Genuine Proposal Essay Examples

Proposal for a halfway house from the program director

In doing so, the Program Director will discuss several factors for the carrying out of the program such as the need to reduce the County's operating budget which eventually results into the loss of a number of personnel. Since obstacles such as the ones facing the California County Probation Department should, in no way, pose →

Proposal description

A blog, the subject of this proposal, could be one of the key elements of your company's online presence. Not only a blog would be a great way to capitalize on the power of Internet and mobile devices, but it will also allow you to get the best out of other links of your digital →

Rwe and the proposal essay

02-053 RWE and the Proposal for a German Electricity Regulator The German Electricity Industry1 The German electricity industry began in 1866, when Werner von Siemens invented the dynamo that allowed the production of electricity at a large scale. If the industry was unable to develop a general framework for network usage contracts, the Energy Act →

Philosophy prenatal testing proposal

We will be investigating the development of the scientific truth/method, the advancements of prenatal technology, the role society played in its upbringing and the impact prenatal testing has on humanity. IPS Integrated Prenatal Testing In this case, ultrasound technology and blood samples can be used in the 11th and 13th week of pregnancy to measure →

Immigration to canada

The paper " Benefits of Immigration to Canada due to the Geographical Location of Canada" is a fascinating variant of a research proposal on politics. I am interested in explaining that immigration to Canada is beneficial, both for the immigrants and the country.

Research proposal on social movements on feminist movements

Purpose and justification for the research project This research project will focus on the significance of social movements such as feminist groups in the world over. In the past, the number of women with successful careers was countable but today, the number has increased fundamentally and this can be attributed to the feminist movements.

Phd proposal writing | contributing to knowledge

This definition however may be construed as too broad and can be complimented by the reasoning given by Grix who says that a ' substantial contribution to knowledge' means " you must have produced original research on a given topic and embedded it firmly in the ' received wisdom' of a particular field" To pin →

Physical therapy/ implementing escape for knee oa patients in middle east

The objective of the proposed research study is to investigate the long-term cost-effectiveness clinical effectiveness of the Enabling Self-management and Coping of Arthritic Knee Pain through Exercise, ESCAPE-knee pain rehabilitation program, which combines exercise and self-management. The rationale for the proposed study is that, although chronic joint pain due to OA causes debilitating disability and →

Peer review of the proposals

The points out each part precisely, including the hypothesis, purpose of the study, the main topic being covered, subjects, research methods, and possible conclusions of the study. The content of the proposal is clearly expressed, and the focus of the study stated clearly.

Conclusion for a business proposal for jamba juice

In such an environment, the best investments opportunities are awarded to the brand that has ingenuity and creativity to be able to meet the needs of the airport customers. For the business to achieve the status of the industry leader and the number one store in the airport, it must secure the initial capital.

Topic selection form for

Aim of the study: To explore the impact of family support on the frequency of falls in the community dwelling elderly. To measure the frequency of falls as an evidence in the chart reported by patient.

Grant proposal brainstorming

To meet the needs of children staying in the Sixth Ward in Houston, the Project Proposal will strictly adhere to the Community-Campus Partnerships for Health or CCPH programs in order to provide the much needed volunteer help by the faculty, students and the alumni to better the lives of these children. The Project Proposal, will →

Request for proposal

Furthermore, the personnel at Chipotle are qualified to provide the services required by diverse consumers of fast food and travellers at the airport. Chipotle, Paving The Way to a Healthier Tomorrow....

Computer system proposal paper essay

It will also have the capability for remote access, the ability to expand without the need to replace your system was also taken into consideration. Our analysts have reviewed the company's wants and needs for the purchase of the new computing system.

Innovation marketing proposal for jcu food court

The proposal of JCU food court is new to the market and lies in the introductory phase. As described earlier, there are no close competitors in the immediate area of the food court so the market to be targeted would be the vast market of fast-food and takeaway restaurants.

Community teaching work plan proposal

The guest speaker and the pictures create a sense of reality to the audience and although the reality of STD's may be a difficult topic to speak about, it is important that the audience is fully aware and understand the risk taken with unprotected sex and how it can affect their life and future. In →

Current economic policy proposal under debate in japan

In order to raise the profitability and decrease the losses on the economy it was estimated that there will be 40% loss on salaries. The economy of Japan is in turmoil because of policy changes.

An overview of a modest proposal: swift’s persona as absentee

In his 1976 essay " A Modest Proposal: Swift's Persona as Absentee", Robert Willson examines Jonathan Swift's A Modest Proposal through analyzing and discussing the meaning behind his offensive proposal, revealing a clear message from Swift " warn of the imminence of total destruction for the Irish people [at the hand of English control and →

Drug testing

The suspension and elimination of constitutional rights is too high a price to pay to promote drug testing in the workplace and schools. 20 Nov.2008.

Teenage abortion

The objective of this research proposal is to develop an empirical hypothesis regarding teenage abortion, propose research methods and research designs to validate the hypothesis. Through structured questionnaires, a list of interview questions would be designed to solicit the required responses to validate the hypothesis.

How does austen convince the reader that lizzy is right to reject mr.collins’ proposal?

From the first sentence of the passage, Austen demonstrates that Mr Collins is not a suitable husband for Lizzy when she says " Mr Collins was not a sensible man." In Chapter 15, Austen describes the character of Mr Collins in more detail reinforcing the statement made in the opening sentence. Austen describes him as →

Components of a research proposal

Significance of a formal layout for research papers First, it is of essence to acknowledge that research in itself is a process that goes through numerous stages and therefore, to record about the different stages of a research it is significant to have a formal layout for research papers. Significance of stating the research problem →

A business proposal

It includes charts and graphs to compare the extent of work that should have been finished till a certain point in time to meet the deadline established in the start of the project with the extent of work that has actually been executed on the site till that point in time. The team has assessed →

Direct marketing servicing proposal flashcard

The code of ethics will be the teams guide to upholding to the strictest standards for the safety of each individual. There will be a database for supplies that are needed to make and ship the product.

Project proposal issue

The questions will generally reflect on the process that will be followed in registering the charity organization, the funding part of it and the activities that the charity will be involved in. The importance of the location and how the project will fit in will be of utmost importance in the proposal.

Essay #3: communicating in a virtual world: the paper

Communicating in the virtual world is making us lose our identity as a human being and hence is creating a danger of increase in mental health problems like social phobia, fear, worry and emotional maladjustment. Communication in the virtual world is proving to be a potential threat to the emotional, social and physical health of →

Design proposal

The formulae to determine maximum and minimum possible heights above ground are given below: Equation 1 Equation 2 Where h is the height above ground, and are the pressures at the outlet of the tank and out of the OR filter respectively, g is the gravitational acceleration, and is the insist of potable water. The →

Data collection proposal

1 Primary and Secondary Data The difference between primary and secondary sources of data is crucial in social research. Quantitative data will be used in determining the number of patients who responded differently when put under Bariatric surgery.

Desert tourism in dubai

For most people, when tourism is mentioned, the sandy beaches of Hawaii, The wild of the dense Brazilian and African forests and the fun in Los Angeles and Vegas ring a bell. The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing is the body that is charged with the licensing and the classification of hotel apartments, →

High speed stereo imaging techniques for flame studies

Properties and Behavior of Novel Laser Sources Developing novel laser sources has been one of the active researches since the invention of the first laser more than five decades ago. The inventions of optical systems, laser, and detectors have enabled experts to obtain quality and fast images for diagnostic purposes.

Research proposal on credit card

The main objective is to identify the factors that influence the choice of credit cards, customer satisfaction, and consumer behavior regarding the credit card at The Mauritius Commercial Bank. A very notable change in the consumer financial services over the past few has been the significant growth in the use of credit cards since the →

Bata proposal

Proposal For The StudentInternshipReport Semester: Fall 2012 Title of the Report: Automation and Update of the Employee Profile in BATA Shoe Co.Ltd. And now I am helping the HR department of BATA to update the employee profile by assisting them to fill up the employee information field and collect the up-to-date information about all the →

Earthquake preparedness of staff nurses research proposal

The main objective of the study was assessing the knowledge and practice of the Staff Nurses before and after the administration of an Information Booklet on Earthquake Preparedness in the selected Community health centre of Gujarat state. To assess the practice of the Staff Nurses before and after the administration of Information Booklet on Earthquake →

Proposal memo

Beyond Good and Evil in Civil Rights Law: The Case of Wal-Mart v. Glocalization or Grobalization of Wal-Mart in the US?

Business proposal feedback ch

Use of concepts of marginal cost and marginal revenue to maximize profit The concept and affect on Marginal cost and revenue due to certain business operations were included in the paper. Chosen methods to determine profit-maximizing quantity The paper includes some costing and pricing details of the business and the profit- examining strategies.

Working memory and consolidation

Working memory and consolidation: Introduction: The ability to retain and use information in the mind to bring it into use later for either verbal or nonverbal tasks like talking or understanding and arguing or processing is largely associated with the system of working memory. This means that the memory item was inadequately stored because it →

Product proposal essay

Please list 3 to 5 major features: Please list the proposed contents of your product, including a full table of contents WI the section and sub- section headings: Audience Please identify the audience for your product: Primary market: Secondary market: Manuscript Information Approximately how many double-sided pages do you expect your book to contain? If →

Market research proposal – cadbury

To determine the impact of pricing and promotion as a driver in purchase of chocolates Research Design and Methodology As shown by the MDP and MRP obtained via the FGD and in depth interviews the primary objective of Cadbury India Ltd is to explore the opportunity for a new chocolate variant of brown and white →

Kudler fine foods – benefits and drivers proposal essay sample essay

This work proposes a scheme for Kudler and illustrates analyses of how creativity support Kudler's organisational ends and aims. This paper besides identifies the internal and external drivers of invention of Kudler Fine Foods.

Business proposal

If the gloves are for hitting the boxing bags lesser cotton are needed, for pads, more cotton would be put inside the synthetic fabric and most cotton would be used if the gloves are for spurring. The cotton fillers would be used, but a variety in the concentration would be considered depending on the use →

A strategy proposal for obstetric emergencies

On repetition of the drills subsequent staff performance will reflect and can be used as a measure of the success or otherwise of the implementation of the drills. The process of drills and further training and repeat drills will help to create a learning culture.

Good research proposal on effect of dietary fibers source and particle size on cholesterol level measured

Thus, the present study will explore the effect of particle size and source of fiber on the level of cholesterol in the human digestion system. The research is significant and justifiable because it will determine the significance of dietary fiber in regulating the cholesterol level.

Campaign proposal

Campaign strategies and tactics The goal presents the direction of the campaign while the objective describes the destination where the campaign will arrive. The strategies and tactics of campaign present the process in order to achieve the goal and at the same time accomplish the objectives.

Business plan proposal

The owner of the business venture is focused on having many branches in the United States of America. Sybil owns 100% of the Delicious Donut and Coffee Shop and is the sole director of the organization; therefore, he is responsible for financing of the business.

Linux implementation proposal essay

The fact that the current computer hardware is to be retained implies that the same existing ports will be used for the USB, that is 4USB 2.0. The next plan is to consider partitioning of the existing hard disk as away of altering the layout of the disk.

Proposal eye clinic system

For example, this system cannot store the information of the patients and the diagnosis of the doctors. The users of the system are people who want to search, add, update, clear and delete the staff information, product information, patient information.

Project proposal ( hr & csr connection )

It will also assist me in establishing the relationship that exists between the human resource departments and the corporate social responsibility of an organization. These results will further enable the utilization of the best policies in the Human Resource Departments to ensure that the corporate social responsibilities of the organization are efficiently achieved for their →

The image of god in man

THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN: A RESEARCH PROPOSAL THE IMAGE OF GOD IN MAN: A RESEARCH PROPOSAL Working Thesis Statement Man was said to be created in the image and likeness of God due to man's ability to reason, to choose, the capacity to emote, and to have conscience and a soul, or spirit.1. →

A modest proposal: a satirical solution for undocumented illegal immigrants

In reality to make everyone have no citizenship it would not work out in todays society.-Exaggeration, because they are exaggerating the citizenship of people. This is overridden because the illegal immigrants would not have to be illegal anymore because no one would have the citizenship.

Learning team research proposal

Learning Team Research Proposal Elements of the Study The study design explores the question of whether television programming has influenced and potentially encouraged teenage pregnancy through depictions that glamorize it. Ethical Considerations There are a number of ethical considerations that are involved in the research design.

Character and effects in neonatal institutes

The extent of the effect was determined by using the clinical patient index hence relay the scale of the effect. Procedure and data The study was hence based on an Australian incident that involved the assessment of patients in the ICU.


Objective The main goal of this proposal is to help my friend from the habit of procrastination. Proposed intervention One of the ways to overcome the habit of procrastination is to make a concerted effort to change her behavior.

Improving instruction for ict literacy

The key objectives of this project are as follows: Analyze existing ICT literacy instructions and determine the areas that need improvement Determine the current workplace ICT literacy requirements and identify those that are not included in existing ICT literacy instruction. ICT literacy is not just a matter of being computer literate and particularly in the →

A satisfactory alternative to utilitarianism proposals philosophy essay

While Utilitarianism attempts to spread benefits and burdens across society with the goal of maximizing utility, A Theory of Justice establishes the two first principles which ensure that each member of society first have access to basic liberties and secondly allows for social and economic inequalities to exist provided society is structured so as to →

Public relations campaign proposal assignment

For this reason, the library budgets on city and county funding and only has extracurricular activities if they can raise the money to fund them. Unfortunately, this leaves little to be used for the programs and resources the library provides the public.

Trends of the coffee sector in ethiopia | research proposal

6 percent of the total value and 3 percent of the total quantity of coffee traded to the global market, which leads the country to be the 10 th largest exporter of coffee in the world and the first exporter in Africa. 40% of the total coffee production of Ethiopia is exported, which earns 33% →


Optimal monetary policy with staggered wage and price contracts Data The independent variable in the research study is the wellbeing of the population while the dependent variable will involve the national income level and its determinants. The research will be interested in identifying the determinants of national income and the way the income correlates with →

Course project proposal

Though a strong genetic component is associated with the development of the disorder, environmental factors do have a role to play in the development of the disorder. Slow onset of symptoms, with a time interval of several years for the full blown disorder to manifest is the characteristic of OCD.

Teaching textiles to fashion students

Students' Perspective on Creativity: I will explore the possible outcomes of the new teaching and sampling techniques from the standpoint of my personal experience in creativity. So, I want to link my personal experience with the outcomes of fashion technology and the previously existing teaching methodologies with the hope of discovering a new concept which →

3th article that pertains to my reserach proposal

Humor in the Foreign Language room Main Problem in Study and Purpose The study by Rafiee, Kassaian and Dastjerdi the main purpose of the study was to identify the effectiveness of using humorous songs in an EFL classroom. The purpose was to understand the effects of using humorous songs to teach listening comprehension and immediate →

Stress effects and management proposal essay sample

When it comes to effective time management it is important to adopt skills and tools that will fit one's personal lifestyle. It is important to research different methods and approaches to develop a proper time management plan.

Information communication technology

Information and Communication Technology and Service: A Study of How Hotel Managers and Employees Perceive the Impact of the Application of ICT in Room Division and Food and Beverage Department on the Quality of Customer Service and Customer Retention A Research Proposal Information and communication technology has dramatically changed the tourism and hospitality industry. This →

Marketing communications proposal for bulldog

The aim of Simon Duffy is to get a Bulldog product into every bathroom in Britain and they aim to achieve this by positioning themselves as an ordinary brand for ordinary men. With the phenomenal growth experienced since the launch, it is now decided to urther promote the Bulldog brand by investing in above the →

Cofidis strategic management

Cofidis Strategic Management To secure the place of Cofidis in the future consumer credit market, the company must formulate a strategy based on numerous systemic inputs. Summary To secure the place of Cofidis in the future credit market, we must formulate a strategy based on numerous systemic inputs.

The hispanic community in the usa: at&t business transactions

AT&T will be at an advantage point if you take the initiative to offer this holistic approach of teaching Spanish at your location while at the same time your personnel will be able to relate to the Hispanic community and Spanish speaking countries and learn about its idiosyncrasies. They will learn the Spanish language; They →

Public health proposal

Furthermore, emphasis is given on the issues of deprivation and health and well-being Background and context Newham is a highly deprived borough with high rates of deprivation that affects children and older population of it. Also, the life expectancy of people living in Newham is lower when compared to the people living in other parts →

Autism grant proposal

Angela Mitchell Milestone One: Autism Grant Proposal Impact of the Problem In the school and educational setting, over the last ten years, there has been an increase in the diagnosis and early intervention of autism. Because there is a lack of connection between educational research and implementing strategies, there is a need for the government →

Bill proposal

Police chiefs will require and make sure that all of their officers take the test and pas s, if they do not test the officers, the station will be fined $5, 000 dollars. This bill will make the actions of police officers MO re trustworthy and reliable due to the fact that their knowledge is →

Proposal on development of human capital mananagement software solution essay

Spector defined Human Capital Management as a field of management that has to do with planning, organising and controlling various operative functions of procuring, developing, maintaining and utilizing a labour force in such a way that: a) objectives for the company established are attained effectively and economically b) objectives of all levels of personnel are →

Wireless technology proposal

In addition to the iPad, our team chose to incorporate the Blackberry phone as a wireless mobile device as well. Some of the latest additions to our wireless devices are such as the cell phone and I-pad.

Exhibition proposal

Skills: The study of the Model enables the visitors to identify the organs that constitute the human body use the interactive software Value Addition: The Exhibit draws and sustains the interest of the visitor. The Respiratory System: Through breathing, it supplies the blood with oxygen and blood, in turn, delivers the oxygen to all the →

When is it time for you to use the proposal writing service?

Any proposal writing service will gladly help you with your proposal; of course, not many of such services do this for free. If you are disappointed with your paper, it is not always the fault of the proposal writing service.

Business proposal for mt. hood

Even though these three are very influential in the decisions the company makes, the management team is given the made to run the company. It is more of a family where members and artists help one another to succeed in the music industry.

Family business

It is vital for the family and the owners of the business to implement efficient governance through policies, meetings, and strategies that help business flourish without any governance issues. Personal learning objectives: Issues related to family governance and how to solve the conflicts.

Applied project capstone: project

Control Measures and Policies to Improve Security & Emergency Management Control Measures and Policies to Improve Security & Emergency Management Abstract Getting homeland security and meeting various emergencies whenever they arise has become a challenge, not only in US, but also across the world. The study uses focus group of 12 members and 5 selected →

Development of identity as a blogger | proposal

In this study, I will try to find the formation and reformation of blogger, as an identity in Bangladesh thorough its impact on socio-religious ideology and how the ideology of freethinker bloggers get perceived by the members of different stakeholders. To understand the view of blogger community members regarding the current trend of blogging and →

Research dissertation proposal

EMPLOYMENT LAW: DISCRIMINATION IN THE WORKPLACE Elective area: Employment law Professional Project Dissertation Topic: Discrimination in the workplace Summary/abstract Discrimination in the workplace is a one of the crucial areas covered by employment law. The second part will include the impacts of workplace discrimination on employee and organizations' performance.

A proposal to reduce mortality and morbidity in pennsylvania motorcyclists

Any program that seeks to lower the societal costs of motorcycle accidents must identify the causes of accidents and the injuries that occur. 60% of the motorcyclists were not wearing a helmet at the time of accident, 53% of those had no expectation of accident.

Direct marketing proposal durex play flashcard

OBJECTIVES In order to position the products in consumers mind before new competitors enter heavily in the market and also to keep pioneering the industry with diversity of healthy and pleasure products, Udder will be growing 10% of the lubricant segment based mainly in the acquisition of new users of the brand and the retention →

Language and tone in swift’s work a modest proposal

The aim of A Modest Proposal is to draw people's attention to the social development which went in a wrong way. To characterize the tone of the work I have been inspired by Bloomsbury Guide to English Literature in which the tone is said to be deadpan that appears to be the exact expression.

Budget project proposal: intensive palliative care unit

Budget Project Proposal: Intensive Palliative Care Unit Executive Summary The purpose of palliative care is to relieve the suffering of patients with advanced progressive illness and ensure the best quality of life for the patients and their family members. Among those concerns are the following the skills levels of nurses on the integrated ICU due →

Computer crime research proposal

There are so many that the public cannot be warned about them all therefore schooling yourself on the security measures to take will save you the hassle In end." Internet Crime Trends: The Latest Report" I chose this article because It Is good to be aware of the trends that the computer criminals implement. The →


The major principles that have arrived to this are an increase in competition marketing cheaper imported goods; competitors using modern, and therefore more catchy business practices; and improved systems and methods to help to decrease their costs and the constantly changing demands of modern consumers, as well as a major depletion of customer awareness. In →

A modest proposal

However, the suggested reforms differ or contradict with Swift's " modest proposal" as other than sacrificing the children of the poor, it will call for the wealthy sacrificing part of their luxuries. Swift's suggestion is trying to encourage the Irish to promote the local produce, products and industries.

Proposal to launch a new product

Research is conducted in the market by using various methodologies, questionnaires, and depth interviews and knowing the need of the consumers fill the gap by introducing substantial product which can with stand in the market. The research activity mainly comprises of the work plan-entails devising in a research proposal which would explain the nature of →

The united states congress

Polsby, was a professor of political science at the University of California, Berkeley and he specialized in the study of the United States presidency and United States Congress. Powers of the United States Congress.

Assessment of the overall impact of colonialism in the philippines

Assessment of the overall impact of colonialism in the Philippines Philippines is a Southeast Asian nation subjugated by Spaniards, Japanese and Americans as remarkably written in its history. It is in this reason that the country is a significant subject for assessment of the overall impact of colonialism.

Utah symphony and utah opera: a merger proposal

Utah Symphony and Utah Opera: A Merger Proposal The Utah Symphony and the Utah Opera Merger was a union that was brought forth by theleadershipcommittee at the USO in Salt Lake City. If the merger were successful, the proposed name of the new organization would be the Utah Symphony & Opera, and with its potential →

A modest proposal of the first solution

To solve the overwhelming problem Of over populated prisons The convicts will be put to good use And the U.S.economy will benefit greatly It is demoralizing when you ride down the roads of this extraordinary nation and see not the beautiful scenery of the land, but instead, endless lines of blinding neon jackets worn by →

Outcome after hormonal therapy for prostate cancer patients . do patients fail the treatment even after reaching the castration

Two groups were identified: treatment failure and success at castration based on PSA levels. Follow up on non-castration level patients will be done to evaluate PSA levels and also evaluate two groups based on success of treatment and failure to abate the prostate cancer.

Bikram and hatha yoga styles

Intended research The aim of this proposal is to outline the details of the intended investigation of Bikram and Hatha yoga styles. Data collection The preferred methods of data collection are observation and participation in the two yoga sessions.


I am writing this letter to forward you a proposal for my used car as I recently received a new one as a gift and I am no longer in need of the older one. I have been informed that your child has never driven a car and it is his first car, keeping this →

Rewriting a disertation proposal problem statement

With the growing levels of divorces in the country and the United s has recorded a divorce rate of over 50% there is a need for some strong and effective studies which concentrate on ways and techniques to manage and sustain long term marriages and to sustain the romance within a relationship. The paper provides →

Core competencies of a hospital administrator – expertise in building networks and systems that enable e-commerce, speeding products to market

The aim is to review the literature existing finding the focus or core competency of a hospital administrator. The aim is to review the literature existing finding the focus or core competency of a hospital administrator.

Proposal for soc491/eco499

Secondly, Medicare is responsible for providing some health care services in certain countries, and lastly covers up to seventy five percent of fees that a patient is required to pay before being administered to by health practitioners. The benefits paid to Medicare by Human services are done according to the various policies governing Medicare and →