550 Words Essay Samples

Compare battle of the elephants by ihechukwu madubuike with lull-a-dirge by joe de graft

In the first poem ' The battle of the elephants' there are two narrators, The first one is describing the witch and the other one is the witch. The poems are not really likely in mood because ' Lull-a-dirge' is sad because of a father losing his wife.' Battle of the elephants' is a war β†’

Speech analysis tony porter essay sample

As you can see, Tony Porter was able to deliver a well-developed speech that included his personal life in a first person view. Furthermore, the organization of his speech was orchestrated so that it would flow and send the message he was trying to give.

Psychology journal article summary

This article provides discussion about the procedures being applied by the University of Rhode Island with respect to the client stages of change and the corresponding expectations to the clients or respondents in relation to counseling. The result shows the relation between the four stages of change to the clients' four expectation factors The implication β†’


The risks of financial leverage include the volatility of any business investment vulnerable to consumer preference towards its commodities or services and the requirement of adequate returns that make up for the extra risk involved when the company borrow finances that ultimately should be paid back.4. Another issue is the analysis of the unique features β†’

Introduction to marketing: mid-term exam assignment

The owner of the company is a professional chef himself but this is his first time at running a business. You are a candidate for the position.

Perfect numbers essay sample

Euclid made the first breakthrough in the study of perfect numbers with his discovery of a generating function. Euclid noticed that perfect numbers are of the form where 2 k and 2 k-1 are powers of two and is a prime number.


Self-understanding basically refers to the ability of the individual to comprehend and discern the behavioral conducts with regards to the immediate environment; that is, the cognitive representation of the self with complete awareness of own actions. With more understanding of the self-understanding, they are more likely than children to note and appropriately respond to contextual β†’

Snowboarding down a ski slope in colorado

It was a thin layer of hot water reaching down from above and flowing further down into the slopes. I thought of finding the source of that hot water flow but gave up the idea and took my long jump of snowboarding down the slope as it was darkening.

Dispute settlement db-3

International policies such as the above cited have positive impacts on the sales of GM; thus, the China market is a major market for GM. GM is very optimistic with their China market and has intentions of increasing further their investment in the country because of the supportive policies of the government.

Altering of the american social fabric essay

The Great Depression was a time of agony and strife for the people of the United States. During this time period, of the 1930s, altering of the American social fabric occurred in the sense of family ties, underlying beliefs/values, and bonus expeditionary forces.

The life of bread

This means the teeth grind and smash the food into smaller pieces which are easier to move through the digestive system and easier to digest in the later stages. The bread travels through the oesophagus by the process of peristalsis.


In eliminating the inherent risks that may imbalance the distributions, Warren and Tyagi, 2006, deliberates the distributions as a function of a balanced money formula. Warren and Tyagi, 2006 highlight the relevance of the golden rule of financial responsibility in the management of individual's finances.


Personally, I find a cell phone to be a necessity because with it I can make a call whenever I have to talk to someone, and that too wherever I am. With the new technology present and the progress in cell phone providers' service, email can be checked and sent via a cell phone too, β†’

Why i want to study at santa clara university

I was perplexed when I realized that the university ranked among the topmost business schools in the state of California. By donating my time as a team member in the basketball team of Santa Clara University, I will add value and be a source of motivation to the team.

Other topic

Qualitative research According to Leedy in chapter six, qualitative research comprises of approaches that are different from one any other, but all qualitative advances have two things in common the first one being that they focus on phenomena that occur in natural settings which is the real world. I came to understand that during the β†’

The kikuyu culture

The same happens to the girl child, where the first is named after the father's mother and the second after the mother's mother. The rest of the children are named after the brothers and sisters of the grandparents beginning from the oldest to the youngest.

Initial counseling essay

I expect you to be upfront and honest with me, as I will be with you. Your views and opinions are important and I expect you to share them with me.

Crime scene investigation: the murder of jonbenet ramsey

Another problem that yielded to not only getting to the root cause of the matter but also shunning contamination of the evidence was due to the lack of the officers' adeptness. Unprofessionalism on the part of law enforcement officers was evident in the unveiling of the victim's body by the father whereby they could have β†’

Choir critique of ha! breath of life assignment

The concert started off by the Marrying Youth Choir handing out candles to all the adults in the audience. Guessing which was done as a solo by the wonderful Maxine Moore, and then turned over to the Marrying Choir.

Psychological theories of personality (slp)

The MBTI scores are used in the determination of attitudes and feelings. The FFM model has been used in correlate to the character traits of young children.

One known as jem and he is

One main character of the novel called To Kill A Mockingbird is Jean Louise Finch, otherwise known Scout, and during the period the book takes place and is a tomboy. The next main character is Atticus Finch who is a lawyer for Maycomb and he is assigned to represent Tom Robinson during a case.

Final review study guide

10 M, what is the value of the equilibrium constant. At STP, what is the volume of 4.

Cursing: profanity and younger generations media assignment

Every individual has their own way of speaking and their own way of using it to let others know their point of view, so that people can hear them. New words are added to the dictionary yearly, and some words seem to be more significant of a use than others.

The great depression

Client's Information The Great Depression The Great Depression is the most prolonged economic crisis in the history of the industrialized countries, which began after the collapse of the stock price on the New York Stock Exchange, 18-29 October 1929. After the stock market crash, the most of the securities have depreciated sharply, and much of β†’

Sop for mba

This, of course, is the single strongest aspect of my application because of the utility of this terminal scientific degree for the business world, staying abreast of the business aspects of scientific developments in chemistry and micro- biology. Currently, I have the privilege of serving as a post doctoral research associate in the Hematology/Oncology Division β†’


The most critical element of the artistic preservation and improvement during this era came in the form of a revival in ancient historical texts, especially the ones left behind by the Great Roman Empire. In effect, the founding principles of the Renaissance are to be found within this historical framework.

Governmental accounting (09/26)

However, the law allows the profit making organizations to distribute profit net of taxes to shareholders; unlike it is the case for nonprofit making organizations, which are limited from carrying out any form of financial surplus distribution of those charged with the responsibility of running organizations. Besides, the Not-for-profit Advisory Committee was approved by FASB β†’

Spanking as a type of corporal penalty

To some pking a child means " slapping a child on the buttock" Spanking a child may stop the child from behaving for the moment but that will only last for a short period of time. There was a study released in 1991 by TheFamilyResearch Laboratory of the Univeristy of New Hampshire that was showed β†’

Walmart internal analysis

The expansion of the company has lead to the expansion that is rapid in terms of land, and other assets that are related to the company. That means that the cost of sales would reduce, and that will add to the profitability of the company.

Terms (short_story_terms) literature

This was a connotation of the attorney's impatience to the long and defensive explanations of the sheriff's work.3. The words are a denotation of a picture of an old woman wearing a long dark striped dress.4.


Otto von Bismarck born and raised as an aristocrat was a dominate force in the unification of Germany and he too refused to follow the lead of others but instead was very persuasive and through his was able to conquer mass territories and win many wars that resulted in the unification of Germany. Both intentions β†’

Pros-and-cons-computer-forensics essay

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computer Forensics Computer forensics has become an important of litigation. Legal practitioners involved In the case must also have knowledge of computer forensics.

The lakewood embezzlers

Hahn was charged with theft and criminal use of computers and embezzlement and Distasio was charged with theft of company funds. It is also noted that Hahn stole a credit card and used it to retrieve funds from the company.

Complaints against an attorney

An individual can file a Request for Investigation if the attorney's conduct is contrary to US' or any of its states' criminal law. Process for filing a request for investigation Anyone can file a complaint against an attorney licensed by the State Bar of Michigan or permitted by an authoritative court by filling and signing β†’


The poem in its setting is in a neighborhood with the ' Golden shovel,' the pool house, seems cool from the rest of the other areas. Derek Walcott in his poem uses a first person voice through the character of Shabine.

Ethics in criminal justice

Quality of the decision depends on the variety of ideas and the effectiveness of its execution depends on dedication and commitment on part of people involved to carry out the decision." Ethical decision making will be reserved for use in a group decision making context. It directly influences the ethical way of decision-making and organizational β†’

Ap euro dbq essay on black death or plague

Exploitation during the Plague was very common as people were afraid of the Plague and thought money was of the only real value in the end. During Bubonic Plague there were also many different beliefs and concerns, which include fear, exploitation, religious and supernatural superstition, and a change of response from the fifteenth to eighteen β†’

Integrated marketing communications of xbox one

Is to inform the new product features and build up the brand awareness in Greater China market. The company has to reach the target audience in order to achieve awareness of promotion and gain a return of investment.

Longevity paper

Lifestyle habits encompass sleeping habits, coping mechanisms, drug and substance intake, and duration of exposure to the sun. However, because of my current dietary intake, I strictly adhere to my exercise regimen.

Cheating in school

Whether its cheating on a test in school in order to get a good grade or cheating on ascholarshipapplication in order to receive it to attend college. We have all been told that cheating is bad but somehow everyone will cheat in their life in order to get something they want.

Law legal authority

The Jurisdictional Differences between a State Court of Appeals and a State Supreme Court The highest court in the U. In addition, controversies between the U.S.and a State are ruled by the State Supreme Court.

American popular culture

The Purpose of this paper is to define the term " Popular Culture" as well as identify major trends in American popular culture. In order to define the term popular culture a person must first understand the meaning of the word culture.

Studying in foreign universities

Some the students may come from a medium family and has the pportunity to pursue their studies in foreign universities but they faced financial constraint to pay for their school fees. It will be tough for them as they have to rush to the working place after their studies.

9live strategic analysis – general environment

Since Germany, being one of the countries having very strong media conglomerates therefore the evolving of the demographics were already put in place by the historical development of the TV market over the period of time by different T.V. Germany is one of the most critical and important members of the European Union as for β†’

Education and martin luther king

It would be education, the fundamental base in everyone's life." Education is something that leads us to reach ourgoalsand to be successful in life. Education is not only the way for us to reach our success, but it's just a step to reach knowledge.

The importance of france’s import and export partners

The value of international trade for a country's export is realized from the combination of higher prices, increased volume, decreased costs and the effects of international trade on product design and quality. 1 % and 4.

Stages in the internationalisation theory

" Internationalisation is a process by which firms increase their awareness of the direct and indirect influence of international transactions on their future, and establish and conduct transactions with other countries." Stages in the Internationalisation Theory It's imperative to understand and evaluate the different stages that an organisation goes through in an Internationalisation Process. Learning β†’

Low alkaline phosphatasey

Low Alkaline Phosphatase Alkaline phosphatase is a vital enzyme mainly manufactured by the liver. Vitamin B12Pernicious anemia is linked to low alkaline phosphatase levels and B12 deficiency is at the heart of the problem.

Why i choose my major

The mission, vision, and curriculum of CUA also contributed significantly to the choice of majoring in marketing. Due to the additional courses offered by the organization as core units, they will assist in flexibility in the job market and management of the organization.

American violet movie review essay

The culture in the south was still apparently highly prejudice and racists, even in the criminal justice system, causing much harm to innocent people. The victimization process in this movie is incredible, and seems almost unreal how insensitive the D.A.was to these people, using them and manipulating them the way he did without any sign β†’

The great gatsby from daisy’s point of view assignment

The Great Gatsby Daisy's point of view In this chapter of The Great Gatsby, starts out with Tom and Nick on the train, their way to New York City. Myrtle then leaves the house to join Tom and Nick on their trip to the city.

Lilly’s purple plastic purse

Lily is in the phase of Pre-operational. More of import.the development of constructs in pre-operational phase is demonstrated by Lily's construct of whether to be a instructor or non.

How to avoid student stress assignment

Finding some time for yourself and empty your mind of the worries you have can really help a lot to avoid stress and stay more positively in life. The know-how of preventing stress can be crucial for a student's life to live it to the fullest.

Advantages of global warming assignment

In addition, it is obvious that the frozen regions such as the Artic, Greenland, Antarctica, and northern Canada, due to the heat that will melt the ice away, may experience much plant growth. Through this, the Northwest Passage may also melt and open up and make it a lot easier for sea transportation to trade β†’

Background and arbitrary and unreasonable state action

Case Movement In 2014 the abortion provider Woman's Whole Health sued the state of Texas on the grounds that the law is unconstitutional, yet the law still went into effect. The State of Texas: The State of Texas argued that the plaintiffs, or Women's Whole Health, failed to show that the laws placed a substantial β†’

My favorite film essay

I watch a lot of TV and I have noticed that its going to always be a part that you like or dislike. I know that the cars being blowed up, the shooting and the fights and etc are all part of entertainment, but what about the Christians who like action movies but cannot listen β†’

Minority politics

Other Minority Politics: Article Review The article d " Bold Policies for Economic Justice" by Darity and Hamilton is one of the recent publications that have sought to address the issues of minority politics and race inequalities in the contemporary United States. Throughout the article, the two authors particularly espouses the view that bold policies β†’

Garuda indonesia essay

According to the sacred texts of Hinduism and Hindu mythology, Garuda is the carrier of the God Vishnu; a representation of Garuda appears in the National Emblem of Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila. Garuda Indonesia is the official airline sponsor of SEA Games 2011 in Indonesia.II.

Dow corning customer value and segmentation

A change in business strategies in the case of Dow Corning ultimately means changing the way by which they look at and handle their relationships with their clients. The main requirement of such clients is innovative ideas that may help them improve their efficiency and effectiveness in bringing the product to the market.

Conflicts resulting in confusion and desperation

Having lost the favor of my parents and the approval of my friends, I was faced with a personal conflict. My grades in school improved tremendously, and I regained the favor of my parents.

Analyze the cialis essay

The problem with Lily is which patient segment to target and how to position itself in the marketplace in launching the Cialis.II. By targeting the ED patients and their partners demanding for a quality life, Lily should position Cialis as a " quality-of-life" drug which is best-in-class and more than a treatment drug.

The juvenile justice process

It is not a question on the kind of approach that is being used but it is a matter of how effective the approach is to address the problem of delinquency and how to rehabilitate juveniles involved in criminal activity. But it was not clearly specified what type of programs are to be dealt with β†’

Reading analysis

Defining the importance of business, parliament, and the national bureaucracy in the three-way structure of Japan's establishment; the author has brought in discussion to determine which sector dominates others and how these sectors are dependent on each other for constitution of establishment. Author has created a very convincing statement for the dominance of bureaucracy by β†’

British government promises

The first one relates to Hussein-McMahon Agreement that occurred in October 2015 where the Palestinians accepted a promise from the British government that Arab nationals will be allocated the land that was previously held by the Turks under Ottoman Empire once the World War One was over. First, Britain was wary of Germany and Ottoman β†’

Give a topic

China and Japan from the 17th to 20th Century China and Japan are countries in the Asian continent, separated geographically by a narrow expanse of ocean. This paper will outline the differences and similarities between the two countries from the 1600s to the 1900s with a focus on the political and socio-economic factors.

Abortion ethics paper assignment

PA: The unborn uses the mother's body against her when the pregnancy is the result of rape, incest, or defective contraception. A pregnancy that is the result of rape, incest, or failed contraception is an understandable reason for the mother to have an abortion.A.

A dynamic character in john updike’s “a&p” essay sample

Being so envious and in awe of Queenie, he felt as if he had to do something to earn a place among those people in her social class, proving to himself and others he is better than the run-of-the-mill customers at the A&P. Sammy is a man now, and will have to deal with his β†’

Anatomy and physiology

The process of ossification starts in the womb of the mother and comes to its end at the age of 16-17 and at the age of 18-19. 2nd Edition 312 pp.3.

Silver bromide agbr structure

86 percentTotal biodegradation: 0. 77 percentTotal to Air: 0.

The famous american criminal

Bundy attributed his madness and craziness to the stuff shown in the media. The 14 Creepiest Ted Bundy Quotes".2012.Web.

Jour 101 ch 10

Packet switching One of the big advantages of distributing a movie over the Internet instead of in theaters is which of the following? False People connect to the Internet using which of the following?

Pride and prejudice free essay example

Jane Austin explains thoroughly the consequences and rewards of being prideful and prejudice towards others in Pride and Prejudice. Darcy entered the dance hall of Meryton, Elizabeth immediately decided him to be a proud and grave sort of man, which proves her wrong in her own humiliation and prejudice, towards him especially.

A sense of shelter, john updike

Later in the story William is sitting in a classroom when he observes a window very carefully pointing out every description of the window up to that its steel rimmed when he says that " the snow on a ragged slant drifted down into the cement pits outside the steel rimmed window" To me him β†’

It there is little information about him,

Measurements and distance of it all was the key origin of trigonometry. In conclusion, the use of trigonometry is scientific studies where precise distances need to be measured.

Assignment: cable testers assignment

A wire-map tester consists of a remote unit that you attach to the far end of a connection and the battery-operated, handheld main unit that displays the results. In addition, a TAR can measure the length of the cable and the distance to any of these faults.

Comparison of republicans and democrats

Many facts point to the reality that the Democrat and Republican parties are similar in more ways than they are different. Both of these parties are similar in the way that they react negatively to the other party.

The barbie girl video

The students reply in the affirmative, confirming the deep problem of self-perception and esteem in the American society. In the presentation, Christly seeks an answer to the problem of body image.

Markan and lucan accounts of demon exorcism

The people are recorded to have asked Jesus to leave their city in the Markan account. Also the man who had being freed of the demons is said to have asked Jesus to go with him in the Markan account.

Strategic intelligence

Topic: Strategic intelligence The strategic intelligence refers to the gathering of data and information in order to aid people in critical decisionmaking. OSINT is the Open source Intelligence which allows the people to take decision and formulate strategic plans." Open sources often equal or surpass classified information in monitoring and analyzing such pressing problems as β†’

Fkm students time spent on surfing net per day

In general, most students like to spend more than 3 hours per day on surfing the net while less students spend less than 1 hour on surfing the net.3. 33 percent of the students have chosen to spend 2 hours per day on surfing the net.

Sociology: nature and its uses

Sociology is the field of study that deals with the social changes, social life, human behavior and its consequences, social causes and effects to society. On the other hand, sociological problem pertains to a conflict or a problem in the social system of a place.

Hughes and blues: double consciousness assignment

Double Consciousness, Double Cognizance As depicted by Longboats Hughes in " The Weary Blues," double consciousness In African-American culture poses a difficult question: Is It necessary to assimilate to the Euro-American culture in order to blend into the melting pot of America, or is the celebration of African-American culture necessary to retain and preserve the β†’

School lunches and obesity

8% of schools saw cost increases for the food they now have to buy to fit the new school lunch regulations. Other than the increase in school spending, one of the largest issues is the amount of plate waste due to the new standards.

Groups and teams

Team work is highly complicated and complex matter, and they need to be handled in a much efficient manner to achieve the desired goals. A good leader is a person who is not insecure of his teamwork, understands the responsibilities, ensures that his team is also appreciated in their work and rewarded accordingly.

Capital market efficiency

Capital Market Efficiency al Affiliation: Capital Market Efficiency An efficient capital market plays a significant role in the financial management of the firm by providing the top-level managers with detailed and accurate information of the prices of the share. The reason is that the financial markets are able to respond to the new information that β†’

Computers are everywhere

As soon as I wake up I check the weather on my 'hone to decide on what wear and how to dress my son for school. My parent's are old fashion and still use a composition note book and -Euler to do their payroll for the other salons in our family business.

Why many ledcs struggle to increase their balance of trade essay sample

This trade gap between LEDCs and MEDCs seems to widen over the years as more and more MEDCs are able to have a trade surplus whereas LEDCs have a trade deficit which might result in making them even poorer or fall in debt. A reason for the struggle is that LEDCs are not able to β†’

Influences of war essay

O'Brien wrote, " I had neither the expertise nor the wisdom to synthesize answers; most of the facts were clouded." O'Brien had no shame in admitting that he was not knowledgeable about the war, and that he made his decision to go to the war merely on not having a reason not to. Other soldiers β†’

Promote active support essay sample

What would they like to wear? What would they like to eat and drink?

Platos republic

In Socrates' idea of philosophers, they are the only ones who can have complete access to the nature of things, and therefore knowledge. The ' lovers of sights and sounds' think that they know the things which can be known but in fact, this is not the case since they do not comprehend the forms.

The field of neuro-cognitive psychology

Due to the interrelatedness of psychology to cognitive neurosciences, the thrust of delving more into research-oriented activities within the field of endeavor becomes paramount. It was therefore justifiable that during the first two semesters in the program, my grades did not merit rates of academic excellence due to the nature of pursuit in identifying and β†’

Survey letter

However, the simulation falls under the food and beverage industry in general, and the wine industry in particular. What are some of the challenges that Central Coast Wines faces in the process of carrying out its daily operations, in relations to competition, business environment, market, and customers? 7.

Personal statement climate change assignment

The main reason of my fascination for climate change issues is that this challenge has brought to surface the impacts and consequences of what I consider the worst face of ignorance: greed; and it raised the importance of collaboration. I know that the good ideas and experts for findings solutions to global warming lie all β†’


Lance White, President John Doe, Marketing Manager July 24, 2006 Marketing our Athletic Shoes The new athletic shoes to be introduced are catered towards the college-students subculture, thus, this memo seek to address the product line attributes relative to the market, the market's purchasing process and the suggested marketing strategy. Nike, Adidas and Reebok dominate β†’

Panic, choke and learn

Second, the confidentiality of the test outcomes subjects the integrity and transparency of the procedure to doubt. Thirdly, the invalidity of the test questions is a strong argument to bring across as the activities asked to be performed are irrelevant with the nature of work.

Generally accepted accounting principles

Generally Accepted Accounting Principles What are GAAP GAAP is the abbreviated form of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles that refers to the accounting standards that are to be followed in the process of financial accounting. The standards of accounting provide the guidelines to accountants in the preparation of financial statements and accounts in the jurisdiction and β†’