Genuine Essay Examples

Affirmative action in higher education

The real question is the degree of intervention that is required to level the playing field. She is sacrificing everything for an opportunity to become a partner in the law firm.

Case study information system in management

I would request for the performance evaluation of all staff and also an update on the operating system of the department at least prior to the occurrence of the problem and also while the problem was ongoing. In one of the seminars or trainings that I plan to hold as part of the reconstruction of β†’

Security and loss prevention

As stated above, the risks and dangers involved, both on-the job and off-the job determine job selection. The time of exposure to the risk, safety and precaution measures in place to enhance personal safety serve as an enticement to the job.


The leading health indicators are related to the course work because they provide guidance for national health initiatives for specified periods of time. Topic 2: Exercise and fitness Promotion There are a variety of resources available through the federal government to promote exercise and fitness.

Lesson planlearning about the sun

To be able to do so, the teacher will give the students a chance to get out during the first day of the lesson and go to their own appointed groups, plan for the process they are to take, appoint individuals to certain tasks and proceed with the process for the next three days as β†’

A world without rules essay

I think the existence of rules keeps people from deviating from the norm for fear of consequences, but if there were no negative consequences for people's actions, people could ideally, do whatever they wanted without fear of retribution or being outcasted. I personally think the world would slip into chaos, people would be animalistic and β†’

Lab safety essay

First need the right equipment and you need to read the marks of each machine or are you are working you can see what safety gear you will necessitate to set on. First away.if you are traveling to work in an country affecting should have on something non-flammable or an apron to β†’

Editorial: lipid signaling in plant development and responses to environmental stresses

A reverse genetic approach by Malho et al.has shown that these enzymes, localized to the endomembrane compartment, are involved in the regulation of plasma membrane recycling events and thus in the maintenance of polarity of pollen tube growth. Ruelland et al, show that in Arabidopsis suspension cells salicylic acid treatment leads to an increase in β†’

Violence in the workplace

Sexual Harassment is unwanted sexual harassment by someone at work, be it a boss or another employee, this is what I have always thought how sexual harassment in the workplace was defined. Hobson goes on to illustrate in his writing that it is the responsibility of the employer to take the initiative in aggressively safeguarding β†’

Privatized prison health care and cruelty associated with this

I had never considered what the rising cost of medication meant for those at the mercy of the state and federal corrections system. The only real control that the government has over these institutions is the threat to decline the renewal of their contract should issues arise within the prison.

Customer service quality travelodge covent garden tourism essay

The respondent customers of Travelodge Covent Garden London, provided information of their visit, customer service quality, degree of customer satisfaction, worst thing that can not satisfy customer, why they choose this hotel and their opinion about the employee of this hotel. The main aim of this study is to report the impact of customer service β†’

Caring for a person with a long-term condition

They will also analyse the role of the nurse in the management of long-term conditions, the student nurse will then compare and contrast different approaches in the management of a long-term condition. The Incidence and Prevalence of Parkinson's in the UK.[online] Available at:[Accessed 28 Oct.

History of music – an overview

The appearance of composers, made music, and the creation of the instruments such as the piano and lute. The technique of printing music, while slow to evolve, helped in the " preservation and distribution" of music and musical ideas.

Values of nationalism in pakistan

The consent is taken from the symbolic and imaginary way of " we" and " them", and it is implemented by the media event and the selection criteria of news and its presentation. Both electronic and press media in Pakistan is more focusing on the future of Pakistan as independent nation with different identity in β†’

Development of controlled drug delivery for animals

June 5, 2014 [veterinary drug delivery INDUDTRIAL CHALLENGES : – The production of, controlled release drug delivery technologies are same, both in, humans and animals, but, the reasons for developing them are not same. In humans and animals, the controlled drug delivery permits safe, effective and easy handling for the...

Structural engineering centrifugal pump test laboratory engineering essay

Theoretically examination of the effect of varying motor speed across a system of a single pump should show that higher motor speeds lead to higher efficiency in the pump system along with larger changes of power across the system, and a larger drop in head values. However it should also show that the system in β†’

The plagiarism laws in the uk education essay

The Merriam Webster dictionary defines the act of plagiarism as:" To steal and pass off the ideas or words of another as one's own". The fear of plagiarism is that need to understand the difference among discussion and copying and follow the rules very strictly.

Sodium thiosulphate and hydrochloric acid

Add the first of the concentrations of sodium Thiosulphate to the flask. Hypothesis: The higher the concentration the faster the rate of reaction will be and the time taken to reach equilibrium will decrease.

The functions of beta carotene

Beta-carotene is probably the most well known of the carotenoids, a phytonutrients family that represents of the one most widespread groups of naturally occurring pigments. In addition to alpha-carotene and beta-cryptoxanthin, beta-carotene is among the most commonly consumed provitamin A carotenoids in the North American diet.

Packaging types

This usually is the smallest unit of distribution or use and is the package which is in direct contact with the contents.* Secondary packaging is outside the primary packaging, perhaps used to group primary packages together.* Tertiary packaging is used for bulk handling, warehouse storage and transport shipping. The package must be capable of protecting β†’

Study on structure and properties of ptt fiber and spinning feasibility of ptt short fiber

In the first part of this thesis, three issues will be investigated as follows: the effect of temperature and the tension of heat treatments on structure and mechanical properties of PTT fibers, the effect of chemical treatments on structure and mechanical properties of PTT fibers, also the dyeing behavior of PTT fibers with disperse dyes. β†’


Objectives To provide working database for catering service of the Department To make a secured directory for the information of customer Scope and Limitations This study focuses on the Database system for the improvement of Trinity University of Asia Canteen. The main purpose of this project is to help the department to showcase more Information β†’

Global transportation systems and analytics market

Covered in this Report This report covers the present scenario and the growth prospects of the Global Transportation Systems and Analytics market for the period 2014-2018. What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors?

Reflections on practice plans submitted

Many of the kids' bad habits came out at the start as there was little movement and the kids had difficulty with the rules of the game. From the very start, things were a struggle as we tried to get the kids to focus on making good passes, with the correct part of the foot, β†’

The sense of awareness

It is important to consider the benefits of the outcomes, and how each of the party is going to respond to the solutions reached. This leads to a lack of satisfaction, something that affects relationship between the two states.

Coronation street clearly fits the genre of a soap opera essay sample

At the start of an episode of Coronation Street it is always a precise time and carries on from that time and does not jump to the next day. 1 TVRs.' Coronation Street clearly fits the genre of a soap opera due to many factors such as: it is serial and carries on the story.

Team builders

Especially in the health care setting where you are caring for others, synergy is crucial as each member of the staff, or team, works together to face challenges that are a huge part of the health care industry. Working in the health care industry can be discouraging and a negative setting for all.

The death penalty/capital punishment: can it ever be justified

The Death penalty/capital punishment: Can It Ever Be Justified I believe the vital thing we can do for the people in the world is to let them recognize that it is acceptable to be angry. The only ones that we execute in America are the unproblematic ones-with the exemption of Timothy McVeigh, the victims of β†’

Conformity and its consequence

Though they observed the extraordinary nature of the old man in the form of enormous wings, they preferred to have conformity with the regular norms of the society and took advantage of the general belief of the groups for some time and neglected the general fact. In the recent years, the transformation of the individuals β†’

Application for admission middle school

In addition to the above, I am a volunteer at the Humane Society and Food Panty and a member of my school's Volunteering Committee. I believe that in Middle School I will offer these and more so as to improve the lives of others while excelling in my studies.

Dramatic irony in oedipus king

Dramatic irony in Oedipus King Dramatic irony can be one of the most useful tools in any play, and the Greeks, who ostensibly invented it, probably used it to the greatest effects of all. Dramatic irony is essentially the idea that the audience knows the implications of a situation better than the characters on β†’

Working mothers have positive effect on children essay

Such as " if mother work outside she must have less time for her children"" children may feel insecure" or " working mothers have a positive effect on children about being more independent."" Children will not feel pressure when parents always are around." From my own perspective, I strongly agree that working mothers have a β†’

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder – essay

Inattention in a child with ADHD can include failure to pay close attention to details or make careless mistakes and will not have the ability to complete tasks on time. Another option to use with a child with ADHD is peer tutoring or the use of an assistant in the classroom.

Bertrand russell: the value of philosophy

Russell states, " It is exclusively among the goods of the mind that the value ofphilosophyis to be found; and only those who are not indifferent to these goods can be persuaded that the study of philosophy is not a waste of time". Therefore the largest value of philosophy is for the philosopher, for he β†’

Growth through education: the narratives of older adults

The story of old age used to be characterized by themes of decline resulting in the end of the story and the end of a person's life. The presentation of a person's life by means of a narrative includes events of that person's " raw existence," which are embedded in contexts and connected to β†’

Marketing and festival tourism tourism essay

Festival tourism in Trinidad and Tobago is a typical example for economy is basis of the market." Festivals have emerged to be an important contributor to the tourism industry throughout the Caribbean. So, to sum up, economy is the important factor of successfully and running festival tourism.

The link between stress and illness

Resistance if the stressor a is not dealt with quickly at the first phase the body tries to readjust to the high levels of adrenaline in the body the body's stress-response is working hard. This suggests that as the rats had some control they coped better with the stress leading to the conclusion that having β†’

How hector berlioz transformed the conception of the symphony

The in-depth story that correlated so well with the music changed the way people viewed composition and the symphony. As in " Symphonie Fantastique," Berlioz used his uniqueness to create many more musical works, and become somewhat of a ' cutting- edge' composer.

Strategic corporate development history of cadbury marketing essay

In this particular course work of strategic planning module the company which I have selected is Cadbury India, a company with a great marketing structure, strategic planning and with a strong value among the customers all over the globe. Cadbury India entered into an agreement with CSOL for the grant of a license for continued β†’

Nurture groups for primary schools

Nurture Groups were introduced as an alternative way of seeing how a child's behaviour may be getting in the way of their social and behavioural needs, which was supplementary to their educational requirements The Ethos of a Nurture Group A Nurture Group is described by The Nurture Group Network as being a group of around β†’

Examining the condition of crowding out economics essay

In looking at the effects of an increase in the government spending on the IS curve, it is good to explain first that, the independent in an IS curve is the interest rate, while the dependent variable is the income level. For instance, if the government decides to raise the interest rates, fixed investment and β†’

The parthenon and the pantheon

As for the Pantheon, the person responsible for the construction has been determined to be the emperor Hadrian, who was a " conserver of culture;" he installed the representations of the seven deities of the seven planets in the building, possibly as a gesture to the different beliefs of the Roman Empire's subjects. The Parthenon, β†’

Separatism or federalism: a sovereign empowerment

The deepening examination on the phenomenon of separatism, secession, autonomy, federalism are implied by political historians as brought about by colonialism, in which the native people in a colony refuses the political system of the colonizers. In the " Separatism and Empire Building in the 21st Century," James Petras stated that " Divide and Conquer" β†’

Why ww1 started in 1914

From the early 1900's, the two major alliances in Europe were on the one side the Triple Alliance between Austria-Hungary, Germany and Italy, and on the other side, Great Britain, France and Russia forming the Entente Cordial. Nationalism in the Balkans was the trigger that set off the events which led to the outbreak of β†’

The ethics of living jim crow

In the first part of the article Wright describes a fight that he gets into with some white boys and the punishment he receives from his mother for it. I think that in telling Wright this, his mother is teaching him that blacks are not as good as whites and that he should be thankful β†’

Developing the big picture

The total population in the United States is averagely 307 million people and an average of 75 million people is reported to be enrolled in the public schools every year. In order to be eligible for the position of a school teacher in the United States, one has to have at least a bachelor's degree β†’

Pressure- a necessary evil

The apprehension of facing failure that necessitates the need to perform better, the trepidation applies the required pressure that aids us in paving the path to success. A simple law of physics states that to bring a change in the body, one must apply a certain degree of force on it.

Music education in schools

But without these fundamental programs, students' academic growth and emotional well-being could suffer, and our understanding of the universal language of music could become a thing of the past. Music education is a wise investment that benefits students during their school years and in their future employment.

Barrack obama social media use assignment

His Interactive a socially integrative marketing campaign was escribed as Innovative and revolutionary as It connected Obama to the American people In a way no other candidate has done before; he was the first political candidate ever to create an iPhone application based on the campaign. His interactive a socially integrative marketing campaign was described β†’

Elementary classroom floorplan assignment

The narrative that follows will take you through my thoughts and feelings about the arrangement of each section of furniture and how it contributes to the flow and accessibility of the students to the teacher, as well as the students to materials. To the right of the whiteboard I have a designated reading area for β†’

Of mice and men -symbiotic relationship essay sample

A symbiotic relationship exists between George and Lennie, and is demonstrated throughout the novel, Of Mice and Men. However, George and Lennie experienced a healthy life because of their symbiotic relationship.

The man who would be king

Literary Review The Man Who Would be King written by Rudyard Kipling and first published in 1888 is one of the first audacious works of the The main themes of the story are British Empire colonial system and exploitation of physical nature which is followed while establishing this system in India, as well as aspiration β†’

Alcohol & other drug counselling

Alcohol & other drug counseling Introduction: Alcoholism was always a potent threat to the society but in the last one decade it has affected the society and the teenagers in a disturbingly manner. The Elevation of Alcoholism The elevation of alcoholism as well as other drug abuse has encouraged many treatments to appear in the β†’

The women of uncle toms cabin

Analyzing the Women of Uncle Tom's Cabin Written in 1852, two years after the passing of the Fugitive Slave Act which made it illegal for anyone to offer assistance to a runaway slave, Uncle Tom's Cabin launched a direct attack against all institutions that promote slavery. While Uncle Tom's Cabin was written before the spread β†’

Critical analysis

An interesting feature of the film is the story that utilizes surprise as a means of grabbing the viewer's attention. This is not in accordance to the expectations of a viewer, so the film surprises the viewer.

Business memo

of school Business Memorandum To From A review of Magna Carta College Oxford's Website A reviewof the Magna Carta's website shows an effective use of most of the strategies for reader-centered communication. Best- used Strategies Winning an award for the best website in the year 2013 is a clear indication that the developers of Magna β†’

The cable company

The Cable Company The Cable Company The new marketing director of CableNOW, Rachel Peterson, is currently faced with the dilemma of deciding which appropriate strategies she should design and implement given the increasing competitive pressures within the organization's scope of operations. CableNOW's advertising campaign should emphasize the image or theme abovementioned, portraying reliability and dependability β†’

Health of ageing (slp)

The program provides necessary funding in order to enable the testing of models with the aim of upgrading the changes in care that characterizes both the inpatient equipments or for an entire nation. The program also caters for the improvement in the quality of care.

Patient consent/patient rights & responsiblities/end of life (slp)

Other rights include the right to choose a doctor of patient's choice whom he or she believes will handle his or her condition appropriately and competently and right to make crucial decision especially if the patient is in stable or is of sound mind, right to accesses medical record whenever he or she feels like β†’

The responsibility of being an educator

My research is in two areas: how education policy is used in school and its impact on teachers, and also professional education and how teachers, social workers, and nurses collaborate together for the benefit of students. Do not look back in twenty years and regret all of the missed opportunities you had in college because β†’

The dolls house essay- symbolism

The doll house is symbolic of the upper class people in this society, such as the Burnell's. Later on in the story when the reader sees the Burnell family neglecting the lower class people such as the Kelvey's, the smell represents the cruelty that they themselves give to society.

Critical evaluation of as media production

We studied over video's of the Metal genre, ranging from 80's metal bands such as Metallica's video for the song One, where a soldier has lost his mind and used clips from the film, Johnny Got His Gun The idea of having a character loosing his mind and becoming insane appealed to the group largely, β†’

Perception narrative

711INTRODUCTIONIf you are presented with an electronic product and told that it was made in Japan, you will probably expect it to be of high quality, but if you are shown the same product and told that it was made in China, you will probably doubt its quality. Perception is defined as ' the process β†’

Which consideration are most incongruent with common essay

In addition the contradiction intrinsic in the judgements of Stilk and Williams has twisted the area of consideration and created confusion as to what would be common sense and commercial practice. It also argues that all promises should be enforceable, nevertheless the doctrine of consideration is a feature that prevents this from happening in order β†’

Application of demand and control theory to measure the well-being of care workers

Abstract Aims & Objectives: The purpose of this study was to understand the impacts of psychosocial factors on the psychological wellbeing of care workers in a care home setting. The participants reported the experience of bullying from registered nurses in the form of exercising power and injure the dignity in front of other staffs.

Comparison of rocking horse winner and two kinds

After her mother's death, Jing-Mei had become a dynamic and principled individual in which the rhythm of the music she plays was in contrast to her names Pleading Child and Perfectly Contented and in their melodyone short and slow, the other fast and long, Jing-Mei really shows her personality, her independence and a replica of β†’

Structural conflict and consensus in socialization

An example of this is the study of institutions which are agencies of socialization for example the family and the media to explore the part they play in the production and reproduction of social roles and values. The key difference between structural consensus and structural conflict theories is that, broadly speaking, for consensus theories the β†’

What are the alternatives to scientific realism philosophy essay

The aim of scientific realism is to give us a literally true generalized description of reality, so truth plays an important role in the formulation of the basic realist position.[2] The correct statement of scientific realism is, Science aims to give us, in its theories, a literally true story of what the world is like; β†’

The gear basic theory engineering essay

When two gears of unequal number of teeth are combined a mechanical advantage is produced, with both the rotational speeds and the torques of the two gears differing in a simple relationship. In order for gears to achieve their intended performance, life and reliability, the selection of a suitable gear material is very important.

Turbocharger technology vs crdi in diesel engine engineering essay

Because the pressure in the atmosphere is no more than 1 atm, there ultimately will be a limit to the pressure difference across the intake valves and thus the amount of airflow entering the combustion chamber. The speed and thus the output pressure of the turbo is controlled by the wastegate, a bypass which shunts β†’

New world challenges old and global wine wars economics essay

By continuing to lose market share and to be less cost effective than the emerging producers, they would of course hope that the demand shifts by itself and that the Old World producers become once again the leaders and the best wine producers in the world. The purpose of these strategies is to lessen Old β†’

Gender gap in rates of offending

In other words when men and boys have been seen as the ' normal subjects' in criminology the girls and women have attracted the attention of criminology only as a special category that allegedly explains the gender nature of crime. The structure of the crime committed by women is a reflection of their position, and β†’


It is made of wood and trapezoidal in shape, with brass strings that are laid across the instrument. The rack is similar in design to that of a saron, except less wide.

Design a finanial policy

The basis for a strong medical office financial policy would be an understanding Between the medical office, the insurance company, and the patient. A patient needs to understand that the medical office will File a claim with the Insurance company as a courtesy but It Is ultimately the Responsibility of the patient to ensure their β†’

Sourcing in procurement

In the UN Procurement, it is in most cases encouraged to maintain a separate roster of suppliers, for example, local suppliers for particular local need. To promote economical and efficient procurement, the performances of existing suppliers are always evaluated on an ongoing basis.

The leadership style of barack obama assignment

Obama also worked as a consultant and instructor for a community organizing institute." -From " Early life and career of Barack Obama", Wisped The positive changes that occurred during Beam's management display his self- motivation in the community that he was a part of at that time. Barack Obama is certainly a family man; he's β†’

Threats to marketing in china assignment

For over twenty years the wine industry in New Zealand has enjoyed a share in the upper-premium wine market, the long stretch has established New Zealand's domestic wine varieties in the international market. New Zealand is the first to enter into an agreement with China, the benefit to the wine industry in New Zealand is β†’

Ethics, justice, and fair treatment in hr management assignment

Ethics refers to what you stand for whereas fairness and justice are seen in terms of a decision's result and the process of arriving at the same. They include: the boss: the company; the organizational culture aided by a code of ethics; and the person themselves.Ill.

Competition: good or bad? essay sample

The plants compete with each other to as to get more water, sunlight and nutrients, while the animals in the wild challenge each other for survival and mating. The cause of having competition between people is that people like to prove to themselves or other people that they are actually better than the other person.

Writing effective paragraphs essay sample

It is the framework that provides and develops the main or the controlling idea, or the central topic of a composition called the thesis. The topic sentence names the main point of a paragraph, gives the reader a sense of direction, and condenses the paragraph's main point.

What are the characteristics and language of a supernatural film essay sample

A director of supernatural films uses the camera to make the film more realistic, an example of this camera use will be a point of view shot; a point of view shot puts you in the position of the character for example in " The Sixth Sense" when the history teacher looks down at Cole β†’

How does sports media affect society

The Media's portrayal of Sports: This part of the paper will analyze the treatment of sports by the media and how this corresponds with what the media is trying to achieve. Perceptions and Stereotyping in the Sports Media: This part of the paper looks at issues of standards and analyses how the media contributes to β†’

Organizational structure: w.l. gore

Organization Structure Introduction: The dynamic marketplace has necessiated organization to develop organizational structure that would enable them to cater better to the needs of the consumer, produce consumer-centric products, manage their internal processes more efficiently and enhance overall progress of the organization.W.L. Employees with a driver style, amiable style and expressive style of personality would β†’

Global perspective

The United s and the Soviet Union emerged as the world's two superpowers and as each was the ideological antithesis of the other, they embarked upon a race for the acquisition of supporter/satellite nations, just as they did on an arms race. Their respective military might dictated the imperatives of their refraining from direct military β†’

The marshall mba prime program

I joined Ernst and Young in September 2007 as and was excited at the prospect of being a part of a truly global organization. I was particularly fond of the Libyan accent and loved listening to their experiences in the International business arena.

Fbi jounral the deadly mix

In the article 'The Deadly Mix' in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, Pinizzotto, Davis and Miller, describe a combination of three elements that could threaten the life and safety of a law enforcement officer. The authors list the three components, referred to as 'The Deadly Mix,' cited from the study titled, Killed in the Line β†’

Modern person-centered therapy

The article of Mick Cooper " Person-Centered Therapy: The Growing Edge", published in July 2007 in the journal " Therapy Today", investigates into modern views of the psychologists and therapeutists on one of the most popular and allegedly the most effective way of psychological treatment person-centered therapy. Purpose The purpose of Cooper's research is to β†’

Afro samurai

This is an illustration that there would always a need for him to protect his life, the very thing he learned from the death of his father. The death of his father was a meaningful event in Afro's life.

Health journal

He can get in touch with his teachers and respective societies in school, and set up seminars so the student body becomes more aware of what foods are healthy for them and joins in the resolution to eat better. Each day of the school week could be dedicated to a particular type of food.

Fieldwork observation report

The two examples were given as homework to the students and the two digit multiplication. Procedure Inform the students that the main aim of the lesson is to solve two-digit multiplication.


Semantics Semantics Complementarity, converseness, and reversiveness are specific sense and also particular sense relations of antagonism and subtypes of incongruity. On the other hand reversiveness is binary and each member denotes change of state that is reversible.

The elephant essay

This is not saying that he does not analyse what his family is doing to him or what he is going through, but rather he presents his case simply and concisely so that the reader can naturally understand these feelings rather than having to engage in a long drawn out discussion of them, for example, β†’

Describe the changes that the reformation brought about essay

Further changes to the structure and organisation of the church include the release of the Laity to give tithes to the papacy. The power of the Holy Roman Emperor, the Pope and the German Princes was also drastically changed by the reformation.

The effect of globalisation on motorsport

In this report I will investigate the globalisation of motorsport and the effect it has on the teams and the fans. Formula One is a business that relies on cars that cost millions to race, in countries from the billionaires playground of Monte Carlo to the likes of the Baku Street Circuit in Azerbaijan.

One of the sad moments of my life

Nobody was in his home to take him to the hospital, and he gave up the ghost. I was in shocked because before a day of his death, I met him, and he told me that he is going to Canada to see his newborn granddaughter.