400 Words Essay Samples

Freud’s psycho sexual stages

The transition from stage to stage is not abrupt but gradual with the first stage being the Sensorimotor stage. In this stage, infants gain an understanding of the world through their senses and their object permanence is developed in which children realize that objects continue to exist even when they are out of sight.

Social media news release

This partnership is a sign that the foundation will be relentless in its quest to improve the welfare of citizens everywhere by coming up with initiatives like this".- Bruce Wayne, Wayne Foundation Executive Director For years, our organization has been committed to fighting crime by mobilizing citizens and other stakeholders like police to take active β†’

Economic imperialism

Investors and political leaders that were hungry for creating and enlarging their empire were also influential to the imperialism of the sass's. The introduction of the steam engine, and the railroad were beneficial to Imperialism.

In the news

C, in the first half of November, which was an answer to people's growing ailments. Their marketing style may seem comical and wacky, but the store founders claim to have conveyed a serious message.

Amazon.com, inc. – company background

Amazon was one of the first major companies to sell goods by Internet, and was an iconic " stock in which to invest" of the late 1990s dot-com bubble. When the dot-com bubble burst and many e-companies went out of business, Amazon persevered, and, finally, turned its first profit in the fourth quarter of 2002: β†’

Psychology narrative essay

Think about it, we use clinical psychology to form new ideas and test our theories about our lives and the lives of other animals. I also think that we can learn a lot about other animals and apply that knowledge to our lives.

Global marketing strategies assignment

Global marketing Is the process of adjusting a company's marketing strategies to adapt to conditions in other countries. Cater, Graham, Silly, 2013) Promotional Strategies Effective promotion strategies are essential to make sure a product is accessible in the global marketplace.

Case study on child marriage

From the modern point of view child marriage is the weird action, because the child should play and learn but not get married especially with the grown up person. The student is able to improve the quality and originality of the text with the instructions taken from a free example case study on child marriage β†’

Tanya stivers

The research questions that Stivers seeks to address are two problems in acute care encounters, the article examines the alternative stances that embody presentation of problems. The research in this study is the formulation of responses using the subjects that the particular study was done on before.

Prevention and control of diseases and health conditions

The main aim of screening is determining the probability of having a disease. Therefore, a screening program that will find diseases that affect people less often in the community could benefit few people, thus why the most important aspect to consider before carrying out a massive community screening, considering relative costs and resources is a β†’

Vagueness, ambiguity and clarity in writing

In example four, the entire statement is vague and unclear of what conclusion or point is trying to be made. This paragraph is not an example of clear writing because the writer was obviously not aware that whoever might read it may not know what or who they were talking about due to no details β†’

Jetty rats rites of passage essay

Just happen to be a bunch of kids who hang around the Jetty." Hunter also becomes friends with another boy known and ' The Skullster'. Hunter became friends' with the Skullster after he striked a deal with him.

The demming system

The Deming System of Profound Knowledge Deming? s theory of profound knowledge is closely related with the systems theory. Knowledge of variation?" Analyzing the range and cause of variations in quality and the use of statistical sampling in measuring this variability.3.

Technology in the 40’s and 50’s 6842

In the late forties and the fifties the United States mad great progress in the area of science and technology. This was partly due to the fact that America had more money to spend, they had an increase in the number of university trained scientists, and a growing commitment to the future.

Computer effects on the academic performance of students

In this regard, this literature review concerning the effects of computer usage to the academic performance of students, will address the following areas relevant to this study: History of the Computer; Importance of Computers, Negative Effects of Gaming: computer crime: computer use recommendations: and conclusion. Microprocessors introduced the beginning of the " Fourth Generation" and β†’

A any writing, picture or other sign tending,

A libel is a publication of a false and defamatory statement in some permanent form tending to injure the reputation of another person without lawful justification or excuse. Sadiq, it has been held that when a suit for damages is filed for making defamatory statement against ministers and police officers, it is libel within the β†’

Rehabilitation therapy which aids stroke survivors relearn lost dexterity

Time is therefore of the essence when handling stroke survivors hence as more time passes the risk of death from stroke is reduced. Outcome After Mobilization Within 24 Hours of Acute Stroke A Randomized Controlled Trial.

I must work to support them, she always

As Emily grows older, the mother is regretful of the way Emily has grown up. The mother is obviouslysuffering from guilt and wretched memories of Emily suffering.

“flower takes thousands of years to reach

Some of these stars are hundreds of times bigger than our sun, which is only a small star, and some are so far from us that the light they give off takes thousands of years to reach us, though light travels at the in conceivable rate of 186, 000 miles every second. And further he β†’

Globalization and infectious diseases

The race that the infectious disease originates from is discriminated against and segregated as well as blamed for the spread of the disease or infection just like the Chinese were segregated by the Canadians in Toronto even though the disease spread as a result of interaction and connectedness but leads to inequality. What this does β†’

Ugly betty essay

After its premiere on September 28, 2006, Ugly Betty has been a tremendous success, remaining in the top five in the seasonal ratings in the United States. The show follows the life of the unglamorous but good-hearted Betty Suarez, and her incongruous job at the ultra-chic New York City fashion magazine Mode.

Theories influencing the conduct of social research

Theory is an idea to explain something, or a set of guiding principles that kind of framework of social phenomena can be understood so when we do social research it influences a lot because of different people have different perception, knowledge and ideas about that particular theory and the orientation of theory is two types β†’

General overview of gats

The definition of services trade under the GATS is four-pronged, depending on the territorial presence of the supplier and the consumer at the time of the transaction. Presence of natural persons: by a service supplier of one Member, through the presence of natural persons of a Member in the territory of any other Member.2.

Impact of exchange rate on industry assignment

Objective The aim of this study is to identify vulnerabilities on fore exposures, on account of depreciation of the rupee against the dollar, across various industry segments based on a simulation analysis of FYI 1. The sample is representative of trends discussed here as fore earnings by these 1 590 companies accounts for 97% of β†’

A story about my mother

Finding out me in the yard with my friends, she furiously shouted at me and hit me in front of all my friends including the boy that I liked. I feel that my mother was also painful like me.

Art history

The clues that give this impression are that there are people haveswimmingsuits and gear on in many of the pieces. In the characters that are in their bathing suits or with swimming gear on in the sculpture Platform, the characters appear to be expressionless.

Offensive advertisement essay

This originative posting ad aims to sell the trade name and wake up the emotion of the people sing domestic force. The critics may happen this advertizement as violative; nevertheless.this would trip the emotion of the people and do them move against domestic force.

Common decency

A possible solution to this conflict would involve the movement of tables in the function room and assisting the guest in getting into the wedding reception.4. Follow up regarding the hotel reservation conflict that would involve checking whether a room has indeed been assigned to the guest.

Does thinking outside the box really work?

Half of the students were asked to do this sitting on the inside of a 125-cubic-foot box, while the rest were allowed to sit outside the box. In this experiment, the control was the group of students asked to think of words while inside the box.

Childcare level 3- the questions are listed in the instructions box

The misconception is that capitalization should only be done in the beginning of a line. The solution to this misconception is to emphasize the concept of capitalization in the beginning of every new sentence.

Finance homework essay

This will be an advantage to seeking personal gain through the inappropriate of non public information or abusing my position in the company and should be purchase only after it is know to the public. I would gather as much information to see what is going on and why the company consider not being compliance β†’

What placed on contact precautions due to

After the surgery, the patient was send to intensive care unitwhere he was placed on contact precautions due to the high risk of infectionand with uncontrollable acute pain with the minimum movement the patient made. The registered nurse and the studentnurse received this patient after admitted to the ICU.

Case study on wells fargo

Wells Fargo is the fourth largest bank in the USA and is included into the Big Four of the banks of the country. The executives decided to keep the name of the company Wells Fargo, because it is a recognizable name which has more than 150 years of history and keep the symbol of the β†’

Ways to reduce pollution. assignment

There are a number of simple yet surefire ways to reduce pollution in the home. The little choices that you make everyday may mean doing simple things to reduce pollution and save the environment.

Anabolic steroids case study

The central nervous system is comprised of the brain and the spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system IS comprised of the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system.

Timber harvesting assignment

We feel this way because the development will increase the surface water and nutrients put in the water. This will ensure the quality of the aquatic life will be preserved.

Helical model of communication essay sample

The main characteristic of helical model of communication is that it is non-linear, it is evolutionary. When a child is born, the only means of communication is crying.

Communcation process

The manager thought I was lying and she had to go talk to the other manager that had advised me of the special project. The misunderstanding was that manager 1 did not know that manager 2 had already told me to do a special project How could you have avoided the misunderstanding?

Circuit soldering assignment

It is also vital to fold out areas that are not to be soldered if possible to specifically limit the area of soldering to that that is required. In this method, it is vital to limit the time of contact of the soldering iron.

Summarize the banking system

The banking system includes a team of members who are put in place to ensure that the best of services are offered to the community. Then there are those banks that deal with the monetary policies and the change in the value of a specific currency since trade cannot happen without the presence of currency.

Economic impact of wal-mart via two studies

The company analyzed data provided by Wal-Mart in the areas of sales, purchases and details of employment and samples of wages. Global Insight employed a collective indicator in the form of the Consumer Price Index to help understand how the economy as a whole functions.

Definitions of words, thoughts or concepts

Transition: Now, I want to show my own stories to apply the idiom. Main Point #1 I will show my own experiences applied to the idiom.A.

Sygate technologies inc.

Headquarters overhead cost allocation at Korea auto insurance Tasks: a) What would be the net income of the Taejon branch as of 2007 and 2008 if the headquarters' overhead costs were allocated by the current method? You may refer to descriptions of the 17 overhead costs incurred by the five teams at the headquarters.c) Using β†’

True education

Because I know that the Great Train Wreck of 1918, the greatest train wreck in all of American history, failed due to the miscommunications of two controllers and the collision of two trains on one track. Waiting for us to take the mass of knowledge we have consumed, and apply it to make this pre-built β†’

News reflection paper assignment

According to Pamela Hyde, one of the main contributors of the article, substance abuse reduces the productivity of American workers, and it affects their health and safety negatively. Thought/ reflection on the article The working portion of the population is a vital group towards the well-being of the society.

Apple case 11 essay

The savviness of today's consumers and the emergence of new markets and competitors are just a few differences that Apple has faced. Intensity of Competitive Rivalry The intensity of competitive rivalry has increased because of the number of competitors, the innovations in distribution channels as well as the decrease in switching costs.

My school experience

Unfortunately for me, when I got to high school, I began hating school with a passion. I really enjoyed college, especially compared to high school.

Strategic plan critique

Strategic Plan Critique: Pedigree Grooming and Boarding This strategic planning process is vital for all organizations as it helps them in identifying the various threats and opportunities in the industry as well as provides them with adequate data about its internal strengths and weaknesses to address such issues posed by the macro economic environment. This β†’

Assumptions made in the u.s. economic decisions

The banks and mortgage sectors are key contributors to the apparent economic state for a number of assumptions made in their decisions. The rates by banks and mortgage in the country experienced a considerable decline and a consequent effect on the economy.

Life is a comedy for those who think and a tragedy for those who feel

If you are a thinker who contemplates life without involving your feelings, you will definitely enjoy the ride, whereas the ones who get attached to the world will be screaming, being terrified of the tragedy they live. Thus, you will be able to enjoy the ride and even laugh when you go past the downs β†’

Space exploration synthesis

The final factor we must include when determining the importance of space exploration is the exposure of space exploration in the education system and why it is helpful to learn about historical space endeavors of our country, both its successes and disasters. Another major point to consider when discussing the importance of space exploration is β†’

Suppresion of individual’s creativity

The school superintendents who are in favor of uniforms will argue that the children who wear them will experience many benefits. Another problem that will surface due to the implementation of school uniforms is the suppression of the individual's creativity and expression.

Kapampangan i: common expressions, weather

90/PAGEOrder Nowtara let's gotaralet's all go nowanacome on, let's do itsigu go aheadwa yes opu yes al notabalu I do not knowsiguruperhapspilan how many? nanu what? ninu who? baquitwhy? macananu how? capilan when? nucarin where? pota in just a little while; latercanian very soon at any time nownandin a while agosaguli just a little while, β†’

Romeo and juliet compare and contrast narrative essay

Dramatic Speech, Dramatic irony, and comic relief are the three elements in The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet that makes the play easier to understand. For example, Act III scene ii lines 97-127, by Juliet, " will I speak ill of him that is my husband?..." This also helps the reader understand the play better.

Baron letters” and “de i’ esprit des

Born into a wealthy noble family, he became a French lawyer & wrote the " Persian Letters" which he became famous for & " The Spirit of Laws". In the end, Montesquieu was one of the few Frenchmen that had a great effect on the Enlightenment politically & mentally.

Medicare in 1965 to the passage of the affordable care act in 2010

Medicare in 1965 and the Affordable Care Act in al Affiliation Medicare in 1965 and the Affordable Care Act in Medicaid is a social health care in the United States for individuals and families with limited resources and little income. The Affordable health care is different from the Medicare and Medicaid in the sense that β†’

Test puzzle

If you know, for example, that Lauren was not born in 1961, you can add an X in the box where the Lauren column and 1961 row meet. Eventually you will have filled in enough X's and O's on the board that you will then be able to use simple logic to deduce the solution β†’


The purpose of counselling is to help the client work towards living in a more satisfying and resourceful way. Clients can be helped online through 1-2-1 chat, by email, on the telephone, SMS text counselling, video counselling or in person.5.

Joseph h pilates

There is no doubt that the influence of his mother and father's jobs and views affects him as he grew up to eventually invent the exercises ands life style that he did. He eventually decided that everyone's modern lifestyle, bad posture, and inefficient breathing were the roots of poor health, and he would find a β†’

Slavery and freedom: the american paradox

Providing substantial evidence to support his claims and a wealth of expertise in pre-Revolutionary American history, in Slavery and Freedom: the American Paradox, Edmund S. Morgan provides a service to all Americans by shedding much-needed insight into one of the most forgotten and understudied periods of American history.

The sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions of the ans

It has both sensory and motor neurons to carry the information to and from the brain and spinal cord.2. An action potential along the axon is dependent on the influx of sodium ions and the efflux of potassium ions.

Dependent and independent demand in inventory management flashcard

An inventory of an item is said to be falling into the category of independent demand when the demand for such an item is not dependent upon the demand for another item. Dependent Demand If the demand for inventory of an item is dependent upon another item, such demands are categorized as dependent demand.

Quotations ona true muslim essay

He is good at heart, true to his word and Honest in the performance of his duties. He is recall in everything that he does.

Auschwitz essay

Prisoners in the left line were sent to the gas chambers and killed immediately. Nine out of ten Jews were killed in gas chambers and many others throughout the camp.

V for vendetta persuasive

Although this book is a graphic novel which may turn many people off to reading the book it has many reasons to be added to the literary canon. The second reason I believe this book should be added to the literary canon is because of its ability to provoke thoughts.

Developmental psychopathology perspective on resilience

Developmental Psychopathology Perspective on Resilience The pathway in which an individual will major on in terms of his reactions is influenced by a number of factors such as experiences, social context, timing, and the historical background of an individual. Through research, scientists have discovered that factors, which facilitate resilience, have to do with the environment β†’

Literacy enhancement teaching

When I showed him the pictures, he gave me smiles and giggled as if he was too pleased to see the faces. I noticed that every time I showed him the pictures, he would raise his legs in the air and do some baby talk like " oo-aa".

Madonna-a legend essay

The third of six children, Madonna learned early on how to handle her role as the middle child, admitting that she was " the sissy of the family" who often used her feminine wiles to get her way. Many elements of Catholic iconography-including her mother's statues of the Sacred Heart, the habits of the nuns β†’

The child-centered curriculum proposed by john dewey

How is it possible for a person to obtain that drive if he, himself is not focused on the field he is taking or force to be someone he is not Taking for granted an individuals' sole character is no use if the goal is storing information. It is not too late to appreciate John β†’

The importance of uniforms

Concentration, discipline and equality are some of the benefits of having students wear uniforms in school. With uniforms all kids can look equivalent in the eyes of all students and staff.

Godfather death and appointment in samara

In the story of Appointment in Samara, the concept is merely on its being a logical story that helped its audience find its logic through its characters' actions, words, and metaphors. Godfather Death and Appointment in Samara is a good story when it comes to its content and forms for it brings the tropical evolution β†’

Summary 1

In a community with the powerful and the powerless, it becomes very hard for the grievances of the powerless to be acknowledged or addressed since the powerful are always working towards abating the ability of the powerless to participate in the decision making process. Although the powerless in the community believe that the courts and β†’

It’s this is taken care of and

The quality of a rehab centre is to be inappropriate- the extent of cleaning that happens is too much. There are many pets that are in need of a loving space and hence the site is chosen here.

Kaiser aluminum and the united steelworkers

Their policy should be revised to state that, " Kaiser Aluminum will employ people from all races on the basis of their qualifications and their numbers in the area's population".3. The companies should additionally be involved in planning, funding, and implementing strategies that will help in correcting historical inequalities in their areas.

Simply sexist? – free essay

These rules formalize the shaming of not only female skin, but also the shape of the female body. The change must continue within our schools and their rules.

Individual difference

Physical fitness is crucial in learning since it will make the learners vibrant hence; they will be able to learn the most important things if not everything in the learning situation. People in a learning environment who have commonalities will tend to favor each other while learning and those from a different race may not β†’

Amazon.com integration

One should bear it in mind that back-end integration on aquarelle.com is stated to have the same as on amazon.com qualities for usability and integration in its back office affairs. The research has also illuminated that a degree of customer perspectives among both sites depends on a degree of internal and external back-end integration worked β†’

Primary source analysis confessions

In Book 1, chapters 1-2, Augustine makes clear his choice and religious alignment with the Christian faith as he humbles himself before the glory of God and yet, struggles with his inability to find himself worthy of God's attention. A recurring theme throughout " Confessions," Book 1, Chapter 1 is Augustine's struggle with the complexities β†’

International marketing assignment

Ceylon Biscuits Is the largest Sir Lankan exporter of biscuits, chocolates and soy products and Its Munched brand has a 48 percent share of the local market. Its main products in the local market are Marie biscuits, Lemon Puff, Super Cream Cracker and Chocolate Puff.

Communication of power

Bill Right fully understands that politics is a dirty game and that he has to be very creative while presenting himself to the public and in the attempt to convince them that he is the best person suited to represent them in parliament. He has to present the sitting member of parliament in such a β†’

Preparing research questions and hypotheses

The scope of the research or study is the main determinant of the appropriate number of research questions and hypotheses. Additionally Toledo, Flikkema and Toledo-Pereyra suggest that a necessary ingredient of a well-developed and sound research study is a research hypothesis since it contributes to solving the research problem.

Essay on whats the need for homework?

I need to know if there's something I do not understand about it. Could it be that there are reasons for it and we do not know?

Great depression assignment

Great Depression Impact " The American People in Hard Times" Employment African Americas Minorities Women Most Pl saw unemployment/poverty as signs of personal failures Men= ashamed of being Jobless Relief eventually collapsed Thousands sifted through garbage cans for scraps of food or waited outside restaurants Nearly 2 million men road freight trains living as nomads β†’

When the experiment more objective, more valid

For example The strength of thisexperiment would be that the field experiment is more likely to reflect the real-lifesetting, this is because its happens in natural everyday setting. This is because thesetting would not be the same and the participants would most likely to reactdifferently.

Kalma chowk underpass

Addressing the ceremony held on the occasion, the Chief Minister said that completion of the largest underpass in a record period of 82 days is a great achievement which was possible due to the collective efforts of the entire team working on the project. The Chief Minister said that Punjab government has spent millions of β†’

A study on allahabad tourism essay

For the book lovers, Allahabad is a city of publishers. By Rail: Allahabad is a major city on the railway map of India.

Two argument paragraphs for against globalization.

Next, with the advent of globalization, there has been an immense increase in the transportation of goods and services worldwide. Knowingly or unknowingly, we are all under the impact of globalization, and more importantly it has helped in bringing international peace and Justice to mankind.

How for you. 2- when someone compliments you

Here are the situations when you can simplysay thank you- 1- When you get free advicesIt happens sometimes that we do notneed advice but some people think that their advice is very helpful to you. Instead of saying sorry and explaining why you are latejust say thank you for waiting.

Pop culture: mike tyson

Although it was the case that Tyson only won a silver medal, according to the 2009 documentary Tyson became a phenomenon after he scored the fastest knockout in an Olympic bout at approximately 8 seconds. It is the case that during the height of his career, Mike Tyson was an unstoppable force and a near β†’

Pup college entrance test epermit

Certification of graduation issued by the School Registrar/Principal with school dry seal The Test Facilitator will not allow you to take the test if you fail to bring any of the above requirements 2. The submission of my PUPCET application form constitutes my consent to the collection and use by the Polytechnic University of the β†’

A. p. j. abdul kalam

The book has a lot of things that can be quoted, but I choose to share this one..." He who knows others is learned, but the wise one is the one who knows himself. This is my belief: that through difficulties and problems God gives us the opportunity to grow.

Servant leadership

Christ states that privileges in the kingdom are assigned by only the Father. Jesus describes the leadership of the Gentiles and compares it to that in heaven.

Wall mart passed toys

Recently however Wall Mart passed Toys R Us to become the number one toy retailer In the us and with its emergence as the toy selling superpower wall Mart has forced Toys R us and its executives to change the way it operates. Although Wall Mart routinely offers lower prices than Toys R us, Euler β†’

Answering criminal justice questions for criminal justice quiz

Should the criminal justice system be providing mental health treatment to offenders? The criminal justice system should engage in treatment of mental illness because it will result in decline in juvenile crimes since some crimes are as a result of mental illness.