Genuine Essay Examples

Evolution of music

The development of secular music called the chanson can be attributed to the first troubadours or minstrels. The chanson usually used two to three voices. With the development of harmony among voices and instruments, the concept of major and minor harmony and tonality was adopted during the Baroque Era. →

My ambition in life essay

Think of the Gauntlet as a touch screen that works by tapping your fingers to your thumb on a gloved hand. It's basically a keyboard on your hand," explained Liu, the principal innovator and a graduate of Grissom High School".

Music of the 1930’s essay sample

In 1938, the band recorded the classic track " Jumpin At the Woodside" with three of the most accomplished musicians of the time, featuring solos by, Earl Warren and Herschel Evans as well as Young and Clayton. One of the people who made the biggest impact on the 1930's music was the trumpet player, →

What makes a good teacher essay

When asked about their opinions of qualities of the good teacher the majority related that good relationship between the teacher and her students would the most important feature. Montomery and Thomas reported another view on the teacher effectiveness: and that is of the reflective teaching methodology. According to these authors, such dates back to Dewey →

Musical theatre and classical music

There are also some members from concert band who also participate in the making of the classical music and they include the members of the woodwind, brass and percussion families. Gagne asserts that there also exist the electric instruments in classical music which include the electric guitar and the ondes martenot which were →

Truth requires strength essay

He always struck me as a mean and selfish brute. " During the last period when he was teaching geography for Form A, Sekhar received a note from the headmaster: " Please see me before you go home." Sekhar said to himself: It must be about these horrible test papers. But he never anticipated his musical →

Horror genre essay

When evaluating the 1963 film The Birds, directed by Alfred Hitchcock, there is much proof of how the values and attitudes of portrayed within the film may be seen as anachronistic in our contemporary society. The film shows social values such as the women in the film being in danger, typically known as a " →

Classical music

Even in movies, television series and so on, very little classical music is promoted in the form of themes, soundtracks and content, as other forms of music take center-stage. Classical music in America: a history of its rise and fall.

Essay on leading and managing individuals

Institutional affiliations: Leading and Managing Individuals 1) How Bill Bailey, chairman of the board of the Utah Opera Organization, might use one theory of motivation to oppose the merger As the chairman of Utah opera organization's board, Bill Bailey can use the Adams equity theory of motivation to oppose the merger and →

Music and culture: punk scene

People became more open, adaptive, and accommodative of the 'youth culture'! 2) What is the function of the UK music press The music press is a branch of entertainment journalism, wherein professionals analyze and criticize the varied genres of music, various bands, singers, musical encouraged, and the like. The music press of the UK →

A concert from heaven critical thinking examples

The song and the performance suited the event and gave a desired and perfect start to the event. The engrossing performance was followed by ' Down for the Count' by Frank Foster. But it was not look before the audience got into the groove again and was excited to the core →

Shawshank redemption essay

The change in camera angles for Norton and the prisoners shows the contrasting positions they are in and the power and status they hold. The camera angles used by Darabont allow the audience to see the status of the characters. As the audience we get an instant look into who is a in control and →

Eleanor rigby: a deep thought balad on psychedelic lyrics from the beatles

The evolution to the artistic style, is best summed up by Hertsgaard, ' Revolver' was the first album of the Beatles' psychedelic period, but the reason it qualifies as art is the indisputable quality and sophistication of song after song like Eleanor Rigby,... Taxman is an anti-love song; Eleanor Rigby is pro-love, though it's nor a →

The role of music in a popular culture

The stereotype of the man as cruel and aggressive, and women as weak and light-minded is a modern day phenomenon. Hamerlinck argues that violence against women, 'popularized' by popular music, reflects mass culture and 'horrible reality'. Using such slang words as " lump" and " hump" describing parts of her body, the singer →

Promotion of violence in rap music

But you could argue that the songs that contain violent lyrics are just a different subgenre of hip-hop and to some degree it is, but you will not forget that artists that dominate rap usually have some rather questionable lyrics in some of their songs. Something that feels exciting because some people like to break →

How the environment reacts to heavy metals excedents and the measures taken to stop it

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the reliability of Tilapia nilocita as an indicator of heavy metal contamination, and to identify the contributing factors to accumulation in freshwater Tilapia nilocita. Fifty specimens were taken from the High Dam Lake, Khor Kalabsha Egypt. Furthermore, the accumulation of lead in the edible part of the →

Listening log

Moonlight Sonata The movement of the song is slow and simple with no vigorous body movements, a nod of the head is just enough and slow movement of the feet. The composer of the song is Ludwig Van Beethoven, who is an ancient music composer in Germany and composed a lot of music and rhythms →

Video reaction paper 2 pages

Holtz: The Planets I listened to Holtz, the Planets twice and I am sure I have heard this music many times in movies. However, I know that Victory at Sea is a war series, and the music fit that very well.

Johann sebastian bach; arnstadt and leipzig essay

Not much information is written about Bach before he moved to Leipzig in 1723. Before Bach's move, he worked for small churches, and traveled very little. This is called Mortets. " Bach is well known for his numerical symbolism and mathematical exactism found in his music".

Music and sculpture

The piece of music that I chose to listen to from the CD was Gymnopedie No by the French composer Erik Satie. The seemingly fragility of the piano was countered by the plowing nature of the composition from beginning to end.


The composition I would like to pay attention to is called " Vagabonds and Blood from the Earth", which is a part of the " Dzama stories" album created by the composer in cooperation with Paul Dunmall, a British solo saxophonist , in 2009. The chosen composition is the first part of the album; →

Psychedelia and vietnam

In addition to these elements the ways that the song lyrically details the Vietnam War create a powerful demonstration of the atrocities of this conflict. While the song alludes to the arbitrary nature of the war, it is more concerned with articulating a story about a lost love going abroad to fight in the war.

Modern bebop: trumpet red rodney

Modern: Bebop: Trumpet Red Rodney Modern: Bebop: Trumpet Red Rodney The general characteristics of the Bebop historic jazz style is that it is a fast growing music because many individuals are adopting the style of music in their songs for different entertainment purposes. In addition, Rodney is known for being the surrealist of the trumpet →

Swot analysis

In view of the fact that Sumptuous Cuisine Catering plans to expand its operations to a dedicated location called The Sumptuous Ballroom with funding through mortgage, issue of convertible debt and its own funding, it becomes important to conduct a SWOT analysis of the company in order to ascertain where it stands presently in terms →

Analysis of music and lyrics of the songs by sza

She is digging into her self-acceptance, using the reference of Adam and Eve, the sacred garden, to take her back to when everything was good in the world. Having a male role in her video does not cause her to stray away from her main message of this song, as well as the main message →

Case study : red bull essay

Red Bull uses network of local subsidiaries setup in key markets to manage distribution in any given region. The subsidiaries are responsible for importing Red Bull from Red Bull GmbH in Austria and either setting up an independent distribution network or working with a partner such as in Australia where Red Bull Australia uses the →

Rondalla’s struggle to past until present essay sample

Then, people formed groups according to their classification, melody they produce and to their taste of music; groups like rock band, orchestra and our own Rondalla. Rondalla is a legacy that we inherited from our great ancestors; it is an art that gives more life and color to our already rich culture, it is →

What makes a good meal essay

This includes all the processes for the preparation of food from selecting the ingredients, cooking, garnishing and serving the food giving considerations to the time and environment, wherein the meal is supposed to be served. After proper cleaning of the fillet, it is to be marinated.

Reaction of reading

However, the topics of the music of the Romantic era and the romantic concerto aroused my interest in understanding the history and transformation of romantic music. The book describes the transformation of romantic music and the factors that have accelerated the growth and spread of this music.

What is copyright, fair use, public domain

Fair use provides for the legal, unlicensed citation or incorporating copyrighted material in a different work of another author and are evaluated according to four underlying factors; a) The purpose, nature and the intention of the use, b) The nature of the copyrighted work, c) The nature and the substantiality of the material used, and, →

Narrative example

He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic. He got to the second floor of his house and looked toward the attic.

Musicians who are known as heroic figures

Are there modern singers and performers who have followed the footsteps of the legends from the 1700s and 1800s such as Beethoven, Mozart, and Puccini? The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and Museum |, n.d.Web.

Morton gould: musical influences and jazz elements in derivations for clarinet and band

Because of the friendship Goodman and Gould had outside of work, Gould's musical influences will also be explored with the analysis of jazz elements in the 1955 piece. Gould was an American composer known for his American roots in composition. Blues elements are evident in the moving notes, the " wrong" notes in the part →

Myguide: potential entrance to the kasakhstan market essay

As such, this paper aims to explore the Personal Navigation System market in Kasakhstan particularly the market entry barriers. Statement of the ProblemWhat are the market entry barriers for the Personal Navigation System in Kasakhstan? The bracket has a set of contacts that mate to contacts on the bottom of the nav-u, making it easy →

Teaching our younger generation to succeed essay

I believe the purpose of education should be to instill our children and young adults with the knowledge they need to succeed in life and the intelligence to strengthen and carry on the core values and ambition of our country. In John Taylor Gatto's " Against School: How Public Education Cripples Our Kids, and Why," →

Ridley scott “alien” film scene analysis essay

At this point, quiet non-diegetic ominous comes in which again helps set a tense atmosphere, even though Dallas is not in the scene yet. When Dallas is eventually shown making his way into the shaft there is a shot of the hatch closing on him, representing that Dallas is cut off and alone in there →

How sex is incorporated into the media and how does it affect the viewers essay

Furthermore, sex is a huge part of the entertainment media. Whether on TV and movies, music and videos, or magazines and books, sex will make you stop what you are doing and look. For that reason teens nowadays are more curious because they see and hear a lot about sex especially in the television and →

The origin of hiphop and how music has changed

The headliners of this rivalry, and most famous of all hip hop controversies, was the controversy surrounding the Notorious B.I.G.and Tupac Shakur. The music that was supposed to end fighting amongst people was the epicenter of one of the biggest music rivalries of all time. There are many artists and producers who have helped hip-hop →

Takes root essay sample

Describe the relationship between the rules rhythm section instruments must adhere to and the freedoms they have to play what they want in fulfilling their specific roles. Varying on the solo instruments, the other instruments support the solo. Describe how the roles of these three instruments change during the course of a song in →

Example of essay on japanese concert

The stage had already been set and a clamor of gripping sounds filled the stage as the audience settled. This was when the solo oboe struggled to maintain the continuity of the ensemble.

Using details and references from the material and answer 2 questions

This means that for them to be able to do the proper break-dance one has to have that feeling that they are coming from one place and that they are " keeping it real " For instance when one is performing in a jam(which is a place where people can come to dance and practice, →

Cultural similarities and differences of hip-hop in the u.s. and france

Accordingly, this paper contends that the fundamental similarity of Hip Hop culture in both countries lies in the representation and ways of expression of the minorities, regardless of the range of differences, which lies in the different ways in which the displaced minorities attempt to reconstruct themselves. California: ABC-CLIO, 2006.

The illustration essay

For example when the teachers giving a lecture and students get a text they obviously cant resist it so they check and get distracted from their lecture. Music is a another example of how students get distracted from their educational needs. That's why most of the time when teachers hear a cell phone they take →

Beethovens love life

It is believed that Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata was dedicated to her. Over three or four years of teaching the piano to Josephine Brunsvik, Beethoven grew attached to her. However, Brunsvik's family put her under pressure to end the relationship for the simple fact that Beethoven was a commoner.

Class struggle and cultural change in the last samurai essay

In the course of these changes, the culture of the defeated dies out or is lost, to be replaced by the culture of the ones who prevailed. This theme is evident in The Last Samurai, Edward Zwick's tale of Japan's transformation from a largely feudal and agricultural economy into an emerging capitalist country at the →

Personal statement for uni in the uk

Adding to this, I have been able to follow the international news through digital media and reading political journals. I have had an opportunity to study with students from different societies and this has helped me to understand the cultures and tradition of the world. I have been able to contribute and share ideas on →

Quiz 3

Lastly, is constitution where the president announces the views of the bill on the constitutional aspects. Question 4 The notion of collective leadership is not compatible with the United States this is because competencies must apply to all the leaders in the government or in organizations. This means performance and accountability is the key →

Ethics in business

In terms of safety, I would argue that business is meeting its requirements and expectations of the clients. Today, advertising is not positive and socially desirable due to the gross deceptive techniques that are applied in it.

Letter to the editor about airport security

Some of these basic rights include the right to have water, shampoo, or even pasta sauce on flights. Jokes aside, the point of airport security is to provide security.Mr. If the items in the class of being taken away with the passenger still being allowed to board the plane are so dangerous, why are they →

International relation

Globalism according to the professors is the state of the world consisting of the network of independence that results from the constant flow of services, people, goods, culture, and ideas internationally. According to Keohane and Nye, globalization can lead to corporation among the separate individuals or organizations that are not in harmony with each other. →


The common goal in all these types of egoism is the fact that the motivation or morals are all on the point of view of the individual or individual's activities and not that of others. Egoism is mostly described also in terms of selfishness and hence an egoistic individual in the analysis and eyes of →

Service contracting

The complex nature of the required service as well as the expertise of the service provider is a key consideration. The solicitation contains the criteria for selection of the contractor in addition to other instructions relating to the evaluation process.

Russia to start supplying iran with a sophisticated air defense missile system

Summary: The United States and Israel have criticized the decision by the Russian Government to lift the ban on S-300s, which will boost Iran's ability to shield themselves from air attacks. Development: After the United Nations imposed sanctions on Iran in 2010 concerning its nuclear programme, the distribution of S-300s was cancelled. The foreign minister →

The perception of homosexuality

People frequently argue that they are gays because they feel sexual attraction in the people of their gender. But people that say that they never felt sexual attraction in the people of their gender ever in their life lie.

Political socialisation (models and theories)

According to the theory, children appreciate the beliefs and ideas that are in accordance with the beliefs of their culture. The theories of development argue that individuals embrace various views according to their stage of development in life.

Theories of intelligence by bruce ballenger in the curious researcher

While he agreed with the theories, he felt that " there was a kind of intelligence that really counted and that I did not possess".Throughout the essay, Ballenger takes the reader from his early childhood to his current realization of his limitations and how this has helped him. 2. While Ballenger admits to ridiculing Upton, →

Ethics influences regulation in the u.s and abroad

The ethical debates are thus facilitative in the fact that the vision is followed to the core and the government regulations which are set about under such a process are appreciated by the people at large and the governmental circles within the country. All said and done, the role of ethics plays to the positive →

Merit & public goods

PUBLIC, MERIT AND PRIVATE GOODS Public goods, merit goods, and private goods Public goods are those good provided with no profit to the members of the society, the government, organization or even individuals are responsible for the provision of public goods. Private goods, on the other hand, are the goods owned by individuals, in that →

Leaked information in central intelligence agency

The press, therefore, has an important role in exercising of their rights for the wellbeing of its citizens and to help shape the governing mechanisms for the common good. It was within media right that Snowden, as a whistle blower, exposed the unconstitutional practices that the government agencies were using in contrary to the common →

Does television viewing influence behaviors among the youth

Cluster sampling is a collection of samples in groups that identify with a specific research area or location. Data analyzed revealed that young people emulate the language, dressing, and way of living viewed in several programs aired on the television. Although more than ninety percent of the questionnaires distributed were valid for analysis, it was →

Summary and response

Howard analyzed the contents of YouTube, Twitter, and blogs to compile the findings of a study entitled " The Project on Information Technology and Political Islam" that attribute the role of social media in agitating for revolution in Arab countries. In addition to Twitter and video protests, the instant Facebook messages and blogs inspired the →

Animals in the third reich

In 1932, a ban on vivisection was proposed and enacted in the following year. This was followed by the regulation of the slaughter of poikilotherms.

Cristal alvarado rodriguez

If student were able to eat during class then they would be able to concentrate on the objective they are learning instead of thinking about " what's for lunch? " One of the many reasons students should be able to eat in class is due to that us students do not have enough time to →

Eth035v 03 04 assignment

How would you go about dealing with material in your multicultural school that is still containing stereotypes and omissions.- Often textbooks are biased in that they favour a particular point of view or perspective.- The teacher must evaluate curriculum to determine whether they meet the criteria for a multicultural society - determine what changes are →

Personal philosophy statement

Children under the age of eight have enormous potential for growth and achievement, and it is my sincere belief that they have the right to achieve their full potential. By providing children with access to hands-on activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being presented, educators create the →

Becoming a teacher the ultimate job for me

Yet there are certain intangibles that make teaching the ultimate profession for me. The simple fact that as ateacherI will have the opportunity to get in touch with and shape the mind of today's youth to allow them to see the wonderful opportunities for them in this →

Eng 120- 053

Kimmel and Garibaldi present their view on gender problem in their articles " How the school shortchange boys" and " A war against boys". Garibaldi conducts that more girls earned high school diplomas than boys and he utilizes percentages to show this, but actual numbers of boys and girls will likely uneven, which could lead →

Evaluation after curricular reform in schools

The paper reports a study of English-language teaching conducted in Delhi State of India that sought to examine the assumption that a change in an evaluation pattern can trigger curricular reform. Did concomitant changes take place in the teaching and testing of English at the upper-primary stage when the Central Board of →

Defining important terms (due 7.12.13)

This program of human resource management focuses on the professional well-being of the employees by keeping the workforce updated with modern and required skills and knowledge. Human resource development further helps employees to seek for rewards and promotions as their level of performance get enhanced. This actually turns out favorable for both the parties that →

Slavery in the chocolate factories

Child labour is not acceptable in the contemporary world and to overcome this problem in the cocoa industry, managers need to reform on the payments of cocoa to the farmers. Another area of focus is the value addition of cocoa in the chocolate industries in order to fetch higher prices in the market for the →

Staffing: selection and recruitment

The final process is presenting the job seekers who qualify the interviews and found by the staffing company to possess appropriate qualities for the job. This is because it is cheap and provides faster solutions to the expectations of the staffing company.

Challenges of human resources

Human resources department is indeed on of the most challenging departments in an organization especially considering the fact that it deals with the training, hiring, and retention of diverse employees. Otherwise, lack of the employee satisfaction in their respective jobs pose a great threat to human resource departments of major and small companies.

Analysis of jelly belly candy company

In the case of Jelly Bean, it means the process by which customers that used to purchase Jelly beans from the company's stores stops buying them over a given period of time. Typical measures include caring for the existing customers in terms of their emerging needs and understanding their challenges. b) Proof-of-concept, as used in →

Unit 4 seminar

The abusers also use threats on the abused that makes them stuck in their situation. The children are not an exception in the cycle of violence. It is this reality that leads to the author indicating that a reduction in the replication of violence will be vital to reducing the effects on the abused. To →

Compensation to injured workers

The beginning of the twentieth century witnessed a revolution in factories with respect to the safety of workers, accidents, and compensation. Similarly, employer organizations developed research initiatives that aimed at improving safety at the workplaces with the objective of minimizing accident-related expenses due to compensations.

Compensation and benefits

The company does not recognize efforts that the employees put in order to boost the company and this greatly affects employees' performance. The employer will therefore have challenges in coping with fewer workers when others are on sick days as well as employing new people to work on the company. Bronco Wine Company is among →

Mgmt438 unit 1db

Group cohesiveness Group cohesiveness discussion Group cohesiveness refers to the internal forces within a given number of individuals that provides the endurance to continue being members of the group. One of the central issues affecting the cohesiveness of the group pertains to poor communication factors that limit the bond between group affiliates. Factors leading to →

Unit 4 seminar

Types of Program Evaluation Types of Program Evaluation There are three types of evaluation that are utilized in human service programs in a bid to ensure that all the adopted programs are effective. The purpose of the process evaluation is to determine the potential success or failure of a certain program.

The training and development program

Mostly training and development resources are derived from inside of the organization and a minor amount is extracted from the outside environment. Phase 3 is the Check phase, unfortunately, this is the most ignored phase in most organizations but organizations that give importance to this phase have developed successful training and development programs. This relates →

Critical analysis of liz addison’s article two years are better than four

In the essay, Addison uses her experience to argue that attending a two-year college is just the beginning, which can lead to new discoveries, an advancement in education and to more experience and growth for students who are unprepared and indecisive. Liz Addison's goal is to effectively persuade her readers, who are mainly students, the →

Reaction paper on

Reaction Paper on " THE RELEVANCE OF CRITICAL THINKING IN CONTEMPORARY PHILIPPINE SOCIETY" " Critical thinking is a desire to seek, patience to doubt, fondness to meditate, slowness to assert, readiness to consider, carefulness to dispose and set in order; and hatred for every kind of imposture." Francis Bacon Life is not →

Using blended learning to improve student performance education essay

It goes on to briefly explicate the historical pattern by pedagogues of concentrating on the academically inclined pupils banishing those with different larning manners and describes to overemphasis by the society as a whole on pupil public presentations in national scrutinies as a standard for success orfailureof a school. The chapter besides highlights →

Personal beliefs essay

This is the beginning to a long road of mental and emotional issues that the child will suffer in the future into adulthood unless the behavior is modified without using corporal punishment. Behavior Modification Corporal punishment is defined as inflicting pain to redirect an undesired behavior also known as negative re-enforcement." Corporal punishment includes, →

Online classes and some advantages essay sample

Taking online classes is so convenient for many students who have jobs out of campus or those who would rather study at home on their own time. For instance, students do not have to come to class every day to their respective classes; they do not have to be at their classroom at a →

The self in the social world

During the teenage years, this is when she developed a sense of personal identity which continued to influence behavior and development for the rest of her life. Her mom is a strong and independent woman and she instilled her to be the same way.

Developing literacy essay examples

In that class, the first time I tried to read a novel in English, I realized that I was not really literate yet. However, the more I read and write in English, the better my literacy will be.

Stages of critical thinking essay sample

Complete the matrix by identifying the six stages of critical thinking, describing how to move from each stage to the next, and listing obstacles you may face as you move to the next stage of critical thinking. Stages of critical thinking How to move to the next stage Obstacles to →

Educational experience essay sample

Homework got a lot more challenging and as some places, more fun than they were before and it was a great that the punishment for not being able to do the homework was no longer " standing in the corner". It was an amazing experience to learn about what amazed you as a child. Overall, →

Analyse diversity implications in coaching

The use of a coach or coaching techniques is a known and evidence based intervention used to manage differences within teams and support their growth through building awareness and acceptance leading ultimately to a more effective individuals and inclusive organizations. In an effort to do a topic as vast as diversity justice, gender →

Erin brokovich essay sample

Furthermore, Erin was already set up with the right skills to succeed she just needed this opportunity to utilize those skills and make them better. The case Brockovich worked on did not start out as a tort case. What did the medical records have to do with the real estate transaction? Further, there →

The advantage of tone to develop understanding 

They identify fault within society for the outcomes of the issues that they develop and search for a solution inclusively. In particular, Frye's " Do not You Think It's Time To Start Thinking?" possesses a critical tone towards teachers for being unable to teach their students about the importance of literacy, causing them to lack →

Prepare to support individuals within a shared lives arrangement essay sample

He is learning these skills in a safe environment until he feels confident enough to be able to, one day, move out and live independently. To be able to work with our service users in care, all carers are DBS checked and are required to follow a minimum standard of care as set out →

Skeleton examination: a bone results

When all of this qualitative and quantitative data is conjoined then it is apparent that Skeleton A's sex determination is a male because of the shapes of the pelvis and eye orbit and also because of the epicondylar width of the humerus. Race Determination: Evidence of the skeleton's race includes the presence and sharpness of →

How to improve student learning education essay

The impact in educational measuring is non limited to the consequence of appraisal on acquisition and instruction but extends to the manner in which assessment affects society as a whole. Celce-Murcia asserted that the ability to show thoughts in composing in a 2nd or foreign linguisticcommunicationand to make with sensible coherency and truth →

Study habits is a must

Having a good study habits is not that easy, but at the end, it will be worth it and you will be satisfy to the outcome of all your hardworks. Through the articles, I realized that I must have a good study habits because I cram a lot and it will help me to have →

Understanding the phenomenon of gentrification

In other words, it may refer to as renovation by the influx of the wealthier people in a specific urban region, which links to an increase in rents and properties worth, and a shift in a community's nature and culture. As mentioned by Grant , this may in some point, replace the common needs →