1300 Words Essay Samples

Rugby macrocycle training

The rugby team's training goal is to ensure that retention, pre-season and off-season, and the hope is to prepare the players physically and mentally for the in-season. During the in season, the Rugby athletes need to maintain their strength, power and size.

Questions and answers on the growth and success of starbucks

His aspiration was for Starbucks to become the most respected brand name in coffee and for the company to be admired for its corporate responsibility. Schultz strategized a plan to lead the Starbucks Coffee Company by speculating to open 125 stores in the next five years of the company's operation.

Spectacular phenomenae of disaster: tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes

The gasses that are released travel along with the ash cloud and may cause acid rain, or a slight cooling in the earth's atmosphere due to the sulphate aerosols. This means that the people in the surrounding area of the ash cloud are in extreme danger, because even a couple of inches of the ash β†’

Comparative criminal justice: making sense of the difference assignment

We tend to argue that the rise in crime rates is exaggerated by the media and the politicians, that we should avoid creating even more deviance by over-reacting to offending, that the availability of work and decent housing are more effective ways of reducing crime than whatever can be delivered by criminal Justice. In Italy, β†’

Black sexual politics essay

Black Sexual Politics The book Black Sexual Politics by Patricia Hill Collins is a work of critical theory that discusses the way that race, class and gender intersect to affect the lives of African American men and women in many different ways, but with similar results. The book also examines the way sexual politics are β†’

Richard warren sears and sears, roebuck, & company essay

The catalog was the key to the success of Sears. Shortly afterwards, Sears resigned as president of the company and gave the position to Rosenwald.

The benefits of marriage to society

Therefore, it is necessary for adults to get married for a society to remain strong because marriage helps children become more successful, creates healthy citizens, and contributes positively to the economy. To conclude, it is apparent that marriage keeps society strong because it helps children become more successful, improves people's health, and contributes more to β†’

Steps for active listening process

This is a concise definition for active listening as it is essential in understanding what a speaker is trying to convey. Since active listening is interactive, the listener needs to look at the speaker in the eyes as this is a basic ingredient of effective communication.

A legabl problem in hospitality industry

In many instances, as will be related here, the inability of owners of the swimming pool to follow safety rules requirement cause these accidents and drowning that lead to filing of court cases. The operator of the swimming pool was held liable for violation of the safety rules that require a permanent readable depth marking.

“harrah’s entertainment inc.” by rajiv lal essay

As opposed to the MGM, the Mirage, or the Bellagio, Harrah's properties are not highly-themed environments that offer a lot of new experiences to the customer. Create a feeling among customers that Harrah's as opposed to its competitors knows its customers and rewards customers like the firm knows them.

An analysis of the essence of love as revealed by andrew marvell and percy shelley in, to his coy mistress and love’s philosophy

Andrew Marvell's " To His Coy Mistress" and Percy Shelley's " Love's Philosophy" are direct contrasts in the ways that they portray love." Love's Philosophy" presents love as honest and divine as " To His Coy Mistress" presents love as a lustful sentiment. Unlike the lovey-dovey personality that " To His Coy Mistress" and " β†’

A critical essay on ideas about asian aesthetics

The first interpretation defines Asian aesthetics as 'aphilosophyof purpose and art", purpose precedes art in the definition for it is purpose which drives Asian artists to produce works of art, and, in turn, these produced works of art serves another purpose for the prospective observer or user of the said art. 5 Asian art is β†’

Slavery in the united states and united states government assignment

The development of a national railroad system was hampered by which of the following? A. Which of the following is true of the labor movement during the 1 sass? A.

Deductive and inductive approach

I see many differences from a deductive approach to the research: the fact itself that this research is qualitative, often lead to implement the " opposite approach, the inductive one. Such a research could really fill many of the gaps that today's theories present creating new point of view, even if what they could not β†’

The election of 1896 essay

The depression of the 1890s, and President Cleveland's unwillingness to use federal resources to assist the unemployed, alienated irate farmers and workers from the Democratic Party. At the Democratic convention in Chicago, the commanding presence of William Jennings Bryan captured the attention of the delegates as he spoke in favor of using the ratio of β†’

The economy of russia before lenin

At the start of the war, " Russia...[had] the largest army in the world, standing at 1, 400, 000 soldiers" and was one of the superpowers of Europe at the time. The backbone of Russia's economy was its working class and, with the war, the conditions that the people were forced to work in were β†’

Final outline and annotated bibliography psychology essay

Retrieved September 8, 2012, from http://search.proquest.com/docview/232577353? accountid= 32521 The author explored Kohlberg's theory of moral development in relation to Korean and British children. Education for the moral development of managers: Kohlberg's stages of moral development and integrative education.

Satisfying needs and wants through an exchange process marketing essay

People are stopping by to enjoy a mid afternoon coffee throughout the streets, Starbucks attract regular people to look and have their daily dose of coffee. MARKETING STARBUCKS IS A GREAT COMPANY FOR MARKETING Starbucks have a good name in market.star bucks do a lot of thing to promote their brand like advertising making website β†’

Information sharing thesis

In considering the importance of information sharing, the effectiveness, information protection, exists and dynamic tension while making the information available for the authorization and the disclosure of sensitive information for jeopardize methods and sources while endangering civil liberties and endangering for the intentions and adversaries. Disclosing of sensitive information is the brighter way of managing β†’

Lecture 9

The firm has total debt at a book value of $40 million, but interest rate changes have increased the value of the debt to a current market value of $50 million. The expected growth rate of dividends is 6% for stock A and 5% for stock B.

Effectiveness of international law

The definition and concept of international law, effective aspects of international law, and certain limitations of international law will be discussed in this essay. Definition and Concept of International Law International law can be defined as, the universal system of principles and policies concerning the relations between states and international organisations.

A life in the day of (creative writing)

I have to walk to the station and get the train to school so I arrive at school feeling like I have been up for ages. As I sit in my lessons, I try to comprehend everything I am told.

Vascular calcification and inherited real risk of lithiasis

The condition sine qua non also of vascular calcification is " Quantum Biophysical Semeiotics" lithiasic Constitution-Dependent " Inherited Real Risk"." Quantum Biophysics Semeiotics" is a new discipline in the medical field and an extension of the classical semeiotics with the support of quantum and complexity theories. The QBS method allows the clinical and pre-clinical diagnosis β†’

ο»Ώdiscourse analysis essay sample

The second description of discourse concerns language behaviors linked to a social practice; this suggests that a discourse is a type of language. Discourse analysis is not only about method, it is also a perspective on the nature of language and its relationship to the central issues of the social sciences.

Womanhood and its implications in richardson’s pamela

Her gender and her social ranking in society play key roles in the unfolding of this story and are precisely the factors that led her to become the sexual target of her employer. Her role as a servant was very important to the story of Pamela, because despite what he thought, Mr.

The curriculum for excellence

The Herald online reported the teaching unions advising that teachers across Scotland are facing " burn-out" over the delivery of the new school curriculum because of a lack of time and resources, and the Edinburgh Evening News online reported that Liberal Democrat MSP Margaret Smith regarded the SNP government's handling of the introduction of the β†’

Psychology of stress flashcard

In addition to that, a massage will also be of help to relax the muscles of the body. Deducing from my personal experience, we realize that pessimism and optimism also contribute to the increase or decrease of the amount or level of stress experienced by an individual.


CTA Apply logical, critical and creative thinking and judgement to generate appropriate solutions to problems in the disciplinary context Analysis and recommendations relating to the chosen strategy for the case organisationWeighting: 10/60 In depth analysis is conducted of the critical issues relating to the chosen strategy for the case organisation. The analysis demonstrates a solid β†’

Society does emphasis on phsycal appearance

In today's society of never-ending nips and tucks, we forget that the essence of beauty stems from a person's inner vitality and depth. These items are to hide ones true beauty and to show a beauty that is more popular or fashionable to fit in with society.

Modernism: a critical analysis

At a more protean level, it annulled the optimism of the humanist endeavor which gave rise to the Renaissance, the Enlightenment and the scientific world view. It is a demonstration of what the function of the artist has become, for the message of Eliot is that the artist is indeed reduced to gathering debris from β†’

Organization as the computing good for business

Hewlett-Packard is working on a series of technologies to reduce the carbon footprint of data centers by 75 percent and, with new software and services, to measure energy use and carbon emissions. Microsoft is also trying to encourage energy-saving software practices by charging business units by the amount of power they consume in the data β†’

God, dante, and geology: relationship between geology and religion

They live in comfort knowing only the echoes and shadows within that underground chamber, and in fear of the light that leads to the outside world. Science is the reasoning for the unknown events of the past.

Study on methadone maintenance for opiate addiction

This allows the physician of the clinic to monitor the client's intake and monitor the client's continuing health care. During the first stage of MMT the patients are started on the methadone to try to find the accurate and most effective dosage.

Symbolism of the necklace

The most important symbol within the story is the necklace, which foremost is a representation of greed and materialism. At the beginning of the story, the reader quickly learns of Mathilde's selfish personality and her yearning for luxuries and items that are unattainable for her at the time.

Why rosie the riveter? essay

More specifically, women in the 21st century would live dramatically different lives if it were not for the women who changed the image of women in America forever. The New Women of the Progressive Era resisted domesticity and the Flapper allowed women to have fun.

Bloody sunday study

Although the newspaper is British, it supports the Catholics, by saying that the protestant councils have discriminated against the Catholics, One reason is that the Protestants had been put in better houses than the Catholics and they both had to pay the same amount of rent. The fact that the British newspapers were supporting the β†’

The victorian internet essay sample

Tom Standage, a technology journalist, argues that the real shrinking of time and space took place not with the arrival of the Internet but in the Victorian era with the development of the telegraph. There are many striking parallels that can be drawn between the development and growth of the telegraph and the Internet, particularly β†’

Rich and poor vs lifeboat ethics essay sample

In the context of social justice, we fail to achieve this equity based on its formulation and the way it addresses the needs of the poor and the rich. The right to be rich or poor.

What is crime prevention

Feldman defines crime as ' anything forbidden or punishable by the criminal justice system.' Therefore crime prevention can be defined as ' any activity intended to reduce the frequency of events defined as crimes by the criminal law.' Another definition of crime prevention is the process of ' predicting an outcome and intervening in that β†’

Compare and contrast the ways in which christina rossetti communicates her attitudes towards death in β€˜song’, and β€˜remember’

In ' Song', she uses techniques involving the structure and tone of the poem to communicate that she is in fact happy to be out of the relationship. The emphasis is made obvious by the sudden change in meter and is the first break in rhythm in the poem, which suggests to the reader that β†’

Religious doubt and the force of nature

In these lines, the word spirit is taken to mean " the animating or vital principle in man; that which gives life to the physical organism" rather than " The soul of a person, as commended to God" because Nature, rather than God, is claiming to be the source of creation and breath is the β†’

What is hearsay

Under court rules, spouses are not allowed to testify against their partner, without the express permission of the suspect, or if the spouse is the complainant in the case. The element of hearsay in this case lies in the fact that Susan's recorded testimony is presented by the police, and Susan cannot be presented in β†’

Assignment 1

This shows that at the time of the project, the two countries will be the first to be affected, before the damage spreads all over the world. The pipeline is going to affect the habitat of most of the animals that live in the forest.

Wizard of oz essay sample

The scene near the end of the film where Dorothy is saying goodbye to the fantasy characters before leaving to go home in a hot air balloon is particularly significant in terms of mise en scene. In this scene the position of the camera is initially an establishing shot of the crowd, allowing the viewer β†’

Hp company analysis

They have included the results of operations of the businesses they acquired in fiscal 2010 in HPs consolidated financial statementss as of the respective dates of acquisition. The purpose of the statement is to improve the relevance, comparability, and transparency of the financial information that HP provides in its consolidated financial statements.

Sellers duty under cif contracts law commercial essay

For instance, if a contract provides a delivery to London, it means ' the seller will have to bear the cost, insurance and freight to enable delivery of the goods at London'.[3]CIF Liverpool, means the goods will arrive to Liverpool or the goods will be delivered in Liverpool and buyer must provide the name of β†’

Captain arthur phillip assignment

The early days were a struggle; some of the supplies had spoiled during the journey and cultivation of food, which by now was imperative, was proving difficult due to the unfamiliar soils and climate. As the first Governor of New South Wales, Phillip was putting his policies and procedures in place.

Gender trouble essay sample

Butler believes that sex and gender are political/ideological and cultural constructs of the body, due to her view that sex is biological and gender is a social construct. Butler writes that the essence of a female is much broader, aleatoric and more in flux than the limited mental and physical prison that men have pigeonholed β†’

Stasis and the unexpected in “closely watched trains”

Two scenes in particular reflect the chaos that characterized the lives of Czechoslovakian civilians during the war: the air raid and the finale. The ironic contrast of humor and pathos in these violent scenes might otherwise come across as farcical if the effect of this contrast was to significantly alter, rather than to suddenly deviate β†’

Homosexual parenting and its affect on children

As a result of the the actual number of new adoptions of children by gay or lesbian parents is not really known. The third rationale stresses the possibility that children of same-sex couples would be exposed to bullying in a school or peer ostracism.

Developing yourself as an effective hr practitioner

Also read: HR Profession Map Essay Insights, Strategy and Solutions relates to the need for a successful HR professional to present and develop strategies and solutions based on a firm understanding of the business, it's internalenvironment and its external challenges It demonstrates the profession as a recognised business discipline with people and the organisation at β†’

The automobile industry and performance economics essay

The author states that in this journal reveals the Malaysian experience in promoting the automotive industry and examines the overall performance of the sector especially in national auto production. Automotive industry in Malaysia: an assessment of its development In this journal, the authors analyzing and evaluating the growth of Malaysian automotive industry within the reason β†’

Developmental psychology: social development

The influence of inborn biological factors and the contrasting aspect of environmental issues has been applied to many areas of psychology and development. Researchers have used the study of twins and adoption to assess the extent to which genetic factors play a part in areas of social development.

Government cospiracies assignment

The study gives people suffering from all kinds of ailments clinical psychology in the form of mindful based therapy to see how hey respond to It regardless of the injury or reason for medical treatment. The present study is a review of MOB as a therapy to reduce acute symptoms of anxiety and depression.

Amelia earhart: a woman who caused a huge impact on society

She did not let money get in the way of her dream which was to fly. Amelia had to suffer through this discrimination because she was a woman all her life in a men's society.

Dick clark and american bandstand essay sample

Dick Clark was the final host of the show he hosted the show from nineteen fifty seven until the end. The entrance of Clark in the show increased the number of people in the show this increased the popularity of the show.

Significance and the fundamentals of academic integrity

This essay explores academic integrity at large by considering academic writing, the fundamentals of academic integrity, and relates the significance and applicability of academic integrity in the context of Divine Word University. Procedures of academic integrity Embracing the idea of academic integrity is about being honest in the culture of academic world and to be β†’

Experiencing uncertainty in brady’s character

The satire in the moment when the juxtaposition of him reassuring himself that he had the support when he ran for president, showing perhaps electoral corruption, to Davenport stepping in and introducing himself to Brady, and then Brady possessing a patronizing attitude towards the circuit district attorney, undercuts magisterial patriarch, ' I trust it was β†’

Same sex education: the effects on the students essay

Same sex education, also known as the single sex education imposes advantages and disadvantages to the students enrolled in this type of schooling. Statistics shows, according to the National Association for Single Sex Public Education, that same sex schooling or the same sex education setting has increased in popularity and support in the past decade.

Critical analysis of dreaming in cuban and the latin deli

While Cristina Garcia's novel moves miles covering the life of three generations mainly of a single family between Cuba and the United States, Judith Ortiz, uses the power of poetry to communicate the success, tragedy and experiences of the Latinos in the El building. In the writings, the major themes of concern include the following: β†’

Analysis of the first 3-5 minutes of sin city

This may tell the audience the look of the film, the focus then immediately changes to the woman in the red dress which makes the audience wonder why everything else is in black and white and only her dress is light up. Soon as she puts the cigarette to her red lips and there is β†’

Native son analysis essay

Although some may argue that it was merely his response to the conditions in which he lived, Bigger does not deserve the sympathy those people give him because all colored people were oppressed, he had people supporting him, and he was clearly violent from the start and enjoyed the kill. After that, Jan and Mary β†’

Surgery: iturralde v. hilo medical center usa

Iturralde in the hospital until the hospital could obtain the materials necessary for the spinal fusion. Ricketson's attention by the surgical nurse that the kit was incomplete, but he chose to go forward with the surgery.

Boon technical clothing inventory system assignment

Ronnie Esprit, he is the one who is listing all the breakdown of orders and he is the one who is ordering the materials they use. After signing the contract the clients will give to the contractor the list of breakdown of the sizes of the singlet or Jerseys then they will purchase the materials β†’

Leaving school and dear mr lee essay sample

This is because the child has not really lived his life properly, to understand the world and life in the same way that an adult has. In " Leaving School" the language is more formal and less colloquial as this shows us that the child has had adult responsibilities forced upon him and that he β†’

The crucible analysis

In the play Abigail wanted to get rid of Elizabeth and she wanted John proctor. Once again all of this started because Abigail wanted John and it shows that the saying " you want what you cannot have" is true.

Time for new thinking about sensitive periods

The broad concept that the timing of individual experience interacts with brain development and might even guide it is illustrated by articles examining both lower and higher-level brain functions, such as the effect of age of start of music training on brain stem responses to speech sounds; the effect of age of language acquisition on β†’

Free essay on intro to psyc

Norms in this case refer to the unsaid and implicit rules that are shared by a given group of individuals and are responsible in guiding the way these individuals interact with others and in the society or a social group. In psychological, the term conformity is defined as the tendency of an individual to follow β†’

Introduction to micro economics essay sample

However the welfare is the sum of the new consumer surplus and the producer surplus, minus the government's expenses. What is the long run equilibrium price and output?

Genesis and rise of islamic fundamentalism religion essay

The philosophical roots of Islamic fundamentalism are largely the result of a conscious attempt to revive and restate the theoretical relevance of Islam in the modern world. Likewise, Islamic radicalization in part is a reaction to the failure of Islamic liberalism in the late 19th and 20th centuries.

Concepts in accounting and developing financial statements

To provide a benchmark against which the competitors' performance can be measured Employees to assess the ability of the business to continue to provide employment and to reward employees for their labour Government to assess how much tax the business should pay, whether it complies with agreed pricing policies and whether financial support is needed. β†’

The entwistle 4mat review theology religion essay

The book displayed the faith and assurance that psychological science and Christianity should unite for it to possess a higher apprehension and allowing the client a higher chance of mending. The Word of God is the Bible that God created as a usher to populating life in the manner that God designed to be the β†’

Postpartum depression: causes and treatments

Postpartum depression is a form of depression that can affect women and, less frequently, men after the birth of a child. All in all, postpartum depression can occur, but it is possible to overcome it with the help of family and friends.

Intechnology plc

Executive summary: Technology challenge: To create a unified solution to manage and analyse the billable and non-billable time and performance of consultants, engineers and pre-sales staff across the organisation. But moving forward, the new solution provides us with a baseline by which to measure any future operational changes and to gauge the overall state of β†’

Behaviour modification case studies

The disadvantage is that the client may be able to maintain composer while imaging the fear but is unable to follow through of maintaining the relaxation technique when faced with the real stimuli, notes that the most effective of the two are usually in-vivo desensitization, the advantage of choosing this method is the encounter is β†’

The fall of the black panther party

The Fall Of The Black Panther Party , 1966 The Fall Of The Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party was one that started as a result of the struggle that African Americans faced from day one in America. Some of these events included the militancy of the group in their efforts to achieve equality, β†’

Editorial: pseudomonas and acinetobacter : from drug resistance to pathogenesis

When studying pathogenic behavior, Lopez et al.investigated the effect of bile salts on the growth, virulence, and gene expression of A.baumannii clinical isolates and isogenic mutant strains that lack the AdeABC efflux pump. In a different light, Du et al.demonstrated the bactericidal activity of the human salivary protein Histatin 5 against ESKAPE pathogens, especially P.aeruginosa β†’

Faith traveled across water: religious puritanism in the new world through winthrop and bradford

He also believed that the Pilgrims were the new Israelites from the old testament and that their lives were a literal reenactment of the days of Moses and that they were to live by the word of God. Bradford was a strong believer that all of the pain and suffering that the colony endured during β†’

Howard s becker

He views deviance as the " creation of social groups and not the quality of some act or behavior and criticizes other theories of deviance for accepting the existence of deviance and by doing so, accept the values of the majority within the social group and by studying the act of the individual is unimportant β†’

Case study enron company

A list of the five recent recommendations is summed up as follows: Rationalizing work program in detecting fraudulent and misappropriation of fallopian statements for the sake of stakeholder, the company and the economy at large. Improving the effectiveness of Audit committee Raised membership and sole audit committee responsibility and authority in the composition of audit β†’

Death of a sales man and a streetcar named desire: comparative

Both liquor and the rubber pipe are symbols of Blanche and Willy's attempts to escape reality, although it is impossible, leading to their loss of sanity. Blanche and Willy's attempts mask reality, and accomplish the American dream ultimately lead to their loss of sanity.

Mass comm

Social media traces back to the beginning era of the internet back in the ass's and the ass's when bulletin boards we are used to exchange information. The development of computers began in the asses and access to it was only for the rich.

Salem witch trials essay sample

In the year 1692 in the city of Salem, Massachusetts, the population was mainly made up of Puritan settlers, a group of English Christians who did not agree with the church of England. The first theory for the cause of the mass hysteria in Salem was based on the serious tensions within and towards the β†’

Cheating in a bottom line economy

SUMMARY & CRITIQUE OF:" Cheatingin a Bottom Line Economy" In " Cheating in a Bottom Line Economy," author David Callahan explains the fundamental reasons for the decay of simple business ethics in today's economy in order to meet bottom line standards. Question: What are the implications of Callahan's work for discovering cheating in a bottom β†’

Personal criminological theory

If a parent is caught for a crime and convicted their children are always labeled the children of a criminal. If a neighborhood suddenly has an increase in crime such as theft, drugs, and breaking and entering they need to look at the economy of that neighborhood.

Applied business psychology

When Mrs Bhoja was asked whether or not she feels that her work life interferes with her personal life in terms of the difficulties she goes through, since she has become the practise manager she reply's " yes, it does to a large extent because of the amount of hours worked and pressure of getting β†’

Live together before marriage?

Cohabitation is a dangerous trend that has recently been too readily accepted without much resistance or criticism from society Is cohabitation a sin or not depends on what one means by the word ' moving in together', in the Bible it is clearly stated that having a sexual relationship before marriage is a sin and β†’

We can have pasteurized milk that has

Effect of pasteurized milk: The trouble with milk pasteurization is that it canundermine the quality of the milk. Conclusion: The maindifference between homogenized milk and pasteurized milk is pasteurization isbetter than homogenization.

Fashionably early: the context and consequences of the flapper movement

The Flapper Movement of the 1920s embodied these demands, transforming women's request for opportunities and liberties into a full-fledged livelihood, securing women's power to use fashion as form of personal expression, and abolishing fashion's historic use of corsets, headwear, and undergarments as the swords of sexism. These factors include the First Great War, the emergence β†’

Antigonepsychology flashcard

Antigone works at all costs to give her brother the burial she believes he deserves." But I will bury him, and if I must die, I say that this crime is holy: I will lie down with him in death, and I will be as dear to him as he to me". These are my β†’

How to make draft essay from this outline

The writers of both the stories use the method of characterization to create and portray characters.2. Draft Thesis Statement: The author of the story " A Handful of Dates" and the author of the story " The Stolen Party" are from differentculturebut treat a common theme of disillusionment.

The evolution of urban society in mesopotamia

These are fundamental questions that are attempted to be answered in studies of the ' urban revolution', which is defined as " emergence of urban life and the concomitant transformation of human settlements from simple agrarian-based systems to complex and hierarchical systems of manufacturing and trade". First of all, the growth and density of a β†’

Look in the searchers

The mise-en-scene in the first flashback sets the tone for the remainder of he scenes featuring Look, establishing a racial hierarchy and foreshadowing the power structure in Marty and Looks relationship. The response of the film's characters to Marty and Looks marriage encourages the audience to view the situation in a comical light.

Should we aim for genetic improvement in host resistance or tolerance to infectious pathogens?

The diverse contributions to this topic: Provide an overview of the state-of-the-art understanding of resistance and tolerance in domestic livestock populations, with a focus on the application of genetic and genomic tools for host genetic improvement of either. The molecular pathways underlying host resistance and tolerance to pathogens.

Hong kong’s economy development

According to population's statistic, the median age of the labour force increased from 34 in 1991 to 37 in 2001 due to ageing of the overall population and delayed entry into the labour force as a result of increased postsecondary educational opportunities. The role of the government should be establishing the enabling environment and that β†’

The lottery by shirley jackson essay

Therefore, the primary objective of the paper is to provide in-depth analysis how Jackson represents the themes of hypocrisy, weakness of human mind, social inequality and women subordination in the short-story. For example, Peter Kosenko in his " A Reading of Shirley Jackson's ' The Lottery'" argues that " her use of friendly language among β†’