550 Words Essay Samples

Drama: act iii – macbeth

Which of the following sentences has correct subject-verb agreement? a. Lady Macbeth, mistress of many servants, walk to the banquet hall. b. When approaching the palace, Banquo, not Fleance, are killed. c. Fleance, without Banquo, escape. d. When he first enters the banquet hall, Macbeth appears cheerful. A When Act III of The β†’

The darkness of man’s heart in “lord of the flies”

As the boys on the island regress from well-behaved, well-mannered children aching for rescue to cruel, bloodthirsty hunters who have no desire to return to civilization, the boys naturally lose their sense of innocence that they possessed at the beginning of the novel. One of the key quotes to describe " Darkness of mans heart" β†’

How does juliet change

The first time we meet Juliet is when the nurse is reminiscing about Juliet's childhood. The first conversation between Romeo and Juliet is a shared sonnet.

Learning activity #1

The study also sought to establish the AD-prepared nurses' perception on the standard of patient care with regard to attaining a higher educational degree. In addition, the study also investigated the AD-prepared nurses' perception of distinctions in their professional ability as compared to nurses with more advanced educational degrees. Participants The study designed an β†’

Case study example

According to Campbell and Miller , " Of the three DSM-IV clusters of personality disorders, NPD is considered to be part of Cluster B, the " dramatic, emotional, or erratic" cluster". In addition, according to Campbell and Miller , the following characteristics of people with NPD include: grandiose sense of self-importance, preoccupations with β†’

The american cancer society

The American Cancer Society The American Cancer Society ACS provides support to cancer patients by educating them on the various aspects and challenges of cancer. The ACS helps cancer patients to understand their diagnosis, the available cancer treatments and their side effects, and how to conduct yourself through the ailment stages; β†’

Frankie and alice

Frankie and Alice Frankie and Alice The movie Frankie and Alice begins in Georgia in 1957, showing a girl in a car accident and stars Halle Berry as Francine Murdoch , a lady suffering from multiple personality disorder. This paper will write a personal plan to promote re-integration of egos in a case such β†’

The hurt locker: the war inside essay

A war can get the best or the worst out of a human being and it is this aspect of the battle that good war and army films such as Black Hawk Down and Crimson Tide explore. The Hurt Locker, set in Iraq amidst the lives of the American bomb squad members in the explosive β†’

Cinderella equals sarcasm

Cinderella Equals Sarcasm In the poem " Cinderella, " Anne Sexton uses sarcasm to say that nobody ever ends up being happy and never has that fairy tale ending that they all want. She wants you to think at the beginning of the poem that it is going to be the typical happy ending β†’

Essay about bend it like beckham essay

Bhamra does not get accepted into a sports team because the way he presents himself, dressing differently from the norm, and the coaches do that welcome that. Due to this past experience that took place when he first came to the country, he closes many doors to his daughter, Jess, by not β†’

In the steel plow, the steel plow

In this paper I will talk about the differences in agriculture from now and the 1900 in Texas, United States, and the World. The united states is the number one producer of corn in the world.

Good literature review on morse museum

The Morse Museum houses the world's most complete collection of art works by the American designer, Louis Comfort Tiffany. The interior contains an original wing that displays the Museum's assortment of architectural items and arts from the renowned Long Island residence of Tiffany in Laurelton Hall. The tiffany's collection of artworks seems to be a β†’

North american labor movement in the 1880s report (assessment)

During these years, employees were united mainly around the so-called Knights of Labor who proclaimed their goal to liberate workers from the tyranny of corporations and destroy the slavery of wage labor. The key figures in the conflict were capitalized tycoons and the owners of large enterprises on one side and the working class along β†’

Chicago fair, the 1889 world’s fair: a few questions

" Did the people think that the Chicago fair would have any negative effects for the city? I feel that the people of Chicago looked at the fair on the more positive side. This had helped with the development of the fair itself, without having any issues with Politicians so that the fair would be β†’

The years

This was unquestionably shown in the structure of the Great white Fleet. Roosevelt had the sire to show the world the naval capabilities of the united States so he formed the great fleet of battleships to take a tour of the world- while incidentally leaving the rest of our nation's welfare completely exposed. β†’


He states that the rejection of Orientalism will lead to removal of the line between " The West" and " The Others" (This is considered the inferior group by West). He further says that the abolition of oriental thinking will lead to a better history of the whole world, because of the interaction of different β†’

Free essay on the evolution of health care delivery system

3% to the country's gross domestic product. 1993 Former US President Bill Clinton introduced the health security act in an objective to completely overhaul US health care system. 1997 The program inducted by The State Children's Health Insurance aims to extend health coverage to children that belong to the low-income families and are not qualified β†’

Assess the significance of the cabinet essay sample

Assess the significance of the Cabinet in the Executive Branch The US Cabinet consists of the heads of 15 executive departments and occasionally other important officials that the President decides to include. The President is seen as the leader and members of the cabinet below him.

Holger heyn et al. distinct dna methylomes of newborns and centenarians pnas 2012 paper and answer the following questions

The main finding of the study was in terms of the number of methylated CpG dinucleotide in newborn, old aged and intermediate sample. The CpG were many in the newborn sample followed by the intermediate and the least were in the old aged sample.

Free christinas world, by the great american painter, andrew wyeth essay sample

Separate blades of grass, natural tones and shades of straws, the dim, gloomy color of the sky and the old, worn-down farmhouse are painted with scrupulousness, and this makes the viewers feel their presence within the picture and get a stunning sensation of the moody palette of the painting. The woman's figure seems to be β†’

Journal of korean film bedevilled (2010)

Cruelty of people, gendered violence, city and rural ways of being is remained to be the central problems that are involved into the film. It is possible to highlight two basic figures in the film that develop a plot and action. The moment that she becomes a witness of a crime and does nothing for β†’

Performance #4: red speedo

PERFORMANCE #4: RED SPEEDO Watching Red Speedo was a moment to cherish and I could tell that the show would beinteresting from the time I joined the audience. From the left part of the centre, I could see the unfinished backstage, which seemed to thwart the good work done on the set.

Barge haulers on the volga

The figures of the men is positioned at the centre of the painting. At the back ground of the painting there are clouds seen from a distance and on the ground there is water seen at the back ground where the men have pulled the boat from.

The shots of goodfellas

Short slow tracking shot away from the trunk of the card toward the characters, eventually framing into a two-shot of Jimmy and Tommy. 4. A medium shot of Tommy pulling the knife away and backing from the trunk as Jimmy moves into the frame and shoots the body with a gun. 9.


The lines are drawn into scale in order to fit the available drawing page. 4. The artist has used expressive lines in the above picture. The decoration of the photo, in terms of coloration is also an evident that the artists used expressive lines to come up with the picture. 5. The artist of the β†’

What is art

The Museum of Modern Art in New York showcased a collection of art by Jeff Wall, another artist in contemporary times. 18 June 2011. Museum of Modern Art.

Film/reading responses

Film/Reading Responses Blue is the Warmest Color Blue is the Warmest Color by Abdellatif Kechiches is a move that can be related to the topic ' Multiethnicity and the cinema of the banlieue' in the article French Cinema of the Margins. Such case of women facing social boundaries and familial rule is stated β†’

Film analysis

This paper is about how the Japanese-Americans transformed and abandoned the World War II concentration camp, which was a place of shame, to a place of empowerment with a symbol of solidarity and retrospection. Despite his parents being in the film industry, Nakamura had not explored the field until his days in college. He spent β†’

Ethnomusicology class

Martin's great contribution to the history of gospel music was through her unique style of music, combining a distinctive gospel piano style with the special sound of the group. She was also the first to integrate men and women into a single group during the mid-40s. The Roberta Martin Singers was a group of African-Americans β†’

Explain the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics using examples of both to help illustrate your explanation

This essay seeks to examine the differences that exist between the two statistics methodologies: descriptive and inferential statistics. As a point of departure, the descriptive methodology entails specific functions of the sample data, which are fundamentally fascinating in offering description of some characteristics of the whole data. This follows that for the cases of descriptive β†’

Avatar by james cameron

The species of the Pandora also has close similarities with the Earth's and also provides a deep impression of the similarity that Earthly species, as well as human inhabitants, enjoyed during the days of primitive existence. Circumstances of the film take a serious turn as Jack Sully's intelligence is used for the purpose of obtaining β†’

House of cards

Judging by the first episode, the series will be full of manipulation, pragmatism, and twists as Frank creates and orchestrates a plan to make retribution on those who wronged him. This piece is a very elaborate and engaging channel to introduce management principles to neophytes. One of them is through the incessant need to please β†’

Damien hirst art work essay

As I got closer I saw that the " glass" was in the shape of butterflies and it brought more attention to me. We are lucky to have his work on display in the Cleveland Museum of Art. He continues to make art today that stands out and is just as beautiful and interesting as β†’


Armstrong is very clear in drawing a distinction of Arbus photography from those of the modern ones. Arbus has successfully constructed a definitive position on photography; she helps in drawing a thick line between the camera and the body. There appears to be a relationship between the three components of photography, the camera, the photographer, β†’

The art of frida kahlo

Kahlo was victim to a tragic accident early in her life which sentenced her to a life of pain and suffering. Kahlo pays particular attention to the element of both her femininity and her physical pain in this piece.

Things fall apart and the spirit world

The people of Umuofia call upon representatives of the spirit world as a means of hospitality. The people of Umuofia depend on representatives of the spirit world to help them with their problems specifically help with punishments.

Money and marriage in pride and prejudice

Bingley arrives into their neighborhood and begins to show affection to the oldest Bennet sister named Jane, the motions of drama are set. However, despite Mr. Collins is the next bachelor met, and is going to inherit the estate after Mr.

Literary device symbolism

There was nothing but land: not a country at all, but the material out of which countries are made"." In all that country it was the spot most dear to me" because when all of the land has been cleared for farming, this " island" where two roads meet is the only place where the β†’

The man of the house

Applying the omniscient point of view, this story uses the presence of cathedral and the act of asking for a miracle as a last resort to symbolize devotion and faith. In this story, he is the one who stands as " the man of the house".

Example of linux server and windows argumentative essay

In the Windows server operating systems, there are scheduling tasks that are found in the Administrator tasks panel. There is the use of scripts in Linux and DOS in Windows.

Effects of internet 10673

The Internet as We Know It The popularity of internet technology in the last three year has gown into a new phenomenon. The wide array of publications rage from The New York Times to People Magazine. Subscribers of the accesses to the internet may now find printed publications to be a thing of β†’

He opus pc system

For biscuit P, the percentage at index number 0 and 255 is 43. For biscuit D, the percentage at index number 0 and 255 is 44.

What are the advantages of internet essay sample

The internet technology has contributed immensely contributed to the dissemination and communication of information. You have numerous site offering an assortments of items on the web and one simply need to choose or offer for the coveted item and whole money related exchanges can be directs through the web.

Windsor 75 diner restuarant essay examples

A sneak peek into the renovated restaurant revealed a prestigious and classy background as is the norm with all the food network's establishments yet the actual theme of the restaurant remains a closely guarded secret. A couple of days before filming began a press statement was released by the owners of the Windsor 75 inviting β†’

Free essay on hitler and stalin

They both ruled during times that overlapped, they both were dictators, and they both had economies that relied a lot on slave labor (for Hitler, the concentration camps and forced workers from the occupied territories; for Stalin, the Gulag population). One reason why the Russian military was so horribly unprepared for the launch of the β†’

Research paper on eigrp

As a result, it becomes possible for it to make the use of the neighbors in querying the right route for the desired destination. In order to efficiently perform its duties, it requires applying Diffusion Update Algorithms. The data in the router is stored in the Route Tagging, Topography Table and the Routing Table. As β†’

Addicted to internet 10651

People go inside the internet to meet people of the opposite sex. The reason is to try to meet the perfect person to get involved with or maybe to get married. Some of the men who do not have nothing to do at all, they go inside the internet and try to find β†’

Music benefits

These administrations have publication groups gathering playlists as well, giving the curation that I grew up getting from week by week music magazines like NME and Melody Maker. In the interim, music site Bandcamp is building an inventory of audits from kindred fans about the collections they have purchased, while crowdfunding administration PledgeMusic is giving β†’

Censorship of internet in china

Not only myself, but also the whole country is blocked from rest of the world because of the censorship for the internet. Censorship of the internet block the people in China from the rest of the world which is harmful for the development for the country.

The central processing unit 13748

The Central Processing Unit Microprocessors, also called central processing units , are frequently described as the " brains" of a computer, because they act as the central control for the processing of data in personal computers and other computers. The 386 was the first processor to be β†’

Example of webliography essay

This is due to the fact that the splitting of the cell occurs after a successful copying of the DNA. As already highlighted, prokaryotic cells have different organelles which perform different roles in the body of the living organism. L & Cox, M.M., 2005). According to this site, other eukaryotic cells contain lysosomes which are β†’

Evaluation of the role of the internet in higher education.

Mark Seersucker had good reasons to explore the value of the internet and establish the social network faceable, originally established for students to get in contact with each other. Even tutors use the features of faceable to Interact with their students. Even tutors use the features of faceable to interact with their students.

Suport highway 12438

The books continues and identifies a subject by the name of Kevin Mitnick who was arrested on February 15, 1995, for sleuthing on the information highway. This paper will portray the events leading up to the arrest of Kevin Mitnick. Mitnick, 31, described by the Federal Bureau of Investigations, , as the " Nations β†’

Minnesota’s governor and us senate predicted election results report examples

Minnesota has been largely democrat ever since with a democratic president elected by the state ever since 1972. The difference in the two parties has somewhat narrowed in the recent past and both the gubernatorial race and the senate race are expected to be very tight. Polling information suggests that currently, the democrat nominees hold β†’

The influence of the internet: more harm than good or vice

Even making a simple Google search will bring up at least one type of sexual content In your search. Since you can post and share anything on the Internet, Its made It easier for people to download something that cost from a. Since you can post and share anything on the internet, its β†’

Example of benefits of distance education essay

Distance Education VS Traditional Education Distance Education is the learning whereby instructors/tutors/professors and students have been separated in the place and time. With Distance Education the students do not get immediate feedback, the learner has to wait for response until the trainer to review their work and respond to it while in the β†’

The impact of globalization and the internet presents real

These costs and benefits are a result of three effects of globalization, that is, expanded markets, cheaper resources or a combination of the two. Until the start of the 1990's, the People's Republic of China was largely closed off to the rest of the world.

English, cyber bullying

The authors in these two texts, " One in five children is victim of cyber-bullying - with girls targeted most" by Nina Lakhani and " Hate and the internet: Does the internet encourage insidious and bullying behavior?" by Aleks Krotoski, have decided to approach the subject, cyber-bullying, from different angles. He focused more on the β†’

Essay on media

At the dawn of the age of technology the form of entertainment and delivery of media to the public have also changed, particularly in the emergence of different platforms such as transformation of information and data.. Effects of on Hollywood movie Industry The presence of electronic media changed the way information is being distributed β†’

Change in beijing’s air pollution levels assignment

Which of the following changes of the social marginal cost curve will occur as a result of the changing pollution levels? (An upward shifting social marginal cost curve; A downward shifting social marginal cost curve; A movement upward along the social marginal cost curve; OR A movement downward along the social marginal cost curve). Based β†’

Resp. aircraft operator security threats

In this case, therefore, it was unethical for the airline baggage handler to give the phone directly to the passenger, and he should have handed it to the relevant authorities who include security officials, so that they would hand it to the passenger. Scenario two This involves the transportation of prisoners by law enforcement β†’

The lottery unfair fate to the one who draws

The author will tell the story by symbolism, the black box, white slips of paper, black spot in the middle of the paper, and the stoning. The black wooden box, a symbol of unrelenting deep hole of pain. Everyone in the community is susceptible to the draw of the lottery winner no matter what your β†’

Air force association spouse scholarship

I have always wanted to pursue a business related course and perhaps become a financial manager for an International firm. I have worked as an accountant in the past in a Chinese restaurant whereby I helped the Chinese restaurant to streamline its accounting system which was adversely affected by fraudulent employees who β†’

An overview of student affairs professionals education essay

Professionals must make students aware of the extracurricular activities available to them and the ways in which they can get involved on campus and in the surrounding community. Although communicating with students in this manner does require a great deal of work, it is not an impossible endeavor. Undergraduates are welcomed to the agenda when β†’

Media essay comparing hair products

The advert is made to look wintery as it has a light blue/grey background and snowflakes, which contrasts to the warm colours the girl is wearing. There is quite a lot of writing on both adverts, but it is made to look like less by aligning it on the right hand side and separating it β†’

Compared table, a chair, a throne, and

The plays had to be performed during daylight hours only and the stage scenery had to be kept very simple with just a table, a chair, a throne, and maybe a tree to symbolize a forest. A playwright had to please all members of the audience. This explains the wide range of topics in Elizabethan β†’

Compairing and contrast (using car as a means of transport and using a motorcycle)

This paper briefly compares and contrasts car and motorcycle as means of transport. Comparison of car and motorcycle as means of transport Car is more comfortable for traveling for many people compared to motorcycle because of the immense comfort it provides to the passengers. On hot seasons, the motorcyclist needs to suffer extreme heat β†’

The development of american literature

The rand 18005, however, generatedtechnologythat helped to dramatically Increase profitability In the trade. Progressive methods of transportation such as the opening of the Erie Canal , inventions such as " stereotyping, the iron press, the application of steam power, mechanical typecasting/ typesetting, and ewe methods of producing illustrations created a revolution in β†’

To kill a mockingbird critical response

Harper Lee introduces the theme of hurting innocents near the beginning of the novel, pointing out that you should not hurt something that only tries to help you, and does not harm anyone, like a mockingbird. In it, " He likened Tom's death to the senseless slaughter of songbirds by hunters and children.".

The yellow wallpaper: interpretation & analysis essay

There is a need to point out that the author is deeply concerned about the role of women in society. In the following paragraph of the essay, The Yellow Wallpaper will be analysed in terms of its main literary devices. In other words, she allows us to understand that the house is considered to be β†’

Yellow wallpaper by charlotte perkins gilman

The story shows the physical and the declined mindset of women due to medically prescribed treatment of being allowed to do nothing. Women feel they have strong potential and the ability to do anything, just like men do, and they should not depend on men for everything.

Alex kovacev

Through the symbol of the Mockingbird, and the characters of Tom Robinson and Boo Radley, Harper Lee examines the necessity of protecting vulnerable members of society in To Kill a Mockingbird. In the story To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee uses the symbol of the mockingbird as an archetype for protecting people in society who β†’

Persona of jay gatsby

Scratch examines Gatsby twice in Chapter I, in the start of the novel and at the finish of the part. Gatsby is introduced as a secret from the earliest starting point of the novel. From one viewpoint, Nick says that Gatsby " spoke to everything" for which he had " an unaffected disdain".in the meantime, β†’

Main themes in a farewell to arms

The two main themes in A Farewell to Arms are the gruesome reality of war and the relationship between love and pain. The first main theme of A Farewell to Arms is the devastation that war brings.

Two bildungsromans in one story

Two Bildungsromans in One Story In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem Finch become more cultured and mature young-adults by experiencing different events. In Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird, Scout and Jem Finch became more informed, and mature young-adults by watching the examples set by their family, and the people β†’

“the great gatsby” by f. scott fitzgerald

The paper will discuss the color green and give direct quotes with explanatory sentences of the color green. The color green is mostly related to the nature, whereby in relation with the western culture it represents the spring, youth, hope and confidence. The color green is used a lot in the novel to symbolize Gatsby β†’

John proctor’s in the arthur miller’s play

Where others would shy away and save themselves, Proctor gives it all in service of a greater cause. The lead-up to Proctor's self-sacrifice is first developed early on in the play, with his internal conflict. This allows him to do what is right in his mind, and sacrifice himself for something greater, as is the β†’

A close reading of huckleberry finn

You see, he come to town the morning after the murder, and told about it, and was out with 'em on the ferryboat hunt, and right away after he up and left. So then they put it on him, you see; and while they was full of it, next day, back comes old Finn, and β†’

To kill a mockingbird essay

To Kill A Mockingbird Essay Introduction: * Thesis: In To Kill A Mockingbird, characters such as Calpurnia and Boo Radley are not who they are made out to be in the beginning of the play to both the readers and Scout.* Point 1: Jem and Scout learn that Calpurnia, their housekeeper, is not who β†’

Adventure of huckleberry finn

He became found of using imaginary characters in his novels like he had used a character by the name Tom sawyer in his other book and made many readers fall in love with the character almost instantly but he choose to change his protagonist to Huck Finn in the other book as he saw Sawyer's β†’

Team reflection essays example

Though I believe I made a good leader for our team, if I had to select a leader for the next group discussion and if I find myself with the same team members, I would evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of my team members and make one of them a leader. In this semester I β†’

Example of candide today essay

Theme and tone in the classical literature work indeed brings relevance in the modern world. The two elements in the story brings classic to the new generations' life which as they read they relate to. His constant disasters are due to his naivety, and warning that Voltaire is presenting to the audience is emphasized through β†’

John gardner essay examples

In the absence of such parameters, the leadership can hold the followers at ransom, and sometimes lead into oblivion. The leader's role is to facilitate the achievement of a common goal, and ideas are shaped by the people. It is easy for the leadership to lose focus on assuming power and status, which can lead β†’

Into the psychosocial dimension of schizophrenia essay

Independent variables of this study include the presence of some kind of religion or spirituality, and the dependent variable is how that affected their mental state or sense of well being. Extraneous variables include specific religious faith of the patient, as well as the level of support the patient felt they received from their religious β†’

Interpretations of statutes by judges essay

Therefore, courts are not very rigid on applying particular laws and precedence in different cases. The doctrine of stare decisis requires that the previous principle of law, as decided in a higher court, is binding and should be followed by other courts. Therefore, providing a generall rule which the court approves and constrains the court β†’

Example of research paper on peer reply 2

- There is no clear thesis statement the issue is brought up, but no argument is made of it. - The writer previews what the main supporting topics will be in the last sentence of the introduction. - The introduction vaguely talks about the stature of homework in school, and mentions the " homework debate," but no β†’

Free essay on socrates and its influence in our daily life

He has explained the Athenians to care about the welfare of souls instead of caring about the careers and families. Furthermore, he has taught to obey the rules and regulations of the country, it has set an example that loyalty matters.

Assertiveness is the ability to express your feelings, opinions, beliefs and needs directly

" Assertiveness is the ability to express your feelings, opinions, beliefs and needs directly, openly and honestly, while not violating the personal rights of others". Corollary to which, being assertive entails knowing its limit because the right of a person ends where the β†’

Characteristic of religion essay example

Summary: characteristic of religion Chapter one of " Experiencing the world's Religion" book gives a clear insight of the key characteristics of religion that are clearly analyzed to offer a clear understanding of religion. I also understand that the chapter gives an insight of the sacred practices that are involved indigenous religion.

Good term paper on housing price bubble

Housing price bubble refers to the situation where, there is a speculation regarding the price increase of the property and the supply is limited. At some point of time the demand is static and somehow supply is increased which results in lowering back the prices to significant levels and the bubble is busted. There β†’

Aware reflective journal/ discussion forum essay

This is mainly because, in love relationships, they are greater depths of intimacy, trust and exclusiveness which if betrayed can hurt the other person much more than in best friendship relationships. They are a lot of emotional connections involved in love relationships that makes the other person feel responsible and more caring for his or β†’

Free parenting style essay sample

In such case, a parent would leave the child alone with his issues if he does not wish to share his, or ask the parent's opinion. He motivates the child to implement his parent's ideas, however, tries to understand when they differ with the child's plans.

Critical thinking on what is ethnopharmacolgy

It entails discovering the effects of the drugs on patients and how the drugs are taken by the body in terms of the speed of absorption, assimilation, metabolism and excretion. Ethnopharmacology is the assesment of the effects that lifestyle, cultural practices, physiology and environment have on the intake, prescription, assimilation β†’

Free essay on minimum wage a boon or a bane

The minimum wage is still an important tool in improving the quality of life of the poor. Keywords: Minimum Wage, price effect, unemployment effect Minimum Wage: A Boon or a Bane Minimum Wage is the wage below which an employer cannot legally pay its employees, for a specific β†’

Example of essay on roles that biology and environment play in determining sex-role attitudes and behaviors

Environment down the ages compelled the woman to look after the house, cook and clean, nurture the baby and tend to the needs of the man of the house and the children. He was the lord and master and his woman had to fulfill all his wishes, cook and clean for him, jump to his β†’

Good example of rituals in islam essay

Therefore, complicated system of rituals is one of the main characteristics of Islam. There are not so many practices in Muslim ritual tradition, but followers of Islam must follow them strictly and undoubtedly. The ritual of marriage, Nikkah, is also very important in the life of every Muslim and, of β†’