Genuine Process Essay Examples

The natural language processing tools english language essay

Both MUC, whichwas tagged with coreferring entities identified by noun phrases in the text and which represents small training and test sets, and ACE, which has much more annotation, but is restricted to a limited subset of entities, are less consistent, in terms of inter-annotator agreement, and thus diminish the reliability of the predictive models β†’

Example of my writing process essay

I choose a few elements of the brainstorm results to concentrate on and draft an order for the information or ideas to be put into the piece of writing. This course contains a large amount of reading and writing, and it is through these mediums that I have been able to improve my English skills β†’

Assignment: it an indispensable tool in the process

The ability of this technique to differentiate betweenstructures of molecular substances and the information it provides about thedynamics and interactions of particles in the smallest possible unit of amatter makes it an indispensable tool in the process of drug discovery, development as well as delivery. The detailed knowledge of the site ofa target receptor for β†’

Downstream processing of monoclonal antibody biology essay

The key to a chosen platform is the velocity of operation of batches, output and purification factors, and most significantly cost. The complexness of agitation stock delineates the grade of selectivity of media and the figure of separation stairss required to achieve a high declaration of mAb.

Diabetes and nutrition

How it is Developed The problems of diabetes originate in an organ located behind the stomach about the length of a human hand called the pancreas. It is the regulation of energy for the body that is important in the development of diabetes.

Erp the processes are complex and downright

The configuration of the ERP software empowers the users to swap over different usage controls for matching up its functionalities with the business processes or requirements. Customisation is the keyConfiguration is not always enough for business enterprises to adopt all of its processes to the ERP's standard system.

Impact of fdi to farmers in india

And in India Agriculture is an important sector of Indian economy and accounts for 15% of the Indian gross domestic product Agriculture is the backbone of Indian economy if farmers are happy the entire country will move to a success path ahead the role of FDI must benefit the farmers as to go to a β†’

Colloidal processing of ceramics

Throughout all the steps involved in colloidal processing, the focus has to be given to the stability of the material to form components with the desired properties. The paper will cover the chemical process involved, the design elements of reactors involved in colloidal processing, preparation of the colloid, product separation and purification, limitations of the β†’

Auto industry in canada

A brief economic history of Canada would pay particular attention to important events such as the economic boom of the 1920s, the dark times of the 1930s; the Second World War during the 1940s and to also not forget the important trade agreements such as the auto pact and the NAFTA. This essay will examine β†’

Assigment manufacturing process

Explain.2.a) What are the primary considerations in tool selection? b) What is the advantage of a helical-tooth cutter over a straighttooth cutter for slab milling? c) What are the consequences if a cutting tool chips? 3.) Why might it be desirable to use a heavy depth of cut and a light feed at a given β†’

In process will not be give the expected

As the Flowrate in a process industry depends upon a number of parameter so the process will not be give the expected output as it is caused by the improper setting of parameters. Liquidflow optimization is the one of the process where the optimized flow in aprocess plant can be achieved from a set of β†’

Before inventory at production process, it is accomplished

In Malaysia, UMW Toyota Motor the selected Toyota distributor, assembler as well as exporter of all the Toyota vehicles. Bhd, the exclusive assembler of Toyota commercial and passenger vehicles in Malaysia.

Futura industries

Importance of learning in an organization: One of the major reasons of introducing learning is to improve the financial positions of the company; these is achieved when workers are trained and they to bring developments, workers gain skills in the process and are empowered in such a way that brings growth in an organization. Increased β†’

Enzymes in the dairy industry

Especially in the diary industry, some enzymes are required for the production of cheese, yogurt, and other dairy products, while others are used in a more specialized fashion such as improving texture or flavour of the product. In the enzymatic phase, the resultant milk becomes a gel due to the influence of calcium ions and β†’

Completion of manufacturing process engineering essay

We need to convey the diamond contact with the Centre of the wheel, fed in a upper limit of. Dressing from the Centre of the wheel out to each border helps minimise the consequence of the coiling lead Markss on the coating of the work piece.

Comparison between chinese and american food culture

In 1784, a group of passengers on the ship Empress of China became the first Americans to land in China and they were also the first group of people to eat Chinese food; it was the first time the American palate encountered eastern cuisine. One of the famous traditional Chinese foods is Chinese rice dumplings β†’

Kaizen redesigning the manufacturing process

Such problems in the production process can be easily seen especially if a person examines the production process from an outsider's view. By designing an automated system wherein the machines do all the hard labor as in the case of Toyota in Japan, workers can take shifts and so will get the breaks that they β†’

Comparison of batteries

This reflects their uses; where the chemistry of a lead acid battery allows it to produce large amounts of electricity in surges as needed to start appliances such as motor vehicles, the chemistry of Button cells allows for a slow and steady release of small amounts of charge. Though the size of the lead acid β†’

Manual for instructional techniques and methods essay

To be able to retain more information in a lecture, the participants or the students have to employ active listening skills, to try to anticipate the teacher's framework for the particular lecture session and to also use the opportunity to have an interaction with the material used. Related researchIn a study comparing the effectiveness of β†’

Ice cream galore btec unit 9

The Promotional mix contains out of different elements who are necessary for the information of all target customers that means it's not just for the people who already know about the product but also for the people who are completely unaware it all depends on how you use the elements of the promotional mix which β†’

The trade process and issue of trade deficit in us and china

A balanced trade is achieved when the value of exports from a country equals the value of imports that the company buys from outside. If the value of goods that the US had exported to China exceeded that of imports, then the country would have received trade surplus.

Link manufacturing process and product life cycles

The regularity of the growth cyeles of living organisms has always fascinated thoughtful observers and has invited a variety of attempts to apply the same principles of a predictable sequence of rapid growth followed by maturation, decline, and death-to companies and selected industries. Yuspirh, " Forget the Priidutt Life Cycle Cnni; epU" HBR I3nuary-February 197 β†’

Clothing and boutique business

To start your boutique business, you need to be aware of the fashion sense, have a creative streak that enables you to match colors and fabrics together to design heavenly creations and also a substantial sum ofmoneyto invest in a shop, clothes and advertising. Steps to starting a boutique business How to make your boutique β†’

Evolution of the american chocolate industry:

Powerful entrepreneurs such as Hershey and Mars have paved the path for candy companies to advertise and sell their products, likewise Chocolate enthusiasts such as Steve Almond and Betty Cocker have given he general public the knowledge and expertise of what a good chocolate bar should taste like, without these influential people, the chocolate industry β†’

A study on indian β€˜ready-to-eat’ food industry

Some of the reasons for the market growth are listed as follows Globalizationof Indian food and itscultureare the core factors for popularization of ready to eat foods. To study the market of Indian Ready to Eat food.2.

Belonging essay – the crucible

These examples are how stage direction is used to demonstrate belonging and not belonging in Arthur Miller's " The Crucible". In Arthur Miller's " The Crucible", dialogue is used to expose belonging and not belonging.

Essay about a doll`s house

Nora's nanny is also a clear example of the said theme, as she had no choice but to leave her child to work for someone else, just to feed the child. Nora proved to be courageous as well, as she was willing to break the law just to ensure her husband's well-being and of course, β†’

Arc process: a book writing venture

What did the writer imagine while he was watching the falling snow? 8. It is impossible even for American writer who has mastered his own language to publish a book." I am glad that the writer did not listen to his roommate and he did not give up.

Do gender role stereotypes exist in children(tm)s fairy tale stories?

This links in with my aim because in my coursework I want to involve some sociological processes and this article brings up the issue of the Nature vs. This links in with my investigation because in order to find out whether gender role stereotypes exist in children's fairytale stories, I need to understand the true β†’

Abstract:thispaperstrivestodeveloparobotcapableofperformingoperationslikediggingthesoilandseedsowing.thispapergivestheideaofe-yantrarobotwhichisusedfordiggingandsowingseedsprocess.e-yantraistheroboticplatform slave:atmega2560configuration-2:master:atmega2560slave:atmega8configuration-3:master:lpc2148 slave:2xatmega8amongwhichthispaperworksonatmega2560asamasterconfiguration.also,thispaperusestheconceptofinternetofthings(iot).theprocessistotallyautomatedsothatthereisnoneedofthefarmertovisitthefarmforwork.theonemaydotheworkfromtheanyplaceintheworld.thisprocessisautomatedanddonotcausesthepollutionontheearth.thistechnologyissafetyforallthelivingbeingsanddonotcausesanyharm.thesystemisefficientandaccuratetouse.ii. methodology? programming software atmelstudio6.0atmelstudioisthenewintegrateddevelopmentenvironment from

E-yantraModulee -Yantra is the robotic platform which isdesignedanddevelopedbytheIIT, Bombayforlearning and education purpose. Alongwiththatthereisprovision in thesystem thatonecaninterface the external hardware on it fordifferentapplication?

Free report on strategic planning process

At the start of the process both the steering committee and redesign team were positive about the entire process, however, problems within the team arose that led to collapse of the entire process. The process of implementing a new system needs to be well thought out and planned in order to ensure that it is β†’

Developments and training

The company is usually run by people known as the directors they ensure that the operations of the company are run effectively, incase the companies receive profits at the end of their financial periods they can distribute the profits in form of dividends to the shareholders and in other cases their can retain some of β†’

Addressing barriers to learning andΒ  closing

We also need information on the classroom processes on teaching that are contributing to the scores.unfortunately, many olicymakers have ignored this fact, making decisions about the future ofeducationwithout even the most rudimentary information about what is happening In classrooms. Some believed that the Frameworks were not working and should tOf2 the discussion was a key β†’

Example of interview protocol

BM: Uh.everything around you...from the sky to the grass LH: Can you give 5 examples of life and explain why they exhibit life. YC: The cell LH: And, is soil alive to you?

Communication process

A " message" is the information that the sender wants to transmit. Feedback: Feedback is the basic response of the receiver to the interpreted message.

Reflection essay on effective communication skills

Collins agrees by stating that communication is therapeutic, that building relationships is the foundation of nursing work, and communication is a requirement to that process. The NMC standards for pre-registration nursingeducation stipulate that " Within the domain for communication and interpersonal skills, all nurses must do the following, communicate safely and effectively, using a range β†’

Adolescent counseling and the significant aspects of counseling our youth

To have the ability to effectively counsel adolescents a counselor must have the ability to understand the adolescent and where the feelings they are having are coming from. With that being said, the values of the counselor and the adolescent will help point the counseling sessions in a direction that the counselor as well as β†’

Identification process research paper sample

A recently published survey established that the rate of direction and concentration towards supply chain risks faced is considerably low, and only in three organizations pay heed to the risks faced on this front, this comes despite the fact that the businesses have gone global and digital and minor disturbance in this ambit can create β†’

Euphemism in cross-cultural communication

The cross-cultural contrastive study of English and Chinese euphemisms can help people correctly understand the deep meaning in English and Chinese languages and overcome the obstacles in crosscultural communications. For example, during the time when Christianity was prevalent in the western countries, the name of God " Jehovah" became the biggest taboo, so many euphemisms β†’

Communication problems between men and women in a relationship

A women needs to communicate with their husbands to feel that there is intimacy and love, but when a woman do not express herself clearly enough they do not get the respond they expect. This process that occurs in their minds can take minutes or even hours; this is why sometimes they do not respond β†’

Importance of information communication technology in technical education

The purpose of the study among other things focuses on identifying the attitudes of students toward the use of internet; to determine the purpose of internet usage by students; to find out the intensity of internet usage by students and to find out whether the use of internet improves the academic performance of students or β†’

Group process research paper example

It has been a great challenge to settle the various egos of the nurses in the practice, enabling them to work together effectively and amicably in a group. It has been the job of the group and its respective leaders to assure the nurses of their ability and make them feel confident in their practice.

Instructional design the radio essay

The goal of the radio was to inform the masses. Another use of the radio is to educate.

Oral communication process

Interpersonal Communication Interpersonal communication is usually defined by communication scholars in numerous ways, usually describing participants who are dependent upon one another and have a shared history. Successful interpersonal communication assumes that both the message senders and the message receivers will interpret and understand the messages being sent on a level of understood meanings and β†’

Advantages of communication in today’s life

Although the concept is often framed in terms of ethnic background, a broader and more useful definition of diversity " includes all the characteristics and experiences that define each of us as individuals." 2 As you will learn in this chapter, these characteristics and experiences can have a profound effect on the way businesspeople communicate. β†’

Demonstrative communications

Body language that is inconsistent with the verbal message creates a question in the mind of the listener about the real message. The benefit of using nonverbal communication is that by watching and listening for signals, it can be easy to interpret the mood, actions, and reactions of other people.

Effects of global communication on westernization

Introduction Analysis of the explosion in international exchanges is mainly focused on the impact ofglobalizationand between the peoples of the world economic aspects of the cultural exchanges between the expenditure. Westernization has been in the past few years the popularity of the world and accelerates the impact.

Four-step process of active listening

Right when specialists do this, prospects can recognize it, and they achieve the conclusion that the rep fundamentally needs to offer them something paying little personality to whether they require it or not. After you feedback what you have heard and confirm that you grasp the prospect, your resulting stage is to ask a related β†’

Communication improved through the use of texting

Through the use of cellular texting and thesocial networkingsite Facebook, the communication between people has improved the efficiently and the effectively. Since the increase in the use of Facebook and cellular texting, most people have avoided face to face communication.

External and internal factors

The basic objective of the management is the progress of people and not the direction of things. To carry out for each of the norms of the company and to be periodically evaluated needs to be done properly.

Good 3:communication process essay example

One of the main ways in which the salesman can get the feedback is through the reaction of the audience. These questions may range from the functionality of the computers that the salesman is promoting to the prices of the computers.

Hamlet vs othello

Hudson 316-317) This child-like and gullible thought process unveils to us the true nature of Othello, the expert at war but the novice at life, who like a mirror believes and acts on the will and impressions of others rather than contemplate both the true reality of things and the people who speak against them. β†’

Major themes in shakespeare’s hamlet

Its role in revenge is immediately addressed in the presence of the ghost of Hamlet's father, King Hamlet. Mortality and verisimilitude are distributed evenly throughout the play Hamlet in order to engage audiences with Hamlet's systematic pursuit of revenge.

The theme of childhood and the process english literature essay

In this poem, the point of view is very much that of a child speaking to the author and thinking in his head, " he knew a lot of time: he knew". In the poem after the boy does " Something Very Wrong" the poet uses uppercase letters to accentuate the importance of the event β†’

Teaching/ learning process

At the start of the program, needs assessment can be used to decide the course content, while during the program; it assures the program goals and learners goals are being achieved, and permits any necessary changes in the program. At the end of the program, needs assessment may be used for setting up future directions β†’

Discharge planning and processing of nursing care nursing essay

It is essential in the nursing care process of a patient with psoriasis to be educated and advised on how to live with the society, to avoid psychological torture and lastly to meet the prescribed medical instruction. Moreover in Medical care, the nurse give educational care techniques including assistance on the application of the medicine, β†’

Family health assessment for the nursing process essay sample

The mother feels that education is a team effort between the teachers and parents and is in close contact with her children's teachers in order to accomplish this. Her relationship with her family is very close and she is the go to person or factotum for her family.

Evidence-based practice process:comparing guidelines

The kinds of appraisal done by the authors of the first guidelines when choosing evidence to apply in the guideline were the analysis of issued meta-analyses and a methodical review. For the second guideline, the type of appraisals included was a literature review of works from the ICSI and PubMed databases.

Nursing process recording

I asked her about her education and employment status. I also asked her how she experienced her illness, and whether or not she was hopeful for the recovery.

The various benefits of process mapping nursing essay

It provides a starting point for the improvement project specific for the place of work to be acted uponIt creates a culture of ownership, responsibility and accountability for the team involved in the improvement processIt helps to understand patient pathway and process from the perspective of the patient by providing an illustration of the same. β†’

Administrative process in nursing

In fact, promotions tend to be slower in this type of setting, as workers are given a much longer opportunity to receive training and more time to learn the intricacies of the company's operations. One of the most notable similarities between McGregor's Theory Y and Ouchi's Theory Z appears in the form of the type β†’

Assessment of environmental processes includes agents and factors that predispose communities and populations to injury, illness, and death

Predispose Factor: Hunger In the video " Lunchbox differences in decile and decile 10 schools", various researchers describe and analyze how hunger among school aged children is an environmental predispose factor to injury, illness and death. Poverty and illness lead to death of the individuals in the community.

Nursing process of adpie

Nurse Assessment is the first step of the nursing process. In gathering all this information it helps the nurse" analyze the data as a basis for developing nursing diagnoses, identifying collaborative problems, and developed and individualized care plan for that patient." Nursing Diagnosis is the overall observation from the nurse's point of view.

Burgess’s comment on society in a clockwork orange

The sense of a newly empowered sector of society is conveyed principally by the new spending power of young people, and the emergence of mainstream youth-related cultural forms, especially popmusic, that quickly become significant components of the economy. And yet, in a sense, in choosing to be deprived of the ability to make an ethical β†’

Gerrymandering: united states house of representatives and election district boundaries

The main purpose of gerrymandering is to increase the number of legislative seats that can be won by the political party which is in charge of redrawing the district boundaries during that period of time, and to create " safe" seats for the party's incumbent legislators which are seats in which the incumbent will always β†’

Free essay on the decision making process

There were key players that took part especially in decision making in the invasion of Panama by the United States and they are the military, the intelligence, the president, the presidential advisors and the National Security Council. Greenwood Publishing, 2006.

Learning goal: understand the opening of the west.

That settlement and the wild rush of pioneers into the Oklahoma Indian Territory constituted the last chapter of the westward movement. Between the gold rush and the Civil War, Americans in growing numbers filled the Mississippi River valley, Texas, the southwest territories, and the new states of Kansas and Nebraska.

History 202, united states history from 1865 to the present

Few of which include the assassination of Lincoln, rebuilding the destroyed southern economy, the federal government's role in helping the 4 million freed African Americans, how to treat the former states of the Confederacy, and conflict over which branch of government should decide on how to reconstruct the south. Reconstructionis the process of readmitting Confederate β†’

Crime control v due process essay

Due Process Model Herbert Packer, a law professor at Stanford University, created two models, the crime control model and the due process model, to represent the two competing systems of values within criminal justice. If I had to choose between the crime control model and the due process model, I would choose the due process β†’

Cell division

In human cells, the plasma membrane invaginates along the equator of the cell, creating a cleavage furrow that will separate the cytoplasm in two daughter cells. Then the cell wall will separate the two daughter cells, and the cell wall starts growing in the middle of the cell between the two nuclei.

Biology: potato lab experiment

2 Figure 1: The effect of sucrose solution on the mass of potato cores Figure 1: In the above graph, it's visible that with an increasing concentration of sucrose solution there is also a decrease in the percent change in mass. M sucrose solution the increase in the change of mass was 1.

Anthropology interview

HIS family and he was the first one that came to the United State. HIS family and he also had to learn how to adapt to is freedom.

Drying in food processing biology essay

Water moves from the interior of the food to the surface by the following mechanisms: liquid movement by capillary forces, particularly in porous foodsdiffusion of liquids, caused by differences in the concentration of solutes at the surface and in the interior of the fooddiffusion of liquids which are adsorbed in layers at the surfaces of β†’

Investigation process of crime scenes biology essay

The analysis of the -keratin in hair using HATR FTIR provides robust method of identifying species of the origin of the hair samples among all the three species studied in current research. A Bruker Tansor 27 FTIR with a Miracle HATR Accessory was used for the present study and in developing a population database for β†’

Background & the evolution of the internet

The definition of the best path may mean the most cost effective or the fastest path or some path based on optimization of multiple protocols, but the current technology used in the internet cannot guarantee that the best path for data transmission will be chosen. The time required for all the routers to agree on β†’

Eo wilson the process of evolution

According to Archibald, in page 46, the pattern of radiation and alternating the extinction has a long-term effect on species. The fall of one set of species, such as dinosaurs later gives a rise to another set of species.

Creationism vs. evolution

I have come to believe through reading, research, and soul-searching that evolution is the best and most plausible explanation for the progression of life on this planet. I feel that biological evolution is a beautiful and reasonable explanation for the physical progression from apes to humans but it lacks a spiritual explanation.

Listening assignment (based on ch. 1 and 5 in your text) due date: on or before midnight tuesday, october 7. papers should be a minimum of 1 pages and no more than 2 pages, word processed, double spaced. place your name and the date in the u

Listening Paper Assignment Affiliation: I was listening during my family dinner from the preparation of the dinner to the end of the dinner and later on I went to complete my studies. My lack of paying attention and boredom which I did not hide well led to the discussions being emotional and criticism increasing.

I would like you to open a word document and in no more than 300 words describe your initial impressions of digital imagery compared with that of analogue imagery. any photographers referenced should be noted. your document should include processes, wo

Digital Imagery versus Analogue of Learning Digital Imagery versus Analogue Granted, the quality of image produced by a digital camera is better than that of an analogue. While digital cameras will hardly exhibit digital noise in their pictures, the film grains of an analogue camera are able to affect negatively the image produced by this β†’

Good processors name research proposal example

How can artists' contribution to gentrification and rejuvenating neighborhoods be supported and made more sustainable?- A Working Title Short Description This paper does not only explain the phenomenon of art-based gentrification and the changes it entails in the modern urban society lifestyle, but raises the issue of making artists' contribution to rejuvenating the neighborhood more β†’

New trends in software process modeling

Memo Respected CIO, since our company has planned to implement the methodology of software engineering, I have gone through all the aspects of the decision to state a brief report. The company's unique identity in the concerned service provider world will be an advantage for the execution of the future implementation.

Tablet computing: instructional technology group

As such, it is important to critically analyze the impact that the tablet PC's have towards the enhancement of the learning process in educational institutions. According to ITG Report, the use of tablet computing is of great importance to the learning process and hence the Work Forest University ought to create a flexible program that β†’

It210 software engineering : software process models

IT210 Software Engineering: Software Process Models IT210 Software Engineering: Software Process Models Software engineering is a discipline where different techniques or methods are used to improve the quality of software development and the targeted company for the software development is a large oil company. Regardless of the challenges that might be faced by the software β†’

Educational process with computer tools

On the opposite side of the spectrum, students that see information presented on their own monitor are less inclined to take notes because the information is already in front of them; most of the time students are not pressured to learn this information because online information can be revisited easier. If a class is attuned β†’

The due process model in the criminal justice system

Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit judge Henry Friendly, the elements of procedural due process include: an unbiased tribunal, notice of the proposed action and the grounds asserted for it, an opportunity to present reasons why it should not occur, the right to call witnesses, the right to know the opposing evidence, the right β†’

History of rock worksheet

These substances being such a large part of the forming of Igneous rocks is where the rock gets its name, the word igneous comes from the word ignis, which is the Latin word for fire. The movement of the plates is what allows magma to move and causes volcanic eruptions which allows Igneous rocks to β†’

As i lay dying 9

Cash making the most perfect coffin possible is his special way of mourning and the completion of the coffin with his mother's body in he is enclosing his pain." The infant loved by his mother grows to be a man of deeds; and Addie, in the absence of Jewel, calls out to him at the β†’

What you learned about the process by which wikipedia entries are produced and vetted essay sample

The primary goal of the Nupedia was to speed up the search engine and allow any user to create their articles, thereby increasing the amount of information in the framework of the project. Wikipedia goes on and develops in step with the times, which corresponds to the demands of modern life and a positive effect β†’

Addie instructional design model essay samples

This website contains non-profitable learning guide and techniques, to make it easier for the student to understand the material. Design Phase faces the learning goals, subject and information that needs for the certain part of the task.

Introduction to microprocessors

The ability of the microprocessor to pull information from RAM significantly increases the capability of the computer to perform more efficiently. It is required to talk to the peripheral devices attached to the computer, receives commands from the keyboard, processes them, and displays them to the monitor.

Importance and role of computers in teaching and learning process essay sample

The particular sequence of operation can be changed readily, allowing the computer to solve more than one kind of problem In addition, according to Columbia Encyclopedia computer is a device that accepts information and manipulates it for some result based on a program or sequence of instruction n how the data is to be processed. β†’

Implementation of parallel image processing using nvidia gpu framework computer science essay

In the CUDA programming framework, the GPU is viewed as a compute device that is a co-processor to the CPU. The global memory and texture memory that can be read from or written to by the CPU are also in the regions of device memory.

Processing algorithm for laser keyboards computer science essay

This is the basic technique used in the projection of the keyboard on a flat surface. This also has a stylus which allows the users to use the keyboard in a compact area where the resizing of the keyboard becomes a necessity.

Essential parts of computer and how it works

In comparison, a brain to human is the same for CPU to computer. CD-ROM A CD-ROM, is a type of optical disc that can only be used for read the files in it.

Dealing with data: using nvivo in the qualitative data analysis process

Dealing with Data: Using NVivo in the Qualitative Data Analysis Process The decision to use computer software programs for qualitative data analysis is essentially up to the person analyzing the data. The purpose of the study was to consider the difficulties surrounding interrogation of interview transcripts and assess issues of reliability and validity in the β†’