Genuine Essay Examples

Race based hate crimes

This essay will aim to highlight some of these for a specific group citing specific examples of a hate crime, restorative justice models that can be applied to the group. It will also further go on to explain the benefits and challenges with the use of that particular restorative model, along with →

Yakuza or the “japanese mafia”

This meeting led to the organization of the influential nationalist group of the interwar era: The Greater Japan National Essence Association." This collaborative moment in October 1919 was but part of a larger story about the close relationship between yakuza and the state the Home Ministry and to a lesser extent the military and the →

Bloods gang essay sample

I will be discussing the origin of the gang, some of the gang's important members and the impact the gang has on the present day. It all began in 1971 when the gang that eventually came to establish the Bloods was created. The name of this gang was the Piru Street Boys and they →

Good example of essay on police history

He believed that the police force exists to prevent the crime and should always be present in the society in order to fulfill their duty. 2 The police work in two different capacities in the United States of America. City police is given the jurisdiction of functioning into cities only and to take care →

An essay on why prostitution should be legalized

In my opinion prostitution should be legalized for a better prostitutes' working condition, for a lower sexually transmitted diseases rates and an enhanced power of governments toward this job. To begin with, prostitution's legalization with rules setting prostitutes' rights and duties will help to provide them with a better working condition. Retrieved November 21, 2009 →

Capital punishment and human rights essay sample

According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, every human has the inalienable right to life and the right not to be tortured or subjected to any cruel, inhuman or degrading punishment. The death of a criminal is not for humans to decide, and will only serve as revenge for the victims, not justice. →

Campus violence

As it is a very energetic and aggressive age, most of the students do not realize what they are doing; rather they just get influenced with the circumstances, and react just to that instance. These students are to be taken to counseling, so that they realize the mistakes and keep themselves from such addictions.

Cost effective smart helmet implementation

The same idea has been adopted in this project and the main objective is about developing a proto-type cost effective wireless connection between a smart phone and microcontroller like Banana Pi via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi and its implementation over a simple helmet, converting it into the smart helmet. New features and updates can make it →

Ted bundy as the infamous figure in the serial killing lore

Bundy later referred to his grandparents as his mother and father and his natural mother was known to him as his sister. His interests lay in politics and skiing. After Ted graduated from high school in 1965, he won a scholarship to the University of Puget Sound and later transferred to the University of Washington.

Ipc mens rea essay sample

For instance, in the case of murder, it is the intent to cause death; in the case of theft, an intention to steal; in the case of rape, an intention to have forcible sexual connection with a woman without her consent; in the case of receiving stolen property, knowledge that the goods were stolen, and →

Good essay about caregiver burnoutname:institutional affiliation

The stresses on the individual inevitably take a toll on the nurse's work as well as the patients and the care administered, which is why is it so important to take caregiver burnout seriously. Caregivers experience many ailments, both physical and mental, with the onset of burnout. The lack of control is the primary cause →

A problem of digital piracy in modern world

Digital piracy is the act of obtaining an illegal and unapproved copy of digital content from a third party not authorized to distribute the content. Not only is piracy a legal offense which can have some heavy penalties, but piracy makes it difficult for artists, especially independent artists, to continue to produce content, and lastly, →

Theft and burglary arrest critical analysis

In Washington, DC, the government must prove that the defendant entered the dwelling, building, or room of another used for sleeping and that the defendant intended to commit a crime at the ime of entry. In Virginia, the government must prove the defendant broke and entered the dwelling house of another, the defendant →

Organizational stress: positive or negative? essay sample

For instance research conducted by the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions in 2003, highlighted that the stress is the second cause of health problems at work. In this post, I have provided a definition of the organizational stress, its causes and the way it affects the organization. The stress →

Personal attributes of great leaders

Compassion is a rather broad term, but can be defined in this context in the sense that those leaders who have a desire to help and represent others will often receive support from the masses and this will help fuel their successful pursuits. In terms of superior leaders having natural born traits, this is a →

Leadership critical analysis

The Broom Model of Leadership focuses on how well, or poorly the team participates In a given situation. The Fiddler Contingency Model of Leadership Effectiveness focuses on the leadership style of person In charge, as well as the power that person has over a specific situation. Relationship motivated leadership is for those leaders →

A business leader that helped shape america essay sample

With his achievements in business, his philosophy and the spectacular story of his life, Carnegie left an imprint on the American business and culture of a nation. Andrew Carnegie was born in a small Scottish town on November 25, 1835, in his own words, " of poor but honest parents, of good kith and →

Career assignment essay sample

Some academics believe that leadership is similar to management in many ways and both are essential for organisation to prosper , others argue that it differs in typical functions that present management such as budgeting, staffing and problem solving. Bennis and Nanus made the distinction very clear by saying " Managers →

Rose company case analysis essay sample

I will be responsible for the management and administration of all functions and personnel, except sales, at the new plant. I expect the strategy employed at the Jackson Plant will have significant impact across the organization and be a model for other plants in the company. I think that this slower pace of change →

Makes an effective leader

Previous studies have helped create the understanding that the ability of an effective leader is the result of their own personal traits under the categories of personality, and more recently, physical, social and work related characteristics." Traits are the distinguishing personal characteristics of a leader such as intelligence, values, self-confidence and appearance. Personally, the most →

Free john edgar hoover essay example

This paper aims to explore the exploits of J, Edgar Hoover, the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigations who was at its helm for more than half a century. His hard work was recognized and he received appointment as the acting director of the newly formed Bureau of Investigations (later changed to the →

Machiavelli – the qualities of the prince critical thinking

To Machiavelli, these qualities were important in uniting Italy. Question 2 In dealing with the question of whether it is better to be loved than feared, Machiavelli says, " The answer is that one would like to be both the one and the other; but because it is difficult to →

Essay on i am a leader

As a result of which, revealing what a person needs and what to offer him in order to arrange himself. Moreover, this should not be the so-called " purchase of location", and this should be taken into account, because the line between " give the person what he asks for the sake of gaining his →

Leadership vs. management essay

Managers possess all kind of potential abilities, skills, academictheories of management, work experience which shapes managers into a diplomatic, situation-oriented individuals to act according to the breeze of atmosphere in an organization and to that effect, manager takes swing to that side. This does not mean that managers are very clever or uncomfortable individuals, whereas →

Example of essay on comparison of oedipus the king and antigone

As a seer, he was to foresee the future and advise the king on exactly what to do for in order to promote unity, order and prosperity in the kingdom. In Oedipus the King, he was not respected as a divine official.

Margaret thatcher essays examples

Her expertise and enthusiasm created influence, and this uplifted her in the conservative party. Thatcher did not allow the opposition or her enemies to thwart her, and she did not make compromises that she was not prepared to make.

Leadership models essay sample

The ideal leadership theory depends on the workplace setting and the dynamics of the organization or company. The four leadership models employed involves such as the behavior approach, the power and influence approach, trait theory, and the social exchange theory.

People management fiasco in honda motors essay sample

There were many different mistakes the Japanese and Indian managers made that contributed to the failure of the HSMI and contributed to the present situation. I looked at the two biggest differences between the two the MAS and the UAI. MAS- Masculinity/FemininityUAI- Uncertainty Avoidance The MAS in japan is one of the highest →

An effective school environment essay sample

Brighouse and woods mention that there are seven processes that encompassed most activities of school life: The practice of teaching and learning The practice of management and organization The practice of collective review The creation of an environment most suitable for learning The promotion →

Autocratic style of leadership education essay

The function of the Educator is to put their mark and leave the pupil on their ain to finish the work. In this position the Administrators needs to work together with the Staff in order to accomplish the purpose and aim of the school.

Leadership analysis based on shackleton

Being able to keep close attention to the needs and wants of the individuals has helped him to identify the strength and weaknesses that he can use to his advantage. From these brief points of views, all these traits are necessary components of making a great leadership, and it has become the →


In this case study, Akio Toyoda's prove himself as today's leader by making few necessary changes in organization to boost his way to make Toyota as number one auto maker in the world. Entrepreneurial leadership Akio Toyoda can be categorized in entrepreneurial leadership because of his critical role in Toyota. He is impatient to see →

Good essay on chronic kidney disease

BUN and creatinine are elevated with presence of polyuria and nocturia. Renal failure: Approximately 90% of the renal parenchyma has been destroyed making the GFR 10% of the normal. Sodium and water regulation is completely lost which results in edema, acidosis, uraemia and hypocalcemia. End-stage renal disease: Less than 5% GFR gives rise to uraemicsundrome →

Contingency theory essay sample

These two factors will be discussed along with other aspects of Fiedler's theory." In Fiedler's model, leadership effectiveness is the result of interaction between the style of the leader and the characteristics of the environment in which the leader works". The first major factor in Fiedler's theory is known as the leadership style. It →

Why i want to be an nco essay sample

Why I Want To Become A NCO March 6, 2013 I want to be a NCO to train and lead soldiers. The responsibilities of a NCO are to train, instruct and mentor Soldiers to be disciplined, to uphold the standards of their job and to lead and keep the outmost integrity →

Ethical leadership – analysis

This means that the leader needs to involve the employees and inform them on various changes and adjustments happening in the organization. Reader suggests that the leader should also encourage thoughtful dissent and show the employees that he/she truly cares. In Dalton, the leader should celebrate the successes In the organization and be →

Management process essay sample

The process of organizing involves designing and development of structure of relationships between members of the team or group assigned to carryout the planned task. Leading refers to the process of motivating, directing and guiding the people in the organization for carrying out the their work as per plans and objectives.

Case study practicum in educational leadership education essay

But principals at the school degree, and superintenA dents at the territory degree, are unambiguously positioned to supply a clime of high outlooks, a clear vision for better instruction and acquisition, and the agencies for everyone in the system - grownups and kids - to recognize that vision. As one principal late put it, " →

Good nagarjuna and the search for the middle way essay example

It is necessary to understand this notion if one wants to grasp the idea of motion and time Nagarjuna proposes. The same kind of reasoning is found in many other sections of the book. His conclusion is that it is neither one nor the other, and the same principle could →

An analysis of flexible leadership style

A leader who utilizes the flexible leadership style will provide a suitable working surrounding to his subordinates, and make them working in positive emotion; hence, the subordinates would provide more profits to the company. Additionally, in different situations, the leader needs to change the leadership style to fit the current →

Situational leadership essay

First one is the relationship behavior which concerns meeting the personal needs of group members and concentrates on increasing the cohesiveness of the group, reducing interpersonal conflict and boosting group's morale. The second is the task leadership, which concerns the task the group is facing rather than member satisfaction. It is a task-oriented leadership theory →

Reading response on four by veronica roth

This made his family fall apart and caused the tension between him and his father. The author made this connection teen Tibias and his mother to show how his mother was the glue of their family and that Tibias was closer to her than he is to his father. Have to get out." →

Reflecting on my professional development essay sample

I now feel that I gave myself a better score than what I should have given myself due to the fact, before my studies, I did not entirely understand the difference between management and leadership. Within my role as a childminder, it is down to me to carry out the management duties, such as →

Aislamic leadership: a spiritual leadership paradigm

Islam, a religion of peace but often misjudged and misunderstood, has a very comprehensive concept of leadership that is centered on faith and valuesaccording to Allah. Hence, the focus of Leadership in Islam is on doing good things based on the source of Law of Islam. The main focus of leadership in →

My leadership philosophy

Schell, 2012) I firmly believe that by knowing my subordinates, I will be able to communicate with them on a more productive level because I will know their educational background, work experiences, and other pertinent information they bring to the table. Furthermore, I will become tuned in to their needs such as →

Example of essay on character and leadership: greek’s perspective

These properties are explained in detail in the following paragraphs. A good leader desired by the Ancient Greek was the one who was ideal in the sense that he could attain/get the respect of those he led and also was capable of giving them respect in return. This means that the leader was required to →

Gender differences and leadership styles

In all my leadership study's this semester, I began asking myself if Hillary Clinton gets elected will the fact that she is a woman bring a different leadership style than President Bush's. Gender Differences and Leadership A number of studies focusing on gender and leadership style have been →

Fred maiorino case essay sample

Main Factors Leadership Skills Leadership is the process of influencing others to understand and agree about what needs to be done and how to do it, and the process of facilitating individual and collective efforts to accomplish shared objectives. A good manager or a good leader is not only has a great →

Fiedler’s contingency model: organizational model essay sample

In what ways are the trait and behavior approaches to leadership similar? Like the trait approach, Fiedler's theory acknowledged that personal characteristics influence the effectiveness of leaders and he was particularly interested in the styles of leadership, and how a person approaches being a leader.

Lisa benton case study analysis essay sample

Further, the fact that Linton did not set Benton's goals and tasks shows that she is not interested in establishing a relationship with her (L. Instead of depending on Houseworld and relying on Deborah Linton to forward Benton's career, she should assume leadership and responsibility of her own development and find ways to →

Example of essay on alexander the great and caesar augustus

The model of the empire established by Augustus was so stable that it continued for the next 450 years in the West and for another 1450 years in the East. Alexander also created foundation cities so that the security and infrastructure of the areas can be improved. On the other hand, Augustus made a significant →

Definition of leadership essay sample

The major 5 traits for leadership are intelligence, self-confidence, determination, integrity, and sociability. In his research of the traits theory of leadership John P. The theory of process leadership simply states that it is not a trait or characteristic that resides in the leader, but rather a transactional event that occurs between the leader →

Emotional intelligence in healthcare essay sample

Emotional intelligence has been found out to matter twice as much as intelligence quotient and technical skill combined in producing superior managerial job performance (according to Goleman and his associates in The Hay Group of Boston). Emotional intelligence develops in humans as a result of genetic inheritance and the socializing intelligence of childhood, adolescence →

Comparison of behavioral and contingency approaches to leadership

Abstract The behavioral theory ofleadershipand the contingency theory of leadership are two different approaches used by behavioral scientist to understand leadership; the intention is to present a comparative analysis of the two leadership theories. This style is adopted with a group of highly competitive subordinates.

Animated politics essay examples

Currently the majority of the world is seen to be controlled by the influential Western countries such as the USA; this issue inspires much of the the dismay in many Arab caricatures. The steering wheel that is placed on the back of the head of the character in the cartoon is a symbol for the →

Situational leadership

The problem with this type of situational relationship model is that it does not allow for the formation of relationships between the leader and the members. This does not only apply to exigent circumstances but to volunteer organization situations as well. The downside of this type of situational leadership, however, is that it does not →

Volunteer work essay sample

You can accumulate many new experiences and develop useful skills from volunteer work, especially from the work that you are interested in. However, it is worth doing volunteer work because you will not know what you can accomplish when you love to do it.

Primal leadership essay

The word paradigm came from the Greek for pattern, and the new paradigm was just that: a new pattern of behaviour that stemmed from a new way of looking at the world. This instils in the employee a sense of pride and motivates them to achieve goals.

Moses: when leadership becomes too painful

Even his own blood-related siblings turned on him and challenged the legitimacy and authority of the leadership role he tried to dodge. Why are leaders so often the focus of unremitting criticism? And why have I not found favor in Your sight that you have laid the burden of all these people on me?

Ethics in leadership

In the case of Enron, the employees agreed to a set of values that were not demonstrated and led by the executives of the company. Bad leadership and a lack of leadership ethics at Enron caused the eventual collapse of the company in 2001.

An analysis of leadership models

Page 2 The early stage of Transactional Leadership is in negotiating the contract whereby the subordinate is given a salary and other benefits, and the company (and by implication the subordinate's manager) gets authority over the subordinate. Without giving others the authority and freedom to take some of the control, the company's vision for the →

Eleven essays on leadership elements essay sample

It facilitates to enhance one's ability in decision making by raising the quality of self-awareness, communication, commitment and integrity. Emotional intelligence is reflected in the level of competency of the leader, which can be segmented into five zones of inward activity like below: Self-awareness: the ability to recognize a feeling as →

Global leadership

The leader's perception of the minority in workplace is part of the regionalism. The fact that they could perceive the other minority employees as not of any concern creates the aspect of regionalism.

Critical analysis of leadership capabilities

Indira grew up in politics like anything, she was inspired by the political atmosphere at home, though she was exposed to politics in the age four and it made the beginning of the family members in the political affairs of the country. In the same year and time she met Harold Laski and she became →

Important qualities of a good leader essay sample

The essence of being a leader is to go down to your subordinate's level and listen to them in order for them to be inspired in working and for you to be effective in your leadership. As a leader you must see to it that you are approachable and available all the time to your →

Leadership styles narrative essay

In addition, along with the informal structure, there are certain techniques that must be applied to reach success, such as sharing information and ideas within the organization, and the ability to make decisions on the spot. Doing this helps tremendously with developing control of the organizations performance and potential success. Although many →

Latoya washington – department of marketing essay sample

I am not sure that I would fight the position once the policy was in place, as I do not really think it is that huge of a deal. It is an accomplishment to be tenured and when one holds that position he/she has gained the right to have a voice. After the meeting →

Leadership styles critical essay

A leadership style is defined as the type of behavior displayed by a leader as he/she runs the organization. Each leadership style is based on a combination of the two main types of behavior observed in leaders as evidenced by the OSU studies: Structured behavior and consideration behavior. Structured behavior is one that clearly outlines →

What is a great leader and how to be a leader

Simon stated that in order to become a leader, one should first understand what makes a leader. In the introductory part of the article, Simon cited the definition of leadership given by Dr Stephen Covey, a world renowned expert on personal development: communicating to people their worth and potential so clearly that →

Hrm case study essay sample

Ed should meet subordinates periodically to discuss their work relationship, negotiate the subordinate's role and plan with the employees about how to achieve improvement of relevant skills. This is also one way for the senior employees to learn leadership skills.Q.s 3 What should Dan say or do now? Ans) Dan should provide suggestions to →

Personal model of leadership paper

This will encourage and motivate them in improving their performance in the organization (Blanchard & Broadwell, 2018). How My Personal Model of Leadership Compare To the Models That I Researched For the Graphic Organizer My personal model of leadership is different from other models of leadership because most leadership models focus on the leader →

Glo-bus – online business simulation analysis essay sample

The Firm's Objectives A clear strategic plan was set out in the beginning, and adhered to throughout the course of the simulation. This was achieved by offering a differentiated, high end multi-feature camera, offset by a low cost leader entry-level camera. Entry-level strategy o Low cost strategy o →

The worlds most unique world records

But do you know that people of this country with diverse cultures have made some world records recorded in Guinness Book of World Records? If you do not even know about these world records, then we do not tell you anything. So Lets See Worlds Most Unique World Records: The world's largest turban Many →

Nationalism under the modernist perspective essay sample

A perusal of existing literature of nationalism provides this study the necessary thrust in going through the foregoing questions, founded on the premise that the overall landscape of the modern period has greatly shaped nationalism away from previous modes of political organization. Pre-Nationalist Thought in Political Organization The period starting from 1789 featured the →

Essay on leadership style

She has made it okay for people to take risks and go with just 80 percent of the data. Some of Fiorina's leadership characteristics, however, met with a less positive response from the employees. The credit for this goes to the way in which Carly Fiorina leads HP.

Leadership experience essay sample

In the analysis of this company we are going to focus in the Monitoring and Control area, in which the main function was to monitor the media, and to make reports about how the candidates were respecting the time and the budget on the different media. Lucrecia who were supposed to be the " leaders", →

Leadership style is fixed and unchangeable essay sample

The role of leadership now requires leaders to engage themselves more, strive to lead their teams by example and earn the loyalty of their subordinates thereby enhancing employee performance and creating a cordial relationship between employees and organizations. An example of such the changing process is Apple Inc, since the death of former CEO →

Managing a global team: greg james at sun microsystems, inc. essay sample

Greg, as a leader of this complex team, has to a huge task ahead of him as he needs to assess challenges and dysfunctions of the team, understand his role to resolve the issue, and find solutions to move forward. There are many challenges this global team is facing that are similar to many →

Vitality health enterprises essay sample

QUESTION #1 Who should evaluate employees' performance? What should leaders do when (individual, team, organization) performance is lacking? ANSWER #1 Managers and employees, two sides of the coin will be easier to compare and crosscheck Performance monitoring system Performance management evaluation team If performance is lacking, →

Leadership factories

So clearly, the composition of the workforce of any given company is a significant factor with regard to the probability of that company producing a future CEO. 2. With the company that has given me an offer, say, " I am very interested in this position and I am excited about the offer.

Reflective leadership plan

To help in the development of my leadership style I would like to transform an organization. Though this may be a challenge, I know that it will involve both joys and sorrows. All of the traits of a charismatic transformational leader are areas that I need to work on to become my →

The leadership style of king david essay sample

To analyse David's leadership style during this time, this paper will firstly look briefly at the biblical account of David's fleeing from King Saul. Overview of the Wilderness Years In the preceding chapters to 1 Samuel 20, David has been accepted into the King's service, and has proved to be an exceptional →

Leadership mind and heart

Iger has a large job ahead to prove to the organization that he can and will be all of these things to them. Iger is going to need to provide a direction for the organization to travel; create an alignment of all the top management through a clearcommunicationof the vision; create relationships based on personal →

The reasons i decided to further study software engineering in england

In addition, I was given the responsibility to lead a team and create a system in which the university would put its bank of questions and use it in different student competitions in university. I will be able to use the newly acquired skills and Chevening is one of the prestigious scholarships in the world.

Wwi: president wilsons stake for world peace essay

In January of 1918, he made a speech addressing the issues of his time by way of fourteen chief statements that sought amity between the opposing nations; it was called as ' Wilson's 14 points.' The points advocated peace and pursued a more diplomatic route in settling and avoiding disputes surrounding the ' The Great →

How the west came to dominate the world after 1700 essay example

His answers are not exactly new or unexpected, since science, technology and industry gave the West an economic and military advantage over the older empires in Asia and the Americas that it exploited fully and ruthlessly, leading to the great gap between the wealthy and poor nations that still exists →

Increasing power in the 17th century essay sample

Louis has been hailed as the extreme absolutist; he epitomized the ideal of kingship." Seventeenth-century France, in contrast to England, saw both discontent among the nobility and religious pluralism smothered by the absolute monarchy and the closed Catholic state of Louis XIV. France and England were destined to have contrasting forms of government in the →

Explain why henry vii promoted overseas trade essay sample

Henry VII developed on the export of raw wool to the export of broad cloth; he also used the Merchants adventurer to limit the trading rights enjoyed by foreign traders in England this was used to undermine the Hanseatic League enabling England to prosper. In conclusion Henry VII promoted overseas trade to use to his →

Good essay about social inequalities

Examples of Inequality and Stratification Social inequality describes the extent of the differences between various groups in the society. In the UK, for example, social stratification is observed in the class system where individuals with similar characteristics belong to a particular social class. A typical example of social inequality in the UK is →

Example of population-based and longitudinal studies suggest that social and material creative writing

Report of a Research Article on Social Marginalization Report of a Research Article on Social Marginalization This paper is a brief report of the research article by Lynam and Cowley entitled " Understanding marginalization as a social determinant of health". This will ensure that the groups are not disadvantaged in →

Creative writing on social justice leader

After all, I agree that the most successful, influential and transformational leaders in the history of the world and thus my time depict a myriad of these attributes. I am humbled that most people regard me as one of the most renowned leaders of the world. In spite of the use of excessive use of →

Characters in the play ‘translations’ essay sample

It is a play about alienation, relationships and a small community and its limitations, it is about love and the political problems between the English and the Irish. Sarah is aware of Manus's feelings for Maire. Humour is important in every play, this is particularly noticeable in the characterisation of Jimmy Jack and Doalty.

Compare and contrast the political, economic, religious, social, intellectual and artistic elements of colonial virginia and massachusetts essay sample

In this essay, I will compare and contrast the differences in government, religion, economies and the purpose of each of the two colonies. Government. In Massachusetts, the government is a corporate government, and in this colony, they had town meetings. Next is religion, Massachusetts.

Critical thinking on what arguments did the british use to justify taxing the american colonists

British came up with numerous reasons on to why they were justified in taxing American colonists. The British argued that the need for defense in the British colonies was a major reason why American colonies were taxed. As a matter of fact the colonists did not have a representative in the British government; this meant →

The journal essay

Introduction Shunga secrets bared between the covers by Victoria James, Japan times. " Shunga: sex and pleasure in pleasure in Japanese art" is a very famous book in japan that entails some of the sex stimulus, the main being known locally as is more detailed than a catalogue in a is more →

Advantage and disadvantages essay sample

The English is one of the most widely spoken language in the world. Education The English language is the predominant language of academics all over the world, with a large amount of research conducted, written and presented in English.