1700 Words Essay Samples

Christopher columbus; hero or villain

Columbus wrote to the King and Queen and told them " There are many spices and great mines of gold and of other metals"., this was in fact a lie. When he returned to Spain the King and Queen where pleased and wanted more of the riches of the land.

The role of a higher level teaching assistant

In the classroom I model the behaviour expected and am delighted when I am able to issue house points at the end of lessons for those that have done the same. On occasions I have been asked to support her in this role by bringing the children in from the playground after playtimes and escorting →

The application of new ideas to the products

It will so describe on my chosen invention.and be applied to the related instance survey '.' It so will discourse and reflect on the relationship between both the thoughts in the literature consulted and the instance survey. There are a figure of definitions and readings of what the survey of invention truly is and what →

Change your mind to change your life

The use of the volta between the second quatrain and the sestet, indicating a change, shows the artificiality of what the woman is saying " It's so sweet to hear their chatter, watch them grow and thrive", juxtaposed to the final line of the poem, " They have eaten me alive". As a result of →

Membrane separation technology in the food industry

Membrane technology began in the 1920s as a form of water treatment with microfiltration, and only began to advance significantly in the past 30 or so years since the development of ultrafiltration in the 1970s for the dairy industry. In the dairy industry, it is used in the clarification of cheese whey and the removal →

General mills inc. understanding financial statements

Displayed in the case are the Consolidated Statements of Earnings from years 2004 to 2006, the Consolidated Balance sheet from 2004 to 2006, the Consolidated Statement of shareholders' equity from 2004 to 2006, and the Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows from 2004 to 2006. Thanks to the financial statements provided, we had the ability to →

First year nursing assignment

If you have treatments to do that day, do them as soon as you can. It takes only a moment to chart a note and if you get in the habit of charting as you go you will be more accurate and also have a better chance of getting out of time.

Phases of the perioperative process

In conclusion, each phase of the perioperative process is just as important as the next to the patient's safety and standard of care. Retrieved February 20, 2019, fromhttp://qsen.org/competencies/pre-licensure-ksas/ Spruce, L.

Controversy of the exile

Graham also believes that the book of Nehemiah was used as a prayed for restoration from the view of those in Jerusalem, and that Isaiah 40-55 was also from the view of those in Jerusalem during the Exile. The other passages from Nehemiah, Psalms, and Isaiah all seemed to be in the same context as →

Edwards deming management philosophy

For instance, the first step in the transformation of an individual comes from understanding the information from the system of profound knowledge. He wanted the institutions of manufacture to understand the whole system and adopt a new way of thinking.

Why does thatcher illusion arise and what can it tell us about face processing

This paper will first focus on discussing the face inversion effect, and then illustrate the emonstration and causes of Thatcher Illusion, and finally elaborate the explanation on how the Thatcher Illusion relates to face recognition processing. The introduction of the idea of face inversion illusion leads to the interest on face inversion recognition; and Thompson →

Lord of the flies–sense of order

With reference to Lord of the Flies, discuss how the sense of order deteriorates on the island in the course of the novel. In the first stage, the boys were conscious of the need of order in the society, and attempted to establish law and order on the island.

Client understanding paper assignment

This can be done through the cost method, the lower of cost or market and the retail method." A valuation method is used to compute the cost of the inventory dollar amounts and then it is compared to the market dollar amount. Lower of cost or market method " determine the market value of each →

Medicalization case essay sample

Outline and discuss Peter Conrad's thesis that consumers have become a major " engine of medicalisation"" The shifting engines or the driving engines of medicalisation" as described by Peter Conrad have three major influences to the growing changes in the medical field and medical jurisdiction, starting with " biotechnology i.e.the pharmaceutical industry, then there is →

Informative essay on friedman family assessment

FriedmanFamilyAssessment Darla Lauer NUR/405 August 27, 2012 Beth Edwards, MSN, FNP BC Friedman Family Assessment The following is a study of a family using the Friedman Family Assessment." Publichealthnurses must have skills to move competently between working with individual families, bridge relationships between families and the community, and advocate for family and community legislating and →

The effects unemployment has on crime

The unemployment rate is a measure of the prevalence of unemployment and it is calculated as a percentage by dividing the number of unemployed individuals by all individuals currently in the labour force. The argument in this paper is that there is a dependent relationship between crime and unemployment.

A comparative analysis of the uk and us health care systems essay

This essay seeks to explore the fundamental differences between the healthcare systems of the UK and the US. Whilst the UK operates a socialised welfare system funded by the state, the US healthcare facilities are, for the most part, owned and operated by the private sector.

Marketing assignment

An organization that is successful in achieving this would be practicing the marketing concept, as the organization is aware of the customer needs; they are engaging in profitable exchange relationships and working towards achieving satisfaction on behalf of both the customer and organization. Satisfaction Satisfaction is a key sub concept within the circle of satisfaction →

Amul – a case study on it in scm

Amul has been accredited with ISO 9001 and HACCP Certification by QAS, Australia-the first food company in Asia to receive the HACCP Certification " Amul" is a well-acknowledged and live example of making a strong use of IT Formed in the year 1946, Amul initiated the dairy co-operative movement in India and formed an apex →

To 259.55 times in juxtaposition to 2015

However, high inventory turnover period could suggeststronger sales for the firm, but this is not the case for Benitez Plc as there turnoverhas decreased by 300 million from the year ended 2014 to the year ended 2015 defininglysupporting the result of a reduced bank balance as there is lesser cash flowcoming to Benitez plc's bank →

Marilyn monroe

Marilyn Monroe influenced fashion over the late 50's, the figure hugging material that was to create the small waist and emphasise larger hips to show the woman's curvy figure, the figure that Marilyn Monroe is extremely famous for. Eve Arnold's work has captured Marilyn Monroe in a completely different way then the works of Andy →

Importance of nutrition in patient care

Nutrition and hydration are essential human needs that should be the main focus of the nurse in the care of the patient/client. This essay is going to focus on the importance of nutrition in the care of adults mainly the elderly as care for the elderly is different in that a child's main focus →

Cisco systems uses its culture for competitive advantage

They can be a company's strategies, goals and philosophies, and are values that are normally espoused by the leading figures of a culture. This is known as a cultural change process, where basic assumptions are changed to fit the desired espoused values and artifacts of a company.

Production and demand banana republic retail store

The economic climate also affects the cost of production for Banana Republic as it determines the availability of credit and the ability of international suppliers to provide merchandise. Therefore, the higher the demand for apparel by Banana Republic, the higher its demand for merchandise will be, and the higher will be its total costs of →

The common law reasoning and institutions law constitutional administrative essay

In the English legal system, the law mainly comprises of statute, that is law passed by the Parliament, and common law, that is the law developed by the courts in the form of judgments in cases before them. The second is that judges declare law: the other view is a " fiction", that the law →

India’s anti-corruption movements

Kanika Dass These days corruption is the word occurring maximum in the print and electronic media and the mind of the people in India today is constantly preoccupied with no other item as the issue of corruption. Accordingly the Indian legal system came up with The Prevention of Corruption Act 1988, chapter 9 of our →

An academic intervention model

The intent of this scrutiny is to find which type of school the pupil will go to on completion of their primary instruction: a grammar school, a secondary school, or a proficient school. The intent of the Act was to set up vocational instruction in Ireland that would offer " proficient and continuation instruction." Vocational →

Manners and etiquette of pride and prejudice essay sample

In her book Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen portrays many different aspects of English social manners in the 1800s, and these facets of English etiquette, including traveling etiquette, social propriety, and dancing, greatly affect the plot of the book. This is an example of a guest using the rules to bend her host's will.

Distinguish between sense reference and denotation philosophy essay

Sense shows a relationship between the expression and the object in the world, in relation to a mental representation.J. Frege describes the reference as the expression having an actual object corresponding to it and the sense of this expression as the concept of the expression.

Urine formation essay sample

Situated to the back of the abdominal wall, the kidneys are snugged up underneath the diaphragm, behind the liver on one side and the stomach on the other, partially shielded in the back by the ' floating' ribs. In order to understand that process, we have to take a deeper look into the structure of →

Chicago bulls basketball team promotion in revenue generation

The overall promotion program of the team involves the retail and online sale of the sports team's logo and the Chicago themed clothing. In addition, the promotion also integrates entertainment activities by the Bull brothers and Bulkidz, charitable activities in the community through the CharitaBulls and the running of the Chicago Bulls Training Academy.

Crucible events and their impact on leadership

Immediately, I instructed my executive officer to request march credits to return to base with-in 48 hours and not to tell anyone in the unit of the request until the request was approved by the battalion S4 and that I will be the person to tell the unit of the change. In an internal staff →

Computer network systems

Corporate Area Networks such as Googleplex and Microsoft's Campus like the university network are used to form a connection among structures of one corporation or organization. The capability to provide connectivity in the areas where other cellular or wireless network systems are unavailable is a crucial feature of BGAN technology.

Over view of implementing benchmarking program in company marketing essay

The performance point that I was requested to check is the customer satisfaction that was fallen below the expected target that was set by the company's management based on the latest survey done on the market and decrease in number of subscribers, who moved their service to the other market competitor. After investigation and looking →

Effects of deportation essay

However, U.S.born children of undocumented parents are eligible to apply for Medicaid and The Child Health Insurance Program, but their parents are afraid to enroll their children because they are living in fear of deportation. The U.S.born children are the most vulnerable when their parents are deported because they are faced with the separation of →

Produce written reports on the design engineering essay

This is used as a safety measure to allow high-pressures to be reduced when the system reaches a certain pressure and the regulator will shut off the flow of gas. Flow Control ValveThe flow control valve is used to control the flow by restricting or throttling the air in a particular direction.

A case study of immanuel kant

Part 1 Immanuel Kant wrote that " For Kant, then, the focus is on outcomes, or the ends of an action; in deontology the actions themselves must be ethical and moral, or the outcome is moot. For Kant, the basic idea of morality focuses on the question, " But it is far more than simply →

The impact of foreign labor on malaysian society

Due to the labor and brain shortage, employing foreign workers is considered to be the most viable solution for Malaysia to remain competitive in the world market. Therefore the presence of foreign workers is often viewed as a threat to the local workforce and has not been well received by many of the Malaysian locals.

Regulatory and accreditation

The relevance of the study is to show that there is an association between quality, safe care, and teamwork which also requires safe staffing The title of the article suggests the main variables and the population in the study. Framework The study illustrates a " conceptual framework which postulates that staffing levels predict teamwork when →

The american fur company case analysis

As Dolin demonstrates, fur, both an economic elixir and an agent of destruction, became inextricably linked to many key events in American history, including the French and Indian War, the American Revolution, and the War of 1812, as well as to the relentless pull of Manifest Destiny and the opening of the West The book →

Forewarnings and inoculation in persuasion

Participants in the defence group were allocated to one of two conditions, the supportive defence group or the inoculation defence group. Real-Life applications of Forewarning and Inoculation Applied research on the processes of forewarning and attitude inoculation has a widespread contribution to make in everyday life.

Media bias finals paper

There seems to be pros and cons to every situation, as with the media, so let's take a look at the pros and cons of Media Bias. He believes that you can tell if the mainstream is tilted left or right by existing to conservative and liberals are or complain about the news and the →

Millennials in the multi-generational workforce

This section evaluates the literature related to millennials in the workforce and for a detailed understanding of their characters. In this regard, the millennial generation seems to be cynical of long-term commitments and thus, they prefer to be moreflexible in their professionsrather than making it a routine of following the rules.

Current state of eastman kodak business essay

As Kodak 's imagination concern was in diminution, it can acquire the opposite state of affairs to this in signifier of increased market portion and profitableness, if new digital engineerings be adopted and incorporated in the procedure by Kodak. The increased competition and alterations in industry were compelling marks for Kodak to see the manner →

James baldwin essay

In Harlem his mother would meet and marry a preacher by the name of David Baldwin, hence were James got his last name." David Baldwin became a center of conflict and understanding, hate and respect in Baldwin's early life and in some of his best writing. Growing up in the treacherous streets of Harlem was →

While worship, our work will not be

Even the Communists are so much enamoured of the appeal the term " democracy" has that they characterise the Dictatorship of the Proletariat as the best form of a democratic government. The test of a government is the welfare of the people, and that form of government is to be preferred which gives full scope →

Do “great men” change the course of history essay sample

The irony of Socialism in on country was that it was not even Stalin's idea; instead Bukharin first mooted it3 and with a cruel twist of faith the industrialisation programme conceived by the opposition, provided Stalin with the platform from which to destroy Bukharin. Stalin's last great act of the war was to plan the →

Barriers to communication across culture

Actually the communication between northerners and southerners, between scientists and illiteracy, between teacher and students, between alders and teenagers and between husband and wife, they are all kinds of cross-culture communication although it just a communication across group culture. 4 How to deal with intercultural communication barriers The best way to solve intercultural communication barriers →

Culturally, we are becoming more similar across the globe

There is still the question, which is puzzling that all thoughts related to the concept of whether there is an extension ofcultural diversityinfluence the products and activities of social and philosophizingscienceor not. Indeed, the struggles for the citizenship has been seen in the fall of the Berlin Wall along with the crushing of the Pro-Democracy →

The story of adam and eve theology religion essay

Faithful Christians all around the globe believe in the same story that is presented in the book of Genesis in the Holy Bible; The Story of Adam and Eve. In this interpretation of the Adam and Eve story, it seems that God setup Adam and Eve.

Influence of climate variability on marine ecosystems

Synchronous outbursts alteration in populations of these two species, i.e.sardine and anchovy in North and South Hemispheres might shown the signature of same global climatic events in governing of the fish populations and such alteration became the subject of several studies in this case. Rising in the abundance of European anchovy in the North Sea →

Judaism, christian, and islamic religions assignment

In referring to the Jewish theological notion of sacker and profanes, they believe that God is non- figurative, they worship in synagogues, and their religious text is the five books of Moses the Torah, and the Ten Commandments are the foundation of their laws. The central Image is a schematic representation of the front doors →

Declining african economy – hides

The main issues facing most of Africa due to this terrible epidemic are the high expenses ofhealthcare and its limited access, poor economic performances, he decline of the labor market, the poor being affected the most, and agricultural & loss of farm output. Also, the magnitude of the situation is often seen and felt in →

The history of the electoral college politics essay

The Electoral College is a body of electors chosen by the political parties in each state to elect the President of the U.S. The Electoral College was created because the Framers were wary of giving the people the power to directly elect the President.

Local government and administration in zambia

Local government is an essential link in the relationship between the government and the citizenry, especially because it is bound to particular areas and to the people ho are affected by the problems that are peculiar to those area. The defining feature of local government is the authority to enact legislation within the defined Jurisdiction →

Smeltzer brunner and suddarths textboo essay

The other answers are incorrect because patient care should not focus just on the treatment of disease, people do have varying degrees of illness, and care should not focus on the response to medications but on the patient's response to all aspects of nursing care.6. Nursing continues to recognize and participate in collaboration with other →

A review of the history of asir history essay

In today's world, Asir is part of Saudi Arabia and is located in the southwestern part of the region. These settlements cater to the numerous needs of the tribesmen in the area.[2] In the early times, the tribesmen of Asir were always engaged in tribe wars in their region.

Sanctuary in a sweet disguise: the bastard of istanbul by elif shafak

Shafak develops the metaphor of pomegranate seeds, for instance, to represent Mustafa's lack of understanding of his past."[Asya] grabbed a handful of pomegranate seeds to sprinkle on the still-undecorated bowls to the side. Essentially, the motif of ashure is a metaphor for Mustafa's desire to escape from the harsh realities of his past.

History of the life and deeds of christopher columbus

It is even claimed that he was, at the age of 21 a privateer." Columbus's son Ferdinand stated in History of the Life and Deeds of Christopher Columbus that in 1472 Columbus was given command of a ship on a privateering expedition to Tunis in northern Africa. In 1474 Columbus, hired on as a sailor, →

How does shakespeare’s richard ii put politics on

The genealogical significance of this murder is rooted in the fact that Gloucester was a potential threat to Richard's power, because he too was undone by Richard's coronation. The interaction of Richard in the fight is similar to that of God in the biblical tale Bolingbroke makes an allusion to in his attack on Mowbray.

Actually hurting assignment

I close the door and roll up her blanket and put it along the gap at the bottom of the door to stop any smoke coming in. The fire men safely remove Anna from the room and take her down to the ground where an ambulance is waiting to transport her to the local hospital →

Case study of stickley furniture in the fluctuating market

The skilled workers handle the computerised saw, the curving and drilling of the holes which forms the basis of the design shapes and marketing of the product. The management does this to increase the quality of their production, by keeping track of the status and location of the completed and partially completed furniture.

For to the people.” the swiss constitution

For the United States this point is covered by the Tenth Amendment which provides that " the powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people". There are some students of federalism who hold that the federal →

Trauma letting failure overcome him or her and

So as far as trauma and resilience goes in adolescents, let us takea closer look at what defines resilience, the principles and factors that makeresilience important, the programs that are in place for the adolescents group, the good and bad outcomes of the program that are put into place and researchthat has made this group →

Migrant workers in dubai’s development

Dubai is very much a tale of two cities...the stunning modern city and the workers subject to labour conditions of those in the dark ages. While Dubai has emerged as a global city, hosting sporting events and conferences and attracting both media attention and the attention of the rich and famous for its beautiful buildings, →

Doing business in russia

In terms of trade in goods, Russia was the United States' 27th largest export market and the 16th largest exporter to the United States in 2012. Russia's membership in the WTO will liberalize trade with the rest of the world and create opportunities for U.S.exports and investments.

Future conflicts due to urbanisation

Over the previous two decades there has already been a plethora of urban based conflicts, ranging from Baghdad and Fallujah to Gaza and Aleppo and with the statistics showing urbanisation will rise so sharply in the coming decades that ' over 70 percent of the global population will reside in cities by the year 2050', →

Neurobiological changes resulting from psychotherapy

Dramatic elevations of cortisol in the bloodstream are a major contributor to the efficiency and balance of prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, and prefrontal cortex. During stressful situations, the prefrontal cortex is dominated by the amygdala; the amygdala activates stress pathways in the hypothalamus and brainstem increasing the levels of norepinephrine and dopamine.

The red scare and the crucible

Transformations in public views and opinion lead to the loosing of many members by the left-wing organizations like the Industrial Workers of the World, communist and the Communist Party America. In the year 1949, fear of American traitors and anti communist, was mounted by the winning of the Chinese Civil War by the Chinese Communists →

The salvation army against poverty sociology essay

Poverty is a problems that exists through three of analysis which are the Micro level for the Salvation Army in a community, Mid level for our cities and Provinces and Canada in general and on the Macro level for Haiti an in comparison to the entire world. Poverty is also a major problem in the →

Survey for neighborhood housing service (nhs)

The purpose of the survey is to ascertain awareness of the Neighborhood Housing Services, to find out how access to affordable housing can be improved, to know which infrastructure and economic services need improvement, and so on. Although the majority of the surveys were completed at the Gun hill location, the survey covered the entire →

The state and uk political ideologies politics essay

The role of the State is one of the central issues in British politics. In discussing the future of the British State in the current context, therefore, it is useful to begin with a brief look at how its role has evolved.

The in this season plants grow and

So is also the autumn, which is moreprominent only in our northern regions falling between the hot and the coolseasons. 81 inches rainfall occurs in the month of July and august, which is almost half of the total rainfall.

History of chevron essay

Before the end of 1911, Standard Oil Co.added to its refining capacity with the completion of the El Segundo plant in southern California, formed the California Natural Gas Company to expand its search for natural gas in the San Joaquin Valley and beyond, and constructed a second pipeline linking Richmond and the Kern River field. →

Low quality of education to unemployment issue education essay

So either does the education level of a person, it very important to a person to get a job, higher the education is easier to get a job but lower the education harder to get a job. We can see in our daily life that our major educational problem is low quality of educational system →

Effects of inflation on malaysias economic growth economics essay

The main idea is to study the results obtained by formal modelling of the relationships and to discuss the problems and benefits using it. For their VAR to be applicable, the VAR is estimated with the change in the inflation rate and output growth.

King arthur as a hero

King Arthur as a Hero The life of King Arthur consists various features in myths the world over, from his secret parentage to his final encounter in a paradise across the waters. According to the other version of the legend, Arthur received the sword from the mysterious Lady of the Lake.

Facial expressions of emotion of sighted and blind

These four research questions resulted in the conclusion of how: there were no differences across the three groups in the amount of times they produced each individual facial muscle movements at the end of the match; that the facial arrangements associated with emotion signaling did arise with the blind individuals; that the types of expressions →

Psychoanalytic theory and the ghost in the nursery

In this essay I will be referring to Sigmund Freud, Anna Freud and Selma Fraiberg to explain how the psychoanalytic theory views the ghost in the nursery and the compulsion to repeat, and John Bowlby, Mary Ainsworth and Peter Fonagy to account for these concepts on behalf of the attachment theory. This explains that the →

Analysis of zara

So by playing both the role of the manufacturer and the role of the retailer, Zara is definitely much more profitable than the average retailer with similar posted prices.3. The vast expansion plan of Zara on one hand and its standardized production line and strategy on the other hand could lead to the failure of →

Concepts of axiom and dogma

However, that is not the sole effect of the Axioms and Dogma, a point made, if only obliquely, in the Discourse to the first founding book of the Society of HumanKind. The value of those efforts to meet the material needs of others, on which both the Aim of the Society and the peace and →

European arrival in australia history essay

European immigration to Australia caused the aborigines to have no land to live in and to suffer the loss of population through disease. The paper examines three key issues: first, the simple life of aborigines before the settlers came to Australia; secondly, the atrocity carried out by the Europeans on the aborigines; and thirdly, the →

Select and explain the most important turning points of nelson mandela’s life

Also in 1951 Nelson Mandela became president of the ANC youth party this was a major turning point in his life as he now had more authority and could take a more active role in the fight against apartheid rule. Who was more important in bringing about the end of apartheid and minority rule in →

Models of crime prevention: their application

Defining Crime Prevention Crime prevention in its simplest definition is the process of deterring crime, criminals, and reducing levels of victimisation. White and Perrone view crime prevention as " the creation and implementation of proactive programmes and strategies which are designed to prevent crime and address the fear of crime".

Deciet and acting in ‘hamlet’ and ‘the revenger’s tragedy essay

Ultimately, the dramatic irony and comedic effect created through acting and deception in both plays serve to lighten the atmosphere of the theatre, " If the quality of humor is Important to comedy, it Is more so In tragedy, whether In life or theatre", and create uncertainty within the audience as to how far the →

Street food quality in ho chi minh city assignment

Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 27 street food customers and two focus group discussions were carried out with male and female street food consumers to gain in-depth understanding of consumers' perceptions and attitudes towards street food quality, food safety and hygiene. Findings: Notions of food quality among consumers and vendors are highly subjective and →

How does the hollywood industry portray witchcraft in film essay sample

Witches are traditionally viewed as the evil, ugly crone and it's the image that's engraved into our culture as an association to the word " witch." Barbara Creed identifies this image as the 'phallic mother, motif perfectly illustrated in the long fingers and nose of a witch.' 1 Nowadays, film is like what folktales and →

Islam is it like other religions? assignment

About 18% live in the Arab world; the world's largest Muslim community is in Indonesia; substantial parts of Asia and most of Africa are Muslim, while significant minorities are to be found In the Soviet union, China, North and South America, and Europe. The pilgrims then stand together and Join in prayers for God's forgiveness, →

The impact of globalisation on japan essay sample

This motion has been driven chiefly by legion TNCs.trade liberalisation.and the deregulating of the fiscal system.and legion schemes adopted by the Government and Economy.ensuing in the creative activity of a ' new' Japan. Globalization has aided Japan in accomplishing its rapid economic growing.and poses as the greatest support in the return of the Nipponese economy's →

World culture theory

World culture theory is a label for a particular interpretation of globalization that focuses on the way in which participants in the process become conscious of and gives meaning to living in the world as a single place. According to the Robertson R.it covers the acceleration in concrete global interdependence and in consciousness of the →

E-marketing strategy of hamrobazar.com assignment

Realizing this nature of human being and large Increment In the number of Internet users In Nepal, the founder of homophobia. Homophobia is one of the popular sites in Nepal for free selling and purchasing of variety of new or used products.

Good essay about logical fallacies

Evidently, the illustrated points in the article may have supported some of the individuals to accumulate wealth, yet the rule cannot be applied to every individual to establish the authenticity of the findings. The foods were wrapped in the colors of the playing team and the color of the food that Paul ate would be →

In sea warfare meant that america would no

Despite this egregious racism and exclusion, the African American in service displayed great valor and contributed substantially to the war effort, especially in France, where two soldiers from the 369th Infantry Regiment were awarded the Croix de Guerre, the most honorable military award in France. With the arrival of the Zimmerman Note, the Germans certainly →