Genuine Essay Examples

Good essay about first & last name

I believe, if all Muslims have faith that ALLAH is the creator of this universe and it is in His powers to do anything then it should not be hard for them to believe that He has the powers to foresee the future of any living being. It is difficult for us to understand that β†’

Good example of how gender, race, ethnicity, orientations, and global influence has changed since essay

Hispano Americans, African Americans, and the American women in general, were excluded, which further fired up the desire to obtain their freedom and civil rights based on the promises of the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution during the post-war era. Starting out as a small organization, the group eventually launched chapters in various β†’

Histography of the french revolution critical thinking sample

The reasons that caused the revolution, in addition to the freedom of the press and perspective of different writers at the time will come out clearly. Histography Analysis " Here is the case of convincing Your Majesty, Sire, of the necessity of therefore remedying the greatest abuses that could slip into a government, incertitude, and β†’

Independence and freedom of the individual essay

He had and helped create a clear vision on how things should be and happen and how people should live especially where freedom is mentioned. In order to ensure that this was well understood most especially the individual freedom of Americans, the leader use his skills in writing and literature since it helped him more β†’

Good example of essay on my political ideology

Moreover, one of the key goals of the government is to help mitigate the injustices of modern society and make it more equitable, whether that is requiring business to protect the environment, treat their workers fairly or support a social welfare program. I think, initially, the biggest influences on the development of my political ideology β†’

Good essay about walking by the spirit

Paul gives the principle of walking by the Spirit and not by the flesh. C. The flesh is in opposition to the work of the Spirit. III.


It would save us money on law enforcement and greatly reduce our crime rate if we would just let them do what they want to themselves. Not only are we told what we may and may not do to our bodies, we are not even allowed to have all of the information about the products β†’

What is an american– a discussion critical thinking sample

The logos of the speech lies in the underlying theme that Americans love democracy and freedom, and those that are Americans should support Britain. Finally, the ethos of the piece is unusual, because the speaker merely wishes to impress upon his audience that his reason for standing up and speaking is that he is an β†’

Good example of essay on jean paul sartres: existentialism

According to Jean Paul Sartre, humanism that is real and endorsed is the one that tries to strain that existentialism of human being is based on the factor that man is the central creature amongst others. That is the sole condition of humanism aspect as explained by Jean Paul Sartre to relate to existentialism.

Free essay on politics and government

By contrast, the government is obligated to protect and preserve such individual liberties. The United States constitution protects individual liberty through the Bill of Rights Act. On the contrary, state government intervention in individual liberty is of great importance to the public in general. According to the aforementioned facts regarding restriction of individual liberty by β†’

Encountering evil critical thinking examples

In his argument, Davis suggests that the free will defense ought to insist on the fact that the amount of evil that will exist in the end will be outweighed by the finest in existent at that time. The third objection is on the premise that evil is attributed to β†’

Essay on war on documentary and tongues united

The issues raised in the film reveal how un-accommodative the society was when it came to a black gay, it was probably one of the intensive moments of such an individual as he tried to find his identity. For the society to deny them their freedom and rights simply because of what they do not β†’

Good essay about a dolls house

Nora does not appear to mind her doll-like presence, in which she is mollycoddled, spoilt, and patronized. As the play advances, Nora divulges that she is not just a " mindless girl," as Torvald refers to her. As the drama develops, and as Nora's consciousness of the truth about her life propagates, her need for β†’

Good example of historical perspective essay

The use of shapes is evident in the image. The use of alignment in the image applies.

Qualities of an ideal roman citizen or politician essays examples

It is however worth noting that despite this negative trend, Agricola remained a true leader who stood against all odds to provide quality leadership that was aimed at improving the livelihoods of his subjects. Roman has rich history and this has been the case since the times of Tacitus. Agricola will β†’

Free argumentative essay on american populist movement

In the long run, it is such that promoted social cohesion and coexistence in the plural society that defines the United States of America. The Populist, also known as the People's Party, was one of the ancient America's political unions that existed between 1891 and 1908. The traditional views of β†’

Emancipation proclamation as a war strategy essay example

A declaration of the freedom of slaves might not be seen as an effective tactic to restore unity and peace especially when the freedom of slaves is one of the main reasons of the outbreak of the war. However, through President Lincoln's proper timing and planning, the Emancipation Proclamation was able to stop the war, β†’

Free critical thinking on the cider house rules journal entries

1)." We got our own rules".. Response: The apple picking crew at Ocean View Orchards keeps on ignoring the list of rules they are supposed to follow every season and when Homer asks the why this is so, this quote is the explanation that he gets. I believe that list of rules that is β†’

African american history essay

African American slaves had three forms of resistance against slavery which were; escaping, day-to-days acts and rebellion against their masters. The major form of resistance the slaves used was by escaping. They used the three forms of resistance against slavery which were; escaping, day-to-days acts and rebellion against their masters.

Cultural relativism as an ethical theory essay examples

Harm principle argues that no one can limit the freedom of an individual that is either moral or physical and it is not warrantied to do so. This is proof enough that the liberty of an individual is safeguarded since they can do anything provided it does not affect others. Applying the harm principle to β†’

Free essay on jeffersonian democracy vs. jacksonian democracy

Several freedoms were guaranteed such as the freedom of the press and speech and the Bill of Rights. B) Anti-democratic actions during the age of Jefferson During this age, only the educated were mean to rule.

Example of essay on one day in the life of ivan denisovich and tyranny

One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich is about the life of criminals in the Gulag where the people who commit great crimes like treason and other political crimes are contained. They are accustomed to the prison's way of life that getting out never rings a bell in their β†’

Definitions of freedom essay example

In this definition, servitude and freedom were mutually reinforcing, not contradictory states, since those who accepted Christ's teachings from His ambassadors' became " free from sin and servants to God". The Puritans settlers' of the colonial Massachusetts, who believed their colony the embodiment of true Christianity, planted this spiritual definition of freedom

Statistic project

5674 The above uses; Degrees of freedom = 9 for the numerator and 18 for the denominator Therefore, the Probability = 0. 05 From the above P = 0.

How statistics has affected my daily life

In addition, with the increasing number of people around the world suffering from heart diseases caused by cholesterol and sedentary lifestyle, I am also inclined to avoid some food and increase my activities. I also increased my food intake of those which help my heart work better to improve the flow of blood in my β†’

Example of critical thinking on quantitative research about hotels occupancy in dubai

Tourists from countries like the United States were hit by the recession in 2008, thereby reducing their tour travels to Dubai. The revenues are consistent with the occupancy rates in the first half up to 2008. Considering the hotel occupancy rates and the revenues, I think the revenues are consistent with the projected tourism numbers β†’

Analysis of variance results

Analysis of Variance Results Table 4. Analysis of Variance for ADD-like Behavior among Participants in the Remedial, General and College Preparatory English Levels. SS df MS F d Sig. Between Groups 3476. Error Sig. dimension2 College Prep dimension3 General -10.

Logic of statistical significance

The statistically significant result that is given by probability p-value is less than the threshold of a significant level then it justifies the rejection of the null hypothesis. Once the variations have been attained, the Fischer value is calculated and is compared to the f critical value from the table at a given degree of β†’

The race, age, and social status of death row essay

People who oppose the Death Penalty have long argued that the system of putting criminals on death row is unfair, favoring the white and the wealthy. The startling statistics behind the death penalty and death row inmates is a large factor in their argument. It will not only focus on the statistics amongst the β†’


The null and alternate hypotheses are The selected level of significance, is.10. The selected test is F-Test for Equal Variances. Numerator degrees of freedom, Denominator degrees of freedom, Below figure shows the critical values and rejection regions. The test statistic is Decision: Reject H0 at =. The test statistic is F = 9.109. β†’

Bhs 220 case 5

The null hypothesis will be as follows:- H0: A= B (There is no difference between drug A and drug B) Alternative hypothesis on the other hand is the proposition that prevails in the event that there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis. If the probability is less than or equal to the significance β†’

Discussion 1 week 10 comparing transshipment models to inventory applications

From the explanation of Taylor , the transportation model could be considered an example of decision making under certainty. Decision-making satisfy the certainty condition when the evaluators or decision makers have the essential information to make a responsible decision. Can We Apply the Transshipment Models to Inventory Applications?


Chi-square and the Independent t-test Here s Here Chi-square and the Independent t-test The independent t-test is a parametric test that compares scores between two unrelated groups of subjects (sometimes a control group and an experimental group). This test involves the use of the standardized " t" distribution and is used to determine β†’


The value is positive because the raw score of 21 is above the mean value of 17. b) On another day when Eric reach on the job in 12 minutes, we can find the z-score by the following working; The negative value of the z-score represents a value below the mean of 17. c) In β†’

Discussion 5.1

The manufacturer sets a hypothesis that the mean hardness of all such pieces is greater than 170. Null hypothesis, H0: = 170 Alternative hypothesis, H1:: > 170 The mean hardness = 172. 0 The standard deviation= 10.

Hypothesis testing procedures

This is then used to estimate the population standard deviation towards generating the required standard error (Mendenhall, Beaver and Beaver, 2009). In testing for mean, and using the test statistic approach to a two-sided hypothesis for a known standard deviation, a researcher would formulate a two-sided null hypothesis. For an unknown population standard deviation, a β†’

Homework: week 6, chapter 6

According to the presented illustration, the sample means serve as the population mean, since the anticipated sample mean is equivalent to the population mean. The mean for this distribution is p, with the standard deviation being.

Partial correlation

The only way one can solve such a problem is by calculation of the correlation that partially exists between bodyweight of the driver and the gas mileage with a resistance of wind being omitted in both variables. It is a correlation that exists between bodyweight of the driver and the gas mileage that is residualized β†’


Statistics from a telephone survey by the US National Fire Protection Association, NFPA show that Americans have indeed appreciated the importance of that this device plays in ensuring their safety as 24 out of 25 of the surveyed homes have at least one fire alarm. The malfunctioning of these fire alarms was the cause of β†’

Statistics assignment week 6

Quiz 2 and 3 had the highest mean score showing that the students performed very highly in the two conditions. However, there is an interaction effect between the condition on of the quiz and the participation in the extra credit = 7.6, p

Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis

In the article, CFA and EFA approaches are applied in investigating the theoretical constructs and the factors represented in the study about the relationship between technostress and human productivity (Chilton, Hardgrave, & and Armstrong, 2005). The Impact of Technostress on Role Stress and Productivity.


There are four idols which beset the minds of men. Firstly, idols of the tribe relate to human nature and ethnicity. He notes that people need to be aware of how the views distort their perceptions of world and seek to change that. Works cited Bacon, Francis.

Modeling evaluation

You can use your textbook, readings, and other course materials as resources for completing this examination. When finished, submit your answer template to the assignment area. Question 01 The appropriate multivariate statistical technique to investigate the research question is _____Logistic regression___ Question 02 Job satisfaction Decision making Question 03The parametric β†’

Linear correlation of ceo salary/quality control & statistics

Regardless of one's beliefs there is believed to be a link between the success of the company and the salary of the CEO. I think most successful companies are able to offer a generous salary to CEO's as a result of company success. This only makes sense since a company that brings in $300, 000 β†’

Regression analysis

000 0. 000 0.

Latino urbanism in los angeles

The Latino community makes use of all space outdoors, forcing the researcher to base the research on the outdoors. In conducting research on a social platform, James gathered most of the data via personal observation. He introduces the personalization element adopted by the community in the absence of government support. Works Cited Rojas, James." β†’

Role of statistics in the research process

The application is used is the so-called sampling technique, whereby only a certain component or portion of the population is included to answer questions for the whole population. In addition, statistics also have a role in identifying and quantifying pertinent effects and relationships prior to any discussion, and one of the most familiar ways for β†’

Statistics project example

The distributions of scores for the experimental and control groups were not similar for the length of labor because the two means were different. 6 for the experimental group and the control group respectively. 6.

Theory, operationalization, and observation

The researcher may adopt the hypothesis that delinquency is inversely related to social class whereby as social class goes up, delinquency reduces. Operationalization encompasses developing operational definitions, or stipulating the precise operations involved in identifying and measuring variables needed to be observed. For instance, in the stated example, the variables encompass social class and delinquency. β†’

Basic statistics

Frequency Distribution chart of Product B-17 based on a number of rejects. Be sure to clearly show how you arrived at your conclusion in at least one-half page of text. First, I calculated the relative frequency by dividing each frequency by the sum of frequencies. All the rejections are 7 or more than 7, which β†’

Characteristics of bo-kaap

Bo-Kaap is a section in Cape Town, South Africa that was formerly known as the Malay Quarteron the slopes of Signal Hill and above the center of the city. A unique tribute to the inhabitants of this area to the scenery of Cape Town is the 1844 Nurul Islam Mosque (Wilkinson and Kragolsen-Kille β†’


A Volunteer Disaster Response or Relief Organization of the organization The American Red Cross prevents and alleviates human suffering in the face of emergencies through marshalling the power of volunteers as well as the donors' generosity. Who may join the organization? The American Red Cross has administrative centers in every country. The organization also assists β†’

Immigration is tightly controlled by most countries around the world. why this case what strategies and requirements are used by canada and the united states to control immigration are there advantages and disadvantages regarding current canadian immigr

The reunification of families is crucial to the immigration policies in these regions, and they use this to select the immigrants to the different states present. New York: American Printing Press, 2004.

Assignment example

According to the west tries to depict they are much superior to the Middle East in culture since they view " Holy war" as act of terrorism which is associated with Islamic religion. The USA use Google earth to monitor the borders of Canada and Mexico. The border between USA and Mexico differs β†’


Tourism in the Netherlands Tourism in the Netherlands In Europe, the Netherlands is one of the countries with the most stable economies. It will also discuss the impact of tourism on the Netherlands. The Delta Project is recognized as one of the major tourist attractions sites.

World regional georgraphy unit 6

The word apartheid was used to refer to the separation between the white settlers and the black. The whites were the minority while the blacks were the majority but apartheid was introduced to ensure that the whites would continue to dominate the country. Before independence, racial segregation in South Africa was intensive.

Pre-colombian society and northern south american chiefdoms

The chiefdoms of the Pre-Colombian Caribbean were closely related to those of Northern South America. On the other hand, the Mesoamerican area extended from Chiapas and the Yucatan Peninsula to the Nicoya Peninsula. The intermediate area was made up of different societies that were ruled by different chiefdoms.

The beta group

The actual business model of The Beta Group is known as Business Engineering that refers to development of a concept and business strategy through comprehensive marker research followed by analysis of potential and scope of certain products and technologies. For instance, owning a company would also enable to market new technologies and products to existing β†’

African elephants

The validity of the report will be evaluated with reference to a scientific journal on the same issue retrieved from on 22nd March 2015. According to the BBC news, the population of African elephants had declined to a critical point. BBC reporter, Rebecca Morelle added that the primary cause of the increased elephant poaching β†’

Earth day

Earth Day Earth Day As the largest civic event in the world, earth day bears a very significant influence in environmental protection. At a time that there is rapid pollution of the environment, the day is used to highlight the effects and raise awareness about the consequences of the pollution on the environment. Earth day β†’

Difference between alain city and abu dhabi city

The growth and establishment of the city depend on the oil in the region. Presently there are about 568221 people in the garden city.

Cte 3

This paper discusses numerous activities and facts about Syria that threaten the US interests in the Middle East. Around mid of the year 2012, the government of Syria declined the access of the UN observers to a site where mass killing was reported. We cannot allow mass killing to become part of everyday reality in β†’

Introduction to terrorism

Similarly, an overwhelming majority of the world raised demonstrations against the US invasion on Iraq by declaring it as the terrorism on the part of the western world; however, the USA and her allied viewed it as an act to destroy the terrorist government of Saddam Hussein.Criteria used to define Terrorism: The world blames the β†’

Congregation and the urban landscape of milwaukee

The concentration of the black in the area records the highest number of the families. b). Area A which is the first grade is with the white household, recording the highest number of people in the area. 2a).

Country size

It is found in French Riviera on the Mediterranean, has an estimated population of 36, 037 people and covers 1. Tuvalu covers an area of 26 kilometers square; she has a population of 10, 441 people, and it found in the south of Pacific.

The best measure of a japans progress

This is because many think that such an association will threaten the dominance of the US in the global market and political sector. This is because it is able to capture the changes that have occurred in the economic sector over a specified period of time.

The work world: perception vs. reality

As we got to know each other, I became curious and engaged the ex-soldiers, Joshua and Caesar, in a conversation. In our informal interview , I came to learn that Joshua had a degree in Law and decided to join military after graduation. I have come to acknowledge that military career, just like any β†’

Kosovo independence and kosovo facts

Teacher Kosovo Independence Until recently, Serbia still refused to relinquished its effective control over the northern region of Kosovo and still refused to recognize the 2008 Kosovo Declaration of Independence. The 2008 Declaratio of Independence of Kosovo was a product of a failed initiative of Finland's former President Martti Ahtisaari also called the Ahtisaari plan β†’

Population of colombia state

Somehow, it is estimated that European Amerindians, called Mestizo, make up three-fifths of the Colombian population followed by Whites, and the European-Africans called Mulatto, percentage of which is one fifth and one-seventh of the total population respectively.. Life expectancy is estimated to be 70 and 77 years for males and females respectively, were approximately one-sixth β†’

Colonialism in southeast asia and the austral and pacific realms

Intermarriage of the Spanish and the Philippines led to the growth of a very strong community that became the most powerful politically and economically. In addition, the Spanish rule over the Philippines defined the modern state of the Philippines in matters concerning the social, religious, and ideological underpinnings. The Spanish rule over the Philippines had β†’


" Globalisation was the byword of the 1990s, reflecting the rapid growth of international financial transactions, the integration of developing countries into the world economy, and the information and communications revolution that brought satellite television, the cell phone, and the Internet to remote corners of the world," - Bordo et al p.533. The β†’

Geo 101

Political Geography of the State of California California bears overwhelming political importance in the whole United States of America. Population Geography of the State of California According to the census of 2009, California is the most populated state in the USA with over 39 million residents.

Travel postcards

This is also evident on the Mexican, Caribbean image, where the sea is extremely painted blue, surrounded by perfectly green vegetation. Aesthetic value of the places indicated on the postcards is another characteristic that has been given a high sense of emphasis. Another image that indicates a higher emphasis on the aesthetic value of the β†’

Environmental justice

Examples of environmental justice burdens can be air and water pollution, insufficient access to nutritious food, and inadequate transportation, among others. Task 2 According to the EUREKALERT!, , this burdens all over the world have been documented in an Environmental Justice Atlas by the Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities, and Trade led β†’

The devils bermuda triangle

In spite of the high standards of advancements made in the areas of science and technology, these mysteries in various corners of the world still are a source of questioning and curiosity for the humans. The Bermuda Triangle is one of these locations of the world that has been a source of curiosity and attraction β†’

Crisis mapping

The Ushahidi project, enabled by Google maps, facilitated real time distress calls and, therefore, was an invaluable resource for humanitarians. The earthquake, which struck the Christ church in New Zealand in 2010, is another disaster occurrence whose situation eased by the help of crisis mapping. Given the loss of lives and injuries experienced by the β†’

Geologic history

The geology of the Grand Canyon Inserts His/her Inserts Inserts Grade (December 02, -Outline -Introduction -Names, Composition and Ages of the rocks -Conclusion The geology of the grand canyon interprets the beautiful and complicated piece of artwork that nature can present. Geology on the other hand can be defined to as the formation of β†’

Example of essay on applying human geography

Understanding the politics of people in the different regions of the world would equip me with the necessary skills to determine how best international relations and foreign policies might be structured for maximum gain to the majority of participants. The health aspect of human geography essentially entails a critical examination of how diseases are distributed β†’


I am currently enrolled for majors in the field of geography and this relates to my particular interest in the geographical diversity that is found all over the world. The field that I believe particularly suits me is to be a geographical analyst who knows as to how things are working in accordance to geography. β†’

Homework 4

S as well as the factors fuelling the conflict. Further studies suggest that even though the Israelites know that Zionism has been one of the sources of conflict, they have refused to point it out. S had involved itself in the conflict and consequences has been dire.

Push and pull factors in syrian migration

This has resulted in the officials warning of the need for more humanitarian aid to the support communities. Many Syrians have been forced out of their homes and ultimately their country as a result of raging war. These people are often forced to seek asylum or refuge as a result of the fact that they β†’

Post-harvest insect pests: fumigation on co2

In spite of the diverse biological activities of methyl bromide in agriculture, use of this ozone-depleting chemical is scheduled to be phased out in the United States by 2005 under the Montreal Protocol. Controlling insects by altering the concentrations of atmospheric gases inside the storage environment is known as modified atmosphere storage of grain.

The nutrition status of haiti

Improvement is noticed in as little as a few weeks as the children's hair become shiny and black instead of the dullish orange hue that is symptomatic of malnutrition. Known risk factors which are associated with malnutrition include the size of families; smaller children may not be able to compete with older children in getting β†’

Personal statement example

After much debate and consultation, I have now finally decided to take the chance and apply for the university; one, which I believe, would provide me with good education and at the same time also aid in my personality growth and development into a better individual. During the holiday season in summer, I have worked β†’

Analyze the a geography of time essay

Living by event cannot provide define appointments of lifestyle, whereas modern industrialized countries are motivated by punctuality. Historical perspective suggests that living by clock " is clearly out of line with virtually all of recorded history".The author asserts that the key difference in pace life is that people tend to use clock β†’

Villa solheira essay sample

The villa's character is highlighted by a charming outdoor garden, a swimming pool, and a terrace, all looking out to a striking view in this side of the Algarve. The garden and swimming pool also provide great spots for relaxation and for enjoying the stunning views. GROUNDFLOOR: From the entrance hall, the β†’

Week 11 exercise

By building the city at an interior and central position, the government desired to draw people away from the coastal strip and develop the interior parts of the nation. The region is the fastest growing and developing area in the city and has a population estimate of 65, 000 people.

In the light of reverences

Geography Questions The people of the Native American tribe Wintu treat the mountain as a sacred place and this is where they execute their religious practices. We can organize a ski resort on the hill of some other mountain while the history of this tribe is closely connected with this very place.

The geography of north america

North America Physical Geography North America is made up of two countries: the United s, which has 50 s and the District of Columbia; and Canada. North American culture is also all about equality and exchanging of gifts. Economic Geography The wealthiest countries in North America are Canada and the United States.

Critical analysis

As noted in the article, the research provided seeks to make readers understand human behavior. Adese's article focuses on the problems that people face because they are biracial. The author who is also the researcher in this article is subjectively immersed in the topic of her discussion. From this reading, it is difficult to tell β†’

Discuss in one paragraph what you find most fascinating about one of the following countries: haiti, jamaica, aruba, guyana, ,or barbados

Fascinating Facts about Barbados The exact location of Barbados was clearly identified in CIA The World Factbook as an island in the North Atlantic Ocean in the Carribean, with geographic coordinates 13 10 N, 59 32 W. The World Factbook: Barbados.

National geographic colliding continents

Plate tectonics explains the movement and the processes that shaped the earth into plates. In his research, he published ' The Origin of Continents and Oceans as outlined in the theory of Drift.

Toponym sweet toponym

What is your county seat town or hometown and how did it get its name? (This should be at least one paragraph - at least 10 lines). Dallas, the birthplace of the name of the town of Dallas is darken and obliges an extensive demonstration. Create a map of the United States β†’

Population geographies

While major cities are a focal point of public attention, urbanization will be concentrated in the smaller cities, which have inadequate resources to cater for the needs of the new urban population. In most countries, the total number of urban dwellers continues to swell at a higher rate than the cities' or towns' capacities to β†’

Northern spotted owl

The wing span of the Northern Spotted Owl is about 45 inches. Habitat The Spotted owl is mostly found in the mixed conifer and conifer-hardwood forests in Western Oregon. This could be because of the fact that these trees provide a good environment for the dusky-footed woodrats and northern flying squirrels to flourish both β†’

What causes lead to the statistics

The Causes of the Statistics Chile Life expectancy in Chile is commendably at the right bars. The government is also committed to ensuring a healthy environment and control of substance abuse. The Chilean economy is one of the rapidly growing economies in South America.