Genuine Essay Examples

Lasers introducing into the field of dentistry

Lasers have travelled a long way from ruby lasers to erbium lasers and are being fondly used in every aspect of dental treatment. The term " LASER" originated as an acronym for " Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation" termed by GORDO GOULD in 1957. HISTORY OF LASERS: The principle of the laser was β†’

Competition in health care essay sample

But one must ask, with all the health care competition is it keeping the United States healthy? The known competition among health care entities recognized would be controlling cost, enhancing quality of care, and increasing accessibility of care. With health care always a problem for the world, the Health care reform act gives patients β†’

Blood pressure care: prevention and treatment of high blood pressure

Moreover, the cause for the same is not easily noticeable and there are chances that the situation may run out of control. Below given are some useful blood pressure tips and blood pressure information that will help you deal with the situation effectively. Some Effective Blood Pressure Tips: First and foremost solution for this problem β†’

Free essay about patient protection and affordable care act (ppaca)

Statement of the Problem During the passage into law of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act in 2010, many of the Americans even the poorest citizens were given chances to avail of better health care services. Also, this contribution would act as a health care savings policy that would enable the β†’

Analyzing a web page

The Value and Relevance of this site to Clients The value of this website to the clients is user friendly for the elderly and the website is easy to operate. The objectivity of the website is to put the information out about the Aging Parents and Elder Care website.

Understanding the experiences of caring for someone after stroke: analysis of a study of caregivers and stroke survivors

Therefore, this study is to explore the experiences of male-patients post-stroke and their wife-caregiver's perceptions of factors that impacting the patient's quality of life and wife-caregivers' strain encountered during the first year after discharge. Some of the wife-caregivers felt overwhelmed and they loss of social contact due to their husbands'.


This paper focuses on the advancement of " non-clinker green cement" through the utilization of cement kiln dust and fly ash. CKD has incompletely calcified substances possessing hydraulic and cementitious qualities. In addition, sulfate, alkali, and chloride elements are high and may affect the quality of cement performance.


Some aldehydes are used as intermediaries in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals and dye. 026215 Da ChemSpider ID of ethanol: 172 Uses of C2H4O The main use of acetaldehyde/ ethanol is as an intermediate in the manufacture of other chemicals. Acetaldehyde/ ethanol are used in the process of production/ manufacture of perfumes, basic β†’

The phenoplast fraction as a marker of oil quality

One among the needs of this text is to propose the phenoplast fraction responsible for the soundness and flavor of oil and endued with " pharmacological" properties as a further, valuable marker of oil quality. Olive oil contains polyphenols, vitamin E, and alternative natural antioxidants that are the oil's own natural preservatives. In line with β†’

Chemistry titration lab

4% Methyl Red Methyl Red Bromothymol Blue Bromothymol Blue Bromocresol Green Bromocresol Green Methyl Orange Methyl Orange Phenolphthalein Phenolphthalein Graph 1: Titration curve representing the effect of the volume of NaOH on the pH of the titration solution at end point Conclusion This lab tested the effect of the use of β†’

Hard water in chemistry

6 SHORT ESSAY ON HARDWATER7 Introduction7 Origin7 Temporary hardness8 Permanent hardness8 Traditional water softening8 Alternative methods8 Health Concerns and issue9 Negative aspect9 Conclusion9 APPENDIX10 References12 Experiment Name: Titration Required items: A beaker A burette Phenolphthalein HCL β†’

Molar notes essay sample

How many moles of C6H12O6 does 1. How many moles of CaCl2 does 2.

Testing old cathodic protection on ohio bridge decks

It is also not known whether the method affects the durability of the bridges. Metal and Environmental Problem The metal in question is reinforced steel. Three of the bridges that are tested are polarized at more than 100 mV indicating that the method is effective.

Resorting balance

A system is said to reach chemical equilibrium when the rate of the forward reaction equals the rate of the reverse reaction. Alternatively, the reaction can shift in the reverse direction and re-form the reactants, thus using up some of the products. The effect of temperature on a system at equilibrium depends β†’

Biochemistry of photosynthesis

The energy absorbed is used for photolysis.- Photolysis of water o The light energy absorbed split H2O molecules into H+ ions and O2 2H2O(4H+ +4e- + O2 O2 is released as a gas to the atmosphere H+ ions is accepted by NADP to form NADPH2 - NADPH2 acts as a reducing β†’

Chemistry extra credit

All of which are inside the aerospace field. But these are only a small amount of connections that Aerospace engineering and chemistry have together. So as you can see chemistry is deeply involved in the field of aerospace engineering.

Paracetamol solubility in cosolvants

Organic solvents like alcohols are completely miscible with water and given this condition, the solubility is enhanced exponentially with an increase in the fraction of co-solvent alcohol. Based on the experimental results, the molarity of paracetamol varies with percent alcohol in an exponential rate unlike the nearly linear relationships established by the same solute with β†’

Dichotomous key essay sample

They are able to: Read the periodic table and identify metals, metalloids, and non metals Identify polyatomic, but do not have them memorized Read the oxidation states on the periodic table However, you should assume that they have no knowledge on ionic and covalent bonds, criss cross rule, prefixes, acids, and adding or β†’

Biotechnology company

The Future of the Company The company is a Bioremediation Biotech Company that is on a path to take the fight against non-biodegradable products to the next level. The aim of the organization is to rid the world of non-biodegradable compounds that comprise the quality of the environment. Therefore, the company has plans to carry β†’

Carbon footprint essay sample

A carbon footprint is the measure of the amount of greenhouse gas in the earth's atmosphere, typically measured in tons CO2-equivalent. The global average carbon footprint is about 4 tons of CO2-eq per year (Walser, Maggie L." Carbon Footprint").. Greenhouse gas is the main cause of climate change (" Carbon Footprint".

Testing for macromolecules essay sample

By observing the table above, we could see that Benedict's test was for reducing sugars, iodine test was for the presence of starch, filter paper was for the presence of fatty acids, and the Biuret test was for amino groups present in proteins. Basically, it is a reaction between the aldehyde group β†’

Hazards of carbon dioxide fire suppression system

For carbon dioxide to be effective as a total flooding fire suppressant, a minimum design of 34% concentration is needed. However, laboratory testing and simulation of carbon dioxide fire suppressant use indicate that concentrations greater than 17% results to loss of controlled and purposeful activity, convulsions, unconsciousness, coma and even death within 1 minute of β†’

The key features and properties of reactive extraction

The main problem in the implementation of reactive extraction is the correct choice of the extractant. Generally, In physical extraction, the solute is extracted into a non reacting, and inert hydrocarbons and substituted hydrocarbons and the process is relatively free of complexities. Two factors need to be accounted to show the influence of diluents on β†’

Wine analysis of fining agents chemistry

This will indicate any trends in the data as to which fining agent is most efficient and if there is a great difference between the rate of clarification of the wines subject to chemical fining as opposed to the wine subject to natural clarification under the influence of gravity alone. By testing β†’

Biochemistry of nutrition

Cellular Responses to DNA Damage: The cellular responses to DNA damage involve three mechanisms, namely; reversal of DNA damage, excision of DNA damage and tolerance to DNA damage. The reversal of DNA damage through photoreactivation is a mechanism that involves the repair of photoproducts.

Effect of ph on amylase activity

With all tubes filled with varying pH solutions of starch I added indicator paper to each of them to find the pH of each tube and then transferred 1cm3 of amylase solution to each tube and shake the contents. Therefore I would expect that tube 3 with a pH of 7 would react and break β†’

Malachite complete

The goad conventionally wealth is stippled in the sphere of the middle of the anhydrous powder.a anyone admin the infected resources self-control reach together with the purpose of event charming washing the hands a wet in the wake of the ears damage untruthful by the skin in the company of the aim of lasts worn β†’

ο»Ώocean county college essay sample

22 Q021015-01 Concentration of M in batch Q021015 = average of above 5 values = 4) The company reported that sample Q021015 has an M concentration of 3. 00 x 10^-4 M Calculated concentration of sample Q021015 = 2.

Nucleophilic substitution essay sample

Abstract The synthesis of the alkyl halide n-Butyl Bromide from alcohol is the foundation for the experiment. The n-Butyl alcohol remained on the top and the lower aqueous layer was drained from the funnel.

Determining bond type of unknown substances essay sample

It is possible that substance A is molecular, B is molecular, C is ionic and D is ionic. It is also promising that B is molecular. It did not conduct electricity, melted and boiled at a low boiling point, and was soft when felt.

Paraphrasing paragraph about phosphene and alkynyl ligand

According to d-metal organometallic chemistry s, the presence of a single pair on P-atom serves as a donor, while there are empty orbitals on the P-atom, in phosphines, which can behave as " paid" acceptors, as they overlap with filled d-orbitals on 3-d metal ions. The pattern of bonding of phosphenes to d-metal comprises of β†’

Batch distillation

46 0. 46 0.

Immunohistochemical method for identification of ebstein barr virus from the tonsil tissue

The main objective was the detection of lymphocytes productively infected with Epstein Barr Virus in non-neoplastic tonsils. This study used the samples of tonsils from patients suffering with the chronic tonsillitis. This one is in close relation with the capsid of the viral particles. Thus keeping the above information in mind, the following study can β†’

Chemistry and importance

When we wear sun cream we are also relying on chemistry to ensure that we are going to be as protected as possible from the harmful rays from the sun which can lead to health problems. Food going bad in our cupboards and fridges is linked to chemistry and why this happens β†’

Free essay on history of yoga

There is a lot of uncertainty surrounding the history of Yoga. A history of yoga.

Good essay on natural disaster: flooding

Consequently, there is a need to adopt various mitigation strategies to minimize the effects of flooding on the environment, as well as on the economy and community at large. Few described flooding as a term that can be used to refer to different events in which land is β†’

Good cities of salt essay example

There is the flow, of the clashes and the disorientations, and of the resistance and the death of that Arab city from the start to the end. The fatalism throughout the story ends with a lot of unrest in the region. The picturesque beauty of the oasis in that unnamed city of the Arab world β†’

Effects of computer games essay sample

Although aluminum is the most commonly used coagulant in the developing countries, studies have linked it to the development of neurological diseases (e.g.pre-senile dementia or Alzheimer's disease) due to the presence of aluminium ions in the drinking water. As a consequence of the above mentioned drawbacks, there was a need to develop alternative, cost β†’

Possibility of extraterrestrial life essay examples

Rocket technology that provides the means to travel to space does not have the capacity to provide the necessary speed to enable the interstellar travel a reality.similarly, the rockets are another major problem. Carrying food and water sufficient to sustain the organism in spacecraft is impossible due to the long duration of travel. Brains are β†’

The health provision of water to our daily digestion

Do you find this fact hard to believe? Most all of our body fluids are water, and many of our organs are mostly water. Stomach acids need the water in order to properly breakdown the food as it travels through our stomach, and nutrients are absorbed by the blood. The food continues down the path β†’

How to bake a loaf of bread essay

If you are concerned about the health effects of salt or are cooking for someone who has a slat-free diet, simply omit the salt and eat the bread quickly! Equipment A mixing bowl A greased loaf tin A lightly floured surface Method Place the flour and the butter in the β†’

Titration-finding the concentration of a solution of sulphuric acid essay sample

650g of sodium carbonate Spatula White tile Methyl orange indicator Method I will make a solution where the solute will be the sodium carbonate and the solvent will be distilled water. I will first measure the weighing bottle on its own without the lid β†’

Essay on the strange case of matthew buford

In Mathew Buford's case, the response exhibited by the videographer, the rescue team and the couples is reminiscent of what happens in many emergency crises. The videographer, just like most of the bystanders at Fairmont Park, did not intervene to save Buford. The park was filled to capacity at the β†’

Essay on cholera

The term " cholera" is designed to describe a strand of gastrointestinal disease, as well as the bacterium associated with the causation of the disease. Barua and Greenough attests that the term was first used by Hippocrates who derived the term from Greek words chole and β†’

The space-time ce/se method for solving two-phase and two- dimensional shallow flow model

The model is hyperbolic and contains the non-conservative terms in the momentum equation increasing the complexity of the model. Several numerical schemes in recent years have been developed to solve the system of shallow two-phase water equations under consideration, for example, Central Scheme by J.

The history of telugu ganga project

The scheme consists of 408 km long canal from Srisailam passing through the above said 4 districts, and up to Andhra Pradesh, Tamilnadu border BRIEF HISTORY OF TELUGU GANGA PROJECT Due to successive droughts and consequent acute scarcity of drinking water for the metropolitan city of Madras, the then Prime Minister of India β†’

2- why might a water pipe break if left full of water during extended frigid weather essay samples

In any language, water is the most abundant compound on the surface of the Earth". - Explain the term compound and also why water is not an element. Answer: Compound is a chemical entity made from combination of two or more different elements. Whereas, MgCl2 is a polar molecule as the geometry is bent structure. 13- β†’

Groundwater: evaluation and hydrogeochemistry aspects

The pH values of 65% of the Quaternary samples and 90% of Eocene samples are of the permissible limits of the Egyptian Standards for water and World Health Organization standards guidelines for drinking water. Electrical conductivity is a measure of water's capability to pass electrical flow. According to Ragunath , 84% of β†’

Giardia essay

The active trophozoite attaches to the lining of the small intestine with a " sucker" and is responsible for causing the signs and symptoms of giardiasis. On the ethical and the financial front there is the issue of the pharmaceutical companies funding research in the area.

A day at the beach essay examples

The circular, luminous ball in the sky is not acknowledging the arrival of noon yet, and the lack of people, sunbathing on the beach feels more than good. I close my eyes, and endeavor to deafen the sounds of the music, giving emphasis to the squawking of the seagulls and the playful squealing of little β†’

Drainage systems and pipes

In the 19 century the use of water was at peak rate of 3. Cooper is mostly used in for the casual supply of both hot and cold water.

De-icing essay sample

De-icing is very important in winter in places in the north and sometimes in really cold places in the autumn. The salt works by dissolving into the rain or sleet on roads and lowering the freezing point, thereby melting the ice and snow or even preventing it from forming.

Determining the percent copper and zinc in pennies essay sample

To find the volume of the pennies, subtract the final volume from the initial, record the data. To find the volume of the pennies, subtract the final volume from the initial, record the data. Repeat this procedure twice more.

Essay on plant and solar cells

On the other hand, with the advancement of technology, and rapid development of electronic gadgets, the solar energy has been harnessed and converted to electricity, which is an indispensable facet in the lives of human. The solar cell and plant cell systems have a lot of similarities in their respective β†’

Carbonized template silica membranes for wetland saline water desalination

Previous study was reporting the membrane technology was capable for treating wetland water via ultrafiltration by polysulfone membrane. Hence, in this work we selected interlayer-free carbon template silica membranes by RTP method and investigate their performance for desalination of wetland saline water.

Favorite vacation spot essay

The cuisine was once again a testament to the town's Arabic roots and orientation. The following morning we left the hotel with our tour guide ready for a big day in the town. We were treated to tales about the coastal myths and also about the history of Kenya as a whole.

Natural ice essays examples

The clear nature of natural ice can be attributed to its purity or rather the purity of the water responsible for the formation of the natural ice. This is because natural ice is derived from natural water and since natural water has absolutely no smell it thus follows that natural ice also does not have β†’

Essay on the superior roman military

From a series of existing literature including both primary and secondary sources, this study shows how the manipulation of the physical environment via massive military strength is a crucial point to reckon in understanding the Ancient Roman civilization, with the most solid manifestation of which being the success of the Romans over the Carthaginians in β†’

Separation of a mixture of sand and salt essay sample

Find the percentage of salt and the percentage of sand. Percentage of salt: 4. A liquid and solid is the type of mixture that can be separated by filtration.

Lab 1: introduction to science essay examples

It appears from the data that as soon as there is 6 ppm of dissolved oxygen in the water, it supports an average of 12 fish. - Develop a hypothesis relating to the amount of dissolved oxygen measured in the water sample and the number of fish observed in the body of water? Hypothesis: A minimum β†’

Oceanic acidification argumentative essay examples

The fact is that levels of alkalinity and acidity differ naturally between sections of the ocean and at different phases of a day, month or year. This supports the notion that the concerns of ocean acidification are mere exaggerations, since the ocean is alkaline and in no risk of emerging acidic.

Rafting in trishuli

But in the recent years the country with nature as its wealth has been exploring and promoting a variety of adventurous sports, one of them being rafting. Nepal is a country rich in water resource with studies showing its hydropower potential second to none in the world. Surrounded by magnificent mountains, an outstanding selection of β†’

The benefits of water fluoridation for oral health

The recognition of importance of health of folk and individual' means to reduce disease in community and increase health which is an aim of every nation. The host of Dental organisations believe that this process helps to deal with many dental problems in a safe and effective manner as it is mention in the 2003 β†’

Gaseous diffusion coefficient essay sample

This is called mass transfer. Description The experiment to determine the diffusivity of gaseous is based on the Winkelmann's method. By monitoring the evaporation rate, which is the rate of fall of liquid surface, and with the knowledge of concentration gradient, the diffusivity can be calculated The rate of mass β†’

Pharmaceutical and personal care products: an emerging water quality issue essay example

In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency is well aware of the potential consequences of the unattended presence of these compounds in both surface and drinking water supplies. The EPA has launched a program to educate the general public and the health care industry in the proper handling and disposal of these products.

The car wash essay sample

The reason that a shaded area is needed is because it is better to be under the shade so those watermarks don? t dry off on the surface of the car before you get to them. The next thing you need to do is have all the essential materials to do the job. As β†’

Glow stick essay sample

The light from a glow stick will extinguish more quickly at higher temperatures because temperature affects the rate of the chemical reaction. Question: Will a glow stick extinguish more quickly while in a higher temperature? Purpose: To determine if a glow stick will die out quicker in a cold temperature β†’

Prevention research proposal sample

However, if this is to perform in an open water body, then first the river has to be sectioned and by part the area has to be treated. Common salt is very cheap and so it will also reduce all the expenses behind the removal of this invasive species. The salt content in different water β†’

Good example of essay on how drinking water changed me

I increased rate of water intake and reduces amount of soft drinks I drunk every day. At the beginning of my wellness project, I had planned to be going to the gym three times a week. However, in the course of the program, I noticed that going to the gym for exercise was very effective β†’

Free vehicles essay sample

This leads to drying up of oil wells both inshore and offshore. There is also high use of electricity in the manufacture of the vehicles. When the ozone layer is damaged it leads to global warming, which in leads to change of climate and an increase in temperatures. There is also noise created by vehicles β†’

Fairchild water technologies essay sample

In a joint working arrangement it would supply key purifier components to an Indian company and they would be the ones to manufacture and market the product for Fairchild. The Indian company would just pay Fairchild a Licensing fee which would be based on a per unit fee over the term of the agreement. β†’

Essay on world literature

The longest river in Africa - the Nile - is the longest river in the world. The Niger River is inferior to the Nile and the Congo by the length and area of the basin, but still belongs to the largest rivers of the earth.

Essay on four families within the phylum mollusca include

When they are submerged, they open their valves slightly and this is the time when they suck in a current of water. When it comes to members of the family Mytilidae, their interesting feature comes in when they are served and prepared as edible food.

Pros of hydraulic fracking essay sample

Up to 600 chemicals are used in fracking fluid, including known carcinogens and toxins such as...lead, uranium, mercury, ethylene glycol, radium, methanol, hydrochloric acid, formaldehyde The math: 500, 000 active gas wells in the US x 8 million gallons of water per fracking x 18 times a well can be fracked = 72 trillion β†’

Making homemade ice cream essay example

There are many methods of preparing ice cream, this include; the freezer bag method, the Pot-freezer method, the Freezer method, the Coffee can method and the Ball method. Freezer bag method is suitable for making individual portions of ice cream which is to be consumed immediately after making. Fill a β†’

Service learning project essays example

The project that entailed in my voluntary service for the community group was cleaning the community environments. Most people who were willing to join me in the cleaning of the community were mainly parents and the business community.

Free essay about uae – overview of economy challenges and solutions

UAE is one of the richest states in the world and controls the fourth largest oil reservoir of the world. Such trend is not good for the economy of the UAE in a longer term.

Dal lake srinagar essay sample

The consequence of these and other activities for the Dal Lake, has been that degradation of varying degrees has set in them. An effort has beeb made to study the impact of settlements on dal lake and come up with planning strategies for the same.

Essay on horseshoe crabs

The crabs have a larger shell and a tail which they use to propel their movements in the water. Reproductive Characteristics The horseshoe crabs reproduce by means of eggs. The crabs have got reproductive organs, which they use, for mating and therefore the fusion of the male spermatozoa and the female oocyte.

Pepper, the king of spices essay examples

It is used mostly as a food seasoning, with black pepper being the most aromatic, pungent and hot. In addition to the culinary use of pepper, it is also used as a natural preservative for meat.

Globalization is good for individuals but bad for humanity essay examples

As a defining feature of globalization, the global integration of financial and economic sectors has been made possible by geopolitical changes, technological progress and overriding dogma of regulation by the market. While on one hand globalization unites the world, it excludes a significant part of the global population on the β†’

Science investigatory project essay sample

This study will be limited to pechay plant only. Title: Growth Rate Of Pechay Plant Using Different Kind Of Fertilizer Problem: Is there a difference in the growth of pechay plant if different kinds of fertilizers are used? Experimental Design: *Materials: 5 pechay plants Soil Plant pots β†’

The florida straits essay examples

Introduction A terrestrial hotspot is a general term applicable to areas all over the globe that either have worldwide essential levels of endemism and biodiversity, regarded to be under risk in some cases, or include associate illustrations of essential environments. These negative effects may change the compostion, functioning and diversity of this essential β†’

Lucky t-shirt essay sample

That is why I use cold water to wash the material, as hot water breaks down material and causes your lucky t-shirt to expire before the football season is even over. Washing your lucky t-shirt in cold water is great for extending the life of the material; but washing on a long cycle is β†’

Flow measuring devices essay sample

Measure the height of the water in the reservoir. Record the change in the height of the water in the reservoir.

Free essay about titanic

With a budget of $200, 000, 000 as the most expensive movie to be filmed in the 20th century, all the work and endless underwater shots of the real ship had surely paid off. The film starts in modern times and shows an expedition crew diving where the sink sunk in 1912. After this, the β†’

The waters pollution essay sample

The waters temperature rises with all of the crude oil in the waters which will makes the already threatening storm much more intense. When a hurricane travels through a spot of water were there is an oil spill the power of the hurricane will pick up the oil and it will travel β†’

By the waters of babylon critical analysis

Johns thought simply means that without thinking of the consequences to come of the usage of knowledge before we have used it. For example john's excitement to tell other of his knowledge and it would grow from there.

Human impacts on the sustainability of groundwater essay sample

Based on what you have learned and written about in the Introduction, state what you expect to be the results of the lab procedures. I learned a lot in this lab about how the water gets recycled.

Example of essay on types of volcanoes & geological records

Abstract In this essay, it is presented a resumed description of the different volcano types that can be identified, according to the types of rock layers they leave behind after their erosion. The main types of volcanoes that can be identified are the stratovolcanoes, which leave behind layers of rock of different components, β†’

Free essay on aguinaldos navy

However, in this image, which allows us to " see" history, historians can have the clear picture of the war and properly make assumptions such as the difficulties in crossing the river, and the number of people aboard the boats. However, in the image, I was able to see the types of boats, their sizes, β†’

The importance of drinking water essay sample

Hope to inform you of water's importance b. Drink at least eight 8 ounce glasses of water a. Some people demand more i.

Design considerations of evaporative cooling

Closed circuit is a cooling process that uses direct evaporative cooling in addition to some type of heat exchanger to transfer the cool energy to the supply air. The following graphs describe the process of direct and indirect evaporative cooling with the changes in temperature, moisture content and relative humidity of the air. Indirect β†’

Estimaing osmolarity by change in volume essay sample

First, the air in the flask will be heated to the boiling point of water; the volume of air will be the volume of the flask. Then, you will calculate the volume-to-temperature ratio for the volume of the hot, dry air at the temperature of the water in the boiling-water bath and for the volume β†’

Good essay about geography

Irredentism refers to special cases of Session; it is a move to justify ownership of a given piece of land on the basis of historical or ethnic affiliations. The loss of the Irredenta is often attributed to unfair treatment from a superior power in the past.

The rain came analysis essay sample

The medicine man, Ndithi, a rainmaker, was visited in a dream by Podho, a Luo ancestor, who identified a virgin girl with a chain around her waist as the one who must be sacrificed to the lake monster, at which time rain will pour down. Beating a drum to assemble the clan members gathered β†’