Genuine Essay Examples

Analyze the high fructose corn syrup essay

A relatively newfoodingredient, it was first produced in Japan in the late 1960s, then entered the American food supply system in the early 1970s. HFCS is a desirable food ingredient for food manufacturers because it is equally as sweet as table sugar, blends well with other foods, helps foods to maintain a →

How the automobile culture changed america essay

Once the automobile became mainstream, young couples could go out on dates beyond the watchful eyes of their parents" The better mobility, people can live farther away from their place of work and more change to take excursion." the automobile allowed more people to move away from the city. As a result, driving a →

Beer industry situational analysis

This extra ingredients will not kill the taste of the beer and those who want to enjoy a beer at the end of a hard labor day ill not be at the risk of dehydration. It is a drink that you intake the day of your hangover and cures it.

The sustainable targets of qatar construction essay

The purpose of the research is to happen the best patterns for using the sustainable building in Qatar in the building stage, through showing the importance of sustainability, and foregrounding the chief undertakings in the state. The field study analysis consequences are summarized here to give aid in happening the best solutions that match the →

A key challenge for international marketers is to develop a good understanding of the international business environment essay

By understanding the environment, companies can implement a successful marketing strategy enabling them to make relevant decisions regarding entry modes and the marketing mix.{draw: frame} Adapted from Bennett and Blythe, 2002 The Political/Regulatory Environment It's a government's duty to protect the home market from competition; therefore, international companies must understand that host country governments my →

Mp3 player industry analysis

Since everyone seems to likemusica lot, this little electronic device easily captured the hearts of many people around the world. Apple was the company that had big risks yet big hopes in this market when it released its own version of MP3 player called the Apple iPod in 2001. According to CEA , " →

Rmb market for bank of china essay

A Critical Study Of Successful Factors In RMB Market For Bank Of China In Hong Kong Abstraction This intent of this undertaking is to happen out the utile ways to hold on the chance of the RMB trade colony pilot strategy In Hong Kong in order to hike the incomes and creates →

Corruption in egypt essay

According to Andrew Updated , " The government does not appear to have carried out any overall assessment of corruption in Egypt or mandated an experienced institution to do so". In a country where there is a lack of censorship and discipline, this is evident to happen. We need to start changing ourselves to →

Analysis of operational issues in estee lauder essay

For instance, Estee Lauder was dragged to the issues of the Czech Media glitch that Lauder was involved in 2002 even though Estee Lauder does not directly engage in the television media. On the other hand, internally related issues such as animal testing issues as well as the presence of cancerous materials in Estee Lauders →

Is job outsourcing helping or hurting americans essay

To show you that outsourcing is not as bad as it seems, we will take a look at what outsourcing is and how it has affected jobs and the economy, two of the many areas benefitting from outsourcing. Number of jobs is not a lot b.

Good new developments in the radio, television and internet research industries essay example

This will be done through focusing on some companies such as Arbitron Inc. New Developments in the Media Industry Technology has enabled expanded choice, and users have become acclimatized to controlling the wide array of content at their fingertips. Competition in the media industry is strong and gone the days when radio and television →

Chrysler-fiat strategic alliance essay sample

After the merger, Chrysler emerges from the bankruptcy and starts to restructure and Fiat gains a brand in North America and technology from here. Chrysler was doing badly, and although known as the " Number Three" car in North America, it was not able to keep up and had to declare bankruptcy and was told →

Nuclear powerplant: as main souce of energy essay

The best possible marriage of matter and energy is celebrated as life in the creation; while the seperation of the two stands out as the best definition of death. There is plenty of matter around so is plenty of energy; but not all the form of matter is useful to humanity and so is the →

Breakfast cereals market – global industry analysis

Is compelling the companies in this industry to increase their markets in the emerging economies. These companies eave been increasing their advertising spends in the emerging markets in Asia pacific region to make consumers aware about the breakfast cereals and thehealthbenefits associated with them. The market for RET cereals is much bigger as →

Marketing mix essay

Using promotion along with other tools such as Advertising and personal selling would enhance the chance to succeed in market share. The big promotion at Braaap is to be able to decide the payment plan and leasing for bike. According to the website, there are 4 superstores located in two states, VICTORIA and TASMANIA. The →

Roles of importance of operations management essay

Some direction is connected with operation direction such as human resources direction which include to name the workers and so settle them in peculiar country harmonizing to their creativeness and cognition, and to give back up them in their work, other is Asset direction which include the cognition of it ' s belongings, installations, machinery →

The role of political parties in evolution of organized labor essay

Tenth:-Of all who were faithful in the trials of the late war, there were none entitled to more especial honor than the brave soldiers and seamen who endured the hardships of campaign and cruise, and imperiled their lives in the service of the country. The bounties and pensions provided by law for these brave defenders →

Challenges of e-commerce and solutions

Brief analysis of challenges and solutions faced in e-commerce are presented as follow. LITERATURE REVIEW The review deals with the evolution and definition of e-business, processes of e-business adoption, benefits, barriers and challenges to e-business adoption. Finally, e-business technology facilitates the development of new types of products and new business models for generating revenues →

Pros and cons essay sample

Even though manufacturing the component in house has some disadvantages, it has more advantages than outsourced to independent suppliers, hence I strongly agree with it. It will not allow the firm for greater flexibility and selection. Moreover, the firm has to confront with new challenges and technologies, and sometimes which force them to increase →

Development of e-commerce in the electronic industry of india

And this is possible with the access to the all because of internet. The program is also giving a strong boost to the ecommerce market as bringing the internet and broadband to remote corners of the country.

The role of energy in the body

M1- Discuss the role of energy in the body, describe the process of cell respiration and give three examples of how energy is used in the human body Every living cell needs energy. To release the energy from glucose, oxygen is added by breathing continuously to supply to the millions of cells →

Belize essay sample

In the Maya Mountains there is a block of granite that runs from the northeast to southwest part of the country. In the higher elevations, the temperatures are cooler than the rest of the country.

An understanding the strategic management business essay

The organisational civilization is refers to under certain societal and economic conditions which is formed through societal pattern and to all members to follow the common sense, construct of value, business morality, behavior criterion and standard of the amount of. The organisational civilization is an intangible assets of a company, person besides call it →

Introduction to environmentalism essay

This put pressure on operating costs involving wages, energy consumption and costs related to environmental management in the industry. As a result, many in the industry operators to take shortcuts to stop working as well as reduce the size of the production. All of the remaining contaminants must be managed and treated properly so it →

Sample essay on biologically based on-site industrial wastewater treatment system

It is also the most efficient primary transport of raw materials through the conveyors and the principal substance for the sanitation of the plants machinery and the general work areas. As a result, the extensive use of water requires the industry to give primary concern to treat the water and the wastewater.

Mathopoly bagatelle an alternative instructional tool in teaching mathematics essay

Objective of the Study The general objective of this study is to determine if " Mathopoly Bagatelle" can be use to enhance the skills in determining the equations of the line, identify the length of the side of the triangle and identify the type of the triangle. Statement of the Problem The general problem of →

Sample essay on justice

According to Lieber and Lu from the University of Michigan, electronics created using the bottom-up approach of molecular-level control of the composition and structure of materials lead to the building of robust and capable devices. For example, nano-electronics offer the opportunity of 3D multifunctional systems such as the →

The federal government under barack obama essay

Tailor's connection to Monsanto is not a secret, and we can conclude Due to the interest that Monsanto has in controlling regulation that affects its Thompson, received $50, 000 in donations from Monsanto during his winning campaign for Wisconsin governor. As you can see, both candidates are in bed with agribusiness corporations to some degree. →

Mass media and body image essay

The Mass Media and Body Image The Mass Media and Body Image There are many factors that contribute to the construction of gender. One factor is the influence of the mass media. Heidi Montag has seen women in the media stressing the importance of being sexy and she wants to be a part of →

Safety and health importance training in petroleum sector construction essay

Many crude oil companies provide wide-ranging safety and wellness preparation for their staff to do certain they know and observe the latest safety and wellness processs and are able to run and keep equipment safely in the workplace. A figure of houses develop internal safety preparation plans or contract safety experts to put to death →

Free life and debt: an analysis essay sample

Agriculture, especially bananas, potatos, and dairy production, was examined, as well as tourism, the garment industry, and the effects of the International Monetary Fund upon the ability of Jamaica to guide its own destiny. As a result of massive unemployment and the low amounts of Jamaican money in circulation, the crime rate in →

International trade between japan and the united states essay

Japan created the financial authority MITI, the Ministry of International Trade and Industrialization, which studied the world's economic trends and targeted industry as the future of Japan's industrialization. Japan is the world's second largest donor of official development assistance and has huge economic power as the world's fourth largest exporter and sixth largest importer and →

Hotel reservation system

The purposes of developing Online Hotel Reservation System for the hotel are to manage the online hotel reservation and contents of the hotel's website. The first function is developed for the online transaction via Internet, which is mainly used by the hotel's guests whereas the second function is developed for the hotel's staff to manage →

Vodafone acquires hutchisson’s stake essay

Friendly acquisitions occur when the target firm expresses its agreement to be acquired, whereas hostile acquisitions do not have the same agreement from the target firm and the acquiring firm needs to actively purchase large stakes of the target company in order to have a majority stake. Acquisitions differ according to the size of the →

How you would identify and treat thallium biology essay

In the early portion of the last century, a merchandise known as Koremlu was marketed in the United States for the intervention of tinea every bit good as a depilatory agent. Trace sums of Tl are used as a contrast agent in the visual image of cardiac map and tumor.

Transportation systems: freight since staggers essay

With the upcoming competition from trucking in the 1970s, the railway industry had to face the fact that they would not be able to transport the volume of freight to which they were accustomed, and the regulated rail business certainly could not continue to support the generous wages and benefits to its employees. The competition →

Tragedy of commons scenario in fishing industry essay

One of the classic examples of the tragedy of the common is the fishing industry. However, as the number of the fishermen increases, the aggregate level of fish catches increases, hence reducing the population of fish species on the fishing ground.

Toyota: origin, evolution and current prospects essay

IntroductionThe growth of Toyota is one of the greatest success stories ever told in the Japanese industry.Toyota has risen from an obscure Japanese automobile company to the giant it is today with its production intensifying from 100, 000 vehicles per year in 1947 to an amazing 8. 5million by 2006. The origin of ToyotaIts →

Wireless security essay

A network should have these four things HUB to perform traffic control, CABLE which is used to connect all medium, Network Interface Card which is plugged into the computer to be able to send and receive messages and PROTOCOL which is the language used to communicate among nodes in the network. With wireless →

The effect of coins on the silk road

The exchange of the coins allowed for people to realize the value of new items and to see how their items were valued in other areas and were able to make decisions on what to make more of and what to make less of because of the basics of supply and demand. Even though coins →

Research proposal on us agricultural crisis

Others may provide the same identical appraisal when asked the same question. But contrary to the sporadic and random claims of stabilized and/or improving farming revenues across the country and promising turnout of both crops and sales in the market, the US agriculture as a whole has been consistently barraged by economic →

Triple bottom lines and sustainable development construction essay

The relationship between sustainable development and TBL is discussed in the study by sing the environmental sustainability, economic sustainability and societal sustainability, with a endorsing illustration of the TBL Toolkit and the ' The Capital Works Sustainability Statement ' practiced in the metropolis of Melbourne. Examples of such companies are Stephen fosters and Woolworths. This →

Overview of epinephrine: discovery, usage and environmental harm

This becomes a political debate of what is morally right and wrong, and according to CNBC the EpiPen company is " morally bankrupt" causing families and schools not having enough money to pay for these treatments. EpiPens are very useful as it helps with life threatening situations. In conclusion this treatment is very useful to →

Hayes and wheelwright describe four stages essay sample

Such companies believe that their product designs are so unusual or their marketing organisation so powerful that if the product can simply be delivered to customers, as advertised, the company will be successful. Such companies are not content simply to copy their competitors, or even to be the " toughest kid on the block"

Economic analysis of dell desktop computers industry

The rapid proliferation of the Internet culminated in strong growth for the computer hardware industry in 1999 and through most of 2000. However the industry's fortunes reversed in 2001 and demand remained soft in 2002 due to the global economic downtown. The huge decrease in worldwide shipment growth can be attributed to the →

Tourism in haiti essay

The gingerbread houses as well as the palm trees are one of the things that make this city to be the most beautiful and exciting destination in the Caribbean. However, the situation at Haiti is more challenging than that experienced by Sri Lanka and Thailand as the tourism infrastructure during this period was at the →

Importance of energy efficiency in buildings environmental sciences essay

The usage of energy in edifices has increased in recent old ages due to the turning demand for warming and chilling in edifices. Indeed, one of the cardinal attacks for energy efficient design is to put in the edifice 's signifier and enclosure so that the warming, chilling, and illuming tonss are reduced, →

The problem of human’s dependence of gas

The reason behind rationing gas is to accommodate to high priority gas users and also create a price ceiling as to not over spend on gasoline, while also avoiding not over using gas because of the low gas prices, creating a shortage in gas supply. People lose the ability to rely on themselves. If you →

Tjx it security breach essay

Part III: Risk Assessment Given the facts of this security breach, TJX had to of believed that the probability was medium and impact of such a risk event was very low. TJX took minimal steps to mitigate the threat of this security breach, you would have to assume they thought there was a low probability →

Bridge the gap between academics and industry essay

Currently Following is the lead time for the fresh graduates to become professionals.1.2. Law 5 years Medicine 3 years Engineer 3 years Management 2-5 years Architecture 5 years Chartered accountant 5-7 years As far as management education is concerned, the basic reason for the situation is deficit in following areas of education.a.b.c.d. Selection of →

Applications of density in the multivariable setting essay sample

Application of Density in Science Density shows the relationship existing between the mass and the volume of a given object. Taking an example in Beverage industries the density of an alcohol is measured in order to find the alcohol concentration in the given beverage.

Ethics in food labeling and packaging

It was declared to be the policy of the Congress to assist consumers and manufacturers in reaching thesegoalsin the marketing of consumer goods. Beyond giving the name of the food, net quantity of contents, name and address of manufacturer, statement of ingredients and nutrition information, a product can still be misleading beyond →

The issues of knowledge management essay

Therefore it is strictly important for the companies to retain, develop, organize and use competences of their personnel in order to maintain required level of competitiveness. As a result the tool, called Knowledge Management, was developed. The purpose of the current essay is to explain it on the base of Russian corporation Rosetta and to →

Good example of essay on similarities and differences in residential and heavy construction

Residential construction involves the construction, modification and repair of solo family houses and the construction of apartment buildings not exceeding four stories in height. Examples of the various construction activities are road paving, demolitions, bridge construction, residential constructions, heavy construction and painting jobs.

Effectiveness of a combined heat and power system construction essay

This feasibleness survey gave detailed information on the type of engine to be used, the expected electrical end product of the system, the heat recovery of the system, the cost nest eggs and the expected payback period of the strategy. The usage of these fuels by the CHP is to supply the heat and electricity →

Argumentative essay on thinking about tv and popular music

Of all of the common evolution we have discussed in class, I think one of the most common is the evolution of music industry. As I was reading " Assessing MTV's effect on music in the early '80s" I could vividly describe how the music was before the music →

Construction site management essay

0 Introduction This study will depict in brief how the undertaking will be constructed in the signifier of a building scheme and include an lineation of the building methodological analysis and site logistics to be used. 2. 0 Scope of Works These plants will include the destruction of the vacant motor fix and →

Seed germination persuasive essay

Temperatures must be suited to the seed, and light quality and quantity must also be suited to the needs of the seed. In lettuce seeds that are matured naturally, phytochrome is most commonly in the form of phytochrome red, and in the dehydrated form, the conversion to phytochrome for red light is not possible. Lettuce →

The government as the dominant party in the tripartite system essay

This is more so given that the government is the source of legislation that governs the other two bodies of the tripartite and the arbitrator in cases that arise between them. While the employers and the employees inter-depend, each has a duty towards the other. The employer gains from the services of the employee and →

Sample research proposal on the effect of shale oil/gas production on global crude oil prices

Based on this notion, the study seeks to explore the implications and the effects of the shale oil/gas production on the global crude oil prices, though various anticipates to decline, the study seeks to gather valid and reliable information on the rate and the level of influence or effects that the strategy pose. The attached →

Chrysler’s bankruptcy case study essay

Both the administration and Chrysler expressed hope that the bankruptcy stage would be effective and completed within 30 to 60 days, clearing the company's liabilities and allowing it to emerge in healthy shape. As manufacturing green cars is one of the Chrysler's focuses, this will be a great opportunity for the company to improve its →

Coffee shops and mobile apps

Participants The population of this study was employees and customers of coffee shops. The participants for this convenience sampled, interviewstudy consisted of employees and customers of local coffee shops located in the Saint Paul, MN. The researchers were able to interview the participant during the end of the work day by walking up →

A new motorway service area essay

Aditionally, cost bounds are to be checked for: Design cost of undertaking Construction cost of undertaking Concluding cost of undertaking QUALITY AND FUNCTIONALITY Harmonizing to Fewings , Quality criterions should be setup in the start of a new undertaking so that the quality of undertaking proposed by the provider →

Banking, financial services and insurance

New technology transformed the banking industry in the 1900's round the world, banks merged into larger and fewer groups and expanded into other country. Indian Banking Sector As per the Reserve Bank of India , the banking sector in India is sufficiently capitalized and also well-regulated. In this segment the bank has a →

Fast food nation analysis essay sample

Eric Schlosser explains the roots of the fast food industry, rising in the post World War II era and then the " Meat and Potatoes," which unravels the specific details of the fast food industry. The thesis of Fast Food Nation, in my opinion, is that the development of the fast food industry →

Essay on training evaluation approach

Explain why training and education are vital in health care Education and training in the healthcare industry is germane for the optimal performance of its workers and the success of the organisation. Quality training, re-training and education is vital in the healthcare industry for the quality of services rendered to the clients and →

Poor prediction of customer behavior and evaluation of

Insummary, data quality entails the degree of correctness, standardization, completeness, and structure of the data. Business should ensure quality data iscollected and it should maintain its quality throughout the processing stage. The costsof poor data quality. Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, 4 , 168-193.

Swot analysis of delta airlines narrative essay

The merger and acquisition | Weakness * The number of cancelling flights is a little high * The customer service is bad because in some occasion the customer cannot found the delta representative in the airport. Lack of online presence * In some aircrafts the seats are uncomfortable and narrow | Opportunities * Emerging markets →

Baltimore maryland industry analysis

The Greater Baltimore region has a very strong philanthropic community supporting the healthcare and education industries with private grants, which coupled with federal and state grants, provide a strong base for expansion and global strategic alliances. Many of Baltimore's healthcare industry strengths are deeply rooted in the some of the finestacademiceducation industries. According →

Essay on the economic policies during the crisis

The financial crisis have firstly influenced the financial institutions in the country, and from them, it has spreaded to other industries. The aim was to stimulate the economy again after the crisis, and it has worked and through the end of 2009, the U.S.

Good geography essay example

One of the main influences of the colonization for the cities of the developing nation is the migration of labor. To accommodate the migrants or travelers, residential areas should be near the market. - How has suburbanization damage the economic base and the financial stability of the central city? Suburbanization is the process or growth of →

White collar crimes essays examples

For instance, the kind of white collar crimes found in the healthcare industry is not the same as the type found in the clothing industry. This diversity of white collar crime makes it an enormous burden on the government, it makes it difficult to be thoroughly studied and also makes it difficult to curb. Going →

Fast food critique essay

The fast food industry started with billboard ads to attract kids and evolved to adverting every where, from TV, to the internet, to school hallways. They also make the restaurants themselves fun for kids with play places and selling toys so they want to go more, and even as adults bring their own kids. Personally, →

Comprehensive overview of the banana industry

Although banana cultivation is carried out in the Lao region, a large proportion of the staff and investors are from China or have some relationship with the Chinese among them. However, there will also be some social and environmental problems, such as the situation in the banana fields of Chinese investors in Laos.

A classification essay

Trucks are no longer needed just for the convenience of towing or carrying a heavy load. Trucks are now multi-functional vehicles that are hard working and rugged. Examples of heavy-duty trucks are the GUM 7500 and most tractor-trailer trucks.

Disruptive innovations in golf essay

To set the stage, the invention of golf is widely attributed to the Scottish sometime in the 1 5th century. In its infancy, it is a far cry from the game we are used to today. It required a high level of skill and time to This was especially true considering the equipment at the →

Global strategy essay

This will culminate in the form of team work that can lead to a better outcome as the fact remains that the answer to success lies in the fact that one should value the other individual, no matter how much it might clash with your point of view as there can never be ONE solution →

Do module 12 final assignment # 15

With Ellyn, having adequate resources at its disposal, the company produces new products that are of very high quality with the use of techniques such as research and development with the use of highly qualified and talented staff to come up with products that are very competitive and unique. The level of rivalry among the →

Protecting manuscripts from biological and chemical damage essay

Besides, internal impairment occurs due to chemical constituents ( paper composing, ink corrosion, leather tanning, etca. ) of the archival stuff itself, so our chief mission is to halt or detain aging and impairment factors damaging archival stuffs by utilizing updated scientific techniques through: Analysis and diagnosing of impairment factors, Proposing the best methods for intervention, →

Film industry and films as a tool in a touristic image formation process

Films, as a rule, are not made with the mission of attracting tourists to their destination, but, as a rule, influence the audience indirectly as the background of the message of the film. Falling freely under the cultural tourism, the film tourism is a growing phenomenon throughout the world, facilitated by both the growth of →

The united kingdom the health safety executive construction essay

In the United Kingdom the Health & A ; Safety Executive are in alteration of wellness and safety ordinances in the workplace. This thesis was conducted to look into the execution and effectivity of Health and Safety Campaigns in the building industry.

Summary of narrative essay the shoes i worked for

I tried to convince myself that I could get the shoes on my own, but I knew that was not going to happen, if I was sitting on my butt all day. I could not wait to sport my shoes to school the next day.

Higgins construction plc overview of housing construction essay

Monetary values is based on the combination of: What the market expectsWhat the client can affordThe nature of competition in the sectorWhat the contractor can afford to work forAny specific factors refering the peculiar occupation e. g.location stuff usedWhat is being agreed and paid for- whether completion of a bldg or wider procedure offered supported →

Environment essay examples

Understanding the various components of the environment and the risks facing them is one of the milestones in the conservation process. It stands for the position that failure to understand and appreciate the importance of these environmental components leads to the degradation of the same.

Life & health insurance fraud essay

It has been stated that at least %10 of all insurance claims has been fabricated and in North America the insurance industry pays out more than $30 billion in fraudulent claims. Fraudcast, 2009) One of the most common insurance fraud would involve life insurance. After the Insured's death, the proceeds that has been accumulated over →

Aggregate and prime measures essay

These activities center on three broad categories referred to as Business Domains in the Framework description. The three business domains are: Demand Management All the actionable activities involved with generating demand for the products and services offered by the organization. Activities measured by Ma Responsiveness are distinct from the other aggregates within this buss →

Evolution of cars from 1970s-2010 essay

The 1970's were an era of fuel price increases, and increased awareness for the many facets of the automobile such as safety concerns and emission control. The 1973 oil crisis was the most affecting instance in the 1970's to the automotive market, as well as the first real market crash since the Great Depression. The →

American agriculture dbq

New policies enforced by the government in this era sought out to help agriculture, but on occasion angered the farmers. Agriculture in the states changed drastically from 1865 to 1900. A map showed the amount of railroads in 1870 compared to 1890; they tripled in size.Cyrus Mccormick was an inventor and farmer →

Porter’s competitive advantage essay

Enright, who served as project coordinator for this study, has contributed valuable suggestions. Copyright of the patterns of competitive success in ten leading rading nations, contradict the conventional wisdom that guides the thinking of many companies and national governments and that is pervasive today in the United States.(For more about the study, see the insert →

Swot analysis for custom coffee & chocolate

The greatest opportunity for the development of the company is the ability to reach a wider range of customers who are potentially interested in using the service of the cafe. Custom Coffee & Chocolate's business plan bases on purchasing only fair trade coffee and chocolates made by a few local suppliers. This treated →

Trading principal of united states towards other countries essay

However, the increase is to allow growth which then the product induce crops to maintain the higher crop growth. When, it is needed to survive and make a good trade with the respective nation that has same resource.

Free essay on history of mario bros.

The history of the franchise parallels the history and evolution of the gaming industry itself, and the eponymous character Mario is a recognizable pop culture icon all around the world. The Mario Bros.franchise is one of the longest-running and most popular series of video games in the world, sparking a →

Different styles from autocratic to democratic commerce essay

The logical thinking for this is exclusive bargainer tends to be a really little work force perchance even merely one individual so at that place would non be the demand for the democratic ways a good illustration of this would be a company called ' DBS ' which is a one adult male concern that →

Tobacco industry and social/public accountability: what, if anything, should be done by whom? essay

As far as possible the use of color in tobacco advertisements needs to be reduced. This would prevent tobacco smoking advertisements to look attractive. It is also important to educate and create awareness in the youngsters about the ill-effects of tobacco smoking.

The cultural product essay

The former, according to the Internet Movie Database , can be classified under the Mystery, Fantasy and Horror genre, while the latter, according to the same source , can be classified under the Science Fiction, Thriller, and Horror genre. In terms of twists and other unusual things that we →