Genuine Response Essay Examples

Human responses to disasters

Some of the similarities in response to human responses to disaster comprise immediate response to the disaster by summoning all the available resources to fight back the disaster. These differences emanate due to the nature and type of disaster.

Stress and the neuroendocrine response

The hormones that are produced in this type of situation assist the body to deal with the situation that the individual is facing. This signal is in form of a hormone, the pituitary and adrenal glands that are both in the kidneys and the brain are responsible for receive the stress alert.

Response to students’ posting on undercoding

Under coding of Medical Treatments Response to Ginger Rappley The argument developed by this is based on the observation of a real situation, in which physicians do not record the procedures properly, the patient has undergone, because they are not paid for them. However this undesirable practice is not helpful, because the remuneration of doctors β†’

Summary response paper

He quotes the Center for Disease Control and Prevention figures which indicate that the rate of obesity among southerners is as high as 30% and has only happened recently and notes that this is an interesting development considering that the southern states are poorer than the rest of the USA. The result is that the β†’

Psychosocial influences on the individual’s perception and response to health and illness essay sample

This essay will focus on the psychosocial influences of a seventeen year old female; who for the purpose of the essay will use the pseudonym Katy in compliance with the NMC Code of Conduct regarding confidentiality, who is non compliant with her type 1 diabetes regime and will look at the psychological and sociological issues β†’

My response to mccloskey’s “on being an atheist”

Because of this, we will ultimately be forced to abandon any quest for proof of the existence of God and be forced to ask, which argument offers the best support of our claim or idea. To support all of the plant growth that is taking place in the spring, we have the spring rains, which β†’

Summary and response for seaman,, how bingeing became the new college sport

Even though the voting rights were granted to the Americans at the age of 18, drink age is still 21 in America which is indirectly contributing to the pregaming like activities and subsequent alcohol poisoning. At the same time if a youth suffers something out of alcoholism, he may try to avoid it.

The eye opening response health and social care essay

According to this scale the patient with a score of 13 in the GCS belongs to the category of mild TBI but in the last years there have been multiple studies which demonstrate a potential risk of neurologic impairment associated with relevant lesions in the Computed Tomography which justifies that these patients should be excluded β†’

My daily dives in the dumpster response essay

The piece is not a guide for diving; he uses it as a buildup to explain how came to his message: " I find from the experience of scavenging two rather deep lessons. This is the message he conveys, that people need to become more appreciative of what they have, that maybe they should think β†’

Response to staples’ just walk on

The scenario is a portrayal of how the stereotyping influenced the thoughts of the young woman to disappear from the presence of Staple. Ahmed's religion and the religious attire that he wore influenced the thoughts of the individuals in the party to label him as a terrorist stereotype.

Reading response of walt whitman’s poem

He says, " And to hold our own in terrible positions on land and sea" He has used imagery in the line, " Not for an embroider", to distance himself from sycophancy. He is using identity as an excuse to fight the existing government in his country.

Response of economic policymakers to the great depression of the 1930`s

As a result of the lessons that were learned, policy in response to the Great Financial Crisis has contrasted sharply with policy during the GreatDepressionera. The consensus view is that, by subordinating monetary and fiscal policy towards maintaining gold parity, the Gold Standard transmitted the crisis to the rest of the world.

The the last 2 years,in response to

The General Assembly is; Fully aware of the United Nations Human Rights Declaration of 1948, which recognizes the inherent dignity, equality and inalienable rights of all global citizens, Reaffirming United Nations Security Resolution 1373 of 28 September 2001, which encourages Governments to work with UN bodies aimed at preventing terrorist attacks, Deeply disturbed by the β†’

Response 2

This paper comprises of a different way of experimental learning strategy as it starts from a critical view of analysis and then it provides a brief comparison of two models and finally it outlines the situations and scopes of each application. Though the paper presents both models almost similar in such a way that these β†’

Response to liz murray

With these disorders came my anxiety and the constant feeling of wanting to give up when things get difficult in my life. Knowing that my family is always going to be there for me when times get difficult renews my feeling of determination.

The body’s response

They should endorse acclimatization, that is new workers as well as employees returning from nonattendance of two weeks or more should have five days so as to adapt to the heat. Above all they should provide heat stress training that constitutes the risk, the steps to be taken in case of a victim, the need β†’

Listening response beatles

Listening Response- Beatles The Beatles is an English rock band which has extensively influenced the young generation of the modern world and the culture of the nation." Strawberry Fields Forever" has been celebrated by several critics as one of the best recordings by the band and the listening of the song soothes the mind as β†’

Response to play: for colored girls who have considered suicide/ when the rainbow is enuf by ntozake shange

Ntozake acts as a voice of these women in order to show the world the relevance of human rights in terms of gender equality within the black population across the globe. Consequently, the focus on different stories by the seven women of color in the poem enables a diverse range of women to link to β†’

A reading response on james baldwin, “sonnys blues” essay sample

This short story by James Baldwin is a display of the psyche of black men coming of age in the midst of such a paradox. James Baldwin pens well the fragility of a culture stuck in a paradox.

A response to jenni russell’s β€˜the selfish generation’ essay

Though Russell does not go to the extent of linking the two phenomena, the connection is obvious to the discerning reader. One of the deep ironies of this situation is that we are living in an era described by intellectuals as The Information Age.

In a common tavern response essay sample

Maybe in doing that, I can help a fellow classmate or two who has a block and is stuck in the middle of the assignment." In a Common Tavern" by Thomas Thornburg is a poem about a woman and her daughter bravely fleeing from an abusive man. The ending statement in this poem is, to β†’

Discussion responses

Many times this pain is caused by rush decisions and decisions of panic; falling share prices cause many to think irrationally and not consider the odds. People who are unaware of the systematic methods of decision making, have not developed their critical thinking skills and thus prone to making wrong decisions.

Indian education by sherman alexie reading response

The author uses the word ' ugly' to indicate young Alexie lacks in self confidence and is ashamed of his appearance. Alexie continues on saying, " school the other Indian boys chased me from one corner of the playground to the other.

Respond to classmates responses on business negotiations in japan

Response to mates' responses on business negotiations in japan Hello Jennifer, Your response is great and pinpoints the sheer fact that Japanese consider the Americans as people who hurry in their business deals and negotiations, which apparently makes their meetings counterproductive. While asking questions about a culture is effective in understanding other people's culture, it β†’

Response paper week 9

Corporate accountability ensures that the operations and products represent the society's demands and are harmless. The aim is to achieve success in the area of energy and the environment.

Grief and loss in adolescence: principles, responses and challenges

Grief and loss during this stage of life, whether it be the loss of a parent, relative, or close friend, often greatly exacerbates the emotional state of a teen who is already experiencing the stresses associated with the transition from child to adult. In this case, the health care worker's role is to help the β†’

Response memo

Among the people in the list of selection is Saul Salazar, who from the information I received, has been a project manager for nine years with Summit Enterprises, and after informing him of the reschedule of the appointment he agreed to come at 10: 30a.m. Bernstein argues that, the ethics inside us should produce a β†’

Literary response #4

In these lines Millay uses the image of the ghosts in the rain to symbolize the speaker's past lovers. Ultimately, the speaker's emotional state is one of profound loneliness and despair at the passage of youth and time.

Response sketch: james joyce’s β€˜eveline’ essay

Response Sketch: James Joyce's ' Eveline' My first thought after finishing ' Eveline' was " that's it? " I felt that the story was lacking in information: I hardly knew anything about Eveline's father, how did Eveline's mother die, and how did her brother Ernest die. If I do not know anything about the people β†’

Writing response 7: introduction to the pre project

While earlier proponents had little idea of the central role it would participate in the music industry, success stories and the big names the show has created over the years speaks it all. With their TV coverage and the huge masses that the show always draws to its side is ever fascinating always up front β†’

Response for vygotsky

In children, the zone of proximal development is the potential of actual development. The zone of proximal development is the abilities the child can be taught.

Computer security incident response team

Depending on the " needs" of the company, this will decide who will be part of the response team along with if the team will be in-house, a hired professional security many, or an on an as-needed-basis. As the team works together, the procedure will become learned and followed step-by-step as if there is a β†’

Summarize& response

Identity of the majority of people in the continent is not clear, and in history, it is important to know the roots of a particular culture. However, the excerpt does not seem to condemn the slavery and exploitation of the natives in the North American continent.

Contribution of reader response theory in the study of literature

In the first chapter the rise of English is traced, in order to approach the methods in the teaching of English which were employed when English was established as an academic subject in the universities of England, which further leads us in the direction of New Criticism. Everything is in the text which the reader β†’

Responses on two posts

The Art of Maneuver: Maneuver-Warfare Theory and Air Land Battle by Robert Leonhard is a book that explains how the Germans could have countered the new Soviet prowess in operational war. The book related the Soviet dominance of the German forces to the speed and population of the Soviet forces.

Week 7 response papers

It is correct to state that the separation of electronic equipment will assist in managing different types of wastes and encouraging the recycle of such materials as plastics and metals. In agreement with the student, the move to have manufacturers bear the burden of disposing their products has changed the benchmarking activities of companies.

Response to berry essay

This helps the Berry relate to the crippled children at the home because, like himself, they are also taken advantage of at the Home. The extra work is the imposition of the others at the Home that Berry refers to.

Student response to exam questions

Student response to specific homework assignment -Student team evaluations related to case studies andCapstonesenior design -Instructor assessment of case study assignments -Instructor assessment of assigned student paper -Instructor assessment of capstone senior design projects Data collection occurs during the spring Unary May) semester and last occurred during the Spring 2010 semester. According to our department β†’

Independent reading response

With no one else to steer the plane safely and the discovery that the jet has ran out of fuel, Henry's knowledge from flying lessons come in handy to help the group crash-land in some deep woods of a Canadian forest. Jimmy's big plans of getting to California have been thwarted by the terrorist who β†’

New criticism vs. reader response criticism assignment

The reader Is not Judging based on hard facts, but as to hat the topic means to the reader, how It makes him feel and how he views the topic differently from what the creator may have Intended. A judge using new criticism might mention things like the texture is not right, or that the β†’

A response to rape fantasies and rape

The comparison of the story Rape Fantasies, by Margaret Atwood, and Rape a poem contributed by Adrienne Rich is the power struggle between the male and female. Rape is the feeling of being powerless and it stares you right in the eyes.

Student responses only

The similarity between Wilson's and my post is that both shed light on humanitarian logistics and their underlying challenges whereas the difference is that Wilson explained the differences between relief supply chain management and strategic partnerships in more detail. Further questions for discussion are; are strategic partners the sole driving actors of relief supply chain β†’

Sociology response essay example

Given the large scope of globalization cultural trend, MacDonald Corporation has been able to address the principles of its fast food dominance in the easiest and efficient manner. The culture of homogeneity and standardization has made every American enjoy the fast food service provided by the organization.

Example of the shootings at columbine high school: the law enforcement response case study

The case essentially flows from the point at which the two gun men, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, previously students of the school began shooting after the bombs failed to explode. The bleeding to deaths sign in the window of a class informs outsiders of the need to rescue the students and teachers trapped in β†’


The aim of this undercover operation is to help him learn about the branch-level operations of the organization, and what areas need improvement. The video is a good piece that gives insights to audiences in the best way that the 21st-century leadership should take.

A strong incident response plan

Once there is a recognized scene, the security get-together should then pick in the event that it merits correspondence to the more sweeping affiliation. To pick the partners that look helpful for your strategy, survey a couple of framework conditions and fathom who you require in play to completely observe, respond to, and contain an β†’


The stakeholders for Standard Motors include the owners, the workforce, the large and small customers, and the communities in which their factories are located. I expect that the entertainments electronics industry will be even more competitive than it is now, and there may be increasing shortages in key raw materials that go into making these β†’

Catcher in the rye response essay example

This, perhaps, might be at the crux of the argument regarding censorship and banning of the book; adults either do not understand the book's message or believes it glorifies Holden's behavior, while teenagers may find Holden's lack of identity and adolescent confusion relatable. When teenagers read The Catcher in the Rye, they may find a β†’

The boxer rebellion and the christian response

Eyeing the weakness of the Chinese, not only the British, but the Russians and the French as well started to exert their respective pressures upon the country. These include: the Treaty of Nanking, the Treaty of Aigun, the Treaty of Tientsin, the Convention of Peking, the Treaty of Shimonoseki, and the Second Convention of Peking.

Ap scarlet letter prompt response

In the Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne the use of contrasting places such as the forest and the scaffold scenes to develop the characteristics of sin. The forest represents the freedom of sin, the scaffold represents the punishment of sin, and both locations are used to acknowledge the presence of sin.

Media response

The film portrays the media as a vehicle used by the elite to manipulate the poor. The media is being manipulated by the elite group to discourage the non-ruling elite from wanting to explore other actions that can be taken to change the social structure and the organization of the government.

Environmental management . response 1

Further, the author argues that the presence of a road in wildlife habitat increases chances or prevalence of animals being involved in fatalities or accidents. Roads and Wildlife: A Study Of The Effects Of Roads On Mammals In Roadside Habitats.

Response to the social construction of difference and inequality by tracy ore

Response to Tracy Ore's Text Tracy Ore takes her readers through a total comprehension of the present-day constitution of ethnicity, social class, gender, and sexuality especially in the United States, in her text " The Social Construction of Difference and Inequality: Race, Class, Gender and Sexuality." Considering the U.S.opposition on multiracial debate census form in β†’

Journal article response

Benefits of Using Basal Readers with ESOL / LEP Students The repetition of words and limited scaffolding in the literature-based basal anthology texts can be very effective in teaching the ESOL / LEP students remember a number of important new words. There is a benefit and consequences with the use of literature-based basal anthology text β†’

Good example of sustainability: response to posts essay

As IBM's Director of Human Resources, I could tailor my ordinary responsibilities in a way that would support the values that are presented on the official website of IBM through the following endeavors: being an advocate for employee empowerment in encouraging personal and professional contribution of employees through community work; supporting environmental programs which β†’

Response to liberalism and racial justice

Social stratification implies that the members of the society are classified into social classes; the lower class, middle class and the upper class. Modern capitalist societies are adopting liberalism and racial justice strategies in order to achieve equality and liberty in the society.

Response of the united states to the katarina catastrophe

It is not to the blame of the human failure for the adverse impacts of Katrina but the scope and size of the task. To date, the impacts of Katrina still seem fresh and visible.

Economics class video response paper

The influence of advertising in shaping shopping choices is great, and this appears to be one of the significant forces influencing clothing choices among the youths. 24 Apr.2014.

Reading response paper

The African women have appreciated the value of their skin color and hair color as well as nature, to the point that they model them and have proven to match the white beauty in recent beauty pageant. The women have started promoting the wealth of beauty that is in the black African-American women which has β†’

Wk 5 global and us legislative response to human trafficking

GLOBAL AND US LEGISLATIVE RESPONSE TO HUMAN TRAFFICKING Global and US Legislative response to Human Trafficking Trafficking refers to the recruitment, transfer, transportation, harboring or receiving people, by use of threat, or force or any other coercion forms, fraud of deception, abduction or abuse of power or receiving and giving payments in order to achieve β†’

Reading response

In that direction, she uses the metaphor of a cyborg to urge women including feminists to transcend beyond the limitations and also as the main example to explain the power of the cyborgs. In that direction, A Cyborg Manifesto can be considered as a socialist-feminist analysis of womens condition in the contemporary and advanced technological β†’

Response to liberalism and racial justice

The dominant theory of liberalism is founded on the ideas of Whites that often negates the existence of black or refuses to recognize them as equal. Thus, true liberalism must eliminate race and promote cultural diversity to mark the freedom of people, located at different geographical region.

Responses to classmates – changes in attitudes toward sex

Part I: Response to Megan: The argument that the contemporary era US society looks more tolerant towards extra-marital heterosexual as well as same-sex relationships between the individuals, though both of which had been strict taboo for the last several centuries in almost all regions of the globe, and hence used to be observed in closet. β†’

Marketing and finance extended response

It involves the identification and analysis of the internal strengths and weaknesses in the Internal environment followed by the opportunities and threats from the external environment. Therefore situational analysis is one of the important steps in a marketing plan because it determines where the business is tanning in the market detailing the strength, weaknesses, opportunities β†’

Response paper

Biopure Corporation Hemopure and Oxyglobin should be released to the market at the same time in order to control the price through psychological pricing. These measures were expected to maximize the sales of Oxyglobin to the market.

Love dq1 and dq2 comment to peer response has to do a better job of internally evaluating the value of its advertising services. There are thousands of health products available in the marketplace that could benefit from advertising at

Research paper on carbon footprint response

The organization defines " carbon footprint" as the amount of the greenhouse gas, or the carbon dioxide equivalent, which is emitted as a result of a product's whole life cycle. The organization supports further research on the assessment of different methodologies necessary for the determination of the product carbon footprint and also in the developing β†’

A response to the reading

In this case, the author takes the reader through the uncertain steadiness involved in issues that required an individual to exercise external conscientiousness on one hand, and self-preservation on the other. As the story starts, the reader cannot discern the intention of the author and one might take offence with the language that sounds discriminatory β†’

Response writing to this article

The airlines claimed they provided the travelers the world on a silver spring; in addition alliances at the time were the order of the day for frequent fliers. These arrangements help the airlines save on cost of operations as and essential in such a market place, they as a result maximize the returns given the β†’

E mail response

I will also avail adequate and timely instructional handouts to the students so that each has the necessary materials meant to tackle the assigned tasks during lectures. However, discouraging the latter entails clear explanations besides motivating students to inquire where they may need assistance both in class confinements and even outside.

Response paper

The Life of Samuel Johnson Boswell uses provoking imagery to contrast the techniques used by the two to deliver their messages; he comments on the influence the two authors have on their readers. He recognizes that Addison does not have Johnson's " Strength and energy", but the ease in which he writes makes his readers β†’

Information response letter: indirect outline

This is a response reveals a breakdown of your performance and the various stages you underwent during the evaluation process. We wish you all the best in pursuit of your dreams.


Two American Families The PBS's Frontline documentary " Two American Families" by Bill Moyers is identifying multiple socioeconomic factors which have governed the lives of two families Stanleys and Neumanns in the last two decades. Thus, the American government policies and infrastructure is not intended to bring betterment in the lives of citizens, but only β†’

Summary and response 1718

The reader may not know if the fleas are good to the dog while we know that fleas are not desirable. Ai not so/ Is not In this text, it is suggested that we try to use our own terms and words when writing.

Response to ”why can’t ex-felons vote

In the states, where crime is rampant, denial of the right to vote to ex-felons eventually leads to some districts in such states losing their political voice especially in neighborhoods of high crime record. The restoration of rights to vote should not be left to depend entirely on the governor, as this will mean that β†’

The onion news network reader response

Bringing humor to real stories, the fake news provides entertainment on real issues in the society, as well as the events shaping the political circles. In essence, the news satire has continued to raise civilian awareness on various issues that arise in the society.

Career response

The title named " Whats next in service for the hospitality industry, a culture of care" provokes curiosity of knowing the career that one can opt to pursue in the field of hospitality. The colorful, green background from where she made the presentation, the lucrative and cool podium and the way Smith presented herself on β†’

Reading response 11

One is that adults already have the experience of leaning a language which means they are aware of the basics of learning. Finally in spite of learning L2, adults fail to reach the native standard of pronunciation.

Writing response to freire article

He used the term banking education to critique and describe the conventional system of education. According to Freire, the students are taught, and the teachers teach.

Response and analysis

Mary Jane's father is a significant character in the novel. From the father's narration, Mary Jane understands the extent to which the Muslim laws are misused.

Orange is the new black analysis response paper

When comparing this to John Ann's book on Discourse Communities and Communities of Practice: Membership, Conflict, and Diversity, discourse communities have unique ways in which they operate and one needed not to join the community in order to participate in it. As people who come to prisons are people from diverse culture, races and origin, β†’

Reading response 2

Driving the cars to the dealers where the trade in had to take place created a feeling of having lost a familiar friend, considering that the cars had served them faithfully over the years. However, the most unique element of the company is the mode of advertisements it places for the trade-ins, which almost always β†’


Answer: Crux believed that the American Dream is not uniform across the American minds and did not provide the minorities with the deserved strength and success. Answer: I can relate to Stephen Cruz's experience because as you pick up the newspaper and magazines everyday it is filled with stories of injustices faced by the minorities.

Reading response-gay marriage

The plaintiffs demand equal rights and recognition of the law and be given the right to engage in the institution of marriage. On the contrary, banning gay marriage is a violation to those who engage in it.


Medical Mistakes One of the major strength of this essay is the ability to bring out the problems facing the healthcare industry in the country. The introduction of the essay is able to attract the attention of the reader.


In the article entitled 3 Reasons Why Battlestar Galactica is the Best TV Show of All Time the author tries to explain to the readers how BSG applied science not as a mere facade, but as a major thematic element for creating most of the narratives of the different characters. BSG did not avoid science β†’

Summary and strong response

Summary and Response Paper SUMMARY AND RESPONSE PAPER Eugene Robinson in " You Have the Right to Remain a Target of Racial Profiling" begins with a report from the Federal Bureau of Justice, in which statistics show that Hispanic, black, and white drivers are equally as likely to be stopped for traffic offences. From the β†’

Weekly class members responses

Although the writer has not provided details of the writing process, he/she has covered some main aspects of the process. Moreover, the writer has written about the feelings of Oprah in both letters.

Reading response of fanshen

THE ROOM AND THE WIDER CULTURE: IDENTIFY AS A KEY TO LEARNING ENGLISH COMPOSITION Fan Shen: The Classroom and the Wider Culture Writing techniques mirror the nature and unity of someone's culture. Contrarily, the Chinese culture does not conform to the use of " I" as a means of self-expression rather views it as individualistic β†’

Summary & response

In his essay, he said that " Scientific alarmism is becoming a way of life in the United States." We all know that alarmism can cause misunderstanding and trouble for listeners, but it can cause our life to become miserable if it becomes part of our living element. The U.S.almost destroyed the economies of Peru β†’

Summary and response on growing up in america

In her article, " The Young, the Rich, and the Famous: Individualism as American Cultural Value", the author reiterates over and over again that the way Americans value their individualism really impresses her. Sponsel's article about American individualism, I do agree for the most part with that she has to prove when she says that β†’

Nervous conditions response

In sum, western education as a means to wellbeing under the mindset of the white man's burden is often contradictory. Yet this is not the only example of Babamukuru's relationship with characters in the book as emblematic of the " white man's burden".

East of eden: john fontenrose response

He brings this story to light using the everyday, common man in his books, Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Menand now East of Eden to portray the realistic side of the battle of good and evil. Towards the beginning of the book the good characters, Alice and Adam and the bad characters, Cyrus and β†’

Example of reading responses essay

The article describes a cyber-university, and this would help with the costs of attending college. However, I think a lot of subjects would not be the same online.

A reading response on jacob neusner “the speech the graduates didn’t hear” essay

What do you think Neusner is trying to say about students, instructors and professors, and colleges/universities in the United States? Students need to understand that the best is demanded from the and just something will not do.