550 Words Essay Samples

Naval hospital guam color guard

Naval Hospital Guam Color Guard During the celebration of the 232nd Navy Birthday Ball on October 13, 2007, held at the Pacific Islands Club in Tumon, the U.S. The commemoration ceremony was a symbolic way to remember the Prisoners of War and those Missing in Action from the wars.

5 african amereican nurse leaders annoniated biblography

She studied nursing in Lincoln Hospital and Home school of Nursing, where she graduated in 1905. Later on, she was to become a consultant for the National Nursing Council for War Services, a position which enabled her to help lift the color ban in the American navy and army.

Nursing leadership & management

For the case of the CNL, they have no option but to always assess the context of the situation prior to selecting the leadership style in the course of dispensing duties in the hospital setting. In line with this argument the leadership role and management of the CNL needs to depend on the context and β†’

Leadership of nursing

Thus, nurses' initiative in critical situations evolves as key leadership trait that relies on best practices and evidence based knowledge to provide quality care. Nurse leadership becomes a vital aspect of effective healthcare delivery as it incorporates the environmental changes within nursing practice and uses acquired knowledge to provide superlative care.

Library search

The next step involve the search results with full text journal on the selected topic on nursing. The understanding of the use of the folder is essential.


Pathophysiology and causes of amenorrhea Hormonal imbalances are cited as a common cause for secondary amenorrhea. Cushing's disease is the hyperactivity of adrenal glands and can combine with hypothyroidism to cause amenorrhea.


The assisted living policy did not offer guidelines on performance of the service to the client making it solely the decision of the nurse. The do not resuscitate order is a medical order or instruction focusing on services that should not be offered to the patient in such conditions.

Leadership in health care organizations practicum

Since, the field encompasses constant learning than just one accomplishing his or her goals at hand to be a competent practitioner. M, & Waryold, D.M.

Nursing application

From that time up to now when I am a grown up, I still yearn to accomplish my childhood desires of becoming an expert in promoting people's health and general well-being of children, adults including the healthy, the ailing and the aged. On completing my studies, I will be part of a strong team in β†’

When is it ethically responsible to leave a job or leave the profession

Ethical responsibility to leave a job or leave the profession Health care facilities around the globe are experiencing nursing shortages, with a large number of young registered nurses expressing the willingness to exit from the profession. Towards a typology of nursing turnover: the role of shocks in nurses decisions to leave.

Quality improvement program

Since the time of its launch where it first developed its quality control program until today, the Virginia Surgical Associates remains serious about meeting all Joint Commission Requirements such as the Environment of Care, which pertains to how safe, functional and efficient the environment for patients, staff, and other individuals is in the organization; Infection β†’

Practice act

One specific thing that came out of this is the idea of the angels of mercy. One of the primary stipulations of the act is in relation to the protection of lives as opposed to terminating them.


Another main difference in the recording of transactions between the two types of organizations is in respect of recording equity. In conclusion, the main difference in the recording of information in profit oriented and non-profit oriented organization relates to the maintenance of ledgers, recording of equity, and limitations regarding the use of funds.

The importance of regular facials

Shockingly, getting a facial is regularly observed as something you do just when you need to treat yourself, or as an extravagance benefit whose advantages are saved for just the rich and celebrated who can manage the cost of it. After only one facial, you will see a prompt change in the presence of your β†’

Cuban heritage

In a similar approach, I would, to the best of my ability address Mrs. Hernandez stays at home most of the time, and it is likely that the number of hours spent of television and lazing around has contributed to her condition.

Physician patient relationship article review

The relationship starts when the patient goes to the physician for his treatment and the physician accepts the patient. The article says that the relationship between the physician and the patient is a bond of ethical and legal framework until it exists.

Case study

Learner objectives One of the learner objectives in introducing the technology is to develop, among students, the ability to bridge distance as a barrier to nursing practice as demonstrating the technology's application will inform students of facilitated online communication. Another learner objective of the technology's inclusion in the course curriculum is to promote ethics in β†’

ο»Ώwhy am i interested in a health career field essay sample

The program will prepare and help me become the person I know I am once it comes to my senior year. The training with me be strong, reliable, and help me my communication skills in this program if I come to a situation like my cousins.

Why i want to be a family nurse practicioner

Contributions from the FNP are of help due to the rise in shortage of primary care physicians. Primary care nurse practitioners working in pediatrics, geriatrics, family medicine and among others make up to 84 percent of all NP graduates in the year 2012.

Qualitative designs

With reference to the way that the research itself was actually set up and carried out, the authors of the piece sought to set up a series of test which sought to measure the epidemiological affect that antidepressants had on the patient; up to and including what the researchers deemed as " suicidabiliy". As the β†’

Uses and definitions for the concept of caring in nursing

Davison & Williams states that, " Compassion, or caring can be viewed as " nursing's most precious asset", a fundamental element of nursing care, and as one of the strengths of the profession. The different adjectives and virtues as those note above, can be used to describe caring and particularly in nursing, and expanded to β†’

Genetics and cancer

Difference between childhood cancers and adult cancers The commencement of modern cancer treatment revealed that pediatric and adult cancers have a considerable degree of variation. A biological difference between adult and pediatric cancers is via the microscopic observation of the cells.

Problem identification

The health care delivery and management system in the U.S.has been regarded as one of the best in the world. For the purpose of this paper, the key issue / challenge with regard to the health care management system in the U.S.is the lack of access to cost effective health care, particularly to the uninsured β†’

Adjective essay

I always said to myself I wanted to be like Oprah Winfrey, I might not make as much money as her but I want to be like her. If someone was to ask me what are the main three adjectives that describe you I would say Caring, Independent, and Honest because those are strong things β†’

Definition and philosophy of nursing

The American Nurses Association defines nursing as, " the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through the diagnosis and treatment of human response, and advocacy in the care of individuals, families, communities, and populations". Our personal philosophy of nursing is what we, as individuals believe β†’

Essay on specialization and sub-specialization

Specialization and sub specialization in medicine refers to the practice of medical scientists devoting their effort and intellect in having an in depth knowledge of narrower areas of medicine. There various advantages and disadvantages of specialization and sub specialization both to physicians and patients.

Nursing as a vital component of health delivery system

Nurses, through personal care, compassion and positive attitude, provide the patients and their families with an inner strength to cope with the illnesses and ensure that their health related needs are taken care of with efficiency. In the same way, he has affirmed the importance of strength based approach in clinical care primarily because it β†’

Why i chose my major essay sample

I chose my major because I want to be able to do something that I know I would love. I chose my major because it Neonatal nursing is only what I want to specialize in.

Billy elliot critical analysis

' Billy Elliot' directed by Stephen Daldry outlines the transition of Billy Elliot, from a constrained society with limited expectations and restrictivegender roles, out into the broad horizons of the larger world. This process is seen by the hardships Billy encounters within his society, his perseverance and the support he later receives to successfully move β†’

Rainy days essay

First of all, the reason I like rainy days is because I love to sing. During my rainy days sense the air is usually moist and the temperature is usually cold, it is my favorite time to practice.

The elements of design of the movie “300” essay sample

Most of the film had landscapes in most shots, to comprise a large component of a plot when the Spartans chose to utilize it against the Persian intruders; this design is such a big part in the film. That helped to give honor to the reality that, the plot came from a graphic novel and β†’

Good example of film essay assignment: four days in september movie review

The struggle to fight the oppression of the Brazilian dictatorship is clearly portrayed in the movie. The part of the movie that one finds most poignant and memorable about the film is when Paulo points a gun to the Ambassador's head.

The effects of watching a horror movie

Although I was a teenager watching this particular movie, I was usually alone....in the dark. I will have to admit, when I was growing up, I did not scare easily but the effect it had on me at the moment was a little frightening.

Gattaca (1997) analysis essay

The actors in the film perform wonderfully, the script is well written and played, and the message that the film presents is one any viewers should hold onto. The main focus/point is of Vincent and his dream to go to space and the challenges he has endured of social inequality.

Divergent, describing the dystopian society

The movie we watched in class, Divergent, is a perfect example of a dystopian society. They are rare and it just so happens that the main character, Tris, is one of these few, a divergent.

Big fish

On the night of his death, Edward woke up next to his son and asked how he was supposed to die. Edward and his son were much closer, to the point where his son finished his story.

The birds: alternative ending

After the children fell asleep, Nat and his wife were discussing what they were going to do, when suddenly the noise of the birds stopped. He stopped the car and got out to look, when he noticed that one of the planes was nearing the ground out in the field.

Shining in the dark period as depicted in the character bert the turtle

Though children may understand financial hardship and certainly feel the effects of it on their lives, it is difficult for them to truly grasp the meaning of such things and feel the same fear their parents do. Bert the Turtle was a shining light to children around the United States, an excellent role model in β†’

Monster walter dean myers

This is true because Steve lost all hope in his case, and thought that he will be found guilty for the murder of Mr. He portrays fear of ones life in prison because the whole book he is trying to get out of prison and to have his life back.

Central park five documentary review

This film made me emotional because of the sweeping treatment that the African Americans had to go through during the times of slavery. Throughout the film, I did see myself making personal changes in my life after watching the documentary.

Influence of role models on children

Role models can have positive or negative effect on children depending upon the role model and others' definition of what is good and what is not.* Where do children get their role models from? Dress Children can seek to copy the fashion of their role models; this is usually the case for role models obtained β†’

Psychological disorders in shutter island essays example

The paper proceeds to discuss how the identified disorder is portrayed in the film before proceeding to assess whether any ameliorative strategy is displayed in the film. Concisely, the major psychological disorder depicted in the movie Shutter Island is delusional disorder.

A documentary film

In general, the main idea of the documentary is to portray the real social and historical images and social problems. Similar to fiction genre, the main thematic elements of documentaries include: theme and focus which frame events and facts depicted in the film.

Dawn m. ernst

I kept seeing him there every week but I was so shy I said nothing, of course summer was almost over and I went to the last dance just to see him and he was not there. I saw Rob in the hall so I introduced myself and I think he did not really like β†’


By learning how to define the aspect of a film, the audience will appreciate the visual story the film tells. The screenwriter did use the character Effie as a way to drive the film forward.

Example of essay on assimilation and the queer monster

Of course, her sexuality is never explicitly referred to, as is the trend in films from around the same time. On the other hand, the difference between this film and Rebecca is that in the former, the character's lesbianism was a vital part of the plot.

Upon westminster bridge and kensington market

74, 500+ were dead and 106, 000+ were injured in the Kashmir region of Northern Pakistan which was the 14th deadliest earthquake of all time. In the Kashmir Earthquake, 74, 500+ were killed and 106, 000+ were injured which is more than double the people who were affected from the Kobe Earthquake.

Novel essay example

This started during the pre-colonial era when America was inhabited by the indigenous ethnic groups such as the Indians. This was done by encouraging the coming of the English settler farmers.

Occupy wall street and media reporting critical thinking

In the ongoing occupy Wall Street thousands of people are protesting against the government policies, social and economical inequalities, influence of corporate sector over government and their say in the policy making. Now this is the responsibility of the media to portray a true picture of the story and not present merely one aspect of β†’

Ethnocentrism and the american student: insight and solutions essay

Though the contributing factors to the ignorance of American students to their own issues and to the issues of others are numerous, the solutions are simple and broad in that they can reach a common goal of a more educated and socially conscious college cohort. Though many college courses already implement a language of understanding β†’

Imperialism in the united states essay sample

For example, there was lot and lots of economic, political, and strategic things that were happening throughout America and the rest of the world during this time period. The potential of investment in China was an important reason for Secretary of States John Hay asking European leaders for an Open Door Policy in China i, β†’

America, for god’s sake essay

If America's cultural strength lay in the acknowledgement of God as the source of American civil rights and liberties the fact that millions of Americans lack sufficient resources to buy healthcare reveals that the cultural strength of America is now lost. Perhaps God is referring to all that is happening in America and the poor β†’

Looking for america essay example

He mentions that America was once the land of the free and home to the bravest. The citizens are free to practice their religion of choice.

The 13th amendment

In 1865 a new amendment was passed, becoming the thirteenth amendment to The Constitution. The thirteenth amendment that we now have is not the original version of the amendment.

Good example of essay on episode 1 my regards to broadways

" My regards to broadways" is the opening Episode in the six Episode of the movie Broadway: The American Musical. In the Broadway, the music and the sound depict the big picture of the American society in late 1890s.

Aristocracy assailed: the ideology of backcountry anti-federalism essay (book review)

The author examines the views of the consensus historians and the attitudes of the anti-federalists towards the idea of American democracy. The article is based on Cornell's view of the anti-federalists and their contribution to the creation of the American republic.

Han, were necessary to end world war

Retrieved from http://www.cnduk.org/campaigns/global-abolition/hiroshima-a-nagasakiReferences On the whole, the creation and use of the atomic bomb werenecessary to end World War II. The preservation of allied lives was the mostcrucial reason for the creation of the nuclear weapons.

Free an emotional rollercoaster ride admission essay example

At the age of 14, I was expected to make the first adult decision of my life; I chose to stay in America rather than going back to Peru. During my visit, I realized the wisdom of my decision to stay in the States.

Bilingual education article review example

English language is a lingua franca and everyone in many countries people learn it in order to be able to communicate with the world. In accordance with the Department of Education, the history of bilingualism in America is over 200 years.

The women who resisted the movement were called anti-suffragists besides the national essay examples

The women's suffrage in the United States is guaranteed by the Nineteenth Amendment to the US Constituion. However, it is the Lucy Burns, who helps and supports Alice in difficult moments and persuades her to continue the fight for freedom of voting Carry Chapman Catt was the leader of the NAWSA as well as one β†’

Good essay about policing and ethnic groups in america

To accomplish these goals, one of the things that distinguish police from other groups involved in the preservation of order is that police are allowed to make arrests and police are often allowed to use force. The interaction of police forces with different groups of people throughout the history of this country and other countries β†’

Impact of franklin d. roosevelt’s new deal

The Social Security Act of 1935 was one of the " most complicated and far reaching laws ever to pass Congress". It was designed to provide aid for industry, labor, and the unemployed.

United states constitution

In the introduction of the book They Take our Jobs: and 20 other myths aboutimmigrationwritten by Aviva Chomsky, Chomsky picks apart the words in the United States Constitution to support her belief that although immigrants, specifically Latino/Hipic immigrants, are a large part in today's U.S.society, they still do not have any rights or protection from β†’

Free the roots of the progressive movement essay sample

Between the 1890s and the 1920s, the state of American society motivated a time of social reform and political activism within the country focused on driving corruption out of government by exposing political machines for what they were and setting up additional paths for direct democracy to work. Some of the most important changes associated β†’

The american indian movement

It was initially meant to renew the Indian religious practices and was further against the ruinous policies that existed in the America. The Pine Ridge incident of Wounded Knee was a widely assimilated idea because it demanded the reinstatement of about 300 treaties between the federal government and the Native American that had been broken.

Democracy, madison and the federalist papers

The first concept was that of a centralized government in the form of a monarchy as this was considered authoritarian rule and not a government of the people. The election of the President was removed from the congressional/senatorial process in order to maintain the separation of powers.

Who is dayani cristal? movie reviews example

Was dubbed as one of the most proactive films to come out in 2014 The film deals with the hazards of immigrating to the United States. A Tale of Death in the Desert.

Bro. armin luistro, fsc

They gave the same amount of suffering to the Filipinos of what the Japanese did or maybe even more because of their longer stay. The only reason why people see Americans were more humane is because of what they sugar-coated, in the midst of suffering Americans did give us considerable offerings, but enough to cover β†’

The important decision i made essay examples

In fact, one of my dreams was to go to the United States and study. China is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and I believe my decision to study in United States and major in business will be a major boost in my career.

Thomas jefferson.docx

Thomas Jefferson is an influential person because he wrote the Declaration of Independence. He was father of the University of Virginia.

Impacts of ww2

Propaganda images such as 'Rosie the Riveter' began to symbolize the change from the women working at home to the women working in factories. However the war proved to change this.

Columbus’s encounter with caribbean natives essay

Columbus's encounter with the native people of the Caribbean and the perceptions of the people were highly shaped by his background and religious beliefs. The history of the discovery by Caribbean people of Christopher Columbus in the service of the king and queen of Spain who assumed he was on the coast of China has β†’

After native tongue helps shape our personal

King's words " just how much of acountry's identity is tied to its language? is language diversity reallythreat to national identity?" On august 1, 1996 a bill was sanctionedby the House of Representatives in the United States that would make theofficial language of the country English. King also reinforces the fact that theFounding Fathers did β†’

Complete a using the scientific method – lab report example

Variability in Maize Yields and Properties of soil in Arable and non arable soils. The null hypothesis of the study will be that there would be a higher maize yield in arable land than in non arable land.


This course has been instrumental in understanding the dynamics of growth and development particularly the topic of ' Biochemistry and Cell Biology.' I have learned that the overall growth is a result of the cellular process of mitosis, which leads to the division and proliferation of living cells. This course has broadened my understanding of β†’

Overview of immature microorganism innovations (sci) system

SCI's exercises in the field of foundational microorganism science have contributed specifically to progresses in the field, and additionally new immature microorganism disclosures around the world. It is an undifferentiated gathering of cells that can give endless applications in the improvement of new cells to be utilized in the treatment of infections and conditions, recuperation β†’

Hypothesis analysis essay

{text: bookmark-start} Hypothesis Analysis {text: bookmark-end} Scientific Method is a process that is the basis for scientific inquiry. In inductive reasoning the premise may be true while the conclusion is false since there is not necessarily a logical relationship between the premises and conclusion {text: bookmark-start} {text: bookmark-end}.


Now bacteria gets ' confused' and cannot predict or see a pattern in the drug that is in the body to kill it. I am sure that the side effects of this method of combining natural toxins and the cancer fighting drug are small, as only a small amount is administered to the patient.

Entamoeba histolytica

The characteristics of the cyst nucleus are similar to that of the trophozoite. Immature and mature cysts of E.histolytica may be found in the formed stool.

The polycrystalline chalcogenide semi-conductors in solar cell

The growth of ternary semiconductors thin films has been studied very extensively in the recent years, since these films play an important role in the fabrication of solar cells due to their favorable electrical and optical properties. The physical properties of the chemical deposition of Cd1-xZnxS films are dependent upon the growth parameters such as β†’

Directions: answer the following questions in one sentence, unless otherwise noted movie review example

Its means that race is just a name given to identify people of a specific ethnic background, and it defines how people from a specific ethnic background are viewed by other groups or people in the society.- What does it mean to say that race is an essence? Race is an essence for the reason β†’

Stress response

Stress response Stress is perceived as a regular response to events that are a threat to life or upsetting events. Stress is common to the human body because of its capability and its adaption to experience stress.

The animal weapons arms race

The topic in discussion in the Science Friday radio show discusses horns claws and teeth in different animals and how these features are adapted as weapons to fight or protect the animal. The guest on the show is Douglas Emlen, who is the author of a book named animal weapons the evolution battle.

Auditory and vestibular system / visual system

In the ear, the medium through which sound waves travels is the air. The larger the size of the vibration, the louder the sound gets.

Society methods of sustainability

Geographically speaking, Egypt was poised to be one of the ancient world's superpowers due to Its location next to the Nile River. The importance of the Nile River to Ancient Egypt culture and way of life was evident in their polytheistic religion - they prayed/


Another way of recovering the DNA from the gel is by using agarase to digest the agarose, which leaves behind the desired DNA which we can separate easily.5. If DNA cloning is possible in this case, then this means that we have identified the bacteria.


Genetically Modified Organisms The debate concerning genetically modified organisms has been there for a while now especially in the United States where public groups and other stake holders have continuously made protest against the existence of these kind of plants with inclusion of their use, and that of their byproducts. Scientists have continually argued that, β†’

Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing

Research proposal: Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing as an approach to enhance expressivity and artistic part of the painting University Synthesis of pixelization and realistic drawing as an approach to enhance expressivity and artistic part of the painting I. Hybrid is an attempt to synthesize partial pixelization with realistic drawing to arrive at a β†’

From the baroque period through the romantic age

The social, political and economic conditions alter the meaning and of art and this ment can be further strengthened by citing the changes in art styles namely baroque, rococo, neoclassicism and romanticism throughout the changing political structure and leaders as well as the evolving religious beliefs and the rise of the aristocrats. Whereas the descendants β†’

Different aspects of the country in the films

Not only the content of the film, but also the way the films are made, tell us a lot about the country's film industry and about the nation's history and culture. In short, films of any country show a lot about the standards, values, beliefs, culture, and social problems, of that country.

God of carnage

Alain and Annette Reille are the parents of the boy named Ferdinand; Michel and Veronique Vallon are the parents of another boy named Bruno. Alain is a well-to-do lawyer and Annette is a housewife who is managing the wealth of their family, as she herself characterizes herself.

Iconography of power

Art was a tool of influence and story-telling; it is the reason why it is critical to understand how power is rendered in ancient art and what methods are used to do it. Overall, ancient civilizations encoded their history in their art stressing important figures and constructing amazing building to present the power of their β†’

The dividing line between actors and viewers

It is that perception wherein the roles of actors and the audiences are controlled because of the knowledge that what is being portrayed is just a part of a portrayal and is not reality. What happens in the story is revealed through what the actors do onstage so that they are in full control of β†’

Film noir

Finally, their definition of the genre in terms of its emotional effects on the audience the state of tension and a specific psychological alienation imposed on the spectator is something I agree with. More than qualities inherent to the film, its periodic setting and its production in the forties and early fifties are better markers β†’