Genuine Essay Examples

Email letter

In addition, they also have luminaries in the industry as guest speakers which could provide valuable insights into the future of the industry. I am more elated to know that our company will sponsor four engineers to attend the course. It will also tremendously boost my professional development. I hope that you will approve my →

Living in the dorm is noisy

The noise that they create varies and could range from simple conversation to playing loud music that could shatter the eardrums of everybody in the dormitory. There are also loud people in the dorm who cannot seem to keep their peace making the entire dormitory a noisy place.

Expanded definition

Expanded Definition Assignment: Capitalism Capitalism is " an economic system in which the means of production anddistribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market". The earliest form of capitalism is mercantilism which is " the distribution of goods to realize a →

Individual topic proposal paper for the final project: improving advisory program for umd international students and conclusion

The advisory program would be more helpful if it displayed proper organization and relevance to the lives of all students for whom it is meant. Audience/customer: The director and officials of UMD international program. Purpose: Improve and increase organization in the advisory programs. Make guide books that display the resources that will aid in the →

Ice paper

Of concern is the fact that America consumes up to a quarter of the total oil used across the globe. By doing this, it will take the " energy generated by wind and using it to replace a significant percentage of the natural gas that is now being used to fuel our power plants".

Hold it against me by britney spears

This paper will discuss the song by identifying the genre, the criteria used to classify the song under the genre the instrumentation used in the song and described whether or not, digitally- generated effect is at work in the music. The sound of bass is what is mostly heard in the song, it seems to →

Assignment example

The main point of Suze Orman's " How to Take Control of Your Credit Cards" is that people have the means to get themselves out of even the worst credit card debt. While credit cards do have their good points, they seem to be more misleading and damaging than anything of benefit.

All men are created equal

In Twilight: Los Angeles, Anna Deavere Smith draws upon the issue of suppression as she tries to give voice to scores of real life characters in their quest for equality. Presented in a mosaic set of the violent aftermath of the trial, verdict and acquittals of the police officers charged with beating motorist Rodney King →

Week 4 journal

But, one thing that is usually left unnoticed by most of the people is that students still need books for their studies and those books which we call textbooks are not cheap and in the reach of every student now. When students will not get the required information from an authentic source, their lack of →

The price of freedom

The exams were one week away, and the fact that the examination was the last of my final year of campus gave more momentum to the party mood. The girls on the dance floor were also friendly, and the music groove was captivating. As the music went on to play, my new cell phone rang, →

What makes a fine story

It also makes the story to be lively. Tonal variation That is a change in tone with respect to the event. The importance of a character in the story is for the audience to relate to them.

Persuasive outline/speech/presentation – walmart on twitter

For the retail giant Wal-Mart, Twitter offers the best options for interacting with millions of consumers around the world. With branches in 51 countries and millions of customers the best way to communicate on new stock arrivals and amazing discounts offered by Wal-Mart is through Twitter. In addition, it is also important for a company →

Critical writing questions

Article critique The works of Davis Harding demonstrates to us on how the life of the affects her narration. The 1972 republication of Life in the Iron Mills by the Feminist Press brought a resurgence of attention in Davis and her works. My feminist literary critic examines Daviss later on works and reassessing the input →

A long way gone ‘ishmael beah and allegory of the cave plato’s

In this article, I will use the two texts, Allegory of the Cave by Plato and A long Way Gone' by Ishmael Beah to justify the statement ' can childhood ever be lost beyond recovery?' The childhood ages are characterized by innocence of the mind and soul. Relating the redemption of the lost childhood feelings →


This paper persuades the reader that immigration to beneficial, both for the immigrants and the country. First of all, a country which provides protection to its citizens much more than any other country. So, the new comers feel secure and protected. Immigration to relatively harder than immigration to any other country.

Reflection paper

I have noticed that when they find that they have guessed my ethnic origin wrong, they tend to be sorry and respectfully ask me where I belong. Yes, I do trick people about my origin just for fun. I like to experience how people would deal me if they thought that I was from a →

An insight you gained from a literacy event in school

It provided me with an in-sight to the significance of reading in general and reading History books in particular. The literacy event was organized by a research team. After that, we had a tea break and the event was over. This literacy event provided me with an in-sight to the importance of reading out of →


Question one Jacques a member of the Cousteau informed the camera crew that the Antarctic is made up of a large extent of low temperature water on the planet just like the sun which is a source of heat for the entire planet and plays a crucial role in the regulation of climate. A building →

Informational interview

Apart from having to cope up with the pressure of competition, the Operations manager cited that the ever changing technology and modes of business management is another challenge that compels managers to keep updating their modes of operations from time to time. The Interview process was a success; it provided me with a platform to →

Growing up

In his journey he experience freedom to indulge in drugs and sex in Amsterdam also in Berlin he finds himself in a position where he has to struggle with issues of integrity and ethics. He later joins the choir mainly because of his attraction to a girl in the choir.

English functional and corpus based analysis english language essay

It-clefts consists of the pronoun it = grammatical subject followed by a form of the verb to be (that agrees in number with pronoun) and optionally accompanied by the negator not or an adverb such as only [X] it-clause followed by some constituent X- the specially focused element, which may be: a noun →

Who am i

I was surprised to learn that she had a twin sister called Hilda Rodrigues. This was another interesting piece of information I had never thought I had relatives outside United States. She continued to tell m how my ancestors ended up in United States.

Reflection paper on the capstone

After much effort, research and forethought I came to the conclusion and thus derived the thesis that I did. I believe that to catch the attention of an audience, especially a reader, and to make them read into what one has written, it is vital that what is being written is something they can relate →

Literary analyses

Their opinion is so important that they have a responsibility to learn about the world. Her argument is that everyone has their own experiences and these are important to understand.

Week9 journal entry

Therefore, it is of great importance to assess how much the educational sector gives opportunities for creativity to the students. This is in spite of the fact that there are numerous employment opportunities without individuals to fill because the correct and competitive skills have not been taught.

The absolutely true diary of a part-time indian question

Relationship between Arnold and Rowdy In the story the absolutely true diary of a part-time Indian, that is summary, speaks about a young Indians boy as he struggles to fit in the society and school system in the USA among the whites. The story is basically told from the perspective of Arnold being the narrator →

Chap 10

We will never jeopardize this most treasured business goal (Crandall, William, John and John 153). The food contamination arose from the mishandling of a critical ingredient, turmeric powder, by the supplier. Members of the organization waste a lot of printing paper by printing unclaimed jobs that strain the company resources and dirty the working environment →

Writing consultation assignment

There is a variety of bats on the market and one of my objectives for the session was to determine how this topic could be covered in a short, four-page paper. J: Princeton University Press.

The contextualization of the parables english language essay

It should be kept in mind that the aim of the researcher is not to question if the parables of Christ are applicable to the Pakistani Context and situation but to see how these parables can be contextualized according to the Pakistani context, especially in the context of the Pakistani Christians. Furthermore the next part →


On the other hand, the other thing that I did not expect to see is some form of discrimination against my friend and I. However, in spite of that, the tutors are good to my friend and me.

1990 dial soap vintage ad-rough daft

This three are, however, critical to a website's design, and must make a reflection of the customer so that the customer will be interested, in what the website is advertising. This paper discusses the website of an advertising agency to find out what effects the company has employed in the website to make it attractive →

Critique a piece of string

Your full full October 13, A Piece of String The theme of the story, A Piece of String, was based on the concept that a person cannot get the respect of people once he/she is accused of doing something wrong. When Hauchecome was preparing to roll it up, he saw Maitre Malandain, his rival, observing →

Martin luther king, jr

One of these African American protestors was Martin Luther King Jr.who believed in nonviolent protests in order to attain civil rights and for this purpose he delivered a speech recognized as the I Have A Dream. In this speech he used various methods of persuasion in order to persuade the government to provide the African →

Thank you letter

The technically written mails help to provide accurate, concise and grammatically free information so that it not only makes sense but also facilitates the seniors to diagnose and resolve the issue efficiently and timely. The interview has also helped to emphasize that the technical writing is an art, especially in Communication Focal Point. Moreover, the →

English skills

However, the extent of expertise of the writers in the subject does not reflect in the paper. The ideas are arranged in the form of points.

Song of hummingbird

Some of the aspects scholars cite to have enabled this icon to be distinguishable was his wisdom and territory he managed to instill order. This is because of his controversial nature coupled with fine and critical judgeme4nts concerning the future though the emergency of Spanish was somehow tricky to him.

Champion of the world by maya angelou chapter 19

In the event of the fight, Louis almost loses the fight but at the end of the fight he manages to win the fight. The fully crouched bodies in the store listening attentively to the prize fight indicate the coincidental placing of individuals with a common goal. The reason behind the occurrence of the story →


In relation to my life, I have observed that people in general, me included, tend to follow and abide by laws just as seriously as the law enforcing agencies are serious about implementing laws and holding the criminals accountable. In my homeland, I have never passed a traffic interchange at a Red signal. Occasionally, I →

Swachcoin as the right system for effective waste management

Along these lines, the need of quickening the inevitable delinking process by the presentation of approaches, at all phases of waste generation and transfer has become of great concern. The principal goal of this awesome undertaking is to make a decentralized waste administration community. Swachcoin has come to change the world's point of view towards →

Food article summary response

As a result the quality of waiting is not great, because it is not a good job to hold, and there is a large turnover of new employees. Restaurants can improve the quality of waiting in America if they were to provide training and benefits. All in all, Damrosch is correct, the occupation of waiting →

Meeting the balance between providing services and maintaining morale in service-based organizations essay

Ownership as a motivational factor is critical for the survival and sustainability of both the individual worker and the organization as a whole. It is the same ingredient that propels the individual worker to maintain diligence and industry as well as the important factor as enthusiasm which all make morale a basic part of the →

Employee training and development (food industry) essay

Employee Training and Development Employee training and development programs help generate professional workforce and highly skilled personnel. With today's growing competition and new trends and policies in all market sectors qualified employees represent key objective for any successful company. Both training and development programs for restaurant employees encompass the following recommendations: No matter →

The relevant theories about reward management commerce essay

These writers argue in favor of the values of these types of wages in hiking the morale of employees and bettering their productiveness as the same clip. The consequence of this to the organisation is better bottom line public presentation through increased gross and profitableness ( Yu, Ying Yang and Angeles, 2011 ). The chief →

Fast food narrative essay

In order to meet the demand of healthy and higher nutritional food from Hong Kong people, fast food shops start to provide healthy food to customers. The success of a few fast-service shops in Hong Kong is inevitably bringing in a competitor to traditional fast-food shops.

New technology-what is currently happening in it? essay

Information technology is a tool for economical, social, cultural and educational development. In today's world, the term Information Technology has flourished to encompass many aspects of computing and technology, and the term IT is more recognizable than ever before in the world. Information Technology and the Corporation of the 1990s.

Consumer protection act 1986 essay

Short title, extent, commencement and application.This Act may be called the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It will come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification, appoint and different dates may be appointed for different States and for →

Sustainability through dendro powered electricity generation environmental sciences essay

Furthermore the application of leaf improves the wellness of dirt by increasing the organic content in dirt. The aim of this undertaking is to show the commercialization of the construct of sustainable fuelwood production from Gliricidia energy plantations and the operation of an associated biomass power coevals installation. Harmonizing to the survey conducted by the →

Future of technology essay

Now in saying that this is a law of nature we are saying that it holds not only in the past but also in the future. Health could be one of the most important subjects for the future; it is also the most advanced. Our health will have the ability to be constantly be monitored.

Free senegal: marine pollution argumentative essay example

This essay will discuss upon different origins of the marine pollution in Senegal, its effects and the remediation plans for the same. Origin of Different types of Marine Pollutants There are different types of sources contributing to the marine water pollution in Senegal. Along the 700 kilometers of Atlantic coastline of Senegal, large quantities →

An overview of ports and ship building in sri lanka essay

The ancient ports in Sri Lanka and histories bare the testimony of such motions through the sea in to Sri Lanka from many parts of the universe. Interestingly, Trincomalee port was non developed for commercial intents since the independency and lured the attending merely during the Elam war along with Kankasanthurai seaport.4. The terminal of →

Analysing the effective management principles of construction construction essay

Sir Michael Latham thought that the usage of co-oridinated undertaking information should be written into contracts as a legal demand, Latham finally wanted contractors to pass on better between themselves in order to help the bar of holds to a building undertaking. The latham study negotiations about the duty of edifice services and design. A →

The negative effects of the fast food french-fries production and distribution process

For instance, the over used containers abuse natural resources, the production of burger meat is known as animal cruelty, and greasy ingredients are accused of a cause ofobesityand many illnesses. More importantly, one of the most popular but simple part of fast food, French-Fries, has many harmful effects on theenvironment, animals, and →

Informative essay on british airways

It was unplanned because it was introduced at the start of the summer quarter when they had it has one of its busiest quarters. From the perspective of sense making, management needs to be aware of the key elements that are important to the situation. From the perspective of organizational development, I →

Jetblue airways financial analysis

This is a better performance in the year 2004 but deteriorated in the year 2005 if converted into days it shows that on average 3 days in the year 2004 and four days in the year 2005. In every dollar invested in the year 2005, there is 0.

Benchmarking in the real estate industry construction essay

On the footing of the preparation of the taking inquiry and job preparation an overview of the province of the scientific discipline and engineering of benchmarking is given in general and in a existent estate context every bit good. The following " Internal analysis " is broken down into the current analysis of the trial →

Childhood memory essay

My favorite team when I was little was the Chicago bulls because of the one and only Michael Jordan. Somehow the ball came to me and I took the shot and made a three point basketball to give us the lead by 1. I came running to my teammates in joy because that was the →

Analysis of ocbc banking industry

Bargaining power of suppliers is the power of suppliers to drive up the prices of the business inputs and bargaining power of buyers is the power of your customers to drive down the business prices. Threat of Substitution analyzes the extent to which different products and services can be used in place of own industry →

Example of reasons behind the water pollution

Water covers more than 70% of the Earth's surface, but only 3% of that water is fresh water. It is hard to imagine but with the attitude to the water resources we have nowadays, we might run out of fresh reserve within the time frame of 100 years. Indeed, water is endangered by the industrialization →

Challenges and perspectives of adoption of an electronic money scheme

This development has been in the making for quite some time now, from the inception of bank cheques to the creation of credit cards and the implementation of electronic money transfers, financial services practices and new technology has been coming together to produce the greatest leap in the way in which we conduct our everyday →

South african airways case analysis

South African airways Presented by: Hadeir Shahin Khaya Ngqula, the CEO of South African airways is facing a big challenge, which is the striking of SAA ground staff and cabin crews, this action will not affect only the overall performance of the company and slows down operations, but it will have a negative long →

Reflection essay on fashion

The changing dynamics of the fashion industry since then, such as the fading of mass production, increase in number of fashion seasons, and modified structural characteristics in the supply chain have forced retailers to desire low cost and flexibility in design, quality, delivery and speed to market. In addition to speed to market →

David blight’s “frederick douglass’s civil war”

David Blight's work seeks to expand on the already large and impressive study of Frederick Douglass by presenting an intellectual history-biography of the man Blight refers to as the most important black thinker of the 19th century. Underlying Blight's work is his belief that Douglass' ideology was adopted by the race →

Contrasting elements in chronicle of a death foretold and the assault

Through characterization of the Vicario twins and foreshadowing, tension is created over Santiago's death, and characterization of Santiago introduces a contrast between men and women in the society. Garc a M rquez characterizes Pedro and Pablo Vicario in a somewhat deplorable manner, which raises questions in regards to them plotting to kill Santiago and creates →

A modest proposal by jonathan swift and the proposed solution poverty in ireland

Swift's ironic persona uses appeals to ethos, logos, and pathos to prepare the reader for his ridiculous proposal. In the opening paragraph of his proposal, Swift begins by referring to the children as burdens to their mothers who " instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their →

Crime and violence

However, that is not a reason for society to remain uninvolved. The rate of crime andviolencein our society continues to escalate, and if we do not act with swift deliberation, then all of us will become part of that silent and ashamed community of helpless victims. We have every →

Louise erdrich’s love medicine. a study in contemporary fiction

Often, the conflict in the novel arises out of the native American concern for connectedness with the land and the interrelatedness of all life. Leaving home is the road to fulfillment. The story is at the same time one of disintegration and breaking connections, and of bonding and restoration.

”the four agreements” by don miguel ruiz essay sample

Somehow, the Four Agreements tend to devoid the individual the chance of being human in the sense that it literally debunks the usual approaches to how a person resolves or confronts the problem that besets him or her. By not taking things personally, or the excessive practice of it makes an individual prone to being →

“the vendor of sweets” by r. k. narayan

The father has a tough time in adjusting to the changing attitude and life style of his son, while the son considers his father's Gandhian lifestyle redundant and boring and does not care to understand him. R.K. The vendor is highly religious and believes in caste system.

Life of fortunato and montresor in the cask of amontillado

And to his knowledge he knew he had a weak point: he liked the taste of wine a little much for society's liking.. It was about dusk when he met up with Fortunato. When he does, he forces Fortunato onto the wall so he can chain him to it..

“in search of respect: selling crack in el barrio” by philippe bourgois essay sample

" In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio" by Philippe Bourgois Essay Sample The book " In Search of Respect: Selling Crack in El Barrio" by Philippe Bourgois is an in-depth look of the working community and family lives of inner-city Puerto Rican crack dealers in East Harlem and gives important →

Racial stereotypes in the fire next time novel

However, in order to fix these problems, America will need to fight religious hypocrisy that has a stranglehold on true equality and find solutions to these local and global issues Many times during Baldwin's novel, he preaches about the hypocrisy in the United States. He first wishes to address the church and Christianity in →

A role of art in station eleven novel

Art exists in the architecture of the buildings we enter and the homes we live in. For the characters in Station Eleven, whether its with Kirsten's acting or the Prophet's public speaking and manipulation, art is a way of going beyond surviving; it is a way of remaining human " Because survival is insufficient".

Extreme skepticism of organized institution in j.d. salinger’s the catcher in the rye

Skepticism of the institutions that impose rules upon us is essential to the health of those functioning within these institutions, as they must use the ideas of skeptics to adapt as the social aspects of the lives of those who take part in them evolve. However, despite Holden's insistence that he is " sort of →

Essay about the giver ‘sameness’

In " The Giver", written by Lois Lowry, there's a community based on perfection and the citizens who have strict and ethic rules to prevent their community from becoming unethical and unequal. The citizens are not aware of how inappropriate rule it is because they never judge and question just as because of the sameness →

Legacy of luna

The author Julia Butterfly Hill book is a personal reference of the adversity she overcame when faced with saving a part of nature, a part of what defines her, a piece of something she would never let go of. The removal of the redwood trees was what she states to be →

Comparison between macbeth and banquo’s response

Although their opinions throughout the unveiling of the prophecy were opposing throughout, at all times they both rendered the prophecy in contrastive ways, whether they contemplated on its benefit or hindrance towards their gleaming future." All hail, Macbeth, that shalt be king hereafter! " Great fear was shown on Macbeth's face suggesting he was very →

The depiction of the stephen dedalus’ story in a portrait of the artist as a young man

After dropping out of university, the young Stephen realizes that he may never fully understand himself or find his place in society, but decides to make a concerted effort to do so for the sake of his art. When first published, both the public and the literary scholars of the day saw the novel as →

Valley forge army base: what should we know

Valley Forge, the six-month encampment of the Continental Army of the newly formed United States of America was under the command of General George Washington. And the soldiers liked to sing. Throughout the winter and early spring, men were frequently " on command," leaving camp on a variety of assignments.

A not so modest proposal

Swift adopts the persona of a well-intentioned economist, suggesting that the poverty and famine in Ireland can be dealt with by selling children for food and clothing; As a result, Swift argues that not only will the income of the poor increase significantly, but as well the population will decrease proportionally. Swift even suggests that →

“wise old woman” by yoshiko uchida essay sample

Plot: * The Wise Old Woman many years ago the was an arrogant and a cruel young lord who ruled over a small village in the western hills of japan , who thought that the old people are neither useful nor able to work for living so he ordered the villager that the one who's →

Analysis of the book profession of medicine by eliot freidson

The book Profession Of Medicine provides us with knowledge about the organization of the profession and its professional performance, also discuss the social construction of illness and finally on the idea of the consulting profession in a free society. The author tries to have an analysis being based American values and social structure where he →

Life of pi response

I believe the choice that the members of the Ministry of Transport had to make about the stories is a metaphor for religion. In the end, it's all up to what you believe, and the way you interpret it.

Good oral hygiene: a vehicle to a million-dollar smile

The benefits of orthodontic remedy include a healthier mouth, a greater desirable appearance, and teeth which can be much more likely to closing an entire expert on this field is referred to as an orthodontist. Only orthodontist can determine whether you could gain from using orthodontics.based totally on diagnostic tools that consist of a →

The lack of virtue as portrayed in harper lee’s book, to kill a mockingbird

Because of this, Dill begins to see that the world is not perfect and is, most of the time, very broken. He is angry and bitter that the people did nothing to help Tom during the court case. In conclusion, Dill's loss of innocence sparked a transformation in him that was drastic.

Main ideas of house of mirth novel

Regardless, Lily's journey from riches to rags is complete. Though in a bit of a sour twist in the penultimate chapter of the novel, Nettie Struther is introduced. What a person ends up with will depend on their character and determination, something that perhaps Lily Bart could not develop enough of in her stay in →

Depiction of moral dilemma in barn burning novel

Near the end of the story, Sarty is faced with the choice of getting his father in trouble and saving the stranger's barn, or sitting by while his father commits an immoral act. He knows that his father is planning to burn down the barn of the people that they are working for.

The book ‘harriet tubman: the road to freedom’ by catherine clinton essay sample

Usually it is seen that while writing a biography the writer also gives his opinion but in this book Clinton has never judged her subject.' Harriet Tubman: The road to freedom' is scrupulously analyzed and thoroughly researched. The book ' Harriet Tubman: The road to freedom' is a book that describes the life and →

”william penn” by john a. moretta essay sample

Moretta, a history teacher at the University of Houston, wrote the book William Penn and the Quaker Legacy which was a biography that told the tale of William Penn but reminded its readers that Penn was a legend and hero according to According to Moretta, Penn produced a Founding Father →

Reading resources for adults: english as a second language beginners essay sample

The details are different for each library and library based on what is important to the management system. The metadata available in the database is used as the Heading word for each column. The titles listed in the first column are the tittles of the resources for reading and speaking English.

Candide response

With Voltaire's simple mockery of the idea of a perfect world with a perfectly good God, it is evident that he does not appreciate the idea that everything happens for a reason. Despite Voltaire holding these extremely negative views on whether or not there is a good God, if there is a →

Saturday night and sunday morning critical analysis

The British New Wave and La Nouvelle Vague Saturday Night and Sunday Morning was Karel Reisz's first feature film, made in the light of a number of outstanding documentaries from the Free Cinema movement. Interestingly, this film emerged at the same time as Jean-Luc Godard's debut feature A Bout De Souffle. The Angry →

The chrysalids: theme of bravery in the novel

Firstly, there was bravery shown when Sophie was forced to reveal her deviation to David, while he was trying to save her foot from being broken. " Then she said: ' Go away! Strorm found out about this little blemish of the body, Harriet stood up for her rights and her baby by speaking her mind →

Who moved my cheese: reaching happiness with cheese

Cheese Reflection Essay The quote " having Cheese makes you happy" can mean many things depending on the situation of the people involved, but in general it means that finally getting what you worked for/had to change for makes you happy. Once they achieve something, people want to challenge themselves and get more →

Letter from birmingham jail critique essay

In Dr. King's " Letter from Birmingham Jail," he is trying to convince his " fellow clergymen" that his fight for the civil liberties is a just one, and that the march was a nonviolent one and one that was surely needed.Dr. King showed that nonviolence, direct action, and the →

William blake’s songs of innocence and of experience: paired poems and symbols

Blake even pairs poems from Songs of Innocence to the latter Songs of Innocence and of Experience. One example of these so called paired poems is " The Chimney Sweeper". Innocence and experience were connected to Blake's two contrary states of the human soul.

Analysis of franz kafka’s book, a hunger artist

The author depicts the hunger artist's eventual downfall through themes of isolation to society and his extreme hubris that only further separates him and makes his reasoning and ambition even more misunderstood by his spectators. The hunger artist's relationship with humanity is weakened severely as time progresses. His artistic person is almost completely separated from →