1400 Words Essay Samples

Knowledge carries an ethical responsibility philosophy essay

To bring in some conclusions from the above arguments, should the possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility? So I agree on this claim to be reasonable that the possession of knowledge carries an ethical responsibility but there should not be a fixed standard to measurement these responsibilities.


This type of interview was more suitable for my data collection research because it allowed face to face assurance and explanation of the importance, aim, and necessity of the research. I also had to send my participants a reminder about the date and time of the interviews and accommodate them, otherwise they will forget as →

Reaction to atul gawande’s “complications: a surgeon’s notes on imperfect science” essay

He portrays the thrill of the day-to-day surgical and medical drama through his undeniable gift and power conjure up the reality of the ward. It promotes the idea that surgical procedures and diagnoses in the field of medical science are delicate processes requiring professionalism and a deep understanding of the cases.

Reading questions

Michael defines formative evaluation as a constructive process of evaluation where a great emphasis is laid on the inputs put in the systems that later determine the processes' quality and the system's outputs. On the other hand, summative evaluation is an evaluation process that determines the ' worth' of the entire program or measure against →

Fama and french: corporate finance assignment

The market beta of a security is " the variance of its return with the market return divided by the variance of the market return," and this reveals the magnitude of a security systematic risk. Gearing reduces the market value of the stock and therefore the book-to-market equity increases, which as previously explained is linked →

A failed experiment: the articles of confederation essay sample

The government set up by the Articles successfully negotiated the Treaty of Paris, Signed in 1783, the Treaty of Paris recognized America as an independent nation and called for the British to vacate America. The political successes of the Articles were largely nullified by the failure to enforce treaties and pass laws due to the →

Theories and principles of planning and enabling learning

Th? cquisiti? n? f m? r? dv? nc? d f? rms? f th? t? ? l us, h? w? v? r it must b? d? lib? r? t? nd must pr? c? d in th? full und? rst? nding? f th? p? w? r? f th? t? ? l? f its g? n? r? tiv? →

Fathers and sons – the quarrel – chapter 10 essay sample

When the conversation drifted to one of the neighboring landowners Pavel noticed his chance and uses this as a catalyst to start the conversation about nihilism and their different viewpoints. Though Pavel does answer the challenge I feel Bazarov is trying to change the subject when he chooses to personalize the argument and begins to →

Summary of the case and situational analysis

Market penetration- Go for a price cut of around 40- 50% Product development- Launch a new brand with low price than the existing brand to existing market Market development Introduce the existing brand to a new market Diversification- Launch a new brand with low price than the existing brand to new market PRODUCT New Existing →

Psychology final exam questions

The join between the presynaptic terminals of one neuron and the dendrites of another is called the synapse. After several pairings of the full bladder and the alarm, the child is able to awaken to the sensation of a full bladder without the help of the alarm.

Nitric oxide therapy

Thisfailureresults in the continuous functioning of the ductus arteriosus which impairs the flow of blood from the heart to the lungs and limits the amount of oxygen that can be picked up by the blood to be delivered to the different parts of the body. Inhaled nitric oxide in persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn.

Introduction instances feature beowulf striving to seek

The opening of the poem confirms this when Beowulf has to travel all the way to Denmark to set the Danes free of the monster. As an ideal king, Beowulf always has the welfare of his people at his heart.

An analysis of kamat hotels ltd tourism essay

The focus of the Company is in positioning its hotels to the business segment in the upscale, full service category. In addition, the Company consciously follows the policy of environment conservation in the operation of its hotels in all aspects viz.design, construction and operations.

Back safety

Back injuries are considered by OSHA the nation's #1 workplace safety problem Back injuries are often: -Very painful -A long term or lifetime disability -Expensive to diagnose and treat 4 If Vocation, Protect or a similar opiate is prescribed for back pain, workers should make the Medical department aware of the new prescription Back Pain →

Exploring the symbolism of the star of david in michael muhammad knight’s the taqwacores

The use of the Star of David in Michael Muhammad Knight's The Taqwacores is successful in marveling a wide readership due to religious and cultural predispositions, shock value produced by the physicality of the symbol and a sense of connectivity to Yusef's character. It is important to understand the history of punk subcultural appropriation of →

Indias largest business to business markethub marketing essay

www.tradeindia.com, India's largest Business to business markethub, in its endeavour to help buyers and sellers to reduce on time much needed to identity a business colleague and subsequently carry out business & trade transactions. Tradeindia.com has launched SME Times for buyers and dealers overall the world and is probably one of the wellspring Business to →

Unsafe water

The problem is so persistent and is a public health issue allover the world hence the UN millennium development goal for water and sanitation which is " to halve by 2015, the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe water and basic sanitation". It is therefore important to look into the scope of the →

Energy drinks analysis narrative

The color of the energy drinks is another reason for their popularity; a combination of bright and vivid colors such as acidic greens and yellows, black and red suggest a sense of energy and high performance. Caffeine is one of the most active ingredients in energy drinks; it is a psychoactive substance found in the →

Electromagnetism and transmission medium

Communication is not just confined to the surface of the body, but can travel through the user's clothing to a RedTacton device in a pocket or through shoes to communicate with a RedTacton device embedded in the floor. The RedTacton transmitter induces a weak electric field on the surface of the body.2.

The assertion of power play in the gaze by dictionary of gazes

The most prominent motif of the gaze in the text is the ' Dictionary of Gazes', a series of epigraphic entries that documents how the gaze and its associated power play pervade factions of human existence. Over the course of the text, the entries form a lexicon of gazes, asserting that the gaze is incessant →

John fitzgerald kennedy

His desire was to go into the Army, but unfortunately John was rejected to lower back problems and illnesses that has stayed with him since he was a child. So, he went to the Navy, while in the Navy, he worked his way up to lieutenant, and became a Navy Hero.

Range of affect theory management essay

This theory determines job satisfaction through a difference which exist between what an employee wants from a job and what the employee is getting from the job. Hence, to guarantee job satisfaction, we have to identify the most important facet of the job that an employee wants and ensure this facet is met suitably.

Social media activism reflection

The World Health Organization states that "...reproductive rights rest on the recognition of the basic right of all couples and individuals to decide freely and responsibly the number, spacing and timing of their children and to have the information and means to do so, and the right to attain the highest standard of sexual and →

Dogs and chinese not admitted

In most cases the views from most Chinese press people views the symbol as a prime evidence of the humiliation of the past that the Chinese people were exposed to by the Europeans. The article presents in general some of the challenges which the park was exposed to.

Executive shirt company essay sample

Planning the Custom Shirt Line Collier knew that the introduction of a custom-sized shirt line would require some changes to the manufacturing process. He proposed that all of the custom shirt operations, from cutting to packaging, be done on a separate assembly line.

Persuasive speech on death penalty

Persuasive Speech against the Death Penalty Persuasive Speech Outline General Purpose: The purposeof this speech is to give reasons as to why the death penalty should be abolished Specific Purpose: The speech specifically aims at getting the audience to agree to the abolishment of the death penalty. Thesis Statement The death penalty should be abolished →

Training employers on organizational approaches

Ensuring that employees have an understanding on the conceptslearned is important and not to have a training just as a process within the organization. There is need to understand the underlying basis of a given training program and ensure that the trainees are assessed to have an understanding on their level of understanding.

Using critical reasoning to reduce the gap

It can provide us with a tool to analyze the problems in 360 degrees and predict possible consequences: from the beginning of recognizing the issues till the end of generalizing the decisions and values, critically reasoning act performs the function of a bridge that connects the activities which " are" in progress and which " →

A case study in staff motivation kent reliance building society business essay

To the knowledge of the author this is the first attempt to analyze the what motivates employees in small organisations in financial service sector KRBS, UK. 1 The Concepts and Types of Motivation 3.

One world government assignment

It is even mention in the bible that " Jesus was speaking of the coming world government of God to be established on the earth after His return." Having one government is the only way to achieve anything resembling world peace because it would make the feeling of " patriotism" irrelevant because there's only one →

The most famous online shopping website in china marketing essay

However, with the development of the website, this strategy limits Taobao to the Chinese market and lack of presence in global market. This increasingly growing demand for online shopping contributed to the growth of Taobao.

How are the victims of the free rider problem, namely nonprofit agencies

The predicament that stems from the availability of free goods in the marketplace is known as the free rider problem: an avid listener of NPR's " All Things Considered" does not see why she should be obligated to pay for public broadcasting when she has the ability to advantage of other people's efforts of funding →

Natural disaster

Tsunami A tsunami is a series of water waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of a body of water, generally an ocean or a large lake. It is caused by evaporated water that comes off of the ocean and becomes a storm.

Transportation of coal by barge: history and safety

The tow barge houses the engine and operators, which allows the barges to move through the waterways. The Master should be aware of methane emission levels and should provide appropriate signage to warn employees.

Subliminal messages essay

This method may be useful to advertisers, but it is harmful to the viewers of the ad. At a convention of the National Association of Broadcasters in 1958, the broadcasters had made some changes to the NAB Broadcasting Code.

Adhd and working memory on intelligence, reading ability, and peer relationships

The Relationship Between ADHD and Working Memory on Intelligence, Reading Ability, and Peer Relationships Introduction The connection between working memory ability and children with ADHD has been a topic of interest in research for years. Marusiak, C, & Janzen, H.

Research paper on polio

Besides the major spread of this disease is caused because of the contaminated stool. But there were rumours about the president that he was besides affected by this disease called the infantile paralysis in which he was addicted to the drugs and sexually impotent and needed heterosexual jacket all the clip.

Developing mathematical abilities for children

Counting and ordering children will need to be come familiar with the number system, they will need to do this through counting and ordering numbers and group of numbers with the same criteria. In maths the boy is at a higher level, he knows how to count and to join 4 blocks together I was →

Hurricane hits england by grace nichols and the times by john young essay sample

In an article, a title is one of the focal points to draw in the reader, as its duty is to provide information on what the editorial is concerning. In conclusion, it is obvious to note the stark differences between the newspaper article and the poem.

Effects of technology on music

Easiness of transportation that came along with the technological developments in the sector, has allowed the record labels to distribute music all around the world. The evolution of the computer and the Internet was also a great distribution advantage for the music industry and should not be underestimated.

Effective self care planning nursing essay

With all the care and nurturing that Abigail requires, as well as additional demands such as college work I feel shortness of time, I feel that there is just not enough hours in the day, stress for me is not having time to get everything done or not having time to do the things I →

Growth rates of poor and rich countries economics essay

What's more, William also mentioned that Romer used the growth data between 1960 and 1981 to show that the growth rate of poor countries was not any bigger that rich countries and he demonstrated that the Solow prediction applied to tropical countries had failed. So it is not a feasible way to assist poor countries →

Ramed medical assistance regimen essay sample

Regardless of the effort made by the government to facilitate health access for all Moroccans population is still a group having no social safety yet, because of the lack of financial resources to finance the RAMED according to the World Bank data, 2016 showed that Moroccan public health spending accounted for 6. The government will →

Accumulation of wealth assignment

The accumulation of capital is the gathering or amassing of objects of value as judged by one's perceived reproductive interest group, the increase in wealth through, concentration, or the creation of wealth. Reduction of dependence economy, dependence is a condition in which the economics of one group of countries are conditioned by the development and →

Lonely heart

Cope focuses on loneliness and the search for love in several of her poems " Lonely Hearts" and " Bloody Men" focus on the search for and the difficulty of finding love and " Rondeau Redouble" which tells of what happens when one the narrator meets the wrong man. To have loved so deeply and →

Social structure theory paper

The people of Queens, New York, felt that it was wrong for Doyle and his two friends to have killed Mr. River's life was taken and his death left a toll in the city of Queens, New York.

Truman and the atomic bomb – sources questions essay

One of the main reasons that was proposed was that of peace; In source A the Americans are explicitly stating that they are dropping the bomb purely for peace and it was there just to make sure that the Japanese would go to there emperor but one thing that conflicts with this idea is that →

Hills are like white elephants and shooting an elephant essay

Even though the short stories Hills are Like White Elephants by Ernest Hemingway and Shooting an Elephant by George Orwell are not related, in the formal sense of this word, both of the mentioned works of literature nevertheless explore essentially the same theme. The allegory of the ' white elephants,' contained in Hemingway's story, substantiates →

Business innovation

If a viewer is searching for a specific topic, we want the video to be easy to find. A major problem the needs to be addressed is how to market our site and create awareness.

Wm morrisons supermarket breakdown and analysis

William Morrison the establisher and founder of the Morrisons super market was just a merchant of Egg and Butter. In 1997 Morrisons expanding beyond Bradford, Gadbrook park in Cheshire, and in October 1998, In Eirith Morrisons opens its first store in south of England.

Ethics assignment

In school it is important to have personal ethics, this helps us to be honest, uphold the academic integrity, and be able to follow the rules that are set for us. The distinction between " l choose to do this" and " l have to do this" is the essence of autonomy.

The crusades: significance for christianity today assignment

On the other side of the world, the city of Jerusalem was host to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. And by 1071, the military action by Selves Turks on the frontiers of Eastern Christendom threatened the religious and political stability of the region, making the pilgrimage to Jerusalem impossible.

Future of transport essay sample

In June 2011, the state of Nevada was the first jurisdiction in the United States to pass a law concerning the operation of autonomous cars. Google's self-driving cars use cameras, radar, and range finders to detect the positioning of other vehicles.

Red cross lifeguarding test

You are performing CPR on a victim when you notice the chest begins to rise and fall. Call EMS and place the victim in a position that helps breathing.

Benefits of community health centers

Expansion of healthcare centers already proven to provide quality care is intended to improve the quality of care for a greater number of people. Despite the lack of substantial increase in primary care providers, community health centers demonstrated the ability to continue delivering high-quality care during the period of rapid growth and expansion.

Advantages of cctv essay

In conclusion, crime prevention using CCTVs is not the only way to combat crime and anti-social behaviour, but it is one of the practical ways that should be implemented. There are some countries that install CCTVs in public areas for the purpose of deterring crime and anti-social behaviour such as United Kingdom.

Effect of stem cell treatment on blood cancer patients

In spite of the fact that stem cell transplants can help many patients, notwithstanding giving a few people a possibility for a cure, the choice to have a transplant is not simple. To get enough peripheral blood stem cells for a transplant, the contributor takes a white cell development, for example, granulocyte-state fortifying variable medication, →

Starbucks corporation marketing audit and corporate strategy

I have chosen The Starbucks Coffee Company because I like to drink coffee and I like to drink it in Starbucks. I believe that in the process of work I will find and use the newest sources of information as possible.

Manas national park, india essay

The Manas National Park is a landmark and a large money maker for the community of Assum, India, due to the tourist visiting this beautiful and amazing area. The Manas National Park located in Assam, India is a very interesting area to research.

Overplayed or underappreciated: the question of conrad in the british canon

The major themes in the story are hinted at in the final sentence of the introductory paragraph, when the speaker says: " And then I was left alone with my ship, anchored at the head of the Gulf of Siam". It is the presence of a stranger aboard the ship that sets the events of →

Roles of mis in toyota

The MIS of Toyota aids the organization with regard to the enhancement of the operational procedures. The MIS of Toyota provides financial information to the finance department of the company and its concerned personnel.

Star river electronics ltd assignment

The higher the debt-to- capital ratio, the more debt the company has. As it shown in the table, we found that the sales growth rate of the company is higher than the sustainable growth rates between 1998 and 2001.

Quiet strength: leadership, perseverance, will, determination, and positivity

Dungy's incredible leadership abilities and traits go hand in hand with what we have learned in class and of the dozens of lessons I took from this book, there are a few that really stood out to me and translated directly to what we have learned and preached in our class throughout the course of →

Major tasks of quantity surveyor construction essay

The major tasks of Quantity Surveyor include preparation of Bills and Schedules of Quantities of materials, labour and services required in the construction and equipment of building or engineering work. All of this is important to a Quantity Surveyor to ensure good quantity, accurate costing, and good quantity in preparing the tender documents and procurement.

A retrospect of how pablo picasso changed the world

In the history of art, it marked the end of the Renaissance-dominated era and the beginning of modern art. He was arguably the greatest 20th century who certainly had a knack for utter genius in the world of art.

The rise of copanhagen

The problem with this is that Riordan Manufacturing has to keep a rather large amount of stock, not only for raw material but also for the finish product to meet the customer? s unanticipated demand. In order to make delivery for the varying quantities the operation maintains a larger than optimal inventory and stock of →

Company overview of morrisons supermarket

Morrisons was established in the year 1899 by William Morrison in Bradford and taken over by Sir Ken Morrison, who took over operation and scaled up the company performance to becoming the fourth largest competitors in the U.K.supermarket industry, currently captured more than 15% market shares in U.K.grocery market. In order to overcome the problems →

Night and the problem of evil

One of the accomplishments of Night as a human document is that it not only shows the evils of the oppressors in Auschwitz and Buchenwald, but what evil can do to man. While the horrors of the Nazi regime are described in Night, it is the evil wrought by fellow Jews and victims of the →

Business ideas for small towns in developing countries

Businesses in small developing towns provide a lot of development to the country. It would undoubtedly be a huge success because you are giving people living in a small town a literal taste of the big cities.

Gender-stereotyped cartoon – the flintstones assignment

Both the men and women in The Flintstones were drawn with the same body shape and type of clothing. This is evidence that male characters are portrayed as having a more aggressive role than the women who were more quiet and reserved.

Belguim brewing case study

New Belgium Brewing does have a few weaknesses in the organization and external threats that could affect the organization's image negatively. After the new plant is in place, New Belgium Brewing could target a larger market by introducing their products to more states in the United States or striving to enter the global market.

The rise of fascism 1918-1933 essay

THE RISE OF THE NAZI PARTY AGAINST THE SOCIAL AND POLITICAL BACKGROUND OF PRE WWII GERMANYGermany was governed by Weimar republic between this of 1919- 1933.it was called Weimar republic because its in Weimar city where the national assembly met and drew a constitution on how to govern the German empire after they were defeated →

“a gap of sky” by anna hope essay sample

Ellie is considering her options about handing in the paper and exaggerated as she is, she convinces herself that she will be kicked from the course or the like, if she does not hand in the paper. This is obvious from the way that the narrator describes the main character, Ellie, in 3rd person, like →

African american literature unit 1 & unit 2

FALSEThe speakers in the " Heritage" question the ___________________.personal meaning of AfricaA ______ is a long narrative poem written in a keen language and recounts the deeds of a heroic character who embodies the values of a particular society or culture.epicWhat is the intended effect of describing Soumaoro as the " king who wore robes →

Importance of self reflection in learning

The concept of the cover design is to design the cover that suits their theme. I tried to refer to the resources of the company and also some previous design they had did for the school to gain some inspiration.

Target case ananlysis

I came to this conclusion by taking into account the projects NPV and IRR given the size of the investment, opportunity market/growth, and with the overall goal of adding 100 new stores a year while maintaining. Finally Goldie's Square has the lowest NPV and IRR of the projects, declining market share, and the impact of →

War’s bond

Introduced to one another at a British hospital near the front, Lieutenant Henry and Catherine Barkley grow closer and closer to one another over the course of the story. Another example is right after Catherine has revealed to Henry that she is pregnant and says that they should not fight with each other "[b]ecause there's →

Optogenetics to help exploring the cerebral blood flow regulation

It suggests that functional hyperemia, the " overflow" of blood to a brain region during neural activity, provides a spatially and temporally correlated source of regulation, modulating the excitability of the local circuit. To test the last hypothesis, Urban et al.used the optogenetic tools for activating specific local neuronal networks and monitoring whether this causes →

Informal methods in recruitment

Another advantage of informal recruitment and selection of employees in foreign subsidiaries is when ex- employees who had gone from the organization for some rationale, and come back to work, they are another source of applicant for jobs to be filled up in the organization. Like some advantages of recruitment agencies in recruitment and selection →

Tanglewood stores essay

By making these improvements to the staffing strategy and corporate culture so that they can continue to attract a workforce that is committed, qualified and can carry out Tanglewood philosophy in the future. Tanglewood should offer open positions to their employees first that are qualified for the position and have the KSAOs to accomplish the →

Eye killers and navajo myth: an analysis of a modern native american novel

The fusion of Michael and Diana as forces against the vampires, resembles the Navajo warrior twin myth that Carr weaves into the novel and also mentions in the video segments. Diana makes a choice to believe in the power of her spiritual tools and it saves her and Melissa.

Research proposal: effects of exercise on patients with depression

Patients will be able to ask questions in a private, quiet area regarding the length and terms of the trial and signed, informed consent will be obtained. Results from the quantitative design will be simplified so all of the data from the start of the exercise trial to the end of the trial will be →

Crispus attucks essay

This proved to be a fatal mistake, as attacks eventually walked into the the eye of the storm and was cut down when the British troops ultimately open fired. In a way, chattel slavery is a form of commerce regulation as it relates to the principle and practice of buying, selling and owning slaves.

Architectural humanities questions

The nucleus of the zikkurat is dumbly filled with extended clay bricks, walls were thick to counterbalance for the infirmity of clay, most likely the bricks contained a clay compound with the proviso of straw/reeds to beef up. On the other manus, the zikkurat adopted a technique of utilizing beds of brick to be separated →

‘j’accuse’, open letter by Émile zola

Secondly, the axiomatic irony as well as the idea of faith and hope surrounding the affair and finally the injustice concerning Zola and Dreyfus' punishments. Although ' J'accuse' is a letter addressed to the president, Zola eludes to the public when he writes ' c'est un crime encore que de s'etre appuye sur la presse →

Aphorisms in tuesdays with morrie by mitch albom

Morrie used the platform of Ted Koppel interviews as well as giving weekly lessons to Mitch to teach him the meaning of life, and how to accept death and live a life with meaning. One of the major aphorisms in Tuesdays with Morrie that Morrie seeks to teach throughout his lessons is that " Once →

Literature review on greek mythology

Along with at least in articles of the allotment of clones to dwell from antiquity, the poems of Homer are accompaniment odd to the Bible in preeminence. It betrays the alike baggage acclimation to abut the personages of the poem with the account of the poet, which adheres already been mentioned " in his poetical →

Competitors of honda

For Honda Malaysia, Toyota and Perodua are two of the competitors in Malaysia. According to the market research, the bestselling car model in Malaysia is Perodua Myvi, get share of 15.

Jaguar land rovers targeted audiences

Jaguar, despite the recession and the age group of the audience, has been in a leading position. Jaguar's marketers need to position the brand as contemporary and cool; in line with the younger age profile of an increasingly affluent target audience.

The meaning and importance of business environment

For example, Maruti Udyog became the leader in the small car market because it was the first to recognize the need for small cars in India.firm to identify threats and early warning signals: If an Indian firm finds that a foreign multinational is entering the Indian market it should gives a warning signal and Indian →

Outlook of domestic and international tourism

The share of budget carriers in the the Philippines in the first 9 months of 2012 has soared to an average of 60%, reflecting one of the highest in the world, according to business consultancy firm Innodata. In the Philippines, 11% of the total population has access to the internet and check out these sites →

Rfid based project

The reader reads the data and sends it to the control panel, which is the micro controller. Bringing the card nearer to the reader suffices for the reader to read the contents of the card.

Content analysis notes (for revision)

Researchers quantify and analyze the presence, meanings and relationships of such words and concepts, then make inferences about the messages within the texts, the writer, the audience, and even the culture and time of which these are a part. Neuendorf offers a six-part definition of content analysis: " Content analysis is a summarising, quantitative analysis →

Decision making case study

The team will use the Informed Decision Toolbox to decide what is best for the clinic and the clients. The outcome of the decision will also affect the services of the clinic and the patients, therefore the accuracy of the information must fall within the guidelines set at the begining of the informed decision process.