800 Words Essay Samples

Internal & external lives of characters in the great gatsby vs the valley of ashes & east egg

From the instance of the enigmatic relationship of the Buchanan's, to Gatsby's antagonizing conflict with his past and Nick Carraway's judgements, the internal and external concepts these characters carry can be compared to something as significant as the deteriorating climate of the Valley of Ashes versus the opulent lifestyle of the East Egg. When reviewing β†’

Edgar allan poe: the master of horror writing

The scandal he would be involved in would definitely he drug related due to his wife dying at a young age of tuberculosis, and him struggling economically this is a recipe is disaster he would definitely try to find an escape from problems. William Shakespeare would be one of the people would that he would β†’

Male dominance in marriage

The main female characters in Kate Chopin's The Story of an Hour and Charlotte Perkins Gilman's The Yellow Wallpaper similarly provide the concept of male dominance in a traditional marriage. Albeit not directly stated in any of the two stories, the very situations of the wives in the hands of their β†’

Twisted but innocent

The importance and impact of this quote can be seen through personal interpretation, revelation of Nick's dual-natured character in the novel, and validity of its message in today's society, through the baby boomer generation and increased dependency on technology. This quote discusses the extreme parallels of life. An over-abundance of both are present in the β†’

Through a lens, darkly: the use of eye imagery to illustrate the theme of an extinct god in the great gatsby

Scott Fitzgerald makes in his novel The Great Gatsby, when he uses an oculary motif to link to the idea of God, and, more specifically, to develop and explore the theme of God's death in the materialistic and careless world of The Great Gatsby. Nowhere in the novel is there a clearer example of the β†’

Example of criminal law – forcible rape essay

Even though this concept then seeks to propose that the stimulus to rape is mostly unlearned, the strategies and techniques that are used in committing the act of rape are learned, mostly as a result of operant conditioning and not through imitation through observance or attitudes. Notable, one will always wonder whether main issues in β†’

Chapter ii

Transistors mark the beginning of the " Second Generation" of computers in 1947. Microprocessors introduced the beginning of the " Fourth Generation" and a time where computers were in almost every house.The history of gadgets spans as far back as humanity itself - since hominids began creating tools to make their lives easier.

Children’s creative dance

Children's Creative Dance 12/5/12 Inviting Students to Learn Creative dance allows the student to explore the art of expression. Creative dance is a combination of the mastery of movement and the artistry of expression.

Literature review

Cox and Marshall carried out a review of ICT posing the question ' Effects of ICT; Do we know what we should know?' both authors of this paper have a prolific reputation in the area of ICT and education over the past decade and their paper addresses the importance of increasing β†’

Creative teaching

As part of the changes the role of schools and education will also be different both in the educational system and in the society. This in fact proves that creativity needs teacher's talents, preparation and teaching time classroom management and students s' acceptance of the methods being applied to teach them.

Nation’s culture and heritage influence on people’s leadership styles

Likewise a great leader would apply the same principle in the company as a head of the family, the head of the organization should provide motivation, appreciation and care for each workers. Human relationship and behaviors are really important in India and effective leadership is charismatic who attend the needs of employees like respect them, β†’

Business strategy for ender armor

The five competitive forces Include pressures stemming from buyer bargaining power, pressures coming from companies In other Industries to win buyers over to substitute products, pressures stemming from supplier bargaining power, pressures associated with the threat of ewe entrants into the market, and pressures associated with rivalry among competing sellers to attract β†’

Example of mother courage and her children essay

At the end of the play, Mother Courage is beggar and exhausted. In " Mother Courage and Her Children", the war has clear traits of unnatural order.

Free essay on the glass menagerie: understanding a life of reality and aspirations

Tom declares in the beginning of the play, " I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion".In the play, the audience first finds Tom having dinner with the other members of his family, Amanda and his sister Laura. She wishes to see her children fulfill the classic American Dream. Moreover, the societal view β†’

Children of heaven movie review examples

But nevertheless, almost penniless, the whole family stays friendly to each other, not forgetting their family responsibilities and cultural values. Physical setting between poor and rich neighborhoods Watching the movie, the difference between poor and rich neighborhoods can be seen only once, thus not being the main point of β†’

Example of are chinese mothers the superior essay

This paper focuses on the narrations of the authors of the articles to determine importance of parenting and educational achievements among the Chinese families. Most people often view children born in Chinese families with the stereotype that their academic upbringing is superior to the children born in other families. In β†’

Example of essay on do you think that these stories ultimately add up to a grim or positive perspective

Classic English literature The term positive perspective in the simplest and most basic sense refers to the aspect where a person in the society looks for the best of the circumstances and situation despite them happening contrary to their wishes. The plot and the sequence and flow of the story are thus a β†’

Example of women in beowulf compared to other heroic narratives essay

The women in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight and Beowulf were an exception and never acted in the way the society had restricted them. In addition, in Sir Gawain and the Green Knight, the men were chauvinist but they were outdone by women in order to get a position in a society with men's β†’

Free gay parents essay sample

The norm of nature is that a child is brought up by a father and a mother hence children raised by gay parents end up having an unnatural upbringing. Children raised by gay parents may also have a distorted view on minority sexuality. The children having gay parents may get exposed to prejudice and may β†’

Good argumentative essay on mandatory vaccinations

And lastly, the media has done a lackluster job in creating vaccination awareness and in addressing the fears of the society against vaccinations.. Impact of Vaccination Contrary to popular belief, scientists have established that there is no causal link between vaccinations and autism in children. In the same year, Washington and Texas witnessed a β†’

An importance of leadership in business

As a leader to a healthcare organization, competence in my field of expertise, personal traits, and availability of the required resources within the organization forms the basic part of my strengths (Center for Creative leadership, 2011, p.6). On the hand, poor communication, staffs' resistance to organizational change, incompetent subordinates, poor team-building skills, lack of emotional β†’

Economic perspective on compensation schemes for farmers who suffered from wildfires

Since human-wildlife conflict can be seen as the results from a critic that the public good is delivered at a private cost from an economic perspective, compensation to farmers for wildlife damage is commonly applied in mitigating human wildlife conflicts from the social dimension. Therefore, it aims to shift the economic responsibility to a border β†’

Partnerships & collaborations among ngos in south sudan

There is a more effective advocacy the more you are, the louder and important/ relevant your voice becomes. Drivers of partnerships & Collaborations among NGOs in South Sudan a) Reduction in Funding The funding for the humanitarian needs in South Sudan has decreased from a high of US$2. This reduction in funding has β†’

Enviromental pressure

Impact of the Pressures From Financial Perspective The organizational and the environmental pressures might impose tremendous impact upon the financial position of Department of Agriculture. Impact of the Organizational Pressures on the Employees Apart from the impact of organizational pressures from a financial perspective, these pressures had an adverse effect on the employees with regard β†’

Gender and the law in the workplace

Smith's fellow employees affirmed their perception of the increased manifestation of his feminity characteristics. Smith's employer resorted to a scheme that would propel him to resign, but instead after they suspended him on ' professional grounds, he sued. The Holding Smith's first case was dismissed as a feeble attempt to use stereotyping and sex β†’

Compensation and employee benefits (topic in instruction)

Compensation and Employee Benefits Question Gain-sharing incentive plan is an organizational program that helps to achieve effective standards of performance through the participation and involvement of employees of an organization. Organizations that practice gain-sharing policy, apply pre determined profit sharing percentage to share the net profit of the organization with the employees.

Employment research about marriot hotel

The stand grew into the Hot Shoppes eatery chain and developed into the present Marriott International hotel company (" Doha Prepares for the Opening of Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel," n.d).. 4529958 Doha Prepares for the Opening of Marriott Marquis City Center Doha Hotel...

Transactional organization as a human resource management component

The organization has occupied all available means that include organic growth, acquisitions, and partnerships to become leading computer services and consulting in Europe and the top five IT management and services management in the world. In a transactional organization, the critical role is the achievement of the balance between control need and coordination of international β†’

Movie theater general manager assessment

Essentially, the movie theatre general manager will be expected to ensure proper coordination of various departments. The movie theatre manager will be required to exhibit budgeting and financial skills. Customer relations and staffing will be important components required for the position. Job Assessment The position of a theatre manager is critical to the success β†’

Labor pool challenges

The depth and breadth of the labor pool have been expanded by the huge increases in the number of people with a college education. With few people having the required skills and education, there is insufficient supply of skilled in the labor pool for the automobile sector.

Good essay on are you afraid of death

Though I do not tend to be especially brave in situations that call for it, I am not overwhelmed with the idea that my death is about to happen at any second. They know me best and I trust that they would carry out any wishes I had in the event that I was unable β†’

Back real and still occurring. it’s important that

The author takes real, plausible issues that can happen to anyone and makes her characters go through that as a way of allowing people who face the same thing relate to how the characters feel and act. Many of these issues are problems regular people cannot bring up as they would not be heard, so β†’

Fire prevention essay example

It is with no doubt that, in case of a fire break, the damage caused by fire in these vessels can be severe taking in to consideration the fact that there is nowhere to move goods for safety or personnel on board. The vessels also have engines and oils which can support burning. Clifton Park, β†’

Homeless youth critical thinking examples

Using a critical evaluation of the video, this paper seeks to explore further on the plight of homelessness in the United States of America. How is it impacting students? Homelessness is affecting students' lives in the United States to a very great extent. This program has proved to be more successful in addressing the needs β†’

Aspen essay sample

Travelling in America, in particular, helps one to understand the history of the land and its people as well as understanding the geography of the country. A visit of the town exposes the visitors with its rich art that is enhanced by the Aspen Music Festival and School.

Essay on pharmacology

25; Hepatic Extraction Ratio , 0.25. Q: Total Systemic Clearance =? Formula: CLtotal = / AUC Where, F = fraction of dose absorbed , * AUC = area under the curve , * Cf D = β†’

Essay on a small college and a large university

In comparison, thousands of students in a large university make the environment very competitive and stressful, and students are usually like a small fish in a large pond. Since academics is the fundamental focus in a school, both small colleges and large universities offer a variety of majors and degree programs. In the same way, β†’

Approximately 357 participants would be required to obtain precision level, based essay example

Questions Answered Question 1 The number of times the observation is done, number of observers, and the time of the observation are the main choices to consider when using the observation method. Question 2 When constructing a survey, an evaluator should employ the language of the potential interviewee. The demerits include β†’

Free essay about two-child policy should not be enforced

Depending on their situation, many nations are considering implementing or are debating on why, when and how to implement the two child policy. This essay tries to examine both the views- favoring the implementation of the policy and not favoring the implementation, analyzes the pros and cons and tries to find the common ground linking β†’

Good personal statement on why i want to be a civil affairs specailist (army 38b)

Instead of simply being a tourist in the countries I visited, I made an active effort to understand the nuances of the peoples that I had the good fortune to come into contact with. The ability to recognize that nations are not homogenous units and that the needs and desires of different populations must be β†’

Population density research paper

According to the latest data from the world population clock, the current human population in the world is around 6. These limiting factors are the carrying capacity of the environment and thus reduced or increased carrying capacity would lead to an S-curve type of population growth. Current US and World Population Growth Rates. Currently, the β†’

Demographic transition

The demographic transition model seeks to explain the transformation of countries from having high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates. Factors driving this transition model in developing country are medical practice, technology, agricultural productivity and distribution, culture and nature of the economy Thomas Malthus theory was based on the assumption that β†’

Good example of essay on summarize and response

The second assumption about making the world greener is made complex by the fact that it is hard to believe that the technology could be employed to make the environment greener. Global economies need to identify the most appropriate policy that will take into consideration the development agendas of both the developed and underdeveloped economies.

Case study on international financial management

United States is the largest economy of the world which has a Gross Domestic Product of US$ of trillions of Dollars, while the GDP of China is in Billions of Dollars, associated with the long term productivity of the countries in total. Exchange rate could be extremely effective and important to analyze the β†’

Petroleum and investment grade rating

Conoco Inc.is a subsidiary of DuPont which operates worldwide and has investment grade rating Investing in Petrozuata is indirectly investing in DuPont If you invest in Petrozuata your real investment is also in Venezuela and DuPont Petrozuata project has a very good structure and business projections Same comparables with other oil companies operating in other β†’

“education having a retirement plan throughout employment is

A college education is valuable because it will provide economic benefits to a graduate's future. To begin with, a college education will almost guarantee a greater pay. According to the College Board, a person with a college degree will earn an average $22, 000 more per year than a high school graduate.

National association of school nurses essay examples

Finally, NASN offer a membership category for businesses who wish to support NASN but whose members are ineligible for Active or Associate memberships (" Membership Categories National Association of School Nurses"). Although the NASN is a national organization it has Affiliates in practically every State. Those include The Journal of School Nursing, published bi-monthly and β†’

Good example of research paper on economics

However, now the scenario is totally different with Entitlement Spending being three times to the investments Expenditure and economists expect this gap to increase with growing number of people retiring in coming years. In terms of measuring the sustainablity in spending arenas of the federal government, classification of their spending into Consumption and Investment Spending β†’

Foreign assignment essay sample

Sara Strong is protected by the United Nation's declarations for human rights. The Security Bank of the American Continent is in danger of being sued for engaging with the Mexican government in the violations of human rights. The Security Bank of the American Continent knew what the Mexican government and the Mexican culture β†’

The assessment process essay

The Assessment Process Assessment is an on-going procedure that happens within all client contracts to assist derive and understand the strengths and demands of the client and the whole household. When utilizing appraisal it is to garner the needed information that will fit the client with suited services. In the planning procedure.the strength-based attack is β†’

Theory of behavior dynamics

The theory argues that there is a direct connection between the challenge and complexity of tasks and the ability of people to perform." Goal-setting research has shown repeatedly that people who try to attain specific and challenging goalsperform better on tasks than people who try for specific but moderate or easy goals, vague goals β†’

Technology and healthcare/services

People have there own opinion what prison is in that may be the case but people need to no that prison would always be apart of the criminal justice system. This paper will explain the climate of our agency, focusing on the organizational behavior factors that have the most significant influence, such as Leardership in β†’

Good multi-disciplinary working is key to providing high quality patient care.

Introduction This work aims to establish a meaning of inter-professional, multi-disciplinary, multi-agency and collaborative working and evaluate its success orfailurein the provision of good quality patient care. This transition in service delivery requires health and social care agencies to work collaboratively, and in partnership with the patient/service user. Currently there are a plethora β†’

Example of essay on health care policies and operations leader

Owing to the different demands that have been posed by different generations, there has been a shift both in the mode of access to health care as well as in health care policies and programs initiated. The upshot of this health care delivery mechanism was an increase in health care β†’

Euthanasia, assisted suicide, and suicide – should it be allowed?

Active euthanasia is not an option due to obvious legal reasons, so the doctor would opt to withhold treatment so as to fasten the death of such a patient. None is superior over the other, as many are prone to believe. Doctors are faced with three options when it comes to the life of a β†’

Enzyme function lab essay sample

The reaction lasted about 10 minutes. 4.a) The hydrogen peroxide is used up and the manganese dioxide remains unchanged. Part two Title: Enzyme Function Purpose: To observe the role of enzymes in chemical reactions and to determine the kinds of cells that contain more of the enzyme catalase. β†’

Acid in soda

Next, the tip of the buret was placed over the top of the soda solution. Using the volume of NaOH and the molarity of NaOH, the number of moles was found.


Then zinc is used to remove the bromine atoms. Debromination Debromination is the opposite of the bromination because it involves the removal of the bromine atoms from the organic molecule. The Stereochemical Course of the Addition of Halogens to Cholesterol".

Speech racism essay sample

Racism is the discrimination of a person because of the race that they have inherited. Also I think racism occurs because people want to fit into a group, racist are often associated with a group, and to conform in the group they feel it's necessary to follow the group ideology to be wanted from the β†’

Discrimination everywhere!

And none of the questions I asked pertained to the location of the vanity mirror or cell phone connection. Laziness has caused the feelings of others to be hurt, and discrimination to continue.

Caryl phillips cambridge

The first section of the novel is in the form of a journal, narrated by Emily herself, and gives readers a sense of Emily's identity through her depictions of her surroundings. Phillips takes a gendered narrative approach to explore eurocentric influence in the depictions of black womanhood during the African Diaspora and how it has β†’

Example of action board essay

This picture is an old painting that shows the scene of the civil war. This picture is used by historians to show how war solved the social and political issues in the ancient societies.

Free how to be re-elected as an incumbent democratic senator in 1970s creative writing sample

The contestant may be questioned by the voters on the actions taken to address the various challenges in the community thus should have a planned strategy of being truthful to the voters and at the same time showing no negligence on the previous promises. Considering the impact of taxation issues β†’

Understanding race essay

Natasha Patterson Sociology 304-002 Understanding Race In the beginning of the documentary we were asked a couple of questions what is race and if race existed and before taking this class and watching the movie I would have said yes race does exist because growing up I believed race was what we were not β†’

Marriage is compromising

Without compromise, one spouse will generally feel subjugated and may grow increasingly bitter of his or her partner." Compromise from both spouses is extremely important for a marriage to work." The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin and " Like a Bad Dream" by Henrich Boll both deal with marriage and commitment. This story β†’

Schizophrenia essay

Minute stimuli, such as the grooves on a brick or the reflections of a voice, may distract attention from the whole scene or from the speaker's meaning. Worse, the person may perceive things that are not there. Group Therapy, the treatment of mental patients as a group, under the direction of a psychiatrist or clinical β†’

The main enablers of a successful synchromodal system

When the service demand is made, the supply of services can be composed and proposed based on these preferences and the attributes of the available modes of transport. A first shift in the mindset is related to the aspect of " mode-free booking", which means that shippers should not be concerned with the mode selection β†’

Biblical and secular perspectives on the causes of dysfunctional turnover

The other strategy is the provision of growth opportunities. This is because the more the employees feel that they have the ability to grow and even become more marketable then the more they are likely to stay. The other strategy is the motivation of the troops; this can be done through the β†’

Officer recruitment and selection

The next topic we are going to discuss is the major components of the training process and thecareerdevelopment programs for officers who work at the agency. The first topic were going to discuss is elements associated with the police recruitment and selection process at the agency.

How the gig economy is changing work for women

In fact, according to , in the last decade, the number of women in the gig economy has outgrown that of their male counterparts. Related: That's becausetechnologyand rise of the gig economy has offered new options for working women who crave more balance in their lives. There's , for women in tech and , a β†’

Comparison-contrast online vs. campus

One may choose to take online classes if he or she has young children at home; without children, it would be easier to take classes at a campus. With having examined the advantages and disadvantages of online classes, a student must also look at the advantages and disadvantages of campus classes before deciding which course β†’

Academic/personal history personal statement

I expect to experience several challenges as I undertake my degree and even as I start my own business. After the expiry of my contract with the US Army, I returned to Washington and joined the National Guard performing the same job. During my stint at the army, I was able to interact with many β†’

Critiquing internet sources literature review example

Finally, the post's presentation is rather satisfactory and there are no grammar or syntax errors; yet, the first line of the post is wrongly put, which downsizes the overall look of the site and gives a hint of its reliability, since a serious author would never leave such a mirror, yet, mistake, be. The second β†’

Example of demanding ethical and socially responsible behaviors research paper

The federal government on that note there does everything to ensure that the laws are implemented to the letter and ensure they are effective. The government intention in formulating anti-competition laws and implementing them to ensure that they are effective, is to ensure that free enterprise are well as competition β†’

Based on literary radicalism in india by p.gopal

This essay will attempt to justify the claim, through examples from three short stories published in Angarey, that this reconstruction in regards to " the woman question" was to be made through the unveiling of the domestic sphere and enabling the women to escape from it on their own terms, rather than through social reforms β†’

The development of messenger industry in india

The money related improvement in the country and the following trade advancement will be fundamental improvement driver for the dispatch business. The advancement in stream customer industry segments and adventure into new industry bits will be ask for drivers for the messenger business, likewise, augment in reach through augmentation of framework and new things like β†’

Green financing in the energy sector of bangladesh

Mainstreaming green finance in climate resilient and renewable energy projects is thus an important policy challenge for the country. The impressive economic growth of over 6% in the last decade accelerates the demand for electricity in the country. It is thus important to identify the policy barriers and find a solution towards green financing in β†’

What is nexa and its swot analisys

It offers an abnormal state of refinement and depends on the standards of eliteness, spoiling and tuning in to the buyer. Nexa was a mammoth errand for both the brand and Hakuhodo India group, the office endowed with the duty of making Nexa. On to the planning phase, the organization needed to return to the β†’

Positive impact of starting schools later

Schools should start later to benefit students behavior, tardiness, learning, and mental and physical development. Most schools in the United States start around 7 a.m.in the morning. Everyone seems to know this except school officials. As students begin to decrease in the amount of sleep they get per night, they start to sleep in and β†’

Back to school: overview

My Challenges The cliche that " patience is a virtue" is not yet rooted in my system. This is the greatest weakness that I need to strengthen so that I can get well adapted to college-level learning. I know I will be needing a lot of it now that I am in β†’

Factors influencing the motivation of individuals

The result was they were happy to come to work and they knew I had the upmost respect for them. When it was time to change out of Command it was a significant emotional event for me as well as my Soldiers. Mastery was the second prime and the easiest one of the three to β†’

Definition of luck and how to become lucky

But to get good luck you have to work through the times of bad. Some of the most important things with creating your own luck is that being open to new experiences and persevering.

Benefiting the lives of others

Since I am obviously unable to remember the day I was born, I rely on my family to tell me what happened. Before I came, my mom was already in the hospital due to contractions. That day, my father was participating in a parade for work and he told me, " When I got the β†’

Teenagers and technology are destroying our beautiful english language

It is part of our essential human nature and it is what make us what we are and who we are. However, due to the emergence of technology and the way how teenagers use language may affect our beautiful english language but will not destroy our beautiful English language. All these interactions β†’

Installing and upgrading windows and learning input/output essay examples

Introduction Windows installation is an important activity of system maintenance and upgrades, however one single mistake can create a lot of troubles and may result in data loss or even OS failure, hence it is important to ensure that the hardware configuration is according to the requirements and all the necessary components are β†’

Essay on obesity tax

Obesity tax Obesity tax is a tax levied on fattening beverages or foods by tax authorities with the objective of discouraging unhealthy diets and internalizing the externalities and economic costs associated with obesity. This paper evaluates the economic reliability of imposing obesity taxes on sugar-sweetened beverages and sugary foods in the United States β†’

Critical argument analysis essay essay sample

I plan to determine the strengths and weaknesses, the effectiveness of evidence presented and determined if the author has proven their thesis statement. Regardless of the lack of evidence the author does provide data to solidify the obesity epidemic in the United States.

Correlations and confounding variables essay sample

The most significant effect of a confounding variable on the research design is that the researcher might erroneously reject the null hypothesis after analyzing the results incorrectly and thereby establish a false correlation between the independent and the dependent variable. Correlation in research refers to a statistical technique that is used to show whether and β†’

The lessons learned from europe’s debt crisis

Based on Europe's debt crisis, there are a number of lessons that have been learned from this mess that will take advantages when this sovereign debt crisis discloses in America. First and foremost, the problem is larger than the " powers that be" acknowledge is one of the lessons learned from Europe's debt crisis. β†’

Data management research paper samples

This research was intended to uncover factors responsible for child poverty rate in selected number of countries. Research questions - Does the population and maternal employment rate affect child poverty rate? - Is there difference in child poverty rate between European countries and non European countries? Hypothesis - There is significant no significant relationship between the β†’

When can discipline a student is by

Teachers also have to be very firm with the students, because they have to know how to respect and listen to their teacher. Most elementary teachers have a technique to discipline the kids who are distracting other students from learning. For example, in the online site it states, " 33 state-funded preschool programs in 27 β†’

Masters in automotive engineering – a major step in career

Driven by the desire to know more about the principle and working of the machineries I enrolled myself in Mechanical Engineering for my bachelorette degree. Although I had passion for automobiles, it has become my obsession over the initial stages of my undergraduate study when I learned about the in-depth working of automotive engines and β†’

Good example of genetic correlates and pathophysiology of hyperthyroidism: an overview of salient essay

Genetic Correlates and Pathophysiology of Hyperthyroidism: An Overview of salient aspects Introduction Disturbances in thyroid haemostasis can occur at the level of the pituitary gland, the thyroid gland itself or in the periphery. The etiology of autoimmune thyroid disease: A story of genes and environment.

Good ethical question project assignment literature review example

Those supporting the research and even those corporations funding it have proposed their support throwing weight on the fact that unused frozen embryos from in vitro fertility clinics would otherwise be destroyed hence they see the ethics of using them in the research. According to Goodwin , The uses of β†’

That is why islam must be a religion of the world

As most religions that exist in this world, followers of Islam are also taught that God is the Creator, the ultimate source of life and thus should be worshiped and praised faithfully. As a conclusion, to be a developed and more civilised society of the world, we should always be diligent in what we do.

The driving age should be raised to 18

While observing, DMV will find that many drivers treat their vehicles like mini living rooms and have mocked the customs and values of driving and they ought not to tempt children to do the same. I have been driving for 33 years and I was 16 years old when I was given a legal permit β†’