Genuine Essay Examples

Negative consequences of factory farming

The industrialization of factory farming has led to animal cruelty, environmental destruction, and a wide variety of health risks for both the consumer and the animals. While these arguments are correct and agreeable to a certain degree, it compromises the quality of food, the well-being of the animals and the purity of our planet.

Five essays examles about zoo

This helps in educating these small children about the behaviour and the environment of these wild animals. Conclusion Thus, the need of the hour is to promote the ' breeding' programmes in zoos and also felicitate the formulation of more zoological gardens in order to prevent the extinction of the various species of animals. β†’

Example of essay on comparing gilgamesh and enkidu

This essay seeks to draw comparisons between Gilgamesh and Enkidu, alongside further elaborations about their exploits and their special bond with one another. Examining the Relationship of Gilgamesh and Enkidu It is proper to assert from the very beginning that Gilgamesh and Enkidu were lovers. Overall, the gods did much to shape the characters β†’

Good example of human and nature essay

It will focus on the positive side that supports the issue that animals should be trained to help humans. Animals have a right to life and freedom from suffering in that they enjoy equal privileges to humans though not in every aspect. New York: Columbia University Press, 2012.

Good example of essay on ritual sacrifice in the art of the paracas, nazca and moche peoples

Also, ceramic jars modeled in the form of a trophy head are common in all the collections and could have been used in all the ceremonies. In some other representations of the backbent figure, the fan is much smaller and could be seen as a knife.

Persuasive speech essay sample

Sub-Sub-Subpoint- These animals who are not being taken care the way they should need to be taken out of their misery because they are in pain and suffering. TRANSITION: Now that I have told you some of the advantages of euthanizing, I will now tell you about the circumstances in which euthanasia is wrong β†’

Example of pit bulls argumentative essay

These are owners that will get pit bulls not as pet but as a source of income. Misfortune is sadly being one of them. They also do not mention those pit bulls owners who own a pit bull as pet, yet neglect the animal and abuse it.

Good survival and success essay example

The author gives his family's life and, the language and images used are effective in describing how people strive to survive and succeed through luck, in areas where inequality and injustice exist. Masks have been used in the pictures as symbols. This is also used to show the absurdity of β†’

Decreasing animal euthanasia

These animals are having to lose their lives not because they are cruel, dangerous animals, but simply that our shelters are not big enough, and our adoption rates are not high enough, and adoptive families are not being forced to get their pets spayed and neutered to slow down the animal population. Spaying and neutering β†’

Supporting animal wellbeing with animal welfare

The British Veterinary Association states that ' Animal welfare relates to both the physical health and mental wellbeing of the animal.' However, The Brooke suggests that welfare is how the dogs ' physical and emotional state is impacted by the environment, in which the animal lives and works.' Suggesting that external stimulus has a strong β†’

Pet therapy in alzheimers disease essay sample

It would therefore be advisable to monitor the quality of the nutrition among patients with Alzheimer's disease. In order to determine the effect of animal assisted therapy on the communication skills of a demented Alzheimer's patient, a study was conducted which involved the use of a pet and a stuffed animal. The influence of a β†’

Example of a trip to sub saharan africa essay

I would specifically go to Kenya because of its rich variety of parks and sceneries. As I have always read in publications and watched on documentaries, I would spend the first three days in Mombasa to enjoy the beautiful beaches along the Indian Ocean's shores as well as go diving β†’

Free essay on the old man at the bridge

English: Essay Response Essay on The short story " The Old Man at the Bridge" is written by Ernest Miller Hemingway and describes the story of an old man and a storyteller during the Spanish Civil War. At the closing of the story when the storyteller bemoans the sure death of the β†’

Compare lifestyles of an aquatic and terrestrial vertebrate

They are at a disadvantage as they have small eyes and so they cannot efficiently see insects to catch. They have a specific coloration that enables them to be camouflaged and so protected from predators.

Animal research argumentative essay examples

By exploring the pros and cons of animal research, I endeavor to show that there are better, cruelty free alternatives to animal research. What is Animal Research? Animal research is designed to assist scientists in obtaining scientific information, often of a medical nature. The Guide to Understanding Animal Research states, β†’

Example of essay on biology forms and functions

Introduction The diving capability on a breath-hold in both human and marine mammals is determined by the gas exchange, in both peripheral tissues and in the lung. Marine animals are capable of reducing greater volume of air filled in the lungs while diving thus reducing the stress. The problem that is encountered in β†’

Good research question research proposal example

In this regard, this research seeks to address the question of the success, reliability, consistency and success of social learning in the transmission of foraging skills from the adults to the subsequent generations amongst the banded mongooses. The following are some of the methods to be used in this research: Population Sampling Since the β†’

Phy 155 assignment

The usage of the product remained limited to personal computers although many units were manufactured and heavily used in the company offices and several universities. The increased usage and increased population is expected to increase the pressure on internet connections necessitating upgrades within short periods. References Nielsen, J..

Project 2: moon journal

The position at this time changes relative to the stars in the sky having in mind that there are 360 degrees in a complete circle. Taking the 360 degrees and dividing them with the number of days the moon can approximately go round the earth, I came up with 13. The moon according to my β†’

Epc plant equipment maintenance process

Of total Man-hours Mean work-order execution time Maintenance cost and cost ratio 0 Total maintenance cost per month / Total equipment book value 0 Differentiated values for man-hours and spare-parts 0 Divided in separated categories of equipment (rotary, fixed, facilities, etc.) Measured monthly Level 1 cross-functional map of the current process

Floor care, cleaning and maintenance

Spread the solution and cover the whole area. Soften the old film to make stripping easier to accomplish. Spread the solution on the floor with a mop and let it be absorbed - for 10-12 minutes. Scrub the area thoroughly from the farthest to the nearest. Use a floor machine with an abrasive pad or β†’

Cambridge as level weathering process

The daily cycle of heating and cooling sets up stresses in the rock that cause it to disintegrate. Occurs mostly in deserts where there is the greatest diurnal temperature range. Exfoliation Under warm conditions rock surfaces heat up and expand more than the main mass of the internal body of β†’

Physics134 week7

NERC analyzes causes of power disturbances to help avoid future disruptions. Long distance power transmission Long distance power transmission is sent on high voltage wires because power is roughly the product of current and voltage. High voltage wires are used because high current leads to the loss of power due to the wire resistance.

Stability, controllability and maneuverability

Control refers to the effectiveness of displacement of regulating features of an aircraft that determines the rate at which the attitudes and direction of flight can be altered. Aircraft control plays a critical role in other features such as stability and maneuverability since it can easily respond to manipulations. Maneuverability is the ability of an β†’

Good example of essay on pedagogy and learning styles: an uncomfortable relationship

There is a troubling attempt to utilize schools as mechanisms for social conformity and that students are passive recipients of knowledge. The constructivist approach or transaction model of learning views the student as an active participant in the creation of knowledge, rather than as a passive recipient as articulated in the behaviorist model. Giroux describes β†’

The common misconceptions about introvertism

We get close to relatively a very few people and it's these people we exhibit your kinda behavior with. The Myths Abour Introverts It's a myth that the words shy and introvert are synonyms. Here's the myth buster for you: Introverts avoid socializing because it drains our energy.Shy people, on the other hand, avoid β†’

Character and personality of mr. collins of pride and prejudice essay sample

William Collins is introduced as a cousin of the Bennet's and heir to their estate through a letter that he sends to Mr. He thinks that people think of him as a perfect citizen in their society; hence it is clear that Mr.

The iks by lewis thomas essay sample

In other parts of the country, there were cries for government assistance for the victims of the calamity; and, post-Hurricane Katrina, other parts of the country were very vocal in their criticisms of the administration's lack of support for the victims of the calamity. His criticism that cities build institutions that keep their elders β†’

Becoming a good human being

In any case, rather than taking every single adverse thing or activity that transpires as an individual assault on your character, recall a certain something: you are a decent individual. Who is a Good Person? A good person is somebody who shows love, satisfaction, harmony, consideration, goodness, quietude, tolerance and who is steadfast and bears β†’

The evolution of serial killers essay

Which brings me to the question is there a certain common trait found in these serial killers? Majority of serial killers are organized and nonsocial.a.

Correctional counseling options essay sample

This kind of treatment helps the family to understand the youth's behaviors and problems. The third type of treatment is victim-offender mediation. I like that this treatment model uses individual, family and community on the influences of behavior.

Four types of perceptual distortions

Everything starts off evolved with perception, which is depicted as the way human beings decipher their condition so they can answer honestly then it proceeds with perceptual bending and stereotyping which is an amazingly regular oversight of the perceptual methodology, stereotyping is when human beings dispense a man to a social affair in perspective β†’

Social behavior and interpersonal skills of children ages 3-4 years old: a naturalistic observation essay

Researches on the deprivation of human interaction have documented its negative effects on the personality of the child. By doing this research, I attempted to test the prediction that smiling facilitates playing between children, that girls would smile more than boys, and that the absence of smiling would not lead to play. However, some of β†’

Free essay on the blue wall of silence and police ethical culture

In most cases, it describes the behavior and beliefs in the police department. Undeniably, the Blue Wall of Silence has led to police perjury and inhumane form of brutality on the public, yet the police continue to facilitate as well as protect these behaviors. In fact, the existence of Blue Wall of Silence is believed β†’

A problem of american justice system in the rich get richer and the poor get prison

Merton's " Strain Theory," Philip Zimbardo's " Broken Windows Theory," Richard Quinney's " Conflict Theory," and Richard Cloward and Lloyd Ohlin's " Opportunity Theory". In The Rich Get Richer and the Poor Get Prison, Jeffrey Reiman writes that the American Justice system favors the rich and powerful. Clearly, Merton sees that people who commit crimes β†’

Organizational behavior essay sample

Customer satisfaction is a measure of how accurate the strategies employed are to the needs and expectations of the customers. Strategies that are aimed at meeting the needs and expectations of the market are widely implemented and encouraged by total quality management principles. The near drastic change in the performance of Kudler β†’

Electronic re ordering of medication computer science essay

The solution to this job will be to plan, develop and implement package that enables the re-ordering of medicine electronically Project- Brief description The purpose of this undertaking is develop package that will ease the re-ordering of medicine electronically. An electronic medicine disposal record sheet ' s database will be implemented which will β†’

Organisational behaviour argumentative essay

This means that for a researcher to understandculturewithin organizations, which is a social phenomenon, cannot be understood without incorporating the views of the players within the organisation and the environment within which the organisation operates. From the modernist perspective knowledge can only be developed and understood from the perspectives of the people β†’

Operant conditioning essay sample

Eventually, he will get used to being nice and will not have to do it for the rewards anymore. Procedures in Shaping Behavior: 1. If you give rewards for higher good deed, then there will be a possibility that he will do it again and be used to it without him noticing. Skinner's β†’

Explaining criminal behavior essay

The first and second reasons establish that people's affinity for crime is caused by their social background. People become criminals because of the kind of family and neighborhood they grew up in. The first postulate of Sutherland's Differential Association theory states that criminal behavior is learned.

Leadership behaviours essay sample

I was glad to see that the feedback I had from a team member gave me the same result that I had received myself. My knowledge of the tasks has come from being in a situation where I was left to continue with the work and my line manager would come to me for information/data β†’

The use of profanity and absence of filter in the millennial generation

Being that we have lost the ability to filter our words like they used to, if you call someone a taboo word, they are more likely to get offended over it, whether it's a racial or gender slur. As stated in the podcast, " Words You Ca not Say" the speaker Kelefa Sannea states, " β†’

Aggressive behavior of marine fishes

Since fishes not only spend high energy in fighting but also suffer injuries , the attainment of harmony within their group through hierarchical social structure benefits them all. This phenomenon is observed among the school of salmonids, eels, centrarchids, catfishes, poeciliids, and other species. In the hierarchy, the β†’

Example of essay on psychological analysis of offenders

The discussion will strive to analyze the behavior of these offenders and their justification for their behavior from the available details regarding the incidents. Girl who shot herself in leg at Grady High out of jail The details of the incident can be found at Morgan Tukes a senior at Gradys High School β†’

What is microaggression and how to avoid it

The impact this has on the life of each human being, especially the minority population and the importance of each health professional to know what is involved and how to avoid using this type of aggression. What is microaggression Microaggressions are derogatory slights or insults directed at a target person or persons who are β†’

Reflecting to learn essay

As she glances at the learning theories, the realization of studies point to the same thing. In order to create an atmosphere of knowledge we must understand the levels of learning.

Good unsafe behaviors essay critical thinking example

I should have followed my prior knowledge regarding the consequences of speeding, yet I did it anyway because I did not want to be late to work. The cut had to be treated by my manager and my choice of not wearing nonslip shoes resulted in a write-up.

Whither the black consciousness movement: exploring the theme of black consciousness

Mandela goes on to criticize the fact that the BCM rejects the claim that white activists can protest apartheid in the with the same strength as black people and that the movement believes all white people to be complicit in the oppressive system. On this point he seems to agree with Steve Biko that " β†’

Foredoomed failure of dr. caligari essay

Calamari is the one that perform the experiment in reality and ends with failure. Even though he successfully ordered the death of Alan, Dry. There is a long shot in the movie shows Cesar carries Jane pass a corner; it's clear that he is super tired.

Mary shelley’s novel frankenstein: the nature versus nurture debate

Nature versus Nurture The argument between nature versus nurture can be redefined as the debate between an individual's genes in contrast to the environment in which they are raised and how this affects one's personality and actions. This child may reach a higher intellectual level due to the environment in which they were β†’

Understanding learning and acquisition of knowledge essay sample

Perhaps the best definition, especially where educators are concerned, is the definition which puts emphasis on the student's ability to perform as the result of learning. Nature of Learning Ornstein learning is a reflective process whereby the learner either develops new insights or changes or restructures his mental process. β†’

Behaviors in hand washing essays examples

One cue to wash hands includes visual cues encouraging hand washing, multimodal reminders for hand washing placed in convenient locations and on the line of sight. Step two: the second step involves putting the hands in the flowing water. Step three: the third step involves pumping the liquid hand washing soap on one hand. Step β†’

Human nature versus nurture: a reflection

The fact that all people are born different brings up the ethical question, if we are all different, then should we all be treated the same? However, I believe that those who do not immediately fit the " gifted" profile should be given the opportunity to prove themselves as worthy of the advantages that others β†’

Consumer & industrial buyer behaviour assignment

By doing so, the marketer can then analyze the needs of the consumers and cater the products to better fit their needs. For the consumers, the decision process for making purchases begin with need recognition - they differentiate between their actual or desire states. The marketer can use commercial sources such as advertising and point-of-sale β†’

Good example of essay on understanding the concept of evil and self-loathing

Examining the thematic utilization of evil transition in each story, this presentation will entail to make a distinct observation on how the concept of psychology does present a determinable pattern of explanation as to why people respond to pressure with evilness. Comparison of Characters William Wilson [from the story William Wilson] and the narrator β†’

The value of honour and heroism in our daily life

They are my inspiration and I look up to them as my role models, and I know that if I grow up to be half of the person they both are today that I am doing right in life. Heroes are very important and I believe that every individual should have someone that they strongly β†’

The ethical dilemmas of salesmen essay

After reading the book Good Faith and watching the movie Glengarry Glen Ross, I was able to analyze the actions of the characters and identify their views on ethical behavior. Both the book and the movie concentrate on salesmen of the real estate companies.

Conformity and personality traits

Many of the research has mainly emphasized on understanding the process of conformity, and tend to ignore the concept of non-conformity as they try to explain the personality traits of people in the society. The research finding shows that conformity will in many cases change the people's belief and behavior to fit and feel part β†’

Organisation behaviour persuasive essay

The purpose of any structure is to help in the efforts of the staff and to support the implementation of the assignment. The purpose of the structure is to coordinate the activities of the members of the organization so that they quickly achieve their purposes. The organizational structure is a set of β†’

Essay on dialectical behavior therapy

Linehan developed the dialectical behavior therapy in the late 1980s to treat the borderline personality disorder. They establish a balance between accepting the thought, behavior or the bad feelings and the changes for effectively ensuring that the therapy is success.

Legal drinking age english essay rough draft

Lowering the drinking age to 18 would help because there would be less underage drinkers and less of a need to feel mature and accepted by teens. Lowering the drinking age to 18 will make it so there are less irresponsible drinking and underage drinkers.

Marge piercy’s “the secretary chant” and robert hayden’s “those winter sundays” essay sample

For these are the exact themes behind the two poems " The Secretary Chant" being a description of a woman's body through the various implements and duties used by an office secretary, yet conveying an emotion that asserts femininity and the fear of its loss; while " Those Winter Sundays" appropriate the purpose of weather-beaten β†’

Mid-term break by seamus heaney

As well at this he talks about the time and in many peoples minds constantly looking at a clock may be a sign of boredom and impatience. In the next stanza, stanza two, the mood id that of a very serious nature the writer expresses this by using dashes, in the porch I met my β†’

“upon westminster bridge” by william wordsworth essay sample

The poem describes the city in a very positive way, communicating its power and ' splendour'. Wordsworth suggests that the view of the city is a rival for anything naturally occurring: ' Earth has not anything to show more fair' is the opening line. The use of the word ' smokeless' in line β†’

Poems by robert frost – short description

The only way to efficiently improve the health of the earth itself is to treat it better when it comes to the things people expose into the air, water, and land of the Earth. Poets like Robert Frost seemed to appreciate and notice the beauty of the earth but understand that things are happening in β†’

Compare the ways in which blake and atwood write about vulnerability essay sample

It also shows how unhappiness can mean that a person is more vulnerable to the world." cold" and " warm" are antonyms in the penultimate sentence of the poem this backs up how much the dream has affected his thoughts. Connotations of colour are used as a linguistic technique to enhance the feelings of β†’

Matthew arnold and perfectionism

Because of the hue of an idealistic culture and a mission for perfection Arnold fails to recognize the superstructure of an evolving democracy. Arnold's one-sided belief system, in which authority has to internalized, and since nonconformity leads to anarchy; it is interlinked to his belief on the perfect culture.

β€˜who’s for the game’ and β€˜dulce et decorum est’ essay sample

She also has a friendly manner in her poem as she refers to the men as ' lads' It gives the poem a much more informal tone as well.' Your country is up to her neck in a fight, And she's looking and calling for you.' This makes men feel deceitful if they do not β†’

β€˜the flea’ written by john donne

The three love poems that I selected to study were, 'The Flea' written by John Donne in the seventeenth century.'First Love' which was written by John Clare in the nineteenth century, and also 'Shall I compare thee...' which was written by William Shakespeare in the sixteenth century. The kind of love that is address in β†’

The mental value of poetry

Since loads of it is fiction, it is perhaps claimed if it is not going to exist later all within the cases the place in truth the poet is not at the moment depicting precise events. Aristotle's objective is perhaps not the identical though related: And if he possibilities to take a historic situation, he β†’

A road not taken and two weeks with the queen essay – journey

The play conveys a valuable message about the need to face the issue of death and the importance of a family's love and support for the person dying and for the wider family. The issues are conveyed by the skilful use of a number of techniques including the dialogue and settings which are appropriate to β†’

Diversity and understanding in education essay

Some of the things that may be remembered a year down the road would be the classes that are taken in the school. Some of the things that enable one become what they want to be are attained at that point in school.

Example of the whole world festival essay

The event produced a lot of joy for the community and reinforced the original idea of the United States as the melting pot of cultures. It not only provides the authenticity of cultures but also brings meaning to the community creating a bond that transcends, race, culture, religion and nationality. The cultural event in my β†’

Solutions essay example

65 is And point 6. 65 On the graph point 2.

Twenty years at hull house and up from slavery argumentative essay samples

To that end, the Tuskegee Institute had a decidedly specific political aim: to prove to the American people that blacks deserved their newfound freedom and to gain legitimacy for them in a nation that was uncertain about what to do with them now that they were free. At the Institute itself, Washington's philosophy of independence, β†’

Community and community development in india

Introduction According to the United Nations document , community development is " the creation of opportunities to enable all members of a community to actively contribute to and influence the development process and to share equitably in the fruits of development". As mentioned in Hickman , Dewey highlighted that " the β†’

Free research proposal on ways to reduce homelessness

An advanced group of the homeless is that with people living in houses but do not have access to privacy of the basic facilities such as the sanitary houses and the living space. Self employment is a major boost for the homeless as individuals will create employment to others who would have waited for the β†’

Sports psychology exam essay examples

The cognitive phase is the stage where the learner is first introduced to the sports. While the learner focuses more on physical execution in the cognitive phase, in the associative phase, the learner will focus more on the strategies of playing the game.

Free research proposal about social media, swearing and gender: identifying new trends in language

Anecdotally, it appears that both males and females have embraced abbreviations as a means of engaging in swearing as part of everyday discourse. Over time, research has revealed that there are discrepancies between genders in the context of swearing (Gender and Swearing: A Community of Practice; Language and Gender). Print. Stapleton, Karyn." Gender and swearing: β†’

Good example of essay on the color white

My white will be a servant of the society. The reason is that the character will be a person of positive influence to the community.

Example of media and race essay

This is not only common in the settlement areas, even in the institutions of higher learning such as the University of California; there are different student groups for the different ethnic groups such as the blacks, Latinos and Asians. What are their differences? Though there are the existent differences, the groups have to find a β†’

Example of victorian health act 1986 exam questions essay

Exam Questions An Approved Mental Health Service An Approved Mental Health Service was defined as a premises or service that is proclaimed to be an approved mental health service under section 94 of the act by the governor of the council, by a proclamation published in the Government gazette; this includes the β†’

Gangs in los angeles essay

They were formed due to elimination of Blacks power and other political groups in the participation of changes in Los Angeles. They are given names of Blood and Crip. Both are talking about the gangs in Los Angeles.

Positive and negative identities relating to my social groups

I have identified this as a negative social identity as it results in a major lack in education regarding politics and not having a say in the countries future. Before beginning University, my older brother would constantly criticise me working in Hospitality and say that I am " wasting my brain working as a barista" β†’

Free essay on community policing: effectively engaging

Unlike any other model or approach, the community policing model implies the contribution of the public in helping the police department maintain a peaceful order in the society. This will be the result of the suitable execution of community-oriented policing, which will also be based on the community participation performance and the consistency of the β†’

Free critical thinking on cognitive dissonance

It is particularly disappointing and distressing if people find themselves doing things that are questionable and one finds them rather weird, if they do things that do not fit them. In relation to the creativity I will view my project and base it on the conflict theory which explains the essence of the role of β†’

Coalition or competition essay samples

From the reading, I have come to the opinion that the voter's decision is skewed depending on the candidate's position, partisanship and evolution, which in turn are influenced by population statistics such as ethnicity, place of residence, socioeconomic factors and religion. I have come to learn that, American politics is under the influence of ethnic β†’

Black in the usa

The duration of this paper will be spent explaining some of the intricate ins and outs of the systemic oppression, racism, and poverty that plages black people in the United States of America. Many of the things that I will explain also apply to other black people and people of color around the world, β†’

Free essay on united states’ activities in libya

When some people including media organizations both in and out of the United States hold the opinion that the activities of ending Muamar Gadaffi's tyranny are justified as it is a step closer to achieving political freedom and democracy, others think that the activities are selfishly motivated and with vested interest in the country on β†’

Finding social psychology concepts in the movie the village essay

Towards the end, the blind character Ivy went outside the borders to get medicine for her betrothed, and the twist was revealed that the village was in fact amidst the modern day society, but was hidden from the public in the guise of a wildlife park. It is under this light

The occupy wall street movement critical thinking examples

I think those who called for these protests had undermined the resilience of the government and the so called ' 1%' majority when it came to such critical issues as the ones brought up by the movement. However, this movement has brought to light some issues that a majority of Americans would like addressed.

Name essay example

Thus, there is a perfect trade-off between the extrinsic and intrinsic factors in this case. Response to question 2 The influence style reflected in this mentor response is pulling. He says effective manager is not the one who uses his position and power to extract blind obedience form his group.

Good example of cars essay

Such cars make me want to own one and even improve them to be better off to my standards. I sit down and tell myself that in whatever I do, It must be something related to cars that will allow me to be viewing them each and every day and allow me to associate with β†’

Human service careers essay example

Founded in Cambridge, MA back in 1976, the Human Services Research Institute has been helping in the development of communities to support the necessities of the people (National Organization for Human Services, n.d).. The basic goal of professional human services is to effectively guide the individuals, together with their communities, in the aspects β†’

Conflict management styles quiz essays example

For the harder ones to crack, wherein advantage lied, I had to be compromising, and for the really powerful but beneficial in the long-run, harmonizing style is very important. At the end of the day, it is all about keeping an eye on the prize and adapting accordingly. A3: My blend of styles is very β†’

Example of critical thinking on ethical issues in the study

It is from this point of view that this research can be said to be biased. The research in question here can also be termed as biased because it seems to favor a certain outcome. The outcome is that the learners favor the more integrated form of lecturing than the traditional one more especially when β†’