Genuine Essay Examples

Supervisors at work

It is not only the responsibility of a supervisor to make sure he delegates proper work to those working under him, but also ensure that they are not being over or under worked. Moreover, supervisors also need to ensure the reason behind performance of his delegates and if someone is not performing up to the →

Hofstedes ross-ultural dimensions in construction projects

Organizational outline requires not to descend from the top yet might develop through, from the endeavors of individuals all around the organization who are the part of the organizational culture and the change. Culture of the organization is dependent on the values of the firm.

Strategies for time management

It's a waste of time to have to try to recall what you were doing the last time you worked on your project. Strategy 2: Remove distractions in your work environment This is easier said than done. Hopefully, having these ideas stored somewhere will relieve you of the pressure to remember everything and allow →

Lincoln assignment essay sample

What is the source of Lincoln's outstanding and enduring success? 2. What is the source of Lincoln's outstanding and enduring success? 2.


Richemont and its HR Brand Richemont is the second largest global luxury goods maker after LVHM and the sixth largest market cap company in the Swiss Market Index. The public view of Richemont as a company that invests in its employees is qualified by the fact that they only employ those who fit in their →

Development of leadership in an organization

The author believes that the leadership development happens at an early stage, as early as the time the person is grasping habits from his parents as a toddler. The leadership that is developed in the proximity of family has indicated that they turn out to be what the author terms as ' once-born'.

Human resource management and its importance to businesses today assignment

Your writing is clear and concise.) So, the question arises Why is HRM so important to businesses today and which human resource management task is the most important to an organization's success? For organizations today to be effective there are three elements that are critical: " mission and strategy, organizational structure, →

Considering the present essay examples

To say the least, I owe a lot of the commendable communication and interpersonal skills I have today to the group discussions. I have found the group discussions and time management to be very complementary in the achievement of success as an online student.

Of mice and men essay

" The language of friendship is not in words, but in meanings" Henry David Thoreau While reading the novel, Of Mice and Men, the reader gets a front row view into the relationship of the two main characters, Lennie and George. Even though this quote highlights the rarity →

Is the nuclear family in decline essay sample

Most people belong to at least one family during their life time and see the family as a source of identity, reassurance and safety. Like many contents that are familiar with us, the family is generally looked upon favourably, for example we see most politicians stressing the importance of Family values and associate themselves to →

Nutritional analysis case study essay sample

Simple carbohydrates are the man source of energy for the body and directly absorbed and metabolized in the liver where it is converted to glucose. It is essential in the actual structures of the body for the formation of muscles, bones, skin and hair as well as being used to meet energy demands →

To what extent can china be classed as a superpower essay sample

China is an economic giant and potential military colossus bent on the modernizing its maritime and air capabilities. China's rise and attempts to become a global power on par with the USA created fears and disputes with its neighbors especially Russia which shares four-thousand-mile border with China; Japan nearby in the China sea; and the →

Media journal

She says that this problem seems to persist due to the fashion magazines such as Seventeen Magazine that portrays girls with perfect figures and faces. Julia meets many of the girls in her Ballet class and she often hears them pass weird remarks about themselves such as their skin is blemished or with pimples or →

History of minority populations in the child welfare system

Many minority groups comprising of refugees from different parts of the world, the elderly, the homeless and the disabled all receive great care and support from the system. The staff that are employed to help refugees settlement are quite familiar with the Child Welfare System and are in a position to orient their clients towards →

Marketing and starbucks assignment

The aim of this report is to analyze the Cataracts' marketing strategy and the effect of promotional tools on their consumer purchase behavior. They feel recognized by Cataracts and also feel more appreciated by the quality of service that Cataracts is providing to them.

The cold chain market in india marketing essay

One of the most critical constraints in the growth of the food processing industry in India is the lack of integrated cold chain facilities. One of the most critical constraints in the growth of the food processing industry in India is the lack of integrated cold chain facilities.

Services marketing and customer relationship assignment

Answer all the questions.Q.1 a. Discuss strategy formulation and implementation in services.b. Explain the scope of CRM.Q.2 a.

Steep analysis of the environment marketing essay

Bean and identify the opportunities and threats of a new product to enter into the market. Thus, Mr Bean enter the market in New Zealand which is good for increasing the selling of domestic products and reducing the unemployment rate. 3.

Kishansdas & brand creation and management

Furthermore, the clientele had people who owned titles and were celebrated names of Hyderabad's upper section of the society and they proved to be witnesses and testimonial of the brand's designs, quality and artisanal skills. They include the physical attributes of the brand like color, logo, slogan, cult products and packaging. Name Kishandas & Co.: →

Specific guidelines essay sample

On successfully understanding the external environment, the next step is for the organization to interpret the possible effects of such external environment on its strategies. What has been the impact of political instability on business operations and strategies in countries where such has been experienced?. Secondly, the organization could employ scientific methods such as market →

Team assignment project

The following project proposal defines why Struck made the decision to expand, what the role is of the consultant and Struck management on the project, the projectgoals, and the tools that will be used o manage the project. Because there is a lack of diversification, the consultant must focus on how to →

Entrepreneurship: new business assignment

The reason why TACHub was chosen as the company of choice is because of its status of a Small Business and unique offerings in its business. The relationship between Individuals and opportunities Mr Pher Ong is a young entrepreneur who left his job of 6 years as an IT Support Engineer to pursue his dreams →

Case study

People who are very busy with their lives working can do a number of things through mobile commerce including accessing banking services and paying for bills without having to make frequent visits to banks or to offices that offer them services. From the increasing sales that are being made from mobile commerce, it is quite →

Writing 100

John Kelly, who was the expert witness, that the court judge had completely banned the mention of the woman who was in trial as a smoker. However, Kelly indicates in this article that he decided to come forward after learning about Raynor's predicament in the inquirer. Joseph Chapman, supports the argument that Wilson →

Why i should be chosen to be the muscle activation technique trainer

But to do this I will myself have to attend the lecture to get to know the concept inside out. This can transform lives and I do not want to miss this opportunity.

The implementation of such methodology in indonesia english language essay

The combination of the three skills is the competence that will be the objective of the curriculum in Indonesia. For English language learning, the competence can be the ability of the students to communicate and achieved by using CLT methodology.

Relationship between management support for risk management processes construction essay

Due to the complexness of the building undertakings the hazards that appear in all building undertaking processes get downing from conceptual design and preliminary budgeting up to the last payment and the terminal of probation period and undertaking closeout ; are so hard to be bound or predetermined. Although building concern is started since homo →

Narrative personal story – first day of january

I was so happy when I saw the calendar and the day of first January had finally arrived. I have been waiting for that day to come, first day of January used to be the most exciting day for me because it was my birthday, an important day that I will celebrate →

Using three ethical principles of the global business standards codex (gbsc), evaluate essay

Consequently, fair trade deals with terms of trade between the buyers and the producers. The Ethical Principles Three of the ethical principles of the GBSC include the Fiduciary Principle, the Property Principle and the Reliability Principle. Therefore, the principles of GBSC provide an elaborate base of evaluating the fair trade practices and processes in →

Household energy consumption in california essay

Supplies refer to the available goods or products that are distributed or sold to the consumers whereas demands refer to the consumption rates or consumption quantities of the consumers of the supplied goods. Microeconomics, on the other hand, is similar to the concept of economics only that the coverage of the studies conducted are on →

Insitu reinforcement concrete essay

Cement is one of the chief constituents in the concrete mixture and therefore do the concrete monetary value by and large will be cheaper. Therefore it is sagely no to suggest steel frame as its monetary value fluctuate more often in comparing with concrete. Speed of building In rule, the insitu support concrete frame →

In (yet another scientific artificial reality application) and

Molecular dynamic simulation can be performed in different temperature, pH, and solvent to study the structural adaptation of the enzyme at differentcondition. Themolecular dynamic simulation that were perform on the Pseudomonas fluorescens strain AMS8 lipase in different solvent; methanol, ethanol, 2 propanol, DMSDO, toluene and hexane shows thathydrophobic solvent activate the opening of →

Analysis of the indian foreign trade with reference to automobile industry

Introduction to the Automobile Industry Following are some important points in view of the automobile industry from the global perspective: The inception of automobile industry began in 1769 when first self-propelled road vehicle was built by Nicholas J Cugnot in France. Two segments of automobile industry covered in the study were passenger and →

Low budget airlines essay

In 1997 company was floated in an IPO on the Dublin Stock Exchange and on NASDAQ. Mission statement of Ryan Air: Ryan air will go Europe ' s most money-making air hoses through its slogan " Low-cost- bearer, no- frills services in all market which Ryan air operates. Ryan air Aims: To set up Ryan →

Essay on prop 37

For example, Wal-Mart is now selling a brand of sweet corn that has been genetically modified to produce pesticides in its own tissue. Genetically Modified corn is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency as an insecticide but there is NO LABEL requirement to let the consumer know that the corn has been →

Evaluate the importance of the hospitality sector to the overall economy of the essay sample

The Importance of the Hospitality Sector to the Overall Economy of the UK The hospitality industry is a major sector for most economies around the world. Despite this, the hospitality sector is still important for the growth of the British economy. The importance of the hospitality industry in the →

Kokoro by natsume soseki

Boku is somewhat a person who wants to know who Sensei really is and Sensei was not the type of person who would reveal the real him. The style of the first part of Kokoro resembles that of a detective novel, and helps first to establish the reader's curiosity towards Sensei. Soseki seeks to direct →

An essay on beowulf

Beowulf has the courage and strength to challenge the monster Grendel despite Grendel's history and tendency to slaughter many warriors. Grendel is a giant monster that is unharmed by human weapons, forcing Beowulf to use nothing but his bare hands. This battle boosts Beowulf's resume proving that he has great strength and courage since Beowulf →

I am legend: a post-apocalyptic story

The setting, the character, and the monster's form, are the biggest differences between the two that explain the change in society. However, the biggest explanation of society's morality and initial " game plan" comes from the fact that both stories show no two species can live together in harmony for one will always reign to →

Role of mary magdalene in da vinci code movie

In order to fully understand who exactly Mary Magdalene was, one must first analyze historical Mary Magdalene, specifically her identity as a ' sinful' woman, Mary as a follower of Jesus, the first woman apostle and Cathartic legend, and Mary's controversial relationship with Jesus of Nazareth. Current and available accounts surrounding the existence and role →

E-books should not replace conventional books essay sample

The scent, the feel, the weight of a book in the hand is a true comfort. Statistics showed that the US giant Borders was forced t close its 600 stores recently, physical book sales having declined so sharply, whilst Amazon's sales of Kindles and E-books continue to thrive. The only way I could think →

Senselessness and brutality of war in generals die in bed

It is through the book's violence and imagery that the theme of the senselessness and brutality of war is revealed, and that the true cost of war reaches much further than just the body count. Harrison's depiction of what it's like to live in the trenches is exceptionally horrid constantly surrounded by vermin, lice, disease, →

The portrayal of class conflict in harper lee’s to kill a mockingbird

In the novel ' to kill a mockingbird' there is a clear distinction between the bourgeoisie, who are the finches, Dolphus Raymond, Miss Stephanie Crawford and Miss Maudie Atkinson and the proletariats, who are the white lower class they are the Cunningham's and Ewell. In ' to kill a mockingbird' alienation is demonstrated through the →

The allusions to classic works of poetry in the waste land

These implied, passing references to the works of Dante, Ovid, and the great Greek epics interweave the context and content of the referenced works with Eliot's own ideas to create a poem that revisits the literary glory of the past. In addition, these allusions serve to place Eliot's poem within the context of literary history →

Good example of square and round factory girls essay

The focus of the chapter " Square and Round" of Factory Girls is on the healthy heap of motivational speakers and writers of books with titles like Square and Round. The chapter focuses on the etiquette and motivational schools in the city of Dongguan.

Example of critical thinking on the theme of unrequited love in the things they carried

Love, is not the primary preoccupation in the book, it is remembering and making sense of the experiences endured during the hardship of this war. Rather, it is the lack of love, or lost love searched for that is a central theme of the book. One of the quotations that stands out in the book →

Lines written in early spring and a red red rose: poetry comparison

He may have brought on his hurt by himself, by what he has become and tried to do all that he could, but then he sees no worry with it because he sees nature and then thinks that it is the way it is suppose to be when he says: If this belief from heaven →

Good and evil in bless me ultima

Through the coming of age of the main protagonist, a boy of seven, Antonio " Tony" M rez, Anaya has managed to portray growing up through a charming yet brutal world of magical realism, of good and evil, of life and death, of the old and the new, as well as craft a balanced story →

Analysis of hatchet novel

So he made a raft to get to the plane. He almost lost his hatchet while trying to cut a hole in the plane, but was able to retrieve it.

A story of colonel sartoris in barn burning novel

The conflict Sartoris feels throughout the story and his final decision to do what is right illustrate the fundamental supremacy of morality over loyalty. The evolution of Sartoris's feelings about his father demonstrate the natural and necessary development from the blind faith of childhood to the self-sufficiency of adolescence and adulthood. Sartoris struggles to come →

Creative writting essay- the things they carried

He says he saw the whole thing, and that he was there when everything happened, but I doubt it; Rat is the type of guy who would lie to get his story more interesting. But anyhow, I agreed for him to tell me the story even though I was very sceptical about →

Family relationships in pride and prejudice according to mr. bennet

Bennet's lack of appropriate parenting traits lead to the events of Pride and Prejudice as well as the downfall of his family. Possibly one of a woman's most important characteristics, as valued by society back then, were her manners. Bennet chooses to take the easy path with his daughters.Mr.

Judith- compare and contrast

The distinct differences that can be found between the Old English and the vulgate versions of Judith provide a clear view of what the Anglo-Saxons considered to be important, and what they felt requiredrespect. When comparing and contrasting these two versions, one can utilize other Old English works such asBeowulfand The Wanderer →

Essay on main purpose of writing the book

His works include A Holy Impatience published in 2004 and once to every man that will be the focus of this presentation. It is obvious to the wider people that William would write a book. The federal government's handling of the charges and trials angered William who in turn spoke through writing of →

Theme of justice and the idea of trials in three different novels

Throughout the three books, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, In the Time of the Butterflies by Julia Alvarez, and The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, the authors use the theme of justice and the idea of trials to express how powerful people always triumph and can manipulate the public to →

Burro genius

Victor did not know what to do because he liked Howard a lot that did not want Howard to get in trouble for getting around bad dirty people. The next day Victor brings not one but two knives to school.

A separate peace narrative essay

The harsh realities of the time laid down the concept of the title of the novel, as according to Neil Baldwin, " The pressure of thisenvironmentat such a dire and impressionable time laid the foundation for A Separate Peace..".. The novel was subsequently published in 1959 in →

The sensational story of tintin

Apart from United States which it had received a narrow vogue for some strange reasons, Tintin is a character which many of us in the rest of the world adore so plentifully. Herg convinces through Tintin that it's not the shape or the size that matters a will of a man.

The effects of literacy in annie dillard’s “american childhood” essay sample

Reading opens the doors through which she eagerly steps, her curiosity prompting her to endless discoveries in books. Dillard's interest in books emerges before she even truly discovers how deeply she will come to love them. Books allow Dillard both to escape the world in which she lives, while at the same time opening →

A question of morality according to the picture of dorian gray

Regardless of this, the shift in Dorian's moral scale and thus the wicked acts he commits are a result of Lord Henry's mentorship rather than his own pursuit of eternal youth. Lord Henry's Morals in The Picture of Dorian Gray Starting in the very beginning of the novel, it is made obvious that Lord →

The role of honor in the chronicle of a death foretold

For Marquez to effectively convey the importance of honor, instances in showcasing the moral imperative of men and women in this society, in how driven these characters strive to obtain honor, and the extreme amounts of what can be justified being equivalent to honor are used. Marquez introduces the main obligations that the men in →

Marketing james patterson case essay sample

8 Environmental OpportunitiesThe market for James Patterson is currently limited to USA and there is tremendous scope for developing international readership. The opportunity to use internet as a significant channel for distribution needs to be explored as online retailer's sales accounted for only 2% of the total sales of best seller fiction in the →

Disregard for the human life in the red badge of courage

The more concerning matter is the complete disregard that humanity has for the human life. It is fascinating how even at a young age we have been taught to admire war and the warriors it produces. War Beyond Romance: The Red Badge of Courage and Other Considerations.

Love and relationship in the mayor of casterbridge

Michael Henchard's attitudes to women and to social class are typical of Victorian times and, therefore, should not cause us to react negatively towards the character. With reference to appropriately selected parts of the first 12 Chapters of the novel and relevant external contextual information on Victorian attitudes to woman and to social class, →

The lais of marie de france and the lion in the winter: when regulated love becomes disaster

Both The Lais of Marie de France, a group of short stories from 1183, and The Lion in Winter, a film from 1968, reflect a more accurate representation of society, especially in their depictions of love and marriage. While The Lion in Winter and The Lais of Marie de France are ostensibly different, they both →

Growing up issue in house on mango street

Gene Forrester starts to realize, as his mind grows older, that Finny might have been trying to sabotage him which gets him to do things he would never think of doing before. Esperanza knows the world is not an easy place to live in, but as she starts to grow older, she realizes it was →

the kite runner compare and contrast essay essay sample

The novel and the film are different in the depiction of Hassan, omitted or changed scenes, and in their use of flashbacks. To start, a drastic difference in the movie was that Hassan did not have a harelip. By omitting the harelip, the movie did not show Hassan's character development as strongly as in →

Narrative of the life of frederick douglass, an american slave

The purpose of the narrative is to inform the reader of the circumstances that the slaves had to deal with on a day to day basis and also as a public argument against slavery. I feel that he book is an exceptional piece of literature that by all standards envelops the reader into the world →

Influence of ultima in bless me ultima

Ultima influences Tony's life by escorting him through the process of growing-up, showing him the importance of doing what is morally right and teaching him the meaning of nature. First, Ultima purposely let Tony witness the death of Lupito to teach him the reality and the horrors of life. Tony now understands that when a →

Writers voice and style

The reader may feel disengaged by several nameless characters: the girl, a cleaner, an elderly priest (a pivotal character and narrator), and his brother. While " the novel may not be a dialogue with the author" , readers could find their " quest for the origin of the text", and " interactional →

A question of beauty in beauty and the beast

While the characters of Beast and Beauty may seem completely opposite at first glance, they are in fact quite similar in the way they can perceive people's beauty both physically and characteristically. Beauty and Beast both are first described in connection to physical beauty. Beast came to understand the value of Beauty's character and wanted →

The book of the dead explained with vignettes and hieroglyphics

The Book of the Dead The Book of the Dead is an Egyptian funerary text which contains information which is intended to aid in the journey of the departed through the underworld. While the preservation of the mummy embodies a preservation of the physical form, The Book of the Dead similarly strives for →

Comparison of miss havisham and lady macbeth

When we are first introduced to her character she appears to be speaking in incantation which mirrors that of the witches: ' Come thick night, And pall thee in the dunnest smoke of hell' This suggests that the witches have some sort of influence over her, or are possessing her so that she can carry →

Main motives in i am legend

In the movie I am Legend , the Dark Seekers are shown to be the creation of a mutation apocalypse gone out of control. By humans having being the cause for the Dark Seekers to turn into what they are through the movie, it fueled the hatred for Dark Seekers for being forced into →

Serious changes of jonathan lyte tremain in the novel

Some examples of his maturity were: When he learned to control his temper. When he learned to treat people (especially Cillwith respect. When he helped his country in the war against England. The first example of Johnny's maturity was when he learned to calm down and hold his temper. Johnny also went to the edge →

James joyce’s dubliners: an analysis of the exploration of the seven stages of grief

In addition to experiencing the strains of a conservative society on his own well-being, Joyce rather bluntly remarked that he blamed the death of his mother on the religious and nationalistic fervor of the time: " When I looked on her face as she lay in her coffin a face gray and wasted with cancer →

Primo levi’s personal experience in survival in auschwitz

Right from the beginning, when he was being transported to the camp or Lager, Levi was not picked as part of the group that goes to the death camp. The time he used to rest in the Ka-Be was the time needed to adjusted to life in the Lager.

Art is a part of my life essay sample

These are the ways people use to express themselves as a personality, and what is art if not expression? Art can be found in the way person sees the world. I do not think this is right but I respect their point of view as they contemplate their behavior to be proper and it can →

Community development and youth work analysis and the freirean framework

Formal education is classroom-based, provided by trained teachers and informal education happens outside the classroom and this is usually community development or youth work where it t becomes the ' practice of freedom', the way in which men and women deal judgmentally with reality and learn how to deal with conflict and how to contribute →

A critical review of pedagogy of the oppressed by paulo freire

The intention of this document is to provide a critical review of Freire's work by considering his assertions on humanization and dehumanization, and oppression in the context of education and sham generosity. Freire recognizes the importance of humanization to the human kind and believes that the concern for humanization culminates in acknowledgment of dehumanization as →

Literature analysis of a good man is hard to find by flannery o’connor

The author uses characterization, foreshadowing, and irony to illustrate the theme that the tendency to manipulate people's actions and thoughts may introduce tragic outcomes to the love ones. In the short story " A Good Man is Hard to Find" , the author applies both direct characterization and indirect characterization to exhibit →

A study of the depiction of characters in e.m. forster’s book, a passage to india

It is a means for people to understand the philosophy of life when as they go along the pages of the novel. He is among the few writers who are really able to portray real life human characteristics into a work of fiction and he even creates, in the plot, a space to explore human →

Portrayal of ahab in moby dick novel

The rest of the crew do not form much of a bond with Ahab's personal crew and refer to one of the members, Fedallah, as a devil and menacing figure when near the captain. Despite Pip being a marginal character, he and Ahab complement each other: Ahab is white, Pip is not; Ahab is the →

A red, red, rose and so we’ll go no more a-roving: poetry comparison

Byron knows and accepts that he can no longer go out ' So late into the night' he shrugs of his wanting with the use of the word ' So' but the desire is still there even though it can no longer be achieved.' Though the heart still be as loving, And the →

What role does destiny play in the book “holes” by louis sachar essay sample

Stanley was innocent of the crime for which he was convicted but because of the curse, he was sent to Camp Green Lake for punishment." He's just been in the wrong place at the wrong time". As his great-grandfather said, " I found refuge on God's thumb". The best part is in the end, →

Compare and contrast computers essay olivia lamond

The house fulfills the role of the children's parents, and the parents take no part in raising the children. When the parents eventually try to assert their parental authority, the children use the house to kill them. The children are so reliant on the technology in the house, they believe they are not able to →

Darkwing – by kenneth oppel

Dusk kept his flying a secret, but in a tight colony the secret is out. Dusk and Sylph escaped the cave.

Twain’s attitude towards his characters

During this time, Twain provides insight on his attitude towards the characters and their ideas, specifically focusing on Huck's overconfidence despite his innocence, and lacking any specific thoughts about the morals of Tom Sawyer. First, Twain portrays Huck as a young boy with too much self confidence. Twain's attitude towards Tom shows that he does →

Paradoxical statements in the book of mormon

In fact, the Book of Mormon uses paradox strategically to help the reader further ponder the meaning of the scriptures in his or her life, and thus discover statements of deeper doctrine. In our theological dive into paradoxes found within the Book of Mormon, it is first important to understand what a →

A story of of socrates in the apology by plato

Socrates continues to search for someone who can contend with his wit and discuss more intellectual ideas. As Socrates continues talking with the citizens of Athens, he pesters many people and is eventually charged by the court saying that " Socrates is a doer of evil and corrupter of the youth, and he does not →

A conflict issue in the open boat novel

All of the characters had to overcome some type of conflict. In the short story " The Open Boat" the characters find them self in a life threatening problem. To sum up, all of the stories have one thing in common which is that they all have a central conflict.

The essence of change in a person in johnny tremain

Every morning, Johnny is the one that urges Dove and Dusty out of bed he is the first one of the apprentices dressed and ready for work, and the first one at the shop each day. Another trait that proves Johnny is a dynamic and round character is loyalty although Paul Revere offers him a →

Hunter s. thompson’s fear and loathing in las vegas: hippie generation portrayal

The semi-fictional novel is a firsthand account of what the Hippie Generation was all about, and is an accurate story of the Hippie generation, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas: A Savage Journey into the Heart of the American Dream follows the life of journalist Raoul Duke and his Attorney Dr. The two's' trip to →

Islands of the damned: a marine at war in the pacific admission essay sample

In the book " Island of the Damned: A Marine at War in the Pacific" by R.V. Burgin describes both the losses and victories of war in a poignant fashion. Throughout his time in the service, Burgin was part of the 1st Marine Division in Melbourne, Australia.

Ralph ellison’s battle royal: a look at the theme of racism

In his short story " Battle Royal," Ralph Ellison uses the fighters' experiences to illustrate the continued racism African Americans faced post-slavery. The history of racism after the abolition of slavery is imperative to understanding the experiences of the battle royal fighters. In " Battle Royal," the results of social and economic oppression of blacks →