Genuine Essay Examples

The complexities of class conflicts as depicted by erik olin wright’s, karl marx’s and friedrich engels’ theories

When Marx's and Engels' concept of class and class conflict in the Manifesto of the Communist Party is applied to Wright's ideas of class structure in Varieties of Marxist Conceptions of Class Structure, it becomes apparent that the ideals of Marx and Engels, while truthfully pointing out the inequalities of our societal system, failed to →

Nature of granular cells in granular cell ameloblastoma

IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL STUDY Objective: To evaluate the nature of granular cells in granular cell ameloblastoma Study Design: Tissue specimens of five patients with granular cell ameloblastoma were fixed in buffered formalin and later embedded in paraffin wax. The present study attempts to do an immunohistochemical analysis with a panel of markers to study the nature of →

Business plan gold gym marketing essay

The place of the business will be chosen in the heart of the town to provide fitness services to local community, besides outbeating the competition. The primary source of revenue of the proposed business will be earned from the various types of memberships offered to the customers.

Emerging technologies and learning in employee training programs

In order to provide the highest level of training to employees at my organization, it is imperative that a model, such as this one, is followed when designing the instruction. The ADDIE model specifically focuses on the needs and outcomes of the learning so that the learner receives a more personalized and informative experience.

Overview of the malthus-ricardo debate

The present study is undertaken to fill this gap within the framework of a more ambitious project that places controversies at the center of an account of the history of ideas, in science and elsewhere. The debate is the basis for the formulation of rent theory of Malthus and Ricardian elaboration of rent theory of →

Wavelength functions of a spectrophotometer

65 mg/L and the concentration of bromophenol blue in Tube B is 1. 833 mg/L and the concentration of bromophenol blue in Tube B is 1.

The education in reduce audit expectation gap

In his article " The Expectation Gap: The Accountants Waterloo?" has defined that:"...the expectation gap is a factor of the levels of expected performance as envisioned both by the independent accountant and by the user of financial statements. The duties of the auditor were specified in section 174, which include: reporting to the members of →

The business and its assocaiated costs

In this course work I will be investigating the cement industry and the focus is on cement factory called Castle cement in the UK. There are two main groups of accountant who work for this organisation they are the Financial Accountant and the Management Accountant; these two accountants have a significant role to play in →

Asymmetric encryption

So we use encryption to encode the ATA so that It requires a special key to be read that way you can protect your data. The only disadvantage of symmetric encryption is that while it's fast it's not as safe as asymmetric encryption because someone could intercept the key and decode the messages.

Ikea case

They should be able to understand the preferences and living conditions of their potential customers in a certain country. In addition, KEA has the need to improve its customer service.

Global ipos slump

The article seeks to analyze the extent, to which IPOs have slumped since the financial crunch. A number of companies have been forced to put to halt their plans for IPO owing to the fact they cannot meet the prices they intend to charge on the shares.

Veritas mundi (truth of the world)

Each of the men perceived his own knowledge of religion as the truth. Those of distinguished education give the people the truth; we know the truth to be what we are told.

Culinary foods

Frequently, the chefs that are in the highest demand are the ones that are skilled in a great many areas of preparation, with many skill sets that help to coordinate a kitchen. Long hours are almost a given for the average kitchen chef, and working late hours is very common as well.

Portland public schools’ fiscal frailties

Portland Public Schools stands out in the crowd of school districts of the metro area for the way it handles money: salaries and staffing just do not match up with the rest of the districts. In order to augment the financially deprived education of their children, some parents in the Portland district raise large amounts →

Why people need to go to college

Why People Need to Go to College Some individuals might say that high schoolers should not go to college after they graduate. High schoolers should consider going to college and getting a bachelor's degree.

Biotechnology scientists assignment

Oxidize should be segregated from other chemicals, and corrosive acids should also be stored in a operate cabinet, well-removed from the flammable organics. Facilities should be appropriate for the handling of hazardous chemicals.

The athenian constitution essay sample

Aristotle approved the existence of laws that prevents the living of a child with distorted physical and mental attributes. The " Era of Extermination": Ancient Greece and Intellectual Disability.

Maple sugar urine disease essay sample

All subtypes of MSUD: MSUD Type 1 b, MSUD Type II and Thiamine Responsive MSUD vary in its severity and characteristics of the disease can all be caused by mutations to the BCKD complex. The chance of parents who have tested positive for the defective gene responsible for MSUD children have a 25% chance of →

Applying a culture awareness scholarship

Thus, cultural awareness would mean the development of understanding of and sensitivity to another ethnic group. It is important to get out of our cultural boundaries so as to realize the impact our cultures have on other people.

Leading strategic change

As a CEO of a company that has been struggling with strategic change, I firmly believe that managerial leadership has become imperative to facilitate more accommodating approach to the changing dynamics of the organizational culture and management. The management needs to accept the challenge of creating a cohesive and encouraging atmosphere so that the workers →


This was a selfish act but second time when he was about to create another ' she' creature, he realized how selfish he was that without even thinking of the human race, just for the sake of his solitude and his family he was about to fulfill his promise to the creature. Summary In brief, →


The life of a police officer is filled with uncertainties and he too is aware of his constitutional duty to maintain highest ethics in law enforcement. This is the correct approach and as such I commend the contents of Police Officers Bill of Rights.

Culture/interaction in every day life

This clip therefore supports the argument by John Dovidio that we stereotype to distinguish who is a friend and who is not. This clip therefore shows that stereotype is natural and supports the idea of John Dovidio.

The impact of technology on the music

To the professional musician, the advancement has now created the realization that it would really take a lot of hard work and talent to be differentiated from a non-professional musician. In terms of access to music, there is evidence to suggest that advancement in technology has affected musicians and the music industry negatively.

Joseph heller’s catch 22 and joan littlewood’s oh what a lovely war essay

Both texts are exploring the tragedy of war, the utter absurdity of it, the thirst for power and money war brings, and the ignorance of authoritative organisations. Another key theme of both texts is the portrayal of war as a game, or as something frivolous and light-hearted by those in authority.

Physical journeys essay

The shaking camera gives the audience an idea of what it's like to be on the plane and the loud plane noises instil fear and suspense into the mind of the viewer. This violent scene begins Chuck's journey, in the same way that the violence of the war began the journey of the migrants.

Childhood memoir – maya angelou

This leaves her with a deep sense of displacement and causes her to remain shy, introverted and reserved throughout her childhood; she puts up a shield, constantly repeating to herself the phrase " I did not come to stay", trying to remind herself not to get too close to people because she will just be →

Legality of patent process

Personnel who would otherwise be engaged in promoting innovation throughout the organization will have their attention diverted elsewhere by the litigation, which will consume the human resources of the technology developers in addition to the financial resources. This suggests a model in which the final product could not have been produced without the patented technology, →

Example of teaching and learning creative writing

For any teacher to be perfect in drawing the topic in class and clearly transferring the knowledge to the learners, he/she must have good mastery of the subject and matter. However, prior knowledge can act as a hindrance to effective learning but on the overall, this is a principle in learning.- Knowledge organization in the →

Economic development in caribbean

According to Pattullo, Polly, " Tourism is a huge contributor to the economies of all Caribbean countries and the biggest contributor to many of them such as Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas and the Virgin Islands" Yolande Wilson MBA '08 In " the Caribbean Tourism Fueled by Hotel Development: The Good and the Bad", explains that →

Death and dying in hinduism and islam religion essay

Among all of them, the most common experience is that a person's death always leaves the shadowy moment among all the relatives and the family members. The faith of all Islam people is that the body and spirit unite together.

Augmentation therapy in treatment-resistant depression

Although beneficial at the time of treatment, the recurrences, as in case with non-ECT treatment, occurred within two to four years of a previous episode of MDD. Depression worsened to the point where she started to not care of the baby after childbirth and also started to have poor sleep and appetite; she felt like →

Traditional budgeting and its criticisms accounting essay

In the yet, not-so-predictable environment, traditional budgeting has been proved to have limitations; A budget being a financial plan of all expenses and revenues of a business organization can sometimes be found to be unrealistic and unreliable and difficult to allocate these revenues and expenses especially in a business organization. When the world began to →

America – a christian nation

They agree that yes the founding fathers wrote the laws based on Christianity but that just meant they had a consensus in using Christian laws in the founding documents but did not a certain that America is a purely Christian nation. But also on the flipside bad things happened in our history but those against →

Repressed memories are a figment of the imagination

Pope and his co-authors concluded that the absence of repressed memories in any published works prior to 1786 shows that the occurrence is not a usual neurological function, but rather a culture-bound disorder rooted in the nineteenth century and Pope argued that repressed memories falls into the analytical category of a " pseudo-neurological symptom" which →

In what ways did america’s relationship with the rest of the world

At the start of the 1970s, the Americans had just pulled out of the Vietnam War which had been a disaster for the government. The president at the time, Richard Nixon, started to talk to other countries and try to get them onside in some of the issues that could affect each of the nations →

How a bill is passed in parliament

This is where the Bill is given a second look and the parliamentarians debate the idea behind the bill. They consider questions such as, " Is the idea behind the bill good? " " Does it meet people's needs? " " Who will be affected by this bill? " If the House likes the idea →

Adult faith development theories

The middle age theory of faith development, according to the theorist, Lavinson, is divided into three distinct periods of development. Psychological Aspects of Faith Development Theory As stated earlier, it is at this stage when a person begins to integrate and embrace the polarities or the opposites in their lives.

Accountability of adult student

This paper examines what it means to be accountable, how accountability is relate to college success and how to practice accountability in daily education. The school programs require one to be a part of small group, and it is extremely important to be accountable within the team.


The rest of the family was taken to Auschwitz in 1944. The women ate next to nothing for the year and a half of torture they spent in Auschwitz.

Pablo escobar

He was born in 1949 by a peasant farmer and a schoolteacher, and at the age of two, they moved to Envigado the city of Medellin in Colombia. He was once ranked the 70th richest man in the world according to the Forbes Magazine with his firm controlling a fleet of planes, vehicles, and boats.

Machiavelli international relations assignment

Machiavelli recognizes the importance of the people that aims to not be dominated by the nobility and see them as a source of power for the prince. Instead, nobles wish to rule and oppress, that's why people select a prince to protect them from the nobility and nobles select a prince to rule them.2.

Baderman island resort – 60 second television commercial notes essay sample

It is sounds of the ocean.* Commercial will begin with image of Baderman Island Resort and will last 10 seconds. Island Features * The pictures included help capture the scenery of Baderman Island Resort to further entice the visitor to want to see more of what the resort has to offer.* The text will slide →

Comic heroes and comic icons essay sample

There is another style of comic that is originally from Japan and this style is Manga, this style of comic has very detailed drawings and a very extravagant storyline. The beano did not have a very wide range characters but has still managed to keep publishing to the current day, in total there was four →

Disorders of the brain

The disease result in hindrance of the I-functioning of the person and can motivate the patient to behave in an odd and senseless manner. The MRI is the Magnetic Resonance Imaging system, wherein the brain of the patient is studied with the aid of scanning and imaging.

Crime 3396

To what extent do you think yourself, and your friends, family, and relatives are exposed to e-crime? What are the consequences of e-crime that motivate you to seek ways of protecting yourself, your family, friends and relatives from e-crime?

Profiling 4

People suffering from victimization are usually reluctant to contact law enforcement agencies because of embarrassment or due to the chances of further victimization by the offender. Environment and distinguishing characteristics of an offender are easy to understand since they revolve around the criminal and law enforcement agencies.

Pepsico team-board of governance

PepsiCo Team-Board of Governance The board of directors is tasked with the responsibility of overseeing the activities of a company. The activities of the board of directors are only delegated by powers that are outside the organization itself, which have authority given to it by the bylaws of the organization.

Internal control

The situation also could have been avoided by segregating the duties of the payment from the petty cash fund and the deposit into the fund. The cashier was able to falsify the reconciliation to cover the movement of the funds.

Identity and culture

I am very conversant with this language owing to the fact that I was born and bred in England. I have spent a majority of my life in England and hence I have grown to be a fluent English speaker.

The concept of parental choice

Expensive schools give attractive salaries and attractive opportunities which are one of the biggest challenges the public schools will face to retain its best teachers. These expensive schools will also force the public school to raise its standards which pressurizes the government to increase tax from people to increase its standards.


Although in The Matrix, the ones who control the lives of the people there are robots, I believe that it is us who control our life. Your soul is what directs you to pursue this and that; your soul is the motivation for you to improve in life.

Testing and evaluation techniques

The advantages of project assignments for the teachers include a proper assessment of students' ability to do work independently, assessment of individual learning, and assessment of students' writing skills. In practical examinations, teachers give practical assignments to the students, which they need to complete under the observation of their teachers.

Jesus, the embodiment of god’s narrative

Embodiment of Jesus in the Old Testament The life and deeds of Jesus also have a historical background to them based on the Old Testament. Jesus presented himself as a culminating factor to the teachings and prophecies of the old testament, explaining the correlation between the new and old teachings of the bible.

The internet, freedom of expression, and terrorism

SUICIDE TERRORISM AND CYBER TERRORISM The Internet, Freedom of Expression, and Terrorism Female Suicide Bombers The threat of terrorism has not been adequately addressed by the authorities for a number of reasons, primarily being the issues and grievances of the terrorists were not given due course to be heard or resolved satisfactorily. As such, →

Quafayshia essay

The memorial image is located on the outside of a building and includes a portrait of Malice Green with the year he was born and the year he died. In the young soy room there is a projection of him on the wall talking and in the other room there is the same thing but →

Politics and international relations of south korea

The contradiction between the country's 14th global economic ranking in term of GDP in purchasing power parity and their regional standing as the weakest power in comparison with East Asia nations, arises an enigma for South Korean diplomats and strategists to resolve. The two Koreas reaffirmed the spirit of the June 15 Joint Declaration in →

Tina turner’s comeback album: private dancer

As Lucy O'Brien explains it in her book called " She Bop II" Tina had what it took to stay in the industry: on the one hand, she had the convincing attitude of a strong and independent woman and her appearance brought this to a higher level. The reason for it being in the album →

Is complete certainty achievable in mathematics?

She is not very certain about the calculations and so she will not be able to attain complete certainty about that topic in chemistry. On the other hand, it can also be argued that it is possible to achieve complete certainty in mathematics and natural sciences.

The meaning and of managing change

According to Michael Armstrong, ' Change management is the process of achieving the smooth implementation of change by planning and introducing it systematically, taking into account the likelihood of it being resisted'. According to Gartner, operational change is primordial in the provision of a high IT service quality.

Policy and practice in a adhd friendly school

In particular, as teachers are in daily contact with these students, they are the first to identify characteristics of ADHD and they can provide valuable information for the diagnosis. According to NCCMH, teachers need to be informed about possible behavioural difficulties that children with ADHD experience and the reasons of this behaviour and also to →

Its improving home energy efficiency construction essay

It is the heat exchange through the buildings shell that places the largest demands on energy consumption of the home. The use of fans to ventilate a home is the most energy efficient way to cool the building.

Impacts of human population growth

The Growth of the Human Population Chris Long Since the world's origin, we have seen a steady growth in the worldwide population. As we continued to advance in the creation of medicines and the development of medical procedures we saw an increase in the life expectancy of our older population.

Appendix h

Document the sources of air pollution and both environmental and health effects of air pollution. Document the audio and visual equipment needed for presentation and layout of the room.

Work-place diversity 11251

Although the goal is to increase the overall happiness and commitment of the workers in order to get a competitive advantage, the use of race and gender based hiring and promoting has been known to produce negative reactions. Kirby and Richard then went on to discuss the issue of fairness in the diversity management programs.

The struggle of black culture in america

Through symbolism, setting, and dialogue, it is possible to tell the difference between the life of the white male, and the black male. The dream of the white man was to own a good business, as in the black families suffered towards having a good future.

Melodies and messages

In " Imagine", the lyrics " imagine all the people living life in peace..".explain how the singer hopes that people in the future are not living their lives in war, but rather living together in harmony. Peace in the near future is undoubtedly a beautiful cause to sing for.

Nursing adults with complex needs – assignment

At this point the amount of opioids taken by the patient was increased by the doctor, so that as well as the medication in the syringe driver the patient could take a set amount of strong opioids when required by mouth to relieve the pain. According with Macnee the method used in a research report →

Academic integrity assignment

An analysis of academic integrity techniques used in online courses at a southern university The purpose of this research was to analyze the academic integrity techniques used by instructors Of online course at Lamar university. This article talks about at some Canadian schools, there is a increasing number of the international students were accused of →

John stuart mill “on liberty” critique assignment

Although he fears that the despotism of custom will lead to the stagnation of society, his solution to this problem ironically requires that we adopt his concern for well being of others as custom. Promotion of individuality increases a person's worth making him a more valuable member of society; so, the more valuable a member →

I got 6 in this personality trait which means that I am very ambitious and like to set high goals for me. For analyst, I scored 4 points which means that I am not able to dig into the problems.

Life physic

In this write-up, predictions on the future status of the world centers on the phenomena of rapid glacier meltdown - its impact on humanity and the Earth as a whole. As temperature on the Earth's surface continues to elevate, the Arctic and other regional glaciers may be lost in 70 years, filling up the world →

What caused the civil war

The Civil War marked a major turning point in American history; the slaughter and the defeat of the South changed the way Americans see themselves tothis day. Many people believe the big thing that caused the war was slavery, but there is a strong argument to be made that the technological changes in the period →

The relation between adult development and individuation

Individuals varies, this creates a difference in the amount of ego exerted by the individual in the individuation process. In an effort of achieving the individuation goal the social influence from the peers and the society helps them reach self-actualization.


Cotton was the rapist that she exhibited physiological symptoms that further accentuated her belief that he was the one. They believed that she had not made any mistakes, and so their memory when they got back to the jury room was that he must be the one, he was identified as such.

Collective action for social movements

This essay will analyze the Civil Rights Movement in an attempt understand the reasons behind its success and the impact of group involvement in the movement. According to Davis, the Civil Rights Movement was a mass movement that sought to secure the interests of the African Americans in terms of access to rights and privileges →

Basic principles of mr imaging

T1-weighted image contrast is premised on the difference in the T1 times of the tissues in the particular region. This is the achieved result:- Pixel shift = Pixel shift = 3 = 2.

Deontological ethical theory

The advantage here is that there is checks and balance with the implementation of rules such that no one is made to go above the rules that are made. In the premise of this ethical theory, there is the need to strive to increase utility.

Nature of reality

The true nature of reality is more than the senses can perceive. In the case of the airplane, therefore, being less dependent on perception and appearances we would say that the idea is more real than the physical airplane.

Waste disposal essay

Wasting results in long-term harmful consequences for humans, nature, and the economy such as the outbreaks of diseases, reduction in the earth's capacity to supply raw materials in the future, and the inability of the natural environment to absorb and process these materials. It is the first and largest component of the solid waste stream.

“a hanging” by george orwell essay sample

In the forenoon.the prison guards prepare the everyday executing for their captives who are kept in " animal coops." As the officers follow the waies to put to death a Hindu captive.who has hardly a motivation to populate.they treat the captive in such a manner it shows that they do non care about his feelings. →

Stargirl college essay

Her hair is the color of sand and falls to her shoulders. In time, the students learn to love her.

The upsr additional class education essay

Individuals should contribute to the nation in order to help in the development of the country. The objective of Sport Day is to develop the interest of students in sports.

Types of exclusion clause law contract essay

An exclusion clause is a section in a contract that defend one party to the contract of responsibility in situations protected by it. Where the parties have specifically combined a clause in their contract, it is the duty of the court to give such clause a viable effect so as not to interpret it such →

Prevalence of adverse reactions of antibiotics

Aims and Objectives: The investigation of the association between the use of antibiotics during life span and the subsequent development of asthma and allergic disorders is the main theme of this study. Through our study we came to know that most of the skin reactions were caused by the antibiotic and incidence of very severe →

Leading and training the “modern operator” in the information warfare age

According to the authors of Genesis in the Christian Bible circa 4BC, the serpent used information to manipulate Adam's understanding of what was right and wrong, and thus led to the fall of man. The development of established TTPs should be a bottom up endeavor, and specific to the local information environment of the unit.

Bodybuilding and masculinity in society sociology essay

A person is unable to be alleged for encompassing an exclusive maleness, infact a person's manliness works in unremitting, vigorous restoration that is appurtenant on numerous chronological as well as relative aspects and it can as a matter of fact be imagined as implementation and not an article that a personage acquires instead it's a →

The connection between biodiversity and international relations politics essay

This is a global issue and will have to analyze factors such as global warming, the effects of climate change on earth, the mass death of whales, the area of depletion of the ozone layer, radioactive waste, pollution, leading to the consequences as acid rain, melting glaciers and the species that live there, the biological →

Clinical objectives of the operating room nursing essay

Duties of the Intra-operative Nurse Once the patient is ready for surgery, they are transferred to the intra-operative nurse. The intra-operative nurse is responsible for the patient during surgery and until they are transferred to the Post-Anesthesia Care Unit.

Mobile phone distribution comparison: us and myanmar

The purpose of this paper is to find out why there is a big gap between the mobile network system of the United States and Myanmar. MAIN BODY DISTRIBUTION AND SEGMENTATION OF MOBILE NETWORK IN MYANMAR AND UNITES STATES Distribution of mobile network in Myanmar The telecommunications sector in Myanmar is under developed.

Classification of marketing research designs

Research Design Conclusive Research Design Exploratory Research Design Descriptive Research Casual Research Cross-sectional Design Longitudinal Design Single Cross sectional Design Multiple Cross Sectional Design Exploratory Research: It is a type of research design whose primary objective is the provision of insights into and comprehension of the problem situation confronting the researcher. Four considerations influence the →

Evaluation of brand management at odeon cinema

Odeon has evolved as a market leader in entertainment industry of United Kingdom and it has been leading the market since decades. Brand Slogan: Odeon Cinemas Fanatical about Film " Brand image is the current view of the customers about a brand".

Post-colonial identity in midnight’s children

Several controversial issues are discussed in the novel, as it describes the life story of Salim Sinai and the experiences Salim had in a post-colonial independent India and shows the hidden fear of indigenous Indians as a result of the colonial period which was full of slavery and deceit. This can show the outcome of →

Islamic finance – issues with securitization

One of the distinctive characteristics of the nature of transactions, and economy in general and Islamic economy in particular, was its ability to expand, renovate and develop. Accordingly, in this dissertation the researcher endeavors to know the legal position of such a company and to identify the legal Islamic ruling related to such a company →

Development of modern capitalism history essay

During the sixteenth century, this spirit embodied in the societies of the Europe & provided the impetus for capitalism to emerge as the dominant economic system of the world. Moreover, the moral responsibility of the Protestant was cumulative i.e.the cycle of sin, repentance & forgiveness, renewed throughout the life of the Catholicism was absent in →