a two-fold-objective to wit to describe the preceptor scenario and identify ways on how the manager will handle the situation, to delineate ways on how to prevent the same scenario to the unit in the future. The case of preceptorship is like meeting two strangers and by having →

Texas state legislature

Bills and laws, Constitution of Texas and the US at large This is an important component of the state. The 76th Texas State Legislature: identification and analysis of biases in the legislative process.

Mcfarlane toys: the best of interactive marketing

Currently, the company is facing competition from the big players in the industry in their primary business activity which is action figures. The relationship the company has built with many artists in the music industry can help the firm penetrate new marketplaces.

Club it

It is just the individuals with the firm password to the website that they may access and open the different determinants of the organization. Since the network is only restricted to a given part of the company, most of the challenges takes place: inappropriate communication among the firm and the clients, as well as the →

Family as a sociological portrait

One thing I learnt as I grew up is that the man is the head of the family and is supposed to take good care of the family. My mother also taught me the value of hard work both at school and at home and did not to tolerate the idea of idleness.

Finding a suitable topic

Yet the one thing the textbook and Jack London speak about is the perseverance involved in writing a good work. F is for Fit and one has to ask whether every word and every sentence is part of the theme, or is it just filler?

Who is your hero

I believe God has shown me the right path in the form of an angel and it is no one else but my dearest uncle. I feel pride in calling him my mentor because he has given me so much and this does not seem to come to an end at all.

The end of the great american school system

Ravitch, in her book The Death and Life of the Great American School System, addresses some of the problems she believed faced the American education system. In conclusion, Ravitch stands out because of her contribution to the education system.

Heart attack

This tube is placed in the coronary artery to keep it open so as to ensure a constant flow of blood to the heart muscle. This ensures that there is a constant and continuous flow of blood to the heart muscles through the coronary artery.

Hinduism: various paths to salvation

It is a time of complete dedication to the Vedas. This is a time of accumulated wealth, worldly pleasures, and marriage, within the constraints of dharma.

Hiding behind the screen essay

Human relations, and the self-image of the human being, have been profoundly affected by the Internet and by the ease with which images of other people can be summoned to the computer screen to become the objects of emotional attention. This is hard to do on the screen the screen, after all, is primarily a →

The drawer boy essay

In the play, the author uses violence as a way to create an identity for Angus, a main character, as well as a method to develop Angus's character. For instance, the act of Angus getting Morgan a spoonful of water when he is hurt by the tractor, tells a bit about the type of person →

Personal relationships

It was alarming to find out in this article, written by Health Day that this was not the case. Professor Keysar outlined in a newsletter explaining what he meant, and he was involved in conducting a study of 24 married couples to take part in a study to examine their communication skills with one another.

Law, ethics, and corporate governance ??? leg 500 assignment

The Family and Medical Leave Act provides an entitlement of up to 12 weeks of job-protected, unpaid leave during any 12-month period to eligible, covered employees for the following reasons: 1) birth and care of the eligible employee's child, or placement for adoption or foster care of a child with the employee; 2) care of →

Wat wat assignment

On Requirements Related to the Major Activities: Without a duly approved speech or discussion plan, students are not allowed to deliver their speech or participate in the group discussion. A student will be subject to disciplinary action for any of the following a.

Hybrid energy systems for off grid remote engineering essay

PRESENT ARCHITECTURE OF SITEThe basic component of the SPV-wind-diesel system that is installed in the telecom site is shown in the Fig.1.Fig. The cost summary of this system is presented in Table-4.

Andrew marvell’s to his coy mistress: light-hearted attitude towards life and love

In the first stage of this poem, the speaker is telling his mistress to notice the flea, which has sucked the blood of them both. The second section of ' To His Coy Mistress' is also a premise, telling her that time does exist and they are getting older all the time.

The 3 key areas of esports: teamwork, tutoring, and communication

In a Esport, for example League of Legends, lots of these factors are missing, you cannot communicate the things you want to do with your teammates with your body. To be a professional at both of these you need to have a great amount of skill and have the attributes I mentioned.

The phenomenon of “ambient awareness” by clive thompson

The paradox and appeal of ambient awareness is that it's not that we are always connected but that we have the ability and the choice to connect. That's why Thompson talks about ambient intimacy, where the ability to connect is only a click away.

Adidas market entry strategy

Adidas aims to achieve the mission of being the leading sports brand in the world. Russia is the largest country in the world, spanning 11 time zones and covering one-eighth of the world's land surface.

Financial ratio analysis essay

Similarly, the return on assets also initially increased and later declined in 2009; the decline was sharper compared to the decline in ROE as the ROA in 2009 of 1. The decline in the operating profit margins of HHL is largely attributed to the increase in costs associated with the expansion of the business.

The current nature of world trade explained by trade theories

Outline the current nature of world trade and examine the extent to which economic trade theories of international trade explain this. It will attempt to justify whether these trade theories are able to explain and predict the causes of current trade patterns and whether the assumptions fit the scale of the world economy.

An essay about orbits communications essay

The closest orbit of satellite around the Earth is called " perigee" and farthest orbit called " apogee". It is the speed of an object to break free from the gravity of the planet and enters into a certain orbit.

Effect of electromagnetic field of mobile phones

The hearing system is in the close proximity to the mobile phone so hearing system is potentially the most affected target for thermal and non-thermal effects. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES This study is designed to evaluate the potential effects of electromagnetic field of mobile phones on human ear.

Characteristics of tilapia fish

Today, commercial production of important tilapia goes to genus Oreochromis beyond Africa, and more than 90 percent of the farmed tilapia are Nile tilapia outside of Africa.reported that Nile tilapia is the most popular tilapia species for aquaculture and is widely distributed in many countries other than native Africa. This level for tilapia appears to →

Charles cooley

The way he viewed himself in his father's mind, molded his identity and who he is as a self. Social status was of more importance in Cooley's time, and I think it stressed an individual to live up to a certain status, with a certain identity.

Oregon wines

History of the Oregon Wine Industry The first grape plantation in the region was made by horticulturist Henderson Luelling, in Willamette Valley by 1847. The wine industry in Oregon closed down in 1919 because of the Prohibition.

Uniforms should be made compulsory in all polish schools

Students in uniforms will feel that they are part of something bigger and that they represent their school. All in all, school uniforms will improve discipline and influence students in very positive way.

Panem and contemporary society

Our world does not have many differences from Panem, and in my opinion, this is a bad thing, and we need to fix it. This happens a lot in contemporary society, and it is influencing people to do the same, and very slowly turning our world into Panem.

Confessions of a teenage anthropologist: fighting

Before the match, the two competitors, the ruda and the tecnica dance and twirl around, and after the match, they yell, and sometimes dance, before their audiences. So, after the festival commences with the killing of a goat and the drinking of hard liquor, the fighting begins.

Popular culture, or the presidential election?

Social media is not the only aspect of popular culture that the 2016 presidential hopefuls have looked to. Through television and social media, the potential presidential candidates have been able to appeal to many people.

Motivation theories and personality traits assignment

The third thing is all of the theories seem to build on each other and I can find a little of myself in each one. This is the career that I really want and would love to be doing.

Marijuana: harmful or medicine? assignment

With the rising TECH percentage and the mass production of the drug that can take on a NY characteristic the idea of lab created marijuana is not only relevant but it is almost impossible el to overlook. This source is a compilation of research about the effects of marijuana on the brain and body.

An evaluation on the customer relationship management (crm) & service marketing (sm) with special reference to emirates airline” assignment

Regarding the reason for choice of the Emirates airline as subject of study, the constant change of patters in this market and the need for competing firms to achieve differentiation and offer real customer value support the main objective of conduction of this research. The performance of firm in airline industry is an interesting example →

Against the gods the remarkable story of risk by peter l. bernstein assignment

The journey to unlocking and understanding risk seems to have begun in 1654 when the 200 year old question " how to divide the stakes of an unfinished game of chance between 2 players when one of them is ahead? " was asked of the French Mathematician Blaise Pascal. It was a very profound and →

Consumer psychology and marketing communication assignment

Consumer psychology Is defined as " The study of Individuals, groups, or organizations and the processes they use to select, secure, use, and dispose of products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these processes have on the consumer and society". An individual's behavior or attitude toward a product can alter →

chipotle core competency essay sample

Since Chipotle is making the real food and selling them at the same time, the food must be fresh which is good for customers' health. All the food could be prepared at same time in the morning and send to each store which is to reduce the material preparation and storage cost in order to →

The ways in which any two writers deal with the historical realities of slavery essay sample

The captain of The Batchelor's Delight, Captain Delano sees the ship is in danger and offers to help; he boards the slave ship and spends the day observing the strange behaviour of the crew. The cause of the atrocities was in fact the behaviour of the white man, the enslavement of fellow human beings and →

Should mobile phone masts be sited near schools essay sample

It think that mobile phone masts should avoid being situated too near to schools, as there is a risk of damage to the brain tissue, although this may be very small. It is unlikely that the damage caused by proximity to a telephone mast will be great, and will still affect children from using a →

Accounting risk and return

Thus there exist a linear relationship between risks and returns in the sense that investments with a higher standard of deviations and a high coefficient of variation tend to provide higher returns. Similarly, by bringing some equilibrium through a correlation between positive and negative returns of assets, it is possible in a portfolio of investment →

Scanning the environment

Aldi, the global grocery retailer has tried to benefit from the willingness of the consumer to pay a little more for quality in positioning its brand. However, Amazon Grocery appears to have tried to lure the customer by offering established middle-of-the range brands with an emphasis on saving for quality and a concern for the →

Columbus – first voyage

COLUMBUS: FIRST VOYAGE Christopher Columbus First Voyage led to contacts with the Europeans and Americans through his accidental landing in the " New World. The purpose of the First Voyage of Columbus was finding a shorter route to Asia but instead of finding Asia, he landed in the " New World".

Financial ratio

A business form common in Europe and Canada, a limited company is a business entity wherein an investor's obligations for the debt of the company is limited to the amount he invested in it. Financial ratios are figures derived from the computations from the information given in a company's financial statements that can show the →

The good person of szechwan argumentative essay

The main obvious example of this in the play is the example of Shen Teh. Another very important point in this play that Brecht is trying to get across to the audience is that you cant get a good person in a bad world.

Compare and contrast on high school and college essay

The work load is merely the first of many differences between being a senior in high school and a fresher in college. In amount.the passage from high school to college is a disputing one.

The vacuum cleaner essay

The first vacuity cleaners had to be operated manually, with the American Daniel Hess being the first one to contrive and patent a vacuity cleansing agent. The following technological spring was besides the turning point in the history of the invention of the vacuity cleansing agent.

Informative essay on compromise of 1850

By the 1850's the Constitution had become a source of sectional discord and tension due to the different interpretations taken by the North and South. In addition, the acquisition of new land brought into question the expansion of slavery and the balance of power between the free states and slave states.

Analyze the the war of the roses essay

The War of the Roses was a series of dynastic civil wars fought between the House of Lancaster and the House of York. The fact that all these men were fghting over the throne does suggest that there were some deaths, but I do not believe that it was the cause of the removal of →

Pearl harborassignment assignment

How has the results of the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombing affect the lives of the survivors? The retaliation of the Japanese had the world concerned by the oppression of military actions and to reveal power during the modern era.

Holistic marketing approach assignment

Holistic Marketing approach: According to Philip kettle, " Holistic marketing Is the concept based on the development, design and Implementation of marketing programs, processes, and activities that recognizes their breadth and Interdependencies." Four components of holistic marketing are relationship marketing, Internal marketing, Integrated marketing and socially responsible marketing.* Internal marketing- This is where the company →

Statement of proposal the problem statement engineering essay

The objective of the research study can be stated as follows: To study the Global Industrial Gas market scenarioTo analyze the pricing, demand and supply patterns of industrial gasesTo understand the uses of Industrial gases and the industries or areas it is used in. To study the value chain of industrial gases involving production, transportation →

Suicide among mizo youths with special sociology essay

Grollman also opines that every individual has a tendency to self-murder, which varies in degree of intensity from person to person and from one society to another.[5]However, a sound, healthy and well integrated personality terminate such kind of thought and it does not stay with them for long.[6]With regards to an instinct of self-destruction, Sigmund →

Effective communication in retail business

These individual workers in the managerial roles must know the ins and outs of the retail industry whilst employing effective communication strategies such as listening and presenting just to name a few to make the retail store a success. In order to know the ins and outs of the retail industry, you must firstly know →

Cognative behavioral therapy and two schools of psychology

A base from which to help patients: therapeutic relationship and collaboration The efficacy of cognitive and behavioral techniques is dependent, to a large degree, on the relationship between the therapist and patient. The sequence of these spheres is important, as it helps the patient and therapist to devise and alter experiments and plans that the →

The eight stages of development

The aim of the present research was to investigate different styles of identity and intimacy development through examination of whether the sexes differed in their relative proportions across these different styles, and whether specific friendship beliefs and characteristics were associated with the different styles. A third contribution of Erikson's theory is that of the identity →

Cathartic effects of aggression: theories

This is supported by Bohart's study which found that after recalling about a recent incident that angered them, participants in the discharge group showed more anger and hostile attitudes compared to intellectual analysis, role play, and control groups, based on the level of aversive noise each participant gave as punishment to a subject whenever a →

What is empirical knowledge philosophy essay

Posteriori knowledge is a contrast to priori knowledge, which is knowledge that is gained through the apprehension of innate ideas, intuition or pure reason. Intuitive knowledge, " black is not white" is the most certain form of knowledge because it is the most difficult to doubt, and Locke argues that they are so obvious that →

Explicit sexualization of both men and women media essay

The female in the picture is source of attraction to the consumer to buy this product. Slide 3 Figures 1 and 2 use the same approach of photographic imagery of the sea and shore, the colours blue and white associate with water hence the fragrance name ' Cool Water' and the text for the advert.

Introduction of new adidas sport shoes marketing essay

The successful introduction of the new sport shoes by Adidas needs the elaboration of the marketing plan, which sets goals, methods, strategies and describes all steps the company has to undertake to introduce the new product. The marketing should include key steps from the introduction of the new product to its successful implementation and analysis →

Banning the hijab during the 1930s history essay

To what extent did the banning of the hijab during the 1930s in Iran negatively affect the social perceptions of women in Iranian society? Iran is bordered by Turkmenistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Russia to the north, by Afghanistan and Pakistan on the east, the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Oman on the south, →

Developments of crime and law

With that being said, we will be analyzing the evolution of society's views on crime and punishment, the need for crime and punishment, the shift in sentencing laws and impact, punishment or rehabilitation in the present, and how one's thoughts about multiculturalism and diversity impact their response to crime. Even then, one's views can affect →

Comparing accelerated depreciation and straight line method accounting essay

It is the simplest and the most-often-used technique, in which the company estimates the salvage value of the asset at the end of the period during which it will be used to generate revenues and will expense a portion of original cost in equal increments over that period. This is a method recognizing higher amounts →

In focus: cancun

The miles and miles of warm white sand in this lowland peninsula has also enough space reserved for liberal nudists who are comfortable in exploring the island in their own skin. There are many night clubs, disco houses, and pubs in different locations of the island.

Phar lap: heart of a nation and secretariat

He's going to be a champion! " Just like Phar Lap the movie Secretariat that is based on the book written by journalists William Nack and movie script written by Mike Rich is also about believing, it is based on the true story of a house wife Penny Chenery and a horse who overcomes incredible →

Disaster recovery

The chief information officer is the executive who manages the IT department and leads the organization in their efforts to develop and advance IT strategies. When it comes to the disaster recovery case study, three steps the CIO could have taken to reduce the likelihood of the system failure are; risk analysis, risk management lead →

Relations between god and man

He walked among them as stated in Genesis 3, 8Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden. God gives them a simple command to →

Simple solutions to global warming assignment

Last to be discussed is the use of transportation and how using it wisely can be a major benefactor when it comes to halting the effects of global warming. The way electricity is used in homes, the production of waste, and the choice of transportation are just a few ways the human race can contribute →

Global warming assignment

I agree that humans are the main cause of global warming and it is up to us to reduce our ecological footprint. But the question is how to take a solution global?

Television violence has negative effects on children’s behavior assignment

Major Writing Assignment: Pro/Cons Television Violence Has Negative Effects on Children's Behavior The conducting of studies during the past years have revealed that television violence has increased and that there has been strong evidence which suggest that television violence does play a major contributing factor in the learning of aggressive behavior in children who frequently →

Global affinity chromatography reagents market assignment

Key Questions Answered in this Report What will the market size be in 2018 and what will the growth rate be? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?

William blake’s chimney sweeper poems analysis essay sample

Whereas in the first poem, Blake uses an innocent and undeserving young boy as the speaker to project a tone of naivete while in the second poem he creates a speaker that is an all knowing adult and reveals the hypocrisy in the way society, the church in particular, allows these boys to live, producing →

To what extent is truth different in mathematics, the arts and ethics? essay sample

We have no reason to not to believe them, because they determine that system which we wanted to create and it satisfies not only current situation, but also the long period of time before. But photo seems to provide us absolute truth and it is part of an arts, too.

Energy supplements essay sample

Energy supplements must be banned in all fifty states until the age of eighteen. Energy supplements must be banned in all fifty states until the age of eighteen.

Don’t think be an international is eassy

I appeared for the visa interview and in a month, my bags were packed and I was ready to leave. The next day was slightly better and I managed to speak to a few expats from my country.

On the slum by alusio azevedo b)trace the development of the slum from a neighborhood to a place that is not desirable to live in. what are the indicators that the slum is changing and what are the factors influencing that change

The Beginning and Development of a Slum The increasing demand for housing among immigrants has impelled Joao Romao to build a bustling and huge slum. Azevedo depicted slum as a collective entity that is swarmed with life and the constant threat of death.

The tragedy of hamlet, prince of denmark

Since hamlet is contemplative and thoughtful by nature, he doubts that the ghost he had spoken with is really his father or he even doubts that the ghost is real. What will happen to him in the afterlife Hamlet decides that the afterlife is uncertain, that is why, people doubts of committing suicide.

Health literacy

Evaluating Websites on Medicine and Health Sciences Affiliation: Evaluating Websites on Medicine and Health Sciences The websites that address health information include, and The websites have authority because they include the people responsible for their content such as verifying the legitimacy of the website and authors' qualification for writing health journals and →


Project on Health Sciences and Medicine Effect of Drinking from Bottled Water For the survival of human being, water is the most essential resource. In case of tap water most of the time water lines are affected due to contamination which can be avoided by using bottled water.

The ongoing transformation of thailand the last 100 years

In the years after the Second World War Danny Unger, quoting a World Bank source has this to say about the economic state of Thailand: In a report on Thai public sector developmental roles, the World Bank argued in the late 1950's that Thai government agencies worked without a guiding vision, and that as a →

Gender in magazine discourse

Gender in magazine dis Gender dis in magazines has evolved from social changes in different perspectives such as sociology, literature, psychology and other aspects. In contrast, a female magazine would also feature a woman, and thus personify her as a social pillar or role model in a particular discipline for purposes of gender empowerment to →

Red bull segmentation targeting positioning essay

We would like to produce two new products which are drink of the night and healthy bull. First of all, we should make customer aware of the new products that red bull is superior to other competitors.

Examining american prisoners and their health essay

Bing in prison is a wellness jeopardy: the wellness position of captives is by and large lower than the remainder of the population. The solutions to these jobs of wellness and human rights are needed.

Heat and enthalpy change of neutralization of naoh and hcl essay

I also predict the reaction between the chemicals is exothermic because the energy content of the products is less than that of the reactants, resulting to heat being given out from the system. In neutralization, we assume that the density of the acid/alkali is the same as that of water, so volume of acid = →

Historical development of the early chi essay

During the latter part of the Twentieth century, during the times of the Celtic Tiger, the number of job opportunities for women in the workforce escalated. The National strategy recognized and notation the following principles: The Needs and the rights of the child, Equality of access and participation, Diversity, Partnership and Quality It also contained →