Genuine Essay Examples

Good essay about secondary prevention and behavior change

This method is uniquely suited to treat eating disorders since it provides platforms for individual and group therapies for any stage that the eating disorder is at. The study showed the efficacy of CBT on binge and other eating disorders on both the short term and long term. Recovery and improvement by the participants is β†’

Discussion board post response

It is also important to note that volunteering and putting yourself out there can help in the development and advancement of skills and knowledge that is imperative in leadership. For instance, health professionals deal with patients with different understanding capabilities and hence advanced communication skills are needed in order to identify and make sure these β†’

Nursing should not unionize

It seems that there are various strong arguments against the unionization of nurses. The first argument, in the opinion of Anne Shields and Kathleen Rice, is that unionization of nurses goes in stark contradiction with the Florence Nightingale Pledge to " devote myself to the welfare of those committed to my care". In this noble β†’

Nightingale scholarship

I have a personal inspiration to become a nurse because of my caring and compassionate heart.this humanitarian heart allows me to listen to sick people, as well as feel their pain in order to assist them to them recover from their illnesses My inspiration to become a nurse started developing when in was still β†’

Discussion question

Discussion Question Discussion Question One of the credentialing issues that family nurse practitioners have to address is the needto maintain certification (American Nurses Credentialing Center, 2014). The second issue pertains to the updating of the test content online.

Case study

The inheritance pattern; Tay-Sachs is a genetic disease that is only transferred to a child if both parents carry a Tay-Sachs gene. Deficiency of enzyme hexosaminidase A causes Tay-Sachs disease due to increased buildup of toxic GM2 ganglioside a fatty substance that destroys brain cells and nerves.

Final exam

Nursing practice theories, on the other hand, offer the most limited scope and strive to address the specific issues in nursing. The three types of theories differ in their application of grand and mid-range theories proving useful in nursing researches thus contributing to the development of knowledge in the practice. Nursing practice theory offers reliable β†’

Question answer

However, the failing heart cannot pump the required oxygen to the rest of the body. b. The entry of Na+ is partly due to the inactive re-entry of sodium inside the cell while the efflux of K+ is passive to the outside of the cell. 2.

The legal and ethical issues in nursing essay sample

This includes the roles of the doctors, nurses, the family of the patient and the patient himself. When all these things are put together, it is also th goal of the ensuing discussion to find ways on how to prevent the same mistakes made by the health workers. When the PRHO studied the results β†’

Orientation phase of nursing

This is important in establishing a therapeutic environment. Mary Boyd states that this is the session where the nurse discusses the patient's expectations and explains the purpose of their relationship. By this stage, the patient already sees the nurse as one of the important people " in planning and implementing care" to them.

Preparing and conducting interviews to collect data

In the described scenario, the data collection method may seem intrusive to the participants given that there is an opportunity to probe issues associated with caring for terminally ill patients. This paper has discussed the unstructured interview technique as an important data collection method in qualitative research.

Lpn to rn transition essay sample

The paper also shows how one can be able to transit from the LPN level to the RN level through the concept of professional socialization. An RN is one who has graduated from a nursing program in the university and usually has a higher level of knowledge as compared to LPN and LVN β†’

Sunrise model of leninger’s transcultural nursing theory

The core concept of the theory is in realizing the need for a global perspective to be formed in the practice of nursing all over the world. This has made it possible for nurses all over the world to practice nursing bearing in mind the cultural context. The theory is mostly credited for reconciling the β†’

The reason to be considered for

Being a very part of it, I feel not only responsible to give it back the necessary assistance, but I also believe that it is a gift to work where I am needed. Considering my past educational qualifications, my outreach abilities and my experience so far, I am confident I can make a significant difference β†’

Medical marijuana, individual autonomy, and state authority: the reclamation of rights essay

These points of advocacy intertwine, overlap, and inherently conflict, and, as such, legislative measures intended to resolve the debate seem only to inflame it. While state-based legislation, in places like California, Vermont, and Rhode Island, seeks to regulate medical marijuana and to protect patient rights of autonomy and practitioner rights of discretion, the federal government β†’


In other words, in the study of Wang & Liao also, as in that of Raymond-Seniuk & McGrath the potentials of critical thinking to be part of the learning process are highlighted: in the second of the above studies the theoretical perspectives of this relationship are explained while in the first β†’


Future of Nursing Future of Nursing Introduction Nursing in medical science is changing like any other field of life. On the same lines, the ability to lead with compassion will also be required for medical staff to survive in the future market of medical science.

Case study

The DSM-IV criteria stipulate that for a patient to be diagnosed with MDE they must experience at list 5 of the following symptoms Schouten, R., & Silver, J.. Anhedonia and loss of interest Change in eating, appetite, or weight Sleep disruption Fatigue Hampered motor activity Depressed mood Loss β†’

Nursing related

The APN is highly learned compared to other nurses such as the RNs and hence they deserve some privileges in the institution that are almost similar to those accorded to the rest of the physicians (Hamric, Hanson, Tracy and OGrady, 2014). This component will be met through establishing good relationship with the credentialing members and β†’

Impressions of nursing inormatics

At this era of change and investment in health information technology the nurses must be prepared to face the challenges of leadership and utilize their caring passion to apply the technology and informatics, enhancing the safety and quality of the care they give to families, communities and patients. According to American Associations of Colleges in β†’

Patient safety and safety culture nursing essay

Safety Culture is defined by Health and safety Commission of Great Britain as:" Organizations with a positive safety culture are The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization's health β†’


Significantly, it is important to accord parties in the conflict the benefit of doubt since making assumptions and apportioning blame without hard evidence might further aggravate the conflict. Collaboration is another tactic that may be effective in addressing Manuel's case of conflict. Since in this case job dissatisfaction and unfair pay seem to be the β†’

Hipaa essays examples

HIPAA mandated the federal Department of Health and Human Services to build up regulations to implement the mentioned privacy requirements, known as the Privacy Rule. Elements of HIPAA most importantly stipulate that the chief responsibility of the privacy rule is to; substantially define and subsequently limit the conditions under which the PHI of an individual β†’

Labor relations

Retrieved from the Walden Library databases. This article portrays an authentic example of how the Bay of Plenty District Health Board worked with the New Zealand Nurses Organization union to increase the engagement of nurses while also improving the patient journey. Online Journal of Issues in Nursing, 15 , 3. Retrieved from the β†’

Alternative therapies

As a nurse practitioner, I would advise the patient's family on the available alternative therapies for bipolar disorder. Some of the alternative treatments that are available for bipolar disorder include Rhodiola rosea, St. Complementary and alternative medicine for the treatment of depressive disorders in women.

Performance measures

The reason for the US government to carry out a continuous process of data collection on the process of care and patient hospital experience is to ensure that the public is satisfied with healthcare service. To ensure this is the case the US government collects data on hospitals and compares it using the " Hospital β†’


It is a perfect example of what life is all about, and how to lead a righteous life. Questions obtained from: Focus on the family What I have learnt in the process of doing the implicit preferences tests The tests reveal a hidden bias just like it is meant to β†’

Ethical dilemma in the clinical research

There are several cases that cause ethical dilemma during clinical trial and some of them will be discussed shortly below. The first is on the issue of disclosing all the information to the participants including all the risks of the trial or to just disclose the most important of the information and let the rest β†’

The reason to be a licensed practical nurse

I chose your school of nursing because it is an award-winning school and I believe that it would assist me in the development of my comprehension of the basic principles of nursing. The school's high-tech facilities, faculty as well as other professional resources will also be invaluable during my study. I have always had a β†’

Advocacy in nursing

Arts and Science of Nursing concepts Nursing Advocacy The heart of nursing is advocacy. From experts to mindless clerks: the center for nursing advocacy chooses the best and the worst in portrayals of nurses.

Evaluating a website for credibility guidelines with scoring rubric

The government of the UK provides websites of health where its citizen gets access to information regarding health. In this context, the government provides the citizens with the information regarding health issues, and measures to prevent and control the health issues.

Overcoming asynchronous online learning limitations

This paper will discuss the major limitations and challenges of asynchronous learning and the possible strategies to overcome those issues in short time. The major challenge with asynchronous learning is that it requires learner to take the responsibility of learning, reflection, and all thought processes despite the time flexibility and other advantages.

Professional organization

Through participating in this program, my experienced mentor will help me achieve the objectives of learning the approaches to become conversant with my roles as a nurse leader and build my leadership skills in the nursing field. Besides, participating in these programs will be instrumental in capacity building of my leadership skills in finance. The β†’

Example of abnormal psychology essay

This kind of anxiety orients a person towards the anticipation of threats and motivates them to act so as to avoid occurrences that could lead to physical harm and/or psychological distress thus preparing the mind and body to take action. The first is that worry results in decreased levels of both emotional and physiological reactivity β†’

Nursing care plan

Septic shock also is the most common cause of death (National Institute of General Medical Sciences, 2012). Prevalence of septic shock In the United States, Disease Control and Prevention has assessed that septic shock is the tenth leading cause of death. Septic shock can cause low blood pressure, which would cause a β†’

The history of diabetic wounds nursing essay

Due to a lack of feeling, the foot wounds of patients with diabetes often go unnoticed and escalate to ulcers, infections and amputations. The cost to the NHS of diabetic foot ulcers and consequent amputations is vast.

A career in pharmacy

This is not a new desire; indeed, I have immersed myself in the field and I have been very successful and well-respected by my supervisors and co-workers. I have demonstrated, through my studies and my work experience, that I will be a good pharmacist. From a technical point of view, I have a background in β†’

Propose a new policy – same bill

Therefore, in order to reduce this disparity a policy to monitor the nursing staffing standards for patient safety and quality care will be significant. The introduction of this bill will enhance the working conditions of the nurses. Safety in numbers: Nurse-to-patient ratios and the future of health care.

The goal to pursue a program in nursing

This took a lot of my study time and it was a bit difficult to concentrate and get the GPA I had hoped to achieve. As of now, I am in a better position to achieve my goals, which are to pursue a program in nursing. In addition, I have studied and practiced skills in β†’

Dorothea orems self-care model

This essay examines various elements of this model. Dorothy's Orem paradigm is the self-care model of nursing. Retrieved from Dorothea orem's self-care theory..


Handling the trauma and coping with the surrounding environments is one of the core challenges faced. Engaging oneself in healthy activities also amount to the preventive and counter measures that the parents may undertake. Kristi Kanel has discussed the ABC model of crisis intervention.

A proper and effective vap bundle nursing essay

The aim of this chapter is to propose realistic evidence-based recommendations for practice, education, policy development, management and further research, which can be disseminated and implemented in the local field of practice and to the development of the knowledge base in critical care nursing. 5. The development of a VAP should be based on the β†’

Home visit

In addition, Sallie Mae Fisher suffers from Dyspnea, obese and chest pain. Chronic congestive heart failure is the inability or the failure of the heart to carry out its core duties that include supplying of oxygen and nutrients to organs and tissues. When the cardiac output decreases, the heart is not able to circulate the β†’

Professional moral compass

Using the reading and the questionnaire ' My Nursing Ethic," the author's professional moral compass will be discussed together with the personal, cultural, and spiritual values of worldview and philosophy of nursing, values, morals, and ethics in the context of obligation to nursing practice, and own personal thoughts of morals and ethical dilemmas the author β†’

Reaction paper

I validated that the participant got the recommendations by the fact that they came in a language he would understand and the fact that his memory was equally sharp. Health promotion is important to the group in that it derives a better understanding on heart failure and its variance with age.

Type 2 diabetes mellitus

The paper will seek to describe the tools for management of disease along with various goals as well as the influence of cultural diversity on the tools. There are five essential tools for management of type 2 diabetes. The other tool of management of the disease is through medication.

Liverpool care pathway essay sample

Providing on-going assessment, care after death, clear documentation and covers physical, psychological, social and spiritual needs.. For this reflection I will be using the Gibb's reflective cycle as a guide to focus on my actions, thoughts and involvement but also to help me reflect on the thoughts and actions of all the β†’

Organizational role description paper

The director also ensures that there is a caring and safe environment maintained for the benefit of patients and ensures that the programs that are implemented within the service line are in support of cultural diversity. Another role undertaken by the director is to ensure and maintain an environment that is supportive for all members β†’

Heroin abuse health policy

Policy Assignment This health policy aims at eradicating abuse of the drug substance heroin among maternal child patients. The policy will involve creation of awareness of the negative effects of heroin abuse in order to prevent the affected individuals from suffering from withdrawal symptoms. Abuse of heroin is becoming very prevalent among β†’

Concept analysis

Therefore, concept analysis enables a researcher to identify attributes related to a concept in the nursing area such as diagnosis of a disease and enables a proper approach to situations. 2 Emanicipatory knowledge pertains addressing the social and political perspective of nursing and recognizes the social barriers to health, elaborating how nurses should administer β†’

Fundamental duties of nurses

Fundamental Duties of Nurses Fundamental Duties of Nurses Nurses are charged with the duty of assisting the physician to ensure that the welfare of all patients are well taken care of and maintained in the right manner. To be able to execute their duties as expected, nurses are required to swear a Hippocratic Oath; the β†’

Response 1

Youhave rightly emphasized upon the importance and usefulness of health informatics technology in improving the quality of interaction between the nurses and the patients and improving the quality of care in particular. Health informatics technology is particularly important in reducing the time it takes to draw accurate information from the patients and consequently, making the β†’

Issues with end-of-life care in nursing essay sample

It is the facility's responsibility to ensure that there are training programs on caring for the dying readily available for health care professionals, and to provide support for these staff members; death requires a great deal of attention to be paid to the patient and the family. Being aware of what patients face when dying β†’

Develop a clinical question in a pico format that will yield the best and most relevant evidence

Additionally, the effectiveness of the treatment forms the basis of the patients' selection and decision to continue in that treatment. The purpose of conducting clinical trials is to ascertain the efficacy of each treatment and its combination, and determine which preventive or management strategy best facilitates in reducing ventilator-acquired pneumonia.

Nursing research

Overall, the aim of using human subjects in research is to ascertain the safety of patients by developing interventions that were safe and promoting quality care. Importantly, nursing education institutions realize the effects of these changes in provision of care and provide opportunities for nurses to update their educational competencies.


These concerns are both ethical and legal. The nurse failed to follow the 6 rights prior to the administration of a medication. The consequence of this act put the patient's life at risk because the patient had a negative effect from the dosage administered.

Environment as a phenomenon in nursing

Creating an environment that is culturally acceptable for a patient will lead to a better experience in the hospital. One of the most important landmarks in the profession of nursing was the establishment of theories to guide the nursing profession and provide the framework for this profession. The concept of ' care' as put forth β†’

Root cause analysis of a sentinel event essay sample

The decision was made to perform a closed reduction of the shoulder with moderate sedation. There is a policy for moderate sedation that requires the patient be continuously monitored throughout the procedure and until discharge criteria are met. The addition of the full dose of an opioid analgesic, in this case Dilaudid, was enough β†’

Chronic physical health problem

Chronic physical health problem: With the vast amount of research done on the history of many chronic physical illnesses, there remains no ambiguityin the claim that financially unfortunate people who also happen to live in an unhygienic place are more exposed to severe health problems than the financially stable people are. The incidence of chronic β†’

Understanding the diagnosis of diabetes nursing essay

It will demonstrate the author's understanding of diabetes and its complications, and highlight the importance of providing high quality information to empower the patient to manage the disease. Type 1 diabetes is a result of an autoimmune destruction of the beta cells of the islets of langerhans in the pancreas.

Surgery clinical guidelines and protocols

Clinical protocols, on the other hand, give specific details about the treatment and procedure that should be employed by the surgical team. To clearly distinguish between clinical guidelines and protocols, it is important to point out that as much as clinical guidelines are detailed and extensive documents, the lack detailed recommendations about how to carry β†’

What do the aacn/ccne standards and guidelines state should be the goals of every undergraduate program what specifically should be included in all undergraduate programs do an evaluation of the fep curriculum based on the these documents and make 3 re

What do the AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines state should be the goals of every undergraduate program What specifically should be included in all undergraduate programs Do an evaluation of the FEP curriculum based on the these documents and make 3 re AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines What do the AACN/CCNE standards and guidelines should β†’

Positive and negative effects of the role of caregivers essay sample

If the caregiver is a relative then the service is free, otherwise a professional caregiver receives a monthly salary just like other professions. A caregiver has to perform some basic services irrespective of the fact that he or she is related to the care recipient or not. A caregiver should take care of the β†’

Module 2 assignment 1 : organizational analysis – the organization

The organization is accredited as a magnet hospital committed to providing high-quality and all-round health care to global patients. Examination. One of the major assignments of a hospital is to act as a wellness camp.


USE OF HONEY AND SILVER SULFADIAZINE IN MANAGEMENT OF WOUNDS affiliation Use of honey and silver sulfadiazine in management of wounds In management of healing, honey and silver sulfadiazine can be used to enhance the healing process. Lastly, the use of silver sulfadiazine possess much worse side effects as compared β†’


The use of randomized quasi-experimental research design decreased the reliability of the results due to a lack of control group, but the results are still significant due to the additional data generated with regards to the effect of additional intervention programs to HF patients. There were reports of the role of family members in helping β†’

The pico question

These can include avoiding sweet or sugary food such as ice cream and cakes , stop smoking, and engage in more physical activities like walking daily or go jogging at least once a week?" Moreover, a collateral question is: " What happens if the patient is given another kind of diabetes medication and undertakes β†’

Conflict management

Conflict Management al Affiliation Conflict Management Summary of the Article The article written by Brinkert en d " Conflict coaching training for nurse managers: a case study of a two-hospital health system" and published in the Journal of Nursing Management presented and analyzed the application of a Comprehensive Conflict Coaching Model as a β†’

Nursing image analysis

Though nurses are often lonely this detail is not usually very well highlighted in order to make the image free for other author's objects. As to the characteristics of a nurse as a woman it must be said that the usage of the nurse's image in the world wide sex industry is β†’

Professional nursing (7th ed.) st.lois,mo: elsevier saunders. isbn: 9781455702701

The paper necessitate a selection and analysis of one issue picked from the table and chart. US Health Care The book talks about four main categories of health care services in the United States. S health care services categorized and there are plenty of agencies t manages the health system.

What wasted resources or wasted efforts have you seen/heard about in health care today

What Wasted Resources or Wasted Efforts have You Seen/Heard about in Health Care Today The health care is one of the most important areas that should be taken care of, however, the quality of it should be improved. However, many of these resources are wasted, because the diagnosis put during the first admission β†’

Aacn synergy model for patient care

The portrayal of the traits provides nurses with a way of caring for the physical, psychological and spiritual needs of the patients. As such, the method ensures effectiveness of the nursing services. While the synergy model is effective in providing care to critical patients, the model is vital in other areas of the specialty such β†’

Management of selected adverse effect of chemotherapy nursing essay

Homogeneity between group was maintained on the basis of level of need , gender and position held in the ward. DEVELOPMENT AND DESCRIPTION OF TOOL After an extensive review of literature, discussion with the experts and with the investigator's personal and professional experience, a structured questionnaire was developed to assess the knowledge and an β†’

Discussion board post response

In so doing, the manager in my organization is able to guide employees in dealing with their problems and give them the support they need to be able to concentrate on their work. Kelly Leonard, my organizations approach is analogous to yours in that trust, communication, respect, and support are the key elements that support β†’

Free essay on nursing image petition

The Office of Diversion Control cites as a crime the prescription of controlled substances without a real physician-patient relationship. It discourages people from wanting to pursue nursing which can make current efforts to promote nursing as a career path less successful, a situation that will not alleviate the nursing shortage or enhance the β†’

Position paper (health law m7)

A Position Paper on Resolving the Balance between Patient Rights and Practical Needs of the Medical Community Striking a balance between patients' rights and the practical needs of the medical community presents one major challenge for practitioners. As such the phrase " human rights in patient care" has been coined in response and is increasingly β†’

Coad (coronary obstructive airway disease)

Be keen on noting the characteristics of the cough and the sputum produced. An oximeter is sometimes used to assess the level of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the patient's blood.

Discussion post

This enables the IRB to review a proposed research on the basis of community, legal and professional acceptability. Discussion two I agree with Katherine Johnson about ' Protecting Human Research Participants'. The fundamental role of IRB is to safeguard the wellbeing and welfare of human subjects. At my workplace After going through ' β†’

Healthcare ethics discussion forum

Each day nurses continue to face issues that call for the application of the set ethical and legal principles of nursing, but even at those times choosing to save life by applying the best perceived action might contradict the prevailing code of practice or legal rights of the patient. According to the nursing code of β†’

Free nursing proposal research proposal sample

However, past studies have shown that a number of issues arising from both the patient and the nurses always hinder discharge planning. Statement of the Problem Despite the fact that discharge planning is indeed essential in ensuring full recovery of the patient, various barriers hinder it. Therefore, the research will analyze the various barriers, β†’

Personal health risk

Well water contains Arsenic compounds that pose a health risk to people who consume water from the well. To identify arsenic in drinking water as a hazard, I followed EPA risk assessment module that included establishing the magnitude of arsenic present in water where arsenic is the dominant public-health problem for drinking water in America.

Radiology procedures and applications (ct, mri, ultrasound, fluoroscopy)

Radiology procedures are essential to various branches of medicine including " surgery, pediatrics, obstetrics, cancer-care, trauma-response, [and] emergency medicine" and allow physicians to quickly and accurately treat patients.. Computed Tomography A computed tomography scan, or CAT scan, involves the rotating of a thin x-ray beam around the patient and the use of small β†’

Incorporating theory

To date, the theory has been extensively used in healthcare to analyze elements that affect the quality of patient care. The theory involves takes a focus on three healthcare delivery categories ' structure,' ' process,' and ' outcomes' to assess information on the quality of care. The theory, in this case, will carry out a β†’

Role of nurses in patients concordance to compression therapy for venous leg ulcer

Role of Nurses in Patient's Concordance to Compression Therapy for Venous Leg Ulcer ROLE OF NURSES IN PATIENT'S CONCORDANCE TO COMPRESSION THERAPY FOR VENOUS LEG ULCER The healing of venous leg ulcers should be celebrated and is achieved through skill nurse input and significant patient effort. Another role for practicing nurse in concordance of compression β†’


The study does not only focus on the after effects of acupuncture but the experiences of the patients during and after the treatments. When the nurse was calm, the women felt less discomfort and pain during the process of the needle insertion. However, the effectiveness of acupuncture to cure a migraine is not because of β†’

Human growth and developement summary

In addition, authoritarian parents maintain a certain emotional gap from the children which is good in that the children tend to give respect to the parents this way. In addition, authoritative parents are more like friends to the children.

Research analysis

Research Analysis and Hypothesis Significance of the study The of this article attempted to address the significance of self-care and quality of life among patients with heart failure and how it plays an integral role in nursing practice. Are there certain self-care deficits among individuals suffering from heart failure at the time of discharge from β†’

The link between life and death nursing essay

In addition, the EMS report would be permanently linked to a patient's Electronic Patient Record and therefore accessible to all of the hospital's doctors involved in the patient's care. The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, the current Minister of Health, is responsible for upholding the principles and vision of healthcare in Canada, overseeing any large-scale threats to β†’

Igg deficiency

Pathophysiology of IgG, causes of the deficiency, and current treatment are discussed, with a 24 year old who has a recurrent sinusitis and has been diagnosed with the deficiency as the target audience. Pathophysiology of IgG IgG subclass deficiency alters the body's defense mechanism through their actions against protein antigens and polysaccharide. The recommended β†’

Health care provider

He is always patient and kind, and explains things well. He also always pulls my patient record whenever I come in, and makes sure that he has the most up to date files on me.

Empowerment in health promotion

The role of nurses has always been associated with patient empowerment with which nurses have always been expected to have a shared responsibility with their patients. Informing patients with regards to the nature of their health condition, the available options for treatment, possible risks, and the recommendations of health care professionals is an important act β†’

Nursing theory

This philosophy of health as expanding consciousness is founded on: 1) A unitary, ever changing view, 2) Pattern, as an identifier of wholeness, and, 3) Transformative developing as a process of change The theory has one assumption that life is a process of expanding consciousness. Consciousness is described as a unitary pattern of data β†’

Case study

Roberts story? Healthcare quality according to Mr. Moreover, lack of assertiveness and ignorance among patients is a factor that contributes to untimely death and worsening of medical conditions.

Emergency nursing and educational goals

Besides being able to sustain life in general as part of my job of being a firefighter, paramedic and a nurse at the same time, I see this as a crucial and serious task that must be continuously practiced and developed to uphold the effectiveness of the delivery of service. To be able to learn β†’