2500 Words Essay Samples

Major characteristics of qualitative research

Fraenkel and Wallen suggested the same and as follow; Participant Observation, the researchers actually participate in the situation or setting they are observing and when the researcher takes on the role of a complete participant his identity is not known to the other members of the group or another role that could be play by →

News essay

What he is reminding us of is the need to remain open to discovery, to largess the need to give over our desire to define, to interpret, to reduce, to translate, We need to remind ourselves, in short, that in a poem we find the world happening not as concept but as percept. It recognizes →

Textbook quick quizzes

The four principles of economic decision making are: people face trade-offs; the cost of something is what you give up to get it; rational people think at the margin; and people respond to incentives. The opportunity cost of seeing a movie includes the monetary cost of admission plus the time cost of going to the →

Metabolism of tay sachs disease

In the article entitle " Biochemical characterization of the GM2 gangliosidosis B1 variant" the metabolic characteristics of the of the Tay -sachs disease is dictate by action of the different enzyme preferably called " Beta hexosaminidase" or. The system of the four different subunits contain within the hexosaminidase are the content of the enzymatic activities →

David warren brubeck musical career film studies essay

However, once it was discovered that Brubeck was unable to read music, the Dean considered not allowing him to graduate, and it was only through the music teachers' intervention and a promise never to teach that the Dean reconsidered and allowed Brubeck to graduate in music. His unit was deployed to Normandy after the successful →

Logical form and formal logic in andrew marvell’s ‘to his coy mistress’

The poem is written totally from the point of view of the man, and the rigidly logical analysis centres almost totally on the desire of the lover, ignoring any analysis of the coyness of the lady. The endless space and time of the first part of the argument, is closed down to the space of →

Dubliners essay sample

The Mundy sisters are shown to be isolated and by the end of the play, we as readers witness what is a tragic disintegration of their family; symbolic of the repressive social and cultural state of affairs in Ireland in the 1930s an Ireland that " was a confused and devastated place" K. The obsession →

Human growth and life span development sociology essay

A teenager in his/her adolescence phase tends to seek for more family love, as it is a transit stage between being a child and an adult in which he/she will have to handle both physical and emotional issues. Development is multidirectional, in which certain dimensions or aspects in life which used to be of a →

The marketing strategies of ongcand rli

ONGC Group of Companies comprises of Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited; ONGC Videsh Limited; ONGC Nile Ganga BV and Mangalore Refinery and Petrochemicals Limited. Oil and Natural Gas Corporation Limited is India's Most Valuable Company, having a market share of above 80% in India's Crude Oil and Natural Gas Exploration and Production.

Gastric acid resistant capsules are enteric biology essay

The capsule dissolution time cannot be determined exactly in the capsules which are released in the stomach as the residence time is highly irregular and depends on the several factors like the size of the fabricated capsule, fed or fasted state of the stomach etc. The gelatin surface is very soft and adhesion of the →

Sustainability in om definitions business essay

A growing emphasis on sustainability studies can be tracked back to a study conducted by The World Commission on Environmental and Development, and defines sustainable development as " development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs". On the other hand, Hutchins and Sutherland →

legionella : from protozoa to humans

Recent advance in genome sequencing has had a tremendous impact on our understanding of the pathogenesis, evolution and diversity of L.pneumophila and L.longbeachae and the knowledge of the genome sequence has guided and facilitated the research on Legionella in many laboratories. Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Hubber, A, and Roy, C.R.

Business level strateg in malaysia of pizzahut restaurants marketing essay

ANSWER FOR QUESTION 1 I HAVE CHOOSE ONE OF MY PLACE PIZZA HUT THAT IS FROM TESCO IPOH THE SWOT ANALYSIS OF PIZZA HUT @ TESCO IPOH STRENGTHS Pizza Hut is the market leader in the tesco ipoh and providing different products of pizzas as there are no competitors in this sector. Pizza Hut in →

Why were the barbary wars important?

There were hundreds of things that contributed to the development of the United States into a powerful nation, and it is arguable how important the Barbary Wars are. The book is a description of American foreign policy in the Middle East, with a major focus on the Barbary Wars as one of the determining forces →

Factors for consideration in independent prescribing

A short overview of the patient and their record will be presented, followed by a thorough examination of different medication possibilities, reviewing the quality of the literature and supportive facts. This is closely linked to accountability and the importance of understanding that as a prescriber, there is a professional and personal accountability.

Cultural studies – consumerism essay sample

Consumerism has proved it can be beneficial to the economy, when there is a demand for things, of that there is no denying, If you fast forward to the industrial revolution, when products were produced upon a huge scale, and things became more affordable to the everyday civilian, mass production resulted in mass consumption, all →

Linkedin case analysis essay sample

Based on this analysis and LinkedIn's financial history, we seek to calculate a fair book value for today's LinkedIn stock, as well as a projection of the stock price in 2016, five years after the IPO. We believe that prioritizing the needs of our members is the most effective, and ultimately the most profitable, way →

The history about chronic disease health and social care essay

In the following parts of the essay, definition and causes of the chronic diseases will be explained followed by the discussion of ageing population that influenced nursing and the contemporary nurses' role in relation to ageing population in Singapore. The combined impact of growing and ageing population, setting up restructured hospitals, polyclinics and nursing homes →

Cleopatra’s relationships with julius caesar and mark antony

She is the daughter of Ptolemy XII but her mother is of unknown identity, it is supposed that her mother is one of the pharaoh's concubines or the pharaoh's sister, Cleopatra VI. Julius Caesar, on the other hand, is a son to the humble family of Aurelia and to Gaius Julius Caesar in Rome.

Huaorani of ecuador

Their connection with the rainforest is important to their survival in that without that connection they would not have the knowledge and abilities to gather and survive otherwise. They also haverespectand interest in the trees because of the medicine they get from them, and because they relate the growth of trees to their own growth.

London underground

London Underground is vital to London's world city function and is the backbone of the transport system serving the central area. The Transport Strategy sets the framework for the city's integrated transport system, of which the London Underground is a vital part.

Diabetes management role of health education and future challenges nursing essay

The main focus of diabetes self management education is to develop skill to improve glycaemic control, information and knowledge about life style changes such as diet and physical activity, and most important is to develop skill to prevent and identify late complication of diabetes such as diabetic foot and care. Diabetic education and self management →

Emerging standards of care final revision essay

This paper will discuss the cultural competency and diversity in my workplace, the population being served and their specific health vulnerabilities, and the impact of delivery of nursing care. An internal standard of Cultural Competence is evident in my facility and states that the goal is to treat patients in ways that respect and account →

Standards for school district leadership

I actively participated in the process which allowed me to understand many of the challenges that a district leader needs o face to first understand the school community, and then foster a climate conducive to inclusion and promotion of the development of a Vision for Learning appropriate to their own reality. Standard 2: A Strong →

Effects of depression on brain function

This paper will focus on comparison of normal brain function and the brain function of an individual with depression, negative effects of daily functioning living with depression, assessments that are used for diagnoses and treatment, and appropriate treatment options and coping mechanism for individuals with depression. There is also the chance that the depression can →

Google operating in china analysis

In Google's case, whilst since 2000 it had offered a Chinese version, Chinese users found this service to be slow and unreliable, resulting in Google losing market share, particularly to the Chinese firm Baidu. To reverse this trend, Google would need to commit fully to the ever expanding internet market in China.

Persuasions so consistently conflictual history essay

He participated in the negotiations of the Gdansk agreement between the government and striking workers, and was instrumental to the Round Table Agreement of 1989 that led to the June parliamentary elections and a solidarity-led government. The existence of a strong democratic opposition in Poland, which had survived the persecutions of the early 1980s and →

Growth and expansion of arcelik home appliances

To ensure that the economies of scale do not end up in accumulation of dead stock, or in the escalation of warehousing and storage costs, Arcelik would need to look to markets that would be able to support its intention of increasing the economies of scale through a larger demand. When considering labour, it is →

Design and performance analysis engineering essay

Definition: A Reluctance Machine is one in which torque is produced by the tendency of its moveable part, to move in a position where the inductance of the excited winding is maximum. The main function of SRD system is to regulate the SRM speed to the required parameters, and torque control is the crucial point →

Social connectedness across the psychosis spectrum: current issues and future directions for interventions in loneliness

Loneliness has been shown to be related more to the quality of social relationships than to the quantity, and is typically characterized by feelings of social disconnection. A limited ability to savor positive experiences and the presence of negative symptoms should be accounted for when developing a social intervention for individuals with psychosis.

Binge-eating disorder: theories, risk factors and treatments

Binge-Eating Disorder Introduction Although the addition of Binge-Eating disorder as a distinct eating disorder diagnosis is new to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition, the concept of binge eating is not new to humanity. Theories of Binge-Eating Disorder Many of the theories and models surrounding Binge-Eating Disorder center experiences of negative →

Deng xiaoping — the great leader of china

Reflecting the aspirations of many leaders of the New Culture Movement in the late 1910's when he was but a school boy, Deng desired a cultural awakening of China. Most of the Chinese students in France were attracted to communism and Deng was no exception.


SmartFTP is an example of an FTP ____.meal plans and shopping listsSome commercial diet- and fitness-oriented Web sites offer members ____.publicA ____ FTP site is a site anyone can log on to and download or upload files without having to enter a unique username and password.streamingAudio or video transmitted continuously from a Web server is →

Compounding of offences under criminal procedure law essay

It is the degree of wrong done to the state by the commission of the offence that appears to be the basis of the distinction between compoundable offences and offences compoundable only with the permission of the court. A concerted effort should be made to dispose of the cases by compounding or settlement wherever that →

Contemporary issues on nhs

When the NHS established the starting budget of the NHS is 9 billion and now the budget of the NHS is 100 billion in year which is increasing by 4% every year. Primary care is the centre of the NHS and they cover and control 80% of the NHS budget.

Unusually high attrition rate in tech mahindra

It would analyse the higher attrition rate for Tech Mahindra as compared to the entire industry average and try to find possible reasons for it, analysing with motivation theories, implications on the organisation due to it and suggestions which managers could implement in future to avoid this. There are multiple factors that tend to decrease →


Using Kantian ethics as a model, one can determine that: It is morally permissible to engage in voluntary acts of euthanasia; it is morally permissible to engage in acts of nonvoluntary euthanasia, and; it is never morally permissible to engage in acts of involuntary euthanasia. In cases of nonvoluntary euthanasia where a patient is unable →

Diving into the wreck: myths: 1971-1972

Although not the first of the poems along Rich's journey, " Diving into the Wreck" should be the first to be examined, as it not only lends its title to the book as a whole, but lays out the overarching ideas of introspection into the remnants of the past and movement toward a future. That →

The great schism of the catholic church essay

The Catholic Church was a key factor in the shaping of European society after the fall of the Roman Empire. The centralization and reorganization of papal authority propelled the Office of the Pope to a position as the most influential force in medieval Europe.

Market audit and competition in brazil

The benefits of targeting this major cities is the availability of near ports and highways that would facilitate the distribution process, by making the product to arrive faster to the desired location. We felt the needed to partner with a recognized company to enter into the baby food market in Brazil and we feel BRF →

Technology readiness levels

Academia, industry and the authorities demand to hold a sound apprehension of the proficient adulthood of this thought and be able to pass on this apprehension to each other in order to suitably put and farther develop it. It could be argued that the existent end in the development rhythm is to acquire a undertaking →

Public health reflection on care

S to comply with it to achieve a good clinical outcome, was a very positive step and a testament to the clinical experience of the mentor. It was clear that simply persisting with the situation was not going to achieve the desired effect and that a degree of compromise was needed.

Elegance wear

The market in the fashion industry has grown and the size of the market matters. Our goal is to increase the size of this market and the more women customers we get all over the world the more we anticipate reaching our goals which are to be a top notch fashion house.

E government in pakistan

To citizens and businesses, e-government would mean the simplification of procedures and streamlining of the approval process. It also includes a list of projects completed by EGD and Ministry of IT in the Federal Government and specifically the Ministry of IT.

Nature vs. nurture

He introduced the general intelligence concept or the g factor to the psychology body of knowledge. Thurstone is also responsible for the development of a statistical technique referred to as the multiple-factor analysis.

Four trade barriers government

To protect the domestic economy of a particular country introduced trade barriers which reduce the imports and increases the net profits of the country. Whenever there are more foreign firms enter in to the country then the government impose a tax on them and reduce the tax for the local production to make more competitive →

Life, liberty, and freedom

There are many features to this vision, but the main three that apply to life, liberty, and freedom are the farewell address of George Washington, the constitution, and our freedoms. The second part of the speech that contributes to the vision is the pillars of happiness; religion and morals.

Bsc 2093 a&p i lecture

Stratum Spinosum - The layer above Basale where Langerhan= s cells and Keratinocytes can be found Know that the Dermis has two layers and their characteristics Papillary thin superficial layer made up of areolar connective tissue Reticular Deeper and thicker layer made up of dense irregular connective tissue Know the different proteins that contribute to →

Dracula: the self-aware mass of typewriting

He begins by stating, " the presence of the original is the prerequisite to the concept of authenticity". Two processes lead to a " shattering of tradition" the substitution of copies for the original and the closeness of the beholder to the reproduction.

Cell components and functions in metabolism

Nuclear Envelope: The nucleus is surrounded by a membrane called the nuclear envelope, which protects the DNA and separates the nucleus from the rest of the cell. Plasma Membrane: The cell membrane is the outer covering of the cell and contains the cytoplasm, substances within it are organelle.

The impact of a marketing mix

When we take IPL as a business rather than a game then IPL is the product or service the assets are the players of these teams and the market is the spectators and the television audience. The change that happened to the cricket in the recent years is the establishment and success of the IPL.

Analysis of kelloggs in india

Being a super brand and the quality of the product offered, Kellogg's has the liberty to charge premium for its products. 4: The Product Life Cycle of Kellogg's in India with changed Marketing Mix.

Infection control

There are six links to the chain of infection; the infectious agent, the reservoir, portals of exit, means of transmission, the portal of entry and the susceptible host of infection. The next three stages of the chain of infection can also be grouped together; these are the portals of exit, the means of transmission and →

Macro environmental factors affecting the industry marketing essay

The Porters' five forces model may be utilized to assess the state of the competitive environment, and finally the attractiveness of the industry to Coles in the future will be examined. However, this is set to change, with the existing of the Action supermarket and the expansion of IGA, along with the Federal Government and →

The cooling rate of a fluid

9 3 3 3 3 3. 6 6 6 7 6.3 3.

Types and causes of liquidity risk finance essay

Asset liquidity Due to the lack of liquidity in market an asset can not be sold it is basically subset of market risk. The firm is also seen to the risk of liquidity when the markets in they depend are under the liquidity loss.

Pure bureaucratic organization features

However, objectives of each individual might not be aligned with those of the organization, and therefore, to ensure that the organization is able to meet its objectives with maximum efficiency, it is imperative to exert some form of control over the organization.' Bureaucracy' is an authority that maximizes efficiency and effectiveness of the organization and →

Review of the film witness

The Amish farm is then raided where John is staying, the raid carried out by Schaeffer and his men was to find Samuel as he is the only witness to the murder. At the time of the final shoot out at the end of the film, where the farm is raided by Schaeffer and his →

The physical development of a human being

The physical development of a human being is the unique because of all of the visible changes that every human being goes through. The period of the fetus is from the ninth week until the end of the pregnancy.

Cultural reflections on restrained eating

There are several self-report instruments for the assessment of restrained eating, of which the three most commonly used are the Restraint Scale, and the restraint subscales of the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire and the Dutch Eating Behavior Questionnaire. 009 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Stroebe, W." Restrained eating and the breakdown of self-regulation," in →

Circulating tumor cells: back to the future

Establishment and characterization of a cell line from human circulating colon cancer cells. Tumorigenicity and genetic profiling of circulating tumor cells in small-cell lung cancer.

Potential market anaysis for innocent smoothies

Innocent's product portfolio has been recently expanded to almost 40 different product selections and thus the company's success over the competition is the natural ingredients that is used in its products and also its aspiration to conserve the nature in its products for the end user. Hence a strong marketing communication message is crucial to →

African american soldiers during the civil war history essay

The American Civil War also known as the War between States was the important step on the way to American independence and prosperity that we can see today. The history of the Civil War remembers the most depraved know example of abuse for black soldiers: at the Fort Pillow Confederate soldiers were shooting to death →

Coping with the effects of rural poverty sociology essay

Thus, regarding research questions, the researcher may pose several inquiries related to the symbolic power in the community and the symbolism related to being poor in the community. The value and meaning of living in a rural community must be elucidated; thus, ideas related to symbolic interaction would also be employed to enhance understanding.

Pizza hut essay sample

1)BACKGROUND OF PIZZA HUT History: The idea of Pizza Hut was originated in the year 1958 by two college students from Wichita and Kansas, whom were approached by a family friend with the idea of opening a pizza parlour; though the idea was relatively new to most of the Americans at that time but surely →

Business in cultural context

Many words and expressions cannot be translated in the local language hence it is always bets to create a customizedadvertisementaccording to the culture of the target market[9]. COMPANY'S VISION AND MISSION The vision of McDonalds in India is to provide the Indian population with best service and food.

The truth of adolph hitlers mysterious death history essay

After the experience from World War 1, in 1919, Hitler joined the precursor of the Nazi Party and in 1921, became the leader of NSDAP. Newsreels of Hitler show he had tremors in his hand and a shuffling walk which began before the war and continued to worsen until the end of his life.

A case study of telenor management essay

Leadership is the formulation of a transparent and complete system of expectations for the purpose of identification, arousal and utilization of strengths of all the resources of an organization, the most important of which is human resource. The aim of this study is to probe the following objectives: To discuss the philosophy, attributes and elements →

Poor health and poor housing sociology essay

The relationship between poor health and poor housing is essentially self-evident, however, research into the relationship is not easy as the relationship is very complex and difficult to prove, as previously mentioned, and as Mant points out, ' inadequacy of housing is invariably associated with other hardships, such as poor nutrition, poor sanitation, curtailment of →

To what extent is macbeth wholly responsible for his ruin

In order to understand how Shakespeare intended his audience to react to and interpret the themes in the play and on whom he intended the blame for the disruption to be placed, I must analyse it from a number of different aspects. Also, looking at the stagecraft from the era and also the modern day →

Role of hr in construction industry

According to research, maintaining and attracting the right people within the construction industry is a priority due to the scarcity of both skilled people and experienced managers." In recent years, the UK has relied heavily on foreign labour as a means of addressing skills shortages in certain industries and filling positions that local people are →

The cybercrime prevention act law constitutional administrative essay

Legislation and constitutional language and enforcement are critical to preserving right to privacy and freedom of expression that is guaranteed to U.S.citizens by the Bill of Rights. The Constitution of the United States, specifically the Bill of Rights, contains the legal basis for guaranteeing citizen's right to privacy and freedom of expression.

Acute hypoxemic respiratory failure in immunocompromised patients: taking aggressive measures to identify etiology

The successful application of NIV or HFNC depends greatly on the selection of target patients and the optimal timing of the initiation of the study, as well as discontinuation of the first trial of NIV or HFNC. The delayed use of NIV was a pivotal predictor of NIV failure and the mortality rate of patients →

Research into obesity essay sample

I will then focus on the idea of ' fat camps' to see if they are a useful method of helping people to lose weight in comparison to other methods. Review of literature: Through this literature review I will focus on the use of fat camps in the country as a possible measure to reduce →

Music and trauma: the relationship between music, personality, and coping style

However, despite the abundance of positive examples of the value of the arts in trauma recovery, music, and the arts receives little recognition by leaders in global health issues. Music and the expressive arts with children experiencing trauma.J.

Panayiotopoulos syndrome in a 3 year old child

Detection of occipital epilepsy at very early stage is needed to successfully treat this condition and allay the fears of the parents and care givers of these children with PS. CASE REPORT A 3-year-old girl, only sibling from a poor socioeconomic family of a non-consanguineous couple, presented in the Out-patient Department of Paediatrics, Amala Institute →

My business studies coursework flashcard

At maturity, the bar is selling well and the consumer is very fond of it, and saturation is where the product begins to stop selling as well, because the market has become too big, and people are buying the ' latest' and ' greatest' chocolate bars this is where the chocolate company can ' re-vamp' →

Examinations of philosophy and identity in faulkner’s as i lay dying

A firm believer in the sedentary lifestyle, he also places the blame for his misfortunes and those of his relations on the presence of the road, which he sees as an enabler of trouble: Durn that road...a-laying there, right to my door, where every bad luck that comes and goes is bound to find it...when →

Music and the brain psychology essay

The processing of music in the brain is done differently, than any other stimulating elements, making it important for researchers to understand the " effects of music on the brain". The left region of the cortex handles the rapid variations of the intensity and frequency in the music.

Describing the assessment process for hospital ward patient nursing essay

It will also describe the hospital setting, the nursing model used, the risk assessment tools and the information collected from the assessment including the needs identified and what can be and will be done. It consists of a ball, which is known as the head of the femur, which is carried on the neck of →

Market leader in the sports clothing industry marketing essay

They are devoted to treating Nike's employees with the greatest respect, which is revealed in Nike's recompense and human Resources Nike's the policies. This is their way of doing things on a daily basis to issue their employ potential and has been effective for them since they reconsidered their strategy back in the 90's.

Business ethics and the merck & co., inc. case study assignment

The three theories that will be used to examine the case are John Stuart Mill's ethical theory of Utilitarianism, Emmanuel Cant's Supreme Principal of Morality theory, and The Voice of Care, which is a contemporary challenge to dominant ethical views such as Kant and Mills'. The management team decided to manufacture and distribute the drug →

Talinum triangulare (jac.) phytochemical composition

Most of the phytochemical compound of the plant contain chemotherapeutic agent and can help to secure or prevent the diseases such as antidiabetic and anticancer. The present of the study was carried out to identify the class of phytochemical from leaves, stems and roots of the Talinum triangulare.

Positive and negative externalities of the subway system economics essay

The operator does not have to pay the cost of cleaning up the smoke given off by the mill but people in the community pay that cost in the form of dirtier clothes, dirtier cars and perhaps even more respiratory illnesses. However, potential investors who might be interested to acquire substantial shareholding or buy-out the →

Tennyson, we can not live in art essay sample

Trench's assertion to Tennyson reflects not only of the continuing debate over the nature and status of art but the new popularity and respect for science in the mid nineteenth century; ' we cannot live in art' can be seen both as an appeal against the insularity and unrealistic outlook of art and its creators, →

Effect of mutant eda-a1 gene on huvecs

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of EDA-A1 on proliferation and cell cycle of HUVECs and explore the possible mechanism underlying this process. In conclusion, our study revealed EDA-A1 gene mutant could inhibit the proliferation and cell cycle of HUVECs.

Increasing warehouse complex operational efficiency

In order to compete in the world market and to be in the leading roles in the process of the development of the world economy, it is necessary to focus on optimizing the overall logistical costs in the process of product movement. To reach the aforementioned aim, there is a need of attaining of the →

Transportation structure for a university education essay

The bus and taxi service is to cater the students stay outside and surrounding the campus to the destination. Hence, most of universities are not encouraging their students having own vehicles in campus because in campus shuttle bus also had provided to the students in the campus.

Swot analysis of south africa strength natural resources economics essay

South Africa's peaceful and stable transition to democracy, recognized as one of the major achievement of the 20th Century across the world, is not a fluke or a mere short-term achievement: the realities in South Africa, which made this amazing transition possible, are still in place and assurance to future stability. South Africa is the →

Adapting and formulating a business strategy commerce essay

The company which has its roots in a small town in Denmark has grown to become one of the leading companies in Denmark's brewing industry in terms of the volume of sales and profitability. It is one thing to recognise opportunities in a competitive environment, but being able to filter through a host of opportunities →

Creditor and debtor relationship in contract law

Beer [8], where the court upheld the claim of the debtor for the remaining balance of the sum owed, despite, the existence of a promise by the debtor to forgo the balance. The landlord, served the tenant a notice 6 months prior to the termination of the lease; but nearing the end of the lease, →

Jeff wall photography philosophy

In the following essay I propose to discuss Jeff Walls' philosophical statement of photography, ' the myth that it tells the truth and the myth that it does not' in which Wall openly recognises the associated ambiguities of photography's' systems of representation and perception. A key universal element of my argument will rest upon the →

Special needs children in the uk

The purpose of this Act was to ensure that all the children in the UK were adequately encompassed in the education regardless of the fact that they had special needs. Most of them lacked the ability to socialize and fit into the rest of the world.

Assess the successes and failures of mussolini’s domestic policy essay sample

Mussolini attempted to alter Church-state relations, to create the perfect fascist woman, to fascitise the educational system and the youths of Italy, to change Italy's economic and political structure, and to create a nation that would be respected by other nations, by using his strategies of the ' battle for land, grain and births' and →