Genuine Essay Examples

Experimental economics, summary paper

The winner can be set to be cursed in one of two ways: 1) the winning bid exceeds the value of the item; 2) the value of the item is less than the value to bidder estimated. Another risk associated with auctions in which there are lots of participants is for the winner to overstate โ†’

Business communication

Main idea Julia's speech was about the number of casualties in the Queensland flood and what the government is doing to help the families affected. In Anna's speech, the main idea was to tell the world to come together and help the public who were submerged by the flood in the capital.1c.

Herbal remedies

Herbal medicine Lecturer The use of herbal medicine among African Americans and Italian Americans has become increasingly popular in the United States. There are racial differences in the use of herbal among the African Americans and Italian Americans.

Reporting results

In order to determine the depreciation expense on a given asset, an organization has to establish the initial cost of the asset, its book value, and the period taken for the value to depreciate from the cost to the book value. Therefore, even though accurate stating of an organization's financial position requires that the book โ†’

Secret talks on radio by dan shelley

Three years down the line, he turned into a news chief, and 12 years after that, in 1995, he was selected to move to Milwaukee as a news director at WTMJ, one of the biggest and best news and talk radio stations in United States of America. Nevertheless, talk show hosts, for example, Charlie Sykes โ†’

How successful were french kings in dealing with financial problems in the period 1498 โ€“ 1559 essay

Louis XII came to the throne in 1498 and as well as the crown, he inherited Charles VIII's claim to Naples and so Louis continued with the wars with Italy. He also inherited the Italian wars, when Francis I succeeded him, the pattern of French military involvement with Italy was so established, and the claims โ†’

Altruism is important in society essay

The industrialized peoples benefited from structured legal systems, which resulted in minimum expectations of the people to be polite and kind in society in order to remain apart of the society, even today. Is this the sort of society we want to live in?

Costco case study argumentative essay

This theory focuses on the ways of leadership that contribute to the success of the organisation. To add on to this, the resources available in an organisation become as essential as the process and people who aid the success of the organisation.

Creative writing โ€“ happyness (partial)

I scanned the room for a play mate and saw what I was sure was a sobbing boy. It was overwhelming, I had no time to stop and think, learning numbers and the alphabet was challenging enough.

Impact of employees motivation on delivering service business essay

Research paradigm is a combination of two ideas that are related to the nature of world and the function of researcher. According to the nature and methods of research, it is suggested that Epistemology paradigm will be used in this research as philosophy studies the nature of knowledge and what constitutes acceptance knowledge in a โ†’

Civilian control of the armed forces politics essay

While, the ever-increasing complication and the practical nature of security related issues, for want of know-how of a good number of legislatures, time constraints of parliaments and secrecy acts frequently mixed up in the issue of security matters limits or hamper parliamentary supervision.[2]Additionally, in those developing countries where tenets of democracy have not been broadly โ†’

Sales promotions in mobile phone industry in pakistan marketing essay

For quantitative research, the survey research using questionnaires and will ask the consumers about the consumption patterns in order to compare the before and after effect of sales promotions on buying behaviour. All sales promotions are attempts to influence customer behaviour and these marketing efforts try to persuade customers to purchase more of the merchandise โ†’

History and background of lean kaizen

In Japanese, Kaizen is the one of the key to competitive success and most important concept in management. Another approach is that of the kaizen burst, a specific kaizen activity on a particular process in the value stream.[6] Key elements of kaizen are quality, effort, involvement of all employees, willingness to change, and communication.

Preventing delinquency and recidivism

There's three kinds of prevention, corrective prevention, punitive prevention and Mechanical prevention. Primary prevention goal is to change society and the conditions that leads to criminal activity.

Conditions for the haber process

N2 nitrogen + 3H2 hydrogen Low heat, High pressure, catalyst 2NH3 ammonia However, the rate of the reaction at very lower temperatures is exceptionally slow, and so a higher temperature should be used to increase the speed of the reaction which results in a lower yield of ammonia but a temperature low enough to create โ†’


I was a member of the Wheeling High School honor society and received a student of the quarter award twice. I know that the University of Wisconsin-Madison is highly qualified to help me attain my goals and aspirations.

Housing units in australia โ€“ assignment

Get Your Papers On The Housing Units In Australia The difficulties facing social housing in Australia are a legacy of past policies, which decreased its funding and tended to reserve social housing to the poor. Most of the first generation of social housing for over 50 years and are concentrated in specific areas as residential โ†’

Supervisory management assignment

He will have a basis for judgment of his own decisions and for transformation of the organizations that he belongs to. The aim of leadership should be to help people, machines, and gadgets do a better Job.

Propaganda in rock music assignment

This is one of the best example for propaganda in Rock music because the aim of Live Aid is to live in peace and love, as the same ideology of Rock music. The last topic of usage of Rock music for propaganda is in politics.

Strategic analysis of merbatty assignment

A warning should be given to all the management personnel that they will be held responsible for any kind of loss to the company due to their negligence.4. Racing Boat Discussion: Strategic and risk point of view: The proposal of racing a speedboat in the competition has a potential of greater publicity for Marietta to โ†’

Good people essay sample

This was so obviously true that he felt like a ninny that he would kept on about it and now knew what she had thought every time he went and said it it had not brought her comfort or eased the burden at all. She was serious in her faith and values in a way โ†’


The land protecting the New Orleans from the Gulf of Mexico was still healthy, most of which has been cut away by nature.5. The coast line of New Orleans is very dangerous and it will soon be destroyed again because the city is protected by the levees which contribute to land loss.14.

Organisational behaviour

This remote environment would offer independence to the IT and a sense of autonomy. Besides the financial benefits, this business is human relations focused in every dimension and would establish guidelines for organisational members to interact at the interpersonal level.


Depreciation affects the housing market by lowering down the price substantially which means that the prior market rates are not applicable anymore and the fluctuation has essentially brought about a change in the way people view the housing market in essence. Within the entertainment industry, trade discount amounts are used by allotting cuts on the โ†’

The desire to enter for prestigious university

I am passionate about business and therefore pursuing the course will be an opportunity to be an expert in what I love. This shows that I have the capacity to pursue the challenging course in accounts and business.

Rhyme and reason show

One of the contestants would then choose a celebrity panelist to complete the rhyme. He will then choose a celebrity who would complete the rhyme.

Awakening: family and edna essay

As Edna's awakening emerges, she casts her family off to the side. Edna does not repay the grief and sorrow that she puts upon her husband, children, and family, but instead kills herself to make a stand.

Compare and contrast wendyโ€™s vs. mcdonalds essay

One of the more unhealthy options at McDonald's is a new sandwich, Bacon Habanero Ranch Quarter Pounder with Cheese. The Baconator is at the top of the list.

Elaine risley essay

She spent a lot of time playing with her brother and overall, she was a happy child but everything that she was about, all her happiness, everything, changed once she moved to Toronto at the age of 8 and met Cordellia. Elaine begins to belittle herself and does not share the things that she knows โ†’

Sebi guidelines for issue of bonus shares essay

A Company may issue bonus shares without obtaining prior approval but only after a period of 12 months after a public/rights issue and after safeguarding the rights of fully convertible and partly convertible debentures falling due for conversion within 12 months from the date of bonus issue. The capital reserve appearing in the Balance Sheet โ†’

Evaluate coherence theory of justification essay

However some beliefs that we hold do not necessary fit with our coherent set of beliefs, for example I hold that ghosts exist as dead people, however I also belief that when people die they are just dead, so I keep the belief that when people die they are just dead, and keep that in โ†’

Plastics friend or foe essay

Suffice to say that a plastic material can be manufactured to use in almost any situation; Plastic is an incredibly versatile material, but the process of manufacturing plastic is quite simple. The food industry and industries associated with them like the supermarkets is one of the biggest winners of the usage of plastic.

Noble gas and helium essay

Although Helium exists in the atmosphere of Earth in small quantities, it is one of the most common element in the universe. Helium is one of the most favorite and well-known element in the periodic table.

Transcendentalism in walt whitman’s and ralph emerson’s works

The personification of nature, schools of thought, and the ideas of good and bad by Walt Whitman characterizes the Transcendental value of expressing one's thoughts without constraint and never ceasing to question one's beliefs. Puritan values are fundamentally different from those of Transcendentalists because the Puritans want people to accept what they are told and โ†’

The impact of using robotic technology

The definition of the word robot has a different meaning to many people and most people have their own definition and meaning for the word robot. Humanoids robots will someday be in the workplace and our home taking on some of the responsibilities of a human.

Comparing modern australian families with traditional afghan families sociology essay

Types of families include the Nuclear Family, Cheal also describes the Nuclear Family as a ' traditional' family, which consists of a two generational family, a mother and a father and siblings, all living in the one home. The family is very private in Afghanistan and it is considered a violation of manners to enquire โ†’

Brave new world compared to utilitarianism

The story Brave New World presents us to the future world A. The foundation of the world state in Brave New World reveals similar philosophy to the utilitarian view, but not completely.

The challenge of human cloning: pros and cons

Specifically, it is generally thought that it is immoral and unethical to clone human beings for various reasons, but the morality of human cloning cannot be reached yet since it is still a new technology. Critics argue that cloning can be a risk factor of affecting human being's uniqueness, cause psychological and physical effects on โ†’

Argos diesel europe

The main factors affecting the company from becoming an efficient cross cultural integrated team include: ' I tell you, Frank, they are just going to have to join the rest of us in the postindustrial age, learn to do things the Argos way'.* No direct confrontation to discuss the real issues and what can be โ†’

Effects of alcohol on the behavior of college students

Effects Alcohol has on College Students Behavior State of the problem The study of the effects alcohol has on college behavior will duplicate Bernstein, M, findings. College students drinking placebo alcohol and the placebo will both have effects in their behavior, I hypotheses participants will be laughing at random moments, stumbling, not focusing, changing topics, โ†’

Sports and amputees

The purpose of the reported survey was to investigate the sports participation habits of lower limb amputees in the Province of Deterrent, The Netherlands, using a self-constructed questionnaire. The key outcomes of interest were the age of the participant, how long since amputation, where the limb as amputated, the etiology underlying the amputation, and the โ†’

Joseph priestleyโ€™s standards of good science

This means that instead of writing short passages about something say religious or with a biased attitude, and skipping ever the important and useful observations, he believes that one should write with all of the important details. He connects with the Constructivist who were around the 20th Century in the sense that they believed observations โ†’


Availability of capital gives the power to the entrepreneur to start a business. Availability of markets also has lead to the growth of entrepreneurship.

Phyllis schlaflyโ€™s family court injustices to men

Women have had to fight for equal opportunities in the workplace and in general life and by doing so; I feel that in cases like this men have had a bad hand dealt to them. As I stated previously, I know men who have experienced injustice with their children however not to the degree that โ†’

The man who was almost a man: naturalism

Through the character Dave from the story, The Man Who Was Almost a Man, the reader can indicate that the character wants so badly to earn the respect of others." In the gray light of dawn he held it loosely, feeling the sense of power. In the passage from the story, The Man Who Was โ†’

Civil war essay

Some reasons are that the Civil War was to abolish slavery, keep the United States together, and just all out disagreement between the North and the South. All in all, the Civil War was fought to abolish slavery and keep the Union together.

Case : business ethics assignment

The competition was in its late stages and Exxon was nervous about Protest's commitment to its control system business. Clifford still believed in the product line and its eventual success, but he had to keep Joanne and all his best managers on board to make the business work.

George washington presidential outline assignment

His major foreign successes would have to be the Proclamation of Neutrality and his treaties with Europe. His major domestic successes would be the Bill of Rights and Hamilton's Financial Program.

The river goyt in the peak district essay sample

The river that I will be study is the river Goyt in the Peak District. To prove my hypothesis I will measure the discharge of five sites from the source to the mouth of the river Goyt.

The federal registers executive order in public policy

The Federal Register's Executive Order in Public policy Executive Order 13536 of April 12, by President of the United States, Barrack Obama Summary of the executive order The issuance of this order took place on April 12, the year 2010 and issued by the president of the United States, Barrack Obama. Implementation of the order โ†’

The power of parents essay

Near the beginning of the story, the young man explains how he is upset that everyone had planned out his life, his future and he had no say in it. Crabbe tries to make it clear to his parents that he does not like the limits of freedom that they have given him.

Analysis essay

In the end many people died and the terrorists won because Black September forced the Germans to release the three terrorists that were apprehended." The Attica Prison Riot of 1971 alarmed and outraged society. The Germans knew that the demands of the terrorists were unreasonable and impossible, but there were no tactics used to save โ†’

How deforestation causes global warming and negatively impacts the environment

Although carbon dioxide is a natural part of the life cycle on Earth, the increase of this greenhouse gas in the atmosphere has caused the overuse of trapped energy from the sun, causing temperatures to rise only to contribute to the result of our Earth's major climate change. The majority of the cattle ranching industry โ†’

Robots would prefer you to be rude

At the point when a man inquired as to whether they could arrange water, for instance, the server bot said they could and afterward it requested that what they would like request. The fact of the matter is, when individuals speak with a non-living item verbally regardless we tend to converse with it like it's โ†’

Walmarts internal behavior and influence on consumer choice marketing essay

The paper will close by giving a summary of the five basic findings of the operations of the Walmart group of companies and what the future of the company looks like. The organizations behavior of the Walmart group is the main reason the company has managed to remain relevant in the business world for many โ†’

Geiger’s geologic time scale

The article also explains the process of radiometric Age dating and how it plays a major part in finding the age of minerals by basing it on the parent and daughter isotopes and how much of the [parent isotope is left and compare it to the daughter element that is the element that exists in โ†’

America and multilateralism: a history

In actual fact, it is safe to surmise that very few political issues today provoke such strong and diverse responses as the role of the United States of America in its attempt to re-shape world affairs.[1] The recent terrorist attack on America of grave consequences, its reaction to it and the wars in Afghanistan as โ†’

Henry tudors success in replacing richard

How far was the success of Henry Tudor in replacing Richard III as king due to the events on the battlefield at Bosworth Clearly the death of Richard at the battle of Bosworth in 1485 was the final contributing factor to his demise, but it had certainly been brought about by Henry Tudor's efforts and โ†’

Corporationsโ€™ constitutional rights

The rights of corporations should be therefore be limited to economic matters and not the political process. As the article argues it should be limited to the rights as enshrined in the constitution.

Flesh and blood

Almost all of my mom's side of the family lives in Maine which was a plus. But most importantly, I learned about my ancestors in my family and all the legends of the tribe.

Combined surveys assignment

By definition, the mean is the average of the set questioned. The mean or average of the set of participants is 32 years old.

Research proposal assignment

Purpose of the study The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of the language of instruction on urban and rural students academic performance in the subjects of History and English language. I further want to find out what are the contrasting features between the urban and rural school in terms of using โ†’

Marketing techniques for apple and nike assignment

Apple uses the marketing technique of line extension and new brands a lot by using this keep Improving their product for the best as It has had a good effect s the majority of the world population has an phone or pad and using the technique new brands they have used the technology they have โ†’

Ethics in law enforcement assignment

Law Enforcement Code of Ethics" " As a Law Enforcement Officer, my fundamental duty is to serve mankind; to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the week against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all men to liberty, equality and โ†’

Social media helps us get informed assignment

This shows the amount of time people are spending on this particular social network to share videos around. For example, people " tweet" about a particular restaurant and this helps other people to pre determine on whether or not to go to that restaurant.

Kermodeโ€™s canon and connection to achebe essay

Kermode's Canon and Connection to Achebe Frank Kermode's theories regarding the existence and treatment of a canon in literature are somewhat paradoxical. The culture of the Ibo people is the canon here in the story, and it represents Kermode's understanding.

How are these technologies related to use upsโ€™s business strategy? essay sample

The technology used by UPS not only enables the customers to track his/her package through the UPS Web site but also enables the data to flow smoothly throughout the UPS network. What are the inputs, processing, and outputs of UPS's package tracking system?

Military action is the only effective international respose to genocide essay sample

A general examination of the issues that are related to the cases of genocide can be superficially classified as a complex concern with resolutions that can be very difficult or even impossible to achieve.[1] The study of the historical evidences and the evolution of the ideas related to the occurrence of the mass crime had โ†’

Health care insurance

The degree of importance attributed to health both by the public and the state makes health insurance different from other types of insurance that people pay for their properties such as cars and houses. The insurance involve health and well being of people.

What is it like to be different

The imagination of the sexual union of the lovers of same sex individuals was really a captivating thing on the one hand and a unique experience for me on the other. However, attending and participating the functions and parties of the gay people is really a very attractive and bewitching idea for me.

Engineering ethics

To the best of my knowledge, no one has stolen French nuclear fuel to make a weapon, no one has mounted a successful terrorist attack on a French nuclear plant, France is a leader in technology that actually recycles some nuclear waste, and most French citizens have a favorable or at least neutral view of โ†’

The features of geography, art, and economy in ancient greece and ancient rome

The paper " The Features of Geography, Art, and Economy in Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome" is an outstanding example of a history essay. As two of the preeminent civilizations of antiquity, the inclination to compare the cultures of Greece and Rome is inevitable.

The franco-prussian war

The other cause was that the French emperor Napoleon III wanted to regain French influence and prestige both France and internationally that have been lost during various diplomatic issues especially those experienced in the hands of Prussia during the Austro-Prussian war of 1866. The initiating event that led to the war was the candidacy of โ†’

The ethics of religious affiliation and social stratification

Essay The relationship between the ethics of religious affiliation and social stratification is very well exposed by the influence of the ethics of Protestantism on the spirit of capitalism. Works Cited Riis, Ole." Religion and the Spirit of Capitalism in Modern Europe".


The poet argues that his white community is privileged to enjoy the benefits of English language in a " rigged game" where they learn their mother tongue whereas the aliens are denied the opportunity to learn their mother tongue more. Garity's " Rigged Game" is an interesting poem that tacitly calls for the reform of โ†’

Western civilization

Western Civilization Civilization refers to the advancement of a society to achieve a higher level of development and organization. One of the defining characteristic of western civilization is recognition of individual worth; moreover, the importance of an individual is granted priority and is believed to have worth, deserving a life of dignity.

Target corporation financial analysis and interpretation

The higher the current ratio, the more capable the company is of paying its obligations. Based on the current levels of Assets and Liablities, it is recommended to invest in the company as it is expanding its inventory levels and can be believed to be on the growth trajectory in future.

Role of youth and millenium development goals essay

Joy, the little bird that has broken out off the egg sand is eagerly waiting to spread out its wings in the open sky of freedom and hope" James Youth is the spring time of life and it is the age of discovery and dreams.mfouth is like a fire, crept forward; A spark at first, โ†’

Project essay

Omnitrix The main focus of the series is the Omnitrix, a watch-like alien device found by Ben in the first episode. The Omnitrix appears in the first two incarnations of the franchise and the Ultimatrix in the third incarnation Ben 10: Ultimate Alien.

Environmental pollution argumentative essay

Efforts to improve the standard of living for humans through the control of nature and the development of new products have also resulted in the pollution, or contamination, of the environment. Population Growth and Environmental Abuse The reduction of the Earth's resources has been closely linked to the rise in human population.

The world health organisation human rights law social work essay

The Mental Health Act moved the power of the state to a legislative basis, and it also placed mental disorder and developmental disorder in the same law, which continued until the Mental Health Act in which confinement became an enforced treatment that was performed on legislative justification and measured by judicial assessment. The mental health โ†’

A survey paper on k mean clustering cultural studies essay

And each cluster can have sub clusters, so it can be viewed as a tree, a node in the tree is a cluster, the root of the tree is the cluster containing all the objects, and each node, except the leaf nodes, is the union of its children. A particle swarm is a population of โ†’

A case of medical ethics: henrietta lacks’ cells sampled without consent led to medical discoveries

The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks details the life of unwitting tissue donor Henrietta Lacks and the ongoing influence of her cancer cell line HeLa. The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks makes cell biology accessible to a wider audience through an engrossing and emotional narrative.

The debate between fate and free will in frankenstein

This is true because no matter how many times he tried to make the free choice to put his monster behind him, the monster always found a way back into Victor's life, in the case of the death of many of Victor's friends and family and also in the case of the monster demanding that โ†’

There are four main sources of irish law

It is necessary to be aware of the process of law making in Ireland, who it affects and how it is practiced and it is enforced. Public Law/ or criminal law is concerned with the relationships of the individual and Ireland as a state and is of collective interest to the Irish society.

A study on central park, new york

As I stand on the Columbus Circle, the north-west corner of the Central Park, I can feel the massiveness of the park. In the summer of 1851, the state gave the power to the city to take up the land and develop a park that would put New York alongside London and Paris.

Definition and scope of value added tax economics essay

The success of VAT depends on many factors, prominent among which is the way in which the VAT laws are administered by the organs entrusted with the collection of the tax for the government. The study examines the operations of the VAT Service to ascertain the challenges confronting the Value Added Tax Service in performing โ†’

Types of evidence in criminal investigation

Before evidence can be seized, there must first be a court order approving the search of the crime scene and the seizure of the evidence found at the scene. It is important that all glass found at the scene be recovered and sent to the Laboratory.

Chemotherapy and selective toxicity

The efficacy of the treatment of the cancer is directly proportional to the ability of the drug to selectively target the cancer cells thus improving the life expectancy of the patient. In order to improve the selectivity of drug, analogues of artemisinin and holotransferrin is used in the treatment of breast cancer.

Asymmetry and polymorphism of hybrid male sterility

Kimberly Woosley Critical Review: Asymmetry and Polymorphism of Hybrid Male Sterility During the Early Stages of Speciation in House Mice In this study, the researchers sought to determine the genetic cause of male sterility in house mice when there was interbreeding among different but related species. The researchers weighed the mice, they then dissected them โ†’

Immune system of a plant

Microorganisms present in the soil adjacent to plant roots are part of the Rhizosphere.highlights their pivotal roles in the suppression of plant disease, promotion of plant growth, development and health. Leaves usually dominate the aerial part of the plant, representing of the most significant terrestrial habitats for microorganisms: the Phyllosphere.

Contact zones essay

Out of all the elements that are capable of making a contact zone.lampoon is one of the more familiar picks that would act good in a schoolroom. But what the professor is truly making is leting the pupils to oppugn themselves." The really nature of the class put thoughts and individualities on the line." Pratt โ†’

We like having fun, but when it comes to work we try to do our best

In addition to these events, the distress in the financial sectors was the element, which transmitted the problem to the real economy, causing the deep recession. This kind of measures caused in the Great Depression a fall in the World Trade and in the world production.

Buckley vs

Maines in particular is concerned about the awareness among people and thinks it to be possible for a healthy future of the children. In my assessment the reading of Maines' is more positive and fruitful than that of Buckley's.

Innovative homework pill

You are smack in the middle of quartleys week as an all honors student, collapsing with the stress accompanied by the building that is your homework. One will feel like they are being chained to the chair in order to do the homework.