Genuine Essay Examples

Professional attributes necessary for midwives nursing essay

The profession of Midwifery is the ability to regulate itself and the development of a code of ethics is one way of being able to do this. Effective communication is essential between the midwife and the woman and her family members and the care and information being given by the midwife should be always be →

Ethical steps in decision making

The goal of the ethical decision making process is to enable the nurse make a choice between various options and ensure that they uphold ethical standards where there are no clearly set guidelines on how to act, with regards to the situation confronting the nurse at the given moment. As a psychiatric nurse, I work →

Case study example

This model is widely used in nursing practice and in our case study, we will use Roys model in the following ways in the planning of Eddies care:- According to Callister Roys model of adaptation, the nursing process is a problem solving approach for data gathering, identifying needs of a person to adapt to the →

Nursing model

In the article titled Holistic Nursing Care: Theories and Perspectives, published on the American Journal of Nursing Science, the authors reaffirm that the signs and symptoms of any given condition mirror a deeper disturbance within the patients biopsychosocial balance. Volume 22, Number 3, 2014, pp.

Nursing research

Nursing and Research Process Nursing and Research Process Nursing and research process are important aspects of nursing and determine the nursing outcomes. A nursing process that ensures maintenance or improvement of health of patients is deemed to be efficient. The above discussion proves that both research process and nursing process are essential in nursing.

Pain and alternative therapies

For example, asking about breakthrough pain, or if the patient experiences mild or severe pain based on a scale of 0-10 and characterized with impulsive onset or a neuropathic pain. A nurse can also ask about the medications and their effect on the patient to gauge the severity. Methods of pain control Mastectomy patients →

Week 5 assignment 2 : professional development plan

Completion of Assessment Tools My Vision and Interests Personal VALUES Influencing FACTORS Responsibilities Caring Listening to needs Commitment Integrity Accountability Collaboration Respect Personal Experience Family Member Friends Peers Mentors Work-Related OPTIONS to Consider PLANNED Accomplishments Attend educational forums →

Falls and risk assessment nursing essay

The task of the SN is to examine and address the importance of hand hygiene, pressure injuries and falls prevention. Hand hygiene is one of the many vital factors to comply with in any nursing facility to minimize and reduce the risk of cross contamination. Pressure Injuries In addition to hand hygiene, the SN →

Compassion fatigue

The condition is closely associated with stress and burnout. Signs and Symptoms The condition is characterised by the reduction in a person's level of compassion, gradually, over time. Engaging in social activities or participating in social events such as going to church/ attending spiritual service can go a long way in preventing or alleviating →

Undertaking intelligent intermittent auscultation

One of the most important tools in fetal heart monitoring is the cardiotocograph. The midwife or the obstetrician identifies the lie of the child in utero and uses the back to listen to the heart rate through a hand held sonic aid.

Grant proposal for skagit conty to prepare flood awareness brochure in spanish

Most of the Hispanic and Latino community are not very conversant with English language and the efforts made by the local authorities have been ineffective in relaying the message to these people. The gap created by the language barrier needs to be filled by a program that is inclusive of the Spanish language. Overcoming the →

Educate a noncompliant patient

Educating a Non-Compliant Patient Once it has been identified by the physician what the problem with the patient is, the next step is to educate them so that they may follow the advice of the doctor. It is here that the role of nurses comes into play as they need to educate the non-compliance patients →

Hand hygiene in infection control

There are various types of disinfectants that can be used to decontaminate hands, and the choice of one depends on the task that the healthcare worker intends to perform. If nail brushes are used to clean finger nails, they should strictly be used for the nails and should not come in contact with the skin.

Ethically bound and legally speaking -discussion

The medical team did what they could to save the life of the patient. Hours after the surgery, the patient developed complications and was clearly experiencing excruciating pain in different parts of his body. I realized that the patient was not going to live long.

The relationships between a stomach cancer patient nursing essay

As we began our interaction in the consultation room she appeared anxious and afraid therefore the nurse and I had to make her at ease by reassuring her that we were going to do our best to assist her and her family through the illness. For effective palliative care to be achieved the unit of →

American journal of health

The target group was used to validate the trans-theoretical stages of exercise behaviors since they were prone to frequent hospitals because of lack of physical exercises. 3) Propose how social disparities may have been a factor in the study results. Self- efficacy results indicated that precontemplators and contemplators had the lowest levels of efficacy as →

What role do nurses play in the provison of safe quality patient centered care

Role of Nurses in Providing Safe, Quality Patient Centered Care Role of Nurses in Providing Safe Quality Patient Centered Care First, nurses acknowledge a patient as the basis of control in offering considerate and organized care that is focused on high opinion for the patient's first choices, values, and requirements. To do this, nurses need →

Borrowed theories guiding practice

Additionally, the post fails to show how such principles can be applied to guide adult teaching practice among advanced practice nurses. Significantly, this post offers the significance of the theory of adult learning to the nurse by noting that it equips the nurses with problem-solving skills and apprehension of the needs of the patient. Therefore, →

Hospital atmosphere and a noble profession

I remain appreciative of her work and long ago, I had made up my mind to go into nursing career and make it my main theme of work in life. I would like to impress that I am passionate about this work and hope to have a long and fulfilling career in it.

Challenges in lobbying strategies

It is clear that the sender is effective in written communication than oral message delivery, thus the choice to communicate the ideas through e-mail has some advantages. Consequently, it remains clear that email cannot replace face-to-face communication if the message is to be delivered precisely and win the hearts of policymakers.

Type 1 diabetes mellitus

By so doing, the patient will understand that the illness is a result of the lack of insulin and that the only way for them to function normally is to provide the body with insulin, which can only be injected. The RN also needs to inform the patient that he or she will take some →

Philosophy of nursing

I used Nightingale's thoughts to describe four metaparadigms of nursing which are person, environment, health and nursing, and described how nursing integrates these concepts according to the literature Nursing Theories: The base for professional Practice. I also included the mission statement and core philosophy of Accelerated Surgical Center which I am employed →

Nursing situation

The IPCP calls for pulling of data or information to arrive at a specific or a common solution. For instance, the 26 years old patient that is brought to the hospital with unknown medication condition should have been subjected to medical diagnosis using the IPCP medical principles. For instance, having suspected that the patient was →

Course reflection

The future issues that face the nursing fraternity have a direct bearing to the ethical code of conduct of the nursing profession. OJIN: The Online Journal Of Issues In Nursing, 13. Home, A., & Care, P..

Becoming a nurse

Nursing is more than just a profession as it requires a nurse to be personally and emotionally involved in his/her interaction with the patients. Becoming a nurse gives me the surety that I will be employed as soon as I attain my degree.

Application of grand theory to nursing practice essay sample

The theorists of this school tried to develop a concept of the outcomes of nursing care in relation to the recipient of care. All these nursing theories are similar in the way they all try to describe nursing phenomena and provide a philosophical understanding of the nursing profession.

Impact of standardized terminologies

As a practicing nurse, the Implementation of NIC would have varied and diverse impacts on my nursing practice. First, apart from the better communication between other health providers and me, NIC would provide me with an increased visibility and clear view of nursing interventions. Third, a practicing nurse with knowledge in nursing informatics, NIC will →

School of nursing

My performance as a student under this program would determine if I would be qualified to further participate in SCC's concurrent program with the University of Central Florida. As such, I am truly optimistic that I would be able to perform very satisfactorily if given the chance to participate in the concurrent nursing program. Works →


Through activism, an individual will feel empowered to contribute in doing something to change the situation for the better, which is likely to lead to the realization of some of the changes needed. Question 3 The citizenry, media, as well as nurses are responsible for advocacy, lobbying, and activism since they are in a →

Nursing capstone phase 2

Informatics is one way of preventing the occurrence and severity of blood transfusion reactions. Article 1 Gwaram et al , in a study to determine the incidence, risk factors, and clinical presentations of acute blood transfusion reactions, found that there was a 3. They conclude that that there should be a well-structure program →

Protecting and improving quality

Protecting and Improving Quality Protecting and Improving Quality A report on the of health services revealed many discrepancies in the American health sector. Legal suits may interfere with operations of the facilities (Lewin, Altman, & Institute of Medicine, 2000). In order to improve quality service in the health sector, performance of professionals in this sector →

Depth and competence of a palliative care nurse essay examples

Therefore, in this paper, I am going to explore the components of good palliative care, and the competence skills needed by the nurses who consider working in palliative care units. The establishment of evidence based practice of palliative care for assisting patients and families is of great help. Therefore, medical care experts have grown to →

Medications errros

The intensity of the work conducted in the emergency department is one of the factors that may lead to medical errors. Some arguments about medical errors committed in the emergency department attest to the fact that medical professionals attending to patients on the emergency department often feel bored because of the inconsistent number of patients →

Etical dilema in acute care/critical care settings

However, the mother to the patient did not approve of this because the nurse did it without her consent or the patient's. The main concern of the nurse is to save to the life of her patient, and that is what the nurse in question did.

The history of nurses duties nursing essay

HMSO states in prescribed situations, nurses owe a responsibility to act in the best interest of their clients and the public; and this duty may take priority over the duty of confidentiality of the patient. Hendrick , states if a person is incapable, due to a lack of decision making capacity, the →

Nursing informatics

Regarding nursing practice, the article concentrates on how installing information technology in health care centers and educating health care providers how to use them can help in improving the outcomes of health care. A brief history of the application of informatics in nursing is also given. The Role of Nursing Informatics on Promoting Quality →

Nursing research paper

In this regard, this paper is purposed to critically examine a nursing research article, " Coping skills training improves teen's self-management of diabetes", by focusing on its research Methodology, research question, type of sample and data analysis and most importantly expound on its two major findings. Research question The core purpose of this research →

Organizational systems and quality leadership essay sample

The process begins with gathering data in regards to the event, then the data needs to be analyzed, and the final step is to find solutions to the errors that were found so that a reoccurrence of the same error does not occur again. This was brought up to the MD at the time of →

Medicine personal statement examples

I am sure that this faculty is the best for me given my desire and love for the profession. In addition to my experience in a medical clinic, I have also been a volunteer in a home care in addition to working to clinics in some of the abroad clinical →

Cad summary

NIH notes that the overall amount of cholesterol is higher than 240 mg/dL, less than 40 mg/dL for HDL, and more than 190 mg/dL for LDL in CAD.opine that CAD results from obstruction of the coronary arteries and supports the genetic and environmental factors causing the disease. Besides, Kakouros and Cokkinos →

Tools for evaluation of pain nursing essay

The most commonly recogniseddefinition of pain is that of the International Association for the Study of Pain ' an unpleasant sensory and emotional experience associated with actual or potential damage or described in terms of such damage'Acute pain is relatively straightforward to assess as, unlike chronic pain, it generally bears a predictable relationship to obvious →

The history of nurse patient relationship nursing essay

The nurse-patient relationship is at the heart of all nursing practice and it was shown to have both a positive and negative affects on QoL (Ebbeskog & Emami, 2005; Hopkins 2004; Ebbeskog & Ekman, 2001; Flurrie, 2001; Friman et al., 2010; Husband, 2001; Jones, 2008; Sibbald et al., 2003). Future research is needed to examine →

Good proposed solution research proposal example

A review of literature reveals that the problem of frequent hospitalization of mentally ill patients is not limited to the psychiatric unit alone and is in fact, a national and international concern. The demarcation of frequent readmissions as a negative indicator of inpatient and outpatient quality of care has serious implications on the measurement of →

Importance of measures of disease frequency (incidence and prevalence)

Importance of Measures of Disease Frequency School affiliation Importance of Measures of Disease Frequency Introduction The most important aspect of epidemiology is the measurement of disease occurrence in a given population over a given amount of time. Incidence and prevalence, however, are very frequent and are the main measures used →

Discussion board post response

Response to Performance Reports Discussion Response to Performance Reports Discussion One of the techniques that can be used to measure performance in healthcare organizations is inspecting all aspects of care within a facility and subsequently finding out whether they meet State, National, as well as international standards. Safety standards may include availability of adequate amounts →

The history of the nursing administration nursing essay

Keeping that in view the investigator had undertaken the present study to assess the effectiveness of adolescent to adolescent approach on knowledge and attitude regarding reproductive health among adolescent girls, Madhanur, Vellore District. 6.1. 1 The objectives of the study were To assess the pre and posttest level of knowledge and attitude on reproductive →

Research based practice

As such, the adopted strategies in the provision of health care for the nurses focus on the gained knowledge from the literature search. This includes evaluation of the different scenarios and case studies to determine the best approach of providing health care for the population. Health care providers also engage in experimental setups, which generate →

Constipation (advanced pharmacology)

The commonly used drugs available in the market for the treatment of dementia include: Donepezil , Galantamine , Memantine nda), Rivastigmine. However, in cases where the individual does not respond to Aricept and the dementia worsens, doctors begin prescription with Namenda which has been approved for the treatment of advanced forms of the →

Nursing home visit and communicating with patients

In order to improve on my verbal communication skills, as I am not a native English speaker, I think I need to improve my English speaking skills through practice and by enrolling in an English language course. Non-verbal cues include eye contact, touch and use of space, gestures, body posture and presentation, and use of →

Cn appraisal

YesNo Unknown d) What is the effect on the reader? Are results plausible and believable? YesNo Unknown Is the reader imaginatively drawn into the experience? YesNo Unknown 2) What were the results? a) Does the research approach fit the purpose of the study? Yes No Unknown Does the →

Desire to become a nurse like cherry ames

Whenever I accompanied my mother and grandmother, to the hospital, I saw doctors attend to them briefly during their hospital rounds, but the nurses were always there, ever attentive and caring, and for me, that made all the difference and I still remember the nurses by name, several years later. The new challenges that encounter →

Application of mobile device technology in baccalaureate nursing education

The goals of this endeavor include: increasing faculty proficiency in technology and informatics skills, teaching students documentation skills for future practice in an electronic medical/health record environment and providing a mobile electronic clinical reference and evaluation tool to enhance decision making. Perrault and Metzger identified →

The future of nursing education

What are the pros and cons of the situation? An increase in clinical experts other than all crowding into research field is a way to directly improve quality of the healthcare system and also prevent deaths of patients whose diagnosis requires a more knowledgeable nurse than a registered nurse. The Future of Nursing Leading Change, →

Admission essay for nursing school

Together with my extensive working background, I believethe school can open the doors to many fields in the healthcare industry, helping me make a serious contribution to the profession. On my part, I am willing to bring my integrity, commitment, responsibility, and a hard-working spirit to the program. Given my personal maturity →

Memo about a recent job interview you had in nursing

According to Gurak and Lannon , " Always create a dynamic tone with active voice". The job required people with prior experience in nursing. In other words, the candidate applying for this job must be ready to work industriously with other people.

Community /public health nursing

In addition, this type of community includes people who have come to work within the community. Phenomenological community is a type of community that exist because all its members have a common interest in a particular subject, experience of an event or having a feeling of belonging. This type of community setting involves people who →

Legal iss ues

Moreover the unique areas of nursing practice are advocated by the specific organizations of the ANA. The organizational and community issues which affect the practice of nursing are the areas of focus by the ANA.

Nursing research

In the first approach, the solution identifies the most effective pain nurse with the requisite skills required in order to train nurses on the approaches that focused on effective management of pain in children. Nonetheless, it is important to point out that there are scanty data that address the issue of pain management in children.

Bedside reporting in nursing care

This research will investigate various aspects of care centered on the patient and family, especially the initiation of bedside reporting and the problems faced by the patients and nurses. This study's report will give information regarding; the perceptions of nurses to the practice of bedside reporting, what the nurses perceive to be the most important, →

Strengths of ebp

This paper explores the strength of evidence determines translation into practice, the importance of integrating EBP with family practice and responsibility of nurses when EBP and family practice does not match. Research has shown that EBP leads to a better health care. The second reason is the existence of trust between the doctor and the →

Polycystic ovary syndrome

Insulin, a hormone that controls the change, use and storage of starch, sugar and other foods in the body may increase the production of androgens. W exhibited the following symptoms Painful and Irregular Periods Prolonged time between periods Experiences heavy flow during periods Obesity The following treatment should be →


Nursing Research due: Nursing Research Part A The dependent variable in this scenario is the caloric intake since it changes depending on whether there is a lifestyle management intervention which is the independent variable. 2) To determine the group which had the greatest reduction in caloric intake, a t-test would give us the best results, →

Clinical quality and patient safety

This indicates that it is a major problem in the world today. The leading cause of the occurrence and development of the hospital-acquired infections is the medical practitioners becoming complacent and fail to practice the correct hygiene regularly. Any infection that will be occurring in ones' section due to a preventable cause, the practitioner in →

Epilepsy care in nigeria factors influencing default nursing essay

The cost of transportation and long journey to the clinic were the major reasons for defaulting. Fig. The major reasons for default were cost of transportation to the clinic and long journey to the clinic.

Discussion board post response

Effective relationships in the workplace are imperative as they contribute to improved job satisfaction, nurse retention, and also improved results in nursing practice. In reference to your example, favoring some employees could make other employees feel devalued and hence leave the organization.

The relationship between insulin exposure and breast cancer nursing essay

Introduction Breast Cancer Cancer Research UK states that cancer is the cause of more than a quarter of all deaths in the UK with breast cancer being the most common type suffered in women. However there has not been a study as of yet evaluating whether exposure to insulin specifically in type →

Role model

This makes my mother angry that I am not following directions, but she will always just forgive me and forget about the matter. The way that my mom is so forgiving contributes to her being my role model. Out of everyone I chose my mother as my role model because she is →

The lesson: a study of sylvia’s story as depicted in toni cade bambara’s short story

The other character, Miss Moore, provides the proof of social imparity to a group of city kids which includes Sylvia, the main character, whose common belief shaken when she becomes conscious of social class in the world she lives in. The conflict between Sylvia and Miss Moore is obvious when she refers the other →

Studying carl ransom rogers self concept theory

The potential of a person is unique and we are meant to undergo development in various ways in accordance with our personality. According to McLeod, S.A. According to Rogers, a fully functioning person is well adjusted, well balanced, and fascinating to get acquainted to. Self-Concept Self-concept refers to the organized, consisted set of perception →

The effect and communication of wolfgang amadeus mozart” don giovanni and gioacchino rossini’s il barbiere di siviglia

Rossini's personality displayed his vibrant characteristics, evident of his preference in writing vibrant, comedies as opposed to Mozart's preference in writing dramas. Mozart chose the story of Don Giovanni for his opera in the hopes that it would form a basis much like the manner of The Marriage of Figaro. Followed by the performances of →

Film viewer opinion paper

There are sometimes when I feel that I would like to watch a film that will make me think, and yet there are other times when a simple and lighthearted film are the way to go. When I choose a film, sometimes the mood I am in that day will help me to decide which →

Reception and critique of “the tale of the princess kaguya”

The unconventional, stylistic approach of " The Tale of the Princess Kaguya" has been brought to the attention of several curious individuals, gaining a plethora of positive remarks from both film critics and audience viewers alike. As a product of Studio Ghibli, one of the lead animation studios in Japan, " The Tale of →

No country for old men

When we first come across Chigurh we immediately know that he's not very innocent, we acknowledge that he is in a prison cell and at this first instance, we know he's done something bad but then he does much worse, without warning Chigurh " dropped his cuffed hands over the deputy's head...nd hauled back on →

Power of a leader

Jack demanded the children to listen and work on getting a fire started on the island. Early in the book, Jack shows his desire to become a powerful leader.

Shrek: a must-see film

Shrek however is a lover of his privacy and with the onset of his new tenants residing in his swamp; he promptly went to see Lord Farquaad to request for his solitude to be restored. Farquaad notifies Shrek the only way he will be alone is for him to complete an almost unattainable challenge, which →

George lopez and the unconventional comedy: a cultural sitcom critique

There is much juxtaposition in this sitcom as this unconventional Latino family demonstrates the strength overall of American families in dealing both with adversity and in the ever-changing world. The most unconventional aspect of the show is, arguably, the relationship between Benny and George. In conclusion, George Lopez is a ground-breaking unconventional sitcom that helps →

An occurence at owl creek bridge by ambrose bierce essay

With the disappearing of the storyteller.the reader is now the direct and immediate informant to the unfolding play. In the beginning of this narrative the readers are informed of all the readyings for a adult male about to be hanged: the set up for the hanging.the characters involved and the milieus.

Sarah turner

The idea that raging party scenes are a " good depiction of our generation's culture" is extremely concerning to many people. A certain demographic in society that has outwardly expressed their concern about this issue is the older generations that are currently parenting adolescents and young adults.

How visual design has affected style

When these qualities are used together, a film can certainly show itself as the work of art that it is, but separated, the visuals and the audio each are their own type of art that help contribute to the whole movie watching experience in their own different ways. Visual design in particular is very important →

Working title films

I will use them as an example of how films are produced and distributed in the film industry. Working title films began as a small company with little money. They pitched the idea to channel four and obtained a 500, 000 budget. Working Title films are famous for their →

Mikro question essay

Calculate the price elasticity of demand for CD's if an increase in the price of CD's from 15 euro to 18 euro causes the quantity demand to fall from 1000 to 900 units.2. According to your calculation above, do CD's have elastic, inelastic or unit elastic demand? If the price elasticity of demand →

Themes of loss and determination in the film “still alice”

For people who are in the health profession, watching " Still Alice" will help gain a greater understanding of how the stories told by patients are able to help develop and improve their care. In " Still Alice", the themes of loss and determination are seen throughout the movie. Viewers see her progression throughout the →

Pursuing a drug free life

I have a future to plan for and drugs are not in the future I am planning. I do not want to be like that.

An analysis of the serial killings in west memphis

To investigate how influential this case's geographical and cultural position was in the investigation and conviction of the defendants, I examined testimonies and newspaper articles written around the time of the murders, as well as utilized secondary sources explaining the nature of the trials. An analysis of these testimonies and articles reveals that the heavily →

Research paper on dental radiology assignment

The figure below shows an example of a panoramic radiograph. In the past, radiographic imaging involved the use of an x-ray film and after that, chemical processing of the film was done to produce the images. Digital imaging is the result of the interaction of x-rays with electrons in electronic sensor pixels , followed →

Does the cinema reflect or impose moral standards

I do not think the cinema imposes standards on society unless the standards being portrayed in the film are positive, for example promoting peace and love throughout a community, whereas a film such as " Hostage" portrays violent crime and murder, and makes it seem necessary in order to save his family (who →

Ideas from plato’s ontology in the matrix

That is the purpose of the characters portrayed throughout the movie. The context of this report is to explain the symbolism of this graphic novel, as well as transcribe my interpretations of the plot.

A study of the origin of research in personality processes

Perhaps Funder could mention enactivism as an extension of his takes on behaviorism for the next edition of this textbook? Perception As chronic accessibility was mentioned here with the concept of " rejection sensitivity" being assigned a whole section in this part of the book, this reminds me of how the same mechanism also →

The power of one (movie directed by john g. avildsen) essay sample

Set in the 1950s, the movie is about PK, an English boy, and his strong desire to affect change, even in small actions, in the world. Here are some lines of PK and Maria in the movie that showed how they tried their best to defy others to be with each other: →

Analysis on mulan and the twilight saga

Instead she is intelligent, strong, and independent and is not afraid to be what she wants to be. And therefore, when the mime came when she did not want her father to lose his life in battle, she goes against society's standards when it comes to women on the battlefield and disguises herself →

Fassbinder’s ali: fear eats the soul

Inside the film there is a consistent pressure or restriction between, from one perspective, the stereotyping and racializing of Ali as visitor laborer and nonnative, and then again the sexual want of white ladies for men of shading, both demonstrating the power relations around then. Ali is viewed as mediocre and his character is dictated →

A comparative analysis of the films charlie chaplin’s city lights and ernst lubitsch’s trouble in paradise

The two movie exhibit differences regarding the dialogue and the setting and the way characters in both movies behave to the specific themes of the movies The Comparison Both City Lights and Trouble in Paradise are Pre-Code romantic comedy films that involve two love stories in the most unlikely →

Australian film industry “stuffed”

Unfortunately of recent times there seems to have been more of the latter." The history of Australian films since 1930 has been, to say the least, erratic,". Early film set the precedent of waves that is seen in the industry today. However 30 years along, the government seems to be taking a large portion of →

How the isis terror group and syrian refugee crisis started

Unfortunately, chances also are that you do not know the whole story, so let's start from the beginning. ISIS, or the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (also known as the ISIL or Gaesh) is the offspring of the organization everybody knows as Al-Qaeda. In World War II, the U.S.went to the extent of gathering →