450 Words Essay Samples

Public administration and management: advantages and disadvantages of partnerships

Public management that hand in hand works with public administration in achieving public good is the economically driven side of operation of government. It is important that the public service both delivers what is expected of them to the public and at the same time be accountable for the work that they do.

How my family have taught me about the virtue of love

They spoiled me with their time and attention, with the things I want to have, and the things I really want to do. I thought having them in my life will just change the relationship between me and my parents, but I was wrong.

Essay on defining stereotype

Most of the time, people do not realize that their perception is influenced by such conventional concepts and that it is leading them to being judgmental and prejudiced. As teenagers are expected to behave rebelliously, they start believing that such behavior is a norm for their age.

The prize winner of defiance ohio

Although he disagreed with his family all the time, the children learned to be patient with him, through their mother. In the end, she changed him out of his wrong habits and made him love to be hopeful.

Drinking motives in alcohol use disorder patients

A study published by Tragesser and Sheer detected the impact that drinking motives could play on the association that exists between personality disorder symptoms and alcohol use disorder. The results from this study showed that there was a higher rate of AUD among males compared to females in the younger adult population.

How our ability to get a job will be influenced

The availability of resources to a person can influence who they are, how they live and even effect how they are able to get a job. Resources are very important when applying for a job and the more positive esources someone has the better chance of obtaining the job.

Nursing bridge the gap between grand theories

Micro-rangetheory is a series of concepts that can explain in the confines of the nursingprofession and research. This is a good example of a middle range theory because it islimited to the nurse's behavior and purpose.

Autobiographical sketch of the political career of john f. kennedy

During World War II I pulled all the political strings my wealthyfamilypossessed in an effort to be sent to the fighting, for I knew that after the war I would be a more viable candidate as a combat veteran. After the war, in 1946, I conducted my first campaign for congress, enlisting the help of →

Growing in my life at home, work and

Appreciating the science of psychology and wanting to understand it more, Imade the choice to study it and gain more knowledge. I believe, with the combination of what I have learnt from mylife's experience and my enthusiasm for psychology will make me an idealcandidate for studying the subject.

Advantages of private jobs over government jobs

In this blog, we will talk about the advantages of private jobs over government jobs and how a private job can help you in making a marvelous future? You have limited salary in case of govt jobs.

Career plan

I have decided to become a medical assistant because it's a career where I am helping other people, doing clinical work, and it's also a career that's growing. I learned that I have the personality and commitment to become a medical assistant, and also further my career.

Noise pollution and its effects

BIBLIOGRAPHY: Exposure to very loud sounds that are enjoyable, and not technically noise to the listener, can lead to hearing impairment. Changes in the immune system and birth defects have been attributed to noise exposure, but evidence is limited.

Black pillow by frank moore

One the bottom of the canvas you can find the gasoline spilling all over the pillow of the cornfield, the white roots from the corn stand out from the black color of the gasoline. The gasoline in the pillow of the soil is where it gets its name " Black Pillow".

Waste disposal: it’s impact

Illness and diseases from garbage will not only kill the lives of the people but they will also lose money from it. Aquatic animals will also die due to the water pollution.and there will be a decrease of fresh water sources.

Water pollution effects and impact analysis

The current rise in mortality is caused by the recent evaluation of drug- resistant, inaccessibility to effectivehealthcare facilities and the introduction of industrial by products to theenvironment. The most frequently found types of pesticides in water bodies are derivatives of urea, pyridazinone, phenoxy acetic acid, tryazin and the group of chlorinated pesticides[3].

Gary nash essay sample

The economic influences, impact of the stages of transport on the slave ships especially that of the " middle passage", and the impact on white or the Europeans society as African slavery became not only more prominent but also more institutionalized in the Americas. With the demand for these products came the demand for more →

Harriet beecher stowe: uncle tom defies simon legree

The follow up A key to Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1853, was an attempt to silence such criticism In this particular event from the book, I see that the focus is not only on the effect of slavery on slaves but also on its effect on the slaves' owners. Through the story of the Legree →

Example of frederick douglass article review

According to his literature work, Douglass reacted to the slavery issue with sympathy to the slaves and anger to the cruelty of their masters. Therefore, the aim of the book was to agitate for the abolition of slavery in that era.

Did slavery destroy the black family? essay sample

Dunaway clearly proves that due to the harsh living conditions, the inevitable separation between families and the absolute lack of freedom of slaves, destroyed the black family. Despite the idea that the oppression that slaves lived through made them together as a whole, harsh living conditions and the separation that these slaves underwent created an →

Market entry mode in thailand argumentative essay

We need the help of a local partner to understand theirculturebetter and language In order to penetrate into the market. The local partner have a deep understanding of the local market and strategy while we, the foreign partner can give idea, technology, recipe and a different perceptive.

Market and mixed economy

While the market economy uses the market forces such as supply and demand as the sole basis for the economic decisions rarely engaging the government, the mixed economy incorporates the material prosperity of capitalism along with the stability lent by the minimal government intervention. The biggest advantage of the market oriented economy is the determination →

Dna worksheet essay sample

The genotype basically is the sequence of nucleotides bases in its DNA. The gene dictates the transcription of a corresponding sequence of nucleotides in mRNA.

Genome editing using crispr/cas 9 technology and plants

On the 25th of July 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union ruled that gene-edited crops are to be held to the same strict regulations as GMO's. The court concluded that plant developed using newer gene-editing technologies are to be subject to a 2001 mandate.

Free research paper on genetic disposition to breast cancer

In a normal person, the BRCA1 gene facilitates the making of a protein that is responsible to the suppression of tumor. Within the nucleus of normal cells, the BRCA1 gene interacts with other proteins to repair breaks in the DNA.

Read and answer to the essay report example

In the essay " Empowering Women: Rebuilding Society: The Role of the Foreign Service in Promoting Women's Rights in Afghanistan," Eva Lam denotes what the US Foreign Service does in order to make sure that Afghan women are no longer oppressed because of their gender. Despite concerns of imperialism and unwanted interference in the religious →

History of 2go travel essay sample

The company has been a vital link in the economy of the Philippines as it made possible a much efficient shipping of passengers and cargo between the islands. Eventhough majority of the stockholders were from Jaro, Iloilo City and the company's main office was in Iloilo, it is said that the company adopted the name →

Overseas filipino workers in the philippines essay sample

Violeta Bautista entitled " The Problem of Estrangement among OFW Children," OFW parents most of the time do not consider the consequences of their relationship with their children when deciding to work abroad or not. The article tackled the behavioral problems commonly seen in children of OFW parents.

My hopes about the philippines economy

Philippine economy as we all know is not as great as some of the countries in the world nevertheless we are not the poorest country either thanks to our not so great politician who can still manage to find solutions in terms of our economic problems. It is just a proof that Philippines has the →

Epifanio de los santos avenue

Who would even forget the sacrifices that former President Corazon " Cory" Cojuangco Aquino had given not only for her own good but also for the improvement of the next Filipino generations. This history had been shortened and summarize for the leaders of this nation to realize the importance of the freedom that they are →

Swot analysis of marinduque essay sample

If you have not heard or is not sure what SWOT analysis is, here's a short information from Wikipedia.*SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and →

A describing the human life cycle annotated bibliography examples

The Art of Being Human" examines the topic of life affirmation by breaking down issues such as life and death and exploring them through the arts. In " The Seasons of a Man's Life ", Levinson takes a look at the history of life affirmation and its relationship to the human life cycle.

The precious little life,

The man asks her where her brothers and sisters are and she says that two are in Conway, two are at sea and two are dead and resting in churchyard. The man gets confused with the answer of the little girl and asks her that if two of them are dead than how she can →

Parental guidance essay sample

Some parents take on the role of becoming a friend to their child which in some ways may work especially if it allows your child to feel comfortable enough to confide in you with the various uncertainties that they may have. A child loses her life to diabetes when her mother fails to take the →

”the color of water” by james mcbride essay sample

James looks up to all of the boys on the Corner, but Chicken Man is his favorite. By making a negative example of himself and the other men on the Corner, Chicken Man helps James to modify his life.

You can choose your afterlife by mario eric gamalinda

They will be under the rule of Fon Muhin, a god they believe in. They will always wonder what the people they left behind think of them for committing suicide.

On what grounds have liberals defended democracy

In conclusion, liberals have defended democracy as It adheres to their core principles of Individualism and reason, as well as their view of the role of the government. Stability is further promoted in terms of individuals: they all have a vote, and even if their candidate looses the election, a rational individual liberals have defended →

Big data technology: the benefits, lawful and moral issues associated with big data technology

Consequently, the use of cyber which has been prevalent to social media has enhanced easy ways to acquire illegal information and exploit to receivers. Also the use of unauthorized trademarks and copyright to protect their image of work has been a major illegal issue.

Ripple (xrp) versus stellar lumens (xlm)

The goal of the enterprise is to build a widely accessible and faster block-chain which will allow you to engage in micro-payments among people participating on the network. IBM is known to already be a dedicated and currently active rival in the block-chain division.

The new data warehousing technology

A few definitions of data warehouse are as follows: According to Vidette Poe, " Data warehouse is a read-only analytical database that is used as the foundation of a decision support system". Subject-Driven A data warehouse is organized around major subjects and contains only the information necessary for the decision support processing.

Stress and how to reduce it

Stress is defined as a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life or work. For example, in order to reach a higher position incareeror to earn more and moremoney, you pay more hours in a day and more days in a week for work.

Example of book review on the five factor model of personality

I am able to get along with teams and groups in new environments such as workplace and class. Psychology requires a high level of creativity, and I am able to cope well since I adapt more easily.

From according to small business, “when a

According to Small Business, " When a group or teamcomprises people who differ in age, sex, race, cultural background and otherfactors, the hoped-for result is a collaboration of wildly diverse thinking. You have to understandthat diversity is not just about race and gender, you have to think about diversity as diversity of ideas andexperience.

Chauhan, mind, discernment and information with respect to

Chauhan, Gupta, Singh examined that the concentrates of seeds and leaves aresuccessful in clearing and sedimentation of suspended natural and inorganicissue exhibit in water tests. It suggests that treatment with these normalconcentrates additionally helped in the coagulation of the overwhelming metalslike lead, copper, nickel and so forth display in the treated water tests.

Mobile phone industry in the philippines essay sample

With a combination of the functionalities of these two independent devices, the introduction of short messaging service in the GSM technology has popularized the use of mobile phones. ZTE Corporation The snow balling functionality of the mobile phone, from mere SMS, to MMS, to audio-video, and data capabilities is leading the Philippines to become the →

The use of mobile phone in school

With the wide spread use of the internet, the seemingly ubiquitous prevalence of Wi-Fi hotspots and the ever presentfashion accessory that cell phones have become communication technology is more pervasivethan ever. Due to the lack of exercising other recreation activities, the use of mobile phones haveleft most of us addicted to this digital dominion with →

Change in continuity for christianity essay sample

The various changes the occurred during this era all lead up to the Great Schism, which ultimately divided Christianity into the Roman Catholic Church and the Eastern Orthodox Church. During the 5th century, Christianity became the dominant religion in the community of the Byzantine Empire.

Black churches and black clergy in cleveland

The Stoke's era in politics earmarked the emergence of effectual political influence of the Black church as a cooperative entity. As well, developing interests of respective groups in Cleveland's church community are influencing its range of interests and participations in the political process.

Financial analysis – wendy’s

The paper seeks to conduct a financial case analysis from the article entitled " Peltz Aims to Expand, Control Wendy's Board" By Janet Adamy and correlate the same to the issue of corporate capital structure and impact from the event. Peltz wants to have control of the Wendy's board by attempting to have a majority →

Economic. date: 25th october 2012.

This is why the unemployment rate is a key economic indicator What About Seasonal Unemployment: Seasonal unemployment is unemployment due to changes in the season - such as * a lack of demand for department store Santa Clauses in January. Seasonal unemployment is a form of structural unemployment, as the structure of the economy changes →

Pestel and porters tesco

Increase in UK ethnicity population has lead to a wide range of food items available in store TECHNOLOGICAL-Increase in population access to internet has caused an increase in Online grocery shopping. Greener living scheme which advices customers on environmental issues such as how to reduce food waste and carbon foot print when preparing meals LEGAL-Increase →

Sami alonizi

Adolescence means the period of life between childhood and maturity in a particular community and also is the period of life in which the person does not have a childhood privileges. The second phase is called Middle adolescence, and usually it start from the age of 14 to 18 years.

Good literature review about little prince

The Little Prince starts to love the rose deeply but the rose is unappreciative and vain of constant shower of his appreciation. In a dramatic end, Little Prince decides to go home and leave the narrator with memories of childhood and how to hear laughter with sparkle of stars.

Juvenile crime speech essay sample

It is a fact that most juvenile crimes occur between the hours of 3 and 6 pm, so how would a night curfew make a real impact on juvenile crime rates? It is my opinion that a curfew would not be very beneficial or productive to our communtiy, and could, in a way, hurt out →

Understanding principles of developing positive relationships

Providing a fun learning environment is the key to engaging children and young people. It is crucial to provide a calm, safe and happy environment for the children.

The reserve bank of australia and interest rates

How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect imports An increase in the cash rate may attract an additional flow in of foreign investment funds which will increase the AUD exchange rate. How is an increase in the cash rate likely to affect the exchange rate?

Good essay on celebrity persuasive letter

We encourage you to generously donate this item at the autumn RSU rally. We are targeting to raise as much funds as we can and forward the money to relevant organization.

On the want of money

He uses examples, syntax, diction, and tone to show that in a world without money ahuman beingwill experience the harshness of life. After stating his position that " one cannot get on well in the world without money." author Hazlitt lists a variety of examples to show the outcome of one's life if they were →

The truth about sports betting

But the reverse is the case, no matter the amount of information available to you predicting the outcome of these events is very difficult. So many people all around the world bet on sport and almost all of them are at the losing end, lots of money are lost, these monies end up in the →

My first pocket money

The first day of the holiday, I went to grocery stores and malls to look for a job. I was so happy, and before leaving the restaurant, I confirmed the time I would report to work.

Syrian civil war: could it have been avoided and how vast did the conflict become?

The Syrian civil war has created millions of refugees and the question of what to do with them. Additionally there are things that can be accomplished to make it safe to bring Syrian refugees into the country such as collecting records and data so proper background checks can occur when vetting the refugees.

Why prohibition failed essay sample

The door shuts and it is silent again" That was an example of just on of the 100, 000 " speak-easies" that was open in New York City at the time". Not only was Prohibition a failure but it damaged the people and the society that it was suppose to help.

Civil rights vs. the nsa surveillance program

The ACLU contends that for the government to authorize the unwarranted surveillance of its citizens violates the Fourth Amendment to the Constitution which prohibits the use of general warrants and requires that probable cause be apparent. The argument surrounds the concept that the Bush administration is violating the separation of powers laid down in the →

Essay summary of police corruption

Second, police corruption detracts from the integrity of the police and tarnishes the public image of law enforcement. The causes of police corruption According to the rotten apple theory, corruption is the work of a few, dishonest, immoral police officers.

Definitions paper

Design is the link to the corporate industry because many people relate to industry. Creativity comes from the mind; the company or companies have a vision in which they want to show they have the best products on the market.

Adhocracy report

In this system, hierarchies are not applicable and the system is low on formalization. This is the reason why the system is common in highly risky organizations, up coming industries, and the short-term organizations.

If you’re going to fail, fail smart

And there are the failures that are going to happen to you every day. What the biggest thing you have learned from a failure, and how did you use that knowledge to shape your business practices?

Social entrepreneurship

Bill Drayton of The American Social Innovation School posits that the social entrepreneur's characteristics as a change agent are the central element of social entrepreneurship, while others insist that the organization must remain the primary focus. Some believe that the commercial activities do not need to be connected to the social mission, so long as →

Entrepreneurial attitude to growth

Entrepreneurs in small businesses should take particular care to ensure that their project is in line with their abilities, that growth is achieved gradually rather than dramatically, and that financial conservatism is adopted as a way of business life. Entrepreneurs must take lesson from the current crisis, work on their strengths and control their weaknesses →

If steady paycheck to count on. i’m totally

Most of the time entrepreneurs find that life is verydifferent in several ways than that of an employee's. SecurityIt is expected that a salaried employee will do the work thatis necessary for the job.

Patterns of empires and state expansion

In comparing the Qin and Han Dynasties, both are easily recognizable with the Conrad Demarest Model of Empires however, both have easily recognize differences such as, the administrating of powers, the fall of the empire, and ideologies. The Qin Dynasty had all of the necessary preconditions for the rise of an empire.

Theories of empire essay

A sea powerSea power refers to the authority or the ability to take charge in the sea. As seen during the war between the British Empire and the French which handed the Briton the sea power.

Essay on neonatology fellowship

I was born in Tehran, the capital and the largest city in Iran, and started my schooling at the age of six. The spirit of hardwork, commitment and dedication was induced in me from the onset and this was how I got the privilege of becoming what I am today.

Free essay about performance evaluations

According to Jack, if the appraisal is accurate it would be " helpful in improving the employee's job performance and making administrative decisions about the employee". That is, the employee and the supervisors needs to fully involve in the whole process and has to do this appraisal with honesty and sincerity, to make it more →

The 40-year employee

However, the truth is that it was John who failed himself and the company. It is even rarer when the said employee has proven to be very competent and helpful to the success of the company.

Free macleod, jock. literature, journalism, and the vocabularies of liberalism: politics essay example

In his argument, the author establishes the effects of new liberalism on English literacy beginning 1886 to 1916; the author essentially relates the nature of liberalism in US Journalism in the past to the present times. Considering that this book aims at presenting the true nature of journalism freedom in relation to the freedom of →

Performance & internet

To order to remain competitive Bartier Perry needs to utilise the internet in a way that brings the customer into a closer relationship; thus maintaining their client focussed approach. Management are aware of the need to build an e-commerce strategy and are prepared to implement a recommended plan with the proviso that performance can be →

Online business

The biggest challenge for the organisation is to establish awareness in the chosen market and their business practices. A common problem is that how to translate the language in order for the new target market understands the nature of the business and goods and services provided online.


As emphasized by Sviokla, the keys to enhanced customer satisfaction stems from Groupon's ability to: " make the interaction simple; create a sense of urgency; energize customers to enjoin others to join; and make the experience a lot of fun". The quality of these activities fit with the overall strategy, which is consistent with the →

Suzie orman

In the essay that Suze Orman wrote, " How to Take Control of Your Credit Cards", Orman says that it is only a matter of choice whether or not you learn to take control of your credit cards. Orman says; before you select a credit card you should always find the lowest interest rate for →

A critical analysis of the role of icts for the strategic development and an assessment of the electronic presence of british airways

Use of ICTs has made transportation of goods and services by use of British Airways to be cost effective and flexible; it has made travelling in the air pervasive as information is conveyed efficiently. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


This sampling plan results in a random sample, but not a simple random sample. This sampling plan results in a random sample, but not a simple random sample.

Data analysis

In statistics the accuracy of the results is positively correlated to the number of the data variables. In a nutshell; using the sample data the average weight of a football player is 192.

The sticky-priced condo essay

She also told the couple that if they refuse to sell their unit at a lower price such as $195, 000, they would suffer from sticky prices, in which there would be no buyer. If I were Wendy, I would persuade Jack and Sarah to sell their condominium at a lower price by using the →

Using ultrasound to study mother and baby

The idea of the ultra sounds is seen to be an un natural theory The power of the relationship and the power of looking at an image between the Mother and the baby. Technology is developing so we can an ideal visual of the fetus and a better understanding and clearer image of the fetus." →

Analyze the mother teresa essay

In the beginning of 1949 she was joined in her effort by a group of young women and laid the foundations to create a new religious community helping the " poorest among the poor". She offered to resign her position as head of the Missionaries of Charity, but the sisters of the order, in a →

”buddy” by nigel hinton essay sample

With the loss of Buddy's mum, money becomes a problem and his dad re-begins his life of theft. Buddy then becomes worried about his dad, and plots to have the man leading his father astray arrested, allowing his dad to start a normal, risk-free job.

Single parent effect’s child behavior

The article " The Effects of a Single Parent Home on a Child's Behavior" by Marnie Kunz. Single parent families are determined by the sex of the primary care responsible for the children the majority of the time, and they can either be mother only are father only families.

My mother analysis

We both know that time is passing and I will have to go my own way and face a world which has full of battles; I will have to face it alone. She tells me she loves me very much but she does not expect me to look after her when she has a certain →

Geography – problem solving: flooding

By doing this, it will also disrupt the wildlife where the town could be moved. As a result, this saves the town from being flooded but the flood downstream will be worse.

Middle east

This perspective mostly refers to a conventional Muslim female whereby according to the creed ought to conduct themselves in a decent manner, which is having veil. France: In this state, the regime barred full-face veil in public places whereby the president contended the practice was basically a way of oppressing the female gender, hence France →

Colorado in searching for new oasis by lavender

The book thus linked my knowledge of Geography and Geology to sociology and the study of culture and history of this region. The way of living of people from Colorado has changed a lot over the passage of the last few decades.

Rubik’s cube loses eu trademark fight over its shape

But German toy maker Simba Toys challenged the trademark protection in 2006, saying that the cube's rotating capability should be protected by a patent and not a trademark. Last year, the court ruled that Nestle's request to trademark the shape of its four-fingered Kit Kat bar in Britain did not comply with EU law, supporting →

Significant events that led to prussia’s expansion

Fredrick was important to the rise of Prussia because he was able to get a large standing army. During the Spanish war, he offered his army to the Holly Roman Empire and by doing so gave him the title of King of Prussia.

Example of book review on the story of western architecture by bill risebero

However, Bill Risebero in his book titled The Story of Western Architecture covered thousands of years in the history of architecture. In this book, the author gives little account of the art and architecture of the 2000s.

Sample essay on geography questions

It is included because it's part of a geographic issue because of the European Union and its inclusion into the EU. The " iron curtain" is there because of the Soviet Union and its bordering Western European states.

Possible aftermaths of brexit for british people

With more and more EU nurses and doctors leaving the UK after the Brexit vote, the NHS would be left in a position where it would not be able to function. 7% of our doctors are non-UK trained with 11% trained in the EEA and the remaining 25.