1400 Words Essay Samples

Ethics and compliance

The business code and ethics code at the company Lowe's stores begins with the board of director's right through to the newest of workers. The ability of the exchange of previously issued financial assets from individuals to businesses is the main purpose of the financial markets in the U.S.

Appraise the pros and cons of cosmpolitanism

Since Kant's perception is pre-dominantly a form of internationalism and legality, and he is known as the modern forefather of the contemporary conceptualisation, I will primarily focus on the arguments for and against legal cosmopolitanism. Karl Jaspers states that the trial was a " new attempt in behalf of order in the world" and Robert β†’

Example of essay on anthropology: the action of giving a gift

In fact, western culture debates the fact that gifts lack an attachment in the future where the recipient has an obligation to reciprocate and emulate the actions of the person who gave the gift in the first place. In fact, the culture of giving and receiving gifts began early in the history of intercultural exchanges β†’

Kants deontology

Immanuel Kant the great philosopher, who had lived in the 18th century, proposed the work which is used for the reference of deontology. So in this he is honest just because of self-interest and not for the duty and for Kant this act is not the moral act because it is performed for the sake β†’

Conducting buinsess overseas

In order for the code of conduct to be enforced each employee or vendor must report any conflicts that relates to the company's welfare. The reason why investors may not want to do business with them is because they have a history of illegal and unethical behavior that may cause investors to lose money.

Trends in international trade essay

As a result, the customers were in a position to select products that were commensurate with their tastes and desires and this increased the sales volume of the company and hence was in a position to remain competitive in the market, 2002). The patterns that would be expected over the next ten years in the β†’

Hrm summative assignment essay

A The procedure is basically one of acquisition in which employees can increase the effectivity of their public presentation in the workplace, hence increasing the opportunities of a company to make their aims at the most cost effectual manner possible. It is evident that their preparation and development is uninterrupted in order to make a β†’

Contribution margin and break even analysis

Maria calculated the contribution margin and the unit contribution margin for each type of cookie, determined to reduce the production of lemon creme cookies and to increase the production capacity for the bulk order of real mint cookies. The unit contribution margin for the lemon cookies is smaller and Maria would have to increase the β†’

The that covers it. the blind is

And for over one, 400 years, Muslims all over the planet settle for angry against it in prayer.' Al-Bait Al-Ateeq'- addition name of the altar meaning the ' The previous House' is visited by Muslims from all over the planet for the day traveling spoken as as movement, one altogether the five pillars of Islam.it's β†’

Mariano azuela’s the underdogs

After reading the novel, the appendix which follows, brought on a wide range of comparisons and contrasts between the fictional story and the real events of the Mexican Revolution. In comparison to the novel to the history, it is true that Demetrio and his men were very poor and unequipped when it came to uniforms β†’

Monkey business: monkey as a pet for you

The easygoing way of life and dress, the shorelines and the angling to give some examples. One the things I truly cherished about Florida was that it needed huge numbers of the standards and confinements that East Coasters were and still are reviled with today.

Free research paper on operant and classical conditioning

To understand the ways in which classical conditioning and operant conditioning can be used to elicit behaviors in people, it is first important to understand the theories as a whole. Second, classical conditioning is concerned with the unconditioned stimulus, which is referred to by researchers as being " biologically potent" - in the case of β†’

Example of essay on the role of religion

In many parts of the world, there are also forests that are believed to be sacred and this has resulted in the said forests surviving untouched for hundreds of years. In Christianity, the serpent is cursed by god and this explains the different attitude toward snakes in different religions.b) Example 2 According to the CIDE, β†’

Wild life animal protection research paper examples

This factor has therefore resulted in the deaths of several wild animals thus posing a fear of reduction of wild creatures; a factor that might consequently lower the revenue that would have been brought to the county through tourism in the wildlife services. This factor has therefore forced many people to engage in the killings β†’

Research on trichromacy in primates

The result of this is that, because the alleles are X-linked, and only females have two X chromosomes, trichromacy is limited to a subgroup of new world female primates. This implies that the changes in color vision mechanisms which have led to the appearance of trichromacy in old world and new world primates were independent β†’

Gen chem study guide

0 g of Cl2 according to the equation: 2 Al + 3 Cl2? The specific heat of the unknown is: a.0.

P5 sci

Continental Drift Theory Alfred Wegener is the German meteorologist largely credited for the foundation of plate tectonics and was the first to present scientific and diligent evidence about continental reconstructions; among of these evidences include the geometric continental reconstructions, the geological match of continuity of structure, and the climate, sediment and the mismatch of sedimentary β†’


Then, using the clinometer, the observer measures the angle a between O and the top of the object. Multiplying D by the tangent of a gives the height of the object above the observer, and by the tangent of b the depth of the object below the observer.

Restoration of rauza sharif, sirhind, punjab

Hence our purpose is to document the present conditions of the impact zone, in footings of Architecture, planning, stuffs and engineering and place the lack on assorted foreparts, based on this analysis of the impact zone, place the potency of architectural intercessions and consequently propose appropriate design solution to turn to the concerns of today β†’

Good essay on theoretical perspectives

One of his popular assertions is that his believes in the importance of every aspect in the psychological field. This is the manner in which the theorist thinks, thus his name the father of the behaviorist theory.

Wilfred owen

Quick Boys! ' The reader is made to fear for the soldiers, as the anxiety and alarm of the situation is shown through the use and arrangement of the capital letters and the forcefulness of the line. Owen's ability to place the reader in the scene of the battlefield not only with his visual description β†’

How effectively do tatamkhulu afrika and chinua achebe

He also talks about the minor differences between the black and the white community in the road and the cafe. For example he uses colons to suggest that there is more to follow, " No sign says it is: but we know where we belong." This gives the reader a space to take in the β†’

Anne bradstreet – paper 2

The actual poem shows that the people of the time equate the cycles present in nature to the cycle of human life. The use of such a metaphor in the poem displays that poets in the 1600's were sophisticated in their use of language.

Critical analysis of sous les arbres essay sample

The season the poem is set in is summer, a particularly romantic and suitable setting for the poem due to it's warmth and the beauty of nature as the surrounding world is in full bloom. The third stanza further emphasises the theme of nature in the beginning of the stanza while the final lines brings β†’

Charlotte o’neil’s song and still i rise

She shows that she is the ' dream and hope of the slave', and is a role model for others and that slaves are people too. It also shows that her fight with society is ongoing and that she is constantly having to rise above the oppression.

The snow man by wallace stevens

Roberts Pack's essay on " The Snow Man" discusses the idea of perception, while David Perkins while focuses on the relationship between imagination and reality through the perspective of the snow man. In " The Snow Man", the atypical syntax and logic of the poem, as well as the usage of imagery, compels the reader β†’

Compare the two poem “porphyria’s lover” and “my last duchess”

A dramatic monologue is a poem written showing only one point of view, which is that of the narrator, and in " My Last Duchess" it is the Duke. The fact that it is part of the rhyming couplet draws attention to it and gives it the impression of completeness." That moment was mine, mine" β†’

Porphyria’s lover, my last duchess and the cleaner

In " Porphyria's Lover" the speaker is a male, in " My Last Duchess" the speaker is a male and in " The Cleaner" the speaker is a female. All the poems are set in a different period, " Porphyria's Lover" was in the nineteenth century, " My Last Duchess" was in the fourteenth or β†’

”presents from my aunts in pakistan” and ”an unknown girl” by moniza alvi essay sample

In both poems ' Presents from my Aunts in Pakistan' and ' An Unknown Girl' by Moniza Alvi, contrasts in cultures are heightened by the perspectives of the respective characters in the poems. This conflict in cultures can be seen in ' Presents from my Aunt in Pakistan', when the girl's salwar kameez " did β†’

Poetry appreciation fire the sun

An overwhelming impression of the lack of power of the woman is felt reading through the poem- she has theresponsibilityof a wife, a worker and mother and it is not in her strength to alter anything in the life that has been set for her. There is a strong image of death in this stanza β†’

Words: the poet’s tools to life

The final line of the first stanza continues to play with the dramatic irony of the poem: " So your chimneys I sweep, and in soot I sleep, " implies that the speaker simply accepts his duty as a chimney sweeper in a matter-of-fact tone, by the use of the word " so" at the β†’

Good example of essay on prospectus

In the concluding chapter of Literature of Satire, Knight discusses the basic principles of satire, describing it as a conflicts between " words, ideas and actuality.[operating] as both object and vehicle of scrutiny". To that end, A Modest Proposal is said to be a satire against that maxim that ' people are the riches of β†’

Broken windows and community relations

This paper will delve into the relationship between policing strategies that focus on community order, primarily the theory of broken windows, and how it affects the environment and collective efficacy of a neighborhood. In communities where there is a high sense of collective efficacy, the more likely neighbors and members of the community will be β†’

Should gay couples be able to marry argumentative essay

Before you are some basic arguments against gay marriage: The first is that it defies what is believed to be an ancient tradition that has always been that of the union of a man and a woman. Homosexuality is natural by definition of the word ' natural' as it does occur in nature, there are β†’

Gay marriages research paper

Therefore, in most cases religious groups who are against gay marriage believe that it is a sin to legalize the practice of gay marriage. The civil liberties of gay marriage are to pursue happiness just like heterosexuals, a situation that is not to gay marriage Based on religious and traditional definition of marriage, both male β†’

Employee handbook project

Some of these include the American's with Disabilities Act, the Family Medical Leave Act, and the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, the Equal Pay Act and Employment-At-Will. These accommodations can be limited to what the organization can financially afford, would be disruptive to the place of business, disrupts the operation of the business, or is β†’

Good cybercrime: trends and future essay example

With the fact that majority of these transactions are done online without any personal contact, guaranteeing the legitimacy of the identity of the " company representative" has become a major consideration in the safety of the consumers in the market. With this in mind, the forgery and misappropriation of " identity-related theft has become as β†’

Influence of celebrities on social issues

Also, if female celebrities were to take a stand, it makes women feel more secure as they have a public figure that understands them.' Keeping Up with the Kardashians', a reality show, had a separate episode which cameras have followed Kim to the Alexandria House shelter after she had discussed the issues on homelessness in β†’

Reflection essay on discrimination in the workplace

Race/color discrimination also can involve treating someone unfavorably because the person is married to or associated with a person of a certain race or color or because of a person's connection with a race-based organization or group, or an organization or group that is generally associated with people of a certain color. It is also β†’

Obamacare act: pros and cons, problems and solutions

For example, these insurance companies are only subject to certain rules such as, for example, extending coverage to the insured's children up to the age of 26 or preventing companies from denying coverage for ' conditions previously existing '; but, in return, they are offered a massive increase in the market and the government is β†’

Effect of olive oil massage on postoperative cesarean pain and sleep

The aim of the study is to assess the effect of olive oil massage on post-operative cesarean pain and sleep quality. Results: there were statistical significant differences between the study and the control groups related to levels of the post-operative cesarean section pain and fatigue after olive oil massage.

Cultural diversity in the healthcare field

For the most part, religious beliefs can delay the care and health of the patient, and leaves the health professionals with a huge dilemma about what to do, and greatly delays the healing process. The care plan should be discussed with the patient and family to assure that all aspects of their cultural practices have β†’

Will restricting u.s. carbon emissions damage the u.s. economy? essay sample

With the decrease in forests and continuation of the burning of fossil fuels, earth's biological processes cannot convert and replenish the carbon at the rate that carbon dioxide is accumulating. The goal is to reduce carbon emissions to a level that is sustainable and also causes a decrease in the rate of climate change.

Primary and secondary standard solutions in chemistry essay sample

The same goes with the pipette when filling it with analyte, which was the acetic acid; if the pipette is not rinsed with the analyte after being rinsed with distilled water, the analyte will become slightly diluted and it will mean that a little more sodium hydroxide will be introduced and it will increase the β†’

Food chemistry options report

It is up to the food chemists to design the most efficient and fastest way to make and preserve both the appeal as well as the nutrition of the food. As the discussion of food fat and oils continues, it is important to distinguish that the difference between the two is that a " fat" β†’

Life is an echo all comes back to you essay sample

The industry innovator in driving new designs to market Always refining current technologies for maximum market impact Almost a half century of experience in residential water conditioning equipment, focusing on independent water treatment professionals Satisfaction guaranteed All the confidence and peace of mind with the GE 5-year warranty. Engineered to outperform other brands in performance β†’

Bridge damage

The study also examined various causes of bridgefailuredue to hydraulic damage and tried to determine factors such as what would be the best shape for the bridge to avoid hydraulic damage, the most useful types of materials for constructing bridges, and the methods of construction most conducive to protecting bridge piers from this type of β†’

Free essay on the first and the second punic wars

Rome continued to win in the war and this was especially true when it won in the huge. Rome was recognized as the mistress of the western Mediterranean.

Informative essay on racism

Now one may think that it is hypocritical to write and talk on the topic of racism and how people need to stop talking about it. As long as the news continues to put it in our brains that all of these shootings and police killings were a matter of race, then people will continue β†’

Romeo and juliet narrative essay

The second protagonist in Romeo and Juliet who represents her qualities of loyalty, perseverance, and faith throughout the play is fair Juliet. Later in the play, when Juliet has fallen in love with handsome Romeo, her parents force her to marry Paris, a kinsman of the Prince who has a reputation of wealth and fame.

Dramatic impetus in a view from the bridge

The main character we are opposed to is Eddie as his set of values towards the end of the play contradict values of society, his family and even his own. At the start of the play, Eddie is seen as an honourable man for taking in two relatives as illegal immigrants and providing them with β†’

St. not a wealthy family, but the happy

Following the deaths of her sons, Rita attempted to enter the monastery of Saint Mary Magdalene in Cascia, but she was not allowed to join. Saint Rita had to retire and live again in the solitude of her cell to avoid inconveniencing the other nuns with the sight of her wound.

Communist governments social and agricultural reforms brought wide spread benefits to the chinese people in the years 1949-57 essay

Social reform generally allowed the women in China to benefit in the early stages as their lives were changed by additions such as the marriage law there was still limitations to these benefits as Mao Zedong and his concubines undermined all the laws and rights women were given. Another way in which Mao tried to β†’

1. introduction nowadays, while the development of

This paper, with the purpose to raise awareness of peopleabout gender equality will discuss the importance of gender equality as well asfind the specific strategies and solutions to spread gender equality.2. All of the above, it can be said that gender equality in women is oneof the most serious problems nowadays.


But the topic that I speak of refers to a person's sexuality, having a sexual attraction to persons of the same sex. I believe that gay and lesbian people are entitled to the same rights and protections as all Americans.

Time-out method for behavior control essay

Withdrawing love and attention from a child for the purpose of controlling the child may therefore not help in instilling discipline to that child but rather a conflict resolution skill which may not be of any help. It is important to look for the underlying feelings and needs of a child in order to be β†’

Love in “death constant beyond love” essay sample

Yet, he is isolated because of the lack of love in his life and the very money, power, and respect that he has. The lack of love in the town was apparent to the reader and because of it; the town was filled with lies and scandal, and was on the verge of deterioration."...in broad β†’

Good example of pcp research paper

In to the records, it shows that in 1965 the drug was removed from the market because of the effects that it contains. Most of the effects that have emerged because of using the drugs are what has caused the ban of using the drugs and many health practitioners are worried about the trend of β†’

Resons for keeping cigarette sale and production legal

Should smoking be made illegal, the sale and production of cigarettes will drastically go down as will the number of smokers dying from lung cancer and other smoking related diseases, but prohibiting it by law is too extreme. The probability of all of these people getting employed again is low; as most of them are β†’

Smoking in public: the reasons why smoking in public should be banned essay sample

The three main reasons to ban smoking in public are because of the health risks, offensive smell, and environmental risks that are the cause of cigarette smoke. The third and final reason why smoking should be banned in public is due to the environmental risks that are caused by the pollutants in cigarette smoke.

Pregnancy smoking and the unborn child

First is the exposure through first hand smoking, where a person inhales the smoke through smoking and the second hand smoking where a person inhales the smoke from the cigarette of another smoker. According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Development from the Women and Tobacco, cigarette had been the cause of β†’

Applications of nanosponges in medicine: a new technology that may open door to the treatment of many diseases

These minor wipes can course around the body until the point that the minute that they experience the particular target site and stick at first look and start to discharge the solution in a controlled and evident way. The movements of new and complex particles called nanosponges can deal with these issues.

William shakespeare essay essay sample

The church would explain to the people how god was in charge of their everyday life and the people had no choice but to believe them. Divinity is such a big deal in Shakespeare's time and is still relevant to this day, people still believe in god and will continue to because of how important β†’

Ideas of power in hamlet and a cock and bull story essay sample

This believe of linkage between political and economic is what brings hopes to Denmark after the rise to power of the upright Fortinbras as at the end of the play, the suggestion is that Denmark will be once again be strengthened. The threatening concerns of the young hotheaded Fortinbras in the neighboring Norway after the β†’

Title: hamlet

Title: Hamlet Author: William Shakespeare Year of publication: 1603 Setting and time period: 16th century Denmark Primary Characters: * Hamlet- indecisive, isolates himself, plans his " antic disposition" * Claudius- murder of King Hamlet, Hamlet's uncle and stepfather, guilty * Ophelia- Polonius's daughter, Hamlet's love, drowns Secondary Characters: * Horatio- Hamlet's friend * Polonius- protective β†’

Hamlet: the victim of a corrupt world

The play's world provides the prince with real, not fantasized, parental conflicts: his father is dead, and he is the enemy of his mother's lover Hamlet is deeply disturbed with his mother's hasty decision to marry Claudius. Not only did Claudius seduce Hamlet's mother before marrying her and robbed Hamlet form the throne of Denmark, β†’

”othello” by william shakespeare essay sample

This is Shakespeare's first use of manipulative techniques, as he is drawing the audience into his play, and when it is revealed that Othello is a coloured man, the audience will either accept the fact that he is treated that way by the other characters or will be outraged and begin to consider that, this β†’

Tutorial questions for exploratory data analysis

What does this value mean? d) Verify the value of the standard error of the mean for the Business Account holders.e) Determine a 90% confidence interval for the true mean of the Business Account holders and interpret the result in the context of the situation. This is evidenced by similarities in means and medians and β†’

No country for old men research paper essay sample

For instance, the " Coin Flip" scene shows the mercifulness killer Anton Chigurh put the life of a gas station owner up against a flip of a coin. Chigurh is offended from the lack of control the owner has over his own life by the owner marrying into a money orientated item, the gas station.

Original writing: the assassination

She sighed heavily, her sigh passed down the chimney and through the rest of the house. The force of the rain was extremely light but the Assassin was soaked right through to the bone.

Charles criminal liability for the unlawful homicide

The dead body is the body of Derek who drowned, which was an unlawful killing as he drowned and no one saved him from drowning, and it was under the Queens peace as it was not during a time of war, Charles and Derek were not soldier on duty and they had to official duty β†’

Gun control

" A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, will not be infringed". Those in favor of the right to have possession of a gun say they have a gun for protection, and that guns do not cause more deaths.

O.j simpson’s popular trial

Simpson' s lawyers argued that Simpson was the victim of police racism and they also argued that the evidence was not properly handled and was contaminated by several people. Darden was encouraged by the prosecutors not to ask Simpson to put the glove on, but instead, to argue through experts that the glove, in better β†’

Differences in male and female rates of crime

The conclusion is that two factors are operating: gendered attitudes in the legal system and collusion between the same attitudes in the family unit and the legal system. Numerous factors contribute to the differences in male and female rates of crime.

The politics of crime and punishment in america essay

However, in the nineteenth century with the advent of the modern times, the nature of punishment transformed and the new form aimed at deprivation in seclusion, hence the prison system. By building new prisons in the backward areas of the state, helped in giving employment to the locals and therefore, improve the living standard in β†’

A brief history of organized crime

The regime of Fascist leader Benito Mussolini had at one point been able to reign in the activities of the Mafia, resulting in some of their members immigrating to the United States. The Castallammarese War, where the faction of Salvatore Maranzano crushed another rival group in New York in the 1930's, resulted in the division β†’

The movie “ned kelly” essay sample

Towards the end of the film during the final shoot-out, Kelly is especially viewed as a hero when he staggers out of the pub in his infamous armour and leaves himself open to the police's gunfire. The movie was in favour of Ned Kelly all the way through, but had to concede defeat in the β†’

Wrongful convictions in canada essay sample

One of the most controversial issues existing in the Criminal Justice System is the concept of wrongful convictions. One of the criticisms of the review process is that it places the onus on the applicant to demonstrate that a miscarriage has occurred with the system.

Understanding renegade will in laurence ralph’s renegade dreams

Ralph's Renegade Dreams provides insight on a West Side Chicago neighbourhood called Eastwood, a community infiltrated with violence and injury, and he tries to decipher social bonds within this geographic area." Renegade will" is defined by Ralph as the choice an injured Eastwoodian makes to fight for the betterment of his/her community via improving the β†’

Criminal conduct and criminal law essay sample

When a perpetrator has the proper mens rea they have the intention and the knowledge of the crime that they have committed. The goals of criminal law help to prevent innocent people from being convicted of crimes that they have not committed because of the criminal trial process and the different steps that are taken β†’

Leadership – nelson mandela

The story is based on the leadership quality and the skills of the great known president Nelson Mandela, the first Black president of South Africa and his vital role in uplifting the country and his dedication and efforts he put on towards uniting the nation. He wanted to prove his nation that he neither supports β†’

What is leadership qualities

There are several types of leadership and we will examine some of them, such as control, co-operation and autonomy in order to discuss the circumstances in which each would be more appropriate. Such kind of leader also manages the whole work within limits of his competence and, in order to provide with fulfillment of work, β†’

Leadership challenge

These are as follows: Dissatisfaction among the staffs regarding the increasing workload: One of the major challenge to the leadership of the 56th HBCT leadership has been the workload that the leaders assign to the staffs. Unwillingness of the leaders in involving subordinates in the decision making process: Another major problem regarding the leadership in β†’

Ruling by ecj essay sample

While the product names were dissimilar, the packaging of Bellure perfume emulated that of the L'Oreal correspondent, and the products became marketed using a comparison list to compare the perfume to the well recognised equivalent. Nevertheless, Article 5 of the Trade Marks Directive secures the owner of a trade mark from utilisation of a trade β†’

Essay on belize

Slavery, Spanish and British influences form a significant part of Belize's history with the country having experienced one of the shortest wars in 1798 known as ' The Battle of St. Belize: A Guide to the People, Politics, and Culture.

Literature review on the wonga coup book by adam robert

Adam Roberts covers that reality in his book The Wonga Coup, which details a seemingly contemporary repeat of the European exploitation of Africa through the attempts of a mercenary group consisting of Englishmen and South African soldiers to overthrow the ruling regime of Equatorial Guinea in 2004. Africa, with all its vast riches, will stay β†’

Sample essay on salem witch trials

Puritans and their ideology were in question and people from different sections of society were asking about their idea of purifying the church. Puritans were very counfused people who misjudged everthing and misunderstood the concept of religion in a different manner.

Good the impact of trade barriers on the uk research paper example

When the competitiveness of the business services increase it will help to improve the quality, lower the costs and to adapt to the global economy and technology. In UK, about 10% of the employment is directly contributed by the business services, and this does help in the creation of jobs and wealth at the same β†’

Good essay on american civil war

Marx argues that the first excuse of the war was the differences between the free trade and the protectionist system that was supported by the Northern states. In the secession congress in came into the attention of the southern legislators that the Louisiana sugar was most affected by the tariffs that were imposed by the β†’

Example of equianos thoughts and feelings about england essay

Right at the beginning of the book, when he writes that, " when I compare my lot with that of most of my countrymen, I regard myself as a particular favourite of heaven,", there is a ting of sadness in his tone, nit because he is lucky enough to escape the hardship he faced in β†’

Essay on a review of the situation

The main concern that teachers address is not whether EAL students are academically competent or if their English is just not on par to accomplish goals; but rather the question of how to cater to both EAL and non-EAL students at the same time without compromising on the both of their quality of education. To β†’

Americas perception of europe essay examples

As a result, the American government and the Founding Founders placed the country in a state of isolationism to protect them from European influence and threat. American Views of Europe and the World.

Work satisfaction and motivation

5 The amount of work is easy to handle 1 2 3 3. 2 I work in the department of my choice 1 2 3 10.

Collectivism enforced by the government

Synthesis Essay Halley Dunlop In the books, Anthem, Fahrenheit 451, Harrison Burgeon, and the movies The Hunger Games, and Wall-E, the government contains all of the people to make them equal. The pitfalls of the quest forequalityare the lack of individuality, inability to be creative, and lack of intelligence.

Social work and empowerment assignment

The social worker is obliged to assess the needs of Matthew and David for community care services and implement services accordingly, role of a care manager. The British Association of Social Workers includes in their definition of social work the promotion of ".social change.and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being." cites empowerment β†’