1100 Words Essay Samples

Children’s acquisition of syntactic knowledge

This study seeks to explore the process of language acquisition among children while paying attention to some of the challenges they face and the way they respond to such challenges. It explores the different levels of steps that children undergo to master the language use, which is important to understand how that is important to →

Killing a disabled infant is not morally equivalent to killing a person

Again, for Singer, letting an infant who is " physically challenged" die is not at all similar to killing an individual and that it is not at all a wrong act because it is done with the intention to attain the greatest happiness and to benefit the greatest number. Third, Singer believes →

Gifted children: an overview

The irony of it all is that gifted-ness seems to run in families and the children of these repressed gifted students are, themselves, But what exactly is a " gifted" student? Students are given a repertoire of tests. Ratings are given to each bracket of IQ scores: If a student receives a rating →

Developing india with internet banking

My objective is to have comparative study on internet banking and significance of the services provided by the banks in India. To state the status and ratings of Internet banking in today's world.

A study of education’s banking concept, a comparison to problem solving and the technological impact

The educators deposit information in the depositories who are the students and later withdraw the information by requiring the students to restate what they were taught. While compared to problem posing concept, the banking concept is ineffective since it discourages critical engagement in the teaching and application of information to the students (Freire, Padegogy of →

Citibank: performance evaluation essay sample

Evaluate the pros and cons of objective and subjective measures in a performance evaluation and reward system. In addition, they can give a better picture of the underlying drivers of the objective performance measures and how the latter can be improved by directly influencing the former.

Ch. 3 testbank

Department of Defense as a network that BLANK in the event of an attackWould not be easily distruptedThe World Wide Web was based on a protocol developed by BLANKTime Berners-LeeThe " fathers of the Internet" are Vinton Cerf andRobert kahnSoftware that enables you to display and interact with text and other media on the web →

Union bank of india

This is a very good strategy to retain the customer. The bank provides the information to its customers about any change in the interest rate of advances. They attend all the customers who are present in the bank, so that they do not feel neglected and not switch to any other bank. CRM →

Determinants of private bank profitabliy

As to the econometric software, I make use of STATA to obtain estimates of the static as well as dynamic panel models. All in all, the study results indicate that interest and non-interest incomes and interest expense are the main determining factor for the profitability of private banks in Ethiopia both in static and dynamic →

The sticky situation in my life

I guess I fell asleep on the way because the next thing I knew, I was in a dream playing in the backyard with some hot, country chicks and a water hose. I strapped the gun to the climber, placed the screws into the hardy bark and started up the tree.

Good critical thinking about american negro

The reason as to why the author asks the questions is because the question of identity arises and thus become the subject of discussion. The era of racial tensions must have provoked him to document this text to show that it was not right for Negros to be treated with →

Mussolini’s policies againstethnic minorities

This meant that the pope and religion posed a massive influence on Mussolini's rule and exercised a lot of power on all classes. Mussolini himself was atheist like his father and believed thatsciencewas made to prove religion wrong and that Jesus was a madman who had been mistakenly taken for a prophet, →

Self-analysis report: background and self-introduction

Initially since I used to be a part of a joint family and all my other cousins were pretty confident and extrovert that also affected me in an adverse way that I could not overcome my fear of being in a group to a fairly longer period of time. When I was in 9th standard, →

University of phoenix material

The power of media is by far recognized by everybody in terms of advertising, marketing and as a medium to broadcast information to people at large. Media literacy, in short, is the ability to use discernment and investigate any, and all, information that is obtained through a media outlet.

Good example of lesson 4 activities essay

Another source that is cited to verify the show's status as an important British cultural icon is an editorial in The Economist, which merely cites " Dr Who" as a show that the previous generation of Britons were able to enjoy (without citing numbers or any objective facts). There is quite a bit →

The mtv reality show crisis

The media is only making it worse and worse for the audiences' generation to be influenced by humiliating people on television. UNREALISTIC REALITY The life in which the " actors" portray is false reality, they are all set up and choreographed to make the audience believe that the actors represent a true sampling of →

Free essay on us and them of television to have and to have not

When it comes through the mother's friend that there is a family that has not TV, it is clear then to David that this family is not as good as his family. In this way, it is not that they cannot have one, but that the father of the family, →

Essay summary of foreign language requirement

Foreign Language High School Requirement A survey done by the Center for Applied Linguistics in 2008 found that " The findings indicate a serious disconnect between the national call to educate world citizens with high-level language skills and the current state of foreign language instruction in schools across the country". If the U.S.expects to →

Research paper on my three day food log

The hypothesis for my dietary and activity intake is that I do not take a healthy diet, I do not take enough water as per the daily requirements and I do not get enough exercise as required for a healthy living. Methods and procedure The days selected for the →

The ways irish nationalists used history to support their ideas

For many centuries the British Empire dominated the globe, in this sphere of influence was the island of Ireland. That the founding of pioneering cultural institutions proliferated and justified the nationalist cause. To the citizens of Ireland their nation felt more a colony of the British Empire then one of it's home islands.

Essay on broken spears accounts

Upon entry into the city, the Spaniard soldiers described the city in amazement." Some of the soldiers among us had been in many parts of the world, all over Italy, Constantinople, and in Rome agreed so large a market place full of people and so well regulated and arranged, they →

Corallium rubrum (linnaeus, 1758) research paper example

Now coral harvesting is done by the hands of professional coral divers who have license from the Fishery and Agriculture authorities. In the Mediterranean Sea, harvesting of C.rubrum has decreased drastically. However, its demand is still high in Italy, who is the largest importer of this coral, Spain and France.(Gallmetzer, Haselmair, and Velimirov 1-10) Since →

The wealth and poverty of nations book review

In this paper, I will respond to Landes arguments about the western world and to his major claim about the position of China and give my views as to whether his argument can still hold a place in our modern world. In his book, Landes attributes the huge economic success in European nations to their →

Crevecoeur ‘s letters from an american farmer:rhetoric to define a new american literature review

The letter form of the writing allows him to discuss America from a voice of personal expertise and also in an intimate tone that allows the reader to feel as if the words are written to them. The idea of people coming together from many backgrounds to work for themselves rather than to support nobility →

Name research paper examples

This essay aims at proving his point to be wrong, and establishing that the narrator or the townspeople did not know about the crime before Emily's death. Dilworth is right when he says the narrator speaks for the town of Jefferson, as his views reflect the common mindset of a Southern town in the 1930s. →

Good example of research paper on the culinary traditions from czechoslovakia

Its neighbors are Poland to the Northeast and Germany is to its north and northwest, Austria on the other hand is to the South while Slovakia lies in the southeast. One thing that stands out about the dishes is that most of the time vegetables are not served and if they are served in form →

Body glove case

The budgeting system allows the managers of each department monitor their expenses in which budgets have been set for materials, salaries and legal expenses amongst others. Question 2: Trace the steps in the development of the budget at Body Glove. What are the key events that relate to the timing of the steps in the →

The merchant of venice

The Merchant of Venice In " The Merchant of Venice" by William Shakespeare is a play in which the themes of love and hate are dominant. This is related to the theme of hate as it shows how strong Shylock's detestation is for Antonio that he would want him to agree to such terms.

To his coy mistress compared to other love poetry

Through his approach of theme, tone, and his use of language, Marvell criticizes the lovepoetrytradition as it existed in his time in order to argue that we must seize the moment and see the reality of time and love. Marvell contradicts the traditional love poetry theme; love is eternal and stable, by →

Free report on computer architecture

The main characteristic of the model is that there is only one storage structure which is the memory that holds both the data and the program. Some components of the model include the Memory, which holds both the data to be processed and data concerning the program processing the data. This memory is the Random →

Of figuring out how to help women and

Furthermore, despite the actions which have always played an important role in changing the whole community opinions and making changes in gender equality in this country, there are still women who have their choices and opportunities limited because of the discrimination. With a view to figuring out how to help women and girls in getting →

Islamic architecture

What is Islam? * The name of the religion is Islam, which comes from an Arabic root word meaning " peace" and " submission." * Islam teaches that one can only find peace in one's life by submitting to Almighty God in heart, soul and deed.* The same Arabic root word gives us →

Greek architecture then and now essay

Personal Home, currently for sale Date of construction: 1850sName specific aspects of this building that shows how it has elements that were part of the Ancient Greek architectural style: The house is built in a rectangular shape with a gabled roof and the pediment has a window in it. Personal Home Date of construction: 1840 →

Ghosting in the workplace

Chafing as it is for the ghostee, the lewd overlooking act is fundamental and now, it's moved past the circle of sentiment and into the working environment. The obtaining method begins indeed.' This kind of workplace ghosting is an awful dream for chairmen and spotters, who need to fight to fill parts and deal with →

Chapter all employees who working under dtct. 30

Under the research approach, it is explained that how the research questions were derived and how the literature was reviewed and the extent of it. 2 Research design The intent of this part of research is to present the research plan by identifying the relationship between EWP and independent variables of office design and technology →

Teacher-student relationships

In this study, at some point in student's early school years, teachers are seen as ' part-time caregivers' to the students. The bio ecological model and developmental systems theory proposed a conceptual model to advance our understanding of the nature of relationships between teachers and children, and their contribution to children's development. →

Gender and family essay

Much like household.the gender facet of delinquency will get down to take clasp in the early acquisition phases of life. But.with household.the members of the household.the recognized behaviour in the household.and the manner a kid is raised is all traveling to impact the child and their delinquency. Because.household and gender dramas such big parts in →

How does the relationship between salt concentration

We have observed that when the cells are in the 10% sodium chloride, the chloroplasts are positioned to the sides of the cell wall and the cytoplasm is more expanded. As the concentration of the solution increases, the cytoplasm and chloroplast was pushed to the edges of the cell membrane instead of being spread out →

Living with strangers in new york city

The American novelist and essayist, Siri Hustvedt, debates in the essay " Living With Strangers" from The New York Times, 2002, the complications and challenges an urbanite must overcome in a large city's society. The main theme in the essay is the ability to show humanity in a city full of strangers. →

The woman’s best game arrange is benefit of and take advantage of her man’s nature

The woman's best game arrange is benefit of and take advantage of her man's nature. Throughout his life, a person strives for one factor.decision it complacence, the drive to stay himself glad with himself with WHO he's, what he will, and WHO he will it with. She will be able to pursue perfection or the →

Fishes’ cry: an analysis of “the fish are all sick” by anne stevenson essay sample

In addition to that, the use of the word " all" is an exaggeration of the dramatic situation of the poem fishes are all sick. And the fact that it goes on to saying that whales are dying (an irony whales are dying but inferior creatures such as fishes are only sick) aggravates the situation.

Mixed consumption of alcohol and energy drinks research paper

Additionally, the theory exists as a bridge between the cognitive learning and behaviorist theories because it encompasses motivation, memory and attention. The Health Belief Model The health belief model is also significant in the explanation of the perspectives of the undergraduates because it is a psychological model that seeks to explain and predict the →

Career paper : accountant

There is NO requirement for Accountants to get certified as a Certified Public Accountant CPA or a Certified Management Accountant CMA, but if they do they usually get an increase in pay and more responsibilities. There are certain skills Accountants need to make their day run smooth; all of these skills are →

Racism affects social and economic life essay

African- American people one of ethnic group who prefer to live in homogenius society. Coming from a different cultural and historical background sometimes can create prejudism and problems for African- American people because racism is an universal problem which occurs in everywhere against to people who are different from natives. African- American people is a →

Death of a salesman (plus 2 related texts) – journeys essay

Differing representations of journeys and their challenges are explored in Death of a Salesman a play written in the context of the disillusionment of post war America by Arthur Miller, through the character of Willy Loman who confronts disappointment as he wastes his time consuming himself in his unachievable dream of ' the perfect world', →

Free report on self-assessment

In my current position as a senior HR manager in a food processing firm, I have dedicated my time and resources to make my career a success and achieve my goals of becoming the overall leader in my department. S stands for Values, Interests, Personality Traits, and Skills. Values →

To asses the impacts of solid weste disposal

From an email survey that we conducted of the solid waste professionals in the region, there was a general feeling that rural areas were burdened with waste exported from urbanized areas and were therefore left to deal with the various impacts associated with disposal, particularly landfilling. In addition to its effect in the ozone layer, →

Nature and our responsibility towards it essay sample

In the food chain animals are the consumers and the producers are the plants and vegetables. Now you can see why our responsibility to our natural resource of water is so important. Lastly we must take responsibility and not deplete our natural resources because of the air we breathe.

Kunta kinte and gustavus vassa 2

On the example of the life of two slaves the given paper will prove that the life of every slave was very much alike, almost the same, because of the lack of any opportunity for slaves to make their life outstanding The life of Kinta Kunte Alex Haley is the author of the →

Race, class, & gender in early america

The influx of immigrants to the new country brought to the fields and plantations an array of settlers, homemakers, and workers. Yet the price the slaves paid in the long run and the outcome for the structural beginnings of a workforce began from shaky ground.

Free research paper on the american civil war

This means that they both were essentially adherents of the same socio-economic and political principles of federalism and capitalism, as well as having the same religious beliefs etched on Protestant Christianity. There is a general consensus among historians on the role of slavery in escalating the feud between →

Kendall russell

Angered by the persistence of slavery , Douglass denounced the hypocrisy he saw in American society, represented forcefully by The Fourth of July, at the 76th anniversary of The Declaration of Independence. Standing before a gathering of the ladies' anti-slavery society in Rochester, NY Frederick moved his audience with the force of his argument →

Market equilibrium essay sample

This situation is brought about by forces of the price mechanism, the interplay of demand and supply market forces. The situation of market equilibrium is represented by the above figure. In this situation, the quantity that the consumers demand exceeds the quantity supplied, and so it would be expected that this would put pressure →

Population genetics of albinism in zea mays essay sample

In humans cystic fibrosis and sickle cell anemia are two examples of recessive lethal alleles. A dominant lethal allele is a mutation that is lethal to any individual that has one or two copies of the allele. Thus the frequency of deleterious alleles falls drastically with each generation, compared to the slightly deleterious allele.

Report on bsbadm502b assessment 2

The design also took consideration of the disabled since it is easier for people in wheelchairs to access the conference rooms and other facilities within the hotel. Requesting for a meeting room is easier and efficient due to availability of the current technology in the hotel.

World issues

By broadcasting the bravery of women and girls, who rise above their circumstances, shows that there is a light at the end of this tunnel of suppression. Forced Prostitution, Maternal Mortality and the lack of a good Education, are the three main issues that need to be reversed in order for the healing process to →

The heat death of the universe

The hypothesis about heat death of the universe Our knowledge of the universe is still negligible, and we can not confidently assert that the universe is not under the influence of external forces, or may be considered as a thermodynamic system. 4] Boltzmann, open the connection of entropy S and the →

Wallace stevens(october 2, 1879 august 2, 1955)

The Snow Man One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice, The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun; and not to think Of any misery →

Sample book review on the epic of gilgamesh

The people of Uruk cried to the gods to be liberated from the cruelties of Gilgamesh, and they did so by offering sacrifices to the gods. After the death of Enkidu, Gilgamesh feared death, and that is the reason he was searching for immortality.

Funeral oration of pericles term paper sample

Rather he is attempting to explain to the widows, children and parents of the dead that their sacrifice was not in vain, and that the city of Athens should be beloved by all for its many excellent political, economic and moral qualities. Its democracy, individual freedom and rule of law →

Alternatives to party government argumentative essay

The argument against a socialist party form of government is that the redistribution of wealth is unfair to entrepreneurs and businessmen. The graph is a clear indicator of what would happen if socialist economic principles and the concept of redistribution of wealth were implemented into the capitalist economy of the United States.

The taliban insurgency: democracy in dangerous places case study

The grand question still remains to be whether the insurgency will succeed or fail in spite of the heavy presence of the US and UN troops. Despite the fact that we can tentatively present an argument that towards the south the surge was successful, it is vital to recall that other parts of the country →

Jacksonian democracy essay sample

In the light of the following documents and your knowledge of the 1820's and the 1830's, to what extent do you agree with the Jacksonians' view of themselves? Patrons and devotees of Andrew Jackson believed themselves to be the guardians of the Constitution and the common people, as well as taking credit for an →

Transition to democracy in latin america essay (book review)

Despite widespread economic gains during this period, one problem still persisted, transparent and equitable distribution of these financial benefits to the wider public. To demonstrate political autonomy to the outer world, Latin American countries realized that they needed a transparent political framework sensitive enough to the interests of its people and this could only be →

The need for ethical leadership and governance in democracy essay

Eventually, the reader will appreciate the dedication and spirit instilled by society that helped America reach its current state. The relationship between the government and its citizens has strategically evolved since the declaration of independence in 1776. This gave the government an opportunity to win the trust of citizens regarding ethical leadership. Participation in campaigns →

Prologue to the dcc organization and the venture

Along these lines, transfigurations of a portion of the center money related instruments will happen from resource business to appropriated credit detailing and from risk business to disseminated riches administration. The start of this new stage in budgetary framework is the dispatch of Disseminated Credit Chain. The greatest advance in the acknowledgment of this astounding →

Main reasons why turbolinks are not worth the effort

In case a page is accessed through a link in Rails 4, the gemfile for turbolinks does not fetch it. Since turbolinks does not load a new page, capybara will assume that clicking a link is the end of the request and will then move on.

Sad exam paper

4 marks.e) Draw a sequence diagram to illustrate initialisation of the MVC architectural pattern. 4 marks.f) Describe the Broker architecture with proxies, and illustrate your answer through the use of a sequence diagram.

The investigation on social media

The information gathered were broke down with the utilization of graphic measurements of recurrence check and level of the each inquiry and after that the discoveries of information investigation strategy were talked about. The outcome acquired is demonstrated that students' dependence and introduction towards the web based life and its sites impact English dialect learning. →

Essay on thoreau

This is reflected on the American society where people choose to live as they please rather than as the law requires them to. The current American society is composed of people who are liberalized in their thinking and even going a head to demand the law to conform to conform to their wishes rather than →

Suicide essay examples

It can be interpreted as the act of taking one's own life when they think that life is not worth living due to the circumstances that they find themselves in.when a person is suicidal, he or she thinks that there is no life after the present and this paralyzes the thought of living tomorrow. But →

My stress has passed three phases: research paper

Initially, the concept originated in the physiology to designate the non-specific response of the body in response to any adverse effects; later it was used to describe the state of the individual in the extreme conditions on the physiological, psychological and behavioral levels. Depending on the type of the stressor and the nature →

Post traumatic stress disorder

They all came back with multitude of disorders, mostly with a post-traumatic stress disorder with the common symptoms of recurring nightmares, hypersensitivity, avoidance behavior, and intrusive thoughts, feelings andmemories-commonly found in war vets." The Things They Carried" is a documentary novel written by Tim O'Brien, a Vietnam War veteran. There are many stories within the →

Vapor pressure and heat of vaporization lab answers report

The interface was connected to the computer with the proper cable. Using clear tubing, the white rubber stopper was connected to the Gas Pressure Sensor, and the white stopper snugly twisted into the neck of the Erlenmeyer flask. After the stabilization of the pressure and temperature readings, the " keep" button was clicked to record →

Report on equilibrium

The test tube was placed in the hot water bath and changes in color observed. The test tube was placed in tube in the ice-water bath, stirred frequently until a change occurred in the appearance of the solution.

Free case study on care plan template

Patient also refuses to ask help from his children in caring for his wife as he believes that it is a man's obligation to take care of the needs of his family. Patient has knowledge of the risk factors that he experiences given his medical condition. Patient should be able to verbalize his condition and →

Sample essay on urinary system

The report analyses the structure and functions of various organs and cells that are involved in the excretion of toxic material from the body. Simple cuboidal epithelium of the kidney the The epithelial cells: are uni-layered, they are square in shape. It is the passage of the excreted waste from the kidney to the →

Engineering material essay examples

These are high strength bonding gives special characteristics to these materials. The typical properties of these materials are as: - Low to moderate density compared to metals, - High modulus of elasticity, - Provide good strength at elevated level of temperature, and resistant to high temperature, - High compressive strength, as well as low to →

Perils of texting

In 2003, a federal study of 10, 000 drivers by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration set out to determine the effects of using cell phones behind the wheel. Which of the ethical principles described are useful for decision making about texting while driving?

Can texting be damaging for teens?

I think, if it is not too late, you should talk to your teen or kiddo about the responsibilities of cell phone use prior to giving them the cell. Things like, " Hey, I really appreciate how you ignored that incoming text and just kept talking to me" will give your teens the same message →

What role do mobile phones play in society?

They help people communicate more efficiently, anywhere on the planet. Mobile phones have developed multi-features they are more than just a phone and can be used for sending text messages, taking photos, surfing the internet, playingmusic, using a calculator, setting an alarm, playing games, sending email, checking the time, calendar, maps, GPS, banking, radio, business's →

Satan in christian worldview and modern society

But, it is not the talk of Satan that is alarming so much as the type of attention and talk that he is receiving. But, when Satan decides to go ahead and keep the throne two of his children leave Hell to create their own version of Hell on earth; landing in New York City →

Reformation: sustainable women’s clothing and accessories

He and his follower were reformers and believed that christianity should have less to do with a pope and more to do with the direct words from God in the bible. The population grew opposed to the church taxes and tithes, and lost respect for the pope.

Critical appreciation of diary of a church mouse essay sample

It is the recording of feelings and events in the life of the mouse in the church. This is used to provide a rhythmical flow to the poem and keep the reader engrossed in the poem The poem describes the life in an English church, seen from an unusual angle.' It is a →

God is a psychological need

Joad writes, " Thus the great religions of the world are not theology, but psychology; witnesses, not to the attributes of God, but to the inventive faculty of man". If you look to the Bible you will find that God is here for us and will apply comfort to our lives.

Review of psychology and christianity 5 views

In Psychology and Christianity: Five Views, by Myers, Jones, Roberts, Watson, Coe, Hall, and Powlison is an introductory textbook for Christian psychology that provides sound arguments for an array of positions on psychology and faith. For example, he brings up issues relevant today with the Sermon on the Mount instead of the science →

ž¢ christianity: a story-formed community

Christianity: a story-formed community Like the rabbits in Watership Down, Christian communities are " story-formed communities" because Christians are people who have been and are being formed by the stories of the Scriptures that culminate in the story of Jesus Scripture: a community-formed text The converse is also true: the Scriptures are " community →

The financial analysis of a specialty apparel retailer

The Company, classified as part of the Retail-Apparel industry in the Services sector, is listed on the New York Stock Exchange under the trading symbol " TLB." Talbots offers a collection of classic sportswear, casual wear, dresses, coats, sweaters, accessories and shoes, consisting exclusively of Talbots own branded merchandise in misses, petites and →

Example of physics report

In Part 1, you will use the computer, the LabPro interface, the LoggerPro software and a photogate to measure this acceleration. Main experimental procedure consists of three parts Part 1 The Atwood's Machine At first the apparatus was so arranged that the heavy table clamp was near the edge of the table a →

Essay on what is mind

In the present paper, the essence of the problem is outlined in the context of one of the modern philosophies of mind, meaning physicalism. In the present paper, the essence of the problem is explained in the context of one of the modern philosophies of mind, meaning physicalism.

Structures and functions of muscles essay examples

There are smaller which are in the groups of the ocular muscles and the bigger muscle in the range of biceps. The major functions that is being performed by this organ is related to initiating and maintaining body movements, maintains posture, helps in blood circulation throughout the body. The functional →

Free essay on senses and others

This paper focuses on six organ systems, namely the integumentary system, muscular system, skeletal system, nervous system, endocrine system, and the sub-system sensory system. The integumentary system is the system that is composed of glands, hair, nails, and the body's largest organ: the skin. The joints of the bones allow bending and folding in certain →

Hemoglobin, the oxygen carrier & allosteric interactions in crocodile hemoglobin case study

This column would enable observation of the movement of particles hence a thorough study of the mobility of the components of the red blood cells would be taken into account. Because a person is able to evaluate or rather observed the change of red blood in the capillary column is reason enough to diagnose Martin →

Price point of service business plans examples

However, the statement is long and not unique. Moreover, it is very difficult to memorize the statement.

Enzymes activity essay sample

Enzymes possess a portion of a fragment in which it just has the conformation where solitary particular nature of substrate has the ability to bind on to, and such site of activity is referred as the ligand. The molecules which, react before binding to the enzyme is refers to as the substrate. Many enzymes are →

Albert bandura’s social-cognitive theory related to gender roles during early childhood essay sample

As children the imitated behaviors that coincide with the normal gender and social stereotypes are positively reinforced and encouraged, while atypical behavior usually brings about reticule. Albert Bandura's Social-Cognitive Theory Related to Gender Roles during Early Childhood Albert Bandura's Social-Cognitive Theory encompasses a relationship of factors that aims to understand →