Genuine Essay Examples

Privacy regulations in the digital age

If a company does not follow these regulations, then the EU can impose fines upon them. Both the transparency and security principles of the GDPR would have prevented the Cambridge Analytica firm from being able to provide the service that it did. Small Business Administration, in 2008, a large 46% of the private nonfarm GDP β†’

Virtual team, its types, advantages & disadvantages

Virtual team administration is the beginning stage for overseeing virtual cooperation. Types of virtual team There are two types of virtual teams: Global Virtual Team T he individuals from this group are situated in various nations and urban communities around the globe. They can be representatives of a specific organization which join their β†’

How web-based learning is impacting china

The students also found that they almost have no chance to practice their English in class to improve their English skills, in the meanwhile, teachers are also worried that they could not meet the students' learning needs, and the learning contents take up too much time in the classroom, which make students to be passive β†’

Android application for pet care

The admin module decides the cost of the consultation and the care, timing of the appointment and the quantity of the pet food. The user module includes the registering in or login in, feeding in registration data, securing appointment for routine check-up or the other cares and ordering food for a pet. This Android Application β†’

Analysis of an as-is model

It is important to note that, in the current state, there are no dependency links between the child and the diet tracking mobile applications in the market nor between the healthcare provider and the diet tracking mobile applications in the market. The child does not depend on any diet tracking mobile application because the current β†’

Advanced cyber security and its methodologies

The fundamental reasons is that with the commencement of internet, the web applications were likewise getting prevalence for information putting away and information sharing, regardless of the client. At some point the web application may not posture danger but rather the innovation utilized as a part of these Applications turn into the underlying driver β†’

Datum as a network which protects users’ personal information

For this reason, DATUM is established. ABOUT THE PROJECT This platform is one in charge of users data, with the aim to secure and give total ownership of data to owners so as to monetize it at their own will. In this marketplace, users are required to first tender their data and it is β†’

How grace hopper contributed to the early computer programming development

Grace Hopper was one of the most influential people in early computer programming because she created a revolutionary concept, helped popularized computers in the business field, and left a legacy. In the very early stages of computers, programming was done in numerical languages. Her concept would lead to a massive increase in the use of β†’

The commitment of human-computer interaction

An undertaking building up a huge library administration framework begins with the assignment of understanding client needs, talking with administrators and watching their utilization of the current framework to be supplanted; organizations allude to their " convenience labs" guaranteeing that the client encounter is their number one need; scholarly productions routinely incorporate an area on β†’

Good example of essay on recommendation letter for a student applying to graduate school

I believe, it is visible for everyone that Sam has a lot of experience in this field, and he can be a valuable student for your school. During the project, I could observe Sam's extraordinary time management and organizational skills. Moreover, he is able to split the huge task into several small steps in order β†’

The foundations of computer graphics

For the lines with only one end of it in the view, we can say that if the midpoint is out of the window then the other half can be removed on the other hand if the midpoint is inside the window, then we can say that the line is inside the window. For the β†’

Why computer science is the path i want to follow

I can still remember the elation I felt when I first wrote my own program in class, and to this day, I still love the way it allows me to express ideas and do experiments and visualize things. My driving instructor taught me how to deal with my nerves and how to be a perfectionist β†’

The hand-in assignments

Note that the cost associated with a unit of the ingredient also appears at the bottom of Table 3. Required nutritional element and units of nutritional elements per unit of food type

Aenco – prioritizing health in the digital space

So as a means to swiftly find solution to the health crises of humanity, AENCO designed its platform such that it brings every one together on a digital system to contribute their health solution quota as a contribution in this aspect of human lives so as to safe many lives. This is a blockchain based β†’

Employing pqrst strategy to improve the reading comprehension ability of the eighth graders

By this test, the students will know their competence of comprehension easily because they are able to understand the content of every text based on the questions they made, and it was strengthened by the exercise of five open-ended questions asking about main ideas and details of the text. Observation Checklist The observation was β†’

Using digital learning technologies for back-on-track

In an attempt to address this, I have used two very basic digital tools: Email communication for student reflection, and PowerPoint presentations of the weekly sessions which can then be emailed to students unable to attend. In this way, selected students have the option of participating in the program by means of β†’

Final persuasive essay

Access controls are a collection of synchronized applications and mechanisms that ensure the integrity of an information system's security. By ensuring that every login to the network is on a constantly monitored system, a network administrator can spot errors in the network or possible security infiltrations before they get out of control. β†’

Indoor navigation and monitoring system for smart devices

Also to develop a web interface for surveillance purpose where an administrator can monitor the users in real-time presence inside that particular building with their precise location with the room they are in and the floor they are on. Introduction Navigation has been major part of life and that may be for various reasons β†’

Heuristic evaluation – a system checklist xerox corporation

The system should support undo and redo. If setting up windows is a low-frequency task, is it particularly easy to remember? In systems that use overlapping windows, is it easy for users to rearrange windows on the screen? In systems that use overlapping windows, is it β†’

Benefits of using geographic information systems

GIS is accepted to be a champion among the most essential new advances, with the probability to change different parts of society through stretched out capacity to settle on choices and manage issues. The critical troubles that we look on the planet today overpopulation, pollution, deforestation, disastrous occasions all have an essential geographic estimation. The β†’

Pobots and rapid technological advancement as the dynamics of progress in the modern world

The makers' review of the composition shows that, in the United States, the amount of robots extended from 1993 to 2007 and, by 2007, meant 1 robot for every thousand pros. The makers perceive that in light of the way that modestly couple of robots starting at now exist, robots have caused the loss of β†’

Top-9 best browsers for android

Such browsers, of course, will not be compared with most on the variety of settings and design, but they will allow you to quickly load pages without large-scale resource costs, so they can be called the best for economy-segment devices. Thus, the review of the best browsers for the Android platform included the most worthy β†’

Computer systems and architecture

The Concepts such as RISC, pipelining, cache and virtual memories all add together to make ever faster, more complex, and denser computer control systems. The RISC architecture (Reduced Instruction Set Computing) initially evolved due to a growing change in the very manner of computer construction: namely the growing ease of access to cheaper and higher β†’

Cybersecurity for american government

At long last, frameworks ought to be set up to energize trusted in status so central foundation representatives can get collected government propelled danger data. Modernized terrible conduct is a term for any unlawful action that uses a PC as its basic procedures for commission and robbery. Moreover, as the measure of businesses open in β†’

How authentication and authorization alike are and how are they different

The cloud supplier empowers the client to utilize the cloud administrations in light of the qualifications gave amid the enrollment. If authentication is the kind of individual you are, authorization is the thing that you can get to and change.

Structures of the digital blockchain technology

The advent of the digital blockchain technology gave rise to a new paradigm in the digital ecosystem dedicated to decentralization, transparency, scalability and security; even as blockchain keeps on picking up visibility in the crypto world, enthusiasts and trusted experts in the crypto and other digital systems are creating a cohesion that will meet β†’

The internet’s advertising power

The most prominent one is in music and music choices; programs like Pandora and iHeartRadio are known for their intricate preference algorithms that analyze choices and come up with the next song to play. No one really gives a thought about how the music choices come up when using music streaming software such as Pandora β†’

Annotated bibliography critique essay

The author also speaks about the trends in technology and also the digital revolution. Electronic Business is another book written by Geoffrey Sampson and published by BCS in the year 2008 which is worth discussing in this context. The book speaks about the link between information technology and today's β†’

The code of ethics for the computer science and utilitarianism

A bonus to this is that in deciding what is best or morally correct in certain said situations; having the voices of a group versus the one. In thinking about the case, for instance, of rebuffing honest individuals, the best that administer utilitarian's can do is to state that a decide that allows this would β†’

Cloud migration and its importance

This, close by the requirement for a complete framework that houses and orders the adept data, channelizing it to the ideal roads, is the thing that has brought advancements like cloud framework into the raid. The cloud has seen an outstanding development, that can be added to its fast pace of selection, overshadowing customary on-commence β†’

Analysis of digital policy measures and effectiveness

The accessibility to telecommunication and digital network such as internet, works hand-in hand with digital knowledge and skills. The Federal Communications Commissions in the United States of America developed the National Broadband Plan , to broaden broadband ecosystems and to ensure that all American has access to network facilities such β†’

The treasure of the big data and the importance of digital fortress of information security

The world is heading towards a knowledge-based economy, an in-depth knowledge of the consumer behavior with the help of a big data solution can become a capital for many companies in the future markets. Now the collection of this data for the big data machinery can become a big headache for a company in the β†’

Good computer science personal statement example

I teach them computer skills and Portuguese as a foreign language. In the future, I intend to spend time in France and Spain to advance those language skills, as I know that can help my future career in Computer Science.

How social media and technology slowly strip people of humanity

Technology and social media have developed a new way for us to connect with one another but with the consequences of threatening the way that people interact and they way we choose to establish a sense of status between one another. Technology and social media allow for communication and connectivity of people across the globe. β†’

Storing information in the cloud can be unsafe?

At long last, structures ought to be set up to enable trusted in status so central foundation specialists can get accumulated government instigated danger data. Modernized dreadful lead is a term for any unlawful movement that uses a PC as its basic frameworks for commission and burglary. Moreover, as the measure of associations open in β†’

Field programmable gate arrays and applications

At the point when a FPGA is arranged, the inner hardware is joined in a mode that makes adjustments executing of the merchandise proviso. 2 I/O integrating with remainder of the system: Input Output watercourses of the FPGA are coordinated with remainder of the Printed Circuit Board, which permits the lineation of the PCB quickly β†’

Benefits of android app development for business seeking growth and visibility

Developing an Android app can be helpful for your business if you are eager to reach out to the mass. The smart expedient and touch screen allowed Google platform is used by more than 80% smartphones and 60% tablets all over the world. For governments that are accepting the BYOD policy, it is possible for β†’

Studying the open source software

The idea of open source is not a new one." The progress of science over half a millennium has been founded upon the notion of " open source" a model in which the brightest minds contribute their work to the community for the betterment of humankind. Given this background into the idea of open source β†’

Newtons law of motion computer science essay

The way of the acceleration is in the way of the acceleration is in the way of the net force moving on the object. Finally, the 3rd Torahs, whenever we push on something, it pushes back with equal force in the opposite way. Forces A force is normally imagined as a push or a β†’

The constructed critical data path

In evaluation phase pc = 1, if the input is a single-rail data0 in = 0, the converter keeps the dual-rail data0. The disappearance of spacer violates the four-phase dual-rail protocol, which would cause data transfer error. In practice, the robustness of the constructed critical path is affected by delay variations.

Introduction to matlab critical analysis

After get downing MATLAB, the MATLAB desktop opens - see MATLAB Desktop. You can alter the directory in which MATLAB starts, specify startup options including running a book upon startup, and cut down startup clip in some state of affairss. Discontinuing MATLAB To stop your MATLAB session, choice Exit MATLAB from the File bill β†’

Computer science assignment

Vermaat from the Discovering Computer computer security risk is defined as any event or action that could cause a loss of or damage to computer hardware, software, data, information or processing capability. The scenario which involves Ahmad'computer, is related to the types of computer security risk which are Internet and network attack and system β†’

Litecoin (ltc) – is there a future for litecoin?

It is fast, has low cost transactions, and has the lightning network, which makes it almost infinitely scalable. However, Charles Lee, the main person behind Litecoin has been making moves that in the grand scheme of things put to question the future of this crypto. Take a look at his tweet below. According to Charles, β†’

Webrtc implementations & ortc

However, the deployment and use of WebRTC technology will show explosive growth, which will lead to the transition of IM applications to IM Web applications and the migration of users to IM Web applications and beyond the WebRTC 1.0. Further, the role of abstract signaling is to separate the specific services from the signaling control β†’

The invention of nano-scale laser cleaner

The prime aim or objective of this literature review is only to present the use of nano-scale laser cleaner in cleaning the polymeric materials or products. Key Feature of laser cleaning The prime key feature of laser cleaner is essential to determine importance and significance of this modern and upgraded IT supported machine. The β†’

Reversible computing for digital circuits

Quantum cost : This refers to the cost of circuit in terms of primitive gate. Basic Reversible Logic Gates 1) NOT Gate The simplest Reversible gate is NOT gate and is a 1*1 gate. This design is efficient in terms of number of reversible gates, constant inputs, garbage outputs and quantum cost. In β†’

The investigation on social media

The information gathered were broke down with the utilization of graphic measurements of recurrence check and level of the each inquiry and after that the discoveries of information investigation strategy were talked about. The outcome acquired is demonstrated that students' dependence and introduction towards the web based life and its sites impact English dialect learning. β†’

How cyber warfare is a threat in the united states

According to the speaker, the greatest impediment to avoidance of these types of attacks is the lack of the right forensic tools to trace to root of these obscure computers and hackers. He additionally claims that about 750 of these attacks have already happened without the knowledge of the public and asserts that the public β†’

Big data analysis in education

Online education system is different from the traditional education system by the following characteristics. Volume: The size of stored data. Velocity: How much data is generated and can be access. Variety: Data in which form or format. Veracity: Data must be accurate otherwise it is worthless. Value: How data can turn into value. Variability: Data β†’

If a picture told a thousand words

By incorporating more details into the images, she allows the reader to empathize and connect with the story, for the reason that it has a deeper sense of realness. In both Maus and Darkroom the analysis' of these messages varies. In Maus, the use of more text and less detailed images allows the audience to β†’

Different ways of data presentation

Instances of subjective information are the level of sedation accurate methods/limits and intubation conditions. The nature of tables is that they can decisively present information that cannot be given a graph. In addition, since all data are of identical centrality in a table, it is hard to perceive and particularly pick the information required. Graph β†’

Search engine optimization: an introduction

This is desirable; the earlier your website appears, the more people who click through, and the less who click through to your competitors. SEO has come a long way from the golden years of spamming white keywords on a white background to increase your engine viability without alerting your users, but the basic ideas of β†’

My drive to succeed in the field of computer science

One day when I was bored and I picked up this book that was near the computer that said basic program and had a really simple started hello word program and I am writing it and recognising that but that was not advanced. I am very bright, speak fluent English and have every aspiration of β†’

Combatting cyberstalking and how it is evolving

Cyberstalking can be defined: " gather private information on the target to further; and communicate with the target to implicitly or explicitly threaten or to induce fear." Cyberstalking comes in many forms but usually the intent is to scare or threaten someone via online social media or β†’

Cost classifications critical essay

This worksheet requires you to match the definitions and examples of types of cost, and the types of centers where costs occur. I chose hospital cafeteria, gift shop, and parking ramp as the real life example of revenue centers because these are all for profit examples.

The concept and structure of e-hailing applications

On the other hand, android devices use Google's location APIs that uses information directed from cell towers and WI-FI nodes to return a location and accuracy radius, which mobile devices can detect. As the driver accepts the trip request, the system runs the drivers identification number, which is essentially the primary key in the relational β†’

How software can help support the changing role of academic librarians

But some universities are starting to see the benefit of hiring candidates with PhDs to help provide specialist knowledge to support students. The goal is to make the librarian a more integrated part of the learning process. And it allows the library to purchase books which are better suited to the curriculum.

The 5g economy: how 5g will impact global industries

The 5G Economy: How 5G will Impact Global Industries We are now in the early stages of the next technological revolution: the development of a ubiquitous wireless network that will marry data collection and computation with billions of devices. In the years to come we will see 5G boosting tourism, with technological advances β†’

Teensafe app for ios

Robert Wiggins, a UK-based security scientist who scans for open and uncovered information, discovered two broken servers. Both of the servers was pulled disconnected after ZDNet alerted the organization, including another that contains what has all the earmarks of being just test information." We have made a move to close one of our servers to β†’

Big data ecosystem in linkedin

The index file is a compact structure containing a hash of the key followed by the offset to the corresponding value in the data file, with the entire file sorted by the hashed keys. The identity mappers in MapReduce job only emit the hash of the key " replication factor" number of times, followed by β†’

Quantifying memory bandwidth limitations of current and future microprocessors

The number of instructions that the processor can issue during an access to main memory is already large. Methodology We first surveyed a wide range of these techniques and qualitatively showed that each one exacerbates bandwidth limitations, either directly or indirectly. This fact suggests that future designers should consider on-chip memory systems that are β†’

Advantages & disadvantages of sensors

The audience for the Gui and the Wimps have needs that the company creating the Gui/Wimp need to consider for example they need to be easy to navigate to fulfil the needs.audiences easy and good control over the Gui also it needs to be fast or faster than the previous edition so the users have β†’

The role and benefits of good cyber security in a company’s marketing

Internet has become the point of contact and interaction between the clients and the company and creates the need to have good cyber security for clients. The more information a company has on their clients, the better because they are able to increase the utility of the consumers. Increased cyber security also allows for the β†’

Social media and its negativity

Studies have demonstrated that cordial individuals turn out to be forlorn and discouraged because of web based life utilize. Instead, those who bolster online networking need a clarification regarding why web-based life is terrible, moving the weight of verification to the opposers of the relentless utilization of internet-based life.

Using the virtual reality to develop educational games for middle school science classrooms

During the course of the experiment, the avatar is held stationary at the desk and the camera view is held to the working area of the desk. The control group is allowed to play the game after taking the test for the sake of fairness and equality in the classroom.

Psychological debriefing: pros and cons essay sample

However, there are those who oppose the use of psychological debriefing, stating that it can be more harmful than helpful to individuals who have faced a traumatic event. Proponents for psychological debriefing believe that, "...psychological debriefing will help mitigate poor long-term functioning, which otherwise may occur, or even worse is " likely" to occur, β†’

The impact of caregiving and multiple roles on womens health essay examples

In this treatise it assumed that while employment outside the home may have financial benefits it is conducive to significant increase in stress for women; especially married women with children; this stress may have negative effects on the physical and mental health of women. The scholars maintain that while there is mixed proof that pertaining β†’

The use of physics in daily activities essay example

Chewing is another activity that highly relies on friction since without the upper jaws and the lower jaws meeting and forcefully grinding the content in the mouth; one might have a rough time in swallowing which is also reliable on the force of gravity to slide down to the stomach. In the entertainment sector, physics β†’

Adjusting to college essay examples

The freshman year of college can be quite stressful both for students and the parents of the students. They would have acquired the basic survival skills that students need for the first year of college, making it easier for them to adjust to life away from home and being on their own.

Essay on thoreau

This is reflected on the American society where people choose to live as they please rather than as the law requires them to. The current American society is composed of people who are liberalized in their thinking and even going a head to demand the law to conform to conform to their wishes rather than β†’

Good example of essay on elder care: taking care of the disabled elderly (having dementia) at rejuvenation personal care home

The agency carries out number of projects throughout the region so as to significantly contribute towards the continuum of long term health care facilities. Project Details This section of the report briefly describes the name of the project, aims and objectives of the project, its description and roles and responsibilities of members involved in β†’

Ansswer to the qusetions essays example

However, the cardiac output decreases to reach normal levels over time while the total peripheral resistance increases. - High diastolic pressure is associated with the deterioration of the arteries in on's brain, thereby leading to brain damage in certain areas of one's brain. These drugs limit the action of norepinephrine and epinephrine, thereby lowering the blood β†’

The impact of human resource management on the levels of stress in the working population essay sample

130] refers to what most people see as the major cause of stress as overwork, ' which can be quantitative or qualitative.' Maund [2001] and Bratton & Gold [2000] see this as a form of employee frustration. They also state that bad decisions and loss of managers' time is affecting the organisation β†’

Critical thinking on identified problems

Sallie's depression is a priority problem because it is reducing her self-efficacy and the will to take care of herself because dying will be relieve and she will see her husband again. This will improve Sallie's breathing and enable her to be more active in the house. Sallie is not eating and as a result β†’

Suicide essay examples

It can be interpreted as the act of taking one's own life when they think that life is not worth living due to the circumstances that they find themselves in.when a person is suicidal, he or she thinks that there is no life after the present and this paralyzes the thought of living tomorrow. But β†’

Reliability for legality, consistency and expertise essay

Therefore, they should come even before the court's findings to elicit the admission of the evidences that the court would approve after its examination. Countermeasure to the Polygraph Some of the countermeasures that one can hone himself while expecting the polygraph test are the Machiavellian lies. In another show β†’

Good breaching experiment essay example

That is; the norms to be designed should be effective in the personal growth and fulfillment of a majority of the members of a specific society. These elements that lead to the construction of social norms are numerous.

Example of s6techniques to reduce work related stress essay

The new systems led to increased complaints from employees that led to development of unpleasant work relationships between managers, employees, and co-workers. The technique used was meditation where employees were given some minutes for exercise in the evening. These also encourage the employees to work without stress in case of emergencies. Violence and gender discrimination. β†’

Example of essay on physics

Objective of this experiment was to measure the number of moles of air enclosed in a tube using Boyle's law. Theory: As per Boyle's law, pressure P of a given amount of gas is inversely proportional to it volume V when temperature T remains a constant. The universal

Research proposal on noise in library

A part from this, of course, would be parents' supervising their children while in the library to make sure that they are following proper library etiquette; this will obviously prevent the librarians from having to talk with the children to ask them to lower their voices. Persons using cell phones in non-designated regions of the β†’

Free essay on politics of gender in youth activism

Main Points: Gender and Age as Factors in Political Activities The chapter is centered about the challenges of youth politics emanating from inequality as well as pressure from adults. The chapter begins by presenting a crumbling Youth group resulting from external pressure and the failure of adults to recognize the role played by β†’

Example of integumentary system – current events essay

Stress causes the more permeability to the skin, makes it more reactive as well a sensitive. 11 July 2013. TNN." Stress can totally damage your skin - Times Of India".

Example of battered women essay

In the case of wife battering, the violence is inflicted by the man on the woman. Battering of women results from various factors including, and not limited to, psychological factors, jealousy, social stress, power and control, and mental illness. Journal of Marriage and Family 66 : 472. Lehman, Mark." At β†’

Thee checkers speech rhetorical analasis essay sample

Not only did he have to convince the American people he was an honest politician, he also had to show Ike that he should remain on the ticket. Nixon's credibility was vital to his success in the speech. If he could not convince his audience that he was a good and honest individual, the β†’

Sample essay on compare and contrast doctors and lawyer

The debates always arise on the importance of the both the lawyers and doctors. The nature of tasks therefore determines the conduct of both lawyers and doctors in their professions. References Bruce, G.H..

Example of essay on interview

A Of psychology or similar fields, a year of research assistance and clerical experience are required to get into in this position," she says. There are specific courses a student should take to be qualified to work in this field like Abnormal Psychology and Research Methods in Psychology." But After becoming a clinical psychologist, you β†’

Example of essay on home practice (p 38)

It seems that I am running on ' automatic' and that I do not put much attention to details of what I do and how I do it. I am more aware of what is in my surrounding and hence I can avoid what could be harmful. I want to pay attention to how my β†’

Effects of stress on individuals argumentative essay example

This paper discusses the effects that stress has on individual persons and the manner in which they respond to the stressors. Studies have shown that there are vital organs within the body which play significant roles in the perception and response to stress. Individuals are found to respond differently to the stressors and thus there β†’

Good example of effect of cortisol stress hormone to the body essay

The cells in the hypothalamus send chemical and nerve signals to the adrenal glands, which in turns help in the activation of the release of epinephrine in the bloodstream and the production of cortisol. The following are only a few of the most harmful effects of cortisol stress hormone release: - Diabetes and Blood Sugar Imbalance β†’

What are you passionate about? essay sample

In addition to providing great physical benefits, exercise diffuses the physical and emotional stress of my marketing career. I discovered my passion for rowing at age eighteen, when I joined Princeton's lightweight crew team. I quickly discovered the intensity of the sport and the rigid training regimen. Although my competitive rowing days are β†’

Good essay about hypovolemic shock

In particular, the " hypovolemic shock is an emergency condition in which severe blood and fluid loss make the heart unable to pump enough blood to the body. The course of the patient in shock is beset with a sequence of hazards and pitfalls.

Project – work life balance and stress in women in academia essay

1 AUTOCRATIC CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLE When covering with pupil behaviour the instructor will step in and seek to command the behavior of the students. The instructor is chiefly interested in the pupils' completion of undertakings and larning public presentation. This learning manner requires that instructors should hold a sound cognition of their capable and of β†’

Pre-hospital treatment and diagnostic tests for eclampsia and preeclampsia essay example

Benzodiazepines could also be used to treat eclampsia in case of sudden blood pressure drop that comes after the antihypertensive treatment has been initiated. Since both eclampsia and preeclampsia are serious conditions that threaten the pregnant woman's and the fetus' life, is it significant that pre-hospital care is provided immediately upon any sign, during the β†’

Young modulus of elasticity of various steel compositions atdifferenttemperatures essay

Hence, the applications of steel may vary from heavy to midland then light which is dependent on the quantity of carbon present. Question Two The Yield strength of materials is one of the most crucial indicators used in the field of material science and engineering designs. The Science and Engineering of Materials.

Example of essay on plea bargaining

This sets stage for plea bargaining. The plea bargaining also has psychological implications to a defendant due to the pressure exerted on him or her. For this reason, the plea bargaining becomes a suitable and viable option to a defendant The next incentive is the desire to get out of jail by a defendant.