Genuine Essay Examples

Opportunity to participate in international tour of the student of good samaritan school of nursing

I believe this opportunity will open the windows for me to excel in the professional requirements for the international exposure in the forthcoming years of my career. I humbly state that I am a philanthropist with considerable values of life which guide me along the path of spiritual perfection and professional excellence for a stable β†’

Instruction and target andience

Writing Instructions What do you now know about writing instructions that you do not know before The most important point to consider when writing instructions is the target audience as this will determine the language used, the font size and color, the explanation offered among other things. It is also important that when writing β†’


Evidence-based practice is concerned with the empirical means of focusing on, and knowing how to critically evaluate and apply existing research data in order to comprehend and enlighten clinical decision-making functions. From an ethical point of view, the strongest opinions in support of evidence-based practice are that it permits for the most esteemed techniques of β†’

Literature search

1001/jama.281.2.163. This is a qualitative study describing the quality of end of life care from the perspective of the patient. Music Therapy in Hospice and Palliative Care: a Review of the Empirical Data; Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine; 2005 print This qualitative study focuses on the effectiveness of music therapy in alleviating palliative associated β†’

Principles of autonomy

Principle of Autonomy Principle of Autonomy Bioethics is the backbone of modern day nursing practice. The practitioners state the alternatives for the patients to choose the best course of action. The principle of autonomy is based on the rationality of decisions.

Why i want to become a registered nurse

I am often asked the question of, " Why are you in nursing? " I tell people that I did not choose nursing, nursing chose me! I however was in a position to give rent allowances for those that were in that type of predicament.

Reflective journal

The clinical experience was positive in that it confirmed the need for knowledge and skills in conducting a blood transfusion. Nurses must understand different stages and medical personnel in blood transfusion and adhere to the key principles of the process. The nurse prepared the patient by informing them of the risks and benefits of the β†’

The history of irritable bowel syndrome nursing essay

For those who want to self-medicate, it is essential to know the symptoms as well as the causes of IBS, to be able to take appropriate medications. Causes and Risk Factors of Irritable Bowel Syndrome Basically, the real causes of Irritable Bowel Syndrome are still unknown; nevertheless, medical experts are ruling out some triggering β†’

Nursing informatics

For example, if the patient presses the button indicating the need for pain medicine; this call would be directed to the wireless phone of the nurse assigned to that patient. The barrier to this feature is that you have to be near the console to see who is calling for the nurse, and to use β†’

Problems of the nursing teamwork

Additionally, they felt that they have the right to defend others if they had seen them encountered with the problems. Given the observed NTW elements of the mutual trust dimension, the results of the study indicated that there were statistically significant differences between its elements during (pre, immediately post-program implementation and three months later) where β†’

Business plan

Business Plan Business Plan A business plan is a formal ment containing set goals, a plan on how to attain them, and the reasons for the belief that they will be attained. Banks, private investors or majority of the lending institutions depend on the business plan to understand the plans that an entrepreneur possesses in β†’


This means the employee is in a long term recovery programs with long term abstinence from drug use. The scenario In the case of the employee taking patients' medication for self-use, the first step would be to establish whether the employee is addicted. Confronting the employee to admit that he diverted the drug for β†’

Undergraduate nursing education admission questionnaire

That is why I came to McMaster University and that is why I will stay. As a student, I find that although I can understand the theories being discussed in class, there is something lacking in terms of knowledge transfer that can only be had through proper visual teaching alongside the theoretical approach. I realize β†’

Professional and academic goals

Response to Posting One From the first posting, the clearly indicates that hewants to study pathophysiology and treatment of the associated diseases merely because he does not want to follow the instructions of the doctors; that is, he/she does not want to be given orders and directions from doctors. Therefore, it would be inappropriate for β†’


She also claimed that his husband developed great vigilance such that when driving he was very cautious. Tessa, however, claimed that there are organizations which range from charity to fraternal and can be beneficial to the military community. According to Paulson et al., people who are in the military community that includes veterans, those who β†’

Taxonomy & nursing

of the of the Introduction Nursing knowledge acquisition can be generated using the hierarchy of cognitive, psychomotor and affective domains of Bloom's taxonomy for the learners to attain experiential and evidential account for transformational healthcare (Bloom, Englehart, Furst, Hill, & Krathwohl, 1956). The conduct of research for instance is one of the methodological approaches to β†’

Analysis of registered nurse versus licensed practical nurse

However, it is important to note that there are some LPNs who earn more than RNs depending on the duties they carry out and the location of the hospital. This is because they are meant to ensure that the LPNs carry out their duties effectively. It is hence essential to note that the most important β†’

Why i want to work in critical care

I want to work in Critical Care because I believe that it is in the Intensive Care Unit that I will make the biggest difference in patient's lives. As a nurse, my profession matters the most in this situation because the patients needed me the most to save their lives. I am aware that working β†’

Family genetic history

Evaluation of family genetic history Evaluate the impact of the family's genetic history on your adult participant's health. Include what information you would provide to the adult participant regarding the results of the family genetic history. From the family's genetic history it has been found that the lineage is susceptible to contracting diabetes β†’

Select a grand nursing theory.explain how application of this theory by nurse leaders and nurse managers can influence outcomes from two of the following areas

This theory is grounded on the supposition that the founding principle of nursing is bound in caring as the root of nursing. Nurse leaders can use the theory of human caring in patient care delivery and increase patient satisfaction. This theory offers a structure that nurse leaders can use to reinstate the profession's vision of β†’

Legislator letter & outline summary (2 parts to assignment)

I am writing to support the healthcare bill on its suggested amendment pertinent to the Public Health Service Act intended to establish a balance between the registered nurse staffing ratios and the patients. For instance, when there are more health personnel to handle the patients' issues, it means more people will access the vital health β†’


It occurs when a tissue similar to endometrium is found outside the lining of uterus, specifically in the abdomen on the fallopian tubes, the ovaries and the uterus ligaments supporting the uterus. If these do not work, the patient may expect a surgery. The surgical treatment may work well if the patient's endometriosis is extensive β†’

Critical appraisal-ebp

However, the article provides a description of the research method, which is a mixed method approach (Qualitative and quantitative methods), indicating a limited sense of its appropriateness in relation to validity of data. Ethical Issues The research does not indicate how ethical issues ascribed to access of a person's health records were managed: This β†’

Why legal knowledge is important for nurses

" Nurses are expected to function within the legislation, legal policies, statutes relevant to the profession and practice setting, and professional standards. Nurses are now being, and will continue to be given increased responsibility, thereby increasing their exposure to lawsuits".(Why Legal Knowledge is Important for Nurses) Therefore, in my nursing practice, I will be greatly β†’

Stress reduction in children with autism spectrum disorder pediatric massage

Stress reduction in children with autism Stress reduction in children with autism spectrum disorder through pediatric massage Autism is a disorder that is stressful both to the caregivers of the children and the children being cared for. Reduction of stress among autistic children is thus a crucial health care intervention that would result in improvement β†’

See below for instruction

Essentially, the assumption is that in the absence of a barrier enables the stressor to penetrate the line of defense effectively affecting the well-being of the patient. Nurses have a responsibility of providing care to the patients to ensure that their stability is maintained, and stressors kept on the periphery. References In Smith, M.C., β†’

Communicable disease

The human body responds or reacts in different ways as a sign of its immune system fighting off the infection and this can either be through the inflammation of various body parts which is followed by a great ability of adaptive response. Chain of infections and its factors A chain of infections is usually β†’


I also met with my preceptor in preparation for my final week of my assigned duty. Week 12 It was my final week for my practicum experience, two infection control staff that I was working with evaluated me, and the results were impressive. Later in the final day, I also met with my preceptor β†’

Dec paper

Between ADN nurse and BSN prepared nurse therefore, it is expected that both would have foreknowledge of the Acts but in terms of its detail and scrutiny, the BSN prepared nurse would have an upper hand because it is part of the requirements of their curriculum to go beyond the introductory stages of knowledge of β†’

Complex adaptive system

There are varieties of different professions in healthcare from nurses to doctors, specialist, paramedics...and even the concept of health itself is very complex as there are many determinants that can influence one's health. Moreover, health care matches the definition of a complex adaptive system, which is a collection of individual agents with β†’

Critical thinking

Canadian health Act requires the federal government to administer the national health care system through fiscal allocation and delivery free health care services all citizens in the society. Majority of the Medicare members suffer from diet-related diseases and terminal illness thus it is the responsibility of the Medicare to cover all the prescribed conditions.

Nursing as a discourse community nursing essay

In the article called " The Idea of Community in the Study of Writing", the author, Joseph Harris says that people do not have to leave one discourse community for a different one but can be a part of another discourse community all at the same time. This discourse community is a way for each β†’

Web based health information analysis

Web Based Health Information Analysis Affiliation: Evaluate a self-selected web site following the HON criteria. The website under discussion is the Epilepsy Foundation ( which is a health website with a lot of information about epilepsy. The HON criteria include privacy, transparency, attribution and authority ( Provide a comprehensive review of each criteria and whether β†’

Theoretical framework

The paper uses the model to evaluate the health-enhancing way of life and comprehension of diabetes among Hispanic men and women, and non-Hispanic African-American women. According to Duffy , the three key constituents of the health promoting model include the amending factors. The poor individual health features increase the prevalence of diabetes among these β†’

The nursing care interventions needed for atopic dermatitis nursing essay

The nurse needs to assess the diet of the patient as the symptoms experienced may be due to an allergy to food. In the end it is important that the nurse assess the level of education the family and the patient have about atopic dermatitis.

A registered practitioner nurse as a targeted career

A registered nurse can work in private practice, home-based care services, in hospitals, in schools, in correctional facilities, military barracks and even camps. In order to be a registered nurse, one has to have a bachelor's degree in nursing, a diploma course from an approved nursing program or even an associate degree in nursing. Other β†’

Use of marijuana for medical purposes in florida

Running head: Use of Marijuana for Medical Purposes in Florida USE OF MARIJUANA FOR MEDICAL PURPOSES IN FLORIDA Goes Here al Affiliation Goes Here Abstract The paper pertains to the pros and cons of using Marijuana for medical purposes in the state of Florida. Marijuana and its Medical Use The term marijuana β†’

Discussion board post response

As noted by Seidman and McCauley , positive deviance involves making out what ought to be avoided in order to achieve the intended positive results. Placing bracelets on the patients known to wander around is an ingenious technique that could be referred to as an example of positive deviance.

Change theories, conflict theories, and leader as a change agent

Consequently, the role of a leader as a change agent is considered to be of utmost importance to ascertain harmony and coherence in the workplace. With these considerations, this essay intends to discuss and explain the change theories, conflict theories and leader as a change with reference to nursing environment.

Adolesent drug abuse

In this paper, I seek to discuss management of risk factors and protective measures as the most interesting aspect of adolescent drug abuse. The manner in which the society has handled risk factors to adolescent drug abuse and associated prevention initiatives, as evidenced by the persistent high rates of the abuse among the group is β†’

Ethical issues around psychiatric medications and their administration by registered psychiatric nurses in the context of their

This is for the reason that the psychiatric drugs may have adverse impacts on the patients under medication, both in the body and the brain of the patients. Anderson and Currie are devastated at the point that psychiatric medication is something that scientists have nothing to do with or are unwilling to delve β†’

Comparison and contrast of kukaniloko birthing stones and queen’s medical center birthing unit

The mother was taken to Kukaniloko birthing stone on a woven rug. Nowadays pregnancy is monitored by the use of ultrasound which is equivalent to the monitoring practice that was witnessed in Kukanilolo. Despite the similarities, quite a number of differences exist.

Conflict managment among nursing professionals

Therefore, this paper is meant to research on how efficient communication among nursing professionals is very crucial in conflict management, workplace satisfaction, patient satisfaction and safety. Conflict management through communication Proper communication mechanisms are essential for conflict management among nursing professionals. In fact, the nursing professionals need to develop efficient communication strategies for proper β†’

Winshield survey summary and relection

The community of a client is the referral of the community as one base entity in health nursing due to the relation of the people and exposure to similar aspects as they share the same geographical space. In this way, community partnerships arise in the form of the community members working together with the various β†’

The management of ipratroprium during an asthma attack

It is however important to realize that the administration of Ipratropium should be managed in a way that makes its use safe for the patient. The delivery of Ipratropium is carried out in the form of aerosolized solution through the use of a metered dose inhaler. Combinations of ipratropium and albuterol are also marketed, the β†’

How can cognitive/emotional concepts such as lack of social support and loneness leads to physical changes what are there mechanisms

How can cognitive/emotional concepts such as lack of social support and loneness leads to physical changes What are there mechanisms Lack of Social Support And Loneliness Leads to Physical Challenges David a type 2 diabetes patient who is also experiencing loneliness following the passing away of his wife is said to experience various β†’

Free essay on nursing journal report assignment

There are instances wherein they may be assigned to do administrative tasks such as maintaining and regulating patient records or keeping everyone's efforts in every hospital or company department well-compensated instead of clinical duties such as handling and treating patients. The objective of this essay is to discuss my learning experiences, including my observations, thoughts, β†’

Curriculum framework essay examples

This paper will describe the philosophy, concepts rationale, and proposed uses of a curriculum framework designed for a nursing program. Philosophical Foundation The inherent beliefs about the four metaparadigms of nursing that are person, nursing, environment, and health will constitute the philosophical underpinnings of the framework. The goal of nursing is to assist clients β†’

The future of nursing in an evolving health care system

The Future of Nursing al Affiliation: The Future of Nursing Research indicates that a critical number of nurses expect to leave their current position for another occupation or resign early, and in nursing schools, large portions of those enlisted forsake their studies. The nursing shortage will increase the demand for better services in the healthcare β†’

Learning assessment tools

Critique ASU Course Learning Assessment The curriculum of Master of Science Nursing is based upon the conventional standards defined by Quality and Safety Education for Nurses which were given to the American Sentinel university in 2009 and by then the university makes it sure that these standards are conformed in every β†’

Using the media 6

Therefore, a health practitioner can use the influence of these media to pass information to the people within a locality. In order to influence public opinion and as a nurse, I would use the media to apply pressure and advance the public policy issue. A message passed through any of the social media sites and β†’

Leininger’s model

The author asserts that if one realizes the meaning of care and its processes, one is in a position to explain and predict well being or health. Introduction Transcultural nursing or the culture care mainly deals with the way of life or nursing of clients. We as students we are interacting with people from β†’

Comparison of us / other health system

Canada is also providing universal health care access for its citizen, and along with less GDP it is doing much better than US (Comparing the US and Canadian Health Systems, 2014) These both countries know less about each other's health care system. That is all because, Canada's health care system is publically funded, and the β†’

The community nursing practice model

The community nursing practice model Overview of the theory The community nursing practice model relies on the foundations of a number of a number of essential values. It emphasizes access to primary care, and ensures that the values of primary health care get to be met satisfactorily. This model can be utilized in actual practice β†’

Teaching in nursing

The questions you have raised shed are amazing because you bring out an aspect of research and teaching experience of the faculty that are existing which have not been discussed by others and none of the advertisements I have encountered mention any of that. I also think secondary research will provide some of that information. β†’

Moral distress

I wanted to end her suffering and we often talked to each other about it but the hospital would not agree and neither would the family and they even threatened suing myself and the hospital if euthanasia was attempted even though it was also her wish. Solving the morally distressing situation would demand asking about β†’

Summarize idea on the article paragraph reaction, response, question

However, with an increasing access to these drugs, there is a lot of arising issues that come up, such as the efficacy of this activity and the proven benefits that it can give rather than the problems it can cause. One of the main concerns with the use of these pharmaceutical drugs is the adverse β†’

Have you noticed the use of nursing informatics enhancing your use of the dikw framework if so, how

It is true that the integration concept offers great support of the data; information, knowledge and wisdom framework to nursing practitioners. As a practitioner, the use of nursing informatics has greatly enhanced my application of DIKW framework especially with the use of Electronic Health Records. The information contained in nursing informatics provides substantive β†’

The good, the bad and the ugly parts of being a nursing assistant

The amount of information sharing, if time permits, about past experiences, adventures, achievements, failures, etc.are enriching the life of a CNA as a listener simultaneously encouraging the other side of reviving the past or relieving the suffering. As Suzanne Sweezy rightly said, " CNA description is not one filled with fast-paced excitement or β†’

The importance of informatics competencies in nursing

One is that it contributes much to the success in the implementation of the electronic system in the field of health care. Like for example the aim of Alliance Nursing Informatics in educating their members is the same as the intention included in American Medical Informatics Association.

Working under the influence

According to Schulte et al., a good point to begin would be getting in contact with a counselor if this is possible, to have a discussion of the observations made in Clark of working under influence and alerting the counselor, that Clark is in need of help. Having informed the counselor about the observations, the β†’

Dq 4 and dq 5

There are different measures that can be taken by the nurse leader to implement the proposed change mentioned above. In order to successfully implement change in the unit, the leader needs to involve other members of the unit so that they can share the same vision with the leader. In order to achieve this feat, β†’

Who is your role model and how did that person impact your life

Three years before he became the president, I did not know him, but now I have come to know him as an inspirational leader and he is now my role model. Obama is a hero to many, but to me he holds a special place in my life because he has taught me never to β†’

Questionnaire about ulcers

What are the long term social and economic impacts of Leg Ulcers? How it is caused and what are its effects on the patients of chronic leg ulcers? 8.

Retin a/ accutane (advanced pharmacology)

Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A/ Accutane Retin A is a Tretinoin composed of Retinoic acid or Vitamin A acid and is available in the forms of creams, gels and liquids for topical administration. The use of Retin-A is contraindicated in eczema, sunburn, or if the β†’

Blood glucose levels

The duration is dictated by the lifespan of red blood cells, which is averagely 120 days. When diabetes is not controlled, blood sugar levels rise and the sugar combines with the hemoglobin in erythrocytes, becoming glycated. Therefore, people living with diabetes are advised to maintain a level as near normal as possible to prevent long-term β†’

The department of nursing nursing essay

Therapy is offered to the family as a family unit, to learn how to deal with the grief, the physical, the psychological, the social, and the spiritual effects on the dying persons, family members, friends and caregivers. This is where the nurse comes in to assess and listen to problems and fears, to be of β†’

The impact on nursing

The treatment and care needed for the patient today is far more complex and is different in nature, hence today's nurse need to be equipped with the competencies to deliver high level care." Nursing curricula need to be reexamined, updated and adaptive enough to change with patients' changing needs and improvements in science and technology, β†’

Week 4 posts 6330

I support the best practice in this quote, " The syllabus is well organized with effective headers and tables with the ease of readability which can promote understanding among learners ". The major improvement this syllabus needs is more supervision; this is beneficial since the graduates need mentoring. Hello Kayla, The post related to β†’

Analysis of an ethical dilemma (part two)

In relation to euthanasia being a way to relieve pain, to the suffering individuals, Mary insists that it is wrong and against the Hippocratic oaths of doctors. Physician assisted suicide, she believes, deteriorates the trust that patients have in the physicians. The government is wrong to give any right to a certain group of people β†’

The philosophical framework of primary health care nursing essay

By doing this, the family are able to encourage him with adequate health information and an appropriate plan, so that Bruce and his wife are able to take charge of their own lives together.(Funnell, Koutoukidis and Lawence 2009). PART 2. Principles of Wellness Considering Bruce's wellbeing, it's crucial that we commence concentrating on a β†’

Conducting a physical assessment

His attitude is generally positive, looking to enjoy the rest of his life in a quiet manner. Discussion In this portion of the paper, the client is assessed based on a variety of factors which can affect his physical, emotional and mental health, either positively or negatively. Each factor is a reflection of how β†’

The role of defense mechanisms nursing essay

Methods: A number of 226 persons following death by cancer among family members selected by compliance sampling and they completed the Inventory of complicated Grief-Revised , The Defense Styles Questionnaire , The Character dimension of Temperament and Character Inventory , and The Demographical questionnaire. Participants completed the Inventory of complicated Grief-Revised β†’

My desire to lead a life of caring

And what better means to combine my love of interpersonal interaction and my desire to make people feel better about themselves than a career in Nursing? The Nursing career I envision is one in which my experiences as an aesthetician will prove valuable. My love for people, the joy I have derived from my little β†’

Diabetes prevention

This article evaluates the importance of exercise in the treatment and prevention of diabetes. In conclusion, the article cites that exercise is a mandatory requirement in diabetes prevention and treatment.

Describe how one’s emotional intelligence (ei) level can either enhance or hinder effective leadership in the health care envi

The physiological illnesses are believed to be the mere manifestation of psychological ones and therefore, the nurses are suggested to provide emotional antidote in order to pull up the suffering humans. The medical practitioners are trained to consider pain and death as the part of the profession and because of this reason, they β†’


Further, this essay will zone in on ways to which the onset of this infection may delay and how to promote substantive productive health. Symptoms of Chlamydia According to numerous researches, Chlamydia is a relatively inactive infection with minimal visible alarming signs and symptoms. On the other hand, a heavy whitish discharge may be β†’

Issue of importance to you

Being the first born, I am entitled to help my mother in various activities that will ensure a plate of meal is on the table for our family. At my tender age, I heard people saying that being a first-born comes with a lot of responsibilities. In my family, the effect of poverty is that β†’

Why i want to be a nurse and my plan for the future in nursing

This is in line with the BSN program mission that promotes the advancement of education among RNs to enable them provide comprehensive and evidence-based nursing care. I appreciate that leadership in nursing is a critical role that calls for endowment with the requisite knowledge to promptly make decisive decisions.

Personal reflection

Leadership and Management Roll Leadership and Management I believe that leadership is the supremacy to stimulate people by words, actions and deeds using vision, faith and honesty. The goal of leadership is to make " practical effort" for the new comers to follow the way the leaders work.

Ethical frame work

Confidentiality in general therefore ensures that the patient has full support of the medical personnel when it comes to health information of the patient When to breach confidentiality Confidentiality as has been mentioned above and according to the code standards of conduct, performance and ethics of nurses is supposed to be guaranteed and β†’

Billing for services never performed nursing essay

The provider will bill for equipment that the patient never receives due to delay in services of the department. This will create a hustle bustle for the patient and a bad impression of the department too.

Nurses in politics

The congresswoman has served California, and her main aim is ensuring that her constituents access quality health care (Nickitas, Middaugh, & Aries, 2011). Public health care institutions are funded by the government that also formulate policies to govern them. Lois Capps plays a crucial role in policy setting and determination of budget in the health β†’

Critical appraisal research paper

Introduction The article " predictors of fracture from falls reported in hospital and residential care facilities: A cross-sectional study" is a detailed analysis of a study conducted to identify the predictive association between fall related factors in health facilities and the fracture outcomes for those clinical fall incidents that are routinely reported. The β†’

Management in nursing

The personality of the leaders determines the management style they employ in performing the various roles in the organization and attend to various situations. Democratic management theory is important in the creation of a working environment that allows the healthcare providers to consult with the managers of the healthcare facility on how to deal with β†’

Witting a letter

Richard Durbin, As a constituent and admirer of yours, I urge you to support the Registered Nurse Safe Staffing Act, which will optimize the well-being of the patients and the professional inputs of the nurses. The introduction of the Act to Congress in 2003 and the subsequent reintroductions have not yet progressed to the passing β†’

Ldl cholesterol

These checks are conducted through ' lipoprotein profile' blood tests (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005). The total level of cholesterol is significant in determining the risk of CHD in any individual. The risk category is determined according to the table below: (National Cholesterol Education Program, 2005) The LDL Cholesterol Goal based on the FRS Score β†’

Journey paper

I have a long-rang-goal of learning and develop specific expertise in intensives nurse practitioner by the 10th year of working. I have developed greater acuity for nursing problems by collecting quality data overtime and improved nursing practice and advocating patients from the second year onwards. Conclusion Professional evolution during RN-BSN program has managed to β†’

Good nursing and health care policy course reflection statement essay example

Nursing and Health Care Policy Course Reflection Statement This reflective statement is based on the things that one has learnt as a result of taking Nursing and Health Care Policy Course. With the help of the group one was able to analyze the logics of the United States political process, the nurses' roles β†’

Nursing pharm

Why is some heparin ordered to be given by IV push and some heparin ordered to be given by IV infusion? Critically, the client needed to obtain the therapeutic drug level of heparin as evident in aPTT result of 1. What is the purpose of the repeated drawing of the aPTT? The therapeutic effect of β†’

The research application of pico to evidence based practice

The questions that are to be asked by the nursing and health care practitioner are the following: Population. Intervention- Testing and evaluation. Control- Evaluation of the previous treatment methods. Outcome. Expanding upon the concept of PICO, there is also an order of importance to the strength of evidence. This perspective for the health care professional β†’

Sample of chart or graft essays example

A line graph helps track the trends in data. This line graph presents the relation between changes in time that influence the changes in temperature. This type is used correctly because it helps tracking multiple changes in temperature with time. - Using line graph was good, but not the best way to β†’

Actions that nurses can take to maintain skin integrity

Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity Actions that Nurses Can Take To Maintain Skin Integrity Nurses should avoid massages or practice gentle massages around sites of skin impairment. Areas with bony prominences should also be avoided. Monitor the patient's skin care practices such as the soaps used, frequency of cleansing, and β†’

Introduction to health behaviour change

As such, this paper discusses the measures that can be taken to influence behaviour change among the smokers in particular. The transtheoretical model is seen as the best model that can be implemented in order to influence behaviour change among the smokers. 4278/0890-1171-12.1.

Ethics in nursing

The significance of ethical decision-making lays in the fact that very different ethical choices regarding the same ethical dilemma can be made resulting in neither choice being a " right or wrong" decision. Ethics involve doing " good" and causing no harm There are many ethical issues nurses β†’

Morality and necessity essay

The changes in morality, in the notion of the trust and also the emotional temper is a course in the play. The lines of the play reflects the wildness of the landscape, ruggedness, harshness, and brutality that characterizes military life in Homeric age during which this play takes place. 1Philoctetes, remains on the island of β†’