Genuine Essay Examples

The toothbrush and toothpaste essay sample

The first record of the toothbrush was back in 3000 B.C. The concept of the bristle toothbrush came later on in the 5th century in 1498.

Brideshead revisited essay sample

In Brideshead Revisited Waugh uses the character of Charles Ryder to present the countryside as a useful means of escape, as Charles is ' suspended' above his mundane life and liberated in the beauty of the country ' under a clump of elms'. The attachment to the contentment found in the countryside through the burial →

The past, present and future of standards in software engineering

The Evolution of Standards in Software Engineering The Evolution of Standards in Software Engineering Software engineering is relatively the basic element of developing software programs. In conclusion, to best understand what standards in software engineering are achieving, it is crucial to take a look at the modern world.

Case of anna o

In the case of Anna, both Freud and Jung would agree that the patient suffered from unconscious processes, due to the stress she might have undergone while taking care of her father. 28 Nov.2012.


The partnership is beneficial for Recycline in two basic ways; it gets easy access to raw material and a brand assistance to enter new markets.2. As the company grows Hudson should heed more attention to marketing strategies.

Integral and spiral dynamics theory and its applicability in capsim business simulation

Integral and Spiral dynamics theory and its applicability in Capsim Business Simulation The Capsim business simulation emphasizes on the need to learn by doing. The above approach at Capsim can be adopted in a more effective way by developing systems and approaches to learning based on the concepts of Integral Theory and Spiral dynamics.

Why i want to become a math teacher

It is a subject that has universal application and it is connected to most of the subjects. My natural choice is for the job of a teacher and among the subjects, mathematics is dear to my heart and I am quite passionate about teaching it.

Teaching in multilingual classrooms

The school also provided similar conditions for me to work with more proficient peers in the classroom and I know that this interaction helped me in first learning and then acquiring my second language. I also did not know that my knowledge of and ability in my first language helped me to work and think →

Goal succession and displacement essay

This kind of situation is a vivid example of Goal Displacement in an organization, where, in this case, the ship and its crew and captain and the organization itself. Significance of the Study This study focuses on goal succession and displacement.

Density and right hand corner essay

The picture shows how the keg and keg blocks float and sink in water. On the picture, draw what you think would happen if you put the smaller block into the water.

Noughts&crosses essay

In the midst of this are Callum and Sephy who, as best friends, their relationship is frowned upon by society, a secret from Sephy's mother, and not approved by Callum's family. This is asinine as the noughts are the same as them in all ways except the colour of their skin, but they are treated →

Tora, tora, tora vs. pearl harbor assignment

Tort! Tort, the movie was mostly based on the Japanese in planning for their attack in the pacific. But the main focal point in the movie was the Japanese and what they were going to do and plan the attack.

The origin of wednesbury unreasonableness law constitutional administrative essay

It was outside the four corners of the power that parliament had given to the decision maker and it was therefore right and proper for the courts to step in. In the build up to the incorporation of the European Convention of Human rights, the domestic courts began to develop a more rigorous application of →

Culturalist views of john updike in his writings

This is most notable in his book called The Centaur; his recollection of his childhood as he viewed his father. He outlines this the same way it used to happen for him in middle class of 60s and 70s.

Sport analytic regression and the nfl

Introduction The purpose of this research paper was to study the benefits of incorporating data analytics, logistical regression analysis using open source data for play selections of two NFL teams, the Cleveland Browns and the Pittsburgh Steelers between the 2000 and the 2012 seasons. In fact, the authors note that given the importance of data →

Developmental challenges facing west african regions

Over the years, West Africa has experienced several armed conflicts resulting in " sustainable" political instability, and I have no doubt that this is one of the reasons why, in January 2002, the United Nations set up its Office for West Africa with the overall mandate of enhancing the contributions of the UN towards the →

An interdepartmental work process in a hospital nursing essay

In case the patient has been ordered a transfer from the ICU to Wards the anxiety of the attendant and patient increases as the family members and relatives of the patient are curious to know the state of the patient. This results in a better acceptance of the accountabilities and contributions of each staff to →

Analyses of toyota motors internal and external environment marketing essay

The internal environment of the organisation is the basic element of the company. The Porter's five forces are planned to examine and appraise the force of company in the operating industry.

Variable compression ratio

Variable Compression Ratio is a system which is used to adjust the compression ratios of the internal combustion engine. The concept of the VCR is that it continuously operates at different compression ratio as per the need of the performance.

Designing an incentive system

The higher the subjectivity in the performance measure, the harder it is to assure managers' performance accurately. Credibility with the managers is more critical than the design features of the compensation plan and managers' involvement recognizes the inextricable link between the managers and the company.

Super tuesday response

On this major day of the primary season, the running candidates can win more delegates than on any other single day of the primary calendar, making it an essential day for the party leaders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The delegates awarded on Super Tuesday represent nearly a quarter of the total Democratic delegates and →

Author study of edwin arlington robinson

Two of Robinson's poems that convey the experiences of his life most clearly are his poems ' Miniver Cheevy'; which was said to be written about Robinson himself, and ' Richard Cory'; which was based off the death of his brother Herman. His technique of symbolism, characterization, and using life experiences as a basis for →

The significance of the vietnam war to new zealanders assignment

As the majority of New Slanderer disagreed with our participation in the war, it meant that labor became more popular as it did not support the war and wanted to remove our troops from Vietnam. Secondly, the Vietnam War was significant to New Zealand as it had long and short term social consequences.

Importance of generally accepted auditing standards (gaas) assignment

Thus, business entities have to accurately report its economic standing and it is the role of the auditors to render an audit that will accurately show the financial standing of the company with the aid of Generally Accepted Auditing Standards. The said standards are developed into three categories such as the general standards which apply →

Toni morrison: beloved essay

She was the first and the foremost black female to succeed in getting the Nobel Prize in literature; and the overall the eighth female to do so in the year 1993. Every division commences with proclamations as to specify the development of the haunting starting from the mischievous spirit to the visible spirit to the →

The anatomy of the female reproductive system essay

Antidiuretic endocrine stops the loss of H2O from the organic structure when it increases the resorption of H2O in the kidneys and decreases the flow of blood to the perspiration secretory organs. It is found in the pelvic organic structure pit to the dorsum or the urinary vesica and to the forepart of the rectum.

Business ethics and values essay sample

She is currently faced with the decision whether or not to spend money on new technology that will reduce the level of a particular toxin in the wastewater that flows out the back of the factory and into a lake. In fact, a scientist from the university had been quoted in the newspaper recently, saying →

Simplicity “where i lived and what i lived for” essay sample

He wants to live deliberately and to simplify his life." Why should we live with such hurry and waste of life? While we think, today, that someone with a lot of money and possessions is rich, Thoreau claims that " A man is rich in proportion to the number of things that he can afford →

Part of the marketing plan (marketing objectives & issues)

Opportunities: Mobil Gym has the opportunity to tap into a latent market segment of individuals who have the desire to join a gym but lack the time and motivation to travel out to one. It has a unique concept and the opportunity to tap into market segments not yet accessed, and it needs to be →

Opportunity cost

Scarcity is the tendency of the goods and services to be limited in supply necessitating choice of one of the very many options available and this leads to the opportunity cost. The concept of the opportunity cost is a culmination of the major economic problem which involves the ever limited resources in the society and →

Literature. a mexican american girl

In what tone and style would your character create his or her ad, and why Her tone and style would be serious yet hopeful, and matter of fact, but with a touch of humor. He would aim for a false impression of how much the loss meant to him, a bit mad and ostentatious.

Scholarship statement – rail club

That encounter caused a 180 degree turn in my academic orientation, resulting in a change of my major to operations management and finance. Living in Southern California has opened my eyes to the endless opportunities in the industry, and I want to be able to work for a company for at least 6 years before →

Coxsackie-athens high school valedictory speech

My own view is that the potential to learn and the probe cannot be suppressed if we do not allow it. It is about time that people begin to see that grades do not make the person.

Investment in nike

The Discounted Cash Flow Analysis in Exhibit 2 demonstrated that, at a discount rate of 12 percent, Nike's current share price was overvalued at $42.09. All of this points to the fact that Nike is a good investment because it is undervalued at the discount rate in terms of WACC.

Compare and contrast essay on teenagers essay

Compare and contrast essay Introduction There are a batch of disparities between the every twenty-four hours lives of modern adolescents and those of a century ago. In decision.there are a batch of differences between modern adolescents and century ago adolescents.

Tradable permits essay

An example of the attempted preservation of the environment may be, that an industry may only emit a tone of sulfur dioxide over a year but, next year the permit will lower the amount of sulfur that is allowed to be produced. In other words, the government is trying to shift the marginal private cost →

Mid-nineteenth century liberalism critical essay

In the early 19th century, societies of the world struggled to establish equity of rights for both the proletariats and the bourgeoisie. The articles are " The Exhibition The Crystal Palace" and " The First Half of the Nineteenth Century: Progress of The Nation and Race".

Free essay about political ideologies: a personal account

Also a person must be given the full opportunity to exhibit their selves to the world in the most free and fair way. However, living in a country of diversity, many people with their different thoughts and perspectives played a role in forming these political ideologies.

Brand equity in luxury hotels | research proposal

Therefore, the study is carried out to better understand the brand equity of high end luxury hotels in India and the link between brand equity and the post purchase evaluation by the customers. The main motive of this study is to understand brand equity and elements in terms of the hospitality industry in India considering →

Definitions of emotional labour

A very common example of emotional labour given by Hochschild, is of the flight attendants who are required to display appropriate emotions, organization's policy, for example smiling or a laughing and to maintain a happy appearance for the crew to maintain comfortable and enjoy the flight at the best. In other words, the interaction with →

Studies on gender schemas and subcultures

The thematic elements of the story progressively began to change, as the general theme of the story that was being recalled by boys began to intensify in its violence and conflict. The implications of the results of this study is that because the women in this experiment are occupying a position that is deemed to →

Thailand monarchy and government overview

As ceremonial head of state, however, the king still retains power in being the head of the Royal Thai Armed forces, the prerogative of royal assent and also in having the power of pardon. This early kingship showed signs of the religious influence that is still present in today's monarchy and was said to be →

Role of ministers in the uk political system

This case study report will be looking at the role UK ministers play within in theUK political system, background of the role of government ministers, and the problem of ministerial overload associated with government ministers, while also discussing potential solutions Government ministers within the UK political system can be split into two categories, cabinet ministers →

Application of erikson’s psychosocial development theory in patient care plan

In clinical we use Erik Erikson's theory of psychosocial development to assist in developing a comprehensive and holistic plan of care for the patients we see. For instance, a study by Raygan, Ostadmohammadi, and Asemi demonstrated that the addition of probiotics and selenium to the diets of subjects with diabetes and coronary heart disease improved →

Leadership and management in public relations management essay

Moreover, with the present climate of global extensions that majority of the modern day businesses practice, it is essential that the organization keeps touch with what it wants to portray to the consumers so that expectations from the organization is likewise. The only objective of such practices is to strategically disturb the channels and messages →

Strategic importance of the indian ocean region

The Malacca Strait is a critical choke point through which the oil bound for the West coast of USA, China, Japan, Australia and other countries of South-East Asia must pass Oil being of vital interest to most nations, major powers, especially the USA, maintain a visible and credible presence in the region. The end of →

Marks and spencer performance management

Now performance management is a process of directing and supporting employees to work as effectively and efficiently as possible in the line with needs of organization. For organisation to achieve strategic success, the performance of all strategic business units, departments, teams and individuals need to be aligned to support strategic aims and goal Engaging people →

Advantages of standard costing accounting essay

Though most companies do not use standard costing in its original application of calculating the cost of ending inventory, it is still useful for a number of other applications. A budget is always composed of standard costs, since it would be impossible to include in it the exact actual cost of an item on the →

Barangay problems essay

Problem No. Conclusion: With the survey have been conducted by our Group, we Conclude that not only about the Population Problem Increase is the common problem they encountered but also about the Community needs on a Particular Barangay.

Life and works of rizal

This is the primary premise of Constantino to the logic that Rizal should not be hailed as a principal hero: The primary criterion for a principal hero is his or her involvement in a significant national revolution. I concede to the fact that a national revolution is really a big thing or even the only →

Waterford technologies press release

Mayo County Council installed Waterford Technologies' Mailmeter Archive this year and the ability to determine whether an email had been sent or not was responsible for the swift resolution of the conflict. We guarantee MailMeter Archive will provide you with the comfort of knowing all of your email data is stored securely and available for →

Saving alex

Ever since he was little the sound of thunder petrified him.sending a bolt of electricity down his body, making it unable to move.he would cover his ears to try and mute the sound, but everytime the thunder would over power was the battle he couldnt win.he recently developed an even greater fear than that →

Technology, the root of depression and loneliness?

Some people manifest that technology has damaged social skills, it has shut some off the world and life, and that it ruins their relationships and are no longer able to focus on what matters in their life. Some people might be t shy to open themselves up in the world but when they get on →

A phone is not a weapon, it’s a friend

Sure I see how having a cell or an iPod out during a lecture or exam could prevent a student from learning but what about when they are NOT in class? Should not a student have the right to text a friend to see where they are at or call a parent to see whether →

The high school animal kingdom free essay

These animals do not spend any of their time consuming illegal substances and are often found in the immediate area of the jockus and meangirlus although many of them do not share the same territorial and aggressive traits as those of the other species. The Nerdus are very solitary animals located at the bottom of →

Social organization of health care assignment

For this assignment, you will write a literature review on a problem affecting health or health care, using the tools, theories, and methods of the sociology of health and health, and also to give you an opportunity to develop a solution to this problem, using the same tools. The paper is based on, and starts →

Plato’s view of justice in the republic assignment

Cephalic puts forward the view that as people grow older they become more aware of religious teachings regarding retribution in the afterlife or living an unjust life and therefore monitor they are own behavior, in the past and present: ' And when he finds that the sum of his transgressions is great he will many →

Person and people assignment

In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

The swimming pool essay sample

In the middle of summer the heat was so miserable that our family had decided to go and cool off at the local swimming pool. At the middle of the pool on the right side there was a short bluish green slide for the shallow end of the pool and another bigger gray slide with →

The development of the international economy in the period 1945-2000 essay sample

This essay seeks to evaluate the extent of the policy changes and other events which disfavoured the economies of the LDCs or only benefited the DCs, as compared to those aiming to eliminate preferential treatment or discrimination. 20 years of GATT indifference to special problems of the LDCs can be represented by the results of →

Edit the google part and make the conclusion more longer

This strategy is the main reason Apple is one of the most dominant and successful start-up companies in the market. The reason for this is because this is a technology company; therefore, it is vitally necessary that the team workers can relate to each other and understand the technology.

From the realm of junk science

The concept of junk science in wellness is that it is the purposeful incorporation of biases in the research related to wellness like for instance, the nutritional value of different kinds of diets, so that only the results that are wanted by the researchers are obtained and it thus becomes a way for the researchers →

Methodologies used for determining the sustainability of residential and commericial properties

SUSTAINABILITY IN CIVIL DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION Submitted by: Submitted For the Sustainability in the Residential and Commercial Development In the United Kingdom, sustainability in residential and commercial development is governed by the Building Research Establishment Assessment Method and the Code for Sustainable Homes by the Department for Communities and Local Government. For example, the criterion →

Best day of my life essay

The best day of my life was when I found out that I was not god. In a way, I was the god of my life and I ran it the way I wanted.

What makes a good psychology essay?

A psychological essay involves specialist vocabulary, the content of the essay is written using psychological terminology in a clear and concise manner. The point of a psychological essay is to convey relevant information in anacademicmanner.

Autism awareness

There are many common characteristics that children with autism exhibit; educators must be aware of these traits and understand the best way to deal with them and other needs required by the students due to this disability. It is vital to be knowledgeable in the best teaching strategies and have access to support services and →

Eyeskube write up assignment

I was in drive- hour most of the day so my main source of ice was from a really close ice chest next to the drive-thru window. I also TLD like the string around my wrist because It was annoying after It got wet because It did not dry quickly kind of distracting me at →

Individual assignment

Go to the BIFF Model site, under ' Additional Resources' Section, click on the Derivative software and download the file ' Derivative.Zip'. Drill down through the Derivative folder until you come to the list of files; The only file you need to be concerned with for the Assignment is ' EDGES.XSL'.

What is my desirer state education essay

I will not afraid to lead and I will not worry about failure because I believe in my abilities and I will start it again and again if I fail. I will be more self-confident, positive and cooperative in my approach to others.

The average crestal bone loss health and social care essay

Conclusions: The results of the study showed that the RVG and CBCT had a significant agreement between measurements of crestal bone loss made using the two imaging modalities and 40% of ADIN-SWELL two-piece, root form, threaded collar, endosseous implants showed an increase in crestal bone levels 5 months post loading of the implants. A bone →

Factors effecting on gdp intoduction economics essay

The economy of Pakistan is 47th largest in the world in nominal term and 27th largest in the world in term of purchasing power. This study infrastructure, balance of payment and infrastructure are the variables which affect the GDP greater than other factors.

The textile industry arvind mills bombay dyeing marketing essay

The Textile industry contributes around 14% to India's Industrial Production, 4% to the GDP and 17% to the country's export earnings. 2007 Arvind expands its presence in the brands and retail segment by establishing MegaMart One of India's largest value retail chains.

Hipaa security compliance

The privacy rules of HIPAA cover the methods which a health practitioner can use to disclose the information of a patient. The security rules of HIPAA provide the standards to use in safeguarding and protecting information of a patient.

The lynmouth floods

The village is on the converging point of the West Lyn and East Lyn rivers, in a gorge 700 feet below Lynton, to which it is connected by the Lynton and Lynmouth Cliff Railway. This heavy rain combined with the saturated ground and rapid surface runoff resulted in a huge volume of water flowing down →

Hrm at harley davidson motorcycle company commerce essay

Harley regards its employees as part of the company and not just the cogs that make it work so they are regarded as such with Harley providing profit-sharing programmes and incentives for higher quality output from each employee to produce more quality. Harley adapt an EI programme as they feel the involvement of management and →

Environmental causes of cancer

Cancer is the second most common cause of death in the United States. Most forms of cancer are caused by either the failure of tumor suppressor genes or the development of oncogenes.

How does the body maintain acid-base balance?

In the lungs, the reaction is reversed: CO2 diffuses from the blood flowing through the pulmonary capillaries into the alveoli from which it is expired to the atmosphere. When the rate of CO2 removal by the lungs does not match the rate of CO2 production at the tissue level, the resultant accumulation of CO2 in →


Once the informational needs and flow of the system have been finalized, a database is designed keeping in mind the needs of the system and the way it will support the system at the back end. In order to design the data model, the following steps have to be followed, taken from the Information Technology →

Where is waldo, really

A lot of the time, Waldo is hiding behind someone, like he does not want to be found. Does your Waldo stand out or hide in the shadows?

Increased motivation is to reward employees

For illustration, a pupil may dislike the assignment but the possibility of a good class will be plenty to maintain the pupil motivated in order for him or her to set forth the attempt to make good on undertaking. It is a belief in many administrations that employee wages schemes consequence in good degree of →

How do you explain the relatively low number of women in parliamentswhat measures might be taken to improve the level women’s presence in legislatures?

The first of the Russian political figures, who intuitively began to introduce women's equality, to involve women in social life was Peter I, who told women to leave the towers and come to the court actions. That is why the promotion of women in power is now being considered as a tool for sustainable, humane →

Business studies case study extended response

Examples of businesses that demonstrate an understanding of these influences and are able to use this understanding to contribute to business success include Santa, Nikkei, McDonald's and Jack Daniels. It is evident that an understanding of the influences on operations can contribute to business success whether that be maximizing profits, Increasing market share or attaining →

The media of intercultural communication and the perception assignment

For example, we have the telephone that enables us to make and receive calls and send messages back and forth via text messaging and we have the Internet that allows us to access social networking sites to communicate with friends, family, and people all over the world. This is because it helps to reduce the →

Andrew jackson–tyrant assignment

Jackson vetoed the re-charter bill that Congress tried to pass, and the charter for the Second Bank of the IIS expired in 1836. Jackson explained to Congress that the Second Bank of the US was unconstitutional because it only supported the wealthy Northerners and the bank hurt the rest of society.

Objectives: microscope essay sample

After performing this activity, you should be able to: 1.handle the microscope properly; 2.identify the parts of the microscope; 3.describe what parts of the microscope can do; 4.prepare materials for microscope study; 5.focus the microscope properly; the image of the object seen by the unaided eye and under the microscope; 7.compute for the magnification →

The success and failures of reconstruction essay sample

The reconstruction was successful in abolishing slavery and giving them the rights to protect them for instance the right to vote, speak, own property, make contracts, and have access to courts as parties and witnesses. Also there was the corruption, government stealing a percentage of the taxes and pocketing it which was not limited to →

Do infants dream? essay sample

This paper will focus on answering these three questions as posed by the article in popular media source Parenting Magazine and will attempt to prove that infants do, in fact, dream, however, although there are speculations, it is still unknown what the subject matter of the dreams are and how often they occur. The fact →

The graveyard essay sample

He stops and looks at the sign to the entrance to the cemetery. He hears the crickets chirping in the nearby grass and the squawks of the birds in the sky.

Check and balance

The world knows him as the CEO of Apple Inc, as the holder of more than 230 patents worldwide, as the largest individual shareholder at Walt Disney, and as the person who turned around Apple to make it what it is today. This paper is an attempt to look at the personality of Apple's CEO, →

Radiation crisis/chemical crisis

Part B In nursing leadership, there is a need therefore to review the different models of care, especially in the management of crisis and the use of health technologies. In radiation crisis, new nurses have to learn these new technologies and to apply these in the clinical setting.

Violence in the ancient world

This is especially true of the area in the story where the Cyclops drinks of wine, and therefore the opportunity presents itself to Odysseus to be able to stab out one of the monsters eyes in order to gain the upper hand of control. The example this research will use to prove the often times, →

Response to progress report

Due to the importance of the impending event, there are some instructions, which I want you to follow. In addition, I would like to get some recommendations from you, suggesting how to solve the problem of decline in charitable donations.

Americas choice: environmental myopia or long-term thinking

In her article " Do not Mess with Mother" Anna Quindlen analyzes some of the causes and effects of the recent catastrophes and emphasizes: " It's about changing the way we all live now". She means that we should rethink and change the way the natural resources are consumed in order to maintain the environmental →

Discussion 4

The article starts by pointing out the increased public health community interest in quality and performance improvement in recent years. It is important that the author has mentioned about the move in the hospital and industry sectors of embracing diverse set of terms having the same principles, which have revolved over years.

Nutritional screening for malnourished patients

The earlier the screening is done to a patient, the better since in case nutritional support is required, the sooner the patient is introduced to the Program. Since the rest of the team requires drawing reference to the information, the form is placed on the patient's medical record.

Buddhist scriptures

Buddhism is a religion of love and compassion on the basis of the level of spiritual progression of a particular individual. That is the state of bliss and in terms of Buddhism it is called Buddha nature.