Genuine Response Essay Examples

W7dqs response

However, in the next phase promotion of democracy will be compatible with and vital in the process of state building. In such countries the state may provide most of the needs of the people but the human rights are not respected.

Commentary: sorbitol treatment extends lifespan and induces the osmotic stress response in caenorhabditis elegans

00316 It has recently been reported in this journal that exposure of Caenorhabditis elegans to osmotic stress, induced by sorbitol and trehalose, provokes lifespan extension which appears to be dependent on the upregulation of the enzyme glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase but seemingly independent of previously recognized regulatory agents normally closely associated with aging and lifespan regulation. 00316 →

Trade union response and collective bargaining management essay

The trade unions have been on a decline since the 1980's due to the unions' inability to organize workers specifically in the constant growing high technology, IT and the service sectors in USA and in the 90's the evidence became more apparent that the union power was going through a similar downfall in many countries, →

Love response papers week 7– research

This response paper is a review of the advantages and disadvantages of the single-subject research design. With the proper knowledge on the use of a single-subject design, a sample research question can be formulated as " Effect of positive reinforcement in work performance".

Response week 7

Most notably, the children of illegal immigrants in Mexico are never granted citizenship like in the U.S. S, and they also have to feed their families like the illegal immigrants.


The black community in that area is probably the easiest to target and make them plead guilty because they have no choice, either they can plead guilty and pay a probation fine or stay in the prison and go to the trial, which most of the people cannot afford. But after of all this, the →

Measuring responses of spinach leaves in various light waves

Photosynthesis: Measuring the responses of Spinach Leaves in various Light Waves The object of this study was to measure the amount of Spinach Floating Disks in each of the petri dishes per each experiment set. The more oxygen released from each of the disks increases the ability of the disk to float to the surface →

Reading response ln 4

It is this verity that leads to the authors indicating that cartoons can be categorized as visual humor that is simply put across in pictures. Still, more needs to be done to evaluate the place of visual humor in the humor in general.

Corrigendum: quantifying the responses of three bacillus cereus strains in isothermal conditions and during spray drying of different carrier agents

01113 In the original article, we neglected to include the funder Fundac o de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de S o Paulo, 18/09442-0 to AS. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way.

A review of the responses of the provoked in the apology of socrates

In The Republic of Plato, Socrates shows interest in discussing justice with Glaucon, who is the next heir to the throne and wants to rule justly. Glaucon is so convinced with Socrates's argument for philosophy, he begins to believe less and less in the gods."' Yes, by the gods and how ridiculous they are"..

Stress and the immune response m3

PTSD and the complement system PTSD normally associates with hyper activation of the classical pathway of the complement. Thus, components related to the inflammatory process are also involved in the pathogenesis of the phenomenon that is PTSD.

African american culture reflection response

African American society is considered to be indigenous to the relations in the U.S.of the Middle Passage' survivors. African American culture considers names to be regularly have some connection with the same dialect group as other mainstream names found in American culture.

Response to “don’t blame the eater” essay sample

Zinczenko argues that due to the lack of nutritional facts and health warnings, it's not so ridiculous to blame the fast-food industry for obesity problems. I agree with his arguments that consumers are oblivious to the true horrors of the impact of a fast-food diet, but I do not agree that they should go so →

Love. response papers week 7

Evidence from a study conducted by McCutcheon and Pincombe indicates that intuition is a product of the synergy resulting from the interaction of a number of factors. Because of its influence on the wellbeing of patients, there is a need to recognize intuition as an important tool in the nursing practice.

Response: commentary: the impact of the time interval between radiation and hyperthermia on clinical outcome in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer

We have therefore read with interest the response of Kroesen et al.on our opinion article " The Impact of the Time Interval between Radiation and Hyperthermia on Clinical Outcome in Patients with Locally Advanced Cervical Cancer", and appreciate their thorough efforts to analyze possible effects of the time interval between radiotherapy and hyperthermia on treatment →

Super tuesday response

On this major day of the primary season, the running candidates can win more delegates than on any other single day of the primary calendar, making it an essential day for the party leaders, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump. The delegates awarded on Super Tuesday represent nearly a quarter of the total Democratic delegates and →

Business studies case study extended response

Examples of businesses that demonstrate an understanding of these influences and are able to use this understanding to contribute to business success include Santa, Nikkei, McDonald's and Jack Daniels. It is evident that an understanding of the influences on operations can contribute to business success whether that be maximizing profits, Increasing market share or attaining →

Response to progress report

Due to the importance of the impending event, there are some instructions, which I want you to follow. In addition, I would like to get some recommendations from you, suggesting how to solve the problem of decline in charitable donations.

The t-cell response to epstein-barr virus–new tricks from an old dog

This programme leads to the expansion of EBV-infected B cells in the oropharyngeal lymphoid tissue and the appearance of infected B cells in the blood. Early control of EBV infection is associated with expansion of innate immune cells and of CD8+ and CD4+ T-cells specific for a broad range of EBV proteins expressed during the →

Emotional response of priceline website

Additionally, the website enables the customer to accomplish several other activities such as check the status of any bookings as well as receive alerts in case of won bids. On opening each column, it becomes even easier for the customer to analyze the services offered by Priceline in different regions of the world.

Response to the conjoined twins judgment

The religious position held by the parents of the twins would surmount to double tragedy since it would result in the death of both the twins. It is also in order for the medical fraternity to preserve the right of children by trying to save the life of at least one of the twins.

Automatic inhibition and habitual control: alternative views in neuroscience research on response inhibition and inhibitory control

Instead, until there is evidence to the contrary, I propose a more parsimonious view of inhibitory control mechanisms in the brain, such that: response inhibition can be either a control process or it can itself be a prepotent response tendency; response inhibition processes and response selection and execution processes are fundamentally the same; and we →

Response to students posting

The rationale for this could be that there are enumerable external factors that could influence diverse issues and so policymakers opt to decide on the most pressing issues given the resources and current macro-environmental status of the time. Therefore, to see policy-makers in a democratic society to manifest behaviors which exhibit the culture of instant →

Response paper

here) dropping the assignment) History and PoliticalScience Q2 The international cooperation related to the environment has not been successful because the arrangements that are made to curb the climate change are not acceptable for each and every nation involved. The US and European countries, on the other hand, can afford to invest in the development →


In my opinion, I do believe that Thiel Fellowship is an excellent opportunity for the young people since it gives a networking opportunity. I believe that Thiel Fellowship makes one to face the reality of life instead of the theoretical practice in classes.

Response paper one

Critical Thinking This essay aims to address the learning style memorization used of critical thinking in learning nursing concepts. Furthermore, the essay incorporates and answers the following questions: Does this mean that nurse educators should not require learners to memorize information such as the classifications of medications or normal blood values; Does the emphasis on →

Response: commentary: using virtual reality to assess ethical decisions in road traffic scenarios: applicability of value-of-life-based models and influences of time pressure

We thus argue that in order to learn about our behavior and moral intuitions in a particular real-world scenario, it is reasonable to match the contextual factors of the assessment with those of the scenario in question, making the case for a VR assessment as a starting point for this line of research. These factors, →

A one page response paper about heroic africans. include what you think about the article

Heroic Africans Before Westernization of Africa, history of heroes was passed through oral narratives and making of sculptors to commemorate the heroes. Today, in some countries, bodies of heroes are well preserved and can still be viewed by the people of the country.

Response to marilyn manson’s essay sample

Why do we justify one, just because it seems to be for the right reasons?" I think that this is a great point to bring up, and there does not really seem to be an answer for it. Some of his arguments were stronger than others, but on a whole he brought up great examples →

Hls response and recovery

HLS Response and Recovery Factors guiding response In a rescue operation response following a disastrous event, the basic guiding factors are determined by the nature of the disaster in line with the general security and response preparedness on the ground. Presence of a clearly laid strategy and recovery plan facilitate the rolling out of assistance →

Understanding self-care in incident response with children and youth: a comparative analysis

The child can experience a dissociative state or a hyperarousal state, both created to cope through the traumatic event, which explains that the post traumatic experience the children will relive the traumatic experience over and over again, which then weaves a complex web of memories of the trauma. So, looking at the children that come →

National response framework

Coordination during disaster management is done at various levels due to the fact that the tasks of assistance during disaster management are often interconnected and demand coordination of activities for a positive outcome. In situations like this, it is extremely important that the agency which determines the magnitude of an expected disaster provides the correct →

Can preinjury adversity affect postinjury responses? a 5-year prospective, multi-study analysis

For over 20 years, two models have been at the forefront of research into the psychology of sport injury: Williams and Andersen's multicomponent theoretical model of stress and injury and Wiese-Bjornstal et al.'s integrated model of psychological response to the sport injury and rehabilitation process. The BPSM hypothesizes that prior to a task, individuals →

Death of a salesman act 2 response paper

As the play builds up to the inevitable death of Willy Loman, the reader is pulled into the feelings of the various characters. The father-son relationship between Willy and Biff is the fulcrum of the play.

Editorial: biogeochemical responses of tropical ecosystems to environmental changes

The studies should aim at understanding of the implications of global changes to ecosystem functioning, conservation, and sustainable development; the vulnerability of the continent-ocean interface and threats to the society through food security and human occupation of the coastal zone, with emphasis on tropical coasts. The study by Dupouy et with the identification of →

Police and law enforcement response

Checkpoint: Police and Law Enforcement Response A police officers role in society is to effectively enforce laws, arrest offenders when a crime has been committed, prevent crime to their best ability, preserve the peace whenever possible, and provide services to community citizens in their time of need. Exploring being a proactive officer, instead of a →

Jessie edmond

In order to better understand this concept, let us first take a consensus of the many definitions of what a metaphor is, so that we can agree to what a metaphor is not. While the metaphor of " time is money is not bizarre to think, to place an actual value on time, as if →

Response journal to the novel the cashier by gabrielle roy

The randomness of his take on the things that are happening all over the world is a manifestation of the mantra that he believes has happened to him. He is anticipating changes, and the stress that is evident in his lack of sleep appears to have made him an unhappy man.


Regardless of the academic level for which dissertations are required to be pursued, each unique writing experience gives the researcher ample opportunities to determine the rationale for the study through identification of the research questions and to discern the most appropriate methods to address the aim of the research. As such, the wealth of knowledge →

Effect of parasite diversity and age on antibody responses

The samples were collected close to the end of the rainy season in the months of November and December, and April the following year at the end of the dry season. The high transmission in the wet season could be due to favourable breeding grounds for mosquitoes as a result of several collections of water →

Discussion question response

I also completely agree with what you said about dealing with a challenging person in terms of gossip and jokes. I think that is a good idea because it lets this person know that you care about their thoughts and ideas and are open to suggestion.

Response: commentary: the developmental trajectory of the operational momentum effect

Basing their criticism on the restriction of the mathematical definition of the logarithm to positive real numbers, FM&S conflate the mathematical definition with the neural and cognitive representation of magnitudes. In number-to-line mapping tasks, participants locate addition and subtraction outcomes on a labeled line or modify the length of a line proportionally to addition and →

English response

The letter tries to justify the need for nonviolent direct action, the meaning of just law, and the disappointment with the Church who did not have responsibilities that there were people of God. He says that Birmingham is the most segregated city in the United States and he and his fellows have been through all →

Fake news affecting the adherence of national response measures during the covid-19 lockdown period: the experience of vietnam

Along with combating the COVID-19 epidemic, fighting the " infodemic," which refers to the rapid spread of misinformation, related to the disease on the social media is also of concern, because fake news spreads faster and easier than this virus, and just as dangerous. According to the statistics of the police force, from the onset →

Response: commentary “the sexualized-body-inversion hypothesis revisited: valid indicator of sexual objectification or methodological artifact?”

We agree with Bernard et al.that the results of the degree of sexualization manipulation from Schmidt and Kistemaker restrict the generalizability of the SBIH but do not relate to target sexualization in the original study's stimuli. We agree with Bernard et al.that exact replication studies with sufficient statistical power are needed to elucidate the impact →

Solution to the fdic deposit insurance fund: a response

John's Review of Business; seeking to give information to practitioners/instructors on the problems the FDIC's Deposit Insurance Fund and possible solutions to replenish the Fund. Tasto and Randolph tells that the Federal Deposit Insurance Reform Act of 2005 created the DIF, which allows the FDIC to try to recover failed insured banks and this fund →

Conflict resolution action plan response tosha clark assignment

To start the process of problem solving, the first thing that I would do is to review the student PIPE so that I can see exactly what the student needs are. At the meeting, I will make the general education teacher feel as comfortable as possible by making sure that we are on the same →

Response week 9 m

Burton also had a lot of knowledge when it came to understanding and explaining other things, all these being the characteristics that made him a cosmopolitan The contamination of cosmopolitanism came from the homogeneity from globalization, it is however important to understand that even homogeneity can affect globalization equally in the view using Kumasi, homogeneity →

Discussion question response

In your outline, the four basic developmental stages include: End-user development, agile development, component-based, and the object oriented development. I therefore agree that mode of formality is the difference between other modes and system development life cycle.

Urgent – due in 24 hours: 2page response on beowulf

Without the deliberate act of casting Grendel in the form of a monster, the poem would not have achieved the sense of horror and the instances of anxiety, tension, and suspense, which effectively aid in the development of the plot. The sequence of action is designed in a way that prepares the stage for the →

Response to harriet jacobs and frederick douglass readings assignment

The works of Harriet Jacobs and Frederick Douglass, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl and Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave respectively, were narratives of their lives giving details of their experiences as slaves. This continuous movement from one owner to the other shows that slaves could not be →


In the essay " What's Black, Then White, and SaidAll Over?" Savan uses the phrase " paying the dues" when she talks about the use of the black language by the white people. Close reading of the text reveals that the term " paying the dues" refers to the recognition of the struggle and suffering →

Response to sonnet xxvii by william shakespeare assignment

It is a member of the Fair Youth sequence in which Shakespeare proclaimed his love to a young man. He starts thinking about someone in the second quatrain who might be far from where he is but his thoughts travel to that person with the intention of a " zealous pilgrimage".

Response paper to miner reading

Body Ritual among the Nacirema of the of the Body Ritual among the Nacirema The article that I have used for writingabout is entitled as " Body Ritual among the Nacirema" written by Horace Miner. However, the way of acceptance and indicating knowledge about the medicine is different and suits the people who believe in →

Life and debt response assignment

Although globalization brought convenience to the lives of a few on a daily basis in the industrialized countries, it also brought about world power monopolies controlling the trade system, exploitation of workers in developing countries, and victimizing the societies that are unable to self sustain. However, the less fortunate ones in the other parts of →

Anthropology short response paper

In Key Concepts and their Application Ahearn s: 'We must shift our focus away from searching for definitive interpretations and instead concentrate on looking for information that constrains the type and number of meanings that might emerge from an eventIt is therefore the job of the anthropologist to identify these interpretative criteria in particular discursive →


Response to Article 1 The cornerstone of Japan's culture was Zen Buddhism that focused and emphasized in the reality of existence. As Benedict recounts, it was virtually difficult to understand the real nature of the Japanese culture.

Writing response 6: cw 3 brainstorming draft

Introduction to the freshmen's Public Speaking Communities The community group considered is the ' freshmen's Public Speaking Community'. Most of the students have come from small towns and cities and do not have a wide exposure to public speaking, interacting with others and many are shy and have stage fright.

The army sexual harassment/assault response prevention (sharp) program.

Among the Army's innovations in training, is its integration of sexual harassment and sexual assault training to address prevention at the earliest point in the continuum of harm. In addition, these warriors address the readiness and resilience of individual soldiers.and would be able to promote the message that sexual harassment and sexual assault have no →

Political philosophy and user responses assignment

Political values Belief in which of the following ideals is part of the core of American political culture? A. Communitarian's refers to a set of beliefs with a long history of impacting political culture in the United States.

Readings for reading response

In the chapter, he says that the use of propaganda does not depend on the scientific knowledge but rather captures the attention of the masses within the society towards some certain issues that may be seen to directly affect the masses. That is the sole purpose of propaganda.

Aberrant disgust response and immune reactivity in cocaine-dependent men might uncover deranged serotoninergic activity

The increased sympathetic and immune responses documented in this clinical population in association to a hypersensitivity to stimuli conveying a risk of infection might be explained in relation to a deranged activity of serotoninergic circuits. 1021/bi0106890 Pubmed Abstract Pubmed Full Text CrossRef Full Text Ducy, P, and Karsenty, G.

Response to reading “the kitten” essay sample

The farmer instructs the hired man to get rid of the kittens. It is a story about one of the kittens getting the better of the hired man.

Commentary: what is the link between stringent response, endoribonuclease encoding type ii toxin-antitoxin systems and persistence?

Other groups investigated the implication of the 10 TAs as well as that of Lon, ppGpp, and polyP in persistence to various classes of antibiotics. 0030282 PubMed Abstract CrossRef Full Text Google Scholar Maisonneuve, E, Castro-Camargo, M, and Gerdes, K.ppGpp controls bacterial persistence by stochastic induction of toxin-antitoxin activity.


2) I consider the following sentence to be the most informative information in the abstract paper." It is further premised on evidence that language differences can be linked to legitimate historical and cultural legacies, and the positively framed presentations of language differences in sociocultural and social historical contexts can effectively counter dominant, seemingly unsustainable ideologies →

Discussion question response

The tool allows the importation of videos, slides, and tables to make a show. The tool has a web-built presentation that offers dynamic transitions and non-linear presenting.

Hall of fame (essay/response)

These constant sayings in the song are the words that motivate me the most.' You can', because you can do anything." You can be the greatest, You can be the best, You can be the king kong banging on your chest.", are the first 3 lyrics that are sung, telling you that if you want →

Short response # 5

03 November 2007 The Virgin Suicides The boys were amazed to hear the girls' stories and gossip about the neighbors." As the houses passed, they had something to say about the families in each one, which meant, they had been looking out at us as intensely as we had been looking in". In referring to →

Stress and the neuroendocrine response

The effect of short-term stress on the brain is the increased activity of the cells in the hippocampus, the region responsible for learning and memory. Hippocampus The brain is the central organ in the body and especially to stress and its adaptation.

Response to the tiger’s wife by tea obreht

Response to " The Tiger's Wife" by Tea Obreht The Tiger's Wife is the story of Natalia Stefanovic's, a young pediatrician. She remembered the two stories of her grandfather with memorable mythical characters: the tiger's wife and the deathless man.

The government’s response to hurricane katrina assignment

The Government's Response to Hurricane Katrina In this analysis, the role of the government and it's response to Hurricane Katrina will be examined. The criticism of the government response to Hurricane Katrina primarily consisted of accusations of mismanagement and lack of leadership in the relief effort in response to Hurricane Katrina and its aftermath, pecifically →

Call response – now apollo call centre

The company offers its customers a variety of added-value services in which the call centre becomes an expert extension of the client's own marketing and customer service operations. With each new client we start with the computer equivalent of a blank piece of paper and design the script to suit our clients' requirements exactly.

Nuclear localization marker of foxo3a: can it be used to predict doxorubicin response?

A commentary on Phosphorylation of FOXO3a on Ser-7 by p38 promotes its nuclear localization in response to doxorubicin by Ho, K. Phosphorylation of FOXO3a on Ser-7 by p38 promotes its nuclear localization in response to doxorubicin.J.Biol.Chem.

Editorial: post-translational modifications in plant nuclear signaling: novel insights into responses to environmental changes

The aim of this topic was to point out how nuclear post-translational modifications play fundamental roles in the signaling pathways initiated in response to environmental changes. PTMs on histones are also of major importance in the response to abiotic stresses.

Response essay over wild swans

For a long time, women have played a pivotal role in the determining the course of most activities; in the book the author has used three women to show the generational change that happened in ancient china and the change in the socio-economic and political setting of the nation. From the brief explanation given, it →

Commentary: detailed visual cortical responses generated by retinal sheet transplants in rats with severe retinal degeneration

These diseases are characterized by a progressive loss of photoreceptors and/or retinal pigment epithelium, leading to severe remodeling of the retinal circuitry and a gradual loss of vision. Preservation of the inner retina in retinitis pigmentosa: a morphometric analysis.Arch.

Humoral immune response to aav

In the past decade the discovery and development of new AAV types with dramatically improved in vivo performance and with unique seroreactivity and tissue tropisms has situated AAV in the forefront of vector development for gene therapy trials. Moreover, the high number of AAV particles/cell in addition to the full/empty AAV particle ratio of the →

Ap free response essay

Broadcast " gavel to gavel" on the ABC and DuMont networks from 22 April to 17 June 1954, the Army-McCarthy hearings were the first nationally televised congressional inquiry and a landmark in the emergent nexus between television and American politics. The Army-McCarthy hearings were a television milestone not only because of the inherent significance of →

Response strategies

Identification of possible risks is through careful examination and research of all factors linked to the objective of the entity. The risks may be in form of opportunities or threats.

Response paper the pianist

In fact, the resemblance between the actor and the man he portrayed is remarkable. He accidental dropped the can, and it rolled to the feet of a German soldier.

Comparative study on holocaust portrayal and society’s response in the hiding place by corrie ten boom and night by ellie wiesel

The themes of the novel are very similar in the way that their situation is very similar. Some of the miracles she saw and gave thanks for were the miracle of being able to smuggle the bible, the miracle of the vitamin bottle, and even the miracle of the fleas.

Homeland security responses to chemical, biological, nuclear, and explosive terrorism

The role of Homeland Security Intelligence in facilitating the furtherance of counter- Chemical, Biological, Nuclear, and Explosive materials, policy and practice within homeland security is to provide a new and improved standard toward the threat of reality when counteracting issues involving weapons of mass destruction on at a HSINT level. Homeland Security Intelligence had to →

The sexual response cycle

The term sexual response cycle is used to describe the changes that occur in the body as women and men become sexually aroused. Pleasure is said to be related to the strength of the contractions and the amount of seminal fluid.

Writing response 4: brainstorming for community writing

The purpose is to show the reader how production styles and materials have changed in the last 82 years, as well as the type of people who have evolved wanting this style of automobile. It is to gain support for the decision and get people interested in attending, since it is a dying art-form.

Dissecting altered functional engagement in tbi and other patient groups through connectivity analysis: one goal, many paths (a response to hillary)

We are pleased that Hillary underscores the main interpretation of our data, which is that augmented neural activity is compensatory and does not reflect brain reorganization, and that the behaviorally relevant regions recruited in TBI are also functionally relevant in healthy adults at a higher level of task difficulty. Turning to reaction time, this was →

Response to lucifer effect essay

In the beginning of the essay, Zambardo states the Lucifer Effect is his way to understand what happens in the time a good person does an evil act. I think the surrounding of the environment and the characters of people around a person has a part in the effects of ones decisions.

Emotional response to music and happiness psychology essay

The objective of this research is to examine the correlation between emotional response to music and happiness among the undergraduates of UTAR: Perak Campus. This study is proposed to find out the correlation between emotional response to music and level of happiness, the gender differences in emotional response to music, and gender differences in happiness.

Writing response 8: drafting the interview/survey

The results got from the survey shed more light on the research topic and hence answers the research questions posed at the beginning of the research about the topic in discussion. Why? The most interesting result was the discovery that the participants of the survey had almost similar results despite the differences in their background.

What are the criteria for a good intervention study? response: “unrecognized ambiguities in validity of intervention research: an example on explicit phonics and text-centered teaching”

The second point was the absence of justification for the phonics rules taught however the article explained that the taught Anglo-Saxon decoding rules were from Calfee and Patrick's well-known explanation of Anglo-Saxon letter-sound patterns. The Big Books were also selected so as to be at the reading level of the children who were being taught →

Iga b cell responses to gut mucosal antigens: do we know it all?

In fact, failure to develop appropriate T FH in PP have been found to drastically affect the composition of the microbiota, arguing in favor of that IgA B cell differentiation directly impacts on gut homeostasis and the presence of certain bacterial species. Mice that lack the ability to mutate IgA B cell responses have been →

How audience response to his essay

Overall Lee was very successful in his film directing because he wanted to create a movie which was what would happen the moment you deal with drugs and guns. He exposed his ingenuities and also created a movie of what the life of a clocker was like and also how it would end up.

Effects of alzheimer’s on response times

The researchers in this article are doctors Maylor, Watson and Muller and they studied the subject of visual enumeration in patients with Alzheimer's in the year 2005. The hypothesis of the study was that the participants' with Alzheimer's would have a significant increase in response time in counting numbers, subitizing numbers and finding numbers in →

Reading response papers

While Marinetti's manifesto is obviously motivated by the desire for change, it has the tone of a call-to-arms! He rejects the past and disregards the future, living only in a hedonistic present.

Humanitarian aid as a strategic response paper

Multi-nation economic cooperation in strategic response through humanitarian aid is exceptionally valuable as it generally: Supports the affected country by means of assisting them how to effectively mitigate the effects of disaster through the development appropriate strategies and policies. Beyond doubt, multi-nation economic cooperation in strategic response through humanitarian aid is exceptionally valuable as it →